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Section I: Cover page Teacher name: Mindi Davis

Unit Title: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Unit Objectives: Use the information they learn in this unit about stereotyping and peer pressure. Learn about loyalty and rivalry with self friends and family. E!pand awareness that all people have "ommon life e!perien"es both positive and #egative to promote empathy Content Standards Addressed yo can !ind the content standards on the Cali!ornia Department o! "d cation #ebsite $http:%%&&&'cde'ca'gov%be%st%ss%inde('asp) $th %rade &ommon &ore Standards 'eading Literature 'L.$.( &ite several pie"es of te!tual eviden"e to support analysis of what the te!t says e!pli"itly as well as inferen"es drawn from the te!t. 'L.$.) *naly+e how parti"ular elements of a story or drama intera"t ,e.g. how setting shapes the "hara"ter or plot'L.$.. *naly+e how an author develops and "ontrasts the points of view of different "hara"ters or narrators in te!t 'L.$.$ &ompare and "ontrast a written story drama or poem to its audio filmed staged or multimedia version analy+ing the effe"ts of te"hni/ues uni/ue to ea"h medium 'eading 0nformational Te!t '0.$.1 2etermine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a te!t in"luding figurative "onnotative and te"hni"al meanings3 analy+e the impa"t of a spe"ifi" word "hoi"e on meaning and tone 4riting 4.$.( 4rite arguments to support "laims with "lear reasons and relevant eviden"e a. 0ntrodu"e "laim,s- a"5nowledge and address alternate or opposing "laims and organi+e the reasons and eviden"e logi"ally. d. Establish and maintain a formal style. Spea5ing and Listening SL$.( Engage effe"tively in range of "ollaborative dis"ussions ,one6to6one in groups and tea"her6led- with diverse partners on grade $ topi"s te!ts and issues building on others7 ideas and e!pressing own "learly. Language

L.$.) Use 5nowledge of language and its "onventions when writing spea5ing reading or listening. Technology Standards Addressed yo can !ind the technology standards on the International Society !or Technology in "d cation $IST") #ebsite $http:%%&&&'iste'org) (. &reativity and 0nnovation b. &reate original wor5s as a means of personal or group e!pression d. 0dentify trends and fore"ast possibilities 8. &ommuni"ation and &ollaboration a. 0ntera"t "ollaborate and publish with peers e!perts or others employing in a 9ariety of digital environments and media ). 'esear"h and 0nformation :luen"y ". Evaluate and sele"t information sour"es and digital tools based on the *ppropriateness to spe"ifi" tas5s 1. &riti"al Thin5ing ;roblem Solving and 2e"ision <a5ing b. ;lan and manage a"tivities to develop a solution or "omplete a pro=e"t >. 2igital &iti+enship a. E!hibit a positive attitude toward using te"hnology that supports "ollaboration Learning and produ"tivity .. Te"hnology Operations and &on"epts a. Understand and use te"hnology systems b. Sele"t and use appli"ations effe"tively and produ"tively

#hy this s bject* This parti"ular boo5 is important to tea"h be"ause many students are able to identify different so"ial groups. 0n addition students understand how peer pressure plays a part in the friends they have and the peers they do not intera"t with. This story also helps students re"ogni+e the issues surrounding stereotyping. :or many students there is a personal "onne"tion between either re"ogni+ing they have been a part of stereotyping either in a positive or negative way.

Unit S mmary: :or this unit the students will e!plore the story and loo5 in depth at different issues throughout the story. &ognitively they will review vo"abulary from the story to understand the type of language used. The unit will also "over students using 9enn 2iagrams to differentiate the two different so"ial groups mentioned the story. There will also e!ploration of the different "hara"ters and "hara"ter traits. Students will be as5ed to re"reate a poem in"luded in one of the "hapters. The unit "onsists of individual as well as group a"tivities. Embedded throughout the unit are various uses of te"hnology in"luding using <i"rosoft word %oogle sear"hes note6 ta5ing apps t6"harts and video "reations. Students will "reate "ollages share information with "lassmates as well as in front of the "lass write in =ournals "reate blogs and ma5e lists organi+ing information from the te!t. The unit will entail students gaining 5nowledge and wor5ing on $th grade "ommon "ore standards.

