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DOCURERT RESUBE BD 108 117 PL 008 880 AUTHOR NcQuown, Norman Royle, TITLE Spoken Turkish. Book 7¥o. PUB DATE 45 NOTE 659p.; For related doctrent, see PL C04 863 AVAILABLE PRON Spoken Language Ser: NY 14850 (38.50 pre ete course $55.59, accompa: complete course $€5.5¢) Inc, F.C. Box 783, Ithaca, anying records for nyitg cassettes for EDRS PRICE MP-S 1.0BHC Not Available frcw EDES..PLUS FCSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Audiolingual Skills; *Corversational Language Courses; *Language =rstructicz; ianguage Program tandard Spoker Usage; ABSTRACT This is the second volure cf a self-teaching textbook designed as a general introduction to spcker curkish. It is a rewly refor A edition of a text originally published for the armed forces in 1945. The method used in this eatual requires either that a native speaker of Turkish be ot hand furizg the course or that the recorded voice of a native speaker be used. Fecords and cassettes to accompany the course can be purchesed. Ecok 2 is divided inte three aajor parts, each containing five learning urits aad one unit devoted to review. Bach unit contains several sections, usually the followin: (1) basic sentences (with hinte cn rrenenciation and spelling), (2) word study and review of Easic serterces, (3) listening practice, and (4) conversaticr practice. Each learning unit is followed by a “Pinder List" contaizirg all the new words in the particular unit. Book 2 also contains 2 Summary of all word stuty aaterial, supplementary vord lists for units 13-30, azd tvo vocabularies, Turkish-English and Exclish-Tarkisk. (Author/PAF) a Secuen Language Services, Inc. Sela a RUNES £D104117 FLoot %XQ BOOK FWo 3 Spoken Language Services, Inc. Spoken Lur "ish By NORMAN AL Mogi iN aad SADI KOYLAN ‘The Armed Forces edition of this book was pub. lished by the Linguistic Society of America and the Intensive Language Program of the American Council of Learned Societies. 90123 a6 paras Copyright. 1945, be Lingus 03.017840.2 Novart of the material covered by this copyright may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher, 3 uNT 14, 15. CONTENTS PART THREE Poge UNIT Page ‘TRACK Two. Turkish informal “your” 347 Attested ve. quoted past. Use of “quoted” ding. Informal “(You) (do. it)!" ending. ive informal “(you) (do it)!" “He who lors), that which (doos)” agentive ending. Verbal nouns (-me, -ma action nouns, infini- tives, -(lem, -(jlan_agentives). Negative ‘with verbal nouns Futureactionnioun ("one’s going” to do something). KEEPIN CooL. Degreesof strength of the 373 vowels (syllables). Necesitative (“must”) ending. [ny 1 use. Interrogative neces sitative. Negative necessitative. Interroga~ tive ngzaxive necaitative: Turkish equi ents of English “their”. “This” und “t “Half,” Turkish possessive endings (sum- mary). FIL "ER Up. Phrases and distribution of 395 strong vowels, Syllable division. Attested past verb ending. Turkish limited personal ‘endings (summary). Quoted past verbending. past forms as qualifiers, Attested and quoted past forms: negative, interrogative, and in- teroatve negative. Turkish numbers from }-$0 (summary) SPORTS. Pronunciation drill for Turkish 4. 423 Profesional agentive ending. Telling time in ‘Turkish (summary), Turk (summary). The daie. ‘week (summary). 16. AN EVENING OUT. Pronunciation drill for 452 ‘Turkish e. Changes in the final sounds of Turkish words: # becomes B, # Lecomes d, {g becomes ¢, #” becomes y or 0, becomes 0; fos of final gllable vowel; doubling of consonant. ‘Turkish singular noun ending. Nominative ending. Indefinite objective ing. Turkish case endings (summary). 18, Review. Ww. — unt 19, . AT THE Turkish PART FOUR Poe UNIT At THE Post Orrice. Pronunciation drill 487 for Turkish o, Other changes in word-inal |: ending. Aorist ‘onditional acrist. Conditional ibetract”, “quantitative”, “occupational”, “apecialiacd'" ete, endl (ik getc.), The Av attributive ending ("the cone who, that which). BANK. Pronunciation drill for 516 (60 to 1, {6,600} (arnsary 9) Tak one 0 . nal cucing ("fa cond, ct"). Turki transitivizn ran tive and intransitive verbs. Caunouve verbe, +» Taxine A Tarp. Pronunciation drill for 542 ‘Turkish 1. Turkish potential (can, be able”) ending. Negative potential ending. Other forms of the copula and the copula ending: Page momentary action noun; conditional mo- mentary; attested past copula; attested past momentary; attested past aorist; attested