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Design for Learning

Instructor: Victoria Bye Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: 2nd Lesson Title: An Awesome Dream Date: 11 December 2013 Curriculum Area: Language Arts Estimated Time: 1 hour Standards Connection: Language Arts 2nd (40) With guidance and su ort !rom adu"ts# demonstrate understanding o! word re"ationshi s and nuances in word meanings$ %L$1$&' ( )denti!y rea"*"i!e connections between words and their use$ %L$1$&c' Learning O !ective"s#: When gi+en a matching sheet# students wi"" correct"y identi!y a"" o! the de!initions o! gi+en words$ Learning O !ective"s# stated in $%id&friendl'( language: ,oday !riends# we wi"" be "earning some new words !rom our boo- and then com "ete a !un matching sheet$ Evaluation of Learning O !ective"s#: .tudents wi"" com "ete a matching wor-sheet$ ,he words /dream#0 /!antastic#0 / ractica"#0 and /wonder0 wi"" be on the "e!t side o! the a er and the students wi"" match them with their correct de!initions on the right side$ A!ter the "esson and ractice# students shou"d be ab"e to identi!y a"" !our correct"y$ Engagement: )um ers one through ten please come have a seat in front of the red chair* )o+ num ers eleven through t+ent' ma' come sit do+n* O%a' a+esome friends, I am going to need a lot of a+esome help toda' so I need ever'one to put on 'our a+esome thin%ing caps and get read' to thin% and tal% a out the a+esome ideas 'ou come up +ith- I am going to as% 'ou some a+esome .uestions and +hen 'ou have an a+esome ans+er, I +ant 'ou to give me a thum s up* /hen 'our a+esome friends give ans+ers and 'ou thin% it +as an a+esome ans+er, give me our $me too( sign using 'our hand not 'our mouth* O%, let0s egin* If 'our house could e made out of an'thing, +hat +ould 'ou +ant it to e made out of1 If 'ou could have an' super po+er, +hat +ould it e1 If 'ou could travel an'+here in the +orld right no+, +here +ould 'ou go1 If 'ou could get in a time machine and go ac% in time, +hat time +ould 'ou go ac% to and +h'1 If ever'da' could e a holida', +hich holida' +ould 'ou +ant it to e1 If 'ou could eat an' food 'ou +anted to for ever' meal for the rest of 'our life +ithout 'our parents getting angr', +hat +ould it e1 Girls, if 'ou could e an' Disne' princess, +ho +ould it e1 2o's, if 'ou could e an' Disne' prince, +ho +ould 'ou e1 If 'ou could e an superhero, +ho +ould 'ou e1 If 'ou could e a famous athlete +ho +ould 'ou e1 If 'ou could e an' superstar, +ho +ould 'ou e1 /o+- Those +ere some a+esome ans+ers- Give me a thum s up if it +ould e a dream come true those a+esome ideas actuall' happened in 'our life- Toda' +e are going to read an a+esome oo% a out dreams and and learn some ne+ voca ular' +ords all +hile having an a+esome time- (,he instructor wi"" ur ose!u""y use the word /awesome0 many times to re are students !or the boo-$)

Learning Design: )$ ,eaching1 The a+esome oo% +e are going to read toda' is ' Dallas Cla'ton and is called An A+esome 2oo%- 3o+ cool is that1 Let0s loo% at the cover of the oo% and thin% a out the title for a minute* /ho has an idea a out +hat this a+esome oo% could have to tell us1 Give me a thum s up if 'ou have an idea* Those +ere some prett' a+esome guess- Let0s see if an'one +as correct* I +ant 'ou to pa' attention ver' closel' as +e read ecause I am going to stop and as% 'ou several .uestions throughout the oo% and after+ards +e are going to learn four ne+ voca ular' +ords- I +ant 'ou to listen for the +ords: dream, fantastic, practical, and +onder* ,he instructor wi"" read the boo-$ $There are places in the +orld +here people don0t dream***( /o+, that0s a reall' sad eginning* I can0t imagine a +orld +ithout dreams$There are places in the +orld +here people don0t dream*** of roc%et&po+ered unicorns*** and cand' cane machines*** of magic +atermelons*** and musical a oons, or teen' tin' trumpet pla'ers training pet raccoons***( /o+- These are some cra4' dreams- 3ave 'ou ever had an cra4' dreams li%e these1 $5es, there are places in the +orld +here people dream up dreams so simpl' un& fantastical and practical the' seem*** to lose all possi ilit' of thin%ing super things*** of dancing +ild animals +ith diamond&coated +ings***( I don0t ever +ant 'ou to lose the a ilit' to thin% a out super things even if the' might seem unrealistic to ever'one around 'ou- $Instead the' dream of furniture*** of u'ing a ne+ hat*** of o+ning matching silver+are*** could 'ou imagine that1 Instead the' sta' a+a%e at night +ishing for a car*** )ot one that runs on !ell' eans*** ut one that0s regular*( 3o+ oring is that- $The' dream of rea%fast sand+iches* The' dream of telephones* Sometimes the' even dreams of dreams that aren0t there o+n* 5es, there are places in the +orld +here dreams are almost dead***( Oh no- I don0t +ant dreams to die- $So please, m' child, do %eep in mind efore 'ou go to ed*** to dream a dream as ig could ever dream to e*** then dream a dream ten times as ig as that one dream 'ou see***( Those could e some reall' ig dreams the author +ants 'ou to dream, huh1 $Then once 'ou0ve got that dream in mind please dream a million more*** and not a million .uiet dreams, a million dreams that roar*** A million dreams so loud the' scream*** So loud the' scream and shout-***( Those are some reall' loud dreams- $So super huge the' sa' 6he', +orld- Guess +hat I0m dreamin0 6 out*** I0m dreaming a out ever'thing that no one ever thought to +onder*** Dreams so ig that the'0ve got dreams and the'0ve got dreams up under***( That is a +hole unch of dreams- $7lease dream for those +ho0ve given up*** for those +ho0ve never tried*** 7lease use 'our dreams to ma%e ne+ dreams for all the dreams that died*** 6Cause 'ou0re the one +hose dreams can e +hatever dreams 'ou +ant*** /hose dreams can change the +a' things are and the' +a' that things are not***( I +onder if our dreams could change things too* $And if the' sa' that all 'our dreams seem to ig to come true*** 5ou tell them that I told 'ou*** 6that0s +hat dreams are meant to do-0 The'0re meant to ma%e 'ou seem as if 'ou