Section II: Meetings &ith e(perts + people you 5now who display traits of ea"h <0. ;lease use this table to do"ument refle"tions from your meetings with people you have "hosen to help you in "ompleting ea"h <0 row of the grid below. ;lease note? you will need to "reate a list of /uestions to as5 ea"h person. E!amples in"lude ,a- what do you en=oy doing@ ,b- how do you learn best@ ,"- where do you li5e to study@ ,"- if you "ould learn something new this month what would it be and how would you learn it@ ,d- other guiding /uestions to get to 5now your intervieweeA. #ame of 'efle"tion B why 0 "hose this 4hat 0 learned about this e!pert person Strength Drandon 9erbalC Linguisti" 0 "hose Drandon be"ause he is one of my students and 0 was "urious to learn about a student7s strengths. He is also a more diffi"ult one to identify so 0 de"ided to get help from the survey. This strength is perfe"t for a traditional "lassroom. This strength also has a tenden"y to thin5 out loud. Loves to tal5 but not ne"essarily to get a response. 4ould prefer to write down answers to /uestions and essays than dis"uss responses out loud to "lass. En=oys reading things out of the te!tboo5 and answer a wor5sheet. En=oys reading about history and then answering /uestions about the reading. 0 learned a person with interpersonal strength loves to intera"t and be around people. They would love to be able to wor5 and "ollaborate in groups when "ompleting an assignment. They even li5e to ta5e the lead when having whole "lass dis"ussions. 0ntera"tion with others is an important part of this type of intelligen"e and when used properly "an be an asset to a "lassroom.

*mber 0nterpersonal

0 "hose *mber be"ause she is a paraedu"ator in my "lassroom and 0 thin5 to wor5 in a most produ"tive environment it is important to 5now the strengths of the people 0 wor5 with on a daily basis.

&arol Dodily6 Einestheti"

0 "hose this person be"ause she is very a"tive and 0 for the most part 5new she would s"ore high in 5inestheti" intelligen"e. 0 also really wanted to 5now what is a good way to help students who have 5inestheti" intelligen"es learn given that most of the students in my "urrent "lass have been diagnosed as having *2H2.

0 learned it is very important in tea"hing someone with 5inestheti" intelligen"e to 5eep it e!"iting. The more hands on the lesson the better for this learning. :or e!ample in s"ien"e it is very helpful to have labs and things for a person with this intelligen"e to wor5 with. They need to do more than =ust sit and read from a boo5 a note ta5ing a"tivity "ould 5eep this learner engaged. *"tivities su"h as a"ting out part of the story in EL* helps this type of intelligen"e learn. Even a"tivities of writing help3 they also li5e wor5ing with people. The strength of this learning is wor5ing independently. *t times they en=oy wor5ing on their own /uietly without distra"tion. They prefer to write their thoughts down in a =ournal and if they are parti"ipating in a "lass dis"ussion they do better in small groups. :or Hayden he en=oys learning about other people su"h as *meri"an heroes.

Hayden 0ntrapersonal

9i"5y #aturalist

0 "hose Hayden be"ause he is my son and it will be very helpful to 5now about his <0 in order to understand his way of thin5ing and pro"essing as well as how to better help him prepare for s"hool and doing his s"hool wor5. 0 also find it helpful to 5now how intrapersonal intelligen"es learn best. 0 was surprised to see his highest s"ore was intrapersonal however after as5ing more and more /uestions 0 was able to figure out he would be more intrapersonal. 0 "hose 9i"5y be"ause she is a ;araedu"ator in my "lassroom and 0 feel it would help 5eep the "lassroom running smoothly to 5now the intelligen"e strengths of the adults in the "lassroom. This way it "an help us "ommuni"ate and wor5 together better.

This strength loves to be outdoors. Loves to learn about things outside espe"ially gardening. 2oes not mind wor5ing with others. Loves to 5eep things organi+ed and grouped. This strength learns well when grouping or "ategori+ing even in EL* "ategori+ing the "hara"ters is a good tas5 to help them learn.

Heidy 9isual6 Spatial

0 "hose Heidy be"ause she is also one of my students and 0 was "urious to see what her strength would be3 she was a diffi"ult one to figure out. 0 also 5new she would give good responses to the /uestions.

This strength li5es to wor5 on 20F pro=e"ts "oo5ing and de"orating. Learn best when in front of the tea"her and studies best in the "lassroom. Loves a"tivities that involve drawing and visually what is happening. :or e!ample being able to draw the setting of a story or visuali+e a "hara"ter in a story. *lso en=oys when movies are brought into the "lassroom for a better visual of what is being taught. This strength does need a /uiet area to study in fa"t the more ba"5ground noise the better. They also li5e to study with people. This strength would also wor5 better in traditional "lasses versus online. One way to 5eep the musi"al strengths attention would be to in"orporate musi". *n e!ample in history playing musi" from that time period to help the see how musi" has evolved through the years. :or younger students it would help to in"orporate "lapping or rhythmi" lessons e!? "lapping out syllables. This Strength li5es things to ma5e sense. He would prefer a right or wrong answer versus room for interpretation. Strength for 5eeping things organi+ed and in graphs or order. Loves wor5ing with te"hnology and all the resour"es it offers. 4ould love to "ome up with ways to use E!"el spreadsheets in many aspe"ts of his =ob as an administrator as possible.

