Anda di halaman 1dari 461

athe first letter and the first vowel of the Devna:gri: alphabet; a prefix

signifying negation or absence (of something) as

, ; see .
ak (nm) a nmber, nmeral, figre, digit; marks; a mark; an act (of a drama or
play); lap, embrace; ! an accontant; a marker; ! (the science of) "rithmetic;
, to embrace.
# ak$n (nm) stamping; plotting; marking; ! worth being marked#stamped.
akpattr (nm) a mark%sheet.
$ka:i: (nf) an evalation, assessment or appraisal; remneration paid for it;
marking, valation.
aka:ntar (nm) act%interval.
akit (a) marked; inscribed, written; endorsed; to record; to mark.

# akr (nm) a sprot; an offshoot; a seed%bd; ! sproted, begn to shoot forth;

grown; !% a female who has started showing signs of emergent yothflness.

$krn$:, $kra:n$: (v) to sprot.

aksh (nm) a hook, elephant%driver&s iron hook; hamls; control; to

exercise control, #| to have control over.

#H, ! $kha:, !va: (nm) an eyelet; a paper%fastener.

ag (nm) a limb; member; body; part; component; organ; !U amptation;
! an armor; %9c each and every part of the body; % mtilation of any part of
the body; % H# (fascinating or inviting) physical gestre or postre, gracefl
manner or carriage; !

component, constitent; !H a bodygard; protector of

person; !H protection of person; % aromatic ngents and cosmetics;
%H twisting of the parts of the body for emotive expression; % make%p;
%8 physical charm; !| maimed; limbless; disabled; 4H organic
relationship;% H#H

to be beaming and boyant; % d| |

H to be worn and wearied, to lose msclarity; %9

H to be in a raptre;
H H to be in a fit of ecstasy; (for norishment etc.) to be manifest
in the form of physical fitness or health; to embrace.
s%s (also s% s) angar khaga (nm) disorderly stff; scraps; 'nk.
s $ga:i: (nf) twistins p
%% (() %%
stretching of the body for relaxation; see s.
s $ga:n$: (v) to twist or stretch the limbs or body for relaxation.
agad (nm) one of the generals in the army of *ord +a:m and the son of monkey%
king 4, irrevocably firm, nflinching.
$garkha: (nm) a long loose pper garment for men.
H $gre, (nm) an -nglishman; H -nglishism, "nglicism.
H $gre,i: (a) "nglican, -nglish; (nf) the -nglish langage.
agle (nm) bild, physical frame.
% aga:gi bha:v (nm) mtal relationship of the part and the whole organic
, aga:r, aga:ra: (nm) an ember, live coal, brning charcoal; 3 to
be fierce and fiery in speech; 4#| to be red with rage, to be in a fry;
4 to be excessively hot (said of the weather); | to 'mp into hot
water, to invite troble; | | to be in flames from within, to brn within
(on accont of 'ealosy or rage).
$giya: (nf) bodice.
agi: (a) primary, main, dominant; dominant emotion.
agi:ka:r (nm) adoption; acceptance; ndertaking; to adopt, accept or
ndertake; hence ,

| $gi:i: (nf) a grate, portable oven, fire%pot.

agl (nm) (measrement to) a finger&s breadth.

| $gli: (nf) see 3 |.

agsht (nm) a finger.

agshta:n$: (nm) a metal cover for finger.

$g:a: (nm) thmb;

H to flatter, to act the toady (to a person);

to defy and deride; to evade in defiance.

| $g:i: (nf) a finger%ring.

ag:r (nm) grape;

| vinos; 4 vineyard | vinicltre; |

9 vintage; | 4 vine; | to decry something that has proved
U $gachhn$: (v) to wipe (the body) dry with a towel or any other piece of cloth.
U $gachha: (nm) a towel, any piece of cloth for wiping (the body) dry.
0H $gre,i: (nf) see H.
achal (nm) the otward fringe or portion of a sa:ri:, etc.; a region; frontier
H a'an (nm) collyrim an eyesalve; !| a sty.
H%H a'ar%pa'ar (nm) physical frame, skeleton; 'oints of the body; d|
| to have the body redced to a state of life lessness; slackening of the 'oints and
parts of the body (on accont of excessive physical strain or sdden heavy 'erk or
H a'ali (nf) the cp%shaped hollow formed by the 'oining of the two palms
together; ! within one&s grasp, ac.ired;

the cp of one&s palms; !4@with the

palms 'oined together.
HH a'a:m (nm) the conclsion, end; reslt; completion; to
%% ((/ %%
accomplish, to complete; to be accomplished#completed.
H a'i:r (nm) a fig%tree; its frit.

H a'man (nf) an association; a society.

$ a'ha: (nm) intermission of work; a holiday
$n$: (v) to be contained in; to sffice (for containment).
% a%sha (a) absrd; incoherent, irrelevant, inconsistent; meaningless.
aa: (nm) a ball; pill (as of opim or bhang); small shell or kauri:; spool of thread;
(somebody&s) cltches; trn; !

s, ! dead%drnk, excessively intoxicated;

d to fall into the cltches (of.).
| ai: (nf) fold of the loin cloth on the waist; space between any two fingers of a
hand; a spool; knot; !4H a swindler, cheat; d to fall into hostile cltches;
H to swindle.
s a (nm) an egg; !|4 testicles; !H born ot of an egg; !

@ hydrocele.
s%4s a%b$ (a) see % .
s aa: (nm) an egg; s %4 the offspring; s | H

| to kill
the hen that lays the golden eggs; s to hatch, to incbate; to sit idle.
s ( s

) aa:ka:r (aa: kriti) (a) oval (shaped), egg%shaped.


a$: (nm) the ovm.

s aa:shay (nm) the ovary.
s ai: (nf) #castor; # castor oil.

H $ra: (a) ncastrated; 4 an ncastrated bll.

antahkatha: (nf) an episode or event allded to in a text.
antahkar$ (nm) the conscience, inner self
antahkalah (nm) internecine .arrel or warfare.
| antahka:li:n (a) provisional.
antahpaal (nm) plerome.

antahpr (nm) the women&s apartment in a royal hosehold, harem; a thalams.

97 antahpraggya: (nf) intition; !4 intitionism; ! intitional; intitionistic,
9 antahpravesh (nm) ingression.
9 antahprer$: (nf) intition; inspiration, inner rge.
antahshakti (nf) potency; inherent strength.
antasth (a) intermediate, sitated in between; (nm) the semi%vowels , , ,
and .
antastha: (nf) the medlla.
U antahssra:v (nm) internal secretion.
ant (nm) the end, termination; reslt, conclsion; mystery, secret; !| nending,
endless; to discover the secret of; 4 to have a good end; 4s to have
a tragic finale; | all is well that ends well; to extort the secret.
s $ti: (nf) intestines; | 4 H to delve into the innermost secrets; H
4 s (%) to lagh into convlsions.
antatah (adv) lastly, finally, at last; eventally.
|c antatogattva: (adv) at long last, lastly; eventally.
antarag (a) internal,
%% ((0 %%
interior; intimate; private; ! intimacy, intimate relationship; interiority;

inner circle; the inside story; private secretary; the high command,
antar (nm) difference; distance; interval; spacing; interior; heart; margin;
| to open one&s cards; to divlge one&s secrets; to give vent to one&s inner feelings.
antarak (nm) a spacer.
antar$ (nm) spacing; shifting; devoltion; handing over.
H antartam (nm) the core of the heart, heart of hearts.
$tra: (a) alternative.
antara: (nm) any verse of a song etc. excepting the first
cH antara:tm$: (nf) the sol, inner self, spirit.
antara:y (nm) an impediment, obstacle; ! an interrptor.
antara:l (nm) an interval, intervening time or space, gap; inner space; 7 a
bffer state.
H antariksh (nm) space, sky; !H, !| moving in the skies; an
astronat, a space traveller; 7 meteorology.
H antarim (a) interim.
| antari:p (nm) a cape, headland, promontory.
| antari:y (nm) the lower garment.
antaran allomorph of 1anskrit meaning internal, interior, inherent (as
in , ); inter, between two or more (as in , 9).
antarkatha: (nf) see
antarka:l (nm) inter%regnm.
antargat (ind.) nder, within; (a) inclded.
antargrah (nm) a planet; interior.
antargrah$ (nm) ingestion.
H antar'a:t (a) innate, inherent.
H antar'a:ti:y (a) inter%caste.
7 antargya:n (nm) intition; spirital enlightenment, self%realisation;
! intitionalism.
7| antar'yoti (nf) the inner light, inner flame.
7 antar'wa:la: (nm) worry, langish.
antardasha: (nf) in "strology, an intermediate period.
antardarshan (nm) introspection.
| antardarshi: (a) introspective; (nm) one who can see within oneself.
T antardrishshy (a) intervisible; ! intervisibility.
T antardrishi (nf) insight.
antardeshi:y (a) interstate; inland.
7 antardvandv (nm) inner#mental conflict.
H antardha:n (nm) disappearance, redction to invisibility.
H antardha:ra: (nf) ndercrrent.
# antardhvans (nm) sabotage; ! , ! saboter.
| antarnali: (nf) a spool.
H antarn2yam (nm) articles (of association, etc. of a company).
antarnivish (a) inclded; permeating within.
antarnihit (a) implied; nderstood; inclded.
9 antarpray$ (nm) inward travel#march.
9 antarpra:nti:y (a) inter%provincial
%% ((3 %%
(correct form 9).
9 antarpra:deshik (a) inter%regional, interstate.
4|H antarbodh (nm) see 7.
antarbha:v (nm) inclsion; permeation.
antarbha:vn$: (nf) inner feeling; conscience.

antarbh:t (a) inclded, involved; permeated.

H antarbh:m2 (nf) sb%soil.

antarbhed$n (nm) intrsion; probe.
| antarbhedi: (a) intrsive; probing.
H antarman$: (a) introvertive.

antarmkh (a) introvertive; ! introversion.


antarmkhi: (a) introversive, introvertive.

H antarya:m2: (a) pervading the interior or inner self; (nm) the 1preme 1pirit.
antarra:shri:y (a) international; ! internationalisation.
antarra:shri:yta: (nf) internationalism; ! internationalism; !| (an)
antarlay$n (nm) absorption.
| antarli:n (a) self%engrossed, absorbed; latent.
antarvati; (a) pregnant.
| antarvarti: (a) bffer; pervading#permeating, located within, overlapping.

antarvast (nm) the content.

U antarvastr (nm) an nderwear.
antarva:si: (a) instaying; indoor; | indoor patient.
antarvika:r (nm) mental aberration, mental perversion.
H antarvira:m (nm) intermission, intermittence.
|H antarvirodh (nm) self%contradiction, inner contradiction.
antarviva:h (nm) intermarriage.
antarvivek (nm) the conscience, intition.
4 antarvishay (nm) the content.
antarveg (nm) pertrbation, mental dis.iet.
antarvedh$: (nf) mental angish, agony.
antarvesh (nm) insertion.
H antarvya:dhi (nf) psychological#inner ailment.
antarhit (a) latent, concealed; rendered invisible.
antas (nm) the conscience, mind, psycne.
antastal (nm) the heart of hearts; mind.
antasta:p (nm) mental agony, inner distress.
antassalila: (nf) the river 1araswati: a stream that flows nperceived.
antassa:r (nm) the real content.
H| anta:kshari: (nf) see cH|.
H antim (a) last, final, ltimate, conclding#conclsive; ltimatm,
ltimate warning; s# lit. to cont the last moments i.e., to be on
the verge of death, to be breathing one&s last; to breathe one&s last.
H antimta: (nf) finality; conclsiveness.
HcH antimettham (nm) ltima tm.
%% ((4 %%
anteva:si: (nm) a resident ppil, ppil who stays in his guru's ashram.
c anty (a) the last; final; lowermost; !H #H the last rites; !H belonging to the
lowest class#caste.
c| antylop (nm) apocope.
cH| antya:kshari: (nf) a verse%reciting competition in which the following
contestant recites a coplet beginning with the last letter of the coplet recited by the
foregoing contestant and which may be carried on between competing individals or
rival teams.

9 antya:nppra:s (nm) rhyming of the terminal portions of the ltimate words

in a coplet, stan,a etc.
c antyeshi (nf) last#fneral rites.
antr (nm) see s
9 antrprada:h (nm) intestinal inflammation.

@ antrvriddhi (nf) hernia.

andar (adv) in, inside, within, to send behind the bars; hence |
$darsa: (nm) a kind of sweet cake.
| andari: (a) internal; intrinsic; inherent.
F andar:ni: (a) internal, internecine; inward.
H anda:, (nm) an estimate, a gess; mode, style; gestre; characteristic manner;
! roghly, approximately; to make an estimate; to srmise.
H anda:,a: (nm) an estimate, a gess.
andesha: (nm) misgiving, misapprehension; sspicion.
H andhan allomorph of H sed as the first or sbse.ent member in a compond
word (as H+; HH); see H.
H andhka:r (nm) darkness; gloom;

age of darkness.

andhk:p (nm) a blind well.

Hs andha (nm) a violent dst%storm.
HH andhmati (a) stpid, foolish, irrational.
H+# andhvishshva:s (nm) sperstition, blind trst; ! sperstitios; having blind
H@ andhshraddha: (nf) blind faith.
H andha: (a and nm) blind; irrational, nenlightened; nthinking;

H see H


pitch dark; black ot; a blind glass; to strike blind, to trn

incapable to view the realities; 4 | H a blind person re.ires bt his eyes;
4 to allow oneself to be hoodwinked or cheated; to be blindfolded; | to be
blinded, to be lost to realities; H | s#| a helpless man&s only spport; H
H |, | | throwing pearls before the swine; H 4 a
pri,e kill by a blind man; H| H H a figre among ciphers.

H andha:dhndh (adv and a) indiscreetly; indiscriminately, recklessly, at random;

wild, reckless, rash; || to fire into the brown.

andha:nkar$ (nm) blind#mechanical imitation or emlation.


andha:nya:ita: (nf) bigotry, blind following.


andha:nya:i: (nm) a blind follower; (a) blindly following.

%% ((5 %%
H andha:pan (nm) blindness, recklessness; folly.
H $dhiya:ra: (nm) see H.
H| $dhiya:ri: (a) see H; (nf) blinkers.
H andhi: (a) feminine form of H (see); a deep dark glf; |s a
blockhead, stpid.
H andher (nm) otrage; wrong; anarchy, complete lawlessness or mismanagement;
!#| pretty kettle of fish, anarchical state of affairs, complete lawlessness or
mismanagement; | a maladministered and lawless state or town etc.; 6
H a confsed rler, a chaotic state.
H $dhera: (nm and a) darkness; dark;

pitch dark; black ot; the

dark half of the month; 3H prosperity and adversity; | | the
darkest hor is that before the dawn; U H darkness to be thickened, to be
enveloped in darkness; to be overwhelmed by gloom (de to some terrible emotional
shock etc.); H 3H an only son; a very handsome child; H H
at the
first dawn of the day; H H U to leap into the dark; H H | to
grope in the dark; H H H to strike in the dark, to strike withot taking an
aim; H H to keep in dark.
H | $dheri: (nf) dst%storm; blinkers;|| a dark cell; the womb.
H| $dhai: (nf) blinkers.
4 ambar (nm) the sky; cloth#clothes, garment; mber;s 4 the crimson tinge
ac.ired by the sky at snset; the sky so tinged; !4 see H 4.
4 amba:r (nm) heap, pile, blk; ! a 'nk%hose, godown.
4 $biya: (nf) a small nripe mango.

amb (nm) water; !H a lots flower; !#H a clod; !H#!H the ocean.
ansh (nm) part; share; division; fragment; ingredient; contribtion; nmerator (of a
fraction); degree; in *ingistics, an element; ! part%time; ! a contribtor;
! contribtion; ! contribtory; contribtor: ! a share%
holder; the relationship of the part and the whole.
: anshtah (adv) partly; partially.
ansha:hk (nm) a degree.
ansha:vta:r (nm) a partial incarnation.
anshi: (nm) the wholehaving a nmber of parts or members.

ansh (nf) a ray, snbeam; !H| the sn.

akaak (a) smooth; nobstrcted; nchallenged.
akamp (a) nwavering, firm; hence , .
| akaor (a) not hard or rigid soft; weak, infirm.
s aka (nf) stiffness, rigidity; intractability; airs; affectation, show; strt,
haghtiness, conceit; !9
airs, arrogance, arrogant behavior; !4H haghty, arrogant,
hence !4H (nf).
s akan$: (v) to be stiff, rigid, intractable; to assme airs; to be affected; to be
haghty or conceited; s to walk with an affected air. to walk arrogantly.

aka: (a) stiff%necked, self%conceited, haghty; ! one who is on one&s high

horse, thinking too mch of oneself and showing off, too
%% ((7 %%
stiff%necked withot any capability.
, akath, akathn2:y (a) ineffable, indescribable.
akathit (a) nsaid, ntold, nexpressed, nttered.
akatthy (a) see ; not fit for tterance (for reasons of obscenity etc.).
4 akbak (nf) wish%wash; disconnected tterances, nonsense; to indlge in
wish%wash, to speak irrelevantly#nonsense;

#H| H to be nonplssed, to be
flabbergasted, to be at one&s wit&s end.
4 akbaka:n$: (v) to be flabbergasted, to make disconnected tterances, to be
akarkara: (nm) a medicinal plant.
akar$n (nm) omission.
akari:y (a) not worth doing, nfit to be done, improper; hence ! (nf).
akartavvy (nm) an improper act; (a) improper or nfit to be done, nworthy
H akarm (nm) inactivity, inertia.
H akarm$k (a) intransitive (verb).
H akarm$y (a) idle, indolent; inert.
H akarmayata: (nf) idleness, indolence, inertness.

4 akalsh (a) flawless; nsllied, blemishless.

~ akalpan2:y (a) nimaginable; nthinkable, inconceivable.
~ akalpit (a) nimagined; nthoght of.
~ akaly$: (nm) misfortne, disaster; ! hence !#!| (a).
aksar (adv) see 4.
aksi:r (a) see 4.
H akasma:t (adv) lit. from nowherenexpectedly; accidentally, all of a
s s ak$: t$:av (nm) mch ado abot nothing, nwarranted fss.
s aka: pa:t (nm) bathos.
ak$:y (a) irreftable; incontrovertible, indisptable; hence ! (nf).
H ak$:demi: (nf) an academy.
H ak$:m (a) withot a wish, nhanted by desires; hence ! (nf).
# #ak$:r (nm) the letter a () and its sond; ! (a word) ending in a ().
aka:r$ (adv and a) withot any reason or case, withot any pretext,
needlessly, caselessly, wanton, caseless, grondless; nprovoked.
aka:rath (a and adv) ftile, seless, ineffectal; in vain.
HH aka:ra:di kram (nm) alphabetical order.
aka:l (nm) famine; scarcity; (a) prematre; ntimely;

H lit an ot%of%season
floweran ntimely thing;H progeria; !4 precocios;

4 the "geless 8ne

the 1preme 9eing as worshipped by the 1ikhs;9 prematre delivery;

ntimely demise;

prematrely aged;

ntimely rains.
aka:lik (a) ntimely, inopportne; prematre.
| aka:li: (nm) a sect of the 1ikhs; a follower of this sect.
akichan (a) poor, paper; destitte; !#c poverty, paperism; destittion.
4| a.i:da: (nm) faith, belief.
| aki:rti: (nf) disgrace, infamy:
%% ((: %%
! disgracefl, reslting in infamy.

akntit (a) sharp, keen; nstnted, ncramped, nrestricted.

akl$:n$: (v) to feel neasy#restless; to be fidgety.

akla:ha (nf) restlessness neasiness.

| akli:n (a) low%born; mean; hence ! (nf).

akshal (a) nskilled; novice, amaterish; hence ! (nf).

ak:t (a) immeasrable, nfathomable.

akkrit (a) nll, nllified; ndone.

7 akkritagy (a) ngratefl, thankless; hence ! (nf).

akkriti: (a) nskilled, inexperienced; (nm) a novice.

akkriti:kar$ (nm) nllification; invalidation.

H akrittrim (a) natral; genine; nsophisticated, naffected; hence ! (nf).

akela: (a) single; lonely, lonesome; solitary; (adv) by oneself, singly, alone;

alone or with one or two more; s | 9|s a lone soldier,

cannot win a war; 44 a host in oneself; H | H all alone,
akela:pan (nm) a feeling of loneliness, lonesomeness; solitde, solitariness.
akele (adv) alone, by oneself, withot a companion; % all by oneself, with
none to spport, all alone.
akashal (nm) see

4 d akkal da: (nf) dens serotins, wisdom tooth.
4s akkha (a) headstrong; contmacios, rde and rogh, haghty;
!#! contmacy, headstrongness; haghtiness.

4 akt:bar (nm) (the month of) 8ctober.

4 a.d (nm) agreement; marriage; !H a marriage agreement.
HH akkram (a) disorderly, chaotic.
4 a.l (nf) common sense; intellect; wits; wisdom;H to see reason; to learn a
lesson; H a dotard, devoid of grey matter; ## to be
bereft of wits, to be ot of one&s head;

H a stpid fellow;

personified; H ,H| H to be in a fix or dilemma;

| to be at
one&s wit&s end; |s s to cdgel one&s brains; to exercise one&s mind in all
directions, to indlge in mental gymnasim; U s s#| 9 9 to indlge
in stpidity all the time, to demand a tribte to the dead;, 4 H
H#s to be non%plssed; H, "

|,H to lose
the faclty of reasoning, to lose power of discrimination; to lose wits;
to set (one) right, to pt to senses, to fix one in one&s proper place, to ct to si,e;
| to have learnt a lesson, to be fixed in one&s proper place;
c# s,

H |to be ot of one&s head, to be bereft of senses or intellect,

to lose one&s wits; 4s () knowledge predominates over mere strength;
H (

H) 3 | there is more wit in his little finger than in yor whole

body; to sffer senile decay, to sffer from mental paralyses; |
| to have nothing to do with common sense.
%% (;( %%
4H a..lm$nd (a) prdent, sagacios; intelligent; wise; sensible.
4H| a..lmandi: (nf) prdence, sagacity; intelligence; wisdom; sensibility.
4 akklish (a) not intricate easy, easily intelligible.
H aksh (nm) an axis.
H akshat (a) nimpaired, intact; (nm) whole grain of rice; ! virginity; the state of
being nimpaired; !| a virgin; ! having nimpaired virility; a celebate.
HH aksham (a) incompetent, incapable; handicapped; ! incompetence, incapability;
H+ akshammy (a) npardonable, inexcsable.
H# akshay (a) imperishable, ndecaying; perennial; ! imperishable, ndecaying;
H akshayy (a) imperishable, ndecaying; perennial.
H akshar (nm) any letter of the alphabet, character; syllable; (a) imperishable,
ndecaying; intact; ! "lgebra; !H a professional athor, a free%lance writer;
!H the alphabet; |H (<rinting) composition;|H compositor;
7 spelling; | to be absoltely illiterate.
H| aksharcha:ri: (a) literalist (ic).
HH 4 aksharvishlesh$n (nm) syllabism.
H aksharshah (adv) literally; in toto; verbatim.
H| akshari: (nf) spelling.
H aksh$:k (nm) indices.
H aksh$:ntar (nm) latitde.
H aksh$:nsh (nm) latitde.
H akshi (nf) an eye;| the eye%ball; the ppil;H4 a moment, the
time taken in the twinkling of the eye; the retina;H a side%long glance.
H aksh= (a) nimpaired, nbroken, intact; entire, complete; hence ! (nf).
HH akshbdh (a) npertrbed; .iet.
H| akshobh (nm) absence of pertrbation; calmness, .iet.
H akshahii: (nf) in ancient military terminology, it signified a division of army
consisting of );,75( elephants, );,75( chariots, 43,4;( horses and ;(:,/3( foot%
4 aks (nm) a shadow, reflected image, reflection; 3 to photograph; to
reprodce an exact image;# to trace.
4 aksar (adv) often, generally, sally.
4 aksi:r (a) nfailing, sre; a sre#sovereign remedy.
s akha (a) the whole, complete; ndivided; indivisible; non%stop recitation;
the happy state of a woman srvived by her hsband; hence
s akh$ata: (nf) indivisibility; integrity; completeness.
s akh$an2:y (a) indivisible, infrangible, nbreakable; irreftable; irresolvable;
hence ! (nf).
s akh$it (a) nbroken, ndivided; nimpaired; irrepdiated.
4 ahba:r (nm) a newspaper; ! a 'ornalist;
! 'ornalism; 4| pertaining to news or newspaper(s);
6"H newsprint 4| 4'ornalese.
akharn$: (v) to make one feel sore; to be disagreeable or npleasant.
| akhro (nm) a walnt.
4 akhla:. (nm) manners, good
%% (;; %%
manners; hence !| (a).
s akha:a: (nm) an arena, wrestling arena; place for exercise; a congregation
of sadhus or their abode; H | to have the bots going; to have an assembly in
fll swing;HH an assembly to be active and enlivened; s% 4H see s;
s H H#3 to step into the arena (for a bot), to pick p the gantlet.
s akha:iya: (nm and a) a master fighter; skilled manoevrer; strategist.
akha:ddy (a) inedible; neatable.
akhil (a) whole, all, entire, pan.
akhilesh (nm) the 1preme >aster, the >aster of the niverse.
EO aa:h (int) oh ? (an exclamation of srprise or wonder in case of an
nexpected appearance or meeting etc.)
E atiya:r (nm) power, right, athority.
ag (a) immovable; nintelligible.
%H ag%'ag (nm) the movable and immovable taken together; the whole niverse.
sH%4sH ag$m%bag$m (nm) 'nk, a disorderly heap of scraps.
ag$ani:y (a) innmerable; contless; hence ! (nf).
ag$it (a) nnmbered, nacconted; nmberless.
agay (a) see .
agati (nf) stagnation; inertia; hence ! (a).
H ag$m (a) inaccessible, nattainable; incomprehensible; hence ! (nf).
+ ag$mmy (a) see H; incohabitable; +H incest; +H (an)
incestos (person).
+ agammy$ta: (nf) inaccessibility; nintelligibility; incohabitability.
agar (ind) if, in case; (nm) aloe (wood); ! althogh, thogh; !4 an incense
%H agar%magar (nf) if and bt; wavering, hitch; dilly%dallying; to dilly%
dally, to vacillate, to resort to ifs and bts.
F agar (nm) aloe (wood).
agarhit (a) ncensred, ncondemned.
%4" agal%bagal (adv) on both sides; side by side; nearby.
agla: (a) next, following; coming, approaching; the other (person).
s agwa:a (nm) the frontage, front portion.
agw$:n2: (nf) reception, welcome (esp. one extended to a marriage party or a
distingished gest).
agast (nm) (the month of) "gst.
agah$n (nm) the ninth month of the @ind calendar.
3 aga:: (a) forward; advance; forward trading.
s aga:i: (nf) the front part; facing; the rope sed for tying a horse&s neck; (adv) in
front of; in ftre; %Us see H%U.
H aga:dh (a) nfathomable; profond, deep;H deep#nfathomable water; hence
! (nf).
| agingola: (nm) an incendiary bomb.
4| aginbo (nf) a steam%boat, steamer.
| agiya:ri: (nf) throwing or brning incense etc. into the fire.

H aga: (nm) a leader; pioneer,

%% (;) %%
forernner; gide; ! leadership; gidance; 6 to play first fiddle.
ag= (a) see

;; (nm) see

having no .ality#merit.

d ag: (a) intelligible; apparent; simple.

| agochar (a) imperceptible; hence ! (nf).
agn2 (nf) fire; the god of fire; appetite; digestive faclty; ! a spark;
!s arson, conflagration; !|s firework; ! cremating, cremation; !|Hordeal,
severe trial;

H tried in the frnace; %

H fire%worship; %

H fire%
worshipper; 98 smmoning and worshipping the god of fire (in order to commence a
religios fnction); 9 entry into fire; immolation; !4 a fire%emitting#incendiary
arrow;H | to sffer from dyspepsia, to lose appetite
!H digestive; 4 shelling, bombing, firing; % cremation; ! consmed by
or consigned to fire.
7U agnyastr (nm) firearms.
0 aggr (a) first; foremost; chief; (nm) the fore%part of anything, the head;
! leading, prominent; !H pioneering; pioneer, leader; !H#H7H an elder
brother; !H an elder sister; !: firstly, primarily; ! priority, precedence; !

fore%rnner; front portion, front part; ! pioneering, leading; ! an
editorial, a leading article, leader.
0 aggrai: (a) leading; pre%eminent, otstanding.
0#H4 aggrdharsh$ (nm) (act of) aggression; !H4| aggressive; an aggressor.
0 aggrpa:d (nm) fore%limb.

H aggrbh:mi (nf) fore%land.

0| aggrvarti: (a) advance; located or sitated ahead, forward.
0 aggrsar (a); to forward; to move ahead;| to proceed, to go
ahead; 0 forwarding.
0+ aggra:my (a) civil, civic; rbane, refined.
0H aggra:hy (a) nacceptable, inadmissible; ineligible; invalid.
0H aggr2m (a) first; foremost; chief; (adv) in advance; (nm) an advance; 9 an
advance copy.

agri:kkrit (a) fronted (in *ingistics).

agh (nm) a sin, misdeed: !H4 prification, expiation#expiatory; prifying.
agha (a) ntoward, nworthy; improbable.
aghait (a) noccrred, not having happened.
agha:n$: (v) to be satiated, srfeited or satisfied (with), to have abndance (of
|| aghori: (a and nm) filthy, ncoth and nclean (man); detestable; one who
indlges in indiscriminate eating; a member of the order of mendicants called &aghor
|4 aghosh (a) nvoiced (sond).
achachal (a) nwavering; stable, steady.
achambha: (nm) wonder, srprise, astonishment; a bolt from the
ble; wonder%strck, srprised.
# achkacha:n$: (v) to be taken aback or astonished, to be
confonded#dmbfonded; !
%% (;/ %%
(nf) astonishment, a sense or state of being taken by srprise.
achk$n (nf) a kind of tight%fitting long coat.
achar (a) immovable; constant, invariable; (nm) an invariant, invariable.
H achara' (nm) srprise, astonishment, wonder.
achal (a) immovable#immobile; stationary, motionless, still; firm, sessile;
immovable property.
achalata: (nf) immovability; inertia; firmness.
achala: (nf) the earth; (a) see .
H4 acha:kshsh (a) non%visal; invisible.
acha:n$k (adv) all of a sdden, sddenly, nexpectedly; H#H to take a
person at advantage#by srprise.
acha:r (nm) pickles: s lit. to prepare pickles, said while aiming scoffs at
nwarranted preservation or saving of a thing.
| acha:ri: (nf) typical pickles prepared from mango parings.
achint$ni:y (a) nthinkable, incomprehensible.
achintit (a) nplanned; npremeditated; nexpected; nworried, nthoght(of).
c achinty (a) see .
achit (a) devoid of consciosness.
achir (a) prompt; withot delay.
7 achi:nh$: (a) nknown; nidentified.

ach:k (a) infallible, nfailing, nerring; sre; sre cre.

achet (a) devoid of consciosness; nconscios; senseless.
achet$n (a) nconscios; inanimate; hence ! (nf).
acheta: (nf) nconsciosness; inanimation.
7 achaitanny (a) nconscios; (nm) absence of consciosness; inanimation.
U achchha: (a) good; fine; excellent; pleasant; righteos; sond; genine; (adv)
well; correctly, granted; (int) all right, well done; so long; O fairly good; ade.ate;

good and bad; to cre (of an ailment);| HH that acconts

for the milk in the cocoant; to have a liking (for): U|

H#4 to have good time; U %U big gns, those who matter,

significant people; U %4

| HH | to know a hawk from a handsaw;U

s to enconter a difficlt#nmanageable person.
U achchha:i: (nf) goodness; virte; merit; 4

merit and demerit; virte and

vice; good and bad.
U achchha:p$n (nm) goodness, positive excellence.
U7 achchhinn (a) ninterrpted, nbroken; ndivided.

# achchyt (a) infallible; nerring; immtable; hence ! (nf).


achh:t (a) ntochable; (nm) an ntochable; U

|@ plift of the

achh:ta: (a) fresh; ntoched: npollted.