don0t %no+ up from do+n*** 2ecause dreams are dreams and that0s +h' dreams are +orth having around-*** So +hen 'ou thin% 'our dreaming0 done*** 8ust remem er +hat I said*** 6Close 'our e'es, m' child and dream that perfect dream inside 'our head***0 The end*( 2o's and girls, this is m' a solute favorite oo%- /hat +as 'our favorite part of this sill', a+esome oo%1 Can an'one tell me +hat the author +anted to teach or tell us +ith this oo%1 I thin% Dallas Cla'ton is tr'ing to tell ever'one +ho reads this oo% to never stop dreaming, never give on their dreams, and to never let an'one else to 'ou that 'our dreams can0t come true* That0s a +hole lot a out dreams* Toda' +e are going to tal% a out +hat a dream is& the t'pe of dream that +e read a out in An A+esome 2oo%- and ho+ +e can use the +ord $dream( in our ever'da' lives* Our first voca ular' +ord for toda' is $dream*( I am going to +rite the +ord $dream( on the oard and then +e are going to practice spelling it together* 9ead', go* D&r&e&a&m* )o+, let0s sound it out together* Dr&ea&m, dream (the instructor wi"" use the ointer to under"ine each art and then the entire word)$ :an' of 'ou ma' thin% that a dream is !ust the thoughts and visions 'ou e;peience during 'our sleep, ut +e are going to tal% a out a different t'pe of dream* A dream is a strongl' desired goal or purpose* This is the t'pe of dream that the author is tal%ing a out in our oo%* I +ant 'ou to turn to 'our neigh or and tal% a out a dream 'ou have* It can e a dream for 'our life, 'our famil', a dream !o , or a cra4' dream* Sall', +hat is a dream 'ou have1 A+esome- )o+ +e are going to ma%e one of :rs* 2'e0s favorite things, a fra'er model, for the +ord $dream*( 5ou all are going to tell me +hat to +rite in the four o;es* So, for our first o;, +hat is our +ord1 Dream, 'es- )o+, someone give me a definition of dream for our second o;* ,he teacher wi"" ca"" on students unti" a correct answer is gi+en$ 2o; num er three: +ho can tell me an e;ample1 And finall' for o; four, +ho can give me a non&e;ample* ,his bo2 might be a "itt"e more di!!icu"t !or the students to thin- o! ideas3 there!ore the teacher wi"" ro+ide he" i! needed$ ,hroughout the !rayer mode" acti+ity# the teacher wi"" add rein!orcement and e2 "anation where necessary$ Our ne;t +ord is $fantastic*( I have +ritten $fantastic( on the smart oard* Let0s spell it together: f&a&n&t&a&s&t&i&c* )o+, let0s rea% it apart and sa' it all together: fan&tast&ic* fantastic* /ho has an idea of +hat fantastic could mean1 /e use the +ord $fantastic( to descri e something that is e;tremel' good- Turn to 'our partner and tell them something that 'ou thin% is fantastic* David, +hat did 'our partner sa' he thin%s is fantastic1 )o+ let0s ma%e another fantastic model for the +ord $fantastic-( ,he teacher wi"" use the same !ormat and discussion as used with the re+ious +ocabu"ary word$ Our third +ord is $practical*( Let0s spell practical together* Loo% up at the oard +ith me* 7&r&a&c&t&i&c&a&l* )o+ let0s rea% it up: prac&ti&cal, practical* /e use practical to descri e something +hen it relates to real life ut is not ver' creative or fun* Tal% a out some practical things or ideas in the +orld around 'ou +ith 'our partner* Does an'one have an idea the' +ould li%e to share1 Those are great ideas- Let0s use them to create another fra'er model to hang

