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Lourdes Gracia Conceptual Framework Paper Media 1070-1

Technology in the Classroom

Lourdes Gracia Conceptual Framework Paper Dr. Brandon November 26, 2013

Lourdes Gracia Conceptual Framework Paper Media 1070-1 In a world where technology is creeping into every part of our lives, it is hard to imagine a classroom without technology. Whether the technology is an overhead projector, a smart board, or iPads, as students and educators, it is important to know the possibilities that technology provides students and the potential harm it could cause both the school and the individuals. The issues can be broken down into four categories, social, educational, cultural/equity, and legal/ethical. Given the issues, it is important to note that in order to be the best educator possible, we must set up a standard for the use of technologies and how to solve problems when they arise. One of the biggest concerns in a classroom with technology is the use of social network sites by the students and staff. Although social sites are great for communicating with friends outside of the classroom, they can also be a double-edged sword as an educational tool. According to Education Week, schools are finding more software and websites that provide teachers a secure and safe social network for students to communicate online such as eChalk and ePals (Technology in Education, 2011). As a future educator, I believe that online sources for students to communicate will allows students who do not interact in class, a way to become a part of a conversation without the social anxiety that they might feel speaking in front of peers. It would be beneficial to incorporate social websites that provide a safety against misusing the site, protecting the identity of the students from outside sources, and that have been proven to be virus-free. I will integrate technology for social uses in my classroom as long as it is beneficial for my students and does not impose harm or danger to them or the school. In order to provide students the resources that is provided through technology, schools need to be aware that obtaining such technologies will not be easy. Educational technology has become almost a necessity source in classrooms, like Microsoft Office, but is not always as

Lourdes Gracia Conceptual Framework Paper Media 1070-1 easily obtained. For one, educational technology is not always affordable to everyone that needs it. On another hand, not everyone who needs it has easy access to it because of various reasons. However, I believe that educators can learn to jump certain hurtles and aid there students and schools by seeking the best way to obtain educational technology. Many companies or software providers allow discounts or free trials for teachers and schools. Distance Learning has become an essential resource for many students. The amount of students taking distance courses is 20.4 as of 2008 (Distance Learning, 2011). If there was unlimited funding, many more people could take advantage of the resources that schools provide online. As an educator, providing distance learning even for students who are sick at home can become vital. Working towards becoming an educator, I have learned that I want to allow my students access to my material despite various circumstances as much as possible. In order to provide the technological resources, it is an educators responsibility to know their students in the classroom. Important information, such as racial and gender differences, can change the environment of the classroom and the way technology is used. One way to prevent a divide in the classroom is to ensure that the software being used is sensitive and is available to both women and minority ethnicities. According to Sadker (1994), girls only begin to fall behind in academics after elementary school. It is hard to ignore the stereotypes that have been placed on boys and girls and it is equally important that teachers try to create a classroom that provides equal opportunity for both genders and minorities. The final issue that arises from technological usage in the classroom is the legal and ethical problems that can cause damage to many parties. An important safety issue to consider is hacking and illegal activity on the internet. It is crucial that the teacher is aware of the students activities on the internet that will not put them in danger. Making students understand the

Lourdes Gracia Conceptual Framework Paper Media 1070-1 importance of privacy is key to prevent hacking and ensure safety on the internet. Preventing certain websites that require personal information could reduce the risk of hacking on a school computer. Having certain software, such as SafeAssign, can also eliminate the risk of academic dishonesty. According to teachers at Stanford, many students are focused on grades instead of the process of learning (2013). Technology in the classroom can further academic dishonesty because of the easiness of downloading information and sending information between students. Teachers should be encouraged to oversee the students actions online, for their protection and the protection of the school. Not everyone online is who they say they are and it is important that teachers inform their students of the dangers. As a future educator, my philosophy for technology in the classroom is simple. It will be my responsibility to inform the students of the dangers online can pose. However, I do not want to discourage the students from accessing such vital resources. I want to ensure that students do not access dangerous websites. As a current student, I am aware of the temptations of academic dishonesty and I hope that as a teacher I can prevent temptations as much as possible in my classroom. I was fortunate enough to have a safe environment in my classrooms and now that technology is part of a classroom, I will ensure that online resources provided to my students is as safe I will try to make the classroom.

Lourdes Gracia Conceptual Framework Paper Media 1070-1 Resources Technology in Education. Education Week. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from Distance Learning. National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from Sadker, M., & Sadker, D. (1994). Failing at fairness: How America's schools cheat girls. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, Macmillan Publishing Academic Cheating Fact Sheet. Perspective in Assistive Technology. Retrieved November 23, 2013, from

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