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Project Name: Style Sheet for ENC 4293 Prepared By: Kendra Duncan, enna !

"#her, and Ph"ll"p $arrett

Spelling %Do not rely on #pell chec& "n 'ord proce##"n( pro(ram# %!ollo' #tandard )mer"can En(l"#h %*hen there "# more than one po##"+le #pell"n(, refer to http:,,'''-mer r"am% 'e+#ter-com,

Capitalization %Cap"tal"4e all proper noun# and adject"0e#e.g. Ne' 5or&, $e6"can +lan&et %Cap"tal"4e the f"r#t, la#t, and all pr"nc"ple 'ord# of t"tle#e.g- A Tale of Two Cities %Cap"tal"4e t"tle# 'hen they precede name#e.g- Doctor one#

Abbreviations/ Acronyms %.e#er0e for u#e only "n ta+le#, chart#, and reference#%3n the te6t, do not a++re0"ate 'ord# unle## part of a d"rect /uotat"on or follo'"n( a #tandard con0ent"on-

umbers %Do not +e("n a #entence '"th a numeral%Spell out num+er# under ten%Spell out a num+er "f "t "# one or t'o 'ord#e.g. 9he alpha+et ha# twenty-six letter#%8#e numeral# for num+er# more than t'o 'ord# lon(e.g. 3 ha0e :3; follo'er# on 9'"tter%3f a num+er "mmed"ately precede# another "n a #entence, 'r"te out the f"r#t, and u#e a numeral for the #econde.g. 9he ("rl +ou(ht f"fteen 3%r"n( +"nder#%9o form a plural of a num+er, treat "t l"&e a re(ular noune.g. #"6e# %E6cept at the +e("nn"n( of a #entence, u#e numeral# "n the follo'"n( "n#tance#: '"th a++re0"at"on# or #ym+ol#, addre##e#, dec"mal# and fract"on#, d"0"#"on#, or for lar(e num+er#e.g. ;l+#-, <-;, :,4, :=>, ; m"ll"on

%8#e one #pace after all punctuat"on e6cept for da#he# and ell"p#e#%Place per"od# and comma# "n#"de of /uotat"on mar&#%3n a l"#t of 3 or more "tem#, "nclude a #er"al commae.g. run, jump, and #&"p % 8#e comma# +efore coord"nat"n( conjunct"on# jo"n"n( #entence#%8#e comma# to #et off nonre#tr"ct"0e mod"f"er# and parenthet"cal comment#e.g- $y +rother, oe, "# the olde#tEn(l"#h, for e6ample, ha# many rule#%8#e a comma +efore 'h"ch%8#e a colon to "ntroduce a l"#te.g- 9he read"n( l"#t "nclude# t'o +oo&#: 9he Sea Around Us and Silent Spring%8#e apo#trophe# to #ho' po##e##"on- Do not u#e contract"on#%8#e #em"colon# #par"n(ly +et'een related "ndependent clau#e# or +et'een "tem# "n a #er"e# 'hen the "tem# conta"n comma#e.g. *e 0"#"ted 7rlando, !?@ )tlanta, A)@ and Na#h0"lle, 9N%)0o"d u#"n( da#he# and parenthe#"#- 3f nece##ary, follo' $?) (u"del"ne#% 8#e hyphen# to jo"n compound 'ord#- !ollo' #pell"n(# at http:,,'''-merr"am% 'e+#ter-com, %Do not u#e e6clamat"on mar&# or #la#he# unle## part of a d"rect /uotat"on or 8.?-

