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Who is to blame Rwandan Genocide Essay

Description The 1994 Rwandan genocide was a horrific mass slaughter that left more than 1 million people dead. Years after this tragic event, the blame for this genocide still remains a controversy. During this unit in Humanities, we learnt about the history of Rwanda and explored various factors that played a role in the genocide. Through learning about the colonial past of Rwanda and the series of events that occurred before, during and after the genocide, I was able to develop a greater picture and understanding of the incident. Nevertheless, it was only after I thought of the research question To what extent are Belgian colonizers more responsible for the 1994 Rwandan genocide than the international community and Rwandan people that I began to consider the precise roles that these three groups of people (Belgian colonizers, international community and Rwandan people) had on the genocide. For this in class assessment, I used various examples to support my thesis point that the Belgian colonizers held the most responsibility for the genocide, though also discussed the extent in which they could be fully blamed for the genocide. Justification This essay on the 1994 Rwandan Genocide evidently shows that I am an inquirer, not only because I developed my own research question as guidance for the essay, but also because I came up with a few short questions that enabled me to consider the wide range of factors that affected the genocide. During the process of planning out the essay, I started off with the question: Who was involved with the Rwandan genocide?. The research I carried out on this question allowed me to categorize the people involved into 3 groups (Belgian colonizers, the international community and Rwandan people). This then sparked my next two questions: What did they do? When? where I organized my response to these questions in the form of a timeline, with the events before, during and after the genocide displayed chronologically. With the events clearly shown, I realized that most of the cause of the conflict arose after the Belgian colonizers established the racial segregation system, which stimulated my last question: If the Belgian colonizers did not stir up the resentment between tribes, would the genocide have occurred? By thinking about this question, I realized that the genocide would most likely not have occurred if it wasnt for the Belgian colonizers, which would mean that the international community would not have to interfere, as Rwandan people would not have started killing each other. Reflection I think that I did really well on this task, although there is still some room for improvement. On the whole, I was able to make a concrete judgement with supporting evidence on the Rwandan genocide incident, when in the beginning, I did not know much about the event at all. Looking back, I see the progress I have made throughout unit, having developed a much greater understanding of the Rwandan genocide. From this task, I realized the importance of learning the skills (thinking, questioning) for conducting research, as well as knowing how to organize the research, to be able to effectively apply the knowledge acquired in writing an essay. This said, I will need to continue developing and improving upon my inquiry skills, to allow more effective learning, whether it is for future research tasks or for similar essays. In terms of the written essay itself, the choice of vocabulary and flow between each point (paragraph) needs to be improved upon, to allow a more persuasive essay, since many key terms were repeated throughout the essay.

Joys and Values of Life Essay
Description While learning about argumentative writing in Chinese, our unit review assignment was an in class written essay on one of the four given topics: (Interpersonal relationships and the ideal society), (Online world and real life), (Joys and values of life), and (Living environment and human development). In the end, I chose to write an argumentative essay on the Joys and Values of Life, where I used a range of real life examples and famous quotes to support my thesis: In order to overcome all sorts of difficulties, it is essential for a person to learn to be contented with their life, enjoy what they do, appreciate what they have and have a positive attitude when encountering problems. When writing this essay, I also used a wide range of argumentative techniques ( deduction, induction, analogy) to express my points in a more strong and coherent manner. Justification This essay comprehensively shows my knowledgeable trait, since I explored the concept of the value of life acquiring real life examples and famous sayings to develop a more all-rounded understanding of the essay topic. With a better idea of the topic itself, I went on to developing my arguments and supporting points, gathering past knowledge and experience on the joys and values I have on my life. I decided to use two real life examples to support my thesis. The first was an example of a dancer who got cancer, which was an example that I found online, used to support my point of enjoying your life and be contented with it. However, the second example was the first American shooting spree that was carried out by Brenda. This was an example that I remembered from previous knowledge, as it was an incident that I did some detailed research on during the introductory unit in Drama (I do not like Mondays). I decided to my knowledge on this event to portray the consequence of not having a positive attitude in life. Instead of finding two articles or events directly from the internet, I applied my previous knowledge (relevant to the topic) and used it as juxtaposition to the first real life example, emphasizing the importance of having a positive attitude. Reflection I reckon that I did quite well with this essay, as I was able to apply my knowledge from research and experience to write a strong argumentative essay. Furthermore, I was also able to apply a range of 4 techniques to strengthen and enrich the piece, covering a wide perspective regarding the topic. Through this task, I was able to think more critically about what my joys and values of life are, while at the same time, find out more about the opinions other people have on the same topic, combining them to structure this essay. However, just because I applied my knowledge of a previous real life example in writing this task, it does not mean that the structure and style of my writing is good, which is what I will need to improve upon. Although I had a rich content that covered several points about the values of life, I was not able to distinctly link them to form a clear and concise thesis, which I can improve upon if I did slightly more planning and reorganized my points (grouping or joining them to form concise supporting points).

