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THE FAMILY - LA FAMILIA Abuelo Nieto los padres Los tos El esposo El tio Padre "ijo #erno $obrino

"ermano (u)ado Primo (oncu)o Padrino Ahijado 'isabuelo Tia Abuela $uegro #erno Grandfather Grandson Parents The aunt and uncle The husband The uncle ather The son $on%in%law Nephew 'rother 'rother%in%law (ousin%brother $ister in%law*s husband Godfather Godson Great Grandfather Great aunt ather%in%law $on%in%law la abuela la nieta Los parientes La esposa / mujer La tia !adre la hija Nuera $obrina "ermana (u)ada Prima (oncu)a Padrina Ahijada 'isabuela Tio Abuelo $uegra Nuera The grandmother The granddaughter The relatives The wife The aunt mother daughter &aughter%in%law Niece sister $ister%in%law (ousin%sister 'rother in%law*s wife Godmother Goddaughter Great Grandmother Great +ncle !other%in%law &augher%in%law

THE CLOTHES - LAS ROPAS $hirt Pant $hoes $oc,s Tie "and,echief 'elt (ufflin,s 1ac,et $uit $lippers T%$hirt 1erse4 1eans (amisa Pantalones -apatos (alcetn (orbata Pa)uelo (intur/n Gemelos (ha2ueta Traje -apatillas (amiseta 1erse4 1eans / Pantalones 0a2ueros $,irt 'louse $toc,ings $craf $andals (lothes &resses "at (ap Gloves (oat $i3e To Tr4 'utton alda 'lusa !edias 'ufanda $andalias .opas 0estidos $ombrero Gorra Guantes Abrigo Tama)o Probar 'ot/n

"ead "air ace E4e Nose !outh Lip Tongue Tooth Ear Nec, $houlder Toe


(abe3a Pelo (ara 6jo Nari3 'oca Labio Lengua &iente 6reja (uello "ombro &edo del pie Arm Elbow 5rist "and inger Thumb (hest 'ac, "ip Leg 7nee An,le oot 'ra3o (odo !u)eca !ano &edo Pulgar Pecho Espalda (adera Pierna .odilla Tobillo Pie


Answering machine 'usiness card (hair (omputer &es, Eraser a9 :nternet connection 7e4board !ouse Pen Pencil Pencil sharpener Printer .uler $canner $tapler $tationer4 Telephone (ontestador autom8tico Tarjeta de negocios $illa (omputadora Escritorio 'orrador a9 (one9i/n de :nternet Teclado .at/n Pluma L8pi3 $acapuntas :mpresora .egla Esc8ner Grapadora Papelera Tel;fono 'ac,pac, Pencil bo9 Pencil Pencil cra4on (ra4on !ar,er / felt Piece of paper Glue (arpet $cissors 'oo, Noteboo, 5hiteboard Table (hair &es, Light (loc, Paper Punch !ochila Estuche de l8pices L8pi3 L8pi3 a color (ra4/n / cra4ola !arcador / plum/n "oja de papel Pegamento Alfombra Tijeras Libro (uaderno Pi3arr/n / tablero !esa $illa Escritorio Lu3 .eloj Perforadora

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