%3f u#ed "n the te6t, 'r"te out f"r#t t"me '"th %.eta"n the %!ollo' all a++re0"at"on or"("nal #pell"n( con0ent"onal follo'"n( "n "n d"rect rule# for parenthe#"# /uotat"on# e0en cap"tal"4at"one.g. !ederal "f "t "# "ncorrectBureau of For examples visit 3n0e#t"(at"on http://www.towson.e %Do not d"0"de 1!B32 du/ows/capitalizatio 1hyphenate2 n_rules.htm 'ord# at the end % Do not u#e of l"ne##pace# +et'een letter#- 7nly u#e %3f /uot"n( or per"od# after u#"n( fore"(n letter# "f "t "# the 'ord#, "n"t"al# "n a dupl"cate all per#onal name mar&# and or end# "n accent# a# they lo'erca#e appear "n the letter#or"("nal 'orde.g. 8C!, - .- .- 9ol&"en, a-m-

Project Name: Style Sheet for ENC 4293 Prepared By: Kendra Duncan, enna !"#her, and Ph"ll"p $arrett

"itles # $talics %3tal"c"4e all major t"tle# 1+oo&#, ne'#paper#, journal#, 'e+#"te#, etc-2 %Place all m"nor t"tle# "n /uotat"on mar&# 1art"cle#, chapter#, 'e+pa(e#, etc-2 %3tal"c"4e 'ord# and letter# that are referred to a #uche.g. Sha' #pelled Shakespeare '"thout the f"nal e%3tal"c"4e fore"(n 'ord#e.g. oe #a"d he 'ould #ee her maana, or tomorro'%Do not u#e "tal"c# to #ho' empha#"#-

"ables %Place ta+le# a# clo#e a# po##"+le to the part# of the te6t to 'h"ch they relate%3nclude the la+el and t"tle flu#h left on #pearate l"ne# a+o0e the ta+le%Cap"tal"4e the f"r#t letter# of the t"tle%Pro0"de the #ource and any note# +elo' the ta+le a# a capt"on-

Figures %?a+el any 0"#ual mater"al 1p"cture#, (raph#, chart#2 a# a !"(ure and a++re0"ated a# !"(%)##"(n each f"(ure an ara+"c numeral and ("0e "t a capt"one.g- !"(- :- Pa(e ?ayout-

%e&erences %!ollo' $?) format for all reference# and parenthet"cal c"tat"on#%Parenthet"cal c"tat"on# are only nece##ary for d"rect /uote# or lon( paraphra#e# and #ummar"e#%3nclude a l"#t of reference# at the end of each chapter t"tled B.eference#B '"th all entr"e# "n alpha+et"cal order follo'"n( $?) format !or (u"dance 0"#"t : http:,,o'l-en(l"#h-pur due-edu,o'l,re#ource ,<4<,=:,

'CF logo usage %*"th"n the document only the 0ert"cal mono(ram '"ll +e u#ed%9he 0ert"cal mono(ram '"ll appear "n the header on the C % 9he 8n"0er#"ty "dent"f"er '"ll +e po#"t"oned "n the center of the co0er pa(e% Do not alter the mono(ram or "dent"f"er "n any 'aye.g. u#"n( color# other than the #chool color'ay, mod"fy"n( the d"men#"on#, add"n( cu#tom computer effect# to the lo(o% Do not u#e mono(ram or "dent"f"er a# a +order or decorat"0e +ac&(round-

%Place the la+el and capt"on d"rectly +elo' the f"(ure follo'"n( the %3nclude a #ame mar("n# reference to the ta+le "n the te6t a# of the documentfollo'#: 1See 9a+le :2%3nclude #ource "nformat"on "n the capt"on and a reference "n the te6t: 1See !"(- :-2
D3f #ource "nformat"on "# "ncluded "n the capt"on, the #ource doe# not need to +e l"#ted on the reference# pa(e-

D3n order to #ee ho' to "nclude and place "nformat"on, (o to http:,,o'l-en(l"#h-purdue-edu,o'l,re#o urce,<4<,:4,

Project Name: Style Sheet for ENC 4293 Prepared By: Kendra Duncan, enna !"#her, and Ph"ll"p $arrett