<atthew <usi"al 'hythmi"

0 "hose <atthew be"ause he is my younger brother and 0 was "urious to see if in as5ing my family how similar or different our intelligen"es would be. 0 5new right away <atthew was going to be musi"al. He is always listening to musi". #o matter what he is doing there is musi" playing.

Ed Logi"al <athemati"al

0 interviewed my dad be"ause 0 wanted to see if my guess of his intelligen"es would be "orre"t and 0 guessed "orre"tly. He is very logi"al and sees things as bla"5 and white. 0 wanted to as5 him more /uestions about how he responds to learning things that are not as logi"al as math where there is a right and wrong answer.

Section III: ,loom % -ardner -rid: add activities !or di!!erent MIs along the ,loom.s contin m' Incorporate technology in &ays that enhance learning' /lease color+code this grid' / t ,loom.s ta(onomy terms in green0 technology terms in red0 and MIs in p rple' ,loom 'emember Understand *pply *naly+e Evaluate -ardner
9erbalC Linguisti" 4hile in a small group using a note6 ta5ing app students will list the identifying "hara"teristi"s of a so" and greaser and share terms with other groups. Using OneLoo5 students will use the list of provided vo"abulary words and e!plain the meaning of ea"h word and "reate a list on SpellingC9o"abulary &ity Students will loo5 up various pi"tures of what is "lassified as a greaser or a so" as well as different things asso"iated with the two so"ial groups on the 0nternet using %oogle sear"h. Then they will "reate a "ollage of the two so"ial groups and share their posters with the "lass. 4ith a partner using the app Iui"59oi"e one student will interview the other as if they were an eyewitness to the events that o""urred when Hohnny and ;onyboy fought with the so"s. Students will e!amine and e!plain how they Gsi+e people up7 whether it is based on how they loo5 their grades in s"hool how mu"h money they have. Using ;opplet to "reate a web and then sharing with "lassmate and "ollaborating their webs together. *s a "lass students will a"t as the =urors in a "ourtroom and =udge whether Hohnny should be found inno"ent or guilty based on eviden"e from the boo5 using note6ta5ing app to =ot down eviden"e.

Students will "reate a =ournal entry using %oogle &hrome Dlogger as if they were ;onyboy and predi"t what will be happening in his life in five years. They will then share their entries with the "lass.


4hile in a small groups using a note6 ta5ing app students will list the identifying "hara"teristi"s of a so" and greaser and share the terms with the other groups

4ith a partner paraphrase how ;onyboy feels about 2arry and then write an individual blog as if the student was ;onyboy and how he feel about his brother

Students will "ompareC"ontrast two "hara"ters ,;onyboy and Hohnny-. They will use a 9enn diagram to ta5e a pi"ture and Dump the diagram to another "lassmate and dis"uss the two "hara"ters.

*s a "lass students will a"t as the =urors in a "ourtroom and =udge whether Hohnny should was inno"ent or guilty based on eviden"e from the boo5 using note6ta5ing app to =ot down eviden"e.

Students will "reate a =ournal entry using %oogle &hrome Dlogger as if they were ;onyboy and predi"t what will be happening in his life in five years. They will then share their entries with the "lass.

Dodily6 Einestheti"

Using the vo"abulary list from "hapters ( J 8 use iThoughts "reate a word web that des"ribes ea"h word by listing their definitions synonyms antonyms using the word in your own senten"e fa"ts about the word li5e parts of spee"h and drawing a pi"ture or symbol

&reate a "olorful display using Eeynote of the idioms in the story using "onte!t "lues to interpret what ea"h idiom means.

4ith a partner or group re6 "reate a s"ene from the boo5 and use i<ovie to re"ord the s"ene and share with the "lass

Students will e!amine various /uotes from ;onyboy and based on what he has said and how he is feeling at different events during the story students will then develop a plan and give therapeuti" advi"e to ;onyboy on different ways to deal with the situation. They will use 2ropvo! to re"ord the advi"e they would li5e to give.

*s a "lass students will a"t as the =urors in a "ourtroom and =udge whether Hohnny should was inno"ent or guilty based on eviden"e from the boo5 using note6ta5ing app to =ot down eviden"e.

Use <i"rosoft 4ord and "reate a wanted poster naming either Hohnny or ;onyboy giving the physi"al des"ription what they are wanted for personality traits positive or negative "onse/uen"es for their a"ts where they were last seen favorite hangouts and their a5a.


