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Pre test: English

Read the text below and complete the following task

Are you aware of the fact that there is a potential killer lurking in your home? It is none other
than the feared Aedes.
Killing the Aedes larvae is not a difficult task. All you have to do is to search for and clear every
possible breeding grund of the Aedes larvae, whether in your home or its surroundings. Clogged drains
are another possible breeding ground. They should be cleaned a often as possible.
As the Aedes breeds in places which contains clear and stagnant water, you should dispose your
rubbish properly, especially hat which collects water. This would help make your home a safer place to
be in.
Also, you have to check all the flower pot plates. Make sure that they are scrubbed and wash
regularly. This helps in dislodging the Aedes eggs. It is also important that you change the water in your
flower vases at least once every two days.
Last but not least, go and buy larvicide from any hardware shop. Put it into all water containers
which are uncovered. This prevents the Aedes larvae fromm breeding. If you do not want to use any
larvicide, then make sure the water containers are always covered.
Remember, Aedes spreads dengue and dengue can kill! So, kill Aedes before it kills you!
Write a summary on how to prevent Aedes from breeding.
Your summary must:
Not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below
Be in continuous writing (no note form)
Be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning. Begin your summary as
Aedes larvae are dangerous and to destroy them we should...
10 marks

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