!egasus 'sage % Do not fl"p the Pe(a#u# % Do not mod"fy the d"men#"on of the Pe(a#u# e-(- #tretch"n( the "ma(e "n any d"rect"on that cau#e# "t to lo#e "t# proper proport"on% Do not u#e the Pe(a#u# a# part of any (raph"c or te6t% Do not u#e the Pe(a#u# a# a +order or decorat"0e +ac&(round% 9he Pe(a#u# '"ll appear '"th"n all pa(e# of the document centered at the +ottom of the pa(e-

'niversity(s ame %!"r#t u#e: 8n"0er#"ty of Central !lor"da 18C!2

Contact in&ormation Vertical format % Pr"mar"ly u#ed 'hene0er the addre## mu#t #tand out- 9h"# format reflect# ho' the addre## 'ould %Su+#e/uent u#e: appear on a ma"l"n( 8C! en0elope% 9here "# no )% e.g. 8n"0er#"ty of %Su+#e/uent u#e: #pace '"th"n the Central !lor"da de(ree the un"0er#"ty 4=== Central !lor"da a++re0"at"on#Bl0de.g. B)-or $% Ne0er u#e B9he 7rlando, !? 32F:G 8C!B "n reference Ph"l to the 8n"0er#"ty Linear format % *hen of Central % Pr"mar"ly u#ed referenc"n( a !lor"da'hen the addre## "# (eneral de(ree u#ed '"th"n a u#e an para(raph- 9he apo#tropheaddre## "# preceded e.g. +achelorE# +y a colonde(ree or e.g- 4=== Central ma#terE# de(ree !lor"da Bl0d7rlando, !lor"da % )n apo#trophe 32F:G "# not nece##ary for the a##oc"ate 9elephone num+er# de(ree% )ll num+er# '"ll "nclude the area code % *hen enclo#ed "n referenc"n( a #pec"f"c de(ree parenthe#"# and a hyphen +et'een the u#e the e6chan(e and the de#"(nat"on num+er'"thout an e.g- 14=<2 F23%2=== apo#trophee.g- $a#ter of !"nance or Bachelor of )rt#.eference to the Ch"ca(o $anual of Style http:,,'''-ch"ca(o manualof#tyle-or(, home-html

*egree "itles % )++re0"ate all de(ree# a# #pec"f"ed +y the Chicago Manual of Style e.g. B-)-, $-)-, Ph-D-

"imes and *ates

% 9"me "nformat"on follo'# the day and precede# the date- ) colon #eparate# the hour# and m"nute#e.g- $onday, 9:4; p-m-, )u(u#t 2= % E0en hour# are l"#ted only +y the hour '"thout : == e.g- F a-m- not F-== a-m% 3f the +e("nn"n( and end"n( t"me# are +oth a-m- or +oth p-m-, l"#t the a-m- or p-m- after the #econd t"mee.g- 3:3=%F:;2 p-m- not 3:3= p-m-%F:;2 p-m% 9he day and date are to +e #pelled out, end"n( '"th a per"ode.g- !r"day, !e+ruary 22% *hen ment"on"n( a #pec"f"c date, #pell out the month# and day# % *r"te date# u#"n( card"nal num+er# a# oppo#ed to ord"nal num+er#e.g- u#e :2 not :2th % )l'ay# u#e a da#h to #eparate date#- Ne0er u#e 'ord#e.g- an :%9, not an : throu(h 9 % 3f the +e("nn"n( and end"n( date# are "n the #ame month do not repeat the monthe.g- not correct an :% an 9-

Project Name: Style Sheet for ENC 4293 Prepared By: Kendra Duncan, enna !"#her, and Ph"ll"p $arrett

Fran+lin ,othic -edium 9"tle 12=pt centered2 Head"n( ?e0el : 1:Fpt2 Head"n( ?e0el 2 1:Gpt italicized Head"n( ?e0el 3 1:4pt2 Head"n( ?e0el 4: 1:4pt italicized "imes ew %oman ./pt Para(raph te6t ?"#t# Arial .0 pt Header and footer 9a+le# Capt"on# Callout#