U achheddy (a) impenetrable; indivisible.
U| achhor (a) withot a beginning or end, nending.
H a' (a) nborn, eternal.
%% (;0 %%
H a, (ind) from; !

on one&s own, by oneself; !" 4 divine; !9 from; % % de

novo, anew; ! very mch, too mch.
H# a'gar (nm) a python, a hge snake; !| phythonic, pertaining to the python;

leisrely attitde, a sense of inertia.

H a,daha: (nm) see H.
H4 a'nabi: (a) nknown, nfamiliar; alien; (nm) a stranger.
H7H a'anm$: (a) see H.
H4 a'ab (a) strange. pecliar.
HH a,mat (nf) greatness, dignity,
H a'ar (a) ever%yong, ndecaying.
H a'wa:in (nf) a kind of aromatic seed Carum copticum.
HU a'asr (a) ninterrpted; continos; 9 ninterrpted flow.
H a'a:t (a) nborn; !

one who has no enemy.

H a'a:n (a) ignorant, innocent; H nknowingly, nwittingly.
H a,a:n (nf) prayer%call (by a muazzin) in a mos.e.
H4#, ! a'a:yabghar, !$:n$: (nm) a msem, crio%collection centre.
H a'it (a) ncon.ered, ndefeated.
HH a,i:, (a) dear; (nm) a near relative, kith and kin.
H4 a'i:b (a) strange, pecliar, arosing a sense of wonder; H4|"|4 ni.e,
pecliar; ama,ing, baffling.
H a'i:r: (nm) indigestion (cased by overeating)

4 a':ba: (nm) a crio, wonder.

H a'ey (a) invincible, ncon.erable.
7 aggy (a) ignorant; stpid; ! ignorance; stpidity.
7 aggya:t (a) nknown; !

of nknown lineage; !H#!H of nknown name,

anonymos; !

nknown (before); ! secret dwelling, dwelling in an nknown

place; ! (a girl) naware of the emergence of yoth (within her).
7# aggy$:n (nm) ignorance, pacity of knowledge; hence! (nf); ! ignorant,
nwise; an ignorams.
7 aggyey (a) nknowable; ! nknowability; ! agnosticism; !| agnostic.
aak (nf) obstacle, hitch; lag.
aakn$: (v) to get stck p, to be held p.
akal (nf) con'ectre, gess; !4H one who is given to making con'ectres or
gesses; hence !4H (nf).

akalpachch: (a) random; fancifl, imaginary; ncertain; (nm) a random

gess, mere con'ectre.
aka:v (nm) hitch; hindrance, obstrction; catch%p.
aan (nm) roving, going rond, roaming; ! (a) roving, roaming, given to
an$: (v) to sffice; to be contained in.
apaa: (a) odd; absrd, incongros; hence ! (nm).
apaa:n$ (v) to wobble; to become incongros#nsteady.
aal (a) firm; irrevocable; resolte; nwavering, steadfast.
aa: (nm) a garret, an attic.

aa:: (a) immense, immeasrable; crammed fll.

| aa:ri (nf) a small garret, an attic.

a: (a) nbreakable; firm; incessant; immense; 4H nbreakable#firm

relationship, nbreakable
%% (;3 %%
aer$n (nf) a reel or skein of thread.
% asa (a) see s%4s.
aha:s (nm) a horse%lagh, peal of lod laghter.
aa:lika: (nf) a high palatial mansion; an attic.
aai:s (a) twenty%eight; (nm) the nmber twenty%eight.
aa:nve (a) ninety%eight; (nm) the nmber ninety%eight.
aa:v$n (a) fifty%eight; (nm) the nmber fifty%eight.
aa:si: (a) eighty%eight; (nm) the nmber eighty%eight.
a (a)an allomorph of H sed as the first member of a compond word;
!H() a ceremony performed in or abot the eighth month of a woman&s pregnancy;
a prematre child born in the eighth month of pregnancy; !s () a span of eight
| akheli: (nf) (s. sed in plral ) playflness, frolic;
merriment; to romp and rollick, to be playfl.
7 aann2: (nf) an eight%anna coin.
ahattar (a) seventy%eight; (nm) the nmber seventy%eight.
atha:rah (a) eighteen; (nm) the nmber eighteen.
s aaga: (nm) an obstacle, obstrction, impediment; s 4H an
obstrctionist; s 4H obstrcting tactics, obstrctionis n%s# to create an
obstacle; H to place an impediment; to try to topple p.
s a (nf) obstinacy, pertinacity; s to assme a pertinacios#stbborn attitde;
! nflinching, stbborn.
s ach$n (nf) hindrance; hitch; difficlty.
s| ata:li:s (a) forty%eight; (nm) the nmber forty%eight.
s ati:s (a) thirty%eight; (nm) the nmber thirty%eight.
s an$: (v) to stick (to a position) ; to insist; to halt; to be restive (as a horse).
s asa (a) sixty%eight; (nm) the nmber sixty%eight.

ahl (nm) a typical reddish flower.

ss aa:ai: (nf) vying; rivalry.
s aa:n$: (v) to pt an obstrction; to press forward, to provoke into the forefront.
s a
ig (a) nflinching; firm, steady; + nflinching#firm faith#belief.
s aiyal (a) inflexible; stbborn; mlish;

fig, stpidly obstinate.


a:sa: (nm) a medicinal plant Justicia ganderussa.

s|(s)%s|(s) ao(a)s%pao (a)s (nm) neighborhood, vicinity; s|(s)%s|(s
) neighbors.
s aa: (nm) a stand; base; meeting place, hant; resort, perch; hot%bed; chopping
block; HH to stay long; 4 to trn into a fre.ent rende,vos#meeting place,
to make a hanting place of.
d aaiya: (nf) a weight of two and half seers.
H a2m$: (nf) atomism; infinitesimal; the first of the eight siddhis (see) which
imparts the capacity to assme infinitesimal form; ! the (eight) siddhis H, etc.

a= (nm) a molecle; an atom; minte particle; (a) moleclar;

%% (;4 %%
atomic; ! atomism; !| an atomist; atomistic; !

H () a microscope.
: atah (ind) hence; therefore; ths; on this accont; !H now onwards, hereafter.
9 at%ev (ind) hence; so therefore.
atapt (a) nheated; cool.
| atarsA (adv) the day prior to day%before%yesterday or next to day%after%tomorrow.
atarkit (a) nthoght of; nplanned, sdden.
4 atarky (a) indisptable; incontrovertible, irreftable.
atal (a) bottomless; fathomless; !| having deep insight, who can see throgh to
the bottom; !| fathoming the depths, profond.
atl$:ntak (nm) the "tlantic (ocean).
ata: (nm) a gift; #9H (to be so kind as) to give away, to bestow.
atia prefix expressive of extremity, beyond. over, srpassing, extra, intense,
excessive etc.; (nf) excess; ! aggrandi,ement; to commit an excess; to
cross the limit, to go too far.
atika:y (a) hge, gigantic.
atika:l (nm) delay.
HH, !HH atikkram, !kkram$ (nm) infringement; contravention, violation;
hence !H (a), !HH (a).
# aticha:r (nm) transgression, trespass; profanation, otrage, violation; !| a
trespasser; transgressing (prescribed) limits; otrageos.
atithi (nm) a gest; gest artist; !

gest%hose;HH dty towards

a gest, rights of hospitality; ! hospitable; ! hospitality;
c# hospitality; honorable treatment to a gest.
atithic (a) nhistoric.
atin$2tik (a) spermoral.
atiparvalay (nm) a hyperbola.
atipa:t (nm) breach, violation; lapse; obstacle.
atip:yita: (nf) alcoholism.
atipa:i: (nm) an addict, a drnkard.

atipra:tan (a); ! ltra conservative.


atiprakrit (a) see 9


, !9

atipra:kkrit, !pra:kkritik (a) spernatral.

#H atim$:nav (nm) a sperman; !H sperhman.

atim:trata: (nf) polyria.


~ atim:ly$n (nm) over%valation; over%assessment.

# H atir$'$ (nm) exaggeration; ! H exaggerated.
H atira'an$: (nf) exaggeration; overstatement; !

| atira:shri:y (a) chavinistic, chavinist.
atira:shri:yata: (nf) chavinism.
atirikt (a) additional; extra; spare; axiliary (e.g. post); besides.
atirek (nm) plenty, abndance; srpls; excess; redndancy.
atil$ngh$n (nm) infringement; transgression.
# ativa:d (nm) extremism; excess; ostentation; exaggeration; boastflness;
!| an extremist;
%% (;5 %%
extremistic; boastfl; ostentatios; ! extremism; excessivism.

ativrishi: (nf) excessive rains, nsally heavy downpor.

ativvya:pt: (a) over%extended, over%extensive.
ativvya:pti: (nf) over%extension (of a rle, etc.); over%permeation;
atishay (a and adv) exceeding#exceedingly, excessive#excessively; ! plenty,
abndance, (state of being in) excess.
| atishayokti: (nm) exaggeration (a figre of speech); !

H7 atisa:m$:nny: (a) sper%normal; too common.
atisa:r (nm) dysentery.
H atisa:vdh$:n: (a) meticlos, extra%catios.
H atisa:vdh$:nta: (nf) meticlosness, extra%catiosness.

H| atis:kshmadarshi: (nm and a) ltramicrsocope; ltramicroscopic.

ati:ndriy: (a) transcendental; trans%sensos, sper%sensos; ! trans%
sensos#transcendental state; ! transcendentalism; hence ! (nf) !|(a, nm).
ati:t: (a and nm) (the) past; (adv) beyond; !H retrospective.
ati:v: (a) very mch, too mch.

# atl: (a) nparalleled, ne.alled; immense; also ! (a); ! (a); !~ (a)

ot and away.

atript: (a) nsatisfied, nflfilled, frstrated.

atripti: (nf) non%flfilment, non%gratification; frstration.

atta:r: (nm) a perfmer; drggist, pharmacetical chemist.
c atty$nt: (adv and a) very mch, mch; excessively, exceedingly.
cH atyadhik (a and adv) very mch, too mch, lots of, abndant.
c attya:cha:r (nm) atrocity, tyranny; excess; otrage.
c| attya:cha:ri: (a) atrocios, tyrannos; excessive; otrageos; (nm) a tyrant,
despot; a tyrant.
c7 attya:''y (a) nabandonable, nforsakable; not fit to be renonced.
c| attya:h$:ri: (nm) a gltton; (a) glttonos.

attykti (nf) a hyperbole; !

hyperbolic, embodying overstatement.

attr (ind) here; ! Bor @onor, Bor @ighness, Bor -xcellency, etc.
ath (nm) the beginning, commencement; an aspicios and inceptive particle, now,
then; ! besides, moreover; from beginning to end.
athak (a) ntiring; nceasing; H ntiring efforts.
atharv ; ! (nm) the forth and the last of the Vedas.
athva: (ind) or; that is.
atha:i: (nf) a centrally%located platform (sed as a meeting place).
atha:h (a) nfathomable, bottomless; very deep.
s adan2:y (a) npnishable, not fit to be pnished; pardonable.
s adait (a) npnished; npenalised.
%% (;7 %%
aday (a) see s.
H adaksh (a) inefficient; incapable.
adatt (a) not given, not gifted, not presented.
adad (nm) a piece; nmber; whole nmber.
adn$: (a) insignificant; low, inferior; trifling.
4 adab (nm) respect; respectflness; politeness; literatre;4#H eti.ette,
good manners, rbanity; cortesy and consideration.
4 adbada:kar (ind) positively, withot fail; deliberately.
4 adabi: (a) literary, pertaining to literatre.
H ad$m (nm) absence; ex parte;HH

in the absence of;


absence of proof.
+ ad$mmy (a) irrepressible; irresistible; 3c irresistible enthsiasm.
adrak (nf) ginger.
adarsh$n (nm) ; (a) not fit to be seen; gly.
%4 adal%badal (nf) exchange, interchange; modification; 4 eye for
an eye.
%4| adala:badli: (nf) exchange; interchange; mtal transfer.
adv$:n (nm) a thin rope sed to keep a cot flat and firm.
adah (nm) asbestos.
adah$n (nm) water set to boil for the prpose of cooking food.
ada: (nf) co.etry, blandishment; gracefl manner or carriage, mien; performance;
! an actor, performer; !| performance; to pay; to discharge; to flfil; to
ada:igi: (nf) payment; flfilment.
ada:lat (nf) a cort of law; , | civil cort;, 9H| criminal
cort; 'dicial; litigios; 6H 'dicial en.iry; !4H a litigant;
!4Hlitigation; litigiosness.
ada:wat (nf) animosity; enmity; estrangement; hostility; hence (a).
H ada:hy (a) non%combstible; fire%proof; hence ! (nf).
|H adi:kshit (a) ninitiated.

#| ad:rdarshi: (a) not far%sighted; nwise; hence! (nf).

4 ad:sh$ (nm) absence of blemish; (a) blemishless, pre.

4 ad:shit (a) spotless, pre, ncontaminated; ntainted.

Td addri (a) loose; non%rigid; infirm.
T adrishy (a) invisible, imperceptible; not worth seeing.
T adrishyata: (nf) invisibility, imperceptibility.
T adrish (nm) fate, fortne; (a) nforeseen; !

ni.e, nprecedented;
! fatalism; determinism; ! see !; !| a fatalist, determinist; fatalistic,
adey (a) inalienable; non%transferable, not to be handed over; not worth or fit for
handing over; hence ! (nf).
()# adeshi:(y)kar$ (nm) denatrali,ation; hence !

@ addha: (nm) one half (of anything); a half%pint bottle; half%brick; conterfoil.
@ addhi: (nf) a kind of fine mslin%like cloth.
%% (;: %%

adbht (a) marvellos, fantastic; singlar; spernatral.

addyat$n (a) p%to%date; modern.
H addya:vadhi (ind) p%to%date; till now.
addviti:y (a) si generis, ni.e, nparalleled; hence ! (nf).
addvait (nm) absence of dality#difference, negation of dality#difference; nity;
! monism; !| a monist, believer in monism; monistic.
H adhahpat$n (nm) downfall, fall; degradation, degeneration.
H adhkachra: (a) immatre; incomplete; half%baked, nassimilated; hence
! (nm).
H adhkaha: (a) half%expressed, semi%explicit.
H adhkhila: (a) semi%bloomed, half%bloom.

adhkhla: (a) half%open, half%ncovered.

H adhgadra:ya: (a) half%ripe, at the threshold of bloom.
HH adh'al (a) half%fll of water; | U H know little, show mch;
empty vessel makes mch noise.
HH adh'ala: (a) half%brnt.
H7 adhann$: (nm) a half%anna coin (now ot of crrency).
H adhpaka: (a) half%ripe; half%baked, half%cooked.
H7 adhpann$: (nm) a conter%foil.
HH adh$m (a) mean, base, vile; hence ! (nf).
HH adhmara: (a) half%dead, near%dead.
HH adhm$r (nm) a debtor; borrower.

H adhma: (a) half%dead, near%dead.

H adhar (nm) nderlip; lip; mid%air, empty space, space between earth and sky;
scking#kissing of the lips; H withot spport nderneath; propless; H

# to hang in mid%air, to be withot a prop.

H|8 adharosh (nm) the lower lip, nderlip.
H#H adharm (nm) vice; wrong; sin, sinfl act; nrighteosness, immorality;
!H| sinfl; vicios; an evildoer, a sinner.

H adha:dhndh (a and adv) see HH

HH adha:rmik (a) irreligios; nrighteos, profane; hence ! (nf).
H adhik (a) more; mch; many; plenty; srpls; abndant; !H maximm;
6 absolte variability; ! most; mostly; ! excess; plenty, abndance; H a
leap month.
H adhikpad (a and nm); pleonastic; pleonasm; !c pleonasm; |4 pleonasm.
H adhikar$ (nm) locative (case); an organ, agency; instrmental; organi,ation
(as 7H).
H adhik$:nsn (a) more than half; most; (nm) a ma'or portion; !:, H mostly;
H adhika:i: (nf) excess.
HH adhika:dhik (a) more and more, progressively increasing; tmost.
H adhika:r (nm) right; athority; command; possession; occpation; entitlement;
%H 'risdiction.
H% adhika:rpatr (nm) a letter of athority; charter.
%% ()( %%
H adhika:rita: (nf) locs standi.
| adhika:ri: (nm) an officer; an athority; a title%holder; an owner; (a) vested
with or possessing athority; athoritative; occpying, occpation,

adhikkrit (a) occpied (as %H); athorised, vested with athority (as
9H); !

athoritative information#report; !

possession, occpation;
6 army of occpation.
H adhikCndr (nm) epicentrm, epicentre.
Hc adhittyaka: (nf) pland, tableland.
Hc adhittya:g (nm) abdication.
H adhinah$n (nm) annexation.
H adhina:yak (nm) a dictator; spreme leader; % dictatorship;
!c dictatorship; ! dictatorship; ! dictatorial.
HH#H adhiniy$m (nm) an act (of legislation); !H enactment; !H enacted.
H# adhinir$y$n (nm) ad'dication; !| ad'dicated.
H,! adhip, !ati (nm) a rler, king, master; chief.
H adhipattr (nm) a warrant.
H9 adhipra:pti (nf) procrement.
H adhibha:r (nm) srcharge.
H| adhibhokta: (nm) an occpant.
HH adhim$:n (nm) preference.
HH7 adhim$:nny (a) preferable; preferential: ! preference, preferential
HH adhim$:s (nm) a leap month.
H adhiy$:n$: (v) to bifrcate, to divide into two halves.
HH adhira:' (nm) a sovereign, spreme rler.
HHc adhira:'attv (nm) s,erainty.
H7 adhira''y (nm) a s,erain power; s,erainty.
H| adhiroh$ (nm) ascendance, ascending, climbing p.
H|| adhirohi: (a) ascending; HH an ascending order.
H adhivakta: (nm) an advocate.
H adhiva:s (nm) domicile.
H adhiva:si: (nm) a settler, domicile; (a) domiciled, settled.
H adhivesh$n (nm) session; meeting.
H|4 adhishosh$ (nm) absorption; to absorb.
H#8 adhisha:ta: (nm) a chief; (a) sperintending, presiding; hence !8 (nf).
H#8 addhis$:n (nm) an establishment; abode, dwelling; hence !8 (a).

adhis:chn$: (nf) a notification.

HH adhi:kshak (nm) a sperintendent.
H adhi:t (a) well%read, erdite.
H adh2:n (a) dependent; sbordinate, sb'ect to the athority of; nder;
! sbordinate, sbservient; nder.
H adhi:nta: (nf) sbordination; sb'ection; dependence, sb'gation.
H adhi:r (a) restive, fidgety; impatient; petlant; nervos; ! impatience;
petlance; nervosness.

adhn$: (ind) now, at present.


adhn$:t$n (a) modern, p%to%date.


adh:ra: (a) incomplete, nfinished; ! incompleteness;

%% (); %%
H s adhe (a) middle%aged, verging on old age.
H adhela: (nm) a half%pice coin (now ot of crrency).
H| adhogati (nf) fall, downfall; degradation.
H|#H adhogam$n (nm) downfall, degradation; !H falling down, degrading,

adhomkh (a) face downwards.

H|| adhovarti: (a) inferior, sitated or existing below or downwards.
H addhyaksh (a) president; chairman; speaker; head; ! presidentship;
chairmanship; speakership; headship.
addhyay$n (nm) stdy; stdying and teaching; %H stdy, stdy%
room; ! stdios, given to reading.
# addhyavasa:y (nm) perseverance; enterprise, diligence; volition;
! perseverant; enterprising, diligent, indstrios.
cH addhya:tm (nm) spirital contemplation; 7 spirital knowledge;
! spirital; hence ! (nf);| the discipline involved in withdrawal of
senses from mndane ob'ects and their concentration on the 1preme 9eing;
! spiritalism; %#U metaphysics.
addhya:desh (nm) an ordinance.
# addhyapa:k (nm) a teacher; an edcator, master; ! teaching, instrction;
! (nf); !|

teaching profession.
addhya:pt (a) ac.ired (property, etc.); to ac.ire.
addhya:pti (nf) ac.isition.
addhya:y (nm) a chapter.
|# addhya:rop (nm) erroneos transference of an attribte; mispro'ection; hence
! (nm); ! (a).
addhya:s (nm) misimposition; misperception.
addhya:ha:r (nm) an ellipsis.
addhyeta: (nm) a stdent; scholar.
an$g (nm) see H .
an$nt (a) endless, nending; eternal; infinite; (nf) infinity;

a festival
celebrated on the forteenth day of the bright fortnight of the month of (|);
hence ! (nf).
an$ntar (ind) after, afterwards; in the wake of.
H an$ntim (a) provisional.
c ananty (a) see .
$na @indi prefix sed to impart a negative sense, as !H, !|.
4|4 an.ari:b (adv) forthwith, very soon.
ankaha: (a) ntold; inexplicit, implicit.
an$kh (nm) ddgeon, acerbity, petlance.
ankh$n$: (v) to express a sense of acerbity#petlance#ddgeon; to express
resentment (by words or gestres).

ankhla: (a) not open, inexposed; covered, closed.

d anga: (a) crde; nwroght; nchiselled; npolished; natral; ! crdity,
natralness, absence of chiselling#polish; 4

crde stone age.

angin (a) see .
anginat (a) innmerable, nmberless; contless.
%% ()) %%
angin$: (a) nacconted for; nconted, nnmbered.
ancha:ha: (a) nwanted, ndesired, ndesirable.
anchi:ta: (a) nthoght of, nwanted, ndesired.
7 anchi:nh$: (a) nknown, nfamiliar; strange.
H an'$:n (a) nknown, nac.ainted; ignorant.
H an'a:ne (adv) nknowingly, nwittingly; H ( ) H to play
somebody&s game; H H

4 | to entertain an angel nawares.

andekha: (a) nseen, nforeseen.
H anadhika:r (a) nathorised; (nm) want of right; nathorised attempt.
H anadhika:rik (a) non%official; nathorised.
H| anadhika:ri: (a) rightless, nrightfl; nathorised; nfit, ineligible.

anadhikkrit (a) nathorised; noccpied.

anaddhyavsa:y (nm) akrasia; slothflness, inactivity.
anaddhya:y (nm) an off% day; cessation of work; % vacation, intermission.

anan=k:l (a) nfavorable; not kindly#well disposed; opposed; hostile.

7 an$nn$:s (nm) pine%apple tree or its frit.
7 ananny (a) identical, ni.e; close, intimate (as%H); completely loyal;
exclsive; sole spport; 6 having no other way ot; !#H#H#having
fll concentration (in), completely devoted (to); ! identity, sameness; ni.eness;
exclsiveness; ! complete loyalty; ! being exclsively devoted to one;
sole or exclsive loyalty#devotion; !H7 ni.e, typical.
7 H+ an$nny$s$nkr$:mmy (a) inalienable, non%transferable.
7H an$nny$:dhika:r (nm) sole#nchallenged right.
7 an$nny$:shshrit (a) independent, not sbordinate.
7 anannvay (nm) a meaning%based figre of speech involving comparison of an
ob'ect with its own ideal (H H H | ).
anpach (nm) see .
anpacha: (a) ndigested.
d anpa (a) illiterate, nlettered.
H anapra:dhi: (a and nm) (a) non%criminal.
H anapekshit (a) nwanted, not re.ired or desired.
4 anb$n (nm) discord, estrangement, rift.
4 H anb2dha: (a) npierced.

$ anb:'h (a) see 4

anbya:ha: (a) nmarried.
7 anabhiggy (a) ignorant; naware; napprised; ! ignorance; nawareness.
9 anabhippret (a) not intended#designed#implied.
anabhivyakt (a) nexpressed; implicit.
# anabbhya:s (nm) want of practice; hence ! (nm);
! naccstomed; ot of practice, having no practice.
anabbhr (a) clodless; a bolt from the ble;

lit. rain withot a

clodnexpected gains.
H anman$: (a) indisposed; ot of sorts, in low spirits; absent%minded; hence
! (nm).
%% ()/ %%
H anmil (a) discordant; irrelevant.
H anmel (a) inharmonios, discordant; dissimilar, heterogeneos; nmixed.
H| anmol (a) invalable, precios, priceless.
an$mmr (a) disrespectfl; impertinent, impdent; hence ! (nf).
anargal (a) nrestrained, nbarred; absrd; ! absrdity; 9 nrestrained
prattle, raving, incoherent prate.
H anar'it (a) nearned;H nearned income.
anarth (nm) calamity; absrdity; grievos wrong; absoltely contrary meaning;
!#| calamitos, devastating.
anarh (a) n.alified, ineligible; ! dis.alification, ineligibility.
anal (nm) fire.
4 "rabic phrase given crrency by the 1fi:s in mediaeval Dndia
meaning &D am Eod; D am Frth&.
U7 anvachchhinn (a) nbroken, continos; hence! (nf)
anva (nf) see H|.
anavaddy (a) flawelss, withot a blemish; hence! (nf).
H anavdh$:n (nm) absence of concentration, inattention, distraction;
inadvertence; negligence; (a) distracted, inadvertent; negligent: ! inadvertence,
H anavadhik (a) aperiodic.
anavarat (a) continos, incessant, nremitting.
@ anavrddh (a) nobstrcted, nhampered; smooth.
|H anavrodh (nm) absence of obstrction; (a) free, smooth, nobstrcted.
#4 anavl$mb (a) withot a spport, nspported; lonely; hence; !4 (nm);
! 4 (a).
anavhit (a) inadvertent, negligent.
ansh$n (nm) fast.
+ anashshvar (a) immortal, immtable, imperishable; hence ! (nf).

ansn$: (a) nheard (of); ,

to ignore (deliberately),
not to pay any attention (to).
anastittv (nm) non%existence.
() ana(a:)hadna:d Dn Dndian terminology pertaining to Bog, a mysterios
sond born within (withot any impact between ob'ects) and adible only to the Bogi:.
| anhAni: (nf) the improbable, the impossible; (a) nsal; improbable,
an$:ka:r (a) amorphos; shapeless.
HH an$:kkram$ (nm) non%aggression, non%attack; H a non%aggression pact.
H ana:kkr$:nt (a) nassalted, nattacked.
ana:gat (a) (the) ftre, not come, not attained; nknown.
# an$:cha:r (nm) miscondct, lasciviosness, licentiosness; immorality;
malpractice; wrong doing; hence ! (nm); !| lascivios, immoral, licentios;
malpractitioner, wrong%doer.
H ana:' (nm) grain, corn; 4| a corn%bin, barn.
7#| an$:gya:ka:ri: (a) disobedient; defiant; hence! (nf).
%% ()0 %%
s ana:i: (a) inexperienced, nskilfl; (nm) a novice, tyro, bmpkin, an ignorams;
hence ! (nm).
cH ana:tm (nm) non%self, (something) different from spirit or sol; (a) corporeal,
non%spirital; !#! materialism; !| a materialist; materialistic.
an$:th (nm) an orphan; (a) orphan, withot any protector; helpless.
, H an$:tha:lay, an$:tha:shshram (nm) an orphanage.
an$:dar (nm) inslt; disrespect, disregard; to inslt, to disrespect.
an$:di (a) having no beginning, ever%existent, eternal.
an$:dish (a) non%commissioned; ndirected.
T an$:ddrit (a) inslted, hmiliated; neglected.
H an$:dhika:rik (a) nofficial; nathorised.
% ana:p%shan$:p (a and nm) slipslop, nonsense, absrd (talk), prattle, babble.
H an$:m (a) nameless; anonymos; ! anonymos.
H an$:mika: (nf) the ring finger.
H4 an$:mish (a) vegetarian; !|H a vegetarian.
an$:ya:s (adv) withot effort, with ease, spontaneosly; sddenly.
an$:r (nm) a pomegranate; ! dried seeds of pomegranate.
an$:ry (nm and a) a non%"ryan; (a) not noble, not respectable; inferior.
an$:var$ (nm) exposre.
| an$:varti: (a) non%recrring (as expenditre); aperiodic (as a circit).
an$:vashshyak (a) nnecessary; nimportant.
an$:vil (a) clear, clean; healthy.

an$:vvrit (a) open, ncovered.


an$:vritt (a) not retrned; non%recrring, nrecrred, nrepeated; hence



an$:vrishi (nf) droght, want of rain.

an$:shshrit (a) independent; self%sfficient.
an$:s (a) snb%nosed.
# an$:sakt (a) detached; nattached; !% sense of detachment#non%
attachment; ! detachment; absence of attachment.
an$:stha: (nf) absence#want of faith or devotedness, faithlessness;
! faithless.
an$:hat na:dsee .
ana:ha:r (a) withot food.

an$:h:t (a) ninvited, nsmmoned.

an2ndani:y (a) see .
an2ndit (a) ncensred; nreproached.
an2ndy (a) irreproachable, flawless.
U an2chchha: (nf) relctance, nwillingness.

anichchhk (a) relctant, nwilling.

c anitty (a) transient, transitory; variable; fleeting; hence! (nf).
aniddra: (nf) insomnia, sleeplessness; hence (a).

anip= (a) nskilled; inefficient;

%% ()3 %%
hence! (nf).
H anim$ntrit (a) ninvited, nsolicited.
H animitt (a) withot a case, sdden.
H4, H4 animish, animesh (a) nwinking, withot a wink.
aniy$ntrit (a) ncontrolled, nrestrained, nrestricted; arbitrary;
absolte or arbitrary government.
an2yat (a) indefinite, occasional; nallotted; erratic; casal; ! aperiodic;
H an2yam (nm) lawlessness; disorder.
H an2yamit (a) irreglar; disorderly.
anir$y (nm) indecision; ncertainty.
anirdish (a) nspecified, nprescribed.
H anirdha:ry (a) non%assessable; non%prescribable.
anirvachn2:y (a) indescribable; ineffable; hence! (nf).
anil (nm) air.
an2va:ry (a) inevitable; navoidable; essential, complsory; irresistible,
obligatory; mandatory.
aniva:ryta: (nf) inevitability.
aniva:s (nm) non%residence.
anishchay (nm) indecision, ncertainty.
anishchit (a) ncertain, ndecided; indefinite, vage; nsettled;
! indefiniteness; ncertainty; vageness.
anish (nm) harm, calamity; !,#!| (a) evil, ominos; harmfl, calamitos.
an2: (nf) eye; point; forepeak; ! pointed, sharp.
ani:kin2: (nf) corps (a body of troops).
an2:ti (nf) impropriety, ine.ity; high%handedness.
+# an2:shshvarva:d (nm) atheism, agnosticism; also !; !| an atheist;
agnosticist; atheistic, agnostic.

an=a prefix meaning after, afterwards, like, along with, repeatedly, towards, etc.


an=k$mpa: (nf) kindness, compassion.

an=kathan (nm) post%statement; description.

# an=kar$ (nm) imitation; emlation; mimicry; ! exemplary; imitable,

worth emlating or imitating; hence 6 (nf); ! imitator; emlator; hence ! (nf);
!H imitation; emlation; 6cH imitative; emlative.

~ an=kalp (nm) sbstitte.

| an=ka:ri: (a) imitating; emlating.

an=ka:ry (nf) imitation; emlation.

an=k:l (a) favorable; agreeable; befitting; well%disposed; conformable;

!H optimm; ! favorableness, agreeability; befittingness; conformity;
!conditioning;adaptation; ! adaptability; conformability.

an=kkrit (a) imitated; emlated.

an=kkriti (nf) an imitation; imitative shape or form; emlation.

HH ankkr$m (nm) se.ence, sccession.

HH ankkram$ (nm) se.ence,

%% ()4 %%
sccession; introgression.


HH an=kkram$2ka:, an=kkram$2: (nf) a list of contents, an index.

HH an=kkram2k (a) sccessive; consective.

H an=kkriya: (nf) response; !cH, ! responsive.

# an=gat (a) obedient; prone to obey or follow; (nm) a follower; hence

! obedience, following.

#H an=gam$n (nm) following; self%immolation by a widow; !H a follower;

following, obedient.

an=g (a) significant, exact, befitting; !

exactness, significance.

H ang=:' (nf) re%echo.

| an=ggrihi:t (a) obliged, gratefl.

0 an=ggrah (nm) obligation, favor, kindness.

# an=char (nm) an attendant; a hanger%on; follower; also !| (nm).

an=ch2nt$n (nm) sympathy; continos thinking.

an=chit (a) improper; nbecoming, nseemly; wrong; 4 H illicit relations.

7 anchinh (nm) a trail, trace.

U an=chchhed (nm) a paragraph; an article.

#H an=' (nm) a yonger brother; !H (nf).

H an='i:vi: (nm) an nderling, a dependant.

