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Honors Chemistry

Name _________________________________
U n i t 4 : S t o i c h i o m e t r y

Stoichiometry and Measurements Lab

Stoichiometry Lab As a doctor in the hospital, your patient needs 1.35 o! "arium dichromate !or the production o! his #li!e sa$in # medicine. %ou &no' that e$ery time you conduct this reaction, you et a ().5* yield. +he chemicals that you ha$e to 'or& 'ith are potassium dichromate and barium nitrate . ,they are $ery e-pensi$e, so use the minimum amount needed.

Procedure: 1. Using stoichiometry, find the amount of BaSO4 to get a 79.5% yie d !. " so using stoichiometry, find the amount of Ba#$O%&! and $a!SO4 needed to get 1.7'g of BaSO4 %. Based on the ca cu ations, (eigh the amount of each com)ound you (ou d need in the *ea+ers. 4. ,i- the a.ueous so utions together unti they are com) ete y disso /ed in (ater 5. 0eigh the fi ter )a)er 1. Pour the mi-ture into the f as+ through the fi ter )a)er Next Day: 7. 0eigh the fi ter )a)er again 2. Su*tract the mass of the fi ter )a)er (ith its mass at the *eginning.

3ata 4a* e: 4a* e of the mass of items ,ass #grams& On y fi ter )a)er 5i ter )a)er 6 Preci)itate Preci)itate Percent yie d needed: 7'% "na y7e: 1.!4% g !.129 g '.941' g

3iscussion 8uestion 91: 0hat (as the theory *ehind your a*: 0hat techni.ues (ere used: 0hy: 0hat chemica conce)ts he )ed you to )roduce the )roducts: 3id you get c ose to 1''% yie d: 0i your )atient sur/i/e: ;s your yie d too high or o(: 0hat affected your yie d for each: #*e s)ecific in your error ana ysis to coincide (ith your resu ts #high or o(&&. 4he theory *ehind this a* (as stoichiometry< this is to con/ert *et(een units using mo e ratios in a *a anced e.uation. 4his techni.ue used (as to find the amount of a )roduct needed *ased on a gi/en amount of )roduct and its )ercentage yie d. 3imensiona ana ysis (as a so used (hen (e had to con/ert *et(een one unit and another. Since (e +ne( that BaSO4 (ou d *e the )reci)itate formed from the dou* e re) acement reaction, (e +ne( that in order to se)arate the )reci)itate, (e

cou d fi ter the a.ueous mi-ture and in the end, BaSO4 (ou d *e eft *ehind on the fi ter )a)er. On y 7'% of the amount of )reci)itate (as needed, since this is not /ery c ose to the tota 1''% yie d, our )atient (i most i+e y die. One thing that cou d ha/e )ossi* y affected our o( )ercentage yie d (ou d )ro*a* y *e so ution ost (hen (e (ere transferring so utions from one f as+ to another. 3iscussion 8uestion 9!: 0hat (ou d you different y ne-t time. Pro)ose three )ossi* e im)ro/ements to this a*. 0hat did you earn from the a*: 0hat other rea ife a)) ication can you a)) y this to: 4he *iggest im)ro/ement to this a* (ou d *e to ha/e more time. ,ore time (ou d ha/e a o(ed us to *e more )recise and to et us digest the a* e/en more. ,ore time (ou d a so a o( for ess error *ecause e/erything (ou d *e done s o( y and )recise y i+e )ouring the mi-ture into the *ea+er and fo ding the fi ter )a)er )erfect y. By doing the )rocedure more carefu y ess mi-ture cou d *e ost or s)i ed thus the )ercent error (ou d *e ess and the data more e-act. "nother im)ro/ement to this a* (ou d *e to add more tria s to ma+e sure the data is re ia* e and /a id. By conducting more tria s (e a so *ecome more fami iar (ith the theory *ehind the a*. One ast im)ro/ement to the a* (ou d *e to ha/e used a note*oo+ or a )rinted out (or+sheet rather than trying to ty)e e/erything u) on the s)ot. "nytime one is (or+ing (ith num*ers it is a (ays *etter to (rite it on )a)er. 0riting he )s the mind remem*er and thin+ c earer, in my o)inion. ; earned ho( stoichiometry is a)) ied in a rea ife situation a )retty im)ortant one as (e . 4his furthers my understanding on stoichiometry as (e *ecause there (ere no c ear instructions on ho( to start and it (as *ased on )re/ious +no( edge. ;t (as a good chec+ in to ma+e sure you +ne( e/erything. Using stoichiometry and the )ercent yie d one can find ho( much )roduct one (ou d get from a certain amount of reactants. 4his is he )fu *ecause you (on=t (aste money on unnecessary resources.

Honors Chemistry /a" Stoichiometry and 0easurement /A1 1/23 4U145C 3roup 0em"ers ____________________________________________________________________________ +itle6purpose _____6 1 0aterials _____6 1 Conclusion statement _____6 1 Concludin statement at the end o! the report summari7es your la" !indin s and re!ers "ac& to purpose. /a" clean _____6 8

9-cellent :ery 3ood 5 4.5 Procedure: ,past tense, para raph !ormat, no use o! =5> or ='e>. ; 'ith rationale related to the =?uestions to "e addressed = !rom pre;la" Sho' all calculations in your lo ic o! the masses o! reactants used 5s the amount o! 'ater important@ Ahy not@ Ahy did you mass the !ilter paper and6or the "ea&er@ Data tables 'ith titles and la"els e . +a"le 1: 0asses o! B 2N/% rele$ant data pro$ided in the data ta"le ,!or e-ample, do you need the mass o! the "ea&er that you mi-ed the reactants in@ Cid you use that mass in your calculations@ 5! not, donDt include itE. 4eaction descri"ed ,reactants and products. Analysis of data Sho' calculations o! actual yield Calculations to determine percent yield and percent error !or each product. ,'ith attention to si !i s !rom data. Discussion 1: Ahat 'as the theory "ehind your la"@ Ahat techniFues 'ere used@ Ahy@ Ahat chemical concepts helped you to produce the products@ Cid you et close to 1<<* yield@ Aill your patient sur$i$e@ 5s your yield too hi h or lo'@ Ahat a!!ected your yield !or each@ ,"e speci!ic in your error analysis G to coincide 'ith your results ,hi h or lo'... Discussion 2: Ahat 'ould you di!!erently ne-t time. Hropose three !easi"le impro$ements to this la". Ahat did you learn !rom the la"@ Ahat other real li!e application can you apply this to@

3ood 4

A$era e 1elo' 3.5 A$era e 3;<

635 points

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