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c's : c's cc.O : t o_ - `DO cs `e: : co_c:

oo _c: : c . cc: : oc . s_ : s` - ss_C
n oc : t o_ n oc ooaLy : L:n: n oc: : s:c:
t c: : .o cc -c : =c - .onv ooo c: : coao c:
cs c:c
oon: : .:.y .c_ ` c : c`
ccco cs ( 8ooL Chakra ) 4 cvc:c:
1. Lo no nc.oo c 2. o c o o co co c ccLooo cs-_ c
Lo/ - o/ - ;o/ - o/
Lo o c o o co oo cccoc` cLco cs co nc-c
cs cLo(co/) - t o_ - .c_ oo _c:
0on : `_o:o: /s:cs:oc0
_o.c_ c nc-c _o.c_ot `c:so .yoD oo_oD c
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
c's : :L c's cc.O : D;a - ocs osc `e: : os c:
oo _c: : oaD . cc: : 0onc: . s_ : `` ` es
n oc : t o_ n oc ooaLy : 0 -c : =c/.onv/:;ac_
t c: : n oc: : coc / t:c ooo c: : Lo c:
0on : .o 0on ` c : c_ oon: : -ococ: osc c:c
1. Lo -ooco 2. o c o o oo oo o ccLooo osc_ c
`_c` cs (CenlLal Chakra ) 6 cvc:c:
to/ - o/ - co/ - oo/ - oo/ - co/
Lo o c o o oo oo``_oo `_c` cLco osc co
osc(s) cLo(Lo/) - D;a - c oo _c:
D;a _o.c_ c - D;a _o.c_ot `c:so .yoD oo_oD c
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
c's : _o c's cc.O : oac - c s cs `e: : coc:
oo _c: : c . cc: : - . s_ : ``c
n oc : t o_ n oc ooaLy : no -c : =c/.onv/:;ac_
t c: : ._oO n oc: : o_ ooo c: : O:c:
0on : ` c : c oon: : c: oon: cs c:c
1. Lo nLc oac o `_o 2. o c o o co o c ccLooo cs-_ c
co/ - o/ - co/ - oo/ - co/
cs cLo(oo/) - oac - cn_oo _c:
Lo o c o o co oo``_oo cc.yosc` cLco cs co
oac _o.c_ c - oac _o.c_ot `c:so .yoD oo_oD c
cc .yo cs (navel Chakra ) 10 cvc:c:
co/ - co/ - o/ - .o/ - o/
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
Lo o c o o so ``oo c-occ` cLco ss co
cL _o.c_ c - cL _o.c_ot `c:so .yoD oo_oD c
c's : co cc.O : - :L-_o ss `e: : sLy_
oo _c: : _o_ . cc: : ococ: . s_ : so os
n oc : D;a n oc ooaLy : c os -c : =c/.onv/:;ac_
t c: : cc_c n oc: : s ooo c: : 2 O:c:c:
0on : tc ` c : ` c oon: : -ococ: ss c:c
1. Lo c o o_ co_ 2. o c o o so so s ccLooo ss-_ c
c-oo cs (PearL Chakra ) 12 cvc:c:
so/ - o/ - no/ - o/ - o/ - co/ - o/
o/ - o/ - o/ - eo/ - o/ ss cLo(oo/) - ; - co: oo _c:
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
Lo o c o o `o oo_L``_oo Dc _c` cLco `s co
cL _o.c_ c cL _o.c_ot `c:so .yoD oo_oD c
c's : cc.O : cL - no `s `e: : Jc:sc:
oo _c: : t . cc: : soc: cc: . s_ : cooC
n oc : ooaLy : cc L:n: -c : =c/.onv/:;ac_
t c: : co n oc: : to_O ooo c: : O:c:
0on : ` c : ec oon: : .oa_C `s c:c
1. o c o s o o scc--_ `_o 2. o c o o `o -o ccLooo `s-_ c
`s cLo(oo/) - cL - s oo _c:
Dc cs (1hroaL Chakra ) 16 cvc:c:
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
Lo o c o o oo oo _L``_oo ``oo oo_L c` cLco os co
.oco_ _o.c_c .oco_ _o.c_ot `c:so .yooD oo_oD c
c's : o``c's cc.O : .o L - -c s os `e: : c
oo _c: : osc_ Dsc_ . cc: : cc_ . s_ : sco_
n oc : oac n oc n oc: : -c : =c/.onv/:;ac_
t c: : Lo ooo c: : O:c:
0on : =oo oon: : cc:.y
os c:c
1. o c o s o c:oco D_ 2. o c o o oo co o ccLooo os-_ c
oo - o os cLo - co -o_ - =oo 0ono
cs (3rd. L?L) 2 cvc:c:
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
n oc: : soa
O : Lo n oc: : ooo
t:c c:c ` c c:c o` o c:c s:oc0 c:c
o` o csc:
-c : 12 - s_o / s_o
cc/ ``c / n:oa csc:
o - - - c - c - L - o o - o - - - ,o
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
on c:c: c:c c: s co c: -c
.c_c: cc toc Lc cc
c c: coco toc _oc ccc
_- sc: ec o toc so cc
:c: co c:c Loc noc
o c: co toc co_ ` .