7 an=ggyapti (nf) a licence.

7 an=ggya: (nf) permission; !cH permissive; !H| a permitholder.

an=ta (a and adv) coastwise, coastal; along the coast#bank.

an=tapt (a) remorsefl; repentant.

anta:n (nf) intonation.

an=ta:p (nm) remorse; repentance.

c an=ttarda:ittv (nm) irresponsibility: !


an=ttarda:i: (a) irresponsible.

an=ttarit (a) nreplied nanswered, nresponded.

an=tti:r (a) failed; nsccessfl.

c an=tpa:dak (a) nprodctive; barren; hence ! (nf).

H an=datta:dhika:r (nm) franchise.

an=darsh$n (nm) retrospection.

| an=darshi: (a) retrospective.

an=da:tt (a) not sblime, lacking loftiness; ignoble; hence ! (nf).

an=d$:n (nm) a grant.

an=da:r (a) not liberal, conservative; parochial; parsimonios, stingy; hence

! (nf).

an=din (adv) every day, daily.

an=desh (nm) instrction; ! instrctor.

an=ddvign (a) npertrbed; composed.

an=ddveg (nm) absence of pertrbation#flrry; composre.

# an=n$y (nf) persasion, propitiation, mollification; !% persasion and

prayer, wooing and propitiation; hence ! (nm and a).

# an=na:d (nm) resonance; echo; ! resonator; !| resonant;

! resonded, echoed.

an=n$:sik (a) nasal; (nm) a nasal sond, nasal; hence! (nf).

7 an=nnat (a) ndeveloped;

%% ()5 %%
not high, not prosperos.

# an=pka:r (nm) evil trn, harm; hence !| (nm and a).

#H an=pam (a) matchless, nparalleled; ot and away; !H nparalleled;


an=pykt (a) inexpedient; nfit, nsitable; hence ! (nf).

|# an=pyogi: (a) seless, navailing; ! selessness, the state of being of no


#H an=plabdh (a) nachieved, nac.ired; hence !H (nf).

an=pasthit (a) absent.

an=pasthiti (nf) absence.

# an=pa:t (nm) proportion; ! proportional.

an=p$:n (nm) flid vehicle in medicine.

H an=pa:r'it (a) nearned.

an=pa:lan (nm) observance, adherence; maintenance.

an=p:rak (a) spplementary.

an=p:rti (nf) spplementation; compensation; sbsidy.

| an=p:rvi: (a) sccessive; consective.

|4 an=posh$ (nm) spport; maintenance.

an=ppraykt (a) applied; %7 applied science.

9| an=pprayog (nm) application.

9 an=pprasth (a) transverse.

9 an=ppr$:it (a) imbed, inspired, informed; to imbe, to inspire, to


9 an=ppra:s (nm) alliteration; agnomination.

4 H an=b$ndh (nm) contract; addendm; appendage; stiplation; sffix;

!| contracting; 6H contracting parties.

4H anb$ndhit (a) contracted; signed (for a contract).

4@ an=baddh (a) contracted; stiplated; to annex; to enter into a contract


an=bhav (nm) experience; ! empiricism; !@ empirical, established by

experience or perception;

beyond or transcending experience,



empirical; to
feel; to experience.

an=bhavi: (a) experienced, veteran, seasoned.

an=bha:g (nm) section (of an office, etc.)

# an=bha:v (nm) ensant response, sggestion (by look or gestre); hence

! (nm); ! (nm); ! (a).

an=bh:t (a) tried: experienced.

an=bh:ti (nf) emotional experience; realisation; sensibility.

#H an=m$t (a) assented (to); approved; agreeable; !H assent, approval, leave;

6 a permit, pass.

H an=m$:n (nm) gess, estimate, srmise; spposition; inference; !:

approximately, abot.

H an=m$:nit (a) approximate; estimated.

H an=mit (a) inferred; estimated#gessed; conclded.

H an=miti (nf) inference; conclsion.

an=mddr (nm) off%print.

H an=mey (a) fit to be inferred#conclded, inferable; hence! (nf).

H|# an=mod$n (nm) approval, approbation; hence ! (nm).

H| an=modit (a) approved,

%% ()7 %%

an=y$:n (nm) a trailer.

an=ya:i: (nm) a follower, an adherent.

# H an=r$'an (nm) recreation, amsement; hence ! H (a).

# an=rakt (a) attached, in love (with), fond (of); ! attachment, dotage,


H an=rakshak (nm) escort.

H an=raksh$ (nm) maintenance; escort.

H an=rakshi: (a and nm) escort.

# an=ra$n (nm) echoism; tinnits; reverberation; hence ! (a).

an=ra:g (nm) love, affection, attachment, fondness.

an=ra:gi: (a) affectionate, loving, fond.

F an=r:p (a) like; fit; conformable, beseeming; according to; analogos;

! accordance; analogy; conformity; fittingness; similitde;| to be in accord; to
correspond#conform; to be befitting.

F an=r:pak (nm) conter% part; (a) resembling, having similitde.

# an=rekh$ (nm) tracing, trace; ! traced.

#|H an=rodh (nm) solicitation; entreaty; hence !|H (a).

an=rvar (a) infertile; sterile, barren; ! infertility; sterility, barrenness.

an=lipi (nf) dplicate, copy; ! dplicating, copying.

|H an=lom (nm) descending series; direct (in >athematics); % marriage of a

man of higher caste with a woman of lower caste.

an=vart$n (nm) sbse.ence, following; follow%p.

#| an=varti: (a) sbse.ent, following; hence ! (nf).

# an=va:d (nm) translation; repetition; ! a translator; ! (correct


) translated; ! (correct form

) translatable.

| an=va:di: (a) msical note, other than va:di: and samva:di:.

# ansha:s$n (nm) discipline; ! a disciplinarian; !4@ disciplined;

!, ! disciplinary; ! disciplinarian, pertaining to discipline,

an=sha:sit (a) disciplined.

an=shi:lan (nm) constant stdy or practice; investigation.

# an=shshrav$ (nm) monitoring; tradition; !| monitor.

anshshrt (a) traditional; !


4 anshag (nm) association; connection; contingency.

4 an=sh$gi: (a) contingent, ancillary.

8 an=sh$:n (nm) rital, ceremony; religios performance; ndertaking; exercise;

solemnisation; ! a solemniser;

8 a performer of a ceremony#rital; one who

is performing an


#H an=s$ndh$:n (nm) research; investigation; !H a researcher; !Hc

aspirant for research.

H an=samarth$n (nm) ratification (of a treaty, etc).

an=sar$ (nm) (the act or process of) following, prsance.

an=sa:r (post); , according to, in conformity with.

an=s:chi: (nf) a schedle; !4@ schedled.

an=sevi: (a) sbservient,

%% (): %%

an=ssy:t (a) intertwined, interwoven.

an=ssva:r (nm) lit. after%sondthe nasal sond (in some of the Dndian scripts)
which is marked by a dot above the line and always follows the preceding vowel.

an=har$ (nm) mimesis, mimicry, (the act or process of) mimicking.

an=harta: (nm) a mimic, person skilled in ldicros imitation.

| an=ha:ri: (a) mimetic, pertaining to mimesis.

an=:a: (a) ni.e; nparalleled, nprecedented.

d an=:a: (nf) an nmarried woman.

an=:dit (a) translated.

an=:ddy (a) translatable; fit for#worthy of translation.

an=:p (a) ne.alled, nparalleled, singlar, ni.e, ot and away.

anrit (nm) ntrth; falsehood, lie.

anCk (a) many, nmeros; several; !#c diversity, varied character; versatility
(as 9); ! plralism; !H mltifarios, of nmeros types, varied.
anCka:thak (a) polysemos, polysemant; ambigos; ! ambigity;
anaika:ntik (a) non%exclsive.
4 anaiky (nm) discord; rift, friction.
U anaichchhik (a) involntary, notd eliberate.
anaitik (a) immoral; depraved; ! immorality; depravity.
anaitiha:sik (a) nhistorical; legendary; hence ! (nf).
| anAkha: (a) pecliar, .eer; novel; ! pecliarity, .eerness; novelty.
c an$=chity (nm) impropriety; indeeency.
| an$=dyogik (a) non%indstrial.
an$=pcha:rik (a) informal; nofficial; nceremonios; ! informality;
nofficial way.
ana 1anskrit prefix to words beginning with vowels, signifying negation
(e.g.) 7, , .
7 ann (nm) corn, food, (s. cooked); ! spirit corn.
7%H ann%'al (nm) bread and btter; sbsistence; 3#U

(obliged) to be
prooted, to be forced to move away (from a particlar place).
7 annda:ta: (nm) master; patron, benefactor; one who provides sbsistence; a
form of address sed by sb'gated and sbordinated people for their masters and
patrons, giver of food.
79 annpra:sh$n (nm) a ceremony marking the occasion when a child is
administered food (esp. ) for the first time.
7 anny (a) other, another; different;

F4 third person (in Erammar).

7HH annykr$:m$ (nm) (act or process of) alienation.
7: annytah (ind) from another; from elsewhere; otherwise.
7H annyt$m (a) foremost, best.
7 anny$ttr (ind) elsewhere.
7 anny$tha: (adv) otherwise; (a) contrary, against; ! misrepresentation, false
7 annydeshi:y (a) alien,
%% (/( %%
foreign; hence ! (nf).
7#H, !H annym$n$sk, !m$n$: (a) ot of sorts; absent%minded, mentally
elsewhere; indisposed; !H absent%mindedness, the state of being mentally
elsewhere; indisposition.
7HH annys$kra:m$ (nm) (act or process of) alienation; to alienate.
7H+ annys$nkra:my$ta: (nf) alienability.
7 annya:y (nm) in'stice, wrong; ine.ity; !

n'st, wrong; ine.itable,

to give a raw deal, to do a wrong.
7 annya:y2: (a) n'st, ine.itable; (nm) a wrong%doer;persector.
7 annya:yy (a) n'st, wrongfl.
7 annya:rth (nm and a) (having) another meaning, (imparting) a different
meaning; ghost writer.
7 annya:shshrit (a) dependent, depending on somebody else; sbservient (to).

anny=:n (a) not less; mch.

7| annyokti (nf) an allegory; ! an allegorist; ! allegorical; F an
allegory; !| an allegorist; allegorical.
7|7 annyAny (a) reciprocal; !H interactionism; !H interaction;
! reciprocity; 4H reciprocal relationship, reciprocity.
7|7# annyAnnya:shshray (nm) interdependence, reciprocity; (a) interdependent,
reciprocal; ! mtalism; !, ! interdependent; reciprocal.
7# annvay (nm) the natral order or se.ence of words in a sentence; logical
syntactical concordance of words in a sentence; logical connection of case and effect
or proposition and conclsion; lineage; hence ! (a).
7 annvarth (a) significant, conformable to the meaning; intelligible; hence ! (nf).
7| annva:lop (nm) an envelope.
7 annvit (a) possessed of, possessing; 'oined; attended; forming an orderly
se.ence; accompanied by, connected with; nderstood.
7 anvita:rth (a and nm) possessing a meaning intelligible throgh an orderly
se.ence of words.
7 annviti (nf) nity (esp. dramatic); syntactical se.ence (of words).
7#H annvi:ksh$ (nm) investigation, throgh#microscopic examination; hence
!H (nf); !H% a microscope.
7%74# annvesh,!$ (nm) exploration, en.iry; investigation.
74 anveshak (nm) an explorer, en.irer; a researcher.
74 annveshit (a) explored, en.ired#investigated (into).
74 annveshi: (nm) see 74.
7 annveshy (a) explorable, sb'ect or liable to en.iry#investigation.
apag (a) cripple(d), maimed.
apa 1anskrit prefix denotingaway, off, base, down, deterioration or inferiority;
as an allomorph of H in @indi, it also denotes &self& as !H selfish; !| selfish.
apkar$ (nm) misfeasance; transgression.
apkarta: (nm) an in'rer, one who does damage or inflicts harm,
%% (/; %%
harmer, an evil%doer.
#H apkarm (nm) wrong doing, evil deed, misdeed; !H a wrong doer, misdoer.
4 apkarsh (nm) downfall; degeneration, degradation, debasement; hence
! (nm, a).
#4 apkarsh$ (nm) extortion; degeneration, degradation; hence !4 (a); !4| (a).
apka:r (nm) harm, ill%trn, damage; disservice; wrong; hence ! (a).
| apka:ri: (a) detrimental, hrtfl#harmfl, damaging; (nm) one who inflicts
harm, one who does an evil trn.
| apki:rti (nf) infamy, disgrace.

# apakkrit (a) (one who has been) harmed; ! see .

# apkCndr (a) centrifgal; ! centrifgal; ! centrifgality.
4 apakkw (a) nripe, raw; immatre.
H apakshay (nm) atrophy.
apgati (nf) downfall, degeneration; misfortne.
apgha$n (nm) decomposition.
4 apgharsh$ (nm) abrasion.
apach (nm) indigestion, dyspepsia.
# apchay (nm) redction; catabolism; hence ! (a).
apchay$n (nm) redction; catabolism.
apcha:r (nm) evil deed; aberration.
| apcha:ri: (a) delin.ent, aberrant.

apa (a) inefficient, incompetent; lacking skill; hence ! (nf).

apait (a) nread; nedcated.
d apa (a) nlettered, illiterate.

aptshi (nf) appeasement.

apattri (nm) weed.

c apatty (nm) an offspring, child.
apatthy (a) insalbrios, nwholesome; nhealthy; (nm) insalbrios food#diet.
apadasth (a) deposed, dismissed#relieved of one&s post.
apada:rth (a) insignificant, petty.
#HH apdharm (nm) heresy; !HH| heretic.
apn$: (a) one&s own, pertaining to oneself; %| (a feeling of) thine and mine, a
parochial otlook; ! cordiality, (a feeling of) ownness, affinity; %kindred and
alien; %, % blood is thicker than water; 3~

H to have an
axe to grind, to look for position, to serve one&s own end; 4H to fol
one&s own nest; to feather one&s own nest;| | everyone
mst stand on one&s own legs; | 4 to cry stinking fish, to condemn one&s
own endeavors; | to pt (all) one&s cards on the table;
s | to stand on one&s own bottom; to tighten one&s belt; 4| H
as yo sow so shall yo reap;

4| every potter praises his own

pot; H | Hevery man&s hose is his castle; 4%

U 9 |
to have all the eggs in one basket; % H
H to ct a sorry
figre, to
%% (/) %%
face discomfitre, to be chagrined; % d| % each one
blowing one&s own trmpet; % s to be keen each after his own interests
or affairs; 9 # 3 to lie in the bed one has
made, to stew in one&s 'ice; | H

a cock on his own

dnghill; H s to stick to one&s gns; 4 HH to
stand one&s grond; 4 H to keep one&s head; H H to die
in one&s own bed; H H H H to be hoist with on&e own
petard; H by oneself, on one&s own; to one&s own check, to
keep (some secret, etc.) to oneself; H | 4 H$ Gack in
office; H

| | to measre other&s corn by one&s own

bshel; H

4 self%praise is no recommendation; to indlge in

self%praise; H | | all his geese are swans; H H to
keep oneself to oneself; H | to be in one&s element; 9
s to fight for one&s own hand.
apn$:n$: (v) to (treat as one&s) own; to adopt; to appropriate.
apnirvach$n (nm) misinterpretation.
apbhr$nsh (nm) corrpt form of a word, corrption; one of the middle Dndo%
"ryan langages.
apbhrash (a) fallen, corrpted; debased, degenerated.
H apm$:n (nm) inslt, disgrace, affront; % libel; % slander; to
inslt; 6,

HH to offer an affront (to);

, to pocket#swallow
an inslt, to eat dirt.
H apm$:nit (a) inslted, disgraced.
H apmishr$ (nm) adlteration; (a) adlterant; to adlterate.

apmritty (nf) accidental#nnatral death.

apyash (nm) ill%repte, disrepte, infamy.
apr$ch (ind) moreover, frthermore, besides.
aparampa:r (a) bondless, infinite; hence ! (nf).
apar (a) other, another, different; later; latter; following; inferior.
aparta: (nf) distinction; sense of difference; state of being later#after.
aprad$n (nm) erosion.
apardeshi:y (a) ex%territorial; extra%territorial.
apardeshi:yta: (nf) exterritoriality; extra%territoriality.
apra: (nm) mndane or materialistic knowledge; worldly wisdom;
materialistic knowledge.
apra:g (nm) disaffection.
H apara:'it (a) ncon.ered, nvan.ished.
H apara:'ey (a) invincible; ncon.erable; hence ! (nf).
H apra:dh (nm) crime; offence; falt, gilt; !7 criminologist;
%7 criminology; H criminality.
H apra:dhi: (a and nm) (a) criminal, gilty; offending#offender.
@ apara:rddh (nm) latter half.
%% (// %%
apra:nh (nm) afternoon, post%midday.
0 apariggrah (nm) rennciation; possessionlessness, the state of being withot
any belongings; (a) destitte of all possessions (beyond the basic minimm).
aparichay (nm) non%introdction, non%ac.aintance.
aparichit (a) nac.ainted; (nm) a stranger.
4 aparipakkv (a) immatre; nmatred, nripened; hence ! (nf).

aparipsh (a) ncorroborated; nconfirmed; hence ! (nf).

H aparimit (a) measreless; limitless; enormos; infinite; indeterminate; hence
! (nf).
H aparimCy (a) immeasrable, infinite; irrational; hence ! (nf).
#| aparivarti: (a) steady; nchanging; invariable; hence ! (nf).
aparivartan2:y (a) nchangeable, invariable; steady; hence ! (nf).
aparivartit (a) nchanged, naltered, nmodified.
aparishka:r (nm) non%refinement; crdeness.

# aparishkrit (a) nrefined; crde; hence ! (nf).

apariha:r (nm) indispensation, lack of means to dispense.
apariha:ry (a) indispensible; inevitable, navoidable; hence ! (nf).
H apari:kshit (a) nexamined, ntested; ntried.
F apr:p (a) gly; grotes.e; nparalleled; hence ! (nf).
|H aparoksh (a) direct; visible, tangible; F directly, obviosly.
aparya:pt (a) inade.ate, insfficient; hence ! (nf).
apalak (adv and a) withot a wink#blink, nwinking, nblinking.
apvach$n (nm) slander, calmny.
#H apvar'$n (nm) exclsion; !H| exclsive; !H| exclsiveness.
H apvar'it (a) exclded; to exclde.
apvartak (nm) common divisor.
apvart$n (nm) abdction; regression.
| apvartita: (nf) regression, regressiveness; abdctivity.
c apvarty (nm) factor; divisor.
apvah$n (nm) drift; (the act or process of) drifting.
apva:d (nm) exception; slander, calmny; hence !, | (nm).
# apva:r$ (nm) repelling, repeal, rescind; hence ! (nm); ! (a).
apva:h (nm) drainage; otflow; drift; %H drainage area; % drainage (system).
apva:hika: (nf) a sink.
apvika:s (nm) devoltion; degeneration.
apvicha:r (nm) mistrial; a mischievos#bad idea.
apavittr (a) nholy, impre; desecrated, profane; ! profanity; nholiness.

apvivriti (nf) misinterpretation.

apvriddhi (nf) excrescence.

# apavvyay (nm) wasteflness; extravagant expenditre, s.andering; ! a
%% (/0 %%
s.anderer; wastefl, extravagant.

apshak=n (nm) ill#bad omen; inaspicios omen, an occrrence or event

portending evil.
apshabd (nm) an abse; absive langage or word, a vlgar word.
apshish (nm and a) worthless reside, waste; residal.
apsar$ (nm) divergence.
H7 apsa:m$:nny (a) abnormal; ! abnormality.
#@ apsiddh$:nt (nm) heresy; ! @ heretic.

aps:tr (nm) apophysis.

apsriti (nf) divergence.

9| apsphi:ti (nf) deflation, varicosity.
H apasma:r (nm) epilepsy, eclampsia.
apassvar (nm) a discordant note; ! discordance.
| apswa:rthi: (a) selfish, concerned abot own ends.
# apahar$ (nm) abdction; kidnapping; srpation; ! abdctor; kidnapper;
srper; ! to abdct; to kidnap; to srp.
aphasit (nm) a gffaw, nprovoked and boisteros laghter.
aphrit (a) abdcted; kidnapped; srped.

apahnti (nf) concealment (a figre of speech).

ap$:g (nm) the oter corner of the eye; (a) crippled, maimed; T a side%
apa:chchy (a) indigestible; not worthy of or fit for cooking.
apa:y (a) illegible, nreadable; worthless; hence ! (nf).
apa:ttr (a) nworthy, ndeserving; ineligible; ! nworthiness; ineligibility.
ap$:d$:n (nm) the ablative case.
ap$:ndva:r (nm) the ans.

ap$:nva:y (nf) flats, fol wind emitted from the ans.

apa:r (a) bondless; shoreless; immense; hence ! (nf).
+ apa:rgammy (a) impermeable; ! impermeability.
apa:rdarshita: (nf) opacity.
| apa:rdarshi: (a) opa.e.
apa:rthiv (a) nearthly, celestial; spirital; hence! (nf).
# apa:var$ (nm) exposre; !

exposed; hence !

H apa:hi' (nm and a) a cripple; crippled, disabled.
api (ind) also; and; thogh, althogh; !

bt, on the other hand.

api:l (nf) an appeal; % the cort of appeal.

apsh (a) nconfirmed; nnorished; stnted; hence ! (nf).

ap:r (a) incomplete, nfinished; imperfect, deficient; hence ! (nf); !

imperfect (tense).

ap:rv (a) nprecedented; novel; ni.e; hence! (nf).

H apeksha: (ind) (generally preceded by | or the relative case) in comparison
with; (nf) expectation, re.irement; !

comparatively, comparatively speaking.

H apekshit (a) expected; re.isite.
|4 aposh$ (nm) malntrition.
F4 aparshey (a) divine; not achieved by or belonging to hman being(s).
9 apprakat (a) latent, hidden;
%% (/3 %%
invisible; hence ! (nf).
9 appraka:shit (a) npblished; nexposed, ndisclosed.
9 appraka:shshy (a) nworthy of or nfit for pblication#disclosre.

apprakrit (a) abnormal; nnatral; hence ! (nf).

9 apprachal$n (nm) obsolescence; the state or circmstance of being ot of
9 apprachlit (a) obsolete, (gone) ot of crrency; ot of date, anti.ated; hence
! (nf).
97 appraggy$:n (nm) non%cogni,ance.
97 appraggyey (a) non%cogni,able.
94 H appratib$ndh (a) nconditional; non%committed.
94@ appratibaddh (a) ncommitted, non%committed.
9 appratibh (a) bewildered, thrown ot of wits, rendered witless.
9H appratim (a) matchless, ni.e, ot and away.
98 appratish (a) see 98.
98 appratisha: (nf) disgrace, disrepte, ignominy.
98 appratishit (a) disgraced, disrepted, ignominios; nestablished.
9 appratihat (a) nhindered, nhampered; nresisted; smooth movement,
nhampered movement.
9cH apprattyaksh (a) inapparent; invisible; indirect.
9c apprattyay (nm) lack of conviction#faith; (a) withot sffix.
9c apprattya:shit (a) nexpected; sdden; hence !9H (nf).
9H appradh$:n (a) secondary, sbsidiary; minor; hence! (nf).
9 apprabha:vi: (a) ineffective, ineffectal.

appraykt (a) ot of se, nsed; obsolete (word).

9| apprayog (nm) disse.
97 apprasann (a) nhappy; displeased; ot of sorts.
97 apprasannata: (nf) nhappiness, displeasre.
9#@ apprasiddh (a) not celebrated; obscre, little known; hence !@ (nf).

apprastt (a) indirect, accidental or extraneos; not principal, not being the
main sb'ect matter; irrelevant; (nm) the ob'ect of comparison (in +hetorics);
9 indirect description (a figre of speech); H trope.

apprastti (nf) indirectness; in +hetorics, the device of indirect description.


#,! appra:kkrit, !tik (a) nnatral; abnormal; ncommon; hence

! (nf).
9 appra:pt (a) nobtained, nachieved, nac.ired; ! minor; of a tender age.
9 appra:pti (nf) non%attainment; non%ac.isition.
9 appra:ppy (a) nattainable, nobtainable; rare; hence! (nf).
9H appra:m$:ik (a) nathoritative; inathentic; of dispted origin.
9H appra:m$:ikta: (nf) nathoritativeness, inathenticity, lack#absence of
athenticity or genineness.
9 appra:s$gik (a) irrelevant, ot of context; irrelevant discssion#talk;
hence ! (nf).
9 appriy (a) npleasant, disagreeable offensive; ! npleasantness,
%% (/4 %%
offensiveness, disagree% ability; !| ill%tonged, harsh%spoken.
9 aprail (nm) (the month of) "pril.
apsara: (nf) a celestial damsel, fairy; nymph.
9 apharna: (v) see .
9 aphra: (nm) swelling of stomach de to over%eating, indigestion or accmlation
of wind.
9%9| afra:tafri: (nf) confsion, hrry%skrry; commotion; panic.

afla:t=:n (nm) a person of overweening pride; boaster (based on the corrpt

form of the name of one of the earliest and greatest Ereek thinkers<lato); ,

H a high%hat, a boaster; an awesome person.

9# afva:h (nm) a rmor; ! H | the air to be thick with rmors; !
9 to give crrency to a rmor; ! 3s to indlge in rmor%mongering.
9# afsar (nm) an officer; !| the post, fnction or air of an officer; officialism;
9 afsa:n$: (nm) a story, tale; !| a story%teller; %# a story%writer.
9| afsos (nm) sorrow, grief; (int) alas?; ! sorrowfl, grievos.
9 apha:ra: (nm) tympanitis.
9|H afi:m (nf) opim; | to be stpidly incoherent, to be foolishly
9|H afi:mchi: (nm) an opim%addict.
4 H% ab$ndh%n2:ti (nf) laisse, faire.
4 ab (adv) now; recent, modern; |# this time; next time; H at long
last; %4 to evade, to dilly%dally; %4 | to be on the verge of death; now
onwards, in ftre; U | 4 H4 s

to cry over spilt

milk, to waste one&s regrets.
4@ abaddh (a) varied; not in bondage, free.
4 abrak (nm) mica.
4| abri: (nf) marble paper; (a) variegated.
4 abla: (nf) a member of the weaker sexa woman.
4H aba:dh (a) withot restraint; free, smooth; nrestrained movement, smooth
pace; hence ! (nf).
4H aba:dhit (a) nrestricted, nrestrained; smooth.
44 aba:bi:l (nf) a swallow.
4# abi:r (nm) a special kind of red powder sprinkled by the @inds on one another
dring the @oli festival; !| blackish red, of the color of 4.

$ ab:'h (a) nintelligible; insolvable; insane.

4 abe (ind) an address expressive of disrespect or intimate relationship; yo fellow?;
%4 to se contemptos or rde langage.
4|H abodh (a) innocent; ignorant; !+ nintelligible; inconceivable.
4| abola: (nm) absence of speaking terms (between one person and another).
abd (nm) an year; !| a year book.
H abdhi (nm) a sea, an ocean.
4 abba: (nm) father; H father (a respectfl term for address or for otherwise
%% (/5 %%
abbra:hm$ (nm) a non%9rahma.
abhag (a) nbroken, nimpaired.
abhakshy (a) neatable, inedible; (nm) forbidden#neatable food.
abhaddr (a) indecent, indecoros; inaspicios; ! indecency.
abhay (nm) an assrance of safety or protection; fearlessness; (a) fearless,
ndanted; safe; %# an assrance#pledge of safety or protection.
abha:ga: (a) nfortnate, accrsed, nlcky, ill%starred; hence ! (nm).
abha:gin (a) accrsed, nlcky#nfortnate (woman).
abha:gin2: (a) see .
abha:ggy (nm) misfortne, ill lck.
# abha:v (nm) want, dearth, deficiency, shortage, lack; !cH negative.
abha:vit (a) ncontemplated, nthoght of.
abhia 1anskrit prefix denoting towards, near, over, above, repeated, excessive,
abhikath$n (nm) an allegation.
abhikarta: (nm) an agent.
~ abhikalp (nm) a design; ! a designer.
H abhikkriya: (nf) reaction; ! reactive; 6 reactivity.
0 abhiggrah$ (nm) re.isition.
# abhicha:r (nm) incantation, employment of spells for a malevolent prpose,
sorcery, black magic; ! one who practises incantation, a con'rer; !Hwitchcraft;
sorcery; !| incantational, incantatory; a con'rer.
H abhi'a:t (a) aristocratic, well%born; classic; (nm) an aristocrat, noble;
% classic acting; %

a classic (work); ! aristocracy; % aristocracy,

nobility; ! classicism, aristocracy; !| a classicist; aristocrat.
Hc abhi'a:tty (a) aristocratic; classic.
7 abhiggy (a) well%conversant (with), knowing all (abot something);
! conversance, familiarity; knowledge.
7 abhiggya:t (a) recognised.
7 abhiggy$:n (nm) recognition; recollection; identification; anagnorisis.
abhittra:s (nm) intimidation.
H abhidha: (nf) denotation, the literal power or sense of a word.
H abhidh$:n (nm) a name; non; nomenclatre.
H abhidha:r$: (nf) a postlate.
H abhidha:v$n (nm) expedition, charge.
H abhidhey (nm) literal meaning.
# abhin$nd$n (nm) greeting, reception, a ceremonios welcome; applase;
!%0 a commemoration volme; ! % an address of welcome; ! %4 an
address of welcome; !%H| a reception; ! ladable, praiseworthy, fit to be
greeted or welcomed; ! greeted; appladed, praised.
# abhin$ti (nf) bias; inclination;
%% (/7 %%
! biased; inclined.
abhin$y (nm) acting; performing (on the stage).
abhin$v (a) novel, new; recent.
abhinivesh (nm) concentration, deliberation; perseverance.
abhini:t (a) staged, enacted.
# abhinCta: (nm) an actor; ! an actress.
abhiney (a) actable, stageable; ! stageability.
7 abhinn (a) identical; not different; close, intimate; integral; integral part;
! identity; sameness, oneness; % one#nited at heart, very intimate.
7 abhinny$:s (nm) lay%ot.

abhipsh (a) affirmed; !

affirmance; !|4 affirmant; !|4 affirmation.

9 abhippra:y (nm) intention; implication; prport; design, import, prpose.
9 abhippret (a) intended, implied; designed.
9 abhipprer$ (nm) motivation; also 9 (nf).
abhibhav (nm) defeat; onslaght, attack.
abhibha:vak (nm) a gardian; !#!c gardianship.
4 abhibha:sh$ (nm) an address (speech delivered by a dignitary).

abhibh:t (a) overwhelmed; overpowered; overawed.

H abhim$ntrit (a) consecrated by a H (see).
H abhim$t (a) favorite; desired; (nm) an opinion.
H abhimaddhy (a) medial.
H abhim$:n (nm) pride; vanity, arrogance.
H abhim$:n2: (a) prod; vainglorios, arrogant.

abhim=kh (ind) directed towards, facing; disposed to, intending to.

# abhiy$nta: (nm) an engineer; !() engineering.
abhiya:chn$: (nf) a demand.
abhiy$:n (nm) a campaign; an expedition; % an expedition.

abhiykt (nm and a) (an) accsed.

| abhiyokta: (nm) an accser.
| abhiyog (nm) accsation, charge; law sit, case; indictment.
| abhiyogi: (nm) an accser.
|H abhiyo'$n (nm) prosection.
#H abhirakshak (nm) a cstodian; !H cstody.
H abhir$:m (a) beatifl, lovely; delightfl; hence ! (nf).
abhirchi (nf) taste, liking.
H abhilaksh$ (nm) characteristic.
4 abhilashit (a) cherished, desired, longed for.
#4 abhila:sha: (nf) desire, yearning, longing, craving, wish; also !4 (nf);
!4 wishing; desiring; a wisher.
abhilikhit (a) recorded, placed on record.
abhilekh (nm) a record; transcript; %0 a record book; ! placing on record,
making a record of; transcription.
# abhiv$nd$n (nm); ! !n$: (nf) respectfl saltation; !, ! deserving
respectfl saltation, reverend.
abhivakta: (nm) a pleader.
%% (/: %%
abhivach$n (nm) plea; affirmation.
abhiva:d$n (nm) deferential saltation; greeting.

abhivritti (nf) attitde; aptitde.

