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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date Nara Lee 11/21/2013 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Story Problems Grade 2

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

Teaches addition and subtraction usin real li!e situations and uides students to produce a number sentence based on story

Learners will be able to#

%nderstand addition and subtraction used in stories Sol"e problems usin pictures* +ords* and numbers (ompare t+o ,or more- di!!erent +ays o! sol"in story problems (reate a number sentence based on the story problems

co niti"e# $ % &p &n ' ()

physical de"elopment


% &p ' (

$LCEs or Common Core standards addressed#

%CC.&.OA.' %se addition and subtraction +ithin 100 to sol"e one# and t+o#step +ord problems in"ol"in situations o! addin to* !rom* puttin to ether* apart* and comparin * +ith in all positions* e/ /* by usin dra+in s and e0uations +ith a symbol !or the number to represent the problem/ %CC.&.OA.& 1luently add and subtract +ithin 20 usin mental strate ies/ 2y end o! Grade 2* .no+ !rom memory all sums o! t+o one#di it numbers/ %CC.&.()*.+ 1luently add and subtract +ithin 100 usin strate ies based on place "alue* properties o! operations* and/or the relationship bet+een addition and subtraction/ %CC.&.%,.- Sol"e +ord problems in"ol"in dollar bills* 0uarters* dimes* nic.els* and pennies* usin 3 and 4 symbols appropriately/ Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
,Note# 5rite as many as needed/ 6ndicate ta7onomy le"els and connections to applicable national or state standards/ 6! an objecti"e applies to particular learners +rite the name,s- o! the learner,s- to +hom it applies/)remember* understand* apply* analy8e* e"aluate* create

II. )efore .ou start Identif. !rere/uisite 0nowledge and s0ills.

Students should be able discuss ho+ to sol"e the +ord problems/ Students should be able to thin. about +hat is happenin in a story and picture the story in their minds includin the objects and actions in the story/
Pre-assessment (for learnin !:

Students e7press and represent their understandin o! story problem by dra+in

"ormative (for learnin !:

Outline assessment activities ,applicable to this lesson-

Listen to students9 ideas on openin acti"ity

"ormative (as learnin !:

(hec. !or students9 understandin as they !ill out the +or.sheet #ummative (of learnin -: (hec. students9 +or.sheets Listen to students9 re!lections and 0uestions about the acti"ity
Provide %ulti!le %eans of 5e!resentation Pro"ide options !or perception# ma$in information percepti%le Students are pro"ided +ith "arious manipulati"e Provide %ulti!le %eans of Action and E4!ression Pro"ide options !or physical action# increase options for interaction Students are called out to demonstrate some o! the openin 0uestions Pro"ide options !or e7pression and communication# increase medium of expression Students put their !in er,s- on their chin to sho+ ho+ many ans+ers they ha"e Provide %ulti!le %eans of Engagement Pro"ide options !or recruitin interest# choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimi&e threats Students may choose a manipulati"e they +ant Pro"ide options !or sustainin e!!ort and persistence# optimi&e challen e, colla%oration, masteryoriented feed%ac$ Students +or. in pairs and share their +or.s +ith the partner

1 at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" 1 at will it ta0e 2 neurodevelo!mentall.3 e4!erientiall.3 emotionall.3 etc.3 for .our students to do t is lesson"

Pro"ide options !or lan ua e* mathematical e7pressions* and symbols# clarify ' connect lan ua e Students use +ord based story to e7press a number sentence


Pro"ide options !or comprehension# activate, apply ' hi hli ht Students may apply the s.ills !rom the introduction

Pro"ide options !or e7ecuti"e !unctions# coordinate short ' lon term oals, monitor pro ress, and modify strate ies Students may choose a manipulati"e they +ant

Pro"ide options !or sel!#re ulation# expectations, personal s$ills and strate ies, self-assessment ' reflection Students re!lect on their +or.s by sharin them +ith their partner and class

%aterials6w at materials 7boo0s3 andouts3 etc8 do .ou need for t is lesson and are t e. read. to use"

Pencil and eraser 2lan. sheets o! paper ;; or 100 number chart sheets ;; or 100 number line sheets '7amples o! story problem sheet Story problems +or.sheet 6ndi"idual seat arran ement

How will .our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. * e Plan *ime Com!onents #

,escribe teacher activities

A(, lesson. #

student activities for eac com!onent of t e Tal. about +hat they ha"e learned past +ee. and +hat they do remember about addition and subtraction Grab a sheet o! paper/ 1old the paper into hal!/ 1ollo+ the directions on +here to +rite their name and numbers/ Dra+ a picture o! the story problem/ Share their dra+in s +ith the partners/ 1ind similarities and/or di!!erences bet+een their dra+in s Share their ideas/