The Last Leaf Characterization Poster

Description The first unit of English was on short stories, where we explored how literature reflected the changing position of women in society. After reading The Last Leaf by O. Henry, we were given the task to choose one character from this short story to carry out an analysis on the characterization techniques used by the author, commenting on whether we thought the author was successful in applying the techniques or not. For this characterization poster, I chose to analyze Johnsy (who was the really weak girl with pneumonia, waiting for the last leaf to fall which she believed would signify her death). I began by defining 5 main characteristics that she had, finding quotes in the text that illustrated such characteristics. From the quotes, I then identified the types / method of characterization that was used, and commented on the specific use of such techniques in portraying certain characteristics of Johnsy. With the main characterization of Johnsy in place, I drew a picture of Johnsy lying down, emphasizing the fact that she was really weak in the beginning, but with the sacrifice of Mr. Behrman, was able to stand up strong and overcome her disease. I finished the poster by writing a summary of the significance of Johnsys character within the story, wrapping the poster up by concluding that the author had effectively used various forms of characterization to shape Johnsys character, making the short story mysterious yet unforgettable. Justification This poster shows that I am a thinker, since I was able to analyze the short story in great detail and evaluate the authors use of characterization techniques. Upon reading the text, I decided that the main characteristics of Johnsy were: obstinate, frail, pessimistic, skeptical and well-liked. I then applied my reasoning skills, and gathered textual evidence (quotes) to show the types of characterization techniques used by O. Henry. I split the textual evidence into different groups of characterization techniques used: direct characterization of Johnsy, indirect characterization by speech, indirect characterization by others speech and action, which allowed more concise and clear analyzation. In the end, I evaluated upon the authors use of characterization techniques, commenting on its effect on shaping Johnsys character, as well as her impact on the plot and outcome of the short story. This shows that I was able to apply my analyzing, reasoning and evaluating skills, critically thinking about the techniques used and its effect on the story on the whole, traits a thinker possesses. Reflection Although this poster was the first main assignment of the year, I think that I did really well, as I put lots of thought and effort to create such a detailed, informative yet creative poster. From the analysis and evaluation of this short story, I learnt the different techniques writers can apply in their writing, to be able to shape dynamic, rounded and distinct characters, which significantly affects the flow of the story. I also learnt that through the depiction of a dynamic character, the changes in characteristic enables foreshadowing and red herring effects on the story, leaving behind a stronger impression in readers. Not only was I able to analyze Johnsy in great detail from the story, but I was able to determine the types of characterization techniques used, and was also able to come up with an imaginative layout and design for the poster itself, using various objects and spaces to convey certain messages related to the character traits of Johnsy. Nevertheless, this piece of work can be further improved if I also took into account the implications such characterization techniques and Johnsys character had on the moral / message conveyed by the story, for example the change in women's status in society, for the poster to cover even more breadth and depth.

