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Time Management

Prepared by: LENILA A. DE Vera, RN, MPH, MAN

Principles ! Time Management

" #. E!!ecti$e c mm%nicati n !acilitates time management. " T&e ability t plan e!!ecti$ely is essential t e!!ecti$e %se

! time.
" Delegati n

Time 'asters
" E(ternal ) %rces

interr%pti n by p& ne d ing * r+ t&at c %ld be delegated d ing %nnecessary paper * r+ s ciali,ing

Time 'asters
" Internal s %rces
lac+ ! b-ecti$es !ail%re t establis& pri rities inability t ma+e decisi ns !ail%re t plan and rgani,e * r+ inability t delegate pr crastinati n

.t&er time *asters

" D n t ma+e y %rsel! $er accessible. " Interr%pted " /e brie! " )c&ed%le l ng0 *inded pests

Time )a$ers
" Learning t set b-ecti$es and rgani,ing * r+. " All *ing c 0* r+ers t per! rm d%ties listed in - b

descripti n r teac&ing t&em.

" A$ iding interr%pti ns *&en p ssible. " A$ iding *asted m ti ns. " A$ iding pr crastinati n. " 1sing c mp%ter, tape rec rder, etc, *&ene$er is p ssible. " E$al%ating all paper * r+s, pr ced%res etc, eliminating

%nnecessary nes.

Time Management )trategies

Pri rity )etting and Pr crastinati n

" Priority Setting Traps -Vacarro (2001) " #. What ever hits first0resp nds t

t&ings as t&ey &appen rat&er t&an t&in+ing !irst and t&en acting. t d a tas+ pers nally and !ails t delegate

" 2. Path of least resistance- ass%ming t&at it is al*ays easier " 3. Sq e!y "heel- an indi$id%al

!ten !eels a need t resp nd t t&e time imp sed rat&er t&an &is2&er *n. tas+s t&at n bliged t ne else &as c me ! r*ard t d . ta+e t&e bec me

" #. $anaging %y &efa lt-an indi$id%al is

" '. Waiting for inspiration- an indi$id%al need t

inspired be! re acc mplis&ing tas+s.

T&ree 3ateg ries ! r Pri riti,ati n

" #. D n4t d

" 5. D later

" 6. D n *

Managing Time at ' r+

" #. 7at&er all t&e s%pplies and e8%ipment t&at *ill be

needed be! re t&e acti$ity.

" 7r %p acti$ities t&at are in t&e same l cati n. " 1se time estimates. " Vacarr 95::#; " D c%ment y %r n%rsing inter$enti ns as s

n as p ssible

a!ter an acti$ity is c mpleted.

" Al*ays stri$e t

end t&e * r+ day n time.

THAN< =.1>

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