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Srikanth Narmala, 4th year student, Dept. of Electronics & Communication, JNTU ydera!ad, ydera!ad, "ndia, Email#srikanth$ uman !ein(s or other o!-ects placed !et&een the transmitter and recei'er do not hinder the transmission of po&er. 1itricity7s couplin( resonance7 is safe for humans, that the ma(netic fields tend to interact 'ery &eakly &ith the !iolo(ical tissues of the !ody, and so ABSTRACT Currently, &ired electricity po&ers nearly e'erythin(. "t tra'els throu(h &ires in the form of )lternatin( Current, and po&ers most of our de'ices in the form of Direct Current. "n our present electricity (eneration system &e &aste more than half of its resources. Especially the transmission and distri!ution losses are the main concern of the present po&er technolo(y. "n *+,,, Nikola Tesla, &ho had de'ised a type of resonant transformer called the Tesla coil, achie'ed a ma-or !reakthrou(h in his &ork !y transmittin( *.. million 'olts of electric po&er &irelessly o'er a distance of /0 miles to li(ht up a !ank of /.. li(ht !ul!s and run one electric motor. " propose that the use of a ne& technolo(y, 1itricity. 1itricity is nothin( !ut &ireless electricity. Transmission of electrical ener(y from one o!-ect to another &ithout the use of &ires is called as 1itricity. 1itricity is !ased on stron(ly coupled ma(netic resonance. "t consists of a transmitter, a current carryin( copper coil, &hich acts as an electroma(netic resonator and a recei'er, another copper coil of similar dimensions to &hich the de'ice to !e po&ered is attached. The transmitter emits a non2radiati'e ma(netic field resonatin( at 3 4 fre5uencies, and the recei'in( unit resonates in that field. The resonant nature of the process ensures a stron( interaction !et&een the sendin( and recei'in( unit, &hile interaction &ith rest of the en'ironment is &eak. 1itricity &ill ensure that the cell phones, laptops, i6ods and other po&er hun(ry de'ices (et char(ed on their o&n, eliminatin( the need of plu((in( them in. E'en !etter, !ecause of 1itricity some of the de'ices &on7t re5uire !atteries to operate. INTRODUCTION "n our present electricity (eneration system &e &aste more than half of its resources. Especially the transmission and distri!ution losses are the main concern of the present po&er technolo(y. 3uch of this po&er is &asted durin( transmission from po&er plant (enerators to the consumer. The resistance of the &ire used in the electrical (rid distri!ution system causes a loss of /028.9 of the ener(y (enerated. This loss implies that our present system of electrical distri!ution is only :.2:49 efficient. 1e ha'e to think of alternate state 2 of 2 art technolo(y to transmit and distri!ute the electricity. No&2 a2 days (lo!al scenario has !een chan(ed a lot and there are tremendous de'elopment in e'ery field. "f &e don;t keep pace &ith the de'elopment of ne& po&er technolo(y &e ha'e to face a decreasin( trend in the de'elopment of po&er sector. The transmission of po&er &ithout &ires may !e one no!le alternati'e for electricity. In this remarka!le disco'ery of the <True 1ireless< and the principles upon &hich transmission and reception, e'en in the present day systems, are !ased, Dr. Nikola Tesla sho&s us that he is indeed the <=ather of the 1ireless.< The most &ell2kno&n and famous 1ardenclyffe To&er >Tesla To&er? &as desi(ned and of constructed electrical mainly po&er, for &ireless than transmission rather are not prone to cause any dama(e to any li'in( !ein(s.

tele(raphy. The most popular concept kno&n is Tesla Theory in &hich it &as firmly !elie'ed that 1ardenclyffe &ould permit &ireless transmission and reception across lar(e distances &ith ne(li(i!le losses.

"n spite of this he had made numerous e@periments of hi(h 5uality to 'alidate his claim of possi!ility of &ireless transmission of electricity. Aut this &as an unfortunate incidence that people of that century &as not in a position to reco(ni4e his splendid &ork other&ise today &e may transmit electricity &irelessly and &ill con'ert our mother earth a &onderful ado!e full of electricity. WORKING PRINCIPLE 1iTricity is !ased on stron( couplin( !et&een electroma(netic resonant o!-ects to transfer ener(y &irelessly !et&een them. This differs from other methods like simple induction, micro&a'es, or air ioni4ation. The system consists of transmitters and recei'ers that contain ma(netic loop antennas critically tuned to the same fre5uency. Due to operatin( in the electroma(netic near2field, the recei'in( de'ices must !e no more than a!out a 5uarter &a'elen(ths from the transmitter >&hich is a fe& meters at the fre5uency used !y the e@ample system?. "n their first paper, the (roup also simulated B 4 dielectric resonators. Unlike the far field &ireless po&er transmission systems !ased on tra'elin( electro2ma(netic &a'es, 1iTricity employs near field inducti'e couplin( throu(h ma(netic fields similar to those found in transformers e@cept that the primary coil and secondary &indin( are physically separated, and tuned to resonate to increase their ma(netic couplin(. These tuned ma(netic fields (enerated !y the primary coil can !e arran(ed to interact 'i(orously &ith matched secondary &indin(s in distant e5uipment !ut far more &eakly &ith any surroundin( o!-ects or materials such as radio si(nals or !iolo(ical tissue. "n particular, 1iTricity is !ased on usin( 7stron(ly2coupled7 resonances to achie'e hi(h po&er2 transmission efficiency. )risteidis Caralis, referrin( to the team7s e@perimental demonstration, says that <the usual non2resonant ma(netic induction &ould !e almost * million times less efficient in this particular system<. The researchers su((est that the e@posure