Matrices Investigation
Description Having learnt the basics of matrices (addition, subtraction, multiplication and inverse matrices), we were given an investigation task, where we explored the properties and patterns of different matrices. Starting off with raising square matrices to different powers, I observed the patterns and came up with a general formula for all square matrices raised to any power. By using a table to organize all the matrix multiplication results, I was able to notice the patterns easily (describing them clearly), finally determining a general expression. Moving on from simple matrices raised to the nth power, I began looking at proving the general expression through algebraic means, while also spotting patterns of raising more complex square matrices. After finding the general formula for several complex matrix multiplication problems, I then began looking at the scope and limitations of the matrices involving an unknown term. This gave me the opportunity to show my understanding, as I needed to write down all the steps required to complete matrices multiplication - to be able to simplify the matrix. Justification I believe that this investigation task distinctly shows that I am a good communicator, because I was able to clearly express my calculations and thoughts through simple forms of mathematic representations effectively. Even though this task involved some of the basics of matrices, since matrix multiplication can get really complicated when it involves several algebraic terms, the fact that I was able to systematically show all my calculations, while explain them in a chronological order shows the communication skills I have developed over the past years. I started off with a table, then described the patterns I saw. Afterwards, I algebraically derived a general expression for any value (which was the conjecture), and I also carried out tests (showing all my working) to support my conjecture. If I did not show all my working out through the expanded multiplication form, I would most likely not have been able to determine the clear correlation and pattern of the multiplied matrix, which would have resulted in my inability to answer all the questions of the investigation fully. As a result, it can clearly be seen that clear and easy to understand forms of representation in math is extremely beneficial, allowing patterns and errors to be spotted more easily. Reflection Although I am quite pleased with my ability to lucidly show my working, I reckon that I should have spent more time not only on finding the general expression for several square matrices, but rather on determining the properties (scope or limitation) of the specific square matrices. Additionally, I should have also used a bit more forms of communication: Instead of only using mathematical deduction, algebraic expressions and tables, I could have used a graph to show the basic properties of matrices, further explaining why my results hold true in general. When exploring the properties of specific square matrices, I could have further looked into k as a fraction, to observe if there are any limitations on the scope of the results, which would allow me to come up with a more generalized statement. Through this investigation, I learnt that even when matrices are raised up to certain powers, they still follow general number rules: any negative matrix raised to an even power will become positive, but when raised to an odd power, it will remain negative. I also discovered the importance of showing all my working, because matrix multiplication is quite confusing, and by showing each step (writing them out clearly in the correct form of a square matrix), I was able to determine its correlation and properties.

Wartime Scientists Essay

Description For chemistry this year, we needed to write an essay to answer the question: Do scientists have a responsibility to use their scientific knowledge to help their countries during wars?. Having conducted research covering wide aspects and depths of wartime scientists responsibility, I chose the assertion that scientists do have the responsibility to apply their scientific knowledge to help their countries at times of war. After I defined the key terms of scientists, responsibility, scientific knowledge, help and war, I used three main points to support my thesis: As professional citizens, they are morally obliged to support their country, it is a great opportunity and gateway that leads to breakthroughs, as well as others reliance and expectations of scientists because of their occupation. I then collected a wide range of real life examples and statistical evidence to concretely support my points, while I also used the technique of counter arguments to bring all possible perspectives / aspects into consideration. Having done so, I was able to write a strong, persuasive essay that analyzed and evaluated the actions and their consequences of several renowned scientists, further acting as a juxtaposition to cases where scientists did not take responsibility to help their countries. Justification This lengthy essay is a really good example showing that I am principled, with a strong sense of fairness and an ability to balance between the right and the wrong. At the beginning, it was very important for me to conduct research on large areas related to wartime scientists, because it allowed me to see the benefits and drawbacks of scientists who take responsibility in their work, giving me the choice of weighing out both options to the topic. I then decided to write my essay from the stance that scientists have the responsibility to help their countries during wartime, where I considered the moral values, social status, economical and political factors to support my thesis. Although I did find some real life examples that showed a negative side to scientists helping their country in war (to create warfare), I chose to justify their action, saying that they did it for the defense of their country, and because they applied their scientific knowledge to create such a deadly weapon, they were able to put a stop to war, preventing further conflict and even more casualties. Rather than simply choosing one side to base the essay upon, I looked at both sides to the issue, considered the consequences of scientists not taking responsibility, and from the information I gathered, finally decided upon the thesis / stance of essay. This clearly shows my ability to make sound decisions, looking into the consequences these decisions may have on both individual, group, local and global scales. Reflection I am really pleased with this essay, because I had truly put in a lot of effort (whether in the research, planning out the essay or writing the essay itself), and the hard work has paid off in this neatly structured and extremely informative scientific essay. Through the process of writing this essay, I was able to learn a great deal more about scientists that helped during wartime, gain insight to the expectations and responsibilities scientists have as part of their profession, as well as develop critical thoughts on the morals of people who help their countries (whether it is for their good or bad). The long process that it took for me to develop my own stance in the essay proved to be really useful when I was gathering all my opinions, choosing the most suitable examples to use in the essay, which I will keep in mind and use when it comes to another decision making task. Nonetheless, as an improvement to this essay, I would alter the beginning so the essay would be more attractive and less boring to readers, adding a hook to grab readers attention. I will also try to reduce the number of examples, because some of the evidence I used were not truly necessary (such as the Fritz Haber example, because it did not have much effect on supporting any of my points).