future; quoted past copula; quoted past (momentary, aorist, future); negatives, in- terrogatives, int tive negatives. Turkish equivalents of Engllah “upon (when, while) being” gerunds and gerundial ending). AN Avtomontys Acctpant. Pronuncia- tion drill for Turkish @ and 6. ‘‘Short” and “long” foo ja Tura. Turknh imperative subjunctive forms inga: direct ‘commands (informal and formal) itt"); indi (“let ete command endiay: the “may (shall, am to)" ending; independent Pendent use of the subjuncth Personal endings. (summary) personal endings (summary), ‘sonal endings (summary). A cish | tent of English "(he 1x causative sentence endings. ", The 567 unt Page 2, LAYING IN SUPPLIES. Pronunciation drill $97 on Turkish ne ol € to 4, tos before initial ¥ of certain endings. Inacr- tion of.» Agentive made from verbs, Sum ‘Turkish copula forms:endings, root forms. Turkish aorist participles (“that fit] is, {he} did, etc."). More condi forms: conditional quoted past (attested Page past, necessitative); (quoted) past (attested ast, necessitative); (quot!) past (attested ‘Past, necessitative) action nouns; combined Or phrase conditional forms (summary), Un- real conditions. 24, Review. on PART FIVE GoveRNMENT.PronunciationdrillforTurk- 634 {ah vowel groupe and catch in the throat. se- instead of -a- in endings, Turkish passive Gingressive, -reflexive) endings. Impersonal @ tise, Intransitivizer. “By” with the passive, dish coordinating gerunds (“doing and ). Turkish aorist ending after causative passive endings. Other copula combina- ontinuournarrative. {eaent)_ pat (perfect) (attested past plua idi); removed past (perfect) (quoted) (past action noun plus Xdim, etc.):lubitative quoted past (per- fect) (quotes!) (past action noun plus imipim, ete). Uses of Turkish action nouns and par- ticiples: me:ncntary, acrist, future, necessita- tive, attested past, (quote action nouns; aorit equivalents of English “t! action noun aorist participle, -me,-me acton noun). . THE MILsTARY. Pronunciation drill for 672 Turkish ? and J; +, Turkish equivalents of English names for lan ‘words ip ty, ete, Impersonal use of certain verb forme, Unreal conditions: (unreal) attested past (or past perfect) conditional (conditional action i eer 5, etc.), Turkish equiva unr 27, Page ents of English “whatever, whoever, how ever, ote.” (nd, hin, nisi, ete, plus conci- tional). Othe sisesof the conditional: fervent wish (conditional plus -de, ~de plus condi- tional); “although, even though” | (condi- tional plus -de, da); “whether”, Turkish equivalents of English “(one's)scif, ( ‘own, ete.” Other. copula combinations: 2ested past necessitative (necessitative action, ‘noun plus ddim, etc.); quoted past negessita- Live (necewstative action noun plus gmipim, etc.); attested past subjunctive (subjunctive action noun plus idém, etc.); quoted past subjunctive (subjunctive action noun plus imisim, etc.). Verbebase copula combinations (dptiond, ete.) ("they forme), InpustRy. Pronunciation drill for Turkish 706 B and £5 td 3, 8m, G4 Gy f, J. Turkish reciprocal verbs (“each other, one another"). = Accomy ying action: -(y)e, -(y)a gerunda. Emphatic doubling, Cac of he Turkish ablative forms: “from”, before certain words: (sdnra, etc.) (certain verbs), before aed ‘before’ (dé omitted), “than”, “(out) of. Uses of Turkish dative forms: “to”, before certain words (bafit, etc.) (certain verbs), uN Page a . Srrund sete In a cataative senate tion, ‘alverbial ‘expressions, “instead of (with future action noun) (y?riné). Turkish equivalents of English “whether... or (not) (coordinating. ind plus negative ac- tion noun) (paired ith interrogati endings). Uses of Turkish infin pou tinuope action forme eee tive case followed by copula ending) Turkish prefinal verb enclings (summary), Acricunturr, Turkish p, 1, ¢, Bb; long consonants; m and 1 before I r,s, 4,8. Turkish (adverbial) co- + “nating gerunds: “(by) doing (and). <* kish sequential gerund (“when nce 37°” Dither uses of the aorist participle: with dln ‘on account of, with ablative endi ("because of”), with sénrd ‘after’ (base-form plus ablative ending), non-personal forme (lone) (with adverbial ending -(n)ee, te) Chit “whereas,” cte.). Turkish equivalents of “as soon as, no sooner than”, Turkish equivalents of “why (don't you) 2" Turkish -(y)ip, ete. action nouns, Pronunciation drill for 740 unit 29. CULTURE. Pronunciation drill for Turkish deereesof vowel-strength and voice contours, Turkish word omer: normal, emphatic, in- verted, poctic, Turkish action nouns, par ciples, agentives, and gerunde (summary ), ‘Their ween Turkish copula combinations and pitas wih action noun (ond veh) tae forme (aunsmary). Some ures of the dir, dir, «te. copula ending: probability, geeral state: tment, "for such antl such atime.” 