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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date Nara Lee 11/11/2013 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Number Riddle Grade 2

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

Encourage tudent to u e di!!erent combination o! number and operation
cogniti"e# R $ %p %n E &' ph( ical de"elopment ocio#emotional

Learners will be able to#

)rite and ol"e clue de cribing number *a+e en e o! problem and per e"ere in ol"ing them Loo+ !or pattern ,hen adding and ubtracting u ing benchmar+ number %ppl( di!!erent combination o! number and operation to repre ent the ame -uantit(

R $ %n %p

$LCEs or Common Core standards addressed#

%CC.&.OA.' $ e addition and ubtraction ,ithin 100 to ol"e one# and t,o# tep ,ord problem in"ol"ing ituation o! adding to. ta+ing !rom. putting together. ta+ing apart. and comparing. ,ith un+no,n in all po ition . e/g/. b( u ing dra,ing and e-uation ,ith a (mbol !or the un+no,n number to repre ent the problem/ %CC.&.OA.& 0luentl( add and ubtract ,ithin 20 u ing mental trategie / 1( end o! Grade 2. +no, !rom memor( all um o! t,o one#digit number / %CC.&.()*.+ 0luentl( add and ubtract ,ithin 100 u ing trategie ba ed on place "alue. propertie o! operation . and/or the relation hip bet,een addition and ubtraction/
2Note# )rite a man( a needed/ 3ndicate ta4onom( le"el and connection to applicable national or tate tandard / 3! an objecti"e applie to particular learner ,rite the name2 5 o! the learner2 5 to ,hom it applie /5 'remember. under tand. appl(. anal(6e. e"aluate. create

II. )efore ,ou start Identif, !rere-uisite .nowledge and s.ills.

Student Student

hould under tand that there are di!!erent ,a( to approach ame de tination/ hould +no, place "alue 2ten7 digit and one7 digit5/

Pre-assessment (for learning):

&hec+ tudent 7 under tanding o! riddle b( a +ing !or the de!inition and gi"ing ome to gue
Formative (for learning):

Outline assessment activities 2applicable to thi le on5

8a"e tudent participate in the cla

Formative (as learning):


&hec+ !or tudent 7 under tanding a the( !ill out the ,or+ heet Summative (of learning59 &hec+ tudent 7 ,or+ heet 8a"e tudent hare ho, the( u ed mathematical operation to gue
Provide %ulti!le %eans of 3e!resentation :ro"ide option !or perception# making information perceptible The in truction ,ill be repeated e"eral time . and the acti"itie ,ill be demon trated :ro"ide option !or language. mathematical e4pre ion . and (mbol # clarify & connect language The tudent ,ill u e de cripti"e ,ord uch a more/le . e"en/odd. and add/ ubtract !or their number riddle Provide %ulti!le %eans of Action and E2!ression :ro"ide option !or ph( ical action# increase options for interaction The tudent ,ill gather in a circle and pla( riddle game

the riddle
Provide %ulti!le %eans of Engagement :ro"ide option !or recruiting intere t# choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats The tudent ma( either choo e to complete the ,hole ,or+ heet or onl( ome o! the -ue tion :ro"ide option !or u taining e!!ort and per i tence# optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back The tudent ,ill ,or+ in pair and hare their ,or+ ,ith the partner

/ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" / at will it ta.e 0 neurodevelo!mentall,1 e2!erientiall,1 emotionall,1 etc.1 for ,our students to do t is lesson"

:ro"ide option !or e4pre ion and communication# increase me ium of e!pression The tudent ma( hare their thought and !eeling about the le on at the end o! the cla


:ro"ide option !or comprehen ion# activate, apply & highlight The tudent ,ill appl( their +no,ledge o! number riddle and create their o,n number riddle

:ro"ide option !or e4ecuti"e !unction # coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies The tudent ma( u e di!!erent method to ol"e the riddle 9 number chart. number line. or their !inger . etc/

