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Perez, Eddie 02/05/2014 English cc Mrs. Sheridan As the initial rays of sunshine break through the horizons, a tiny dew drop reflects the magnificent auburn light. The wind blows through without any warning and rustles the dead and dry leaves. I take a deep breath and stand up from the rusted bench and move on to my place of employment. This is the art of everyday life. Many of us live the fast paced life in which time is consumed by the never ending woes inflicted by society. We never have enough time to stop and observe even the simplest things such as, the dew droplet on a blade of grass, or the dead leaves rustling through the wind. Art can be found in almost everything and also be impossible to find by the ignorant eye. My belief is that art can be found everywhere if you know how and where to look. Our fast paced lives conduct from linear paths that lead us from point A to point B, we can never find the time to linger and observe the art of everyday life. I think that it is essential as human beings to stop, observe and learn about our environment. I myself take the time of riding in the bus to observe the nearby houses. This gives me a better understanding of my neighborhood. I also look at the different buildings to learn about the architecture, which is a major form art that requires more than just inspiration. A photographer might see the stray dog as another soul waiting to tell its story through its tired eyes and its fragile body frame other than just a mangy pup, which is what the inexperienced eye might see. An artist might see a crumpled up piece of paper as an infinite universe and then comes along the local barkeep and sweeps it without even taking the slightest pause notice to it. Art is everywhere it just takes a little more


thought to really accept this theory. It also takes a little more thought and courage to apply and practice this theory in our everyday lives. At this point you might laugh at my hippie point of view just because you think that there is no time to look at the fly on the wall which does nothing but buzz and stare blankly with its abnormally huge eyes. Well, the truth is that I too have a very busy agenda. Right now at this moment I am missing an audition for our OAP however I still managed time to sit down and think a bit more of what art truly is. The reality of time is that it itself is non-existent. Time is just another man made creation that ultimately kills the human inspiration and imagination. Often our daily obstacles obstruct trains of deeper thought that lie within the simplicity of the modern human life. The busy lifestyle that we live in is no excuse to forget about the art in everything. We can always manage to meditate a little on anything from how a clock works to why we make certain gestures. We dont think about how exploration that should take place due to the human curiosity, but we might still do it without noticing it. We forget about the things that make us who we are physically and come to vulnerable stage similar to that of the unborn fetus, we can channel the universe for a deeper thought or idea. When we do this our curiosity turns into that of an infant child. This is when true discovery of everyday art can begin. Even though our curiosity is infant we still ask questions and thats okay because thats just human nature. When we take the time to observe with more appreciation we can ultimately answer these questions. Every day art is the answer to the everyday question. Now that you might have considerably opened your heart and you mind you might asking yourself the question of what and how to observe whatever it is that is going to answer your


questions. Well the answer to that is simple; its your choice to observe whatever art you yourself might encounter. Especially those things that disturb you are the best place to start; because then you have better understanding of those things and you might learn to enjoy it as the art form that it that it calls to be. At the height of my paper there might still be those skeptics who still hold on to that lie of I have a busy schedule. Well Ill tell you that youre not the only one. Everyone has a set agenda whether it is written or not, but believe me it only takes the acknowledgment of that art piece to realize the fact that it is art. And there is also the argument that art is not everywhere, that it is only validated as art if its at a museum or a gallery. Well what about the art of thought. Dont you think that thinking is beautiful even if it is an intangible thing; it is still considered art by many, including myself. Yes time might fly but that doesnt mean we cant observe a bird take flight and watch the strokes of the wings as an art form. Or simply listen to the wind under its wings and move along to the melody it has created for the sole purpose of movement. I end my argument with the fact that everything is art but it takes an artist (us) to paint the thoughts of its beauty.

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