# # # %otivation ,openin / introduction/ en a ement# #

'96'+ mins

Last time* +e played number riddles and learned about properties o! particular number and practiced addition and subtraction/ Today* +e are oin to learn about ho+ to ma.e a number sentence by listenin and at di!!erent number stories =and out a sheet o! paper to each student/ &s. them to !old it into hal!/ ,& short demonstration o! ho+ +e9re oin to use it: Name and number 1#3/$ead students a short story problem ,>1 !rom e7amples o! story problems sheet- and as. them to dra+ the story on their sheet o! paper/ =a"e them share their dra+in s +ith their partners/ 5hat is similar? 5hat is di!!erent? 1or each sentence o! the story problem* as. students +hat they thin. about the sentence/ 5hat does the number represent in this particular sentence? =a"e students demonstrate the story: 1/ $ead the !irst sentence o! >1 story problem/ (all @ students/ 2/ $ead the second sentence and as. students +hat should be done +ith the number o! students/ (all < more students/ 3/ $ead the third sentence/ A5hat do +e .no+ about the story?B A5hat is it that +e +ant to .no+?B (ount the number o! students/

# # # # #

# #

@ students come out to the board < students come out to the board


# # # # ,evelo!ment ,the lar est component or main body o! the lesson#

Pro"ide students +ith either/both number chart sheet or/and number line sheet i! needed (ontinue and elaborate the acti"ity !rom the introduction/ Do >2C3 !rom the e7amples o! story problem sheet/ Gi"e students an ample time to +or. on those problems/ 5al. around and chec. !or their understandin / Present AStory ProblemsB tas. sheet and allo+ students to complete indi"idually/ Students can sol"e the problems any +ay they choose usin any manipulati"e and tools they need/ $emind students to record their solutions +ith pictures* +ords* and numbers/ D%ST DE >1#3F ><#G are EPT6EN&L =a"e students share their solutions and strate ies +ith partners/ 'ncoura e partners to loo. !or similarities and di!!erences in their solutions and discuss them/ (all !or an attention and o o"er each 0uestion !rom the +or.sheet/

Grab any manipulati"e they need/

$ead and listen to the story problems and sol"e them usin the manipulati"e they ha"e/

&96&+ mins

Grab a AStory ProblemsB +or.sheet and complete it/ $ecord the solutions +ith pictures* +ords* and numbers/ Share their solutions and strate ies +ith their partners/ Loo. !or similarities and di!!erences in their solutions and discuss them/ (hec. their ans+ers and as. 0uestions/

# #

-6'9 mins

Closure ,conclusion* culmination* +rap#up-

(lass Discussion / &s. Huestions # 5hat strate ies did you use to sol"e the problems? # Did you try to sol"e the problem more than one +ay? # =o+ did you determine +hich +ay* ,e0uation* picture* +ords- to represent the number? # Did you use s.ip countin to help you sol"e any o! the problems? 6! so +hich ones and ho+?

Students share their strate ies they used to sol"e the problems and as. 0uestions/

:our reflection about t e lesson including evidence7s8 of student learning and engagement as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne4t time. ,5rite this a!ter teachin the lesson* i! you had a chance to teach it/ 6! you did not teach this lesson* !ocus on the process o! preparin the lesson/The purpose o! this lesson is !or students to become !amiliar +ith mathematical symbols A#A* AIB* and AJB to understand number sentences/ 6t is critical !or students to be able to use those symbols !or the comin lessons +hich re0uire their bac. round .no+led e o! understandin number properties and symbols that represent those properties/ 5hen 6 +as plannin this lesson* 6 thou ht that buildin a connection to past lesson +ould be help!ul* so 6 +ould start the lesson +ith a short re"ie+/ 6 decided to let them dra+ a picture accordin to the number sentence problem 6 tell them/ The students tend to !ocus better +hen they are in motion/ Dra+in a picture +ill allo+ them to mo"e their hands and !in ers and e7press their ideas about the problem/ Ene thin that 6 +ill ha"e to be care!ul is that the students mi ht !ocus too much on details li.e colorin * so 6 +ould probably allo+ them to use only pencil or just one or t+o color pencils/ Ence they are done +ith dra+in the number problem they heard* 6 +ill as. them to come up +ith an appropriate number sentence that e7presses the number problem they dre+/ 1or the !irst 0uestion* 6 mi ht +rite the numbers 6 used in the number problem on the board/ ,Since A1@ birds +ere sittin in a tree/ < more birds !le+ up to the tree/ =o+ many birds +ere there alto ether in the tree?B is the !irst 0uestion* 69ll +rite on the board* A@ KKKK < J KKKK/B The students +ill put the ri ht symbol and ans+er in the blan./- Then* 6 thou ht it +ill be help!ul i! 6 could demonstrate the problem* so 6 +ould call out students accordin to the numbers in the problem and to ether +e +ill !i ure out the ans+er/ The !irst three number problems that 6 +ill be tellin them are actually the same but the is di!!erent/ 6 hope that the students +ill notice the number properties o! addition and subtraction/ 6 also hope that the students ha"e !un playin +ith connections bet+een the number problem and number sentence and reali8e ho+ they re!lect each other/ 5hen 6 desi ned the +or.sheet* 6 had some o! the ad"anced students in mind and made ><#G 0uestions !or them/ 6 +ill pro"ide the students +ith a number chart and number line to help them "isuali8e the numbers/ To end the lesson* 6 +ill be !ocusin on the third 0uestion o! class discussion 0uestions/ ;#<#12


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