o_onc: co cc `c -L .osc_
cc__c: on c:c _ Lo_
.-_c c: D.oo soc c:c c_ =o_
cooc: co c:c o_ cc
co cc__oc c: L` 0 c:c Dcs
L c: s cc c:c Ds
o _ .c_c: o c:c cc_
oD c:c s o
cocs c:c sc_c
c_ c:c o_c:
ccn c:c o Lc:
coon c:c co
co c:c cco
clo c:c c
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
!n the case of severe heart attack,
this life giving divice Nudra provides
instant relief within a few seconds.
Provide relief in urinary problems
Facilitates discharge of waste
material from the body.
Cures ear aches in just a few minutes.
Energy Bank - !mproves vitality of
the body 8 Eyesight.
Helping hand for Cardiacs. Cleanses 8 purifies the body.
First Aid for Heart Problems.
Yogic Tranquilizer. !ts practice
ensures Nental Peace, Concentration
of the mind and Sharp Nemory,
Spiritual enhansment develops
Practice the Nudra and get rid of
Frequent Cold, Congested Chest and
!ncurable !nfections.
Surabhl Mudra
8heumaLlc alns
1hroaL roblems
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
varuna Mudra Akash Mudra
rudhvl Mudra vayu Mudra
1. Stretches and warm up
- Stretch up
- Bend backward + forward + sideways
- Rotate each ankle + knee
- Rotate waist 8ack Ache Mudra kubera Mudra
- Rotate arms in large circles back and forth + elbows + wrists
- Rotate neck
Sun Solutations - Surya Namaskara
2. Standing poses
- Palm tree - tadasana
- Eagle - garudasana
Ahamkara Mudra AccepLance Mudra
- Tree
- Forward bend - pada hastasana
- Triangle - trikonasana
- Pendulum - dolasana
- Lord Shiva Dance - natarajasana
?onl Mudra Apana vayu Mudra
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
- Stretch by big toe - uthita hasta padangustasana
3. Nuladhara - 1
chakra - LAN
- Neditation + breathing
- Butterfly - poorna titali asana
- Forward bend (each leg and together) - paschimotasana
- Pigeon uhyana Mudra Prldaya Mudra
- Sleeping thunderbolt - supta vajrasana
+. Swadhistana - 2
chakra - vAN
- Neditation + breathing
- Cat + tiger - marjari asana
- Rabbit + cobra - bhujangasana
i. variation: cobra looking back - tiriaka bhujangasana !ala Mudra rana Mudra
- Camel - ushtrasana
- Spinal twist on back - shava udarakarshanasana
- Leg lift + knees to chest
- Boat face up - nankasana
5. Nanipura - 3
chakra - RAN
- Neditation + breathing Surya Mudra achan Mudra
- Thunderbolt - vajrasana
- Lion's breath - simshagartasana
- Half locust + locust - shalabhasana
- Boat - sarpasana
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
- Bow - dhanurasana
6. Anahata - +th chakra - YAN
ccco cs c: `_c` cs c: cc.yo cs c:
- Neditation + breathing _ c'sc: o`` c'sc: so_ c'sc:
- Hands in prayer behind back co c'sc: noco_ c'sc: c c'sc:
- Hands interlock behind back s` c c'sc: o _ c'sc: c c'sc:
- Cow mouth - gomukasana c' c'sc: cooo c'sc: co_ c'sc:
- Hands to sides + breathing c'sc: :L c'sc: _o c'sc:
- Crow - baka dhyanasana o c'sc: -n c'sc: s: on c'sc:
7. vishudha - 5
chakra - HAN cc c'sc: c_; c'sc: c: c'sc:
- Neditation + breathing co_o_ c'sc: co c'sc: .oco c'sc:
- Neck bends and rotaion - greeva
oo c'sc:
- Spinal twist - matsyebdrasana
c-oo cs c: Dc cs c: cs c:
