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Please write your answers on your own sheet of paper! 1. What did the industrialized nations exhibit at the 1900 Paris World Exposition? 2. What new invention transformed popular entertainment? 3. he !elle Epo"ue was a beautiful and prosperous time for whi#h #lass of European so#iet$?

%. &n the 'nited (tates) mass litera#$ allowed people to learn about the world b$ readin* +++++++. ,. -fter the .zar /0in*1 of 2ussia ordered his troops to fire on protestin* wor3ers in 190,) how did the #ountr$ respond? 4. 5apan6s modernized ++++++++ destro$ed the 2ussian fleet in 190%. 7. What did the earl$ -fri#an 8ational .on*ress demand? 9. !etween 1900:191%) how man$ immi*rants from Europe arrived in -meri#a? 9. What !ritish passen*er ship was said to be ;unsin3able?< 10.What did thousands of women in the '.(. and !ritain #ampai*n for? 11. he industrial era brou*ht in#reasin* #onfli#t between +++++++ and +++++++. 12.What were European #hildren tau*ht in the new *overnment run s#hools? 13.!$ 191%) how man$ European soldiers were trained and read$ to fi*ht? 1%.Whi#h war had started b$ the time the news rea#hed Paris on -u*ust 2) 191%?

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