le'els &ill !e !elo& the threshold for =CC safety re(ulations, and the radiated2po&er le'els &ill also comply &ith the =CC radio interference re(ulations. "t is not kno&n e@actly &hy this more than *.. year2old technolo(y had not !een de'eloped. Desearchers attri!ute it to 'arious reasons ran(in( from the limitations of &ell2kno&n physical la&s, to simply a lack of need. Enly recently ha'e modern consumers o!tained hi(h num!er of porta!le electronic de'ices &hich currently re5uire !atteries and plu(2in char(ers. ADVANTAGES & LIMITATIONS ADVANTAGES The main ad'anta(es of this system is that &e can (et electricity any&here &ithout &ires. The nature of po&er deli'ery is Emni directional i.e. in e'ery direction. 3a(netic resonances are particularly suita!le for e'eryday application !ecause most of the common materials do not interact &ith ma(netic fields, so interactions &ith en'ironmental o!-ects are suppressed e'en further. Non2Dadiati'e Ener(y Transfer is Safe for 6eople and )nimals. Unaffected !y the day ni(ht cycle, &eather or seasons LIMITATIONS The resonance condition should !e satisfied and if any error e@ists, there is no possi!ility of po&er transfer. "f there is any possi!ility of 'ery stron( ferroma(netic material presence causes lo& po&er transfer due to radiation. APPLICATIONS Direct Wireless PowerF&hen all the po&er a de'ice needs is pro'ided &irelessly, and no !atteries are re5uired. This mode is for a de'ice that is al&ays used &ithin ran(e of its 1iTricity po&er source.

Auto !tic Wireless C"!r#i$#F &hen a de'ice &ith rechar(ea!le !atteries char(es itself &hile still in use or at rest, &ithout re5uirin( a po&er cord or !attery replacement. This mode is for a mo!ile de'ice that may !e used to char(e Co$su er Electro$ics )utomatic &ireless char(in( of mo!ile electronics Direct &ireless po&erin( of stationary de'ices Direct &ireless po&erin( of desktop 6C peripherals, eliminatin( disposa!le !atteries and a&k&ard ca!lin( I$%ustri!l Direct &ireless po&er and communication interconnections across rotatin( and mo'in( G-ointsH Direct &ireless po&er and communication interconnections at points of use in harsh en'ironments Tr!$s&ort!tio$ )utomatic &ireless char(in( for e@istin( electric 'ehicle classes# (olf carts, industrial Ot"er A&&lic!tio$s Direct &ireless po&er interconnections and automatic &ireless char(in( for implanta!le medical de'ices >'entricular assist de'ices, pacemaker, defi!rillator, etc.?. )utomatic &ireless char(in( and for hi(h tech military systems >!attery po&ered mo!ile de'ices, co'ert sensors, unmanned mo!ile ro!ots and aircraft, etc.?. Direct &ireless po&erin( and automatic &ireless char(in( of smart cards. 'UTURE SCOPE 1ireless induction, ener(y transmission holds &a'e (reat po&er potential for the future. 3a(netic induction, resonant and electroma(netic







re'olutioni4e the &ay &e li'e and use electricity. Ceep your eyes open for &ireless ener(y technolo(y in ne& products, and look for&ard to &hen e'erythin( &ill truly !e &ireless. CONCLUSION The transmission of po&er &ithout &ires is not a theory or a mere possi!ility, it is no& a reality. The electrical ener(y can !e economically transmitted &ithout &ires to any terrestrial distance. 3any researchers o!ser'ations, ha'e esta!lished and in numerous e@periments measurements,

5ualitati'e and 5uantitati'e. Dr.N.Tesla is the pioneer of this in'ention. 1ireless transmission of electricity ha'e tremendous merits like hi(h transmission inte(rity and Io& Ioss >,. J ,: 9 efficient? and can !e transmitted to any &here in the (lo!e and eliminate the need for an inefficient, costly, and capital intensi'e (rid of ca!les, to&ers, and su!stations. The system &ould reduce the cost of electrical ener(y used !y the consumer and (et rid of the landscape of &ires, ca!les, and transmission to&ers. "t has ne(li(i!le demerits like reacti'e po&er &hich &as found insi(nificant and !iolo(ically compati!le. "t has a tremendous economic impact to human society. RE'ERENCES K*L Nikola Tesla, MColorado Springs Notes 18991900;. K/L)risteidis Caralis, John D.Joannopoulos, and 3arin Sol-acic, MEfficient wireless non-radiative mid-range energy transfer;, /..+. K8L I. Ca2Iai, J.1. ay, and 6.B.1. Aeart, M Contactless power transfer;, US patent num!er :,.4/,*,0, issued in 3ay /..0. K4L N. Tesla, MApparatus for transmitting electrical energy;, U S patent num!er *,**,,:8/, issued in Decem!er *,*4. KNL I. Eli'er Duffy, MEart!"s #agnetic $ield% &esonance and Us(

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