- Shoulder stand - sarvangasana :co_ c'sc: c'sc: Dcs c'sc:
i. Half shoulder stand - vipareta karani
cco_ c'sc: ` c c'sc: o_O c'sc:
ii. Shoulder stand against the wall
eo c nO c'sc: c` c'sc: oc: c'sc:
- Plow - halasana o c'sc: c_ c'sc: non c'sc:
- Fish - matsyasana co c'sc: c c'sc: o`` c'sc:
8. Ajna - 6
chakra - AUN noc c'sc: cn_ c'sc: .c_ c'sc:
- Neditation + breathing o c'sc: c:;_ c'sc: co c'sc:
- Eye movement and rotation os c'sc: :Dc_ c'sc: c c'sc:
- Eye gazing - trataka _c_ c'sc: s c'sc:
9. Shasrara - 7
s:oc0 c'sc:c:
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
- Neditation + breathing
o` o cs c: c:oa_c c'sc:
- Head stand - sirshasana cooso c'sc: : c'sc:
i. Half head stand - bhumi pada mastakasana Loso c'sc: cc c'sc:
ii. Head stand using the wall co: c'sc: ooaco
c c'sc: . sO, oc, Dc, oac
AJNA CHAKRA o_ c'sc: cs:o, t o_, o_, o`,
:t:c c'sc: o n:c c'sc:c:
1. Develop awareness of breath in nostrils. With inhale, awareness flows to third eye, with exhale, awareness flows from third eye to nostrils.
2. Begin alternating between nostrils. counting down from 100. (Example: 1 - in left, 2 - out right, 3 - in right, + - out left, 5 - in both out
both, etc...)
Use a still candle flame or any objects. Place on eye level,. 2 feet away. Stare unblinking as long as you can, close eyes and state at after
Trataka - Fixed gazing at one point
Shambhavi Nudra with ON chanting
1. Look up into the third eye as far as possible. Repeat ON chant, sending vibration into the third eye. 2. Close eyes, but don't move pupils.
Slowly extend each chant until it is breath long. 3. Keep chanting, but be aware of the chant vibrating through the whole body. Do not strain
eye muscles.
Sit in Sidhasana, pressing the heel into the perineum. Concentrate on the point of pressure and breath in and out of that point, until you get a
psycho-physical contraction.
1. Sit in Sidhasana, inhale deep and contract muscles of perineal, without contracting penis or anus.Hold as long as able and release. 2.
Contract and release perineal rhythmically. 3. Contract and release perineal mentally, until you can do it with just a thought.
Noola Banda - Perineal lock
Chakra Breathing
Anuloma viloma Pranayama - Coming and going breath
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
1. Focus eyes on nosetip, until double outline of the nose come together to form a single line. Direct your gaze at a U-shaped outline. 2.
Become aware of the breath moving in and out of the nose.
Nasikagra Drishti - Nosetip Gazing
Agnisar Kriya - increasing digestive fire
Sit in vajrasana, separate knees as far as possible. Put arms locked on knees, slightly lean forward, open mouth and extend the tongue.
Breath rapidly in and out, like a panting dog, expanding and contracting the abdomen. For advanced: perform Jalandhara banda (throat lock)
and rapidly expand and contract abdominal muscles for as long as you can retain breath.
Sit in Lotus or vajrasana and lock hands on knees. Exhale and perform Jalandhara Banda. Contract abdominal muscles as far as able and hold
as long as able without breath.
