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MERCHANT SHIP STABILITY (METRIC EDITION) A Companion to “Merchant Ship Construction” BY H. J. PURSEY EXTRA MASTER Formerly Lecturer to the School of Navigation University of Southampton GLASGOW BROWN, SON & FERGUSON, LTD., Nauticar Pupiisners 4-10 DaRNLEY STREET Copyright in all countries signatory to the Berne Convention Al rights reserved First Edition = - ‘1945 Sixth Edition - 1977 Revised = 1983 Reprinted 1992 ISBN 085174 442 7. (Revised Sixth Edition) ISBN 085174 274 2. (Sixth Edition) ‘©1992—BROWN, SON & FERGUSON, LTD., GLASGOW, Gal 2SD_ Printed and Made in Great Britain INTRODUCTION RING the past few years there have been considerable chan, D approach to ship stability, so far as it affects the merchant s The most obvious of these is the introduction of metric =nits, In addition, the Department of Trade have already increased their exzmination requirements: they have also produced recommendations for a standard method of presenting and using stability information, which will undoubtedly be reflected in the various examinations. This revised edition has been designed to meet the above-mentioned requirements. The basic information contained in the early chapters has been retained for the benefit of those who are not familiar with such matters. The remainder of the text has been re-arranged and expanded, as desrable, to lead into the new material which has been introduced; whilst a nev chapter on stability information has been added to illustrate the Deparment of ‘Trade recommendations. The theory of stability has been covered up to the standard recuired for a Master's Certificate and includes all that is needed by students for Ordinary National Diplomas and similar courses. This has been carefully “inked-up with practice, since the connection between the two is a common stumbling block. Particular attention has been paid to matters which are misunderstood, or not fully appreciated by seamen. Sourmarron, 1982. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1—SOME GENERAL INFORMATION The Metric System. Tacrease of pressure with depth Effect of water in sounding pipes ‘The Law of Archimedes... ‘ Floating bodies and the density of water Ship dimensions ; Decks . Ship tonnages Grain and bale measurement Displacement and deadweight Dale x Freeboard Loadlines CHAPTER 2—AREAS AND VOLUMES ‘Areas of plane figures. re Sea Surface areas and volumes .. ram i ‘Areas of waterplanes and other st sections Simpson's First Rule. oie eae Simpson's Second Rule Pee cba ema ‘The ‘Five-Eight Rule’ Sharp-ended waterplanes Unsuitable numbers of ordinates .. Yolumes of ship shapes Halfintervals Coefficients of fineness Wetted surface CHAPTER 3—FORCES AND MOMENTS Forces Moments. ‘Centre of gravity Efect of weights on centre of gravity Use of moments to find ceatre of gravity To find the centre of gravity of a waterplane To find the centre of buoyancy of a ship shape ‘i ‘The use of intermediate ordinates : 2 ae Appendages «- ewe Inertia and moment of inertia Equilibrium ‘ # CHAPTER 4—DENSITY, DEADWEIGHT AND DRAFT Effect of density on draft Se ras sees : Tonnes per centimetre immersion... .. ot eS Loading to a given loadline Rags x CONTENTS CHAPTER 17—ROLLING PAGE The formation of waves. a a = ee se 150 The Trochoidal Theory : ? 3 5 150 The period of waves : ov a ns 150 The period of a ship J 2 3 rs b : 151 Synchronism .. : : : a : s % 7 151 Unresisted rolling. 5 fe ws a ‘i By aes ee 152 Resistances to rolling g 3 re a mm oe 152 The effects of bilge kee!s x s oe ag 4 ap 2 oy 153 Cures for heavy rolling _ Pi os ie ae A ce we e ee 153 CHAPTER 18—SUMMARY Abbreviations é a ie i Se. ‘8 a 3s 2 154 Formulae ¥ : eS bs - # $ ¥ Be 156 Definitions .. bi ee ig ne ‘4 gi ie pigeek § “33 a 161 Problems oh 164 DEADWEIGHT SCALE, HYDROSTATIC PARTICULARS AND HYDROSTATIC CURVES ais 3 he Ys Insert at end of book MERCHANT SHIP STABILITY CHAPTER 1 THE METRIC SYSTEM Length.—The basic unit of length is the Metre. 1 metre (m) = 10 deci- metres (dm) = 100 centimetres (cm) = 1000 millimetres (mm). Weight.—The metric ton, or tonne, is the weight of 1 cubic metre of fresh water. 1 tonne = 1000 kilogrammes (kg) = 1,000,000 grammes (gr). The gramme is the weight of 1 cubic centimetre of fresh water. Volume.—Is measured in cubic metres (m 7 or cubic centimetres (cc, or cast), Area.—Is measured in square metres (m-*), or square centimetres (cm-*). Force.—When a force is exerted, it is usually measured, in stability, in tonnes or kilogrammes. To indicate that it is a force or weight, as distinct from mass, an ‘f’ is often added ; e.g. “tonnes f”’, or “‘kilogrammes f.” Moment.—For our purpose, this is usually expressed as tonne-metres (tonne f-m). Pressure.—May be given as tonnes per square metre (tonnes f/m*), or as kilogrammes per square centimetre (kg f/cm?). Density. it can be regarded as the weight of one cubic metre or of one cubic centimetre of a substance. We may express it as either: Grammes per cubic centimetre (grs/cm#). Kilogrammes per cubic metre (kg/m'). Tonnes per cubic metre (tonnes/m’). Relative Density.