@ abhivriddhi (nf) prosperity; development; progress.

abhivechan (nm) censorship.
H# abhivy$'$n (nm) expression; ! expressive; ! expressiveness.
H abhivy$'an$: (nf) expression; manifestation; ! expressionism.
#H abhi#vy$'it, ! !vyakt (a) expressed; manifested.
# abhivyakti (nf) expression; manifestation; ! see H.
# abhish$nsa: (nf) incrimination, crimination; hence ! (nm).
abhish$nsi: (nm and a) an incriminator; incriminating, incriminatory.
abhishapt (a) crsed, accrsed.
abhisha:p (nm) a crse.
4 abhishikt (a) consecrated; enthroned.
4 abhishek (nm) inagrating or consecrating (by sprinkling water); inagration
of a king, royal fnction.
H abhis$ndhi (nf) a conspiracy, plot.
H abhisam$y (nm) a convention (written agreement).
abhisar$ (nm) going towards a point for meeting; rende,vos (of lovers);
abhisa:kshy (nm) deposition; a statement on oath.
abhisa:r (nm) meeting; rende,vos (of lovers).
abhisa:rika: (nf) a woman who goes to meet her lover or keeps an
| abhisa:ri: (a) convergent.

abhis:chak (nm) an index.

abhihit (a) named, designated; called; H gentlemen&s agreement.
abhi: (adv) 'st now, this moment; H H H to show fight, has fight (in him)
abhi:sh (a) desired, cherished; desired goal, cherished aim;
attainment of what is desired; @ attainment of the desired ob'ective# thing.
abhi:psit (a) desired, wished for, cherished.

abhkt (a) nflfilled, ngratified; nen'oyed; nsed.

abh:tp:rv (a) nprecedented; (that has) never existed before; hence ! (nf).
abhed (nm) identity, oneness; hence ! (nf).
abheddy (a) indivisible; indistingishable; impregnable, impenetrable; hence
! (nf).
| abhoggy (a) forbidden, nworthy of being en'oyed or sed.
abhatik (a) nearthly, not material or mndane, not related to or prodced by
the gross elements, celestial.
abbhyantar (nm and a) interior; inside.

abbhyank:l$n (nm) (the act or process of) adaptation.

# , ! abbhya#rth$n (nm), !rthan$: (nf) welcome, reception; spplication,
re.est; ! deserving welcome or reception; worth re.esting (for); worth
spplication; ! welcomed; spplicated,
%% (0( %%
re.ested (for).
| abbhyarthi: (nm) a welcomer; sppliant; candidate.
abbhyarp$ (nm) srrender.
abbhyast (a) accstomed, habitated; habital; trained, skilled; | to be
sed to; to have at one&s finger tips.
HH abbhya:kkram$ (nm) assailance; to assail; !| assailant;
abbhya:gat (nm) a gest, visitor.
|() abbhya:rop($) (nm) indictment; abstract of indictment.
# abbhya:s (nm) practice; exercise; habitation; ! well%p, trained; practising,
carrying on practice#training.

#c abbhytth$:n (nm) rise, rising; elevation; hence !c (a).

# abbhyday (nm) rise, rising (of lminaries); rising (to prosperity, happiness,
etc.); advent; aggrandi,ement; hence ! (a).
abbhr (nm) clod; the sky; !| sky%high.
abbhrak (nm) see 4.
H am$gal (nm) inaspiciosness; evil; disaster.
H am$nd (a) not slow, .ick; bright.

amch:r (nm) dried mango parings (sed as spice).

H am$n (nm) peace, tran.illity; %H peace and order; % peace and happiness;
! peacefl, pacific, peace%loving; !| pacifism, peace%lovingness, the state or
mental attitde of liking peace.
H amar (a) immortal, eternal, ndying; (nm) a god, deity; !4 parasite creeper
(Cuscuta reflexa).
H amarta: (nf) immortality; also !c (nm).
H amra:i: (nf) a mango%grove.
H|# amri:ka: (nm) (the Hnited 1tates of) "merica; !| (an) "merican.
HF amr:d (nm) gava.
Hc amartty (a) immortal, deathless, eternal; !| the heaven abode of gods.
H amardit (a) nvan.ished, nassailed; ndanted.
H# amarya:d (a) violating defined limits (of propriety); intemperate; improper;
! intemperance; affront; indignity; ! intemperate; immodest; ndignified;
violating defined limits (of propriety).
H amal (nm) action, exection; application; addiction; %H formal proceedings;
!| reign, rle, athority, 'risdiction; sway; % to take some intoxicating
drink; to have a drinking session;H to execte, to implement.
H amalta:s (nm) Cassia fistula an Dndian medicinal plant sed as a prgative.
H| amalda:ri: (nf) see H (!|).
H amla: (nm) staff; paraphernalia.
H| amli: (a) practical; (nm) an addict;HH to translate into action, to pt
into practice.
H $m$: (ind) man ? 8 ?
H am$:galik (a) inaspicios, ominos, ill%foreboding.
Hc ama:tty (nm) a minister.
H ama:n (nf) assrance of protection#secrity.
H am$:n$k (a) non%standard, below standard; not conforming
%% (0; %%
to the prescribed standard.
H am$:n$t (nf) something given in trst, a deposit; ! a trstee; H O
to commit breach of trst (by grabbing the thing entrsted).
H am$:nati: (a) deposited or given in trst.
H am$:navi:y (a) inhman, crel; c inhman element; abstraction; hence
! (nf).
H am$:n2: (a) casal labor; time#daily wages; prideless, withot arrogance.

4 ama:n=shik (a) inhman; beastly; crel; hence ! (nf).

H7 am$:nny (a) nacceptable; not respectable; invalid; ! invalidity, non%
acceptability; non%recognition.
HH am$:ln$:m$: (nm) a dossier.
H am$:va (nf) dried 'ice of ripe mango formed into thin cakes.
H#,! am$:vas, !sya: (nf), the last day of the dark fortnight.
H ami (a) indelible, ineffaceable; indestrctible; U indelible imprint.
H amit (a) nmeasred, bondless; immense, enormos.
H amita:bh (a) possessing nlimited brilliance; (nm) a name of *ord 9ddha.
H amishshr (a) nmixed, nadlterated; pre.
H amishshrit (a) nmixed, nadlterated; pre; hence ! (nf).
H am2:n (nm) a 'nior officer appointed for land srvey and revene collection.
H ami:r (a) rich, wealthy; (nm) a rich man; a chieftain; %"|4 haves and have%nots;
!H son of a rich man; an aristocrat by birth; hence !H| (nf); Hlordly,
H| ami:ri: (nf) richness, wealthiness.

amk (a) sch and sch, so and so.


am:rt (a) abstract; intangible, incorporeal; abstract art; abstract


abstract .ality; c#! abstraction; T%H#7 abstract

setting; ! abstractionism; !| abstractionist. (ic)

~ am:lly (a) priceless; valable, precios.


ammrit (nm) nectar; % life%giving words; reviving#inspiring speech.


4 ammritb$:n (nm) a 'ar.

H amey (a) immeasrable, limitless.
H| amogh (a) nfailing, nerring; infallible.
H amalik (a) not original; not fndamental; secondary; hence ! (nf).
+H amm$: (nf) mother.
+ aml (nm) acid; (a) sor; ! acidity; sorness.
+ aml$:n (a) nwithered; bright, fresh; hence ! (nf).
+| amhari: (nf) prickly heat.
ay$ntrit (a) nrestricted, ncontrolled.
ayat (a) ncontrolled; immoderate.
ayatha: (ind) otherwise, not as it shold be.
ayatha:rth (a) nreal, false; virtal; ! nreality.
ayash (nm) disgrace, infamy.
ayask (nm) an ore.
aya:chit (a) nsolicited, nasked for.
aya:l (nf) mane.
%% (0) %%

aykt (a) incompatible; illogical; absrd; nseemly; free, n'ointed;

! incompatibility; absrdity; the state of being free or n'ointed.

aykti (nf) irrationality; absence of any logic or relevance, incompatibility.

H aygm2ta: (nf) agamy.

| ayoggy (a) incompetent; nworthy; n.alified; nfit; ! nfitness;
dis.alification; inability.
| ayoddha: (nm) non%combatant.
|H ayodhi: (a) non%combatant.
|H ayoni' (a) non%placental.
ayagik (a) non%compond; elemental; crde.
s ar$i: (nf) castor oil or plant.
ar (nm) a spoke; ray.
4 ara. (nm) see 4 .
H arakshit (a) insecre; nprotected, not defended; hence ! (nf).
argan2: (nf) clothesline, a rope wire or bamboo sed for hanging clothes on.
aray (nm) forest; wilderness; !| crying in wilderness (which attracts no
one), an navailing exercise.
arth$:n$: (v) to explain (the meaning of); to make explicit.
arn$: (nm) a wild bffallo.
4 arab (a) a thosand million; (nm) an "rab; the "rab contry.
4 arbi: (nf) the "rabic langage; (a) "rabian; pertaining to the land of "rabs.
H arm$:n (nm) aspiration, longing; H

H H to lay one&s aspirations in the

dst; to have one&s fling, to have it ot; to have one&s flfilment;
H not to have one&s aspirations materialised; H| | || H to blast one&s
aspirations; H| s one&s aspirations to be shattered.
arv2nd (nm) a lots flower.
arvi: (nf) a kind of taro.
arsa (a and nm) see s.
arsa: (nm) period, dration; interval.
arasik (a) dry, prosaic; inaesthetic; hence ! (nf).
arhar (nf) pigeon pea, a kind of cereal or plseCajanus ndicus.
ara: (nf) see .
H ara:'ak (a) destitte#bereft of a rler; anarchical; chaotic.
H ara:'akta: (nf) anarchy; chaos; ! anarchism; ! anarchism;
!| (an) anarchist.
| ara:ro (nm) arrow%root.
ara:l (a) bent, slanting; crooked.
ara:val (nm) the vangard.
ari (nm) an enemy, a hostile person.
arish (a and nm) embodying misfortne, disastros; misfortne, disaster.
| ari:y (a) radial.
F archi (nf) dislike, aversion; distaste; ! disgsting, loathing; npalatable.
F ar= (a) reddish%brown, rddy; (nm) the dawn (personified as the charioteer of
the !un); !

s# a cock.
ara:chal (nm) the newly created (;:5)) eastern 1tate of the Dndian Hnion.
ar=a:bh (a) rddy, having a reddish tinge.
H ar2m$: (nf) reddish brown tinge#color.
| ar=Aday (nm) day%break,
%% (0/ %%
early dawn.
Fd ar: (a) not established; obscre.
F ar:p (a) formless.
are (int) 8 ?, a form of address (sed for inferiors or 'niors); % stop this ?, what is
that ?, why are yo doing that I
| arochak (a) ninteresting; boring; hence ! (nf).
ark (nm) the sn; swallow wart ("scelpias gigantia).
4 ar. (nm) essence; extract.
#, ! argal (nm), !la: (nf) a log for fastening a door, draw% bar.
argh (nm) libation (in honor of a deity); vale, price; ! offering of libation;
! a small vessel sed for offering libation.
arghy (nm) things worth offering (to a deity, etc.) as argh (see above).
#, arch$#n (nm), !n$: (nf) worship, adoration; ! adorable, fit to be
worshipped; worshipped; adored.
archa: (nf) see .
H ar, (nf) re.est, spplication; width; ! see ; !H spplicant, one making
a sbmission#re.est; ! sbmission, appeal.
H ar'$n (nm) ac.isition; earning; ! ac.isitive; earning; H ac.irer;
earner; H worth earning or ac.iring; H ac.ired; earned; to
H| ar,i: (nf) an application; petition; ! an applicant; a petitioner.
H| ar,i:da:va: (nm) a plaint, a petition sbmitted by the plaintiff in a cort of law.
H| ar,i:navi:s (nm) a petition%writer.
ar$v (nm) a sea, an ocean.
arth (nm) meaning; import, sense; wealth, money; (ind) for, for the sake of;
!#| profitable; ! semantic, pertaining to meaning; economic;
! significant, pregnant with meaning; % profondity of meaning;
%U#!U nance; !: actally; from the point of view of meaning; % a
money%grabber; %947H financial arrangement#management; ! significance;
% 4H economic; !@ flfilment of a prpose.
H# arthkriya:va:d (nm) pragmatism; !| a pragmatist; pragmatic.
s arthad$ (nm) a fine, penalty.
arthan2:ti (nf) economic policy.
%H arth%m$:nav (nm) the economic man.
H arthmiti (nf) econometrics.
arthva:d (nm) elogim; praise; explanation of the meaning of a precept.
| arthva:di: (a and nm) epideictic; elogist.
#7 arthviggy$:n (nm) semantics; !7 semantic.
arthvyavastha: (nf) economy; economics; economic set%p#system.
#U arthsha:str (nm) -conomics; !U an economist; !U economic.
| arthh2:n (a) meaningless, absrd; moneyless.
artha:ntar (nm) a different meaning; semantic variation.
artha:t (ind) that is, that is to say, namely (viz.).
%% (00 %%
artha:l$ka:r (nm) meaning%based figre of speech.
| arthi: (nf) a bier; (nm) a petitioner; (a) desiros; sppliant.
arthetar (a) non%pecniary; non%semantic.
| ardali: (nm) an orderly, attendant.
arda:s (nf) a representation; re.est, an entreaty.
H ardh (a) semi%, demi%; half; moiety; !H semi%colon; ! semi%weekly, bi%
H ardhch$ndr (nm) crescent, half%moon; H crescent%shaped; semilnar;
to psh#throw ot by the neck.
H |+ ardhna:ri:shshwar (nm) *ord 1hiv as envisaged in fsion with Eoddess
H HH ardhma:gadhi: (nf) the form of <ra:krit (langage) once crrent in that part of
Dndia which is now roghly covered by "wadhi:, 9agheli:, and Jhhatti:sgai: dialects.
H #

ardhvritt (nm) semi%circle; !

H ardhvya:s (nm) radis.
H ardhsa:pta:hik (a) biweekly; semi%weekly.
H ardh$:g (nm) hemiplegia.
H ardh$:gin2: (nf) wife, better half.
H | ardha:li: (nf) two sccessive feet of a .
arp$ (nm) an offering; srrender(ing); assignment; cession.

arbd (nm) the nmber thosand million.

arbhak (nm) a yong one, an infant.
%4 arr%barr (nf) see s%4 s.
arra:n$: (v) to crash down, to tmble down, to fall down with a violent noise.
arva:ch2:n (a) modern, new, recent; hence ! (nf).
arsh (nm) haemorrhoids; sky, heaven; 9 from heaven to earth.
arh$nt (a) .alified; competent; (nm) names of *ords Gin, 9ddha K 1hiv.
arh (a) .alified; competent.
arhata: (nf) .alification; competence.
# alakar$ (nm) ornamentation, embellishment, adornment; hence,
! (nm); !

(a); !

al$ka.r (nm) embellishment; ornament; figre of speech; %U +hetorics;
%U a rhetorician; !U rhetoric.
, al$ghn2:y, al$gghy (a) insrmontable, insperable; inviolable;
alak (nf) a crl, a lock of hair; || locks of hair, hair%do.
alkatra: (nm) coal%tar, tar.
| alkohal (nm) alcohol.
alaktak (nm) see .
H alakshit (a) nperceived, nnoticed; nmarked.
alakshy (a) imperceptible; nnoticeable; latent.
alakh (a) see ; (nm) Fhe Dnvisible; H Fhe Dnvisible; H to
rise oneself and to arose others in the name of Fhe Dnvisible.
alag (a and adv) separate, apart, aloof; distinct; % individally; separately;
distinctly; % aloof, isolated; | to be in menses, to be away.
algan2: (nf) see .
#"H algara, (a) careless, negligent;
%% (03 %%
!"H carelessness, negligence.
alg$:n$: (v) to set apart, to separate; to isolate, to segregate; to disengage; to
alga:v (nm) isolation, separation; breach; secession, segregation.
|H algo,a: (nm) a kind of flte, flageolet.
$ alga'ha: (nm) partition, division; separation.
alagn (a) loose; ntagged; nattached.
alta: (nm) a lack%dye sed by @ind women for staining their feet red.
9 alaf; | said of a horse standing pright on hind legs; to be wrathfl, to get
4 albatta: (ind) nevertheless; of corse.
4H alb$m (nm) an albm.
4 albela: (nm) a dandy, bea; (a) dandy, foppish, frivolos; hence ! (nm).
alabbhy (a) rare; nattainable, nobtainable; hence ! (nf).
H#4 al$mbarda:r (nm) a standard%bearer; !4| standard%bearing.
H alm$st (a) carefree, sprightly, gay.
H| alma:ri: (nf) an almirah, a cpboard.

H alm=:n2y$m (nm) alminim.

H al$m (ind) enogh?, that will do ?
alark (nm) a rabid dog;| rabies, hydrophobia.

alalapp: (a) see

4U s alalbachhea: (nm) a yong colt; an adolescent stepping into yoth.
alv$:n (nf) a kind of woollen shawl.
alas (a) slothfl, la,y, slggish; slackened.
als$:n$: (v) to be slack or slggish, to feel la,y, to be overtaken by inertia.
alsi: (nf) linseed; linseed oil.

4 alassbah (nf) early morning, day%break.

alse (nf) (deliberate) obstrction; dilatory tactics; s to create an
# alehda: (a) separate; aloof; ! separation; aloofness.
ala:t (nm) a fire%brand; %H a circle cased by whirling fire%brand.
ala:p (nm) see H; ; to tne the voice (for singing).
ala:pn$: (v) to tne the voice, to pitch or raise the voice; to sing (on).
ala:bh (nm) disadvantage; harm; ! disadvantageos; harmfl.
H ala:m$t (nf) sign, symptom.
H ala:rm (nm) alarm (of an alarm clock); s an alarm%clock, alarm%watch.
ala:v (nm) a bonfire for warming p the body; camp%fire.
ala:va: (ind) besides, in addition to; apart from; except.
aligi: (a) asexal;H asexal reprodction.
alind (nm) a terrace.
ali (nm) see .
alikhit (a) nwritten, nrecorded, nscripted.
alipt (a) nattached; indifferent; nbiased; hence ! (nf).
9 alif (nm) the first letter of the
%% (04 %%
<ersian alphabet;4 H not to know the "9J of.
| al2:n (nf) a side pillar.
| ali:l (a) indisposed, ailing.
| alon$: (a) withot salt; tasteless; insipid.
| alop (a) disappeared, vanished.
alakik (a) nearthly, heavenly, celestial; phenomenal; transcendental,
spernatral; hence ! (nf); T feast#sight for the gods.
~ alp (a) a little, small; minte; short; few; ! short%lived; temporary; short%
term; !H oligarchy; !H short%lived, fgacios; ! oligarchy; !Hminimm,
minimal; ! smallness, minteness; insignificance; !T obscrity; !T short%
sighted, not far%sighted; !9 naspirated; vigorless, lacking vitality; !4

@ a nitwit,
silly; idiot, !4 tacitrn; reserved; !H minority; !H

~ nder%valation;
! nderage; %H comma; !: by bits, in small .antities; ! minority
(grop, party, commnity, etc.); 6 minority grop; ! minority; ~

of yong
age; shortlived; ephemeral; ~ abstemiosness, abstinence (in respect of
food); ~| abstemios, abstinent (in respect of food)
~H%~H all$m%gall$m (nm) odds and ends; all kinds of trash, edibles and
inedibles; (H ) cheese parings.
~ alla:h (nm) Eod; ! Eod, the Ereat; !4| Eod preserve yo?, Eodspeed ?,
"die?;| simple, innocent and artless man, a simpleton; | | to
kick the bcket, to expire; ~| 4 Eod is great ?
~s alha (a) carefree, having carefreeness reinforced by child%like simplicity and a
toch of innocence; neither hay nor grass; ! carefree and innocent natre.
ava 1anskrit prefix denoting after, downwards, smallness or dimintion, decay,
determination, etc.
avkar$ (nm) redction.
avkal$n (nm) differentiation, differential calcls.
avka:sh (nm) leisre; leave of absence; recess; ether, space; 0 to
retire, to go into retirement; %9 retired; spatial.
avgat (a) apprised; informed; ##| to apprise or inform#to keep
apprised or informed#to be apprised or informed; hence (nf).
avga:h$n (nm) immersion, bathing; profond stdy, deep delve;
also (nm).

# avg=$n (nm) veiling, hiding; a veil; ! veiled, covered with a veil,


avg= (nm) defect, demerit; vice; falt;

demeritorios, of vicios
avcha:r (nm) miscondct.
# avchet$n (nm and a) (the) sbconscios; ! sb%conscios mind.
U7 avachchhinn (a) ct off, separated.
U avachchhed (nm) ctting off, separation; a part#portion; hence ! (nm); ! (a).
7 avaggya: (nf) contempt, disregard; defiance; insbordination; hence 7 (a).
%% (05 %%
avt$ns (nm) crown; ornament.
avtar$ (nm) descent; a passage; .otation; % .otation marks (L L).
avtarit (a) descended; become incarnate; .oted.
avtal (a) concave; ! concavity.
avta:r (nm) an incarnation; ! the theory of incarnation; H# to
become incarnate.
| avta:ri: (a) incarnate, the sorce of incarnation; sperhman.
avti:r (a) descended; incarnated.
avaddy (a) falty, having blemishes; worthless.
H avdh$:n (nm) attention; concentration; alertness; hence ! (nf).
H# avdha:r$ (nm) conception; determination; ! concept; hence ! (a);
! (a).
H avadhi (nf) period; time; limit; term; dration; H #4 to set a
H avdhi: (nf) a dialect of @indi spoken in parts of eastern Httar <radesh.

avdh:t (nm) a (pecliar type of) religios mendicant; (a) rogh and rgged
# avn$t (a) bent; fallen; depressed; deteriorated; recessed; ! bending; falling,
deterioration; recession; depression; demotion.
H avn$m$n (nm) depression; bowing down, bending.
avn$y$n (nm) bringing down, casing fall or decline.
av$ni (nf) the earth; ! a king, rler.
avpa:t (nm) slmp; depression.
s avpi:$n (nm) coercion, dress.
9 avprer$ (nm) abetment.
4|H avbodh (nm) nderstanding; hence ! (a); ! (nm).
H, ! avm$:n (nm), !an$ (nf) hmiliation; disrespect; indignity; contempt;
hence H (a).
avayav (nm) a part, portion; member; limb; component, ingredient; a member or
component part of logical argment of syllogism; the whole consisting of
avayask (a) minor; ! minority, the state of being a minor.
avar (a) low; inferior; nder; pisne; 'nior; ! 'niority; inferiority.
@ avrddh (a) obstrcted, hindered, impeded; restrained; imponded; arrested;
hence ! (nf).
|H avrodh (nm) an obstrction, hindrance, impediment; restraint; taboo; hence
! (a), ! (nm).
| avroh (nm) a descent; act of descending.
| avroh$ (nm) descending; %HH descending order.
|| avrohi: (a) descending, falling.
avar (a) colorless; casteless.
, avarani:y, avary (a) indescribable, defying description; ineffable.
#4 avl$mb (nm) spport, stay; dependence; prop; !4 dependence; spport; hence
!4 (a).
4 avalambit (a) spported; depended.
, | avali, avli: (nf) a row; range; continos line; series;
%% (07 %%
avleh (nm) 'elly; confection.
|#, ! avlo#k, !k$n (nm) seeing, beholding, viewing; persal; scanning;
!, !4 worth seeing; ! seen, beholded; persed.
| avalokana:rth (ind) for persal, for being seen.
avash (a) helpless, forlorn; hence ! (nf).
avshish (a) left; remaining; residary; residal; (nm) reside, remnant.
avshi:t (a) chilly; ! (the process of) chilling.
4 avshesh (nm) remnant, remains, reside, residm; vestige; relics; (a) remaining,
|4 avshoshak (nm) absorbant; absorbing.
# avashshy$mbha:vi: (a) certain; inevitable; ! certainty; inevitability.
avashshy (adv) certainly, definitely; necessarily; !H withot fail, certainly;
7 avsann (a) despondent, de'ected, dismayed; langid.
7 avsann$ta: (nf) langor, prostration; despondency.
avsar (nm) opportnity, chance; occasion; scope; !, ! opportnism, the
tendency to pt expediency before principle; the mentality of time%serving;
!| opportnist(ic);

to miss an opportnity; to seek an opportnity;

#% H to take time by the forelock; H to get a

avsa:d (nm) lassitde, langor; de'ection; hence !H (a).
avs$:n (nm) end; terminal; termination; death; terminated, ended.
avastha: (nf) condition, state; age; stage; phase, despondency.
# avsth$:n (nm) phase; hence ! (a); ! (nf).
9|# avasphi:ti (nf) deflation; ! deflated.
avhit (a) alert; attentive; concentrative.
#, ! avheln$:, !la: (nf) neglect; disdain, contempt; hence ! (a).
U av$:chhan2:y (a) ndesirable; nwelcome; hence ! (nf).
U av$:chhit (a) nwanted, nwelcome; ndesired.
av$:ntar (a) secondary; intermediate, intermediary; secondary
classification, sbdivision.
ava:k (a) speechless; stnned.
ava:chchy (a) nworthy of tterance; ! (nf).
avavpt (a) ac.ired.
H ava:m (nm) the people, common man.
ava:stav (a) nreal, false.
ava:stavik (a) nrealistic, nreal, false; hence ! (nf).
avikach (a) nbloomed, nblossomed.
avikal (a) intact; nabridged (as).
~ avikalp (a) withot an alternative; certain.
avika:r (a) immtable, not liable to change#mtation; invariable.
#| avika:ri: (a) immtable, not sb'ect to mtation or variation; direct (form);
indeclinable; ! immtable, indeclinable.
avika:s (nm) aplasia, absence
%% (0: %%
of growth or development.

# avikkrit (a) nimpaired; not mtilated, not deformed; intact; ! immtation,

avigat (a) not past; present.
avichal (a) steady; motionless; firm, nswerving; hence ! (nf).
avichal$n (nm) non%deviation; steadiness.
#| avicha:ri: (a) thoghtless; in'dicios; ! not well thoght ot, not well
U7 avichchhinn (a) ninterrpted; continos; hence ! (nf).
U avichchhed (nm) absence of interrption, continity; inseparable.
H avi'it (a) ncon.ered, nvan.ished.
avitath (a) exact; precise; ! exactitde; precision.
7 avit$:nny (a) inextensible; hence ! (nf).
H avidagdh (a) amaterish; perile, stpid.
avidit (a) nknown.
H aviddyam$:n (a) not% existent; nreal; hence ! (nf).
aviddya: (nf) nescience; sperficial#mndane knowledge.
avinay (nf) immodesty, impertinence; hence , (a).
+ avin$shshvar (a) imperishable, indestrctible; eternal; hence ! (nf).
avin$:shi: (a) immortal; indestrctible, imperishable.
avini:t (a) impertinent, pert, impolite, immodest; hence ! (nf).
avibhakt (a) ndivided; nsplit; intact, also H (a).
7 avibha:''y (a) inseparable; indivisible; hence ! (nf).
avirat (a) incessant, ninterrpted; continos.
aviral (a) dense, profse, compact; ninterrpted, incessant; continos; hence
! (nf).
H avir$:m (a) non%stop, withot a pase, incessant; continos; hence ! (nf).
4 avil$:mb (adv) at once; withot delay; forthwith.
aviley (a) insolble; hence ! (nf).
H avivakshit (a) intended to be stated or expressed, nimplied.
aviva:ddy (a) indisptable; incontrovertible.
aviva:h (nm) agamy.
# aviva:hit (a and nm) nmarried; bachelor, celibate; hence; ! (a and nf).
# avivek (nm) absence of reason, indiscretion; imprdence; in'diciosness;
hence !| (a).
+ avishshvasni:y (a) nreliable, ntrstworthy; hence ! (nf).
+ avishshvast (a) nreliable, ntrstworthy; hence ! (nf).
+ avishshva:s (nm) distrst, disbelief; non%confidence; sspicion, dobt;
%9 no%confidence motion.
+ avishshva:si: (a) distrstfl, sspicios; (nm) an nbeliever.
avihit (a) forbidden (by law); not prescribed.

avrishi (nf) see

7 avaiggya:n2k (a) nscientific; nsystematic; hence ! (nf).
avaitn2k (a) honorary; honorary editor; honorary
%% (3( %%
H avaidh (a) illegal, nlawfl; illegitimate, illicit; invalid; !H illicit; ! illegality.
avvyakt (a) not manifest, not apparent; imperceptible; indistinct; hence !,
(nf); impersonalism; | impersonalist; impersonal(istic).
avvyay (nm) an indeclinable (generally sed in grammatical context).
avvyai:bha:v (nm) a compond word wherein the first member is an
indeclinable (e.g. ,

avvyarth (a) nfailing; sre, effectal.
avvyavsa:i: (a) amater; non%professional; H amater theatre or stage.
# avvyavastha: (nf) lawlessness; disorder; disarray; chaos; ! disorderly;
chaotic; nsystematic.
avvyavha:ry (a) nsociable; nsable; nactionable; impracticable; hence
! (nf).
avyavahit (a) contigos, withot a break#pase#gap.
avvyavhrit (a) nsed, not tried or pt into se#practice.
avvya:pt (a) incomprehensive; of inade.ate pervasion or extent; not pervaded
or permeated by; ninformed (by).
avvya:pti (nf) non%comprehensiveness, inade.ate pervasion or extent (as of a
avvya:vsa:ik (a) non%professional; amater(ish); hence ! (nf).
avvya:vha:rik (a) impractical; not feasible; hence ! (nf).

c7 avvytp$nn (a) witless, nintelligent; not (grammatically) derived.

avval (a) the first; the foremost; ! firstly; H# to secre or obtain the
first position.

ashakn (nm) see

ashakt (a) weak, feeble; nable; incompetent; invalid, disabled; ! disability;
4 ashakky (a) impossible, impracticable; nmanageable; invincible; hence! (nf).
|#, !| ashari:r, !ri: (a) incorporeal; immaterial; nearthly.
9 asharfi: (nf) a gold coin; 9

|| H| penny wise pond

ash$:nt (a) restless, agitated; n.iet, distrbed, pertrbed; hence ! (nf).
ash$:nti (nf) nrest, dis.ietitde, agitation; distrbance; want of tran.illity.
| asha:ski:y (a) non%official#non%governmental; private.
U asha:stri:y (a) contrary to the sha:stra#s$; nscientific; non%technical; non%
classical; nprescribed; irreglar.
H ashikshit (a) nedcated; nlettered, illiterate.
ashiv (a) inaspicios; pernicios, balefl, evil; (nm) the evil; hence ! (nf).
ashish (a) ill%mannered, rde; indecent, indecoros; impolite; ! indecency,
impoliteness; ill manners, rdeness.

#@ ashddh (a) incorrect, erroneos, wrong; impre; !@ incorrectness; imprity;

!@ an error, a mistake; 6 errata.

ashbh (a) inaspicios, ill%omened; evil; bad; (nm) the evil.

4 ashesh (a) all; complete, entire.
%% (3; %%
| ashok (nm) Jonesia asoka (a tree); (a) withot grief, freed from grief.
| ashobhan (a) nseemly, nbecoming; indecent.
4 ash. (nm) a tear.
#@ ashraddha: (nf) want of reverence; irreverence; lack of faith; !@

faithless, one
lacking in reverence#veneration; an nbeliever; !@ nworthy of
# ashshr$:nt (a) ntired; indefatigable; hence ! (nf).
ashshra:vy (a) inadible, not worth listening (to); hence! (nf).

ashshr (nm) a tear; ! shedding of tears; !


ashshrt (a) nheard (of).

ashshrtp:rv (a) nheard of (before); ni.e, novel.

H ashshlish (a) having no pn; direct; disconnected, loose.
H ashshli:l (a) obscene; indecent, vlgar; ! obscenity, vlgarity.
+ ashshv (nm) a horse; !HH (7) the horse sacrificea celebrated ceremony dating
back to the Medic period, performed by a monarch desiros of becoming a H|.
+c ashshvatth (a) the <ipal tree.
+ ashshvsha:la: (nf) a stable.
+ ashshvas$n (nm) apnoea.
+d ashshva:r: (a) monted on horse%back; riding (a horse).
+| ashshva:roha (nm) horse%ride.
+|| ashshva:rohi: (nm) a cavalier, horseman; (a) riding (a horse).
ash (a) eight; (nm) the nmber eight.
| ashkA (nm) an octagonal.
U ashchha:p a grop of eight lminaries amongst the medieval Nrishna clt
poets of @indi literatre (vi,. 1:rda:s, Nmbhan Da:s, <arma:nand Da:s, Nrishna Da:s,
Jhhi:tswa:m2:, Eovindswa:mi:, Jhatrbh' Da:s and Oand Da:s).
H asham2: (nf) the eighth day of the lnar fortnight according to the @ind
@ ashasiddhi (nf) the eight spernatral powers or faclties ac.irable by the
practice of %og (the eight sally enmerated are anima:& mahima:, garima:, laghima:,
pra:pti, praka:m%& i:shitv and vashitv).

asakl (a) ncrowded; wide open.