30. Review. APPENDICES: A. Outing Summary or Worp Stuy. Sounds, Sound changes. Words. Affixation. Suffixes. Verb, Noun. Infixes. Prefixes. Reduplication. Broken Plurals. Clauses. Phrases. Page m3 834 a unit B. Apprtionat, VOCABULARY FOR Parts II] to V C. Generar Lists or Worps AND PHRASES D. ALPHABET AND SPELLING ‘Curck Lists E. GENERAL VOCABULARIES ‘TURKISH-ENGLISH ENGLISH-TURKISH F. INDEX gs23 2 3 985 PART THREE unit 13 TRACK TWO From this unit on we shall no longer jnclude, the (07°), as we have already noted. If you have under~ Aids to Listening. We shall use only 1 re Standardised tora! the explanations of the values of the letters in our Gomentional Turkish Spelling, outlined in Unit 11, but Standardized Conventional Spelling. you will have no wwe shall keep the linking signs (_) to mark off the tulty. If youre uncertain about the value of any ‘or sign, consult the Spelting Check Lists in the ipa, and we shall continue to mar te igre of strength of the ayllable within these groupe appendix (p. 920). Section A—Basic SENTENCES Go once through the Basie Senlences in wnivon, then run twice through individually’. Note: We shall no longer include Hints on Pronunciation, but from Unit 14 on we shall have Prov 1. Basic Sentences nunciation Drill exercises. Tom and Ali go to the beach. ENGLISH EQUIVALENT ————— ‘what What fine weather! sot [a] one There's nol a cloud in the sky! _——— STANDARDIZED CONVENTIONAL SPELLING ———~ Au aT Do gov ht vunytlam to do takay? dan idea of yours No, do you hate wm idea? te fhe! ouuntry Ves.le's go ta the country! ) OK. but Udon’ care tow much for the country. he seasione I prefer the seashore, What time is it now? fo nine ste ‘here ‘are! I's fre to nine, MB LAL whens Dokuzs, 10 haste acct ne . swe shall miss (it) race Hoary! Well miss the train! Accléit! Trén{ kaciracdQie! Tém ‘our bathing trunks niyokiremial let's tage (them)! sdturclim! Let's take our bathing trunks! Mayobirumial gitarelim! at [the] end of |the| business isin_sontindd Perhaps we'l prefer to 40 othe beac, afterall. Gathhy ln soninda, pdfs gitmetltercth eects. Au ao waxi bir_tiksl Uet’s call (il? Let's call a taxi? Bi Tim ticket(s) bile he who sells satin to [the] man Adama they say err Als, at da hey call he man he sells tickets, Ali, bile sata Ai ticket-sller vil They call him a ticketseller. coni_bilétgl darker. 11 0 Florya that whick goes What time does the train going to Florys leaver ty At nine thirty-five. lit's} wrong forty ‘No, that's wrong! 1t leaves at nine forty. There's stilt time, from what place? Where does it leave from? [the] second from (the track Ue leaves from track two. How much is the ticket? first ‘dass First class, fifteen, second class, ten cents, 350 [13-A] Firytya iden Fléryay’ gidén_trtn kigts kalkayde? Bileyi Oude Dokuzd_otiia bévé vanliy kerk Hiyir, yanliy! Dokuzt_kirktd_kallrvor. Ant Dabi_vikit_var, néréditn? Néredén_kalkayde? Bivigl |, fkinet hatin Nelnei_hattin_kallayae. au Bilet_kig_ pra? : Gnbey, ikinel_mévAl: 6nd, ‘Second dass, please. tell (me)! Tell me, where are you taking me? of course to al place To @ cool place, of course. but T wonder what time Fine, but I wonder when we'll be there? im any case a half in (it, up £0 an) hour In ony case, in half an hour. Au Ikine mévai;, Itfén. Tom sdylet Sdyle! Beni_néreyé_gotdrayorsin? Au 160i pert at stein_bir yl. ‘Tal Tom Ama fda nahin GokeHyhs dd Scaba_né_zamin_drada,dlachgis? Au er did yarim shatéktdar Hér_hildd, yarim siaté_kadar, After the usual repetitions, go on to the Word Study. +A) 351 +13 Section B—Worp Stvpy ax A, Word Smdy = 2.0422 $1. 1, Other Turkish 6 In Unie 2, we saw some of the Turkish equivalents of English “your.” These we found in the ening = 1 ms s(uinus, -(0mi5, -Unimag. Tn the present unit we have Column 1 G i “ides! e hand? a ‘face’ 8 ‘elerator 1 ‘daughter’ a “one's guing to do’ u ‘bird ° “end” | Group e elite 4 — 1 kart aris a ginta siesss 1 = © miyd ‘bathing trunks" ranks! 352 [13-B] 14 Segen” “wosk” fevs am used when giving orders informally ‘swe In this respect they are parallel to formal". the personal ending formal’, and the possessive +2.

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