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inprogress reviewed by customer billed

appr Customer Billing Application Display a popup Message when user trying to change the status to billed untill unless all related workorder are completed. Header Object:PLUSPBILLBATCH primary attribute :BILLBATCHNUM PLUSPBILLBATCH.CUSTOMER for Customer Number and PLUSPBILLBATCH.AGREEMENT for Ag reement PLUSPBILLBATCH.PLUSPPRICESCHED for Priceschedule Child Object:PLUSPBILLLINE attribute:LINENUM,ORDERNUM RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PLUSPBILLBATCH AND PLUSPBILLLINE=PLUSPBILLBATCH_BILLLINE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PLUSPBILLBATCH AND WORKORDER=WORKORDER APPLICATIONNAME=PLUSPBILL 102070 102010 IF PLUSPBILLBATCH.STATUS='BILLED' custom.plusp.webclient.beans.pluspbill.OPS_PlusPBillAppBeanExt SqlFormat sqf = new Sqlformat(userinfo, attribute+"=:1"); sqf.setobject(1, objectname, attributename, valueofAttribute); mboSet.setWhere(sqf.format());

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