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Ariana Fox Gowda Fall 2013 / TTE 536

Mendel and Meiosis: Why is genetic variation important?

Monday 6
-Hook: EarlobesQuick activity and discussion -Anticipatory set: What factors affect whether or not children look like their parents? -Case study: Blue People of Kentucky

Tuesday 7
-Quick, informal group presentations on historical models of inheritance

Wednesday 8

Thursday 9 10

-Stamp HW and give students time to pair & share term cards.

-Reinforce central -Mendel's Peas: dogma: DNA-> RNA- Mini-lesson and > Proteins note-taking

-Stamp HW and give Early Release (31 students time to pair min classes) & share term cards. -T-chart of dominant and recessive traits (and the proteins associated with certain conditions)

-Anticipatory activity: -Anticipatory activity: What role does How do plants sexual reproduction reproduce? play in genetics? -Experience mendel's discovery: Plastic egg activity and genotypic/ phenotypic ratios -Mendellian genetics: Mini-lesson on Mendel's laws -Direct instruction for punnet square problems (modeling, guided practice, independent practice)

-Construct a class timeline of genetics breakthroughs

-Q1: How do scientific discoveries build on one -Historical models of another? -Q2: What inheritance role does sexual reproduction play in genetics? -HW Frayer Models for terms: Heredity, genes, traits, dominant traits and recessive traits.

-Whole class genotypic probabilities

Exit ticket: Reflection on historical models

-HW Frayer Models for terms: Homozygous, heterozygous, genotype, phenotype, allele

HW: Punnet square problems. Due next Wednesday

-Anticipatory set: Who's traits did you get in your family?

-Anticipatory set: What will your kids inherit from you?

Anticipatory activity: Real or fake? Shocking genetic disorders.

-Class meets in computer lab.

-Anticipatory set: Predictions about the film based on the title. -Film: Greatest discoveries genetics (Gregor Mendel, Barbara McClintock, Watson & Crick, etc.) -W.S. as they watch the film.

-Lab: Variation on -Mini-lesson: -Lecture & Cornell the Human Face and Probability & punnet note-taking: tasting/ punnet squares Chromosome theory squares. and connections to mendel.

-Using Library resources for research: MedlinePlus

HW: Practice problems

-Lab extension: Predicted vs. Actual ratios.

-Due: Practice problems -HW Frayer models for terms: Chromosome, homologous chromosome, genome, karyotype.

-Sign up for topics: Genetic disorders research. -Print five sources. HW: Read, highlight and summarize article.


-Research project: steps and requirements. -Create google Presentation or Powerpoint -Address questions




MLK Day!

-Bellwork: Do chromosomes change? -Mini-lesson: Genetic variation through meiosis. -Hands on exercise of the stages of meiosis. Due: Class -HW Projects and presentations Friday. Frayer models for Optional Gizmo for terms: sexual those ahead. reproduction, crossing-over, diploid, haploid, gametes.

-Bellwork: Do you Exam: Inheritance have mutated DNA? and genetic variation. -Mini-lesson: genetic muations and link to disease. -Laptop cart- time to -Genetics packets work on research due. presentations.

-Stamp vocab H.W.

-Student presentations on genetic disorders.

Resources: Copyrighted materials:

-"A Cartoon Guide to Genetics" by Larry Gonick and Mark Wheelis (1991) -Lecture of the history of genetics given by Mason & Gaxola, (2010), available online -"A Historical Timeline: Cracking the Code of Life" by the department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (2004), available online. -Biology Coloring Workbook (Alcamo). -ACT Quality Core: Monohybrid cross problems transparency and worksheet. -Film: Greatest Discoveries- Genetics. -Lab: Variation of the Human face (resource of cooperating teacher). -Film clip: "Biology: Meiosis- Cell division". Retrieved from com/watch?v=kVMb4Js99tA

Teacher-created resources:
-Powerpoint and unit notetaker (for students). -Rubric and assignment instructions: Genetic disorders. -Filmsheet (I might be able to find this online). -Review sheet -Exam

Lab materials:
-Wrinked and round pea seeds -Plastic eggs for punnet square hands on activity -Bendaroos sticky strings to model stages of meiosis activity -Tasting papers for heredity lab

Resources to arrage / schedule:

-Library media center on January 16th and 21st. -Laptop cart on January 23rd.

-HS-LS3-2: Make and defend a claim based on evidence that inheritable genetic variations may result from: (1) new genetic combinations through meiosis, (2) viable errors occuring during replication, and/or (3) mutations caused by environmental factors. -SCHS-S4C2-O3: Explain how genetic variation occurs and results in phenotypic diversity. -HS-LS3-3: Apply concepts of statistics and probability to explain the variation and distribution of expressed traits in a population. -SCHS-S4C2-O4: Describe how meiosis and fertilization maintain genetic diversity. -RST.9-10.9: Synthesize information from a range of sources into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomena, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible. -MP.2 : Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

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