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Name : ______________ Post Lab Questions-Sticky Liquids!!!

20-point assignment (Pick 4 of 6 questions to complete)

1. a) In Move the Pepper Please, Why did the pepper flakes move towards outside of
cup and sink when soap was added? b)How does soap affects Hydrogen bonding of water molecules. c) Compare how salt affects Hydrogen bonding. Please use pictures with labels to help explain.

2. a) In Copper Dropper parts 1-4 we tested the amount of liquid we could put onto a penny before it burst. Draw and label regular tap water on penny and soapy water on penny. b) Please discuss which liquid had the best surface tension and explain why?

3. a) How is it possible to get small paperclip to float on water? b) Why is the large paperclip much more difficult? c) Also, explain how a lizard can run away from a predator on top of the water.

4. Water makes up 70% of the Earths surface. a) What atoms make up water and how do you write the chemical formula for water? b) In addition, draw a picture of a water molecule labeling the different parts (include electrons, neutrons, protons) as well as which ends have magnetic charges.

5. In Moving Molecules, we had 3 different temperatures of water in which I put a drop of food coloring. a) Draw 3 pictures showing what diffusion would look like after 15 seconds in each beaker. b) Please label each picture and include a key to make it easier to understand.

6. In Cohesion of Liquids, we compared drops of 2 liquids. a) Please draw and label pictures of each tap water and rubbing alcohol. b) Explain differences between the 2 liquids and how that changes drop sizes. c) What happens when rubbing alcohol is added in between toothpicks?

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