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Chickpea Salad With Ginger


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P blished# Septe"ber $% &''( )i"e# *' "in tes +ith precooked chickpeas Skip to next paragraph Related

The Minimalist: The Old Chickpea Learns a New Trick (September 3 !""#$
* tablespoon c "in seeds or gro nd c "in $ c ps cooked or canned chickpeas ,rinse canned ones& bell peppers% red% .ello+ or orange/ cored% seeded and diced * red onion% diced * *-inch piece ginger% peeled and "inced% or "ore to taste * tablespoon s gar% optional $ tablespoons 0resh le"on 1 ice% or to taste

Salt and pepper to taste 2hopped 0resh cilantro leaves3 *3 4n a dr. pan% toast c "in seeds over "edi "-lo+ heat ntil 0ragrant% abo t & "in tes3 5rind to a po+der sing a spice "ill% co00ee grinder or "ortar and pestle3 40 sing gro nd c "in% lightl. toast3 &3 4n a large bo+l% toss all ingredients b t cilantro3 ,Yo can prepare dish p to this point in advance/ let sit 0or p to & ho rs3$3 )aste and add "ore salt% pepper or le"on 1 ice i0 .o like% garnish +ith cilantro% and serve3 Yield# 6 servings3

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