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COMPANY NAME : Infosys technologies ltd
-----------------------------------------------------------DATE OF TEST : 1 Feb 2004
-----------------------------------------------------------PLACE OF TEST: Chennai
: Off-campus
-----------------------------------------------------------DURATION : 1 Hour
Around 500 attend the test. only 30 were shortlisted, those who got (9/10 , 10/10) puzzles
correct were selected for
next interview round.(but i think almost they r selected.)
I solved (7/10) puzzles.
Infosys Test paper ( 1st Feb 2004) chennai
-----------1. A family i know has several children. Each boy in this family has as many sisters as
brothers but each girl has twice as many brothers as sisters.
How many brothers and sisters are there?
Ans: brothers =4 , sisters = 3 (shakuntala devi puzzles to puzzle u - puzzle no : 3)
2. complete the following
a. $ * * $ @ * ? ?
# @ @ # # $ ? ?
some what simillar like this...but not clear.
b. 1 , 3 , 7 , 13 , 21 , __ , 43 Ans : 31
c. 1, 3, 9, __ , 16900
3. In a soap company a soap is manufactured with 11 parts. For making one soap you
will get 1 part as scrap. At the end of the day u have 250 such scraps. From that how
many soaps can be manufactured?
Ans : 24 (not sure)
4. A girl took part in a (some) game with many othersin a circular closed circuit. After
pedaling for several minutes, he found that 1/3th of the cyclists ahead of her and 3/4th of
the cyclists behind him together formed the total no. of participants. How many were
participating in the race?
5. OF all pets i have, except 2 all are rabbits

OF all pets i have, except 2 all are fish

OF all pets i have, except 2 all are cats
How many rabbits, fish and cats are there?
6. given
carpenter + painter = 1100
painter + electrician = 3200
electrician + plumber = 5100
plumber + mason = 2200
mason + labour = 3000
labour + painter = 1100
find every person's cash? (i dont know the exact amount mentioned above.)
7. some tree problem , in 100 sq feet, how many trees can be planted including the
border line...
(dont know exactly)....
8. out of 30 questions, the three persons A,B & C answered 45 correct answers,
B answered 55% of A, B and C together answered 25 % more of what A answered.
Find how many answers each answered?
9. ...
10 ...

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