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Forum 15% Content Understanding Delivery Aesthetics Persuasiveness 3 3 3 3 3

Blog 15% 3 3 3 3 3

Debate 20% 4 4 4 4 4

Lecture 25% 5 5 5 5 5

Paper 25% 5 5 5 5 5

100 Points Total

A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 F = 69 or below I do not award Ds. You must get a minimum of 70 points to pass this course. Here is the Rubric for your projects. The Forum, Blog and Debate projects should help you to explore and solidify ideas to be used in the completion of your video lecture and your paper. As we progress through the semester, the assignments will carry a greater weight. Through lectures and your outside research, you will gain valuable material to use when creating your lecture and writing your paper. The participation component of your grade is wrapped into the Forum and Blog assignments. If you do not adequately participate in these assignments, your grades on those assignments will suffer, and you will lack preparedness for Projects 3 & 4. Below is an explanation of what I am looking for in each of the 5 grading criteria.

Content Understanding




The content of each or your projects should reflect the content learned in class. You should be thorough with your analysis of the connections you find in the historical material, and be sure that your information obtained from outside resources is reliable. Your work should display your level of understanding of the material youve learned. The ability to show the connections between eras of US history covered in this course will be your greatest asset here. Remember, NO connection is invalid. A small event in 1800 can have a huge connection to a large event in 1850. You just need to find it. This will vary with each assignment. Generally, it is the command and ease with which you deliver the material. Are your blog posts relevant? Did you make a good argument in your debate? Was your lecture organized and engaging? This is generally points for the use of language and creativity in all your projects. While SPELLING and GRAMMAR WILL NOT BE MARKED DOWN as long as the content is clearly there, I will be looking for a good use of written and spoken language in all assignments. This is not a test of your English speaking ability, merely of your choice of words. Historical debate has many different sides. With the information you have, what do you think about what you have learned? Can you get to the heart of the connections you find in history? Or can you convince me that you have? The key here is to decide what you think is most important about the events and connections you chose to focus on in each assignment, and then to argue effectively on their behalf. The debate, the lecture, and the paper give you different avenues by which to approach this category.

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