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Teacher Candidate:

Samantha Reed


Friday 2/20/14

Cooperating Teacher: Jessica Mack Group Size: 25 Allotted Time Math-Lines

Coop. Initials Grade Level 4th Section

Subject or Topic:

STANDARD: CC.2.3.4.A.1 Draw lines and angles and identify these in two dimensional figures. I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes): The fourth grade students will create different types of lines by correctly identifying their features. II. Instructional Materials -Lines picture cards -Yarn -Line Segment, ray, and line pieces -Paper for all students -Glue III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea). A. Prerequisite skills 1. Basic understanding of angles and lines in shapes. B. Key Vocabulary 1. Line: a straight path that goes on forever in both directions. 2. Line Segment: part of a line with two end points. 3. Ray: a line with one endpoint and continues on forever in one direction. 4. Intersecting Lines: lines that intersect at an angle that is not a right angle. 5. Parallel lines: lines that never intersect. 6. Perpendicular lines: lines that intersect at right angles. C. Big Idea: Intersecting, perpendicular, and parallel, are the three types of lines. IV. Implementation A. Introduction 1. Give each student a picture line card. Instruct them to walk around the

room and try to find people who have similar pictures to you. Explain that there are three groups and you all need to try to figure out what the three different groups are. 2. As the students walk around slowly give them hints as to how the groups are arranged. Tell them to look at the angles, to look at the lines, and to think about some of the topics we have been discussing. B. Development 1. Now hold up the three line cards and tell the students that these are what the three groups are based on. Give them another chance to rearrange the groups based on this. 2. Now have the groups work together to try to figure out what their pictures have together, and the characteristics that link them. 3. Have each group share their ideas. Then explain the actual reasons and give the actual name of each type of line. Parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting. 4. Explain that parallel lines never meet, that no matter how long they go on they will never meet. 5. Perpendicular lines meet at a right angle, show the right angle with the knex angle. 6. Intersecting lines meet at an angle that is not ninety degrees. 7. Look for different examples of each around the room. 8. Now show on the board the different kinds of lines. Show that if there is an arrow that means that it goes on forever. If there is a dot that means it ends at that point. Draw and label a line, a line segment, and a ray. 9. Now have the students stand up around the room in a circle. 10. Give an end of the string to one student, then pass it to another, do the same with another string to first create parallel lines, and ask the students to identify them. 11. Next, repeat the same with perpendicular, and intersecting lines. 12. Then, have the students try to create some other quadrilaterals using the string. C. Closure 1. Now have the student return to their seat, and complete the exit slip in their seats or for homework. D. Accommodations/Differentiation 1. Give the more difficult lines to students at the beginning who seem to be grasping geometry a little more, and simpler ones to the students who need a little more help. E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan 1. Formative-The exit slip will be collected and graded. 2. Summative-There is no summative assessment for this lesson.

V. Reflective Response A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is taught)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection 1. How effective was the string activity in identifying the lines?

2. How could this lesson be improved?

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