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Teacher Candidate's Name

Meaghan Grandison`
2. Internship Start Date

Oct. 21, 2013

3. Internship End Date

Dec. 13, 2013

4. School

5. District

6. State

7. Evaluator's Name

Dr. Judith Ink

8. Evaluator's Position

Director of Student Teaching for Undergraduates at Regent University

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1. Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

No Above Needs Outstandin Satisfactor Unsatisfactor Opportunit Averag Improvemen g (5) y (3) y (1) y to e (4) t (2) Observe (0) Students are actively engaged in learning. Students are successful in learning. Students behaviors indicate learning is at a high cognitive level. Students are selfdirected/selfinitiated as appropriate to X

lesson objectives. Students are connecting learning to work and life applications, both within the discipline and with other disciplines. Appropriate pace, sequencing, and variety of activities. Value and importance of content is emphasized. Appropriate questioning and inquiry techniques are used. Available technology is used appropriately and effectively. Instruction has been designed to be responsive to learner needs (differentiate d readiness, interest, learner modality) if

appropriate. Lesson activities have been designed to promote retention and transfer. Comments:
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1. Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

No Above Needs Outstandin Satisfactor Unsatisfactor Opportunit Averag Improvemen g (5) y (3) y (1) y to e (4) t (2) Observe (0) Instruction is based on objectives and core curriculum demands. Content is learner-centered. Strategies promote critical thinking/proble m-solving. Strategies include motivational techniques. Strategies are aligned. Comments:
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1. Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

No Above Needs Outstandin Satisfactor Unsatisfactor Opportunit Averag Improvemen g (5) y (3) y (1) y to e (4) t (2) Observe (0) Academic progress is X

monitored and assessed using formal and informal assessments. Assessment and feedback are aligned with goals, objectives, and strategies. Assessment strategies are appropriate. Student learning is reinforced. Students receive constructive feedback. Teacher provides opportunitie s for relearning and reevaluation. Comments:
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1. Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

No Above Needs Outstandin Satisfactor Unsatisfactor Opportunit Averag Improvemen g (5) y (3) y (1) y to e (4) t (2) Observe (0) Teacher effectively implements discipline management

. Teacher establishes climate that promotes selfdiscipline and selfdirection. Teacher interacts with students equitably. Teacher specifies expectations for behavior. Teacher intervenes and redirects behavior. Teacher reinforces desired behavior. Teacher uses equitable instructional materials. Teacher effectively manages materials, time, and transitions during lesson. Comments:
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1. Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Outstandin Above Satisfactor




g (5)

Averag e (4)

y (3)

Improveme nt (2)

ry (1)

Opportunit y to Observe (0)

Appropriate/accura te written communication with students. Appropriate/accura te verbal and nonverbal communication with students. Encourages reluctant students; plans for special needs. Comments:

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1. Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

No Above Needs Outstandin Satisfactor Unsatisfactor Opportunit Averag Improvemen g (5) y (3) y (1) y to e (4) t (2) Observe (0) Plans and directs activities of classroom assistants including paraprofessional s, volunteers, and tutor. Modifies performance based on personal and professional critiques. Demonstrates flexibility. Demonstrates initiative in


planning, management, and professional interactions. Maintains confidentiality. Demonstrates effective collaboration in one-to-one and small group interactions. Fosters trust in relationships with students, families, and colleagues. Receives and responds to constructive feedback. Comments:
2. Comments on teacher candidate's effectiveness of overall instruction, use of developmentally appropriate strategies, ability to lead the class, professionalism, attitudes, and demeanor throughout the period of observation:

This is a first grade class. Ms. Grandison began by assigning students seats on the rug. She provided positive feedback for those students who were behaving properly. She asked the class about what they thought about predictions, what are they? Students gave various answers. The teacher then showed the students a book. They predicted what it would be about from the cover. Then she read a few pages and asked for predictions again. Each time, she wrote the predictions on a sheet of paper while using the document camera for the Smart Board. She did this process several times until the book was complete. She then went back to her paper and asked the student if their predictions were correct. Students were then broken into 4 groups. One group did a word study with the teacher. The other three groups were the Smart Table, a game with long vowels and a compound word worksheet. Students transitioned well from one group to the next. All in all, it was a very enjoyable lesson for the students.

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