Students will use :a5eboo5 and "reate a page as one of the "hara"ters in the boo5 and postC=ournal des"ribing daily events that have o""urred in the "hara"ters life

Using OneLoo5 students will use the list of provided vo"abulary words and e!plain the meaning of ea"h word and "reate a list on SpellingC9o"abulary &ity

4ith a partner using the app Iui"59oi"e one student will interview the other as if they were an eyewitness to the events that o""urred the night Hohnny and ;onyboy fought with

Students will "reate an outline on <i"rosoft 4ord the main events in the story as well as the main events in the movie and "ompare the detail

Students will defend their stan"e about Hohnny7s inno"en"e or guilt using a T6 "hart.

Students will use i<ovie and suppose they are ;onyDoy and re"ord a video =ournal of how they would feel while they were hiding out at the "hur"h.


Using the 0nternet as a sear"h engine to sear"h list des"ribing fa"tors that differentiate the greasers and so"s.

Using a %oogle sear"h first lo"ate O5lahoma on a map of the United States then resear"h "ompare its lo"ation population and different "hara"teristi"s that stand out about the state to the state you live in organi+ing the "omparisons in "hart.

the so"s and give their a""ount of what they felt happened. Using a 9enn 2iagram on a note ta5ing app mat"h and organi+e the vo"abulary words to their "orresponding group of either a So" or %reaser and add three more of your own to ea"h side

Loo5ing at the story "ategori+e similarities and differen"es between what we read about the "hara"ter Dob and 2ally and using inspiration maps.

9isual6 Spatial

Using the 0nternet as a sear"h engine to sear"h list des"ribing fa"tors that differentiate the greasers and so"s by saving images and putting the images under the "orre"t "olumn.

0n the story after the boys runaway predi"t what you thin5 will happen ne!t in the story and post your response in a blog.

<usi"al 'hythmi"

Using the vo"abulary list from "hapters ( J 8 use iThoughts

Using a 9enn 2iagram on a note ta5ing app mat"h and organi+e the vo"abulary words to their "orresponding

4ith a partner using the app Iui"59oi"e one student will interview the other as if they were an eyewitness to the events that o""urred the night Hohnny and ;onyboy fought with the so"s and give their a""ount of what they felt happened. Using the 0nternet resear"h the different types of musi" that

Using 5eynote students will develop a timeline signifi"ant events that happen in the story and put them in se/uential order.

*s a "lass students will a"t as the =urors in a "ourtroom and =udge whether Hohnny should be found inno"ent or guilty based on eviden"e from the boo5 using note6ta5ing app to organi+e eviden"e. *fter wat"hing the movie give your opinion using Tal5ingTom on whi"h you thin5 is a better portrayal of the theme of the story.

&reate and 5eep a log events in a =ournal app that too5 pla"e from the time ;onyboy met the girls at the movies to the fire in at the "hur"h noting how many days a"tually passed.

Students will "reate a s"ene from the boo5 in whi"h they "reate a set to fit the most "limati" part of the story using the app StoryEit.

Using 5eynote students will develop a timeline and analy+e signifi"ant

*fter reading the poem #othing %old &an Stay from

:ind an unusual way to impersonate Hohnny reading the

organi+e a word web that des"ribes ea"h word by listing their definitions synonyms antonyms using the word in your own senten"e fa"ts about the word li5e parts of spee"h and drawing a pi"ture or symbol Using the Logi"al 0nternet as a <athemati"al sear"h engine to sear"h list des"ribing fa"tors that differentiate the greasers and so"s.

group of either a So" or %reaser and add three more of your own to ea"h side

"ame from the .K7s spe"ifi"ally loo5ing up artists mentioned in the story pi"5 two popular artists or groups from that era "omparing their similarities and differen"es 4ith a partner using the app Iui"59oi"e one student will interview the other as if they were an eyewitness to the events that o""urred the night Hohnny and ;onyboy fought with the so"s and give their a""ount of what they felt happened.

events that happen in the story and put them in se/uential order.

Students will use the =ournal app 2ayone and interpret if they thin5 2arry is to hard on ;onyboy and e!plain why or why not

Students will e!amine the idea of real6life stereotypes and if they are different from the ones des"ribed in the boo5 using <i"rosoft 4ord to type their responses.

&hapter > re"ord yourself using Songify re"iting it out loud then give your opinion on why you thin5 ;onyboy remembered the poem at that moment in the story. *s a "lass students will a"t as the =urors in a "ourtroom and =udge whether Hohnny should be found inno"ent or guilty based on eviden"e from the boo5 using note6ta5ing app to =ot down eviden"e.

letter he wrote to ;onyboy in the hospital using an app li5e Tal5ing Tom.

Students will use i<ovie and suppose they are ;onyboy and re"ord a video =ournal of how they would feel while they were hiding out at the "hur"h.

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