:ro"ide option !or el!#regulation# e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection The tudent re!lect on their ,or+ b( haring them ,ith their partner and cla

%aterials4w at materials 5boo.s1 andouts1 etc6 do ,ou need for t is lesson and are t e, read, to use"

:encil and era er :o t#it 2 tic+(5 note 0#;; number chart handout &omputer. projector = creen Number riddle ,or+ heet 2!or Da(#1. 2 = 35

How will ,our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. * e Plan *ime Com!onents

Da(#19 Student tand in a circle in the middle o! the cla room Da(#2=39 Student in pair

7escribe teacher activities

A(7 lesson.

student activities for eac com!onent of t e

%otivation 2opening/ introduction/ engagement5

% + tudent ,hat riddle are/ Gi"e them 2#3 riddle to gue / 2>ptional5 :ic+ tudent to hare their riddle / 3ntroduce them to a number riddle/ )hat doe it loo+ li+e?

# # #

# # #

Gi"e imple de!inition o! riddle or e4plain/de cribe ,hat riddle loo+ li+e/ Gue the riddle 2>ptional5 Share the riddle the( +no,/

&+489 mins

7evelo!ment 2the large t component or main bod( o! the le on5

%&T3@3TA B1 2Da(#15 # :ro"ide a cop( o! the ;; chart and a tic+( note !or each tudent/ # % + tudent to thin+ o! a t,o#digit number le than 20 2E4ample C 1D5 and a + them to circle the number !rom the ;; number chart/ Then. a + them again to ,rite the number on their tic+( note and place it on their palm/ # Thin+ o! a t,o#digit number le than 20/ Do not tell the cla ,hat it i / 3n tead. ,rite it on a :o t#it note that cannot be een b( the tudent / # 8a"e tudent tand in a circle in the middle o! the cla room/ # 1egin a(ing clue about (our number. one at a time/ E*( number i an e"en number/F # @eri!( tudent re pon e and a + -ue tion i! needed/ The tudent ,ith e"en number hould remain tanding/ &ontinue ,ith the ne4t clue9 E*( number i a 2 digit number/F # @eri!( their number and other ,ill it do,n/ Gi"e an additional clue9 E*( number i ten more than D/F # 3! needed. &ontinue ,ith another clue9

# #

Grab a ;; number chart ,ith a tic+( note/ Thin+ o! a t,o#digit number le than 20 2E4ample C 1D5 and circle the number in their ;; number chart/ )rite the number on the po t it note and place their tic+( note on their palm

&ome tand in a circle/

Student ,ho ha"e an e"en number on their tic+( note ,ill rai e their hand / %n(one ,ithout their hand rai ed it do,n in the circle/ Student ,ho ha"e a t,o digit number hould remain tanding and rai e their hand/

Student ,ho ha"e D in the one place ,ill


# #

E*( number ha an D in the one place/F @eri!( that a tudent ha cho en 1D a their number/ &ontinue ,ith "ariou e4ample to de"elop tudent7 !luenc( ,ith thi game/ % tudent become more com!ortable ,ith the game. pro"ide more challenging clue / Loo+ at the eparate heet !or ome e4ample o! number riddle /

remain tanding/

&+489 mins

%&T3@3TA B2 2Da(#25 # % + tudent ,or+ ,ith a partner to complete the ENumber Riddle F ta + heet/ D>N7T D> BG *$ST D> B1. 2. 3. H. and D # Gather tudent together and hare an ,er !rom heet/ Then allo, partner to hare the riddle the( created a part o! the ta + heet/ %&T3@3TA B3 2Da(#35 # % + tudent ,or+ ,ith a partner to complete E*a+e Aour >,n Number Riddle F ta + heet/ D>N7T D> BI *$ST D> B1. 2. and 3 # Team up each et o! partner ,ith another et o! partner and ha"e them ta+e turn ol"ing each other7 riddle/ &la Closure 2conclu ion. culmination. ,rap#up5 Di cu ion / % + Jue tion 8o, did (ou decide ,hat clue to ,rite in (our riddle? )here did (ou include +ip counting in (our clue ? Did (ou include a clue about (our number being e"en or odd? 8o, do (ou +no, i! a number i e"en or odd?

