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Memantine- Severe alzheimer's NMDA inhibitor- N-Methyl-D-Aspartate donepezil (piperidine), rivastigmine(carbamate), galantamine(phenanthrene),(all three reversible ACE inhibitor)- Mild

to moderate Alzheimer's Cholinesterase inh ibitors. Carbidopa/levodopa-Parkinson's and dopamone-responsive dystonia. Levodopa is con verted to Dopamine via action of enzyme called DOPA decarboxylase in peripheral circulation as well as Central Nervous system once levodopa crosses Blood Brain Barrier. Granisetron- anti-nauseatic drug: prevents vomiting (antiemetic) in patients und ergoing chemotherapy. It is a 5HT3 Receptor antagonists. Thalidomide introduced (1957) as anti-nausea and sedative drug , used to counter act morning sickness (antiemetic) in preganant women, discovered to have teratog enic effects, causing birth defects, then withdrawn in 1962. Modern usage includes to treat multipla myeloma along with dexamethasone.

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