HH asakra:m$k (a) non%infectios; | non%infectios disease.
H+ asakra:mmy (a) inalienable; non%transferable; non%infectios;
H inalienable rights.
asankkhy (a) innmerable, contless; also ! (a).
asag (a) detached; ncommitted.
asagait (a) loose; norganised; disnited.
# asagat (a) incoherent; irrelevant; inconsistent; absrd; irrational, anomalos;
incompatible; discordant; !, ! incoherence; irrelevance; absrdity; irrationality;
incompatibility; anomaly.
asant (a) wicked, evil (person).

asantl$n (nm) imbalance, dise.ilibrim.

asantlit (a) nbalanced; erratic; hence ! (nf).

%% (3) %%

asantsh (a) dissatisfied, discontented, disgrntled; malcontent; aggrieved.

|#4 asantosh (nm) dissatisfaction; discontent; discontentment; !4 insatiable, one
who is temperamentally discontented, greedy.
H asandigdh (a) indbitable; certain, definite; hence ! (nf).

asamp:r (a) incomplete; imperfect; hence ! (nf).

4@ asambaddh (a) disconnected, irrelevant; incongros; ! incoherence;
irrelevancy;9 irrelevant and disconnected prattle#prate, raving.
asambhav (a) impossible, impracticable.
asambha:vit (a) nexpected; nlikely; not comprehended.
# asambha:vvy (a) improbable; also ! (a).
asanyat (a) nrestrained; intemperate, immoderate.
#H asany$m (nm) nrestraint; intemperance; absence of moderation;
!H nrestrained; immoderate; !H devoid of moderation or temperance, nrestrained;
H asanshlish (a) non%synthetic; non%composite.

asanskrit (a) ncltred; nrefined; raw.

# asanhat (a) diffsed, not concentrated; hence ! (nf).
asanhit (a) incompact, loose; nconnected; not concise.
H asgandh (nm) a medicinal plant'h%salis flexussa.
asati: (a) nchaste, infidel (to one&s hsband).
c asati:ttv (nm) nchastity, absence of chastity.
asat (a) evil, bad; non%existent; illsory; ! evil deed, misdeed; ! immoral
asattv (nm) vice; (a) weak; vicios, devoid of virte.
c asatty (nm) a lie, falsehood; ntrth; (a) ntre, false; ! falsehood, ntrth;
!| a liar; ntre (person).
# asad (a) an allomorph of (see) as it obtains in certain componds;
! miscondct, immoral condct; !

@ vicios, evil%minded; evil genis;

! non%existence; malafide; !

wicked(ness), vicios(ness).
9 asaphal (a) nsccessfl; ! failre.
44 asba:b (nm) lggage, baggage; goods and chattles.
asabbhy (a) ncivili,ed, ncivil; discorteos; indecent; ill%bred; rstic;
! ncivility; indecency; vlgarity; rsticity.
HH asm$'as (nm) a dilemma, fix, sspense.
HH asm$'it (a) malad'sted, nad'sted; ncoordinated.
H as$m (a) neven;; dissimilar; nmatching; (nm) the north%eastern Dndian
state of "ssam.
H asm$t (nf) sanctity, chastity; !9| a chastity%monger; ncha ste; immoral;
hence !9| (nf).
H as$mtal (a) neven; rogh and rgged; hence ! (nf).
H as$mta: (nf) ine.ality; disparity; nevenness.
H7 asam$nvay (nm) incoordination, absence of coordination.
HH# as$mamit (a) asymmetrical; ! asymmetry.
H# asam$y (adv and a) ntimely; ot of season; (nm) time of adversity;
nseasonableness; !| inopportne, ntimely.
%% (3/ %%
H asamarth (a) incapable, incompetent; ! incapability, incompetence,
incapacity, inability.
H asam$:n (a) see H; ! disparity, ine.ality; dissimilarity.
H asam$:pt (a) incomplete, nfinished.
H asam$:hit (a) nconcentrated; wavering, flickering.
H asamiy$: (nf and a) "ssamesethe langage and people of "ssam (H).
H asam2:ch2:n (a) improper, inappropriate; nde.
+H# as$mm$ti (nf) non%consent; disagreement; hence ! (a).
+H as$mm$:n (nm) disrespect; inslt.
+H as$mmey (a) incommensrable; ! incommensrability.
asar (nm) effect; inflence; impression.
asal (a) real; tre; original; ! born of (one&s) real father;H in fact, in reality,
as a matter of fact.
asliyat (nf) reality; trth.
| asli: (a) real; tre; pre, nadlterated; Hs | U

actal tare;
to show one&s horns.
asavar (a) not belonging to a high caste, of low caste; not homogeneos (as
asah (a) nbearable, nendrable.
asahka:r (nm) non%cooperation.
asah$nshi:l (a) intolerant, nendring; short%tempered; hence ! (nf).
asahni:y (a) see H (a).
H asahm$ti (nf) disagreement, dissent; discordance.
| asahyog (nm) non%cooperation; ! the doctrine of non%cooperation; !| a
follower of non%cooperative doctrine; pertaining to the doctrine of non%cooperation.
asaha:y (a) helpless; lonesome.

asahis= (a) intolerant, nendring; ! intolerance, inendrance.

H asahhy (a) intolerable, nbearable; hence ! (nf).
9 as$:mprada:ik (a) non%commnal; non%sectarian; ! non%commnalism;
#d asa: (nm) the forth month of the @ind calendar; !d| pertaining to d.
H asa:dha:r$ (a) extra%ordinary, nsal; ncommon; ! extra%ordinary
.ality; ni.eness; nsalness.

asa:dh (a) wicked, nrighteos; not standard; hence ! (nf).

asa:ddhy (a) incrable; impracticable, nfeasible; hence ! (nf);
%H performing the impracticable, achieving a miracle.
H asa:m$ik (a) ntimely; inopportne; hence ! (nf).
H asa:m$rtthy (nf) see H .
HH asa:ma:'ik (a) nsocial, anti%social; anti%social elements; ! the
state of being nsocial#anti%social; nsocial#anti%social attitde.
H7 asa:m$:nny (a) ncommon; not general; particlar, special; abnormal; hence
! (nf).
H asa:mi: (nm, sometimes nf) a tenant; client; victim.
+ asa:mmy (nm) ine.ality;
%% (30 %%
disparity; dise.ilibrim, imbalance.
asa:r (a) worthless; nsbstantial; nreal; illsory; immaterial; hence ! (nf).
H asa:rv'$nik (a) private; not pblic.
H asa:vdh$:n (a) careless, ncatios; negligent; ! see H.
H asa:vdh$:n2: (nf) carelessness; negligence; absence of cation.
#@ asiddh (a) nproved; incomplete; naccomplished; inoperative; hence !@ (nf).
H asi:m (a) limitless, bondless; hence ! (nf).
H asi:mit (a) nbonded, nlimited; hence ! (nf).
asi:s (nf) see H4.

as=ndar (a) gly; nwholesome, not beatifl; ! gliness; absence of beaty,


askh (nm) non%happiness, absence of pleasre; ! condcive of non%

happiness, giving no pleasre.

aspt (a) not asleep, awake.

asr (nm) a demon.

H asvidha: (nf) inconvenience.

as:chit (a) nadvised; nnotified.

$ as:'h (a) invisible; where nothing can be seen or sighted.

as:ya (nf) envy.

asain2k (a) civil, non%military; (nm) a civilian.
as$=dary (nm) absence of beaty; gliness.
+ asammy (a) not amiable or gentle, npleasant; harsh, impolite, impdent.
8 asashav (nm) want of .ality; gliness.
ast$gat (a) set (as the sn); snk; descended.
ast (a) set (as the sn); snk; !9 almost set or snk; dying; | to set or sink;
to disappear or vanish.
4 astabal (nm) a stable.
astar (nm) the lining of a garment; inner coating of color or varnish; base (in
astavvyast (a) confsed; scattered; helter%skelter; to confse; to
scatter; to tosle;| to be scattered; to be confsed, to be clttered p with.
asta:chal (nm) the western montain (behind which the sn is spposed to set).
asti (nf) existence; being.
c astittv (nm) existence, being, entity; ! existentialism; !| an
existentialist; extentialistic; ! existent.

ast (ind) however, well, now; be it so ?

astey (nm) not stealing.
U astr (nm) a weapon (esp. a missile); ! an armorer; !H a professional
soldier; ! the military science; the art of sing weapons; ! an arsenal, armory.
U%U astr%shastr (nm) armament, weaponry; arms, weapons.
U astra:ga:r (nm) an arsenal, armory.
c astha:itv (nm) nstability, temporariness, the state of being
astha:i: (a) temporary, labile, nstable; provisional; mods vivendi;
stop%gap arrangement.
%% (33 %%
asthi (nf) a bone; %H a skeleton; !4 redced to a skeleton, skeletonised.
asthir (a) nstable, nsteady; variable; vacillating; fickle, wavering;
! inconstancy; nstability; nsteadiness; vacillation; also (nm).
aspata:l (nm) a hospital.
aspash (a) not clear; indistinct, vage; dim, obscre; blrred; ambigos; hence
! (nf).

asprishshy (a) ntochable; ! (the system and practice of) ntochability.

asprish (a) ntoched.


asph (a) indistinct, not clear; blrred; impalpable; hence ! (nf).

H asmita: (nf) ego; vanity, pride; assertion.
asswasth (a) nhealthy; morbid; ! ill%health; morbidity.
asswa:bha:vik (a) nnatral; artificial; hence ! (nf).
#, ! assvi:kara, !ka:r (nm) non%acceptance, re'ection, refsal; denial.

# assvi:krit (a) naccepted; refsed, re'ected; denied; ! non%acceptance;

refsal, re'ection; denial.
assi: (a) eighty; (nm) the nmber eighty.
ah$m (nm) ego; ! ego, egoism; !#! egoism; !| egoist(ic);

# ah$ka:r (nm) vanity; egotism; vainglory; !| egotist, vain% glorios.
ah$nta: (nf) ego; egoism.
ehad (nm) a pledge; commitment; !H an agreement.
| ehdi: (a) slothfl, la,y, indolent; hence ! (nm).
44 ahba:b (nm) friends and companions, dear ones (sed only as the second
member of the compond |%44).
H ah$m (a) important, significant.
H#4 ehm$. (nm and a) a blockhead, an idiot, a fool; most foolish; stpid;
!4 idiotic, stpid, foolish; 6 to play the giddy goat.
H ehmiy$t (nf) importance, significance.
+H7 ahamm$nny (a)vainglorios pretentios, overweening, conceited;
! vainglory, conceit, pretentiosness, overweeningness.
ahari:y (a) inviolable, nprescriptible; H nprescriptible right.
ehalka:r (nm) a clerk, an official (in a cort of law).
H ehalmad (nm) a record keeper (in a cort of law).
ahalevatancompatriots, contrymen.
#H ahastakshep (nm) non%interference; !H% laisse, faire; !H non%
cogni,able: which cannot be interfered with.
ahah (int) oh ?, an exclamation expressive of srprise, sorrow, agony, etc.
, aha:, aha:ha: (int) an exclamation expressing srprise or delight; how
excellent ? well done ? wonderfl ? etc.
aha:ta: (nm) a compond, precincts; enclosre.
ah$:nikar (a) non%detrimental; nharmfl, not in'rios.
ah2nsak (a) non%violent (person).
ah2nsa: (nf) non%violence; ! the creed of non%violence;
%% (34 %%
!| a follower of the principle of non%violence; non%violent.
cH ahinsa:tmak (a) non%violent (act, etc).
ah2nsr (a) non%violent, not fierce; harmless.
ahi (nm) a serpent, snake; !U a mshroom; !H| slogh.
ahit (nm) harm, damage, in'ry; evil; ! harmfl, in'rios, detrimental.
U ahitechchha: (nf) malevolence, malevolent intention.
9 ahiphCn (nm) opim.
ahiva:t (nm) state of a married woman ever contining to en'oy her hsband&s
| ahi:r (nm) a @ind sb%caste.

ahet (a) withot a case or reason.

#, !| ahetk, !ki: (a) withot any reason or case; withot motive; nprovoked.
# aher (nm) see ; !| see |; a stalker.

#, !| ahaitk, !ki: (a) see

| aho (int.) 8h ? 8 ?
H a: the second letter and the second vowel of the Devna:gri: alphabet; a 1anskrit
prefix sed to denote the senses of pto, p% til, from, throghot, along with etc;
(Dmperative verb intended for yongers or 'niors, etc.) come, come on, come forth;
4 H

$ H to ask for it, to ask for troble.

H s $:ke (nm) data; statistics, figres.
H $:kn$: (v) to assess, to reckon; to evalate; to appraise; to mark.
H $:kh (nf) an eye; the eye of a needle: the sprot at the 'oint of a sgarcane;
!H (the game of) hide and seek, blindman&s bff; also !H||; H to sffer
from ophthalmia, to have sore eyes;3 , 3 to cast a hostile look;
3 not to take notice, to treat with disdain; to feel ashamed or abashed;
3 |, 3 3 to be nable to raise the eyes throgh shame, etc.;H
s H ot of sight, ot of mind; an eye%sore; H

steal eyesalve ot of one&s eye, to be an expert thief; % #|

| the apple of
one&s eye, iris; darling, pet, beloved;

to be on the alert, to be alert and

agile; 3 to be disillsioned, to have one&s illsions shed away;
3#d#H Hblsh like a dog#ble on black; to be lost to shame, to become
shameless, | | an eye%sore; | 4| H to narrate somebody&s
vice only to
%% (35 %%
his intimate ones; H H

to name a dnce <lato; to

make eyes at, to look amorosly;H # to gloat, to feast the eyes with
animate beaty; to refresh, re'oice and feast the eyes; d to have heavy or drowsy
eyes, to have a reddish tinge in the eyes (throgh anger; fever, intoxication, lack of
sleep, etc.); to have the eyes ptrned (as in death);

#U to ct indirect, to
ct sblime; to avoid being sighted by, to avoid catching one&s eye; $ lit. to
blinkmeaning, to be heavy with sleep; to begin to fall asleep; d| to frown,
to cast a hostile#wrathfl look; s4s4 to be on the verge of tears, to have the eyes
filled with tears; to look#speak daggers; to look with angry eyes; to
fly in the face of; to be da,,led (by the sight of), to be nable to fix the ga,e
(on); not to bat an eyelid, not to sleep a wink; to cast a wrathfl
glance; s to sight per chance; to have the eyes petrified, or have the
vision blrred and dimmed throgh constant ga,ing; #9 to stare all rond;
to cast searchfl glances all rond; 9s to feel a plsation in the eye (according to
Dndian tradition plsation in the right eye of a man and left of a woman is regarded as
aspicios while the contrary is taken as a bad omen); 9

| the eye lost, the

pain gone; better the eye ot than sffer persistent pain; 4 to avoid being sighted;
4,%4 to bring abot a sdden change in one&s favorable attitde, to
withdraw favor or regard all of a sdden; to fill the eyes with the
sight of, to cast affectionate or amoros looks to one&s satisfaction;H to cock
one&s eye; to make a sign with one&s eye, to wink one of the eyes (as a sign of amoros
intention or cofirmation of a conspiracy, etc.);H, H H s to look
s.arely in the face, to look straight into somebody&s eyes:H

s a leap in
the dark; H
+ to pin one&s faith pon;H
to by a
pig in a poke, H

3 to have one&s blood p, to have the eyes reddened with

extreme rage; to fall half asleep, to do,e off;s to meet stare with stare, to
interchange glances, to cast amoros glances; H

H to be arosed from sleep;

to learn a lesson; to become aware or cogni,ant (of); H to make conscios of
things, to pt somebody on the alert; H H not to be watchfl, to be careless
and negligent; H to meet stare with stare, to inter% change glances; H
| to look into each other&s eyes, to exchange glances; H

to avoid
taking notice of; to avoid an exchange of looks; H HH to stare steadily; to have
the ga,e fixed at something; H s to gratify the eyes, to bring cool comfort
to the eyes (by seeing a pleasant ob'ect); H # to look (at) angrily or
menacingly, to cast a threatening look; H to look#cast eyes downward;
(ot of shame, modesty, etc.); H 9s or 9s%9s to stare (at)
%% (37 %%
with bewildered eagerness or astonishment; H 9 or 9 to adopt an attitde
of indifference towards someone dearly loved, to withdraw one&s affection;H
9|s to render blind, to rin the sight (by strenos stdy, etc.); H 47
| or H
to have the eyes sht; to die, pass away; H 4 to avoid being
noticed, to elde the observation of; to slink away; H 4 H to withdraw
affection; H 4U to give a very cordial welcome; H H or s4s4 to
have the eyes filled with tears, to be almost in tears; H %| to become
livid with anger; H| H H U to faint (on accont of a sdden fit of
weakness etc.); H| self%witnessed; 6H |

H seeing is believing
and hearsay is no evidence; H| rnning commentary; H| ||
to become cold%livered, to give a cold sholder; to be lost to shame; H|
s to be nder an illsion, not to see the obvios; H| 4#4 to extend a
hearty welcome, to receive and treat with tmost affection and reverence; H| H
to be an eye%sore, to arose npleasant feelings; H| H 4| U to be
blinded by pride, arrogance, lst etc.; H| H H

$|#s to pll wool over a

person&s eyes, to dst the eyes of; to throw dst in the eyes (of), to cheat; H| H
to pass the night awake, not to have a wink throghot the night; H| H
H to fill the mind&s eye, to be ever present in one&s mind&s eye;

4 the
blood to be p.
H $:g$n (nm) a cortyard.
H $:gik (a) pertaining to the body or parts thereof; performed by gestre or
throgh physical featres (a category of abhina%); acting throgh physical
gestres or movement; physical action.
H $:ch (nf) the heat of flame, fire; (fig.) harm; H to come to harm; to be
overheated; to be heated.
H $:chal (nm) the extreme part of a sa:ri: enveloping the pper part of a woman&s
body; region.
H H $:'n$: (v) to apply collyrim (into the eyes.)
H $:t (nf) see s; 3 to sffer from hernia; H

to be
extremely hngry.
H $:ntar (a) intra.
H $:ntara:ik (a) intermittent.
H $:ntarik (a) internal, intra; innate; !: internally; hence ! (nf).
H #H $:ntarbh$=m (a) ndergrond; sbterranean; also !H (a).
H $:ntr (nm) intestine; (a) intestinal.
H| $:ndol$n (nm) a movement, agitation, campaign; ! !| an agitator,
H| $:ndolit (a) moved; agitated;| to be moved by intense emotion or feeling.
H H $:dhi: (nf) a dst%storm; 3 to raise a storm; to create havoc; HH a
H H a:ndhr (nm) the Felg%speaking 1othern state of the Dndian Hnion also known
as H H 9 ; (a) an inhabitant of the "ndhra <radesh.
H%4 $:y%b$:y (nf) irrelevant#ridiclos talk; also%.
%% (3: %%
H $:v (nf, sed by some as nm) mcs.
H $:vla: (nm) the tree (mblic m%robalan and its frit.
H $:w$: (nm) the potter&s kiln, pottery; H | 4 | to have a
disgsting lot as a whole.
H $:nshik (a) partial; fractional; ! the state or .ality of being fractional.

$:s: (nm) tear; H to sppress one&s tears, to hide one&s sorrow;

|U to console; 4 to shed tears.
H a:inda: (adv) in ftre; (a) ftre; ensing;HH the ftre, times to come.
H a:in$: (nm) a looking glass, mirror; H H H
to reflect on one&s own
capabilities and merits, to know oneself; !H a mirror%maker.
HHH a:iskri:m (nf) ice%cream.
H# a:i:n (nm) law; legislation! legal; legislative.
H a:k (nm) the medicinal plant swallow wort, technically known as Catotropis
H44 a:.bat (nf) transmndane existence; the other world, the ftre state of life;
4s to 'eopardi,e one&s transmndane existence.
H a:kar (nm) a mine; sorce; storehose, treasry; %0 a sorce book.
H a:kar (a and adv) (stretching or stretched) p to the ear.
H a:kra$k (nm) a headphone.
H4 a:karshak (a) attractive, charming, allring; hence! (nf).
H4 a:karsh$ (nm) attraction, charm, allrement; % the power of gravitation;
H4 a:karshit (a) attracted, charmed, allred.
H4| a:karshi: (a) attractive, allring.
H# a:kal$n (nm) reckoning, calclation; ! reckoned, calclated.
HH a:kasmik (a) sdden, abrpt; contingent; accidental; fortitios, casal;

casal leave; ! contingency.

HH a:k$:ksha: (nf) aspiration.
H#H a:k$:kshi: (a) aspirant; !H aspired (for).
H4 a:ka: (nm) master, lord.
H# a:ka:r (nm) form, shape, si,e; the vowel H (a:) and its sond; ! %9 si,e and
shape; !%7, morphology; !%7 a morphologist; morphological; ! (a
word) ending in a: (H).
H| a:ka:riki: (nf) morphology; ! morphological.
H a:ka:sh (nm) the sky; the space; !

H lit. a flower of the sky, meaning an

impossibility, a fancifl thing; ! the milky way; !H levitation; sky%faring;
!H#| sky%faring; !| a beacon light; !4# (in theatrical langage)
speaking off the stage (to someone ot of sight); !H s the celestial sphere;
! aircraft;U

to be sky high; % 9 to move heaven and earth, to

leave no stone ntrned, to pt in @erclean efforts; % as wide asnder
as the sky and the nether world, a tremendos difference; 4 to be sky
high, to be as lofty as the sky.
H a:ka:shv$:2: (nf) an oracle; a proper name given to "ll Dndia +adio.
H a:ka:shi: (nf) an aerial; (a)
%% (4( %%
H a:ka:shiy (a) pertaining to the sky; heavenly, celestial.
H| a:ki:r (a) crowded; fll of diffsion; diffsed; scattered.

# a:kch$n (nm) contraction; flexion; ! contracted; 6| to contract.


a:kl (a) restless, neasy; distracted; distressed.


a:klta: (nf) restlessness, neasiness; mental distress.


a:kkriti (nf) shape, figre, form, strctre, appearance; featres;


morphological, strctral; !7 morphology; !7 a

morphologist; morphological.

a:krish (a) see H4 .

HHH# a:kkram$ (nm) attack; aggression; incrsion; invasion; !| invader#
invading; aggressor#aggressive; incrsionist; !cH offensive, aggressive.
HH# a:kkr$:nt (a) (one who is) attacked, invaded; ! (mistakenly sed to mean)
HHH a:kkra:m$k (nm) an invader; aggressor; attacker; (a) aggressive;
! aggressiveness, hostility.
HH| a:kkrosh (nm) acrimony, acerbity; wrath.
H4 a:kkl$:nti (nf) boredom.
HH a:kshep (nm) allegation; accsation, invective; charge.
H4H a:ksi:'$n (nf) oxygen (gas).

a:khth: (nm) the sond prodced dring hemming and spitting; (ind) fie ? a
condemnatory exclamation.
H a:ir (nm) the end; (adv) at last, after all; !#| eventally, after all; at long
H| a:iri. (a) last, final, ltimate; in bottom of bag, the last card p one&s
sleeve;H H to die in harness; H HH to die in last
ditch;H s to fight to the finish, to die game; H 4

~H | death bed repentance, to make a policy change when it is too late to bear
H a:khe (nm) see .
H a:kheak (nm) see |.
H# a:kkhya:t (a) ttered, expressed; well%known; ! an exponent, interpreter.
H a:kkhy$:n (nm) telling, commnication; a tale, legend; fable; description;
hence! (nm) (dimintive).
H a:kkhya:ika: (nf) a fable, short episodic narrative.

a:g$ntk (nm) a comer, visitor.

H a:g (nf) fire; ,

a fire%eater, fire brand, an extremely hot%

tempered#hot%headed man; to eat fire, to emit fmes; to
perform fneral rites; % s to pacify#calm down (all infriated persons);
| to be neasy or restless, to be consmed with 'ealosy, envy etc.; #9

4 innate mtal hostility;9 to boast enormosly, to lie grossly; !44

| to be inflamed, to fly in to a rage; 4 lit. shedding of fire, meaning to have
scorching heat (also see4); (for something) to be scarcc and expensive;
4 o bomba2d, to cannonate (also see4);s to stir or blow the fire
(of), to fah the flame (of), to por oil on fire;H

to 'mp into fire, to create

trobles for oneself;H
%% (4; %%
s to fan the flame, to por oil on fire; to add fel to the fire;H $| to
thrst into the fire, to pt in troble;H s to extingish the fire, to case a
.arrel to end; H to excite a .arrel and then to en'oy it;
| slit. &to rn for water after setting fire to& meaning, to make show of
cring an evil cased by oneself;

H | to sht the stable door after

the horse is stolen; to play with fire; O O| | it is
dangeros to play with edged tools; | to be frios, to be in a rage, to have one&s
blood p.
HH a:g,an2: (nf) arson.
H a:gat (a) arrived, come; occrred, happened; % welcome (to a gest),

a:gbab:la: (a) violently enraged, wild with rage; | H to flare p.

HH a:g$m (nm) coming near, approaching; an agment (in grammar); birth, origin;
scriptre; traditional doctrine or precept; collection of sch doctrines; anything handed
down and fixed by tradition; indction; proceeds; %

a tradition.
HH a:gam$n (nm) arrival; approach; indction.
HHcH a:gam$na:tm$k (a) indctive; U indctive logic.
H a:gal (nf) a gato%bar (meant to hold its leaves sht).
H a:ga: (nm) front, frontage, the fore part of anything; face; the ftre, the morrow;
%U pros and cons; 6 to waver, to hesitate;| | (vlgar) to be in the
family way, to be with child.
H"H a:ga:, (nm) beginning, start, commencement.
HH a:g$:m2: (a) next; ftre; coming, ensing.
H a:ga:r (nm) a store hose treasry, depository.
H a:ga:h; (v) to warn against or notify, to apprise (as a warning).
H a:ge (adv) ahead, in front of, before; in ftre; %H in ftre, in corse of time;
H to come forward, to confront; to befall; to place at the front, to take cover

H U to be on the horns of a dilemma, to be between the devil and the

deep sea; | in ftre;s U U|s haste makes waste; U lit.
none ahead and none behind to have no kith and kin, to have none to look after;
U one behind the other, front and rear sooner or later; 6| | to be withot any
kith or kin;4d to make progress#headway; to gain grond; 4 to be at
the end of one&s tether; in ftre; | to step ahead to accord a special
welcome, to receive with fanfare.
H a:gnCy (a) fiery; pertaining to fire; fire%emitting; fire%bearing; igneos.
HU a:gnCya:str (nm) a fire% arm, fire%emitting missile.
H0# a:ggrah (nm) insistence, pertinacity; persistence; !| insistent, pertinacios,
H a:gha:t (nm) blow, stroke, hit; shock; impact; trama; accent.
HU# a:gghr$: (nm) (the act or process of) smelling; ! smelt.
HH a:chm$n (nm) sipping water
%% (4) %%
from the palm of the hand (for self prification); to swallow (as a; to assimilate.
H# a:char$ (nm) condct; behavior; practice; ! worth practising#emlating;
! practised; performed; emlated.
H a:cha:r (nm) condct; cstom, practice; ethos; behavior; ! fallen,
degenerated, debased; ! of good condct, virtos;% manners and morals;
% condct and character; !| characterless, immoral; hence !| (nf).
H a:cha:rak (nm) master of ceremonies.
HU a:cha:rsha:str (nm) ethology, ethics.
H% a:cha:rs$nhita: (nf) moral code.
H a:cha:ry (nm) a teacher, preceptor; professor; fonder or leader (of a school of
thoght); an initiator; hence !c (nm).
HU a:chchhad (nm) a sheath; lid, cover.
HU# a:chchha:d$n (nm) a covering, cover; ! covered.
HU a:chchhed$ (nm) (the act or process of) amptation, ctting off.
HU7 a:chhinn (a) amptated, ct off.
HH a:' (adv and nm)today;H %

mndane strains soon set off the

blow of bereavement, npleasant memories do not last very long.
HH a:'kal (adv) now%a%days, these days; to pt off from day to day, to dilly%
dally; to defer; modern, hodiernal;H in a cople of days, soon, withot delay.
HH7H a:'anm (adv) since birth.
HHH# (nf) trial, test; ! on trial, experimental.
HHH a:,m$:n$: (v) to try, to (pt to a) test.

a:,m:da: (a) tried and tested.

HH a:,a:d (a) independent, free; !O independent%minded, open%minded;
!4 of independent temperament; open%minded; !HHH self%willed, capricios.
HH| a:,a:di: (nf) independence freedom; ! freedom%loving; self%willed.

a:'a:n=ba:h (a) blessed with long arms (extending to the knees).

HHH a:'i, (a) helpless; weary; meek;H to be wearied, to be fed
p; HHH helplessness, meekness.
HH a:'i:w$n (adv) throghot life, for a whole life%time; life
HH a:'i:vika: (nf) livelihood; calling.
H7 a:ggyapti (nf) a decree.
H7 a:ggya: (nf) order; % a writ, written order; % obedience; % breach of
order, disobedience.
H7#| aggya:ka:ri: (a) obedient; ! obedience.
H a:a: (nm) flor; ( | H ) | to be plnged into yet another
complication when already afflicted; H

to ndergo an
ndeserved sffering on accont of association; H % H

H | to be
confronted with nwelcome realities of practical life; H % | 9H anxiety
regarding means of sstenance; H H H in reasonable#small
%% (4/ %%
H a: (a) eight; (nm) the nmber eight; %H H

| to cry one&s heart ot, to

shed floods of tears; H|

+H every inch a crook; sday in and

day ot.
H a:$2 (nf) the eighth day of a lnar fortnight.
Hs 4# a:
$mba (nm) ostentation, affectation; showing off; tinsel, hypocrisy; !| ostentatios,
showy; hypocrite, tinsel.
Hs a: (nm) a cover, screen; a barricade; shield, strt; block; to take a cover.
Hs a:a: (a) obli.e; hori,ontal; transverse; U | to be provoked, to be
enraged; trying or difficlt time;Hs H#s#| to pt impediments;Hs
4 H H to help some dog over stile, to help one over stile, to do a good
trn when one is in difficlty; Hs | to rebke, to pt to shame by sarcasm; to
tick off.
Hs# o
iar (nm) an aditor; hence !| (nf).

a:: (nm) a peach.

Hd a:at (nf) commission agency; brokerage, commission.
Hd#, ! a:atiya:, !ti: (nm) a commission agent; broker.
H a:ya 1anskrit sffix denoting prosperity, plenty, abndance (as H,
H $:vik (a) moleclar.
H a:t$k (nm) terror, panic; !# terrorism;
!| terrorist; H terrorised.
H a:tat (a) tense; ! tenseness.
H a:tata:i: (nm and a) an oppressor; tyrant; oppressive.
H# a:tap (nm) snlight, sn; ! scorched, heated.
H a:tshak (nm) syphilis.
H a:tithey (nm) a host, one who extends hospitality.
H a:titthy (nm) hospitability; hospitality; %c hospitality.
H a:tish (nm) fire; !4H a fireworks manfactrer; !4H fireworks; display of
fireworks; pyrotechnic.
H a:tishi: (a) pertaining to fire, fiery; a magnifying glass.
H a:tishayy (nm) abndance, plenty; excess.
H% a:ti:pa:ti: (nf) the game of hide and seek, blind man&s bff.

a:tr (a) rash, hasty; restless.


a:trta: (nf) rashness, hastiness; restlessness.


a:tra:lay (nm) a dispensary, clinic.

