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22 November, 2004 By Martin Edwin Andersen Managing Editor Port Security News The e!

artment o" #ome$and Security e""orts to im!rove maritime domain awareness inc$ude techno$ogica$ brea%throughs that, had they been avai$ab$e 40 years ago, might have $et &'S' !o$icyma%ers better antici!ate, and thus counter, moves by (uban dictator )ide$ (astro, r' (har$es E' Mc*ueary, #S undersecretary "or science and techno$ogy, said $ast wee%' Mc*ueary a$so said that a maritime security !o$icy coordinating committee++whose members inc$ude re!resentatives "rom the &'S' (oast ,uard as we$$ as the de!artments o" #ome$and Security, e"ense, State, (ommerce and -ustice++is reviewing a$$ current &'S' government maritime !o$icy initiatives and attem!ting to .ensure inter+agency integration and a$ignment'/ Mc*ueary made his comments in a s!eech, .0denti"ying Needs and (oordinating Trans!ortation Security 1esearch,/ given Nov' 23th at the 3th Marine Trans!ortation System 1esearch and Techno$ogy (oordination (on"erence he$d at the Nationa$ Academy o" Sciences in 4ashington, '(' The "ormer !resident o" ,enera$ ynamics Advanced Techno$ogy Systems said that a so"tware !rogram deve$o!ed at the Nationa$ 5isua$i6ation (enter++a 7oint venture between #S8 science and techno$ogy 9S:T; directorate and the Paci"ic Northwest Nationa$ <ab in 1ich$and, 4ashington++shows .great !romise/ in anti+terror e""orts as security o""icia$s si"t through massive amounts o" in"ormation re$ating to the country8s sea!orts, $oo%ing "or !atterns' The !romise "or "ighting current security threats, Mc*ueary added, was shown when researchers .!ut 40 years o" (astro8s s!eeches in this thing and, indeed, "ound that had this ca!abi$ity e=isted bac% in the >?0s, when (uba was going through its u!heava$, you cou$d have !redicted, based u!on the s!eeches that were being given, that (uba was we$$ on its way to nationa$i6ing the oi$ industry within the state'/ By si"ting through the s!eeches, Mc*ueary said, .4hat came out o" it was (astro has this way o" ta$%ing more and more "ree$y about wha t@s about to ha!!en, and so i" you !$ay c$ose attention you wi$$ get a !redictive mode'/

Martin Edwin Andersen can be reached at Mic%AAndersenB!ortsecuritynews'com

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