&omplete the ENumber Riddle F ta + heet ,ith the partner/ &hec+ their an ,er and hare the riddle the( created/

&+489 mins

&omplete E*a+e Aour >,n Number Riddle F ta + heet/ &reate their o,n number riddle and ha"e the partner ol"e it/ Ta+e turn and ol"e the partner7 number riddle /

# # # #


hare their idea and a + -ue tion

:4'9 mins

;our reflection about t e lesson including evidence5s6 of student learning and engagement as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne2t time. 2)rite thi a!ter teaching the le on. i! (ou had a chance to teach it/ 3! (ou did not teach thi le on. !ocu on the proce o! preparing the le on/5


3 cho e thi acti"it( a an introduction to number relation / Through thi acti"it(. 3 hope that the tudent ,ill be able to under tand the ba ic concept in ,hich a number become maller a!ter ubtraction and bigger a!ter addition/ 3 recentl( !ound out that the( are not !amiliar ,ith e"en and odd. o 3 might add a hort demon tration or di cu ion e4plaining e"en and odd/ )hen 3 ,a preparing thi le on. 3 thought that it ,ould be help!ul i! 3 pro"ide m( tudent ,ith a "i ual aid/ That i ,h( 37m u ing a number chart/ Some o! the -ue tion that 3 ,ill be a +ing during cla di cu ion are tightl( related to ho, 3 ,ill be a e ing them/ 0or the number riddle acti"it(. 3 cho e to u e tic+( note in tead o! plain paper becau e !rom ,hat 3 read and heard. tic+( note can get tudent 7 attention better than ,hite paper / 3 thin+ ,e ,ill pla( the acti"it( t,o or three time ,hile 3 gi"e them number riddle / Then. 3 ,ill pic+ one or t,o tudent u ing name pop icle and let them gi"e their number riddle to the cla / 3 decided to do number le than 20 !or the !ir t t,o e4ample . and ,e ,ill increa e the limit a!ter each round/ The tudent ,ill be paired up a!ter tho e 3#G ,arm#up and ,ill be a +ed to pla( the game ,ith their partner/ 3 ,ill put up m( number riddle e4ample heet on the creen. and the tudent ,ill u e it a a guide/ The( ,ill al o gi"e point each other according to the guide/ %gain. the important concept that 3 ,ant m( tudent to gra p through thi le on are Ele F or Emore/greaterF and Ee"enF or Eodd/F &hallenging concept !or tho e ,ho are in ad"ance ,ould be E ubtractF and Eadd/F %!ter the acti"it(. ,e ,ill ha"e a cla di cu ion a +ing the tudent ho, the( did on the acti"it( and ,hich o! the number e4ample ,ere ea ( to u e and ,hich ,ere not/ The( ,ill ha"e a time to hare their e4perience. and i! time allo, . 3 ,ill a + them to ,rite a hort re!lection about the acti"it( in a tic+( note/ *o t o! the a e ment ,ill be done through cla ob er"ation/ The heet ,here the tudent ga"e each other point and their re!lection ,ill be counted a a !ormal a e ment/


Conte2t O!tions 0 * e Class as a / ole <ariables Individual differences= "akes#$ipton 21H<#1HD5 $evine 22;;#302. 321#32H5 Cognitive and (eurodevelo!mental differences %ri ging&21I1#1II5 "akes#$ipton 21H0 # 1H25 $evine 22<IK = Table o!
Neurode"elopmental &on truct 5

