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South East Europe history - 1,400 BC map

Late Bronze age, 1400 BC

Eliznik home > South East Europe > history > pre-history summary to 700BC > Late Bronze age, 1400 BC

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Influence of the Wietenburg culture spread east to the Noua culture of Moldavia and Sabatinovka culture of the Steppe as far as the Dnieper. Pastoralism was practiced extensively in the central to east of Romania. Seven of the nine superior Bronze "Mycenaean" swords found in Romania were found in Transylvania showing that trade and connections continued with the southern Balkans through the Morava-Vardar corridor. Some Mycenaean settlements were founded in Macedonia. It is thought that Slavic-Baltic peoples to the north were separating both in location and language and by 1400 BC the Slavic groups between the Oder and the Dnepr rivers were developing a common Slavic language, then by 1250 BC the Baltic peoples had moved north and east. previous map | next map
> Eliznik2005, First issue 2002, Last updated Dec-05

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6/18/2013 9:19 PM

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