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The American Heart Association partners

with local schools through their

Jump and Hoops programs
Jump & Hoops are School
Community Service Projects
Schools receive all materials needed to run an event plus
Lesson plans to teach students about Heart Health

Students Can choose to Raise Money to fight Heart Disease

JRFH & HFH Build School Spirit!
• Schools earn P.E. equipment
through their participation.
Schools Promote Heart Health

With Heart Healthy Messages!

Many PTA’s host JRFH & HFH
events working with the PE Teachers
Some Schools ….
Kick off with an Assembly
Most Schools like to make the
community aware of their efforts
Heart disease may affect someone you love!
Students May Jump in Honor of a Loved one!
OR In Memory of a Loved one!

Harrison (seen above) is the top student fundraiser nationwide.

He began jumping in 2nd grade in memory of his baby sister Kali, and he
continues his efforts through HFH at Neuqua Valley High School this year.
Harrison has set a goal to raise $100,000 for the AHA by the time
he graduates from high school in 2012.
Events Can be held in
Large Gyms….

...or Small Gyms

Events can be Held Outside

Or Inside!
Kids of all ages can participate……

No matter what their skill level!

Rule 1: Keep Moving
Rule 2: Have Fun!
Rule 3: Everyone Jumps

Whether they Choose to Raise Money Or Not!

Teachers & Parents can show off their skills too!
Hula hoops and jump ropes are an inexpensive way
for kids to be involved in heart healthy activities!
Great Way to Teach Cooperation while having fun!
Many schools provide a healthy snack station during JRFH
This school encourages the celebration of
healthy hearts!
Kids love to demonstrate their skills too!
Many cool down at the end of JRFH
with a group dance time!
Every year schools are presented with a new JRFH or HFH banner
Why is promoting the Mission of
the American Heart Association
so important?
Because 17% of children today are
overweight or obese.
And…..Overweight children
increase their risk of heart
disease as adults.
Because 61% of kids ages 5-19
don’t participate in any physical
activity outside of school.
Because 10% of teenagers have
cholesterol levels over 200.
( borderline high risk)
In 2005, the cost of Heart disease
and stroke in the U.S. =
$393.5 billion.

AND…..The Cost Today Is NOT Decreasing

Heart disease takes MORE lives
than the next 5 leading causes
of death
Heart disease claims a life every
34 seconds.
It Can Affect Anyone At Any Age!
By Hosting a Jump Rope or
Hoops for Heart event at your school
You become a Life Changer as well
as a Life Saver!
For more information
please call or e-mail:
Cindie DeWolf,
Youth Market Director
(517)455-9303 OR

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