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Drop Box Chapter Five A learning disability is a disorder in one or more of the basic physiological processes involved in understanding or in using language (106). This means that a learning disability is something that inhibits a students learning by making it difficult to understand material or written or expressed language; there are multiple characteristics you can look at to help you identify a student with a learning disability, response to intervention is another way to identify students with a learning disability. Learning disabilities are commonly referred to as LD. In order for the individual to be placed in the specific learning disability category they must meet an inclusionary and exclusionary standard. The inclusionary standard requires a student to have difficulty in understanding or using language. This is turn can result to difficulty to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do mathematical calculations (106). The exclusionary standard makes sure that the student is placed in the LD category correctly. If the child has a problem with speaking fluent English, seeing, or hearing the child cannot be placed in the LD category. With this in mind we can now look into how to properly identify a child with a learning disability. Each student with a learning disability will vary. Regardless of these variations the student should demonstrate low academic achievement in one or more areas and challenges in how they learn and process new information (106). Reading is generally the biggest challenge for students with LD; two terms that are used often are: dyslexia and reading disorder. Math can also be a struggle; procedural problems, semantic memory problems, and visual-spatial problems can all be found. Memory is another factor; students with a learning disability will have issues with all three memories (short-term, long-term, and working memory). An interesting

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characteristic with a child that has learning disabilities is they tend to have a best friend and a good amount of friends. In the FAT city video that was provided, anxiety is definitely present; students took more time to process questions which could cause higher levels of anxiety. Students with a learning disability are likely to have anxiety, emotional challenges, and behavioral issues. RTI uses screening and monitoring to help identify students with LD. RTI starts the identification process early (in the elementary levels) to help identify those with LD. Three criteria are used to identify children, these criteria are: (1) response to instruction in terms of progress rates and performance levels, (2) assessment of low achievement using normal referenced achievement tests, and (3) determination that the learning problems are not caused by another disability or environmental or cultural factors (113). There is no clear cut method of identification but failure to help the students is not acceptable. A learning disability is something that inhibits a students learning by making it difficult to understand material or written or expressed language; there are multiple characteristics you can look at to help you identify a student with a learning disability, response to intervention is another way to identify students with a learning disability. By allowing the student intervention you are allowing them to learn to their full potential.

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References Turnbull, A., Turnbull, R., Wehmeyer, M. L., & Shogren, K. A. Exceptional lives special education in today's schools, 7th ed., pp. 106-123, 2013, Pearson Education) Print.

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