Three Gorges Dam Video

Description After a unit on ecology and ecological systems in biology, we were given the task to create a presentation on the Yangtze River Dam (Three Gorges Dam), discussing the impact this project had on the people, wildlife and ecosystem of the Yangtze basin area in China. This presentation needed to be visual and aural, and I decided to create a video. In this video, I briefly introduced the history of Yangtze river and gave a brief description of the aims and details of the Three Gorges Dam project, showing how the dam and its turbines work to generate hydroelectric power for surrounding Chinese cities. I then moved on to discussing the social, economical, cultural and environmental implications of this gigantic infrastructure project, where I did quite some research to collect evidence and examples of these factors being influenced by the project. Furthermore, having learnt about biomagnification and the effect of small concentrations of waste on the entire ecosystem, I applied this knowledge to explain the adverse effects of water pollution with the dam in place, showing the significant effect the Three Gorges Dam project had on the ecosystem. Justification I chose this video to indicate that I am an open-minded person, due to the reason that I was willing to consider the perspectives and ideas of various individuals and communities when writing the script for the video. Carrying out research to understand the main intention of the Three Gorges Dam project enabled me to learn about the companys point of view, where I found out about the fundamental motives that were planned. Researching about the relocation of Yangtze river villagers gave me the chance to view this project from a local citizens point of view, while discovering about the economical costs and cultural implications / effects made me realize the vast effect this project had on both the economy and culture of China. When conducting research for this video, not only did I focus on the benefits that were brought forward by the plan, but I also explored the disadvantages, social, economical, cultural and environmental implications of the project. Thus showing that I am willing to find out and accept various opinions / perspectives, covering broad range of ideas, pros and cons of the Three Gorges Dam project. Reflection Being my second One World task in Biology, I think that this video has improved a lot from my last Gene Therapy essay. Through the process of researching, planning, writing or recording the script, as well as finding videos and images that suit the voice-over, I learnt how to organize my notes and plan accordingly. Having learnt from my mistakes, I added more statistical evidence to discuss the effectiveness of hydropower and the Three Gorges Dam in comparison with other energy sources (nuclear power and fossil fuels), concisely describing and analyzing the pros and cons of this project. Additionally, I also decided to discuss the social and environmental factors in greater detail, using a range of real life examples and analogies to show the significant effect the Three Gorges Dam project had on the social well being of humans, as well as the devastating impact it has on the ecosystem of Yangtze river. Nevertheless, if I were to redo this task / recreate the video, I would have also looked into the ethical issues related to the project, adding onto the impact this dam has on the society. Also as an improvement, I could have used counter arguments to show both the positive and negative aspects of the social and economical implications brought forward by the project, to allow greater variety and a more balanced content.

NAAC Dancing Service

Description As part of my C&S this year, I was a dance volunteer at NAAC with Jasmine, my classmate. Starting from the 16th of November 2012, Jasmine and I went over to the center to dance with a group of people with intellectual disability. During the first session, we only did some introductory / ice-breaking games and dances, but we soon progressed to learning the entire 3 and a half minute dance. Although the dance moves were not really complicated, involving only basic dance movements and poses, it was quite challenging for the people with intellectual disability, so helping them learn and remember the moves was something that we (as dance helpers) needed to do. After weeks and weeks of practice, we were finally ready to perform. On New Years Day this year, the group of around 20 of us fully dressed up into the red, blue and white costume, and had an amazing performance at Shatin Town Center. However, during this performance, one of the person with intellectual disability that I was taking care of was unwell, as he has diabetes and was overexcited before the performance, so right after the ending pose, while we were walking off stage, he suddenly felt nauseous and nearly fainted. Luckily, several of the dancers including myself were able to catch up in time, bringing him off-stage safely. We had 2 more performances after that, one that was at the NAAC center, and the last one at Lee On Estate Community Center, and all three performances were extremely memorable. Justification I chose this experience to demonstrate my caring trait, not only because it was a service activity, but rather because through working with and helping these people with intellectual disability, I was able to show empathy, compassion and respect towards them. I was also very committed to this activity, not only going over to help them with their dance, but also going over to socialize and chat with them, bringing happiness into the less entertaining lives of them. In all rehearsal sessions, Jasmine and I usually went over to play simple games (rock, paper scissors / the splits game) with them during the resting / free time, chatting with them about how they feel about living at the center, what their interests are, overall getting to know each other better. When the last performance ended and we were about to say our farewells, a few of them missed us so much that they came over to hug us, even though they usually did not like contact with other people, which made me feel really proud and happy. Reflection Through this dancing service, I was able to develop a strong bond / relationship with and learn more about the group of friendly, cheerful and energetic students (people with intellectual disability). In the beginning, I had no idea what to expect, no idea what sort of challenge I was facing, because I had no experience with such a group of people before. However, ever since I stepped into NAACs hall and was welcomed by a group of energetic students, I instantly felt as though I was part of their small family. At first I thought working with them required a lot of patience, yet I soon found out that getting along with them, chatting and having fun with them was not difficult at all! I also found their attitude really admirable, because even though some of them felt tired or unwell during practice, none of them complained. This activity was really significant to me, because I learnt to be contented with everything that I have in my life, always be optimistic (no matter what problems I face in life) and learn to accept, respect and tolerate others.