—Was formerly called ‘“‘specific gravity’. It is the ratio between the density of a substance and the density of fresh water. density of substance ie. Relative density = deiiathpaae swat For simplicity the “‘f”’ and the negative indices are omitted hereafter: e.g. moment is written as tonne-metres, whilst, say, cubic metres are given as m*. 2 MERCHANT SHIP STABILITY Water.—The following values are usually taken for purposes of stability — Fresh water Salt water Density (grs/cm? or tonnes/m) 1-000 1-025 Density (kg/m*) 1000 1025 Relative density .. 1-000 1-025 Weight per cubic metre 1-000 1.025 tonnes Weight per cubic metre 1000 1025 kilogrammes Volume per tonne (cubic metres) 1-000 ie Increase of Pressure with Depth.—The pressure on an object which is placed under water is equal to the column of water above it. Consider Fig. 1, which represents a columa of water having A<277] anatea of one square metre, Let A,B,C, D, F and F be points one metre apart vertically. The volume of water above B is one cubic metre; above C, two cubic metres; above D, three cubic metres: and so on. If 4 is the density of the water in tonnes per cubic metre, the weight above B will be 5 tonnes; above C will be 25 tonnes; above D will be 35 tonnes; and so on. We can see from this that if point A is at the sea surface, then the pressure per square metre at a depth of, say, AF metres, will be AF x 6 tonnes. From the above, it is obvious that the pressure at any depth, in tonnes per square metre, is equal to 6 times the depth in metres. Since water exerts pressure equally in all directions, this pressure will be the same horizontally, vertically, or obliquely. We can say, then, that if a horiz~ ontal surface of area A square metres is placed at a depth of D metres below the surface, then:— Pressure per square metre Total pressure on the area = The Effect of Water in Sounding Pipes, ete—When water rises .in sounding pipes or air pipes to above the top of a tank, pressure is set up on the tank-top. The actual weight of water in the pipe may be comparatively small, but its effect may be considerable. Water exerts pressure equally in all directions and so the pressure per square centimetre at the bottom of the pipe is transmitted over the whole of the tank-top. This pressure will not depend on the actual weight of water in the pipe, but on the head of water and will be approximately the same whatever the diameter of the pipe. For this reason, tanks should not be left “pressed up’’ for long periods, because this can exert considerable stress on the tank-top. x D tonnes x AD tonnes SOME GENERAL INFORMATION 3 Example—A rectangular double bottom tank is being filled with sea water. If the water is allowed to rise in the sounding pipe to a height of 7 metres above the tank top, find the pressure per square metre on the tank top. Pressure = dD = 1-025 x 7 = 7-175 t/m? The Law of Archimedes.—A body immersed in a liquid appears to suffer a loss in weight equal to the weight of liquid which it displaces. From this, we conclude that a floating body displaces its own weight of water. This can be shewn as follows:— A block of iron, one cubic metre in size and of density 8-000 tonnes/m* would weigh 8 tonnes in air. If placed in fresh water it would displace one cubic metre of water, which would weigh one tonne; so the weight of the block would thus appear to be 7 tonnes when it was under water. If we now take the block and make it into a hollow, sealed box, its weight in air will remain the same but its volume will increase. If placed in water, it would displace more of the water and its apparent weight will decrease accord- ingly. For instance, if the box were 3 cubic metres in volume it would displace 3 cubic metres of water (or 3 tonnes), so that its apparent weight in fresh water would now be 5 tonnes, If we increase the volume of the box still further, it will displace still more water and its apparent weight under water will decrease still more. Eventually, when the volume of the box 8 Tomes became greater than 8 cubic metres, an equivalent volume of water would weigh more than the box. So if thé box were now placed under water, it would be forced up- wards, until the upwerd force exactly equalled the weight of the box. In other words, the box would rise until it floated at such a draft that it would displace its own weight of water. Application to Ships.—A ship may be regarded as a closed iron box, so that two conclusions can be drawn from a study of the last section:— (a) So long as the weight of the ship does not exceed the weight of its owa volume of water, it will float. (b) The draft at which it ficats will be such that the weight of water displaced will be equal to the weight of the ship.

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