Class 7escri!tion based on observations and data

The tudent ha"e imilar cultural or ocial bac+ground/ *o t o! the tudent li"e nearb( the chool and are !rom ,or+ing !amilie . thu hare imilar culture and ocial tatu / %lthough their reading and ,riting abilit( range greatl(. their pea+ing and li tening abilit( are imilar/ There i one tudent ,ho ha been diagno ed a ob e i"e#compul i"e di order 2>&D5/ Thi tudent u uall( ha hard time !ocu ing on ta + / >&D eem to inter!ere ,ith the tudent7 thought proce e / Thi particular tudent ea il( get bored ,ith the ta + and ha"e di!!icult( pa(ing attention to ta + / The cla in general ha"e di!!icultie ,ith higher order thin+ing/ There i one tudent ,ho ha d( le4ia/ The tudent truggle to recogni6e EbF and Ed.F EgF and Ej.F and EpF and E-/F The tudent o!ten re"er e the order o! t,o letter and ee the letter in mirrored image / Student o!ten do be t ,hen the( are pro"ided ,ith hand #on material or "i ual manipulati"e / The( !a"or acti"itie that re-uire more "erbal e4pre ion rather than ,riting/ The le on plan all include either hand #on material li+e bloc+ and dice or "i ual manipulati"e . uch a number chart. number line. and other e#manipulti"e to timulate their "i ual and tactile en e / There i no tudent ,ith ph( ical di abilit(/ 8o,e"er. the one tudent ,ho ha >&D need !re-uent reminder and in truction/ Thi tudent it right in !ront o! teacher7 de + in order !or teacher to help the tudent to +eep the !ocu / There i one tudent ,ith high learning di abilit(/ 8o,e"er. the rea on !or high learning di abilit( i not on the tudentL the tudent did not get enough M#1 education/ The tudent can pea+ and under tand Engli h "er( ,ell. but truggle ,ith reading and ,riting/ There i one ad"anced tudent in term o! the tudent7 reading and ,riting abilit(/ There i a tudent ,ho i on#le"el but gi!ted in ,riting. particularl(. and another tudent ,ho i on#le"el a ,ell but gi!ted in reading. peci!icall(/ There are t,o on#le"el tudent ,ho e4cel in both reading and math but not o much in ,riting/ The tudent are !rom ,or+ing !amilie ,ho e parent2 5 ha"e a medium income o! N<G.D<3/ %ll t,ent(#!i"e tudent get !ree#lunch and brea+!a t/

Learning st,le differences $evine 22H#G05

>tudents wit disabilities I7EA %ri ging&21GI#1I25 "akes#$ipton 22;G#I =303!!5

$ifted >tudents %ri ging&21I2#1II5 "akes#$ipton 22;G. 302#32H5 >ocial Class differences %ri ging&21DG#2105 "akes#$ipton 2;#2G5 $evine 222G#2<<5 Et nic ? 3acial differences %ri ging&2103#1215
"akes#$ipton 2GG#IG. ;<#10<5

There i not much ethnic and racial di!!erence / There are t,ent( 8i panic tudent . three %!rican %merican . and t,o &auca ian / E"en tho e tudent ,ho are not 8i panic or Latino are !amiliar ,ith 8i panic culture becau e the( li"e ,here it i highl( populated b( 8i panic people and are e4po ed to 8i panic culture/ There are 12 male tudent and 13 !emale tudent in the cla / %lthough their eat arrangement are etup a mi4ed#gender. the( pre!er to ,or+ ,ith omeone in the ame gender ,hen ,or+ing in pair / During pecial . the tudent u uall( it b( the ame gender/ E peciall( ,hen the( are a +ed to it in circle. hal! o! the circle ,ould be bo( and the other hal! ,ould be girl / During the morning rece . the tudent !orm clu ter b( gender. eparating them el"e !rom oppo ite gender/ E4cept <#G tudent ,ho e !ir t language i Engli h. mo t o! the tudent 7 !ir t language i Spani h/ 8o,e"er. the tudent re traint them el"e !rom pea+ing in Spani h in the cla room becau e the teacher cannot pea+ Spani h/ The language di!!erence ,a not an i ue in thi cla room/

$ender differences %ri ging&2212#22<5 "akes#$ipton 22HH#2HD5

Language differences %ri ging&212G#1G35 "akes#$ipton (1;H#2025


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