HcH a:tm (nm) self; (a) pertaining to self, one&s own, personal; ! atobiography;
!~ one&s own good; ! self%centred; ! sb'ective; inner; ! self%
respect; ! sicide; !# sicidal, self%defeating; a self%mrderer; ! an
atobiography; !cH atobiographical; ! atomatic; ! self%
contemplation; !H#H a son; !H a daghter; !7 self%realisation, self%knowledge;
! the tre natre of the sol or 1preme 1pirit; !

self%gratified; !

satisfaction; !

flfilled, gratified, self%satisfied; !

self%satisfaction; self%
flfilment; %c self%sacrifice; self%denial; !c one who has made sacrifices;
! self%sacrifice; ! self%immolation; !| revolt against self; ! self%
condemnation; % self%restraint, self%control; %|Hintrospection;
%% (40 %%
% self%determination; ! self%sfficient, self%reliant; 6 self%reliance, self%
sfficiency; ! offering oneself to a deity; self%commnication; !8 sb'ective;%
9 self%display; %9 self%praise; %4 spirital force, psychic force; %4 self%
sacrifice; !4|H see !7; ! the self, proper or pecliar natre;%H a deep
introspection and analysis of one&s inner self; !H| narcissism; %H self%defence, self%
preservation; % self%love, amor%propre; % self%deception, self%deceit;
%H sicide; ! spiritalism; !| spiritalist; spiritalistic; %H self%con.est;
% metaphysics; %+ self%confidence; !+self%confident; %H

oblivion; % self%rle; %H#

self%praise; %|4 self%satisfaction;% 4 self%

conflict: % H self%control, self%possession; %H srrender (of oneself);
%+H self%respect, self%regard; %+H| self%delsion; %Hc self%realisation;
! assimilated; 6 to assimilate;%H selfrealisation; 6 self%realisationism;
!@ self%realisation; %

confession; !c## sicide, self%killing;

% self%interest.
HcH a:tmaka 1anskrit sffix meaning imbed with, steeped in, fll of, concerned
with, belonging to or forming the natre of, composed or consisting of (as cH,
HcH a:tmanepad (nm) in 1anskrit grammar, the form of verb which implies an
action belonging or reverting to self.
HcH a:tmsevi: (nm and a) self%seeker, self%server.
HcH a:tm$: (nf, also sed as nm by 1anskritists) sol, spirit;|

make one trn in one&s grave; to case grief (to); s | to be gratified; to be
HcH a:tm$:n$nd (nm) the pleasre of self%realisation.

a:tm$:nbhav (nm) self%experience.


a:tma:nbh:ti (nf) self%experience, self%realisation.

HcHH# a:tm$:bhim$:n (nm) self%respect; ! self%respecting, prod of oneself.
HcHH a:tm$:bhivy$'an$: (nf) self%expression.
HcH a:tm$:bhivyakti (nf) self%expression.
HcH#4 a:tm$:vl$mb$n (nf) self%dependence; self%reliance; !4 self%dependent;
HcH a:tm2k (a) spirital; pertaining to self; hence ! (nf).
HcH a:tm2:kar$ (nm) assimilation.
HcH a:tm2:y (a) pertaining to self, one&s own, intimate; (nm) kith and kin;
! cordiality; intimate relationship, close affinity.
HcH|c4 a:tmotkarsh (nm) edaemonia; self%elevation.
HcH|c a:tmotsarg (nm) self%sacrifice.
HcH|@ a:tmoddha:r (nm) self%salvation, beatitde.
HcH|7 a:tmonn$ti (nf) self%sblimation, self%elevation.
HcH|H a:tmAp'i:vi: (a) self%sstaining.
Hc a:tty$ntik (a) extremistic, excessive; ! extremism.
H a:dat (nf) habit; ! by force of habit, as a matter of habit.
HH a:d$m (n) "dam (the first man
%% (43 %%
spposed to have been created on earth); !4 of hman%si,e; !| man%eater, cannibal;
!H hman being, born of man.
HH a:dmiy$t (nf) gentlemanliness; hmanity; hmaneness.
HH a:dm2: (nm) a man, hman being; 4 to become hmane, to be hmanised; to
be civil and well%mannered.
H a:dar (nm) respect, deference, esteem; ! respectable, reverend; respect,
H a:darsh (nm) an ideal, a model, norm; pattern; (a) ideal, model;
!# Ddealism; !| an idealist; idealistic.
H 7 a:darshakviggya:n (nm) a normative science.
H | a:darshlok (nm) Htopia.
H| a:darshi:kara (nm) idealisation.
H| a:darshokti (nf) a motto.
H a:da:ta: (nm) recipient; receiver; payee; donee.
H a:d$:n (nm) receiving, taking; %9 giving and taking exchange.
H4 a:da:b (nm) manners; saltation; %H saltation, greeting; 4H to salte
hmbly, to make obeissance.
H a:da:i: (a) recipient; payee; donee.
H a:di (nm) beginning; (ind) etcetera; (a) early, initial, primordial; ! the first%
ever poet Ma:lmi:ki, the athor of 1anskrit +a:ma:ya; !| primitive; ! the
+a:ma:ya of Ma:lmi:ki the first literary creation;

4 9rahma: the creator of the

Hniverse; !F prototype.
H a:dik (ind) etcetera.
H: a:ditah (adv) ab initio; de novo.
Hc a:ditty (nm) the sn; ! 1nday.
HH a:d2m (a) primitive, early; first.
H a:dil (a) 'st, e.itable.
H a:diva:si: (nm) an aboriginal; (a) aboriginal; HH#H aboriginal tribe,
H a:dish (a) commanded, commissioned.
H| a:di: (a) habital; habitated, accstomed.
HT a:ddrit (a) honored, respected.
H a:dey (a) worth%receiving or accepting.
H # a:desh (nm) command; (in Erammar) sbstittion of one letter for another;
precept; !cH imperative, expressing command.
H a:deshika: (nf) precept.
H a:ddy$nt (adv) from beginning to end.
H a:ddy (a) first, initial; primitive; archaic;F archetype.
HH a:ddyakshar (nm) initials.
H| a:ddyop$:nt (adv) from beginning to end.
HH a:dha: (a) half; moiety; HH 4 intermingling of heterogeneos
elements, discordant ob'ects 'mbled together; %$ partnership; H#|
H to be redced to half (de to illness, tension etc); HH U|s | | H, HH
| he who hnts two hares leaves one and loses the other#to repeat the
story of the dog and the shadow#he who grasps all, loses all.
HH a:dh$:n (nm) containing; depositing; % a container.
HH a:dha:r (nm) base; basis; fondation;
%% (44 %%
data; receptacle; %HH the relationship of the container and the contained;

fndamental; ! base: %4 premise; ! fondation stone; %H0 data.

HH a:dha:rit (a) based (on).
HH a:dha:si:si: (nf) hemicrania, pain affecting half of the forehead.
HH a:dhi (nf) mental agony#sffering; %H mental and physical sffering.
HH a:dhika:rik (a) official, athoritative; (nm) the main plot; hence ! (nf).
HH4 a:dhikky; (nm) abndance, plenty; excess.
HH a:dhidaivik (a) proceeding from divine or spernatral agencies.
HHc a:dhipatty (nm) spremacy; power.
HH a:dhibhatik (a) material; derived or prodced from the primitive elements.
H7 a:dhira:''y (nm) s,erainty.
HH a:dhi:n (a) see H.
HH a:dhi:nta: (nf) see H.

# a:dhn2k (a) modern; !| modernisation, adoption of modern; ! modernity; !%4|H sense of modernity.

a:ddhrit (a) based (on).

HH a:dhey (nm and a) that which is contained; contained.
HcH a:ddhya:tmik (a) spirital, pertaining to the sol or the 1preme 1pirit;
! spiritality.
H a:n$nd (nm) bliss, happiness; 'oy, pleasre, delight; %H peace and happiness;
!H blissfl, made p or consisting of happiness; the 1preme 1pirit; ! the theory
proponding the attainment of -ternal bliss as the smmm bonm of life; !| a
believer in he theory of H; H delighted, re'oiced, happy;H| cheerfl,
H $:n (nf) honor, prestige;| H H instantaneosly; %4 honor and dignity,
pomp and show; grace;|s to break one&s pledge#honor; to keep one&s
H $:nat (a) bent; biassed.
H $:n$n (nm) face; moth.
H%9 (H ) $:n$n%f$:n$n (mC) (adv) instantaneosly, at once.
HH a:n$m$n (nm) flexre: bending.
H+ a:n$mmy (a) flexre; pliant, pliable; flexible; ! pliability, pliance; flexibility.
H a:nayan (nm) to bring closer#nearer, to carry towards.
H | o:nreri: (a) honorary.
H $:n$: (v) to come; (nm) an anna (coin); H9 every day; %H to pay visits,
(to) make calls (at); H%H transitory, shortlived; H% gest, visitor; H
HH to appear nannonced#all of a sdden; H 9 | H a bargain is after all
a bargain; H to have a large moth bt a small girdle.
H% $:n$:k$:n2: (nf) procrastination, evasion, prevarication.

a:n=p:rvy (nm) sccession, se.ence.


a:nbhavik (a) empirical based on observation and experience.


H a:n=m$:nik (a) con'ectral, estimative; hence ! (nf).


F a:nr:ppy (nm) consonance; conformity.

%% (45 %%

a:nv$nshik (a) hereditary; ! heredity.


4 a:nsh$gik (a) contingent; accidental; hence ! (nf).

H7 a:nnvaik (a) orderly; systematic; pertaining to or related with 7.
H a:p (pro) (deferential) yo (second person); pronon sed to express respect, as
distinct from


; H H to act as a boomerang; !| H|

4 keep yor breath to cool yor porridge; %H| each by himself, all
individally; H HH achievement of one&s own end is the greatest
achievement; better do a thing than wish it to be done; !H selfish; !4 the story of
one&s own sffering; self%experiences;H H | () after me, the delge; the
death&s day is the doomsday; | H good mind, good find; !F yor
honor; incarnate; H by itself, atomatically;| H alone, by or within one&s
ownself; atomatically.
H a:patsed as a constitent in 1anskrit%based componds, meaning sdden
appearance of misfortne, distress. Dn compond, the ltimate changes into if
followed by a voiced sond.
Hc# a:patka:l (nm) emergency, hor of distress; ! emergent; pertaining to
H a:patti (nf) ob'ection; predicament; ! H necessity knows no law.
H a:pad (nf) see H.
H a:pda: (nf) distress, adversity.
H7 a:pda:pann (a) ha,ardos, involving distress.
H a:pad (nf) see H; !0 in distress#distressed, sei,ed by misfortne, fallen on
evil days.
H@H a:paddharm (nm) a condct permissible only in times of extreme distress.
H a:pas (pro) each other, one another; (nm) fellowship, kindred; one&s own, of
intimate circle; mtal, reciprocal;H mtally, with one another; ! kith and kin.
H| a:pasda:ri: (nf) reciprocity, mtal relationship.
H a:psi: (a) mtal, reciprocal.
H a:pa: (nm) consciosness; one&s own entity; ego, vanity;| to forget or lose
consciosness of real self; to become abnormal; H H H to attain normalcy; to
attain consciosness; H H , H 4 | to be off one&s chmb, to fly
off the handle, to be overwhelmed by emotion, to lose self%control.
H a:pa:t (nm) an emergency; catastrophe.
H: a:pa:tatah (adv) emergently, as a matter of emergency.
H#, ! a:pa:tik, !t2: (a) emergent, pertaining to emergency.
HH a:pa:dmastak (adv) from head to foot.
HH a:pa:dha:pi: (nf) a mad race (for self%gratification), state where each strggles
for his own self%interest.
H|8 a:pa:ngoshi: (nf) a drinking bot.

#, ! a:p:rit, !r (a) fll, fll to the brim; flfilled.


a:p:rti (nf) flfilment, complete gratification.

HH a:pekshik (a) comparative, relative;

c relative density; ! relativity.

%% (47 %%
H a:pt (a) trsted, trstworthy; respected; (nm) athority, a credible or athoritative
person; mpire; !H flfilled, one whose wishes have all been flfilled; gratified;
!c athority; 9H a trstworthy testimony; #4 athoritative statement;
inner circle; circle of friends.
H| a:ptokti (nf) a motto.
H9 a:pprva:s (nm) settling in a foreign contry, immigration; ! (the act or
process) of immigration.
H94 a:ppreshak (nm) an addressee.
H94 a:ppreshi: (nm) an addressee.
H a:ppla:v$n (nm) inndation; immersion, complete sbmergence.
H a:ppla:vit (a) immersed, inndated, completely sbmerged.
H9 a:fat (nf) distress, troble; H H

s there will be the device

(devil) to pay; 3 to create havoc;

s# a dare devil, a sharp astte

fellow; H distress%stricken; d to work havoc; H to make excessive
haste; to create havoc; H| , to ask for troble; to invite troble,
to own nnecessary botheration.
H94 a:fta:b (nm) the sn.
H94 a:fta:bi: (nf) a sn%shed (esp. on a window).
H9 ofis (nm) an office.
H4 a:b (nf) lstre, brilliance; water; %4 splendor, brilliance, lstre; ! brilliant,
lstros; a servant who serves water, bearer.
H4| a:bka:ri: (nf) excise; HH excise department.
H4 a:bdast (nm) the post%excrement wash.
H4 a:bd$:n$: (nm) see 7%H.
H4@ a:baddh (a) bond. tied p; to bind.

a:bn:s (nm) ebony; ! 'et black (color).

H4 a:bpa:shi: (nf) irrigation; watering.
H4F a:br: (nf) honor; chastity; ! respected, honorable;3 to debach, to
violate one&s chastity; H H to lay one&s honor in the dst;H 4
one&s honor to be nder% mined, to sffer disgrace;44 to give
one&s honor or character to the winds;

to be pt to disgrace, to be hmiliated;
(a woman&s) chastity to be violated, an indecent assalt to be committed pon.
H4 a:bhava: (nf) climate; 4 go elsewhere for a change.
H4 a:ba:d (a) inhabited, poplated; prosperos; to settle, to poplate; to
reclaim (barren land etc.)
H4| a:ba:di: (nf) poplation; habitation; (signs of) prosperity.

@ a:ba:lvriddh (ind) children and elders all.

H4 a:biy$:n$: (nm) water%rate; water%tax.
H4 a:behaya:t (nm) nectar.
H a:bdik (a) yearly, annal.
H a:bhar$ (nm) ornament; decoration.
H a:bha: (nf) lstre, splendor; tint, tinge; !H s a halo.
H a:bha:r (nm) obligation, gratitde; indebtedness; brden; 9 expression of
H| a:bha:ri: (a) obliged; gratefl; indebted.
%% (4: %%
H a:bha:s (nm) an inkling; a glimpse; semblance; fallacios appearance;
phenomenon; effect.
H a:bha:si: (a) psedo; nreal, apparent; visal.
HHc a:bhi'a:tty (nm) aristocracy; classicism.
H a:bhi:r (nm) name of an ancient rral region of Dndia and its inhabitants; an
ancient tribe; see |.

4 a:bh:sh$ (nm) ornament; decoration, embellishment.


4 a:bh:shit (a) ornamented; decorated, embellished.

H a:bbhy$ntar (nm and a) the interior; internal.
H a:bbhy$ntarik (a) internal, interior, inner; hence ! (nf).
HH a:m$ntr$ (nm) an invitation, a call, solicitation; hence HH (nm).
HH a:m$ntrit (a) invited, solicited.
HH $:m (nf) a mango; (a) common; general; HH the common man;
H , s | to be concerned with the sbstance rather than the
sorce; H a pblic meeting; !9H crrent; common; mango 'ice;
poplar opinion, pblic opinion; HH

| H earth&s 'oys and

heaven&s combined.
HH a:m$d (nm) arrival; approach; coming; revene;%O revene and
expenditre; !9 traffic, coming and going.
HH a:madni: (nf) income; revene;%O revene#income and expenditre.
HH%H a:mn$:%sa:mn$: (nm) an enconter, confrontation; coming face to face.
HH%H a:mnC%sa:mnC (adv) face to face, opposite one another, head on; vis%a%vis.
HH a:m$r$ (ind) till death; till the end; fast nto death.
HH a:mlak (nm) see H.
HH a:mva:t (nm) rhematism.
HH a:m$:da: (a) intent, bent pon.
HH a:m$:shay (nm) stomach.
HH4 a:mish (nm) meat; flesh; !|H meat%eating; carnivoros.
HH a:mi:n (ind) amen ? 9e it so ? so let it be ?

a:mkh (nm) the preamble.


H a:mshmik (a) transcendental, other%worldly; hence ! (nf).


a:m:l (a) radical, fndamental; radical changes; 6| a radicalist;

HHH a:me,sed generally as an ltimate or intermediate member in a compond,
meaning &mixed&.
HH| a:mod (nm) pleasre, 'oy, delight; %9H| merriment, regaling; orgy; % a
HH| a:modit (a) delighted, fll of 'oy.
H a:mmr (nm) a mango.
H % $:y$t%p$:y$t (nm) the pper and lower ends of a bedstead.
H a:y (nf) income, revene, receipt; % income and expenditre; 6 bdget.
H a:ykar (nm) income%tax.
H a:yat (nf) rectangle; sentence or verse of the Poran; (a) wide; long, stretched;
!| big%wide eyed; having big attractive eyes.
H a:yt$n (nm) blk, volme.
H a:yta:ka:r (a) rectanglar; mesomorph.

a:yta:kriti (nf) mesomorphy; rectanglar shape.

H a:yatt (a) dependent; tractable.
%% (5( %%
H a:y$n (nm) ion; movement, goings; !Hs#

H a:ya: (nf) ayah, a female attendant; (ind) whether, whether or not; (v) came;
% (nm) a visitor; (v) forgiven and forgotten; H H a fre.ent
defectionist; H H | H to set ot for the chrch, to
strand in a lrch; H every (second) day.
H a:ya:t (nm) import; ! (an) importer; !| importing; importer.
H a:ya:tit (a) imported.
HH a:y$:m (nm) magnitde, dimension; amplitde; reglation (as in 9H).
H a:ya:s (nm) effort, exertion.

a:y (nf) age.


a:ykt (nm) a commissioner.


H a:ydh (nm) armament; arms, weapons; !H a professional soldier;

! armory, arsenal.

H a:ydha:ga:r (nm) an armory, arsenal.


H a:ydhik (a) pertaining to arms; (nm) a soldier.


a:yran allomorph of H

sed as the first member of nmeros compond


4 a:yrbal (nm) longevity.


# 7 a:yrviggya:n (nm) >edical 1cience; !7 medical, pertaining to

>edical 1cience.

a:yrved (nm) the Dndian medicinal system; >edical 1cience (lit. the science of
health and longevity).

a:yrvedic (a) of or pertaining to H

the Dndian medicinal system.


4 a:yshan allomorph of H

sed as the first member of compond words;

!H having long life; blessed with longevity (this word is prefixed to the names of
yongers to denote a wish for the addressee to be blessed with longevity); ! age; life%

a:ys (nm) age, life; long life.

H| a:yog (nm) a commission (a body of persons having athority).
H|H a:yo'ak (nm) convener; sponsor.
H|H a:yo'$n (nm) convening; sponsoring; organising; planning.
H|H a:yo'an$: (nf) plan; planning; H| planning commission.
H|H a:yo'it (a) convened, arranged; sponsored.
H a:r$mbh (nm) start, beginning; otset; commencement; inception.
H a:r$mbhik (a) initial, preliminary; pertaining to or related with the beginning.
H a:rakt (a) rosy, reddish; hence ! (nf).
HH a:rakshak (nm) police (man).
HH a:raksh$ (nm) reservation; garding or protecting; police fnction.
HH a:rakshi: (nm) police (force).

a:r,: (nf) keen desire; yearning; !H desiros; %H7 spplication; re.est;

beseeching; 6 to beseech, to ca'ole.
H a:rti: (nf) a ceremony performed in adoration of a deity or any otstanding
personage or gest by circlar movement of a lighted lamp before his person;
3 to perform H.
H% a:r%pa:r (adv) across; (nm) the two banks of a river; pond etc; astride.
H a:rbha (nm) an adventrer;
%% (5; %%
adventros man.
H| a:rbhai: (nf) sense of adventre.
H a:rsi: (nf) a mirror, looking glass.
H a:ra: (nm) a saw; ! a sawyer.
H a:ra:ish (nf) dressing; decoration; embellishment; ornamental trees, flowers etc.
HH a:ra:dhak (nm) a worshipper, an adorer.
H#H a:ra:dhn$: (nf) worship; adoration; also !H (nm); !H worshipped, adored.
H#H a:ra:dhan2:y (a) adorable, worthy of worship.
H a:ra:dhy (a) adorable, worthy of worship; (nm) the adored one (esp. a deity).
HH a:r$:m (nm) rest; comfort; relief; !

| an easy chair; ! resting place; rest

station; ! comfortable; ! easy%going; to rest; to cre (of an illness);
9H to be resting#taking rest (said deferentially). slowly; gently; at leisre.
HH#4 a:r$:mtalab (a) indolent; slothfl, easy%going; hence !4 (nf).
HH a:ri,i: (a) temporary.
H| a:ri: (nf) a small saw, table saw.
HFd a:r: (a) monted; ascended.
H a:rekh (nm) a diagram; ! making a diagram; drawing.
H| a:roggy (nm) freedom from disease, health; % sanitorim; !9 hygienic;
salbrios; % convalescence; 6 to convalesce; ! a sanitorim; nrsing
home; %U @ygiene.
H| a:rop (nm) allegation, charge; imptation; pro'ection; imposition;
sperimposition; transplantation.
H| a:rop$n (nm) imposition; sperimposition; charge; mont; pro'ection;
H| a:ropit (a) alleged; imposed; transplanted; pro'ected.
H|# a:roh (nm) ascent; !%| ascent and descent; (in msic) modlation,
!| ascending; a rider; !%HH ascending order.
H| a:roha (nm) ascension; ascent; climb.
H a:rkesra: (nm) an orchestra.
H a:r (nm) art; % | an art% gallery; art paper.
Hs or
ar (nm) order (for spply of something); a command; to place an order; 4

to book an order.
Hs or
inCns (nm) an ordinance.
H a:rt (a) aggrieved; persected; distressed; afflicted; ## cry of
distress, pain or affliction.
H a:rthik (a) economic; economy; economic set%p#organisation;
economic condition.
H a:rdr (a) wet; damp; hmid; moist; tender; fll of feeling; ! dampness; wetness;
hmidity; feeling of compassion or a compassionate mental state; !Hhygrometer;
!H hygrometry; !% hygrograph; !%7 hygrology.
HH a:rmechar (nm) armatre.
H a:ry (nm) an "ryan; (a) noble, of noble stock.

a:ry:pttr (nm) a classical form of address or reference to respectable

personages, esp. from the wife to her hsband.
H c a:ry:satty (nm) the great trths in 9ddhist <hilosophy (for sch trths are
%% (5) %%
H #HH a:rysama:' (nm) a religios order initiated by 1wa:mi: Daya:nand in the
latter half of the ;:th centry in Dndia !HH a follower of the principles of H HH.
H a:rya:vart (nm) the land of "ryans (extending from the eastern to western sea
and bonded on north and soth by the @imalayas and Mindhya montain ranges
H4 a:rsh (a) relating or belonging to, or derived from, the sages (#4); !%

epic age;0 books composed by the ancient sages; 9|sacred#athoritative
sages (adopted becase of their sorce thogh grammatically inaccrate);
#4 a statement emanating from an athority.
H a:l$ka:rik (a) rhetorical, pertaining to +hetorics; ornamental; figrative,
hence ! (nf).
H #4 a:l$mb$n (nm) fondation; base; (in <oetics) the ob'ect that aroses emotion;
(in +hetorics) the natral and necessary connection of a sensation which excites it;
reason; case; hence!4 (a).
H%H a:l%ala:d (nf) progeny.
H# a:lkas (nm) see H; !; see H.
H% a:lthi:pa:lthi: (nf) a typical sedentary postre (wherein the right ankle
rests on the left thigh and the left on the right thigh).
H a:lpin (nf) a pin.
HH a:l$m (nm) the world; state; ! <rotector or >aster of the world; an address
for kings and emperors.
HH| a:lma:ri: (nf) see H|.
H a:lay (nm) an abode; a dwelling place; a receptacle; asylm.
H a:lwa:l (nm) a basin (arond a tree etc.).
H a:las (nm) la,iness, lethargy.
H a:lsi: (a) la,y, lethargic; ! lethargic natre, lethargy, la,iness.
H a:lassy (nm) same as H (see).
H a:la: (nm) a niche or recess; an instrment; (a) sperior; excellent; wet, moist;
H of the first order.
H a:la:p (nm) preliminary modlation of voice before singing; a prelde to singing;
slow elaboration of with or withot rhythm.
H a:la:ra:si: (a) slow and slothfl, indolent.
H # a:lig$n (nm) an embrace, embracing; clasp, clasping; hence ! (a).
H#H a:lim (a) scholarly; learned; !H scholarly, learned.
H| a:li: (nf) (a woman&s) female friend; a row; range; (a) grand; excellent;
!H4#H yor -xalted @ighness?; one occpying a pre%eminent position.
H| a:li:sh$:n (a) grand, magnificent.

a:l: (nm) potato; !H see H H


a:l:cha: (nm) a kind of plm 'runus ovalifolia.


O a:l:ba:ra: (nm) dried H

H a:lekh (nm) a treatise; writing; plan; plot (of a graph); dictation; script;
! script writer.
H# a:lekh$n (nm) writing; painting; plotting (of a graph); !% graphic art;
hence! (nm).
H a:lep (nm) an ointment, plaster;
%% (5/ %%
hence ! (nm).
H| a:lok (nm) light; lstre; enlightenment.
H| a:lokit (a) lighted#lit; enlightened.
H| a:lochak (nm) a critic.
H| a:loch$n (nm) criticism: observation.
H| a:lochn$: (nf) criticism.
H| a:lochit (a) criticised; reviewed.
H| a:lochchy (a) worth criticising; fit to be criticised; nder review.
H|s a:lo$n (nm) stirring, shaking, agitating; %|s brooding; profond
contemplation of pros and cons; H|s stirred; agitated; well%thoght (over).
H~ a:lha: (nm) verse narrative elogising the exploits and chivalros deeds of ":lha:
and H:dal; a ballad composed in the traditional a:lha: metre; to narrate one&s
exploits and experiences at length.
H a:vak (nm) arrivals, incoming (goods, things, etc).
HH a:vdhik (a) periodical.
H a:vbhagat (nf) hospitality.
H a:varak (nm) a covering; cover.
H a:var$ (nm) a cover, covering, shell; sheath; screen; lid; envelope; cladding;
mask;% blrb; %

8 cover page, book 'acket.

H#H a:var'$n (nm) crb, restraint; !H taboo; hence!H (a)
H a:vart (nm) a whirlpool; densely poplated place; recrrent; ! rotation;
revoltion; recrrence; ! a rotator.
H| a:varti: (a) recrring; recrring expenditre.
HH a:vardhak (nm) agmentor; magnifier; (a) agmenting; magnifying.
HH a:vardh$n (nm) magnification; agmentation.
H# a:vashshyak (a) necessary; essential; binding, obligatory; also !| (a).
H a:vashshyakta: (nf) necessity, need, re.irement; !9 wants, needs.
H a:v$: (nm) a potter&s kiln; frnace; H 4s degeneration of the whole
HH a:va:gam$n (nm) coming and going; transmigration.
HH a:va:, (nf) sond, voice; report; 3#3 to raise the voice;
to pass nwelcome remarks; to call ot, to hail; 4

same as
3;9 to have the voice rendered hoarse;#| | to have the voice
choked with emotion.
H%H| a:va:'a:hi: (nf) see H%H.
H a:va:rgi: (nf) loafing; profligacy; reckless extravagance.
H a:va:ra: (nm) a vagabond, loafer; (a) vagrant, wandering, loitering; profligate.
H a:va:ra:gard (a) loafing, vagrant, loitering, (nm) loafer; vagabond.
H| a:va:ra:gardi: (nf) loafing; loitering, vagrancy.
H# a:va:s (nm) residence; dwelling place; ! resident.
H a:va:h$n (nm) invocation (of a deity etc.); a call; smmoning.
H a:virbha:v (nm) advent; emergence; manifestation; becoming visible.

a:virbh:t (a) emerged; manifested; become visible.

%% (50 %%
H a:vil (a) trbid; fol; pollted; not clear; confsed: hence! (nf).
H a:vishkar$ (nm) an invention.
H a:vishkarta: (nm) an inventor.
H a:vishka:r (nm) an invention; ! an inventor.

a:vishkrit (a) invented.

H a:vish (a) possessed of an evil spirit etc.; filled by an intense emotional
sentiment etc.; charged.

a:vrit (a) covered, enveloped, srronded.


a:vritt (a) trned rond, whirled; repeated; reverted.


a:vritti (nf) repetition; recrrence, reversion; trning rond; reprint; fre.ency;


recrrence formla.
H a:veg (nm) implse; passion; wave; emotion; paroxysm; !H

! implsive; impetos; H paroxysmal; implsive.
HcH a:vega:tmak (a) implsive, inspired by passion.
H a:vedak (nm) an applicant, a petitioner.
H a:ved$n (nm) an application, petition; hence H (a); H (a); % an
application, petition.
H a:vesh (nm) charge; agitation; intense emotion; fren,y; wrath; hence ! (nm).
H# a:vesh$n (nm) enveloping, wrapping rond; enclosre; ! enveloped,
wrapped; enclosed.
H # a:sh$ka: (nf) apprehension; scrple; ! apprehensive; fll of or filled with
H a:shn$: (a) intimate; (nm) lover, beloved.
H a:shn$:i: (nf) intimacy; illicit love.
H a:shay (nm) intention, intent, design; prport, import, meaning; receptacle.
H a:sha: (nf) hope; !H hopefl; promising; !| disgsted, disappointed,

to lose hope;

H to have (one&s) hope flfilled; 4 H to have

(one&s) hope raised; | 9

ray of hope to emerge; !H

| to have all hopes dashed to the grond; !H 9 to dash one&s hope; to
have (one&s) hopes shattered#dashed to the grond.
H# a:sha:ti:t (a) beyond hope, nexpected; ! optimistic attitde, optimism;
H# a:sha:va:d (nm) optimism; !| an optimist; optimistic.

a:sha:vritti (nf) optimistic disposition; optimism.

H4 a:shi. (nm) a lover, an inamorato; (a) enamored; %H

4 the lover and beloved;

!HHH having the temper or disposition of a lover; given to love%
making; H4 befitting or pecliar to a lover; H4| love%making.
H4 a:shish (nf) blessings, benediction.
H a:shi:rvach$n (nm) blessings, words of benediction.
H a:shi:rva:d (nm) blessings, benediction.

a:sh (a) prompt, .ick, speedy, swift; extempore; imprompt;

H extempore acting; ! an imprompt poet; ! extempore poetic
composition; !H fast moving; !|4 one who is easily pleased; easy to please; *ord
1hiv; ! short hand, stenography; ! a stenographer,
%% (53 %%
H a:shchary (nm) wonder, srprise; astonishment; ! srprised; bewildered,
flabbergasted; 6| to be strck dmb.
HH a:shshr$m (nm) hermitage; abode; one of the for stages in the life of caste
@inds (vi,. brahmachary as a stdent of the Medas; Erihasth as a hoseholder;
Ma:nprasth as abandoner of worldly things; 1annya:s as an anchorite); ! a
hermit, inmate of an HH.
H a:shshray (nm) shelter, refge; patronage; retreat; seat; hence ! a patron.
H a:shshrit (a) depending or relying on; en'oying the spport of; (nm) a dependent,
refgee; protege; hence ! (nf).
H+# a:shshvast (a) assred; convinced; composed; ! composre, assrance;
hence! (nf).
H+ a:shshva:s$n (nm) assrance; garantee.
H+ a:shshvin (nm) the seventh month of the @ind calendar; also called 4.
H4#d a:sha:rh (nm) the forth month of the @ind calendar; !d| pertaining to the
month of !d; the fll moon day in the month of !d.
H a:s$g (nm) attachment; association; adhesion.
HH a:s$'ak (a) adhesive; ! adhesiveness, tack.
HH a:s$'$n (nm) adhesion.
H a:s (nf) hope; expectations; spport;

to lose hope, to be disappointed;

to look forward hopeflly;|s to disappoint#despond;4H to extend
assrances; to arose hopes;

to have flfilment of hope; to be gratified

to look hopeflly (to).
H%H a:s%ala:d (nf) progeny.
H a:sakt (a) attached; fond, addict; fascinated, charmed.
H a:sakti (nf) attachment; fascination; fondness, addiction.
H#7H a:sa''a: (nf) make%p; readiness; e.ipment; !7H make%p man.
H a:satti (nf) ninterrpted se.ence (of words in a sentence); proximity;
H a:s$n (nm) a postre; seat; saddle; stage; a small s.are piece of mat, carpet, deer
or tiger skin sed for seating;3s to be dislodged; to be thrown ot of gear;
HH to entrench; to stick on; to be seated firmly;s#s| to be allred or
tempted; to get panicky or nervos; to offer a seat (respectflly);
H to sit firmly, to be firmly entrenched; sees.
H7 a:sann (a) imminent, impending; !

present perfect tense (in Erammar);


one whose death is imminent, nder the shadow of death.