Sit and become immobile. Center awareness on navel with natural breath. Become aware of Apana going from Nooladhara to navel, and
Prana going from top to navel- both reach navel at point of full inhalation. When feel 2 forces meeting, do kumbhaka (Breath retention) an
develop awareness of a single point of force in the navel. Awareness of 2 forces must be Simultaneous.
Union of Prana and Apana
Uddiyana Banda - abdominal lock
Asanas: 1. Shakti Banda series. 2. Cobra. 3. Rabbit. +. Bow pose. 5. Rabit-Cobra.
Ashwini Nudra - contraction of anus
1. Draw sex organ up by tensing and pulling lower abdomen and contracting urinary system (similar to when holding urination). 2. Nix with
Ashwini andfor Noola Banda. For women, clean feet and press heel in vagina entrance during this exercise.
Asanas: 1. Wheel. 2. Bow. 3. Cat stretch. +. Fish. 5. Lotus forward bend. 6. Forward bend. 7. Camel.
Nanipura purification: Sit back straight. Breath slow and deep in and out of the navel, feeling the air go back to the spinal cord.
vajroli Nudra - Penisfvagina pull
Contract and release anus rhythmically. Feel waves go up and hit the chakra on the back of spinal cord.
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
Anahata Purification: Sit with back straight. Breathe slow and deep, feel expansion and contraction of chest. Become aware of breath moving
in and out of Anahata through the chest center.
Asanas: 1. Cobra. 2. Head stand. 3. Fish. +. Sleeping thunderbolt. 5. Shoulder stand.
Sit any posture with knees touching the floor. Place palms on knees. !nhale, retain breath, bend head forward, press chin tightly against the
chest. Straighten arms and bend shoulders up and forward. Hold breath as long as able. Relax shoulders, bend arms, raise head and exhale.
Touch bottom part of the tongue to upper mouth. Pull tongue as far into the mouth as able.
Jalandhara Banda - throat lock
Bhramari pranayama - humming breath
Plug ears with index fingers, arms shoulder height, back straight, eyes close, teeth slightly separate, mouth close. At exhalation produce a
hum, feel it vibrate in the head.
Become aware of natural breath. Discover the sound So-Hum, So corresponding to inhalation and Hum to exhalation.Let thought come and
go, remain focussed on So-Hum. Become aware of psychic breath moving front of the body, throat to navel and back.
Entering the Heart Space meditation
1. Concentrate on throat region, awareness on breath there. 2. Add awareness of breath moving down from there. 3. Add awareness of
Diaphragm. When inhale, it drops into abdomen, increasing pressure and causing navel to expand, at same time lungs are expanding fully in
the chest. When exhale abdomen contracts, diaphragm rises and lungs are emptied completely. +. Become aware of Akasha, space within
which diaphragm is operating. With inhalation, feel the space filling up. Be only aware of the space filling up. 5. Become aware of heart space,
its expanding and contracting with rhythm of natural breath.*This process of filling up is only the basis for this vAST space, just like the
process of feeling the breath is only the basis for experiencing the heart space.* Go on to comprehend this wide space. 6. Then you are aware
of space alone. Feel contraction and expansion of this vast space. !f awareness of heart space is constant and stable, many visions will
manifest. 7. Become aware of natural breath in throat. Chant ON 3 times, let the vibration manifest deep within.
Ajapa Japa meditation
Khechari Nudra - tongue stretch
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
Do Khechari Nudra and contract the glotus and throat. When breathing, very soft snoring is heard. Feels like breathing in the throat - make
breath long and relaxed.
Chakra purification: Practice Kechari Nudra with Ujjayi Pranayama feeling the breath go in and out of the chakra through the throat center.
vipareta Karani Asana
Ujjayi Pranayama - throat breath
Do Bhrahmari Pranayama. Keep fingers in ears, eye closed. Listen for any sound in the head. As soon as any sound appears, fix awareness on
it. Sound will become louder over periods of practice. When loud, start listening for a subtler sound behind the first one. When heard, move
attention to subtler sound. This is your new, more subtle vehicle of awareness. When a subtler sound is reached, move awareness to it. !n this
manner your perception will become progressively more subtle and allow you to dive deep into your being.