CADCAM Desk Organizer Project

Description As part of DT this year, I decided upon a problem that I would solve through the creation of my product. For this project, I observed that a lot of students had quite messy desks, so I decided to create a desk tidy, which consisted of a books holder, paper holder and stationery organizer. After I decided on my problem, I did some research that provided me with the skills and knowledge required for the product, which I then formulated into my list of specifications. Having completed the investigate stage, I went on to making designs and confirming the measurements for different parts or components of my product, where I began with a sketch of 4 different designs and ended with a final one after a range of colour, design and size developments. Moving on from the aesthetics and design of my product, I did a production plan, which included a set of chronological steps with materials/tools/equipment required as well as estimate time frames for each task. Next was the most entertaining yet challenging stage of create, where I created my product using CADCAM and laser cutting technology. Finally, upon completion of my successful product, I did an evaluation of both my product and the entire design stage, where I learnt from my mistakes and realized room for improvement. Justification I chose this project to show that I am a risk-taker, because it was the first time I ever used the laser cutter, and it was certainly a great challenge for me (both as a designer and creator) to have designed such a complex yet sturdy product. Even though I did not have much experience with using Google SketchUp or CorelDraw, I still took the initiative to try out and learn more about these two softwares. In terms of coming up with design ideas, I put in lots of thought to come up with creative and innovative ideas that would be able to store paper, keep books in place, and organize stationery at the same time. The design that I finally developed allows great flexibility for the inclusion of stationery organizer, as well as adjustment slots for the storing of books (notebooks and textbooks). Such innovation was something that I have never attempted to do before, because I was afraid of failing / not being able to do the basic functions of the intended product. However, for this particular project, I took a step out of my comfort zone, and independently created a complex product. Reflection Due to the high level of challenge and my ability to successfully create the product, I feel extremely proud and accomplished. Not only was I able to come up with a design that was really innovative, but I was also able to successfully create a product using the required tools/equipment under the time limit (although I did have to spend some of my lunchtime to finish off the assembly of several parts). Nonetheless, I do have to admit that there was a slight error with the measurements, resulting in the incomplete assembly of the paper and books holder. Other than the create stage, I believe that I could have improved upon my investigate stage by not including unnecessary research into design houses/styles (which had no effect on the designing or creation of the product). From this project, my investigation, design, planning, creation and evaluation skills were clearly refined, same goes for my organizational and communication skills, as I needed to plan out my time according to the resources available, while contact specific people for support. Overall, after handing in the product, I was pleased, exhilarated and proud of myself at the same time, relieved to have completed the entire project with such precision and detail.

