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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Mackenzie Areheart Subject/Grade: Math/Kindergarten Learning Objective:

Lesson # 5 Date and Time of Lesson: 11/21/2013

Students will correctly place given shapes on a piece of paper according to directions given by the teacher.

Alignment with Standards: K.GA.1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to. VAK-3.2 Select and use appropriate matter, symbols and ideas to communicate his or her ideas through visual art. CC.RL.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections:
The learning objective is in line with Common Core Standard K.GA.1 as students will follow verbal directions that include positional phrases in order to position shapes. In order to complete this lesson students have to be able to identify basic 2-D shapes including triangles, shapes, circles, squares, rectangles, and hexagons. They also have to be able to distinguish between the sizes of shapes when looking at two shapes that are the same shape in order to be able to identify which one is bigger. In order to complete the scarecrow activity and participate in movements during the song students have to be able to follow directions.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Pre-Assessment: Teacher will individually work with students to see if they can identify shapes and position them according to directions that she gives them. Place the circle above the square. Place the circle below the square. Place circle beside the square. During Assessment: Teacher will observe students as they sing the Shape Hokey Pokey. Depending on students participation and how well they act out the song, the class will do the song more than one time if they need further practice. Post-Assessment: Students will complete an activity where Use of Formative Assessment The assessment will be used to determine the students ability to follow directions and use positional phrases to position shapes. Based on this assessment teacher will determine whether or not students need more practice with positional phrases. To further learning teacher will help students expand their understanding of positional phrases and how they are used in the environment outside of the lesson that was taught.

Students will correctly place given shapes on a piece of paper according to directions given by the teacher.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template they create a scarecrow by following directions that contain positional phrases given by the teacher. In following these directions their pictures will make a scarecrow if they follow the directions correctly. Teacher will grade students work individually to see if their positioning of the shapes was logical to the directions given.

Rev. 2013

Teacher will hold up shapes as students work to show them which shapes to use for those students that may have difficulty identifying the shapes. Teacher will also repeat directions more than once to allow students time to process directions and complete the tasks.

Materials: Teacher Book: Mr. Scarecrow Students copies of Mr. Scarecrow Shape Hokey Pokey Foam Shapes Scarecrow template Shapes for each child (circles, squares, triangles) Paper Glue sticks Procedures: 1. Teacher will read the students a book called Mr. Scarecrow to introduce positional phrases. 2. After reading the book the teacher will demonstrate positional phrases by having different students act them out. 3. Teacher will give every student a foam circle, and the class will use their circles to participate in the Shape Hokey Pokey. *If students need more practice teacher will give the students another shape such as a square or triangle and go through the song again replacing the word circle for square. 4. Teacher will give students the necessary materials to create scarecrows. 5. Students will sort their shapes by putting circles together, squares together, and so on. 6. Teacher will give students directions. Directions: Glue the big circle in the middle of your paper. Glue the triangle in the middle of the circle. Next, glue one small square below the triangle. Glue the other squares beside the square to make a mouth. Glue the two small circles above the triangle next to each other to make eyes. Glue the big square above the circle. Glue the big rectangle in front of the square. 7. Students will listen to the teachers directions in order to create their scarecrows.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Activity Analysis:
The teacher will use a song and movements to allow students to practice acting out positional phrases. Through singing and moving to the Shape Hokey Pokey students will connect the concept of positional phrases to their movements in order to gain a better understanding of positions. Creating the scarecrows will go along with the story that we read and will allow the students to practice positioning shapes according to positional words. Through the integration of art students will gain an understanding of how art can be used in math. Technology will not be used in this lesson as students will be learning through song, movement, and art. Technology is not necessary in this lesson because students will learn through other effective means.

Stone, R. (2012) Positional Words with Mr. Scarecrow. Retrieved from

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