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Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses Present Continuous / Simple

Past Present Perfect Continuous / Past Perfect Continuous

My English is really getting better. I (try)

to learn the language since 19 !, but only recently

ha"e I been able to ma#e some real progress. $y the time I started high school in 19 , I (study) the language %or almost three years& howe"er, I was only able to introduce mysel% and utter a %ew memori'ed sentences. (or a couple more years, I (struggle) through grammar and "ocabulary lessons, which made absolutely no di%%erence. )othing wor#ed, so I decided to study abroad. I %ound an exchange program in England that sounded li#e the per%ect answer. I (stay) with a host

%amily %or one month. It was a huge disappointment* I (sit) there the whole time staring at the host mother and %ather hoping that there would be some brea#through. )othing. +hen I returned, I mentioned to a %riend that I (ha"e) problems with the language %or years. ,e recommended that I spend a year in an English spea#ing country. I decided to go abroad again. I (research) -tates. +ell, it wor#ed. I (li"e) exchange programs %or a couple o% wee#s and %inally decided on a school in the United

and (study)

in the U.-. %or more than two years. I (stay)

here %or at least another year be%ore I return home. $y then, I should be completely %luent.

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