Physically Active Case Study

Description During the Physically Active unit in PE, we looked at the importance of physical activity and explored various factors that influence physical activity participation. For this particular task, I needed to conduct a case study, analyzing the influences and barriers of physical activity to the general public. At first, I chose the main areas related to physical activity participation, and established two main questions to be explored in the case study. I then created a questionnaire and conducted a face to face interview with two Hong Kong citizens (one being local school male student, the other being the mother of a single child). Through the interview, I picked out key points and along with my knowledge, and wrote up my findings on various factors that affect physical activity participation. I wrote about how pressure from school (examinations) and work can affect the mood of a person, which in turn effects the physical, mental and emotional health of a person. I also concluded that lack of time, motivation and dedication was a serious problem, where I then suggested the solution of greater promotion and education of the public on the importance of exercise, as well as improving school and workplace environment to provide greater opportunities for the public to do exercise. Justification I chose this experience to show that I am balanced, because this case study provided me with a chance to demonstrate my understanding on the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance of a person. After I conducted the interview, I realized that Hong Kong was not exactly an ideal place to do physical activities. The overwhelming amount of pressure and workload usually tends to result in over exhaustion and lack of time to do any sort of exercise, which provides people with more excuses not to do any sort of physical activity. Insufficient resources in terms of sporting facilities and coaches may lead to injuries due to improper training, which in addition to lack of motivation, makes physical activities discouraging for the general public. Moreover, since I applied my previous experience and knowledge on keeping a balance in life, it reflects my balanced trait as a person. I stated that doing exercise can be a way to socialize (chatting and relaxing with other people while also keeping healthy and fit), which is something that I have realized over these years of doing sports. I also discovered that doing exercise can relieve pressure, consequently resulting in a clearer mind while working, which also benefits the mind or intellectual aspect of a person. Reflection Looking back through the planning, interview and results conclusion sections of my case study, I realize that I actually did quite well with the task. However, I believe that the recommendations and solutions section could have been improved upon, if I did slightly more research into the status of exercise promotion in HK, which could have led to more applicable and related resolutions to issues mentioned previously in the case study. Nonetheless, through conducting the interview and writing up the case study, I realize that my opinions on the significance of doing exercise were also shared by others. I also discovered that a well-suited work or school environment for sports could be a lot more encouraging to people in Hong Kong, as it allows greater accessibility to the facilities. Nevertheless, I could have improved this case study if I used more specific examples when suggesting possible solutions. For example, instead of stating that strategies promoting social initiative (changing the populations view on the importance of maintaining their health through doing exercise) could possibly motivate people to do physical activity, I could have mentioned a particular example such as arranging a HK health day, where various simple yet entertaining stalls could be set up to advertise, educate and motivate people.

Brechtian Theatre
Description For the first unit in drama, we looked at a totally different type of theatre - Brechtian / epic theatre - which utilizes the alienation technique to make spectators question the reality of the play. By making the invisible wall between actors and audiences more distinct, the audience becomes an observer and is constantly reminded of the fact that they are simply watching a role play, not the actual event. Since we have never learnt about Brechtian theatre before, our first tasks were simply introductions to this type of theatre, where we learnt the techniques of using narrations, narrating our actions, using gestus/gest (exaggerating emotions and using gestures to symbolize certain traits), using monologues, spoken thoughts, freeze frames and music to convey perform unique plays. For our final assessment, we were given the task to select a well-known fairy tale, and in a group of 3, plan out and perform the script using several Brechtian techniques to make it a Brechtian play. In my group, we chose to use the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk, where we used placards, gest, reported speech, tableaux and switching roles to perform the play. Nevertheless, throughout the unit, we wrote reflections for every session, where we reflected upon our ideas, participation and performance, which has been put together into a folder - composed of the entire unit of work. Justification This unit of work clearly shows that I am reflective, because throughout the unit, I kept writing reflections for every session. These reflections provided me with an opportunity to look back at the session, considering my strengths and weaknesses when I completed the task. By continually referring to the task and my involvement in it, I thoughtfully considered my use of the 5Cs: creativity, cooperation, consideration, communication and concentration, which are really important drama conventions that I need to develop and use. Furthermore, I also reflected upon my performance during tasks, where I noted down weaknesses and limitations (things I did not do as well in), suggesting solutions to improve or overcome the problems, so I could be able to do better next time. Additionally, knowing and understanding my strengths in various aspects of the work allowed me to focus more on expanding those particular skills, which would in turn helped my weaknesses. In particular, an example would be doing the final assessment, where we began with a draft idea, reflected upon it by ourselves (as well as by asking peers), make adjustments accordingly, which ultimately resulted in the final idea. Reflection This unit of work was really challenging for me, not only because the type of theatre introduced was one that I have never heard of before, but also because Brechtian theatre is a really complicated and unusual form of theatre, making it more difficult to understand and apply. I think that I did pretty well throughout the unit, even though there were several sessions that could have gone better. Even though I found reported speech (narration of actions) really challenging, due to the reason that after each session, I reflected upon my performance during the lesson and suggested improvements for using Brechtian techniques, I was able to slowly improve and get comfortable with this Brechtian technique. Nonetheless, I reckon that I could have been more specific when writing my reflections, discussing more details so I would be able improve on more distinct skills. For example, instead of just mentioning the fact that I should become more familiar with the technique of reported speech, I could have suggested that I should do more acting practices (finding an easy role play and act it out, adding reported speech and narrating all the actions of the character) that involved reported speech, so I would be more comfortable and accustomed to it.

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