H% a:s%pa:s (adv) near abot, in the vicinity.
HH a:sm$:n (nm) Qthe Qsky;

s pff not against the wind;
|s to realise an impossibility;U

same as 4 ;

#9 to be strck by a calamity; (esp. in wrestling or fighting) to dash

to the grond with face pto beat all ends p; d#3s to be too vain or
prod; d to exalt to the skies; to spoil (somebody) by extravagant
%% (54 %%

lit. to spit at the sky to pff against the wind; H"

| to be too conceited or vain;H U to achieve the impossible; to be too
crafty;H U | to rain incessantly, to have a non%stop dowerpor;H |
to be too skilfl#crafty; 3 to create havoc, to make excessive
noise or mischief; # to be attained withot effort or exertion;

(H ) to fall from the frying pan into the fire; 4 to

vie with the sky, to rise sky%high.
HH a:sm$:n2: (a) a,re; sky ble; pertaining to the sky.
H a:sra: (nm) reliance; shelter.
H a:sav (nm) norishing and intoxicating li.or prepared from yeast or ferment.
H# a:sav$n (nm) distillation; ! distilled.
H a:sa:ish (nf) comfort; ease.
H a:s$:n (a) easy; simple; convenient.
H a:s:ani: (nf) convenience, easiness; % H to win hands down, to win in a
conter; Us to knock a person&s head off, to win hands down; H
to be at one in to fits.
HH a:s$:m (nm) see H.
HH a:sa:m2: (nm) see H.
H a:sa:r (nm) symptom, sign; breadth of a wall;H H some signs to be
H a:si:n (a) seated.
H a:si:s (nm) see H4.

a:st (a) distilled.


| a:sri: (a) demonic, demon%like; %H demonic spell#trickery; demonic,

spell#trickery; demonic skill#craft.

a:s:chn$: (nf) intelligence (secret information).

H a:sti (nf) property, estate; asset.
H a:stik (nm) a theist; (a) devot, having a religios disposition; ! theism,
H a:sti:n (nf) a sleeve; a serpent in the bosom, a foe in the gise of a
friend;d to clear the docks for action, to get ready (for a fight); to be prepared; to
menace#threaten; d with (his) bckles p; H to cherish a serpent in
the bosom.
H a:sthag$n (nm) deferment.
H a:sthagit (a) deferred.
H a:stha: (nf) faith, belief; % having faith (in).
H a:sth$:n (nm) a base.
H a:spad (nm) place, seat, abode; worthy (of), fit (for) (gen. sed as the last
member in a compond word sch as , ,

); srname.
H a:ssy (nm) fascia.
H a:ssva:d (nm) flavor, relish.
H# a:ssva:d$n (nm) relishing, tasting; hence ! (a); ! (a).
H a:h (int) ah?; (nf) a sigh indicating deep agony;s to be accrsed; to be
afflicted by crses; to heave a sigh; to provoke the crse of.
H a:ha (nf) noise, sond (as of footsteps); to be on the .i vive (for the
approaching sond of footsteps, etc).
H a:hat (a) in'red, wonded; offended.
H a:har$ (nm) exaction; srpation.
H a:harta: (nm) exactor; srper.
H a:ha: (int) aha ?, well done,
%% (55 %%
alas ? (an expression of astonishment, 'oy, sorrow, etc).
H a:ha:r (nm) food. diet, victals; !7 dietetics;7 a dietitian;
% rotine; physical activities and dealings; hence H|; H 7H
4 I fair exchange is no robbery; eat to yor heart&s content so as not to repent.
H a:ha:ry (a) consmable, eatables; artificial (as ).
H a:hista: (adv) slowly, gently, softly; %H slowly; gradally, by degrees.

a:hti (nf) an oblation or offering (esp. to a deity); a sacrifice.


a:h:t (a) invited, smmoned.

H[# a:hla:d (nm) delight, 'oy, mirth; ! delighted, fll of 'oy; !| delightfl;
H[ a:hva:n (nm) a call, smmons; invocation; citation; to smmon; to
ithe third letter and the third vowel of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
igla: (nf) one of the three (s i.e. , ,

+) important nerves
described by the )ath%ogi:s, better known as &s&.
2glish (nf) the -nglish langage; (a) -nglish.
# 2glista:n (nm) -ngland; ! -nglish.
2gler$n (nm) angle iron.
igit (nm) an indication, hint, sign; gestre; (a) indicated.
ich (nm) (an) inch.
H icha:r' (a) in%charge.
H i'an (nm) an engine.
H# i'i:niyar (nm) an engineer; !| engineering.
H i'i:l (nm) the Oew Festament.
H4 i'ekshan (nm) an in'ection.

iarvy: (nm) an interview.

s ie (nm) an indent.
s 4 ieks (nm) an index.
4H int.a:m (nm) revenge.
4 int.a:l (nm) death.
4 inta:b (nm) selection; extract (from some official record).
HH int,$:m (nm) management arrangemt.
H int,a:r (nm) wait; to wait (for).
intaha: (nf) limit, extremity; ! extreme, tmost; ! extremistic; an extremist.
H indara:' (nm) an entry.
| indi:var (nm) a ble lots.

ind (nm) see &H&.

indr (nm) the king of the gods; the god of rains; !H magic; trickery; !H a
magician; trickster; s the cort of *ord Dndra; an assembly wherein beatifl
damsels abond;| | a fairy.

4 indr:dhansh (nm) a rainbow.

%% (57 %%

indr:vadh: (nf) a scarlet%red velvety insect (also known as % 4

indra:2: (nf) *ord Dndra&s spose.
indra:y$n (nm) a colocynth.
indriy (nf) sense, an organ of sense or action; the generative organ; ! sensal,
sensos; !| perceptible; capable of being ascertained throgh the senses; !H lit.
a master of the senses one who is in fll control of his senses; %7 knowledge
ac.ired throgh the senses; %0 self%control; control over one&s sensal pleasres or
appetites; !|

one who is sbserviant to sensal pleasres and appetites;


sensal pleasre; 6 sensalism; 7| | 4 H to restrain one&s

sensal implses, to attain self%control.
indriya:ti:t (a) transcending the senses; trans%sensal.
indriya:rth (nm) an ob'ect of sense (as sond, smell etc.); anything that excites
the senses.
# indriya:sakti (nf) sensality; attachment to sensal pleasres; hence ! (a).
H 2ndh$n (nm) fel.
Hs 2ndhraa: (nm) a fel%store.
| 2nshyorens (nm) an insrance; % an insrance company.
# ins$:n (nm) a hman being, man; ! hman, hmane; | 3
U the more D see of men, the more D love dogs; "

to err is
ins$:niyat (nf) hmanity; hman .alities; H the demand of
9 insa:f (nm) 'stice, 'stness, e.ity; ! 'st and fair, having a keen sense of
'stness; hence !|.
4 inspekar (nm) an inspector.
ikan allomorph of 9 sed as the first member in nmeros compond words;
! monotonos; niform; ! only (son); sole.
ikaa: (a) collected, gathered; (adv) together, in one lot.
9 iktarfa: (a) ex parte, nilateral; s0 exparte decree.
iktara: (nm) intermittent fever attacking the patient every alternate day.
ikta:ra: (nm) one%stringed msical instrment.
| ikta:li:s (a) forty%one; (nm) the nmber forty%one.
ikatti:s (a) thiry%one; (nm) the nmber thirty%one.
7 ikann2: (nf) one%anna coin (no longer in crrency).
44# (nm) prosperity, good fortne; prestige; confession; !| an
approver; !%H

H pleading gilty, confession of crime.


ikmh$: (a) nifacial, having one moth.

4 i.ra:r (nm) an agreement; consent; promise; bond.
4H i.ra:rn$:m$: (nm) an agreement (in writing).
ikla:i: (nf) a fine variety of cotton sa:ri:.
~ ikalla: (a) alone.
iksa (a) sixty%one; (nm) the nmber sixty%one.
iksa:r (a) niform; even.
ikhattar (a) seventy%one; (nm) the nmber seventy%one.
ikehra: (a) single, single%folded; lean and thin.
ika:i: (nf) a nit, the nit&s place in nmeration.
%% (5: %%
# ika:r (nm) the vowel i (
) an its sond; ! (a word) ending in i (
| ikotar (a) one more (than).
4 ikka: (nm) a small one%horse carriage; an ace (in the game of cards);
hence 4| (nf).

4 ikka:%dkka: (a) one or two, very few; rare.

4|(4) ikki:(i)s (a) twenty%one; (nm) the nmber twenty%one;| to be
sperior (to), to excel.
4 ikkya:nve (a) ninety%one; (nm) the nmber ninety%one.
4 ikkya:van (a) fiifty%one (nm) the nmber fifty%one.
4 ikkya:si: (a) eighty%one; (nm) the nmber eighty%one.
OH ira:'a:t (nm) expenses; expenditre.
E# itiya:r (nm) see E; hence !| (a).
U ichchha: (nf) desire, wish; will, anims; % a will; %H

death at will; 4 to
sppress a wish.
U ichchhit (a) desired; willed.

ichchh a sffix denoting the sense of a wisher, one who wishes (as


ichchhk (a) desiros; willing.

H() i'ra:(y) (nf) isse (of a decree); exection.
H i'la:s (nm) cort; bench.
H i,ha:r (nm) expression, manifestation.
HH i'a:,at (nf) permission.
H9 i,a:fa: (nm) agmentation, addition; increase.
H4 i,a:rb$nd (nm) a lace sed as belt.
H# i'a:ra: (nm) monopoly; ! a monopoly%holder, monopolist; ! | monopoly;
monopoly holding.
7H i,,at (nf) prestige; honor; respect; 3#4s# to inslt, to pt to
disgrace; to hmiliate;O#H

#H H H to lay one&s honor in the dst;

|# to be disgraced, to lose one&s honor or dignity; to confer dignity or
honor (on); to lose honor; H H one&s honor to be in 'eopardy;
s to try to violate the chastity#honor of; 4 to barter#sell off one&s honor;
H 9 H,H 4 to have one&s reptation or character sllied;

make a criminal assalt on; to ravish; to pt to disgrace.
7H i,,atda:r (a) respectable; repted as honest and decent.
ila:n$: (v) to act affectedly, to assme swaggering airs.
s, s ida:, ia: (nf) see ; the earth; speech.
itn$: (a) this mch, so mch; 4

| H the devil is not so black

as he is painted; H
H to feel small H in the meantime, in the
H itmi:n$:n (nm) conviction, assrance; trst, confidence.; trstworthy.
itar (a) other, different.
itra:n$: (v) to assme an air of exaltation, to behave in a self%conceited manner.
itva:r (nm) 1nday.
: itastatah (ind) here and there.
iti (nf) end, conclsion; (ind) a word denoting conclsion.

H iti kritam P.-.R.


itivritt (nm) a narrative; chronicle, an annal; !

cH narrative, abonding in
%% (7( %%

cH (nf).
@H iti siddhamP.-.D.
itiha:s (nm) history; ! a historian; ! a scholar of history.
9#4 ittafa:. (nm) coincidence; chance; !4 by chance; !4 chance; accidental.
ittala: (nm) information; notice; !H notice.
ittaha:d (nm) nity, nion.
c, ! ittya:di, !k (ind) etcetera, so on and so forth.
ittr (nm) perfme; scent; essence; ! scent%case; !9| a perfmer; !H a
H id$m (pro) this;cH it is like this.
H idhar (adv) this side, this way; here;%3H here and there; 6 to shilly%shally; to
throw into disorder or confsion; to disarrange; %3H | random (fact etc.); %3H |
to beat abot the bsh; to gossip;| 3H to indlge in back% biting; to
create strife;|

3H | H to have an impossibility materialised;

3H between the devil and the deep sea, between the 1cylla and the Jharybdis;
3H this way or that; 3H to trn topy%trvy; to displace.
in (pro) these; !| to these.
H ink$m (nf) income; % 4 income%tax.
44 in.ala:b (nm) revoltion, radical change; H74 long live
revoltion ?; 44 revoltionary.
inka:r (nm) refsal; denial; disavowal.

9 H inflen,a: (nm) inflen,a.

H in$:m (nm) pri,e, reward, award; %H tips, gifts and presents.
in$:yat (nf) favor, obligation;#9H to favor, to grant.
% ine%gine (a) very few, selected few.
7 inhC: (pro) see |.
9 ifra:t (nf) abndance, plenty.
4 iba:dat (nf) adoration, worship; !O# a place of worship, mos.e.
4# iba:rat (nf) text; writing, word; ! textal, pertaining to the text; written.
ibtida: (nf) beginning, commencement.
H# imda:d (nf) aid, help; !| aided.
H imarti: (nf) a typical indian sweet.
H imla: (nf) a dictation (matter written at somebody&s instance); to take
H| imli: (nf) tamarind.
HH ima:m (nm) a religios leader.
HH ima:mdasta: (nm) an iron mortar and ponder.
H# ima:rat (nf) bilding, strctre; edifice; ! pertaining to constrction, bilding.
+ imtaha:n (nm) examination, test.
iyatta: (nf) limit, bondary; .antity.
ira: (nf) the earth; speech.
# ira:da: (nm) intention, idea; ! wilflly, deliberately; U|s #
to throw p one&s cards, to give p one&s idea#plan.
% ird%gird (adv) arond, abot, nearby.
HH il,a:m (nm) allegation, accsation, charge.
%% (7; %%
#H ilha:m (nm) revelation; inspiration; !H inspired.
ila: (nf) see #s.
#4 ila:.a: (nm) area; sphere; district, ,one, region, territory, range; locality;
!4 areawise, ,onewise; ! an ila.edar.
H ila:' (nm) treatment; remedy, cre.
ila:yachi: (nf) cardamom; ! sweet and small rond balls of sgar
containing cardamom%seeds within;4 lit. to distribte cardamomsto invite to a
marriage ceremony and feast (as per >slim tradition).
| ila:hi: (int., nm) 8 Eod ?; Eod, "lmighty.
~H ilti'a: (nf) a re.est, entreaty.
~H ilm (nm) knowledge, learning; %9%4 poetics; ~H academic, edcational.
~ illat (nf) botheration; malady; addiction to vice;#% to be addicted to
(vice etc.); to own p a botheration.
~| illi: (nf) a caterpillar.
# isha:ra: (nm) sign, signal; hint, indication; gestre; ! 4H gesticlation; winking
(at); 6 to tip a wink (to); to express throgh gestres or winks;
a horse going well p to bridles; | , to dance to the
tne#pipe of.
4 ish. (nm) love; amor; !4H a rake, amorosly disposed, falling fre.ently in
love; hence! 4H (nf); HHH mndane love; 4|4| transcendental love;
s to make love; to make amoros advances.
ishtaha:r (nm) advertisement; poster.
ish (a) adored; favored, favorite; !H optimm; 6H

optimm age; ! a
hosehold diety; %@ expediency.
is (pro) this, it;

3 in at one ear and ot at

the other; 3 early sow, early mow.
# ispa:t (nm) steel; ! made of steel, steel; ! s4 all steel coach.
isra:r (nm) entreaty, solicitation; insistence.
#H isl$:m (nm) the religion of the >ohammedans; !H Dslamic.
isla:h (nm) reform; correction.
ise (pro) to this, to it.
(") istaga: (gSa:)sa: (nm) prosection, instittion of criminal proceedings in a
cort of law.
H| ist$mara:ri: (a) permanent; 4|4 permanent settlement.
| istiri: (nf) a smoothing iron, press.
9 isti:fa: (nm) resignation.
H istema:l (nm) se; application.
H ism (nm) name; non; %9%|9 good name; H |9, H may D know yor
name, please I
ih (ind) here, in this world.
| ihli:la: (nf) life in this world, mndane life;H | to breathe one&s last,
to pass away.
#| ihlok (nm) this world, the present world; ! worldly, mndane.
%% (7) %%

i: the forth vowel and the forth letter of the Devna:gri: alphabet.

2:gr (nm) cinnabar, minim.

( 2: (nf) a brick; !| brick% work; H to redce to poverty and
misery from a state of afflence and plenty; H4 c to pay back in
the same coin with interest; H,

s to case in'ry after raising high

hopes;| HH 4, s d d (ironical) to blow one&s own trmpet; to
have pecliar#ncommon ways; ( 4H to ra,e (a bilding, city etc.), to bring to

| 2:
ri: (nf) a roll or ring of cloth or straw etc. sed to facilitate carrying of a brden on
one&s head or for placing vessels or pots pon.
(H 2:dh$n (nm) fel, firewood.
# i:ka:r (nm) the vowel i: () and its sond; ! a word ending in i: ().
i:kh (nf) sgarcane.
H i:'a:d (nf) an invention; to invent.
i:ti (nf) calamity, distress, one of the six cases for crop%rin; % dread and
i:thar (nm) ether.
i:d (nf) a >slim festival; ! a place of assembly for offering Dd%prayers;
| to be seen once in a ble moon; to make a rare appearance; U a
day after the fair, to kiss the hare&s foot; | pertaining to Dd; a present on the occasion
of Dd.
# i:psa: (nf) desire, longing; ! desired; longed for; hence

H i:m$:n (nm) faith, belief; integrity; fair dealing;

kill one&s conscience; to barter away one&s integrity; | to speak ot the trth;
| to lose integrity; to allow one&s scrples to be thrown to the
wind, to go morally astray; s to have one&s integrity shaken; 4s,H 9
H to prove faithless; 4 to sell one&s conscience; , () to have faith in.
H i:m$:nda:r (a) honest; faithfl; having integrity.
H| i:m$:nda:ri: (nf) honesty; faithflness; integrity.
i:rshya: (nf) 'ealosy; !

'ealos; !

i:sh (nm) Eod; >aster; !| the north%eastern corner; !#c Eodhood;
i:sh$:n (nm);| the north%eastern corner.
+ i:shvar (nm) Eod; ! theocentricism; ! theological determinism;
% blasphemy; %4 H denial of Eod, atheism; !8 a theist; !
%% (7/ %%
theism; !| theist; theistic; +H resting on Eod&s will; Eod forbid ?,
@eaven forbid ?
+| i:shvari:y (a) Eodly, divine; divine message.
4 i:shat (a) a little, partly; !

partly open; !

partly close; !

stopped; a semi%vowel (in Erammar).
4| i:sabgol (nm) a medicinal plant and its seeds.
i:svi: (a) pertaining to Jhrist; Jhristian; Jhristian era.
i:sa: (nm) Gess Jhrist.
i:sa:i: (nm) a Jhristian, follower of the Jhristian faith.
3 the fifth letter and the fifth vowel of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
3 | =gli: (nf) a finger; 3 to reproach; to point a censring finger; to

s to aspire for more and more exploitation of some one,

to endeavor to draw more and more benefit ot of some one; to point ot a
flaw; to 'eer at (a person); to twist or trn arond one&s little
finger, to make somebody dance to one&s tne; to render absoltely nominal
3 cha:s (a and nm) see 3.
3 s =
eln$: (v) to por (into).
3 =h (ind) an extralingistic sond expressing refsal, contempt, re'ection, agony etc.;
pshaw ?
3# r2 (a) debt%free;| to pay off a debt, to be .its; to flfil an obligation.
3 kan$: (v) to wither away, to dry p.

k=: (nm) a s.atting postre; 4 to

3# kta:n$: (v) to get bored or tired, to be sick (of); ! boredom, weariness.
3 kas:n$: (v) to rise, to come p, to emerge.
3 ksa:n$: (v) to raise; to incite, to provoke, to instigate.
344 .a:b (nm) an eagle.
3# ka:r (nm) the vowel (3) and its sond; ! a word ending in (3).
3 kern$: (v) to engrave; to carve.
3 kan$: (nm) the longings of a pregnant woman.
3 kt (a) said, stated, mentioned; %9c

statement and conter%statement.

3 kti (nf) saying, statement;dictm; ingenity of expression.
3s khan$: (v) to be prooted, to be strck off; to be dislodged; to be dislocated; to
be ot of spirits, to be ot of sorts; 3s%3s ot of sorts, in low spirits; 3s%3s
4 to talk in a
%% (70 %%
disinterested and dis'ointed manner, to exhibit a sense of diffidence in one&s tterance.
3s# kha:n$: (v) to eradicate, to proot, to dig ot; to strike off; to dislocate, to
dislodge; 9 to dislodge; to root ot, to eradicate.
3s%Us kha:%pachha: (nf) ado; indiscriminate wireplling, plls and pshes,
3 gn$: (v) to grow; to germinate; to spring p; to rise.
3 galn$: (v) to spit ot; to disgorge, to e'ect; to talk ot.
3 ga:ld$:n (nm) a spittoon.
3 ga:hn$: (v) to realise, to collect.
3| ga:hi: (nf) realisation, collection; the amont realised or collected.
30 ggr (a) violent, fierce; wrathfl; radical; sharp; ! radicaism, extremism;
!| an extremist, radicalist; radical%minded.
30() ggrah($) (nm) de%eclipse, cessation of an eclipse.
3s ghan$: (v) to be ncovered, to be exposed; to be dended.
3s gha:n$: (v) to ncover, to expose; to bare.
3 ch$nti: (a) in sspense, not finally acconted for; sspense accont.
3 chakn$: (v) to stand on tip% toe; to be extra%crios.
34 chakk$: (v) a swindler, a pilferer; ! swindling, rogery.
3 chan$: (v) to withdraw from, to be weary of, to feel de'ected, to be ennied
(as H); to be interrpted (as ); to rebond (as ||).
3 cha: (a) affected by enni; mentally wearied; (nm) enni, mental weariness.
3 chit (a) proper, right; sitable; reasonable, fair; advisable; appropriate.
3 chch (a) high, tall; lofty; elevated; ! altitde, elevation, loftiness.
3 chcharit (a) ttered, prononced, spoken.
3H chcha:k$:ksha: (nf) noble#high ambition.
3 chcha:$n (nm) casing (a person) to .it his occpation by means of magical
3 chcha:r (nm) tterance, speech; pronnciation.
3# chcha:r$ (nm) pronnciation; articlation, tterance; !% place of
articlation; ! prononcable, tterable; also 3 (a).
3 chcha:rit (a) spoken, ttered; prononced.
3 chchitr (nm) a relief (a pro'ected molding or carving etc.).
3U# chchhal$n (nm) rebond, act of rebonding; hence! (a).
3U7 chchhinn (a) ct off, prooted.
3U chchhish (a) leaving; remainder (esp. of food etc.), residal, waste; !|H one
who sstains on leavings.

chchh: (nf) choking of the throat (by the stcking p of food etc.); a feeling like

chchhrakhal (a) licentios, nrestrained; impertinent; indisciplined,

disorderly; ! licentiosness; impertinence.
3U chchhed (nm) deletion; ctting off; prooting.
3U chchhed$n (nm) ctting off, rooting ot, prooting.
%% (73 %%
3U# chchhwasan (nm) expiration, exhalation; hence ! (a).
3U# chchhwa:s (nm) exhalation, aspiration; sigh; chapter (of a book), hence
! (a); ! (a).
3 : chchaishrava: (nm) the mythological horse belonging to Dndrachief of the
gods; (a) hard of hearing.
3U chharn$: (v) to emerge (ot of water or any other

chhal%k:d (nf) gambol, hopping and 'mping; 'mping abot, frisk.

3U chhaln$: (v) to leap, to 'mp, to spring; to gambol; to rebond (as a ball).
3U chha:l (nf) 'mp, leap; rebond; throw, toss.
3U chha:ln$: (v) to toss, to throw p.
3U chha:h (nm) enthsiasm; aspiration.
3U| chhi:r (nf) scantiness of crowd or assembly.
3Hs 'an$: (v) to be deserted or devastated; to be rined or destroyed.
3Hs 'a (a) boorish, rde, ncivil, rffian; !#! boorishness, rdeness,
3H4 'bak (a) foolish, idiotic, stpid; hence! (nm).
3H 'rat (nf) wages, remneration; % piece rate; 3H H 'ob work, piece work.
3H 'la: (a) clean: bright; white; H
to add a feather to one&s cap; to free
from slander#blot or infamy.
3H 'a:gar (a) brilliant; renowned; well%known; manifest.
3Hs 'a: (a) deserted, desolate, devastated; barren.
3Hs 'a:n$: (v) to rin, to destroy or devastate, to render desolate.
3H 'a:la: (nm) light, brightness, splendor; (a) bright, shining, lminos; the
bright half of a month, the fifteen days of a moon&s increase.
377# ''val (a) bright; splendid; clear; radiant; hence! (nf); ! (nm),
! (a).
3 ''r (nm) ob'ection; ! one who files an ob'ection in a cort of law; !| an
ob'ection filed in a cort of law.
3$ 'hakn$: (v) to peep down, to raise oneself on tip%toe, to have a view across a
wall, parapet etc.
3 $gn$: (v) to recline against something; to assme a recmbent postre.
3 $g$:n$: (v) to sht the leaves of a door etc. (withot bolting); to lean an
ob'ect against something.
3# n$: (v) to raise; to get p; to be rented ot; to pass away, to expire; H to
die; to come to an end; 3 3 the age of emergent yoth; 3 Hblossoming
yoth; 3 %4 each and every moment; all the time; !%4 close association
intimate relationship.
3#, ! a:i:gi:r, !ra: (nm) a pilferer, a petty thief; !| pilferage.
3 $:n (nm) bild; ascent, elevation; rise, coming p; blossoming yoth.
3 $:n$: (v) to raise, to lift p; to wake p; to rent ot; to bear; to remove; 3
, 4#9 (H) to leave no stone ntrned, to spare no effort; 3 to
postpone, to pt off.
3s ad (nf) horse%bean, black gram.
%% (74 %%
3s $nan allomorph of 3s sed as the first member in compond words;
!| a legendary flying cot; !U

| to disappear all of a sdden, to vanish;

!$( dodge, trickery; ! a flying
3s# n$: (v) to fly, to fade, to get dim; to vanish; to explode; H to come at a fast
pace; to go flying or at a terrific speed; ! 4 an nconfirmed news, a
rmor; ! s # to know the rook as he is seen.
3s3 a:: (a) extravagant, s.andering; on the verge of a take off; %3 a s.anderer;
s.anderos; ! extravagance, s.andering.
3s a:ka: (nm) an aviator, flier.

a:k: (a) flying, sky%going; capable of flying.

3s $:n (nf) a flight; sortie; ! frad,dodge; sortie; to make a flight; to
make a flight of imagination; H to pt forth excses; to hoodwink.
3s a:n$: (v) to fly; to s.ander; to steal or kidnap; to explode, to blow away; 3s
to blow the expense; to blow.
3s iya: (nm) the people of 8rissa; (nf) the langage of the state of 8rissa (Dndia).
3s i:sa: (nm) an eastern state of the Dndian Hnion (also called 3c).
3s $=h$: (a) ready to fly, on the verge of a take%off.
3s ay$n (nm) aviation; flight; % department of aviation.
3s i:n (a) in flight, air%borne.
3sH i:ym$:n (a) flying, air%borne.
3d ka:n$: (v) to sht (the leaves of a door etc. withot bolting).
3 tn$: (a) that mch, to that extent.
3 tr$n (nf) second hand#old#worn%ot clothes; cast%off clothing; also %

3 tarn$: (v) to get down, to alight; to go down (as 4

); to come off or decay;

to be dislocated (as 4); to land, to disembark; to be off color (as ).
3 tra:i: (nf) tax for crossing a river; ferriage; nloading.
3 tra:n$: (v) to float.
3 t$:n (a) spine, pright.
3 ta:r (nm) descent; depreciation; fall; ebb%tide; down%gradient, falling gradient.
3%d ta:r%chaa:v (nm) ps and downs, rise and fall, flctation; vicissitde,
3 ta:r$n (nf) see 3.
3 ta:rn$: (v) to bring down; to nload; to case to disembark, dismont or
descend; to dislocate; to copy; to take across.
3 ta:ra: (nm) the process of moving certain offerings overhead for delivering
somebody possessed of an evil spirit; sch offerings.
3F ta:r: (a) bent pon, intent; dead set; ready for.
3 ta:vla: (a) rash, impatient; harm scarm.
3 ta:vla:p$n (nm) rashness, impatience; hastiness.
3| ta:vli: (nf) haste; impatience.
3 ta 1anskrit prefix denoting over, above, transgression, elevation, predominence
%% (75 %%
3c tk$a: (nf) criosities; longing; craving; ardor.
3c tk$it (a) crios, keenly desiros; eager; longing (for).
3c tka (a) excessive, keen, intense; gigantic; richly endowed with.
3c4 tkarsh (nm) exaltation, excellence; eminence; prosperity; hence !; 3c4| (a).
3c tkal (nm) ancient name of 3s (see).
3c| tki:r (a) carved; worked ot in relief; ! inscribing in relief, engraving.

tkrish (a) excellent; eminent, otstanding; sperior; ! excellence; eminence;

3c () tkendr(ak) (a) centrifgal; co%centric.
3c| tkoch (nm) bribe, vanality.
3cHH, ! tkr$m, ! a (nm) reversal.
3cH tkr$:nti (nf) reversal; death.
3cH tkshipt (a) e'ected; thrown p or away.
3cH() tkshep($) (nm) e'ection; throwing p.
3c tkhan$n (nm) digging; excavation.
3 ttapt (a) brning; simmering; intensely excited; fermented; hence ! (nf).
3H ttam (a) the best; excellent, good; ! excellence;

4 first person.
3H ttamar (nm) a creditor.
3 ttar (nm) answer, reply; north; later;

late bron,e age;

!H srvived, srviving; !H, Hc srvival, srvivorship; !H, srviving;
srvivor; srvived; 4

neolithic age; 9c

reply and conter%reply,

3 ttard$:n (nm) be.est, be.eathing.
3c ttarda:yitv (nm) responsibility; obligation; ons; accontability.
3 ttarda:yi: (a) responsible; answerable, accontable.
39 ttarpradesh (nm) the biggest Dndian state in terms of poplation, sitated in
the northern part of the contry, lying between Delhi, @aryana, >adhya <radesh and
3| ttarbhogi: (nm) a reversioner.
3| ttarvarti: (a) sbse.ent; later; northern.
3s ttara:kh$ (nm) the northern part of Dndia lying in proximity with the
3H# ttara:dhika:r (nm) inheritance; sccession, right of sccession;
!| inheritor, heir, sccessor.
3 ttara:y$ (nm) the smmer soltice when the sn is on the north of e.ator.
3H ttara:rdh (a) the latter half.
3| ttari: (a) northern; H

the north pole, arctic.

3| ttari:y (a) northern; (nm) the pper or oter garment.
3| ttarottar (a and adv) progressive, progressively; sccessive, sccessively;
hence ! (nf).
3 ttal (a) convex; ! convexity.
3 tta:n (a) spine, pright.
3 tta:p (nm) excessive heat; ferment; distress; affliction.
3 tta:l (a) high; violent; plentifl;
%% (77 %%
hence ! (nf).
3 tti:r (a) passed, got throgh (an examination).

ttg (a) high, lofty.