+ith the other t+o* ,he teacher wi"" use the same !ormat and discussion as used with the re+ious +ocabu"ary word$ And finall', our last +ord for toda' is $+onder*( Spell it +ith me: +&o&n&d&e& r* )o+ let0s rea% up and put it ac% together: +on&der, +onder* /onder means to e ver' curious a out something or to +ant to e;plore something* Turn to partner and come up +ith something that oth of 'ou +onder a out* I +ant each partner group to share starting +ith 8ohn0s group over here and ending +ith Luc'0s on this side* /o+ friends, 'ou +onder a out a lot of things- I love that- Guess +hat time it is no+1 <ra'er time- ,he teacher wi"" use the same !ormat and discussion as used with the re+ious +ocabu"ary word$ )o+ that +e have learned a out the +ords: $dream, fantastic, practical, and +onder,( I +ant each of 'ou to return to 'our seat and +e are going to practice using these +ords +ith our ta le groups* ))$ 4 ortunity !or 5ractice1 /e are going to do a super fun activit' for practice toda'- Each ta le group +ill e given one of the voca ular' +ords, and 'ou +ill use 'our +ord to create a cartoon* I +ant ever'one to loo% up here and I am going to put an e;ample up on the elmo* I +ant 'ou to model 'ours after this e;ample* 5ou +ill include the +ord= a definition the part of speech& noun, ver , or ad!ective= a large cartoon dra+ing= and a sentence using the 'our +ord to descri e the cartoon* 9emem er that ever'one is re.uired to participate in group +or%, so I need to see ever'one +or%ing together to create some a+esome cartoons* Group >, 'our +ord is dream* Group ?, 'our +ord is fantastic* Group @, 'our +ord is practical* Group A, 'our +ord is +onder* 5ou have t+ent' minutes to complete the activit', and then 'our group +ill share 'our cartoon +ith the class* 5ou ma' egin* Groups > and @ please return to the red carpet +ith 'our cartoon posters* )o+ groups ? and A please come to the red carpet* I loved seeing each group +or% together, and I cannot +ait to see the a+esome ideas and dra+ings 'ou have used on 'our cartoons* Group >, +ill 'ou please come to the front and present 'our cartoon1 Tell us 'our +ord, the definition, part of speech, a little a out the cartoon dra+ing, and read us 'our sentence* 6ach grou wi"" resent and the instructor wi"" guide con+ersation# e2tension# and c"ari!ication a!ter each +ocabu"ary word is resented$ )))$ Assessment1 /e have learned four a+esome +ords toda' and practiced using them* )o+, I +ant each of 'ou to sho+ me +hat 'ou have learned* <or 'our e;it tic%et toda', 'ou +ill complete this short +or%sheet +ith our ne+ voca ular' +ords and their definitions on it* Dra+ a line to connect the voca ular' +ord to the correct definition* 2e sure to +rite 'our name on 'our paper efore 'ou egin* If 'ou finish earl', egin using 'our ne+ voca ular' +ords to +rite sentences on the ac% of 'our paper* )V$ 7"osure1 O%, friends- /ho can tell me +hat voca ular' +ords +e learned toda'1 Ber' good* /e learned a out the +ords $dream,( $fantastic,( $practical,( and $+onder*( And +hat oo% did +e read +ith all these +ords in

it1 Ber' good, +e read An A+esome 2oo%-* :' favorite voca ular' +ord +e tal%ed a out toda' is $dream*( I love tal%ing a out 'our dreams and I hope that 'ou +ill al+a's remem er +hat An A+esome 2oo% told us a out dreams* Does an'one remem er1 So o's and girls, dream fantastic dreams, do not +orr' a out eing practical all the time, +onder a out the +orld around 'ou, and use 'our dreams to change +orld- )ever give up on 'our a+esome dreams:aterials and 9esources: An A+esome 2oo%- by Da""as 7"ayton .martboard 6"mo 5oster 8ar-ers Assessment Differentiation Strategies "including plans for individual learners#: 9igh* .tudents who !inish the wor-sheet ear"y wi"" use each word in conte2t in a sentence$ Low* .tudents may use a dictionary !or assistance or ha+e the number o! choices narrowed to two !or each +ocabu"ary word$ Data Anal'sis: ) had one student com "ete the assessment# and she scored a ro!icient score o! !our out !our$ 9eflection: ) had "anned to teach this "esson to my cub c"ub grou on a sma""er sca"e as a sma"" grou "esson3 howe+er# ) on"y had one student show u # and our time was cut short because she arri+ed at :140$ ,here!ore# ) was not ab"e to !u""y com "ete my teaching and had to as- her to com "ete the assessment with com "eting the ractice ortion$ )! ) had taught this "esson in it;s entirety# ) thin- ) wou"d be more "eased with the resu"ts because this is my !a+orite "esson that ) wrote this semester$

<ame1 ============= 8atch the word with the correct de!inition$ ractica"
a strong"y desired goa" or ur ose


a strong"y desired goa" or ur ose


something that is e2treme"y good


to be +ery curious about something or to want to e2 "ore something

7artoon e2am "e

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