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Who has the Divine Promise of Salvation?

By: Ismaa'eel Abu Adam Im a former Christian who embraced Islam. One of the reasons why I left Christianity is because there is no Divine Promise of Salvation in Christianitys holy book (the Bible . !owever when I "rayerfully studied Islam I found that not only is its holy book #he $ord of %od (the !oly &uran ' it also contains many Divine Promises of Salvation that the Christian Bible does not have. #his is a fact and if youre a Christian like I was you may be shocked' "erha"s even horrified to know that as a Christian %od has not "romised you heaven. #here is not even one sin(le verse in the whole Bible where %od )lmi(hty tells you !e "romises you salvation' usin( the word *"romise+ or *(uarantee+. )nd if you believe "ro"het ,esus is (od' there is also not a sin(le verse in the whole Bible where ,esus "romises salvation to you' usin( the word *"romise+ or *(uarantee+. )ma-in(ly it is only the .uslim who is (uaranteed heaven because only in the !oly &uran %od "romises salvation to you' usin( the actual word *"romise+. Its vitally im"ortant to me that %od tells me !e "romises me heaven because when %od "romises a thin( its a total /001 (uarantee that must come true. %od does not lie and !e doesnt break !is "romise2 3o other word is as "owerful to me as the word *"romise+ or *(uarantee+. In the !oly &uran %od )lmi(hty ()llah says4 *%ardens of Eternity' those which ()llah .ost %racious has promised to !is servants in the unseen4 for His promise must come to "ass.+ !oly &uran /546/. %od )lmi(hty ()llah says4 *But those who believe and do deeds of ri(hteousness $e shall soon admit them to %ardens' with rivers flowin( beneath 7 to dwell therein forever. )llahs promise is the truth' and whose word can be truer than )llahs8+ !oly &uran 94/::. Isnt that s"ecial8 #o me it is crucial that I have this Divine Promise of Salvation because like you my soul is "recious to me. I do not want to lose my soul to hell;fire on the Day of ,ud(ment when all of us will be <ud(ed before )llah. Our souls should be dearer to us than diamonds' none of us want to (o to hell' its a terrible eternal "lace. $e only live once so we need to be sure we will be saved ri(ht now' we will not live another earthly life. It will be too late when we die. =ou dont have to (amble with your soul any lon(er' if you believe in )llah and do (ood deeds because of your faith' you are "romised by )llah to be saved.

#he Promise is yours now if you embrace Islam and become a .uslim. Dont "lay (ames with your soul' dont (amble with it nor let it han( in the balance' dont take chances> you only have one life and one soul. Be certain and receive your /001 (uarantee of salvation and you will be a citi-en of "aradise forever. =es )llahs love is so (reat that !e "romises you this2 )s you have seen in the verses I have ?uoted' the "romise is there for you but its a conditional "romise. Its u" to you to acce"t )llahs call of salvation (to believe in !im and do deeds with that belief . )llah created us all to (o to heaven' #he @ternal %arden' thats why !e has "romised us salvation so many times in the !oly &uran2 !owever )llah does not force us to do anythin(> likewise !e will not force you to be saved. !e (ave us all the (ift of free choice. 3either Christianity nor ,udaism has #he Divine Promise of Salvation. )(ain I say' you will not find one sin(le verse in the Bible from cover to cover where %od or even ,esus tells you that you will be saved by usin( the word *"romise+' or *(uarantee+. I have seen the word "romise in the Bible but it is always Paul' Peter' ,ames etc. s"eakin(' it is never %od or Pro"het ,esus s"eakin(2 )s a Christian I was told I could be sure of my salvation and I was told about ,ohn A4/6' yet this Bible verse is lackin( the word *"romise+ too' its not (ood enou(h2 So what must you do to receive this Divine Promise8 Its easy in Islam> you <ust "ray by faith and ask )lmi(hty )llah for it. %od )lmi(hty ()llah says re(ardin( those who want to (o to heaven (#he @ternal %arden 4 *Bor them there will be therein all that they wish for4 they will dwell there forever4 A promise to be prayed for from thy Lord.+ !oly &uran :C4/6. =ou see' )llah wants you to "ray for it and !e will (ive you !is Divine Promise. )s stated above' the "romise is conditional so you must become a .uslim if you want to be (uaranteed heaven. @mbrace Islam now and )llahs love' for(iveness and Divine Promise will be instantly yours. =ou can "ray after me4 O )llah' %od of )braham' %od of ,esus' and %od of .uhammad. I bear witness that there is no deity but =ou )llah. =ou have no "artner' no e?ual neither in authority nor in attributes. =ou are the )ll Powerful' )ll Dovin(' )ll Enowin(' )ll Bor(ivin( Dord and Savior' Creator of all that eFits. =ou be(et not nor are you be(otten. =ou are the .ost !i(h' #he Birst and the Dast' the Ein( of kin(s and the Dord of lords. I bear witness that .uhammad is your last "ro"het and messen(er and I bear witness that I believe in all your "ro"hets from )dam all the way to .oses and ,esus. #ruly they worshi"ed =ou )llah

and they are =our servants. In "eace and total submission' I (ive =ou my life )llah' fill me with all (oodness and "urity and remove from me all evil. Bor(ive me all of my sins and wash my sins away with =our .ercy and %race. I declare now that I am a .uslim and I acce"t =our Divine Promise of Salvation. )men. )llahu )kbar2222 %od is %reat222 *But ask for(iveness of your Dord' and turn unto !im (in re"entance 4 for my Dord is indeed full of mercy and loving-kindness+ !oly &uran //450. *Gnless he re"ents' believes and works ri(hteous deeds' for Allah will change the evil of such persons into good, and )llah is Oft; Bor(ivin(' .ost .erciful+ !oly &uran :C4H0. *I)llah will hel" him4 for Allah is One that blots out sins! and forgives again and again!+ !oly &uran ::460. #heres no other way to be (uaranteed your eternal salvation but by becomin( a .uslim and obtainin( the all encom"assin( love of )lmi(hty )llah. Please take this invitation to Islam seriously' you may not live to see tomorrow. I can not chan(e you' only )llah can. Pray to %od ()llah about this letter and search for the truth' Im sure )llah will (uide you if your sincere. .ay )llah bless you' amen.

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