1hite Space %8#e :=pt #pac"n( after t"tle# %8#e ;pt #pac"n( after head"n(# %Dou+le #pace +et'een para(raph# and #ect"on#

umbering system &or chapters and topics %8#e the follo'"n(: Chapter : :-: ):2a+B:-2

!age 2ayout
%:B $ar("n# all around
% u#t"f"cat"on left%

%9"tle Centered '"th

3eaders and Footers %3nclude a header =-;B from the top of the pa(e%3nclude the Chapter I and 9"tle "n the header%?eft u#t"fy the header % 3nclude a footer =-;B from the +ottom of the pa(e%3nclude the pa(e I "n the footer%."(ht ju#t"fy the footer-

:=pt #pac"n( after

%)ll head"n(# left%

al"(ned '"th ;pt #pac"n( after- 3eading 2evel . ;pt #pac"n( +efore%!"r#t%l"ne "ndentat"on:

=-2;B 1No f"r#t%l"ne "ndent on the :#t para(raph after a head"n( +ut u#e "n #u+#e/uent para(raph#-2 %Han("n( "ndentat"on: =-;B
%No underl"ne# or

DDo not u#e any color other than +lac&-

hyperl"n&#%No e6tra #pac"n(

+et'een l"ne#-

otes: :- 8#e B'h"chB to "ntroduce nonre#tr"ct"0e clau#e# and BthatB to "ntroduce re#tr"ct"0e clau#e#2- 3f "ncorporat"n( a d"rect /uote, copy "t e6actly- 8#e ell"p#e# to "nd"cate om"tted "nformat"on and +rac&et# to "nd"cate added "nformat"on- See http:,,o'l-en(l"#h-purdue-edu,o'l,re#ource,<4<,=3, for (u"del"ne# and e6ample#%e&erences: BCap"tal"4at"on .ule#-B !nline "riting Support# 9o'#on 8n"0er#"ty, 2=:2- *e+- 2= !e+- 2=:3Merriam-"e$ster# $err"am%*e+#ter, 3ncorporated, 2=:3- *e+- :9 !e+- 2=:3M%A &and$ook for "riters of 'esearch (apers- <th ed- Ne' 5or&: 9he $odern ?an(ua(e )##oc"at"on of )mer"ca, 2==9- Pr"ntThe (urdue !"%- Purdue 8 *r"t"n( ?a+, 2=:=- *e+- 2= !e+- 2=:3For -2A guidelines go to: For tables and &igures go to: http:,,o'l-en(l"#h-purdue-edu,o'l,re#ource,<4<,=:, http:,,o'l-en(l"#h-purdue-edu,o'l,re#ource,<4<,:4,

Project Name: Style Sheet for ENC 4293 Prepared By: Kendra Duncan, enna !"#her, and Ph"ll"p $arrett

4ditor Assignments
Aroup# : J 3 #u+m"t to enna !"#her Aroup# 2 J 4 #u+m"t to Kendra Duncan Aroup# ; J G #u+m"t to Ph"ll"p $arrett

*irections &or submission to editors:

Aroup# mu#t #u+m"t the draft# of the"r chapter# "n D7C or D7CK formatAroup# may "nclude comment# '"th the"r draft# +y u#"n( the comment feature "n $"cro#oft *ord and "n#ert"n( comment# d"rectly "nto the draft3n add"t"on to po#t"n( on the (roup d"#cu##"on +oard, (roup# #hould #u+m"t the draft +y #end"n( an ema"l to the a##"(ned ed"tor '"th the draft attachedAroup# mu#t #u+m"t draft# +y the deadl"ne l"#ted under the cour#e #chedule- Ao to the P)AES ta+ and #elect C78.SE SCHED8?E for date#-

DD3n add"t"on to #u+m"tt"n( draft# to the (eneral ed"tor#, (roup# #hould al'ay# po#t the"r draft# on the Aroup d"#cu##"on +oard a# d"rected "n the cour#e #chedule #o that the "n#tructor ha# acce##DDAroup# are re#pon#"+le for &eep"n( cop"e# of all draft#-

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