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Intermediate 1 Biology Unit 1 Health and Technology

A drug is a substance that alters the way the human body wor s Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in Britain Alcoholic drin s !ary in the "ercentage o# alcohol that they contain

Alcoholic Content of Different Drinks

Typical alcohol content (%)

60 40 20 0
Beer Cider Wine B ckfast $odka Whisky A%sinthe

!"irnoff #ce

Absor"tion o# Alcohol
Once consumed alcohol is absorbed #rom the stomach and other "arts o# the gut It is carried around the body in the bloodstream

Absor"tion o# Alcohol
$hen alcohol reaches the brain it a##ects the brain%s acti!ities It o#ten ma es a "erson #eel rela&ed and uninhibited Alcohol is slowly bro en down in to harmless substances by the li!er '##ects o# alcohol gradually wears o##

Absor"tion o# Alcohol
The #aster you absorb the alcohol( the higher your blood alcohol le!el will be( The more alcohol in your blood( the greater its e##ect will be) Absor"tion is more ra"id i# you* +drin ,uic ly +add a #i--y mi&er +drin on an em"ty stomach +are small( young or #emale

Units o# Alcohol
One unit o# alcohol is the ,uantity that can be bro en down in a healthy adult%s li!er in about one hour The recommended limit "er wee #or +men . /1 +women . 10

How many units o# alcohol in the #ollowing1

A "int o# Tenants + / units A Barcardi Bree-er +1)2 units A !od a and diet co e +1 unit A small glass o# wine +/ units

Harm#ul '##ects o# Alcohol

In the short term an e&cess o# alcohol in your bloodstream leads to +"oor reaction time +"oorer muscle control and coordination +"oorer 3udgement when ma ing decisions

Harm#ul '##ects o# Alcohol

Long term abuse o# alcohol can ha!e a de!astating im"act on health( eg)*
Hango!ers) $eight gain) High blood "ressure 4e"ressed immune system Cancer Li!er disease Alcohol "oisoning Heart or res"iratory #ailure loss o# a""etite 5itamin de#iciencies memory loss)

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