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LBC Essay Justin Schwartz UNIV101

The LBC event that I attended was Andrew Solomans presentation. Andrew Soloman is an influential speaker, who has written worldwide best seller novels, and many other awarded novels. he spoke mainly about his new novel "Far from The Tree", which is about parents and children and the search for their own identities. This speech took place on September 18th in the student center ballroom. Going into this event I had no prior knowledge about Andrew Soloman or any of his novels. So I went into this event with an open mind trying to take in as much knowledge as I could. He started of his speech with the idea of creating an identify for yourself and learning to have acceptance for your identify. He broke down the idea of acceptance into three sub categories, the first category was family acceptance, which is when your family has acceptance for who you are and what you want in life. The second sub category was self acceptance, which is accepting yourself for who you are within yourself. I thought this sub category was the most important of them all because accepting who you are can be one of the hardest tasks to overcome. The third sub category was having societies acceptance, which is having your society around accept you and how you identify yourself. These three categories of acceptance were very helpful to me to be exceptive of my own identify. Another thing I learned from this LBC event is how people can gain positive construction from negative experiences. He displayed this concept by talking about previous experiences he has had with interviewing parents where their children

were diagnosed with disabilities. He explained this concept by saying how the parents with disabled children had such a better outlook on life because they gave acceptance for their children's negative situations they were born into. Those were some main concepts that I took away from this LBC event. My reactions towards this LBC event were actually somewhat life changing in a way that I had gained more acceptance for who I am and how grateful I should be for what I have and the people that I am surrounded by. I felt that this LBC event relates to chapter 11, which is appreciating diversity. The reason why I chose this chapter is because Andrew Sololmans whole speech was based around really appreciating the difference everyone has from one another and I felt that it fitted right in with this chapter. I will use the information gained from this LBC event to really think in a broader sense about how someone going through a negative situation can really bring out a positive outcome on their life. The experiences I had during this LBC event showed me a new side to the way I think about situations and the outcomes that can be gained from them and overall changed my attitude for a lot of situations that can occur in life.

I would most certainly recommend this LBC event for other emu students. The reason why I would recommend this LBC event is because it really broadened my sense for a lot of subjects that most college students wouldn't even think about. I gained a lot of knowledge and life lessons from this LBC event and I would want others emu students to obtains the same knowledge I did from this LBC event.


Gardner, J. N. , Barefoot, B. O. (2013) Step by Step Accepting Diversity, Forms of Diversity, 136-137

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