Sit comfortably. Bring hands to face, elbows sideways. Hold ears with thumbs, eyes with index fingers, nose with middle fingers, lips locked
top to bottom with the rest of the fingers - gently and firmly. Release middle fingers, inhale deep and slow. Close nostrils, retain breath. Try to
hear a sound from either Bindu or the right ear. Hold breath as long as able and release. When sound is heard, follow steps from previous
Yoni or Shanmuki Nudra - closing the seven gates
Perception of subtler inner sound
Similar from shoulder stand, but the body is only +5Deg, legs are up and are supported by arms at the hips. Breath deep with eye closed for
up to 15 minutes.
Noorchta Pranayama - fainting breath
Sit steady, straight and relaxed. Do Khechari Nudra, inhale with Ujjayi Pranayama and bend head back with Shambhavi Nudra. !nhale slow
and deep, at the end of inhalation, head is at +5Deg. Retain as long as able, keep awareness of Bindu, arms straight on knees, elbows locked.
Bend arms, slowly exhale with Ujjayi bending head forward. Slowly close eyes, at the end of exhalation, head is forward, eyes are closed, relax
short time. Release Khechari, breathe normal, become aware of lightness and calmness in the mind.
vajroli Nudra with awareness on Bindu
Contract and release vajroli Nudra with awareness on Swadhistana Chakra. Draw awareness from Swadhistana to Bindu, reuniting sexual
energy with its source in Bindu. Return to Swadhistana and release vajroli.
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `
Chakra Neditation
Sit back straight. Fix awareness on Bindu, take a deep and slow breath. Upon breathing out, imagine breath going down from Ajna to
mooladhara, passing all chakras and at the same time eyes close slowly. Back to top, eye open, look inside and start again.
Unmani Nudra - gesture of thoughtlessness
Sit in any meditative posture. Body steady, like a statue, and relaxed. Bring awareness to whole body, then the spinal column, then Ajna.
Discover pulsation there and synchronize ON chanting with pulsation. Count 21 pulsation. Try to feel Ajna simply by doing Ashwini Nudra.
Nove to Nooladhara, count 21 pulsation. Open eyes, do Nasikagra Drishti to bring stimulus awareness to Nooladhara. Nove awareness to
Swadhistana. Discover pulsation and count 21 of them. Perform vajroli Nudra. Bring awareness to navel, and feel the psychic breath move up
form Nooladhara and down from the top meeting in navel simultaneously at inhale. Retain breath and feel the point of force there. Bring
awareness to Nanipura and count 21 pulsations there. Bring awareness to Anahata - become aware of incoming breath and feel the heart
space filling up. Feel the space directly, expanding and contracting with the rhythm of natural breath. Bring awareness to throat and back into
vishudhi, count 21 pulsations. Nove up and down in that fashion touching mentally each chakra with precise awareness.
Chaturtha Pranayama
Starting at Nooladhara and up to Ajna, repeat ON mentally while breathing: O - inhale, N - exhale.
Chakra Yoga Nidra - (Best if instructions are read to practitioner).
1. Lie in Shavasana, comfortable, mouth and eyes closed, straight, hips and shoulders relaxed, feet and legs little apart, arms not touching the
body, palms up. Tell yourself that you will not move! 2. Look at space behind closed eyes, imagine it surrounds the whole body. Be aware of
the body feeling light, like a leaf falling from the tree. !magine your body sinking like a leaf into the space. 3. Become aware of breath rising
and falling in the navel - keep breath natural. +. Repeat your Spiritual Declaration in a short, sincere and positive sentence - it should be a
crystallization of your spiritual aspiration. 5. Try to visualize your body view from outside. visualize each part of the body with awareness of it.
6. Starting at Nooladhara and ending in Sahasrara, then back again, become aware of each point for a short time. !ncrease speed and
sensitivity each round. 7. At each chakra, feel the point being lightly pressed and visualize the chakra. 8. Fix attention on eye brow center, feel
pulsation there. Become aware of rhythmical beat and mentally repeat ON. 9. Repeat your Spiritual declaration 3 times with emphasis and
feeling. Become aware of breath and body, then the outer sense perception.
ieje Gael :is)tle o n``C `

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