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Date: October 31st, 2007

Bernoullis Law
Name: KARINE AL FEGHALI Partners Name: RANDA AKEL Section: 4 A) Drag Coefficient What happens when you give the ball a gentle sideways push? Why? When you give the ball a gentle push sideways, it will rapidly return to its original position. This is because the air speed in the center is the highest, and it creates, according to Bernoullis aw, the lowest air pressure and thus suc!s the ball. Bernou !"s L#$: G%1 & '1() & *12(2 + G%2 & '2() & *22(2, -e %#.e: G%1+ G%2 An/ *1 0 *2 1 ecorded air velocity ! 4,4 5(s "ir density ! 1,3 67(53 Ball area ! 3,89:10 ;3 52 Ball mass ! 7,0 :10 ;3 67 #alculated drag coe$$icient ! 1,247 B) "low rate %est point , ) 1 #ross&sectional Diameter 'cm( -./ 0 2./ ,3 "rea'm)( 1,8<:10 ;3 2,42:10 ;3 8,97:10 ;3 7,48:10 ;3 *elocity'm+s( 21,8 4,2 7,0 4,8 2o, '13'2

Plot * vs ,+". 4rom the slope determine the air $low rate in m1+s. Air flow rate= 3.2310 -2 m3/s

C) Deter#ining air density %est point , ) 1 Pressure 90 40 200 140 *elocity 10,0 4,0 14,0 18,0 *) 100 94 324 228

Plot *) vs P. 4rom the slope determine the air density in 5g+m1. The fluid flow is hori$ontal, then H1 + H2, Therefore the original Bernoulli e%uation Beco#es *2 + 0 @ G%1 & '1() & *12(2 + G%2 & '2() & *22(2,

'1() & *12(2 + '2() & *22(2, *12 = *22 + >2( )?,> '2;'1? A'+'2;'1 where '2 is the at#ospheric pressure. V2 = (2/).P Slope= 2/de sit! "e sit!= 2/slope "e sit! = 2/ 1.#11# "e sit!=1.2$1 %&/m3

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