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LESSON PLAN Title: Counting Carbohydrates Quickly and Easily Target Audience: Teenage Type I diabetic patients Terminal

Objective Name: Michael Turley Method: Flip chart Terminal Concept Counting carbohydrates is an important part of maintaining appropriate blood sugar levels.

The patient will be able to identify foods containing carbohydrate andcount carbohydrates using nutrition labels.
Domain Taxonomic Level

References Preparation Pre-assessment



What questions do you have about type 1 diabetes? How has your recent diagnosis made you feel? Is it alright if we talk about what is happening inside the body?
Time (if in class): 0.5 min Supporting Objectives

Same as pre-assessment.

Content Outline

Time: Time

Learning Experiences

Learners will identify basic principles of pathophysiology of the type 1 diabetes.

Slide 1 What is Type 1 DiabetesPicture of Pancreases -The pancreases no longer produces insulin due to damage or destruction of certain parts of the pancreas (beta cells). Slide 2 What is the role of insulinSimple figures of the action of insulin -Your body needs glucose for the energy to perform every day task -Insulin allows glucose to leave the blood stream and enter your body.

1 min

1 min Evaluate: Do you have any questions about insulin? Why do you think it is important that you take your insulin as your doctor prescribes?

-Manage how much glucose you goes into your blood by managing how much carbohydrate you eat. Carbohydrate is not bad. 3 min Slides 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 What foods contain significant amounts of carbohydratesGrains- which include, bread, tortilla, pasta, Fruits- all fruit Dairy: Milk, Yogurt Starchy vegetables: Peas, Potatoes, Winter Squash, Beans, Corn Dessert Foods and Soft Drinks smaller portions of these foods contain large amounts of carbohydrates Eat dessert foods less frequently Patients will be able to Slide 8 identify foods that contain Evaluation - Breakfast carbohydrate. Slide 9 Evaluation - Lunch Give the patient a diabetes exchange booklet. Have patient look through the first sections of the book (Starches, Milk, Fruit, and Desserts). As the patient reviews the list of foods in each section ask the student to comment on which foods she/he commonly eats.

3 min

Which of these breakfast items contain significant amounts of carbohydrates? Ask student to circle items with a dry erase marker. Which of these lunch items contain significant amounts of carbohydrates? Ask student to circle items with a dry erase marker. Which of these dinner items contain significant amounts of carbohydrates? Ask student to circle items with a dry erase marker.

Slide 10 Evaluation - Dinner

Slide 11 How much should I eat Use nutrition labels to count

3 min

Patient will be able to count carbohydrate servings using a nutrition label.

carbohydrates. Two images of nutrition labels are included in the flipchart. Many of my patients in the past have had success with carbohydrate counting using nutrition labels. -Locate nutrition label, locate serving size, locate total carbohydrates. -15 g of carbohydrate equals one portion or serving of carbohydrate -Adjust for fiber -Provide a carbohydrate meal plan based on the patients calorie needs (prepared beforehand)

Can we discuss how to use nutrition labels to count carbohydrate servings? Have the patient use the second nutrition label to count the amount of carbohydrates based on the serving sizes Do you feel using nutrition labels will be a useful way for you to count carbohydrates?

Using the exchange booklet

Can we talk about a meal plan that will help you control your blood glucose levels? How willing would you be to follow this meal plan on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is not at all willing and 10 is very willing? Why did you choose the number you did? What might be some barriers you can for see which will keep you from following this plan?

The lesson would continue with carbohydrate counting using the exchange booklet


Assessment will occur throughout the teaching process.


Based on what we have talked about today what do you feel would be a goal that you can accomplish which will help you better manage your blood glucose levels? Guide patient to set the final goal and answer any related questions.

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