3H tte'ak (a) provocative; exciting; stimlating; excitant, stimlant.
3H tte'an (nm) provocation; stimlation; excitement.
3H tte'n$: (nf) provocation; stimlation; excitement; !H#9 provocative;
stimlating; exciting; !

provocative, fll of provocation; 3H provoked; excited;

stimlated; 6 to provoke: to excite; to stimlate.
3H tte'ni:yta: (nf) excitability; provocability.
3| ttol$n (nm) weighing; act of raising; a lever.
3c tth$:n (nm) rise (p), act of rising; % rise and fall; 3c risen (p).
3c# ttha:p$n (nm) raising p, elevating; elevation; ! (a) elevating; (nm) an
3c tpatti (nf) prodction, prodce; birth; origin.
3c7 tpann (a) prodced; born; originated; to prodce; to procreate.
3c tpal (nm) a (ble) lots.
3c tpa:$n (nm) prooting; exterpating.
3c# tpa:t (nf) mischief, confsion, nisance; ! mischievos, miscreant; naghty.
3c# tpa:d (nm) prodct(s), yield, prodce; also ! (nm).
3c tpa:dak (nm) prodcer; originator; ! prodctivity, fecndity, fertility.
3c# tpa:d$n (nm) prodction, prodct, prodce; ot%trn, otpt; reprodction;
! prodced; ! prodctivity.
3cs tpi:ak (nm) oppressor; (a) oppressive.
3cs tpi:$n (nm) oppression; persection; harassment.
3cs tpi:it (a) oppressed; harassed; persected.
3c9 tprava:s (nm) emigration.
3c9H tpreksha: (nf) poetical fancy (a figre of speech).
39 tprerak (nm) a catalyser, catalytic agent.
3c9 tprera (nm) catalysis, activation.
3c tpla:vak (nm) a floater.

~ tphll (a) blossomed; delighted, in high spirits; hence ! (nf).

3c4|H tsambodh$ (nm) apostrophe.
3c ts (nm) a fontain; spring, sorce.
3c tsarg (nm) sacrifice, abandonment.
3cH tsar'$n (nm) excretion; emission, abandoning.
3c tsav (nm) festival, celebration; festivity.
3c tsa:h (nm) enthsiasm, ,eal; !

fll of beans, in high spirits, as keen as

mstard; to demoralise; !H encoraging; !H encoragement; |
s a wave of enthsiasm to spread ot, to be infected by a sense of enthsiasm.
3c| tsa:hi: (a) enthsiastic; (nm) an enthsiast.

tsk (a) crios, eager, keen; ! criosity, eagerness, anxiosness.


thal%pthal (nf) pheaval, trmoil; H to case an pheaval.

3 thla: (a) shallow; ! shallowness.
%% (7: %%
3 d$nt (nm) news, report.
3H dadhi (nm) ocean, sea.
3 day (nm) rising; rise, ascent; emergence; (fig.) prosperity.
3 daya:chal (nm) the mythological montain from behind which the sn is
spposed to rise.
3 daya:st (nm) rise and fall, ascent and descent; rising and setting.
3 dar (nm) abdomen, stomach; %

@ dropsy; ! devored, swallowed, eaten;

abdominal; 3| abdominal.
3 da:tt (a) sblime, lofty; acte (accent); hence ! (nf).
3 da:r (a) generos, liberal; magnificent; !, ! H, !H noble%minded,
magnanimos, open%minded; ! liberal, noble%minded, open%minded; hence
! (nf).
3 da:rta: (nf) magnanimity, generosity; liberality; ! liberalism; !| liberal; a
3 da:s (a) sad, de'ected, gloomy.
3 da:sn$: (v) to wrinkle p (the bedding, bedsheet, etc.).
3 da:si: (nf) sadness, de'ection, melancholy.
3 da:si:n (a) indifferent; disinterested, non%chalant; ! indifference;
disinterestedness; non%chalance.
3# da:har$ (nm) an example, instance; illstration; ! illstrated;
3cH da:har$a:tm$k (a) exemplary; illstrative.
3 da:har$a:rth (ind) for instance, for example, e.g.
3 dit (a) risen, ascended; emerged.
3|# di:chi: (nf) the north (direction); ! belonging to the north, northern; an
inhabitant of the north.
3|H di:ym$:n (a) rising, ascending.
3H dg$m (nm) origin, fontain% head, sorce; rising, coming p; ! rising, coming
3 dga:r (nm) (expression of) inner feelings#sentiments.
3 dgi:t (nm) an anthem.
3J# dgha:$n (nm) inagration, release; ncovering; hence ! (a).
3J|4 dghosh (nm) proclamation.
3J|4 dghoshak (nm) a proclaimer; herald, annoncer.
3J|4 dghosha (nm), ! a: (nf) proclamation, annoncement.
3s dd$d, (a) contmelios, insolent, impertinent; rde; rebellios; hence ! (nf).
3H dd$:m (a) nrestrained, nbond; violent, impetos; hence ! (nf).
3 ddish (a) aimed at, directed; desired, intended for.
3 ddi:pak (nm) stimlant; (a) stimlating; exciting.
3# ddi:p$n (nm) stimls, stimlation; provocation; incandescence; ! see !.
3 ddi:pt (a) stimlated; provoked; incandescent.
3 ddi:pti (nf) incandescence; stimlation.
3 ddeshy (nm) ob'ect; prpose; motive; sb'ect(in Erammar); end; ! teleology.
3@ ddhat (a) contmacios; haghty; ill%behaved; boorish; impdent; hence ! (nf);
!H contmacios, haghty, impdent.
%% (:( %%
3@ ddhar$ (nm) .otation; citation; extract, extraction.
3@ ddha:r (nm) deliverance, salvation; redemption, riddance; restoration; plift.
3@ ddha:rak (nm) deliverer, savior; redeemer; plifter.
3@ ddhrit (a) .oted, cited.

@ dbddh (a) awakened, alerted.

3|H dbodhak (nm) a teacher; one who awakens (throgh one&s teachings).
3T4|H dbodh$n (nm) awakening.
3 dbha (a) powerfl, extra%ordinary, eminent.
3 dbhav (nm) birth; origin; coming into existence.
3 dbha:vak (nm) an originator; one who conceives an idea; inventor.
3 dbha:v$n (nm) origination; imagination; invention; vision, conception.
3 dbha:van$: (nf) idea, concept; imagination.
3 dbha:s (nm) illmination, lstre; appearance.
3 dbha:sit (a) appeared, come forth; illminated.
37H dbhi'' (a) sproting from beneath the grond; (nm) vegetation.

dbh:t (a) prodced; born; emerged.

3q dbhr$:nt (a) wandering; bewildered.
3 ddyat (a) ready, prepared; hence ! (nf).
3H ddy$m (nm) enterprise; ventre; exertion; diligence, ! an entreprener.
3H ddyam2: (nm) an entreprener; (a) enterprising; diligent.
3 ddy$:n (a) a garden; ! horticltre, gardening.
3 ddya:p$n (nm) closing ceremony (of a religios performance).
3| ddyog (nm) indstry; labor, effort; HH indstry; ! an indstrialist;
! indstrialism; 3| indstrios.
3|# ddyogi:kar$ (nm) indstrialisation; hence !

3 ddrek (nm) overflow; abndance, preponderance, excess.
3 ddvign (a) restless, trobled, n.iet; hence ! (nf).
3 # ddveg (nm) restlessness, neasiness, n.iet; hence ! (a).
3 # ddvel$n (nm) trmoil; agitation; ! agitated, worked p.
3Hs dhan$: (v) to be nsewn; to be ripped#opened ot; to be ntwisted; to be
nrolled; to be nravelled; to be excoriated.
3H dhar (adv) on that side, that way; from the other side, from that side; |
3H keeping away, exclding the speaker.
3H dha:r (nm) borrowing; credit; loan; debt; credit accont; to
sbsist on borrowings; 9 9 bent on something, to be only too ready for
something; ! a lender.
3H s# dhen$: (v) to nsew; to nravel; to open p; to nroll, to ntwist; to excoriate;
to excoriate thoroghly, to inflict a thorogh beating; to expose
thoroghly, to ncover each and every secret.
3H s4

dhebn (nf) lit. npicking and weavinghence, a process of indecisive,

neasy and constant reflection.
%% (:; %%
3 n$cha:s (a) forty%nine; (nm) the nmber forty%nine.
3 n (pvo) those, the obli.e plral form of (see); 37| | H (said of
person) to retrn withot a stop#even a moment&s pase.
3 ncha:s (a) see 3 .
3|() nta:li:(li)s (a) thirty%nine; (nm) the nmber thirty%nine.
3(), 3 nti:(ti)s, natti:s (a) twenty%nine; (nm) the nmber twenty%nine.
3H nm$n$: (a) see H.
3 nv$:n (nm) heading; title.
3 nsa (a) fifty%nine; (nm) the nmber fifty%nine.
3 nhattar (a) sixty%nine; (nm) the nmber sixty%nine.
3 na:si: (a) see 37.
3 n2:da: (a) sleepy, drowsy; do,ing.
37 nn$t (a) elevated; high; developed; lofty; improved.
37 nn$ti (nf) progress, rise; promotion; improvement, betterment; development.
37| nn$todar (a) convex.
37H nnam$n (nm) (the act of) bending pwards; lifting p, raising; increase.
37 nnay$n (nm) progress; development; plift; elevation; ! meliorism.
374 nna:b (nm) the ''be tree and its frit*hamnus ziz%phus.
37 nn$:yak (nm) champion (of a case); exponent; plifter.
37 nnidr (a) insomnolent; | insomnia.
37 nni:s (a) nineteen; (nm) the nmber nineteen; 4 | to be slightly better
or worse#more or less#sperior or inferior; to be almost; | to be inferior, to
be lower in rank, .ality etc.
37H7H nma''$n (nm) emergence.
37H nm$tt (a) intoxicated; wild; cra,y; hence ! (nf); 9 mad#delirios
tterances, dis'ointed and irrelevant talk, raving; | to be in a fren,y; to be
hysterical; to rn amck.
37H nmad (a) see 37H.
37H nma:d (nm) hysteria, insanity; lnacy; mania; intoxication; rabidity; fren,y,
intense passion; hence ! (a); !0 (a); ! (nm); 37H| insane; fren,ied; hysterical.
37H# nm2:l$n (nm) opening (of eyes); blooming; hence ! (a).

# nmkt (a) liberated, free; nrestricted nrestrained; open; hence ! (nf);

! immnity; liberation; absence of restriction.

nmkh (a) inclined, disposed (towards); intent.


nm:l$n (nm) prooting, rooting ot; abolition; extermination, extirpation;

to abolish; to exterminate; to root ot.
37H4 nmesh (nm) opening; blooming.
37H| nmoch$n (nm) discharge; liberation.
37 nny$:si: (a) seventy%nine; (nm) the nmber seventy%nine.
3 pa 1anskrit prefix denoting proximity, commencement, dimintion,
sbordination, secondary character, etc.
3 pkatha: (nf) a sb%plot, side plot.
3 pkar (nm) a cess.
3 pkar$ (nm) appliance; e.ipment, apparats.
3 pkarta: (nm) a benefactor
%% (:) %%
one who does a good trn to a person, case or instittion etc.
3 pka:r (nm) beneficence, benefaction; good; H to feel gratefl, to express
3 pka:rak (nm) benefactor; (a) beneficial, beneficient; favorable.
3| pka:ri: (a) beneficial; favorable; helping, obliging; (nm) a benefactor.

pklpati (nm) (formerly sed to mean) Mice%Jhancellor (now the


is sed to mean Mice%Jhancellor).


pakkrit (a) obliged, gratefl.

3HH pakkram (nm) preparation, a beginning; prelde; to ndertake, to set
abot (doing something).
3s pkh$ (nm) sb%clase, sb%part.
3H pg$m (nm) approach, access.
30 paggrah (nm) satellite, secondary planet.
3 pchay (nm) accmlation; increase.
3 pcharya: (nf) nrsing.
3# pcha:r (nm) treatment, remedy; attending (pon); formality; seasoning; ! a
male nrse; ! a nrse.
3H pa' (nf) prodce, prodct; crop, harvest, yield, ot%trn.
3H pa'n$: (v) to be prodced; to be born; to grow; to spring p.
3H3 p'a:: (a) fertile, prodctive; ! fertility, prodctivity.
3H p'a:t (nm) a bye%prodct.
3H p'a:ti (nf) a sb%caste.
3H p'a:n$: (v) to (case to) grow; to prodce.
3H[ p'ihwa: (nf) epiglottis.
3H p'i:vika: (nf) an occpation.
3H p'i:vvy (a) affording or serving for livelihood#sbsistence, that on which one
rests or depends.
3 pan$: (v) to be prooted; to be torn off; to fall off.
3c pattyaka: (nf) a valley, low%lying land.
3 pd$nsh (nm) syphilis.
3 pd$:n (nm) a sbsidy.
3 () pdev(ta:) (nm) a demi%god.
3 pdesh (nm) precept, sermon; preaching, teaching; ! didacticism;
!| didactician; didactic; 3 cH didactic; hence 3 (a).
3 pdeshak (nm) a preceptor, sermoniser.
3 pdesha: (nm) see 3 .
3 paddrav (nm) riot, distrbance: mischief; tmlt, kick%p.
3 paddravi: (a) riotos,rowdy; mischievos; naghty; (nm) a rioter, rowdy.
3 paddvi:p (nm) an islet, isle.
3H pdh$:n (nm) a pillow, bolster.
3H pdha:ra: (nf) a sb%clase.
3 pnagar (nm) a sbrb.
3| pnadi: (nf) a rivlet.
3 pnay$n (nm) a ceremony marking the investitre of the sacred thread
(7| or H3).
3H pn$:m (nm) pen name, nom de plme; nickname, alias.
3# pna:yak (nm) a side%hero; ! a side%heroine.
3H pniy$m (nm) a bye%law; sb%rle.
3 pnivesh (nm) a colony; settlement; ! colonialism; !| colonialist
(ic); 3 colonial.
3 pniveshi: (nm) a coloniser;
%% (:/ %%
(a) colonial; ! colonial.
34 pnishad (nm) sacred ancient books of the @inds.
37# p$nny$:s (nm) a novel; ! a novelist; ! a novelette.
3 papati (nm) a paramor.
3 papatti (nf) proof, evidence.
3 papatni: (nf) a mistress, keep, hetaera.
39H pappramey (nm) a corollary.
347H pb$ndh (nm) a provision, proviso.
3 pbhav$n (nm) an annexe, a spplementary bilding.
34 pbha:sha: (nf) a sb%langage; dialect.

pbhkt (a) consmed; sed.

3 pbhed (nm) a sb%division; sb%classification.
3| pbhokta: (nm) a consmer; ser.
3|# pbhog (nm) en'oyment#en'oying; consming#consmption; sing; hence
! (nm); ! (a).
3|7 pbho''y (a and nm) consmable(s), consmptible(s); worth% en'oying.
3H pm$ntri: (nm) a Depty >inister.
3H pm$ti (nf) ac.iescence.
3H pmaha:dvi:p (nm) a sb%continent.
3H pm$: (nf) a simile; comparison.
3H pm$:n (nm) the ob'ect of comparison as &H& in H

H lots like face.

(cf. 3H).
3H pmit (a) compared; illstrated by comparison.
3H pmey (nm) the sb'ect of comparison, that which is compared (with); (a)
comparable (with).

pykt (a) proper, sitable, appropriate; sed; ! expediency; sitability,

3| pyokta: (nm) a ser.
3| pyog (nm) se, tilisation#tility; exploitation; ! a sfrctary; consmer.
3| pyogita: (nf) seflness, tility; ! tilitarianism; !| tilitarian;
tilitarianist (ic).
3| pyogi: (a) sefl; helpfl; serviceable; ! processing; rendering
3 prat (a) detached, disinterested.
3 pr$:nt (adv) after, afterwards.
3 pra:shrapati (nm) Mice%<resident.
3 pari (int) above.
3 parilikhit (a) above%given, above%mentioned.
3F pr:p (nm) an allomorph.
3F pr:pak (nm) a secondary or lower category of ru:pak (see) which has
eighteen different types.
3| prokt (a) see 3


parykt (a) aforesaid above%mentioned, said above.

3 pal (nm) hail.
3H# plaksh$ (nm) a characteristic; the act of implying something that has not
been expressed or made explicit; metonymy; ! implication.
3H plakshit (a) implied, conveyed throgh implication.
3 plakshy (nm); H on accont of; to celebrate.
3H plabdh (a) available; ac.ired; hence ! (nf).
3H plabdhi (nf) achievement; accomplishment, attainment.
%% (:0 %%
3 plabbhy (a) available; ! availability.
3 pla: (nm) a cow%dng cake.
3~~ palla: (nm) the pper portion or fold; (a) pper.
3 pv$n (nm) a garden, park, parkland.
34 pv$:kky (nm) a clase.
3# pv$:s (nm) fast; ! one who observes a fast.
3 pvibh$:g (nm) sb%division; a sbordinate department. cation.
3 pvyavsa:y (nm) an avocation.
3#H psham$n (nm) abatement; sbsidence; hence !H (a).
3 psha:kha; (nf) sb%branch, sbsidiary branch.
3H#dT pshikshak (nm) a ttor.
34 pshi:rshak (nm) a sb%heading; sb%title.
3 ps$gi: (a) sbsidiary, axiliary.
3 ps$mp$:dak (nm) a sb%editor.
3 ps$nha:r (nm) an epiloge; conclsion, conclding chapter (of a book);
s apodosis; to conclde, to say by way of conclsion.
3 psabha:pati (nm) Mice%<resident, Mice%Jhairman.
3H psamiti (nf) a sb%committee.
3 psarg (nm) a prefix.
3H psa:dhak (a) accessory.
3 paskar (nm) e.ipment, apparats.
3U pastri: (nf) a keep, mistress.
3 pasth (nm) bttock (s); male or female genitals.
3 pastha:p$n (nm) presentation; representation (on the stage etc.).
3 pasthit (a) present;| to be present; to attend.
3 pasthiti (nf) presence, attendance, roll%call.
3 phasit (nm) a lod derisive laghter.
3# pha:r (nm) a present, gift; !| one who presents (a gift).
3 pha:s (nm) derision, ridicle, mockery; to deride, to ridicle; % a
3 pha:sa:spad (a) ridiclos, absrd, worth being laghed at; hence ! (nf).
3 pha:ssy (a) ridiclos, fit to be laghed at.
3 p$:g (nm) an accessory organ, a minor limb or member of the body; sb%
3 p$:nt (nm) a border; edge, margin; proximity to the end, edge or margin; vicinity,
3 p$:ntik (a) proximate#proximal, near, marginal.
3#H, !c p$:ntim, !tty (a) last bt one, penltimate.
3H pa:karm (nm) a rital performed on pu:rima: in the month of !hra:va as a
pre%re.isite to the commencement of the recitation of the Medas.
3 pa:kkhy$:n (nm) an episode, a sbordinate tale or story; anecdote.
3 pa:n$: (v) to proot; to tear off; to fell, to case to fall off.
3 pa:d$:n (nm) material (case); ingredient; the material case.
3 pa:dey (a) sefl, of tility, beneficial; hence! (nf).
3H pa:dhi (nf) degree; .alification; title; attribte; botheration;
%% (:3 %%
!H| a title%holder; a degree%holder.
3H pa:ddhyaksh (nm) Mice%<resident; Mice%Jhairman; Depty 1peaker.
3, ! pa:pchay, !$n (nm) metabolism.
3 pa:y (nm) way, measre; device; cre, remedy.
3|H pa:yo'$n (nm) attachment.
3#H pa:r'$n (nm) earning; ac.isition, ac.irement; !H earned; ac.ired;
6 ac.ired interest.
3 pa:lambh (nm) complaint; reproach.
3 pa:s (nm) see 3.
3 pa:sak (nm) a worshipper; an adorer.
3 pa:sn$: (nf) worship, adoration; @ clt; techni.e of worship.
3 pa:sit (a) a dored, worshipped.
3 pa:sthi (nf) cartilage.
3 pa:ssy (a) adorable, worthy of worship, fit to be revered or honored.
3 pa:ha:r (nm) refreshment; %H#

refreshment room#hose.
3H peksh2:y (a) negligible, fit to be ignored#neglected#discarded;
hence! (nf).
3H peksha: (nf) negligence; neglect, disregard; !| negligent; to ignore,
to disregard, to brsh aside.
3H pekshit (a) neglected, ignored; discarded, disregarded.
3|J podgha:t (nm) exordim, prolegomenon.
39 f (int) ah?; to endre .ietly, not to tter a sigh or syllable (in face of
nbearable agony).
39 phann$: (v) to boil over; to effervesce; to fme or froth.
39 ph$:n (nm) effervescence; ebllience, ebllition.
34 bka:i: (nf) nasea, a feeling of vomitting.
34# b$n (nm) a cosmetic paste rbbed over the body for cleaning and softening of
the skin; hence! (v).
34 barn$: (v) to be liberated; to get rid of, to be free; to be salvaged.
34# baln$: (v) to boil, to simmer; s to infriate into a torrent of invectives, to
give nrestrained vent to one&s rage.
34 ba:n$: (v) to bore, to case to be fed p.
34 ba:rn$: (v) to liberate, to emancipate, to rid, to salvage.
34 ba:l (nm) boiling, seething, simmering.
34 ba:ln$: (v) to boil; to case to simmer; to heat till a boils.
34 ba:si: (nf) a yawn;H (nf) to yawn.
3 bhay (a) both; the two; ! an amphibian; amphibios; !: on both sides; in
both cases; in both manners; !|H

having a face at each of the two sides, doble%

faced; !8 common to both; loyal to both; hence!8 (nf); H the two
sides#parties#aspects; hence !H (nf); ! ambivalent; !H

6 ambiversion; common gender; !H of both types;

ambivalence; 3cH made p of the two, covering both.

3 bharn$: (v) to emerge; to protrde or pro'ect; to blge ot.
3 bha:r (nm) a blge, blging; pro'ection or protrsion; bossing;
%% (:4 %%
! blging, protrding.
3 bha:rn$: (v) to incite or instigate, to provoke; to raise; to (case to) protrde;
(nm) incitement.
3H m$g: (nf) aspiration; gsto, ,eal; in high spirits, as keen as mstard.
3H m$gn$: (v) to be ebllient; to feel an inner psrge, to be in a gsto.
3Hs man$: (v) to srge; to overflow, to flood, to brst with; to gst, to gather thick;

Hs to gather thick (as 4); to concentrate.

3H# mda: (a) nice, fine, excellent; !#! excellence, fineness, nicety.
3H m$s (nf) sltriness, sltry weather; % sltry, stffy.
3H m$: (nf) the goddess <a:rvati: *ord 1hiv&s spose.
3H men$: (v) to twist, to wring; to wind; to pll, (as ).
3+ mda: (a) see 3H.
3+H mm2:d (nf) hope, expectation; 4 H to have a wish flfilled, to have a
wish realised; 3+H| 9 to lash all hopes to the grond.
3+H# mm2:dva:r (nm) a candidate; !| candidatre.
3 mmr (nf) age; lifetime; H# H to approach one&s end, to
complete the days of one&s life; 4 life imprisonment; 4 | prisoner for life;
d to age, to be on the wane; !H | to have a long life; throghot life;
3 r (nm) see .
3 rad (nf) a kind of plse; black gram, +olichos pilosus.
3 r (nm) thigh.
3FH r:' (nm) ascendancy, rise; | to be in the ascendancy.
3 rehn$: (v) to draw (as ); to paint; (nm) etching.
3|H ro' (nm) the female breast.

rd: (nf) the Hrd langage; ! a scholar of Hrd.

39 rf (ind) alias.
3H rmi (nf) a wave, ripple; ! wavy, ndlating; hence ! (nf).
3 rvar (a) fertile, prodctive; ! fertility, prodctivity, fecndity; 3 (a and nf)
3 rvarak (nm) fertiliser.
3 rs (nm) the celebration organised to observe the day of a mslim saint&s demise.
3U lchha:rn$: (v) to throw p.
3$ l'h$n (nf) complication; entanglement; perplexity;H | to be in the cart, to
be in a fix.
3$ la'hn$: (v) to be entangled, to be involved or ravelled p; to become
complicated; to be entwined (as ); to catch a crab; to cross swords with.
3$ l'ha:n$: (v) to entangle, to complicate; to involve, to entwine.
3$ l'ha:v (nm) entanglement; involvement; complication.
3 lan$: (v) to overtrn or be overtrned, to capsi,e; to reverse or be reversed; to
sbvert; to trn over.

la%pala#pla (nm) shffling; disarray, disarrangement; reversal; (a)

topsy%trvy, in disarray; over%trned.
3%9 la%pher (nm) shffling, psetting; changes; vicissitdes.
3 alv$: (a) reversible.
3 lav$:si: (nf) a form of expression which abonds in apparently
%% (:5 %%
crios, ntenable and abnormal statements and incidents.
3 la: (a) reverse#reversed; topsy%trvy; opposite, contrary; overtrned; inverted;
to back%drive, to drive backward; | | | s the case of a thief
threatening the policeman; HH strange#preposteros times; 'et black, coal%
black; d to misgide, to mislead; %

topsy%tvy, deranged; confsed,

higgledy piggledy; %H absrd, irrelevant; hrriedly performed; 3 U

s# to fleece, to strip somebody of money by befooling him; d
H to skin an eel by the tail; 3 4 4 | | carrying coal to Oew Jastle.
3| li: (nf) vomit, vomitting; (a) pside down; topsy%trvy; backwards; see 3;
|s a block%head; a pervert; 4 to pt the cart before the horse, to act
contrary to cstomary practices; d to poison the mind of, to mislead; 4
to pt the cart before the horse; H H#9 to invoke a crse pon;
H$ perverted#erroneos nderstanding, perversion; %H

to scold rondly; to
revile; %H to ct papers; 4 the setting in of contrary wind, to
pt contrary cstoms and manners into practice; 3 | to retrn withot a
(moment&s) pase.
39 lfat (nf) love, attachment.
3 l$:ghn$: (v) to cross over, to transgress; to disobey.
3 la:r (a) too weighty at the back (sed for a carriage etc.)
3 la:hn$: (nm) complaint; twitting, reproach.
3| li:chn$: (v) to drain ot, to empty (something fll of water or other
with the help of some device (or with the palms of the two hands pt together).

l:k (nm) see 3~

3~ lka: (nf) a falling star, meteor; flame; firebrand; !H| a torch%bearer; ! the
falling of a meteor; disaster, devastation.
3~ ltha: (nm) rendering into another langage, a free translation; interpretation.
3~ ll$gh$n (nm) violation; contravention; ! a violator, one who
3~ llasit (a) 'oyos, fll of delight and 'oy.
3~ lla:s (nm) 'oy, delight, merriment; a chapter (of a book); revelry; elation; hence

#!H (a).
3~ llikhit (a) referred, mentioned; written, inscribed.

ll: (nm) an owl; an idiot, a fool; an absolte dllard; 4 to

befool, to make a fool of, to give one a flap with a fox% tail; to dpe; 4|to be
deserted#rined; H to serve one&s own ends, to 'ockey for position.
3~ llekh (nm) mention, reference; citation, .otation; to refer, to mention;
to cite.
3~|# llekhn2:y (a) remarkable; worthy of being mentioned; also !; hence
! (nf).
34 sha: (nf) the dawn.
3 sh (a) hot; warm; 4 H tropical region or belt, tropics; ! warmth, heat.
34 sh2:sh (nm) a trban; crown.
%% (:7 %%
3H shma: (nf) see 3H.
3 s (pro) obli.e singlar form of ; 3#!| to him.
3 sann$: (v) to knead (into a dogh); to boil.
3 s$:s (nf) a sigh.
3 sa:ra: (nm) a shed; verandah.

# s:l (nm) a principle; !| pertaining to principles; theoretical; 6 in

principle, as a matter of principle.

s:lanas a matter of principle, in principle.

3 stara: (nm) a ra,or (blade).
3# sta:d (nm) a teacher; master; (a) cnning, tricky; !| ttorship, teaching;
cnningness, cleverness; ! | to be skilled#crafty; to be an expert; !| (to
try) to be clever#cnning.
3 :the sixth vowel and the sixth letter of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
3 =:gh (nf) drowsiness, sleepiness; to have a nap.
3 =:ghn$: (v) to do,e; to nap; to be sleepy#drowsy.
3 % =:ch%n2:ch (nm) pros and cons; good and evil; ps and downs; high and low; an
ntoward incident; 9 | to know the ropes.
3 =:cha: (a) high, lofty, elevated; % neven; pros and cons; 4| arrogant
tterance, tall talk;

to be hard of hearing; 3 3s far%fetched imagination,

too high a flight; 3 H high office#position; 3

9| great cry,
little wool#great boast, little roast; 3 H exorbitant#high price;3 | flying
at a higher game; 3 H belonging to the high class; of a high order; 3 %
s to stmble; to go astray; to make mistakes.
3 ( =:cha:i: (nf) height, altitde, elevation; loftiness.
3 U =:chhn$: (v) see 9U.
3 =: (nm) a camel; !s a camel%driven cart; ! a camel driver; ( 9)
4 (let&s) wait and watch#see how things trn ot; | | H
| | to be nsymmetrical throgh and throgh#all rond;| || H $


to try to conceal the conspicos; H

H H a drop in the ocean;

misfortne has long arms for the nlcky; H

to challenge a lion and fear a lamb; H4 | | water finds its own

=:h=: (ind) no, never ?; that won&t be ?, not at all ?.

3# :ka:r (nm) the letter : (3) and its sond; ! (a word) end% in : (3).
3 :kh (nm) see .
3 :khal (nm) see H|.
3Hs :'a (a) deserted, desolate.
%% (:: %%
3 :pa$:g (a) slipslop, absrd, ridiclos, incoherent.
3 :t (a) idiotic, doltish; !#! stpidity, doltishness.
3 :tak (nm) a tisse.
34 :dbila:w (nm) an otter.
3 :da: (a) violet.
3H#H :dham (nm) hrly%brly, proar; mischief; a kick%p; !H mischievos, naghty;
hence! (nm).
3 :n (nf, also nm) wool; (a) less (than), small; |

H to exaggerate no end.
3 :n2: (a) woollen, woolly.
3 :par (adv) on, pon; above; pward; over; | HH extra income;
| sperficial externally, sperficially; the "lmighty; | to be senior in
stats or office.
3| :pari: (a) pper; sperficial, artificial, showy.
34 :b (nf) boredom, tedim, monotony.
34s%4s :ba%kha:ba (a) neven; rogh and rgged.
34 :bn$: (v) to be bored, to feel irked.

:bh%ch:bh (nf) floating and sinking, sbmerging and emerging; prolonged

indecisive deliberation.
3H# :r'asswi: (a) energetic, vigoros, fll of vigor and vitality; ! (a);
! (nf) vigorosness, vitality, energy.
3H :r'a: (nf) energy; vigor and vitality; !7 energetics.
3H :r'it (a) energetic, fll of energy.
3 :rna:bh (nm) a spider.
3 :rdhw (a) vertical; pward; vertical#pward movement; emancipation,
salvation; !H moving vertically; attaining salvation; !T ambitios; looking beyond
the world; !| the heaven, other world; 4

the ,enith.
3H :rdhva:dhar (a) vertical.
3H :rm2 (nf) see 3H .
3H H :rm2ma:la: (nf) ndlation; (a series of) waves.
3H :rmil (a) wavy; ndlating#ndlatory.

:l%'al:l (a) slob, slipslop, irrelevant, absrd, ridiclos; hence ! (nm).

3H :shm$k (nm) a heater.
3H :shm$sah (a) heatproof.
3H :shm$: (nf) heat; warmth.
3HH :shm$:dha:rita: (nf) thermal capacity.
3H :shmi:y (a) thermal.
3 :sar (a and nm) barren or fallow (land); | literally, tilling a barren land
wasting one&s indstry, ndertaking an impossible task.
3 :ha: (nf) flight of imagination; far%fetched imagination, exaggerative
comprehension; !| reflection on pros and cons (of a problem); indecisive reflection.
%% ;(( %%
# rithe seventh vowel and the seventh letter of the Devna:gri: alphabet. Dn @indi,
however, # is sed in writing only cH words, and is not accepted as a vowel within
the @indi phonetic set%p.
## rika:r (nm) the letter # (ri) and its sond; ! (a word) ending in # (ri).
#4 rikth (nm) inheritance, legacy; ! an inheritor.
# rigved (nm) the earliest of the for Medas ; !| well%versed in, and acting
according to, the +igved.
# richa: (nf) a Medic hymn.

ri' (a) straight; simple; not crooked; ! straightness; simplicity, sincerity.

# ri (nm) a debt; loan; mins; !0 indebted; 6 indebtedness; !# the three
debts ( # #4#, I# i.e. those of the gods, the preceptor and the
parents); ! a creditor; ! bond; secrity; !H

debt%free, free from debt;


@#|H repayment of a debt.

#cH ria:tm$k (a) negative; pertaining to or concerning a debt.
#H ria:dha:r (nm) a secrity.
# ri2: (a) indebted; (nm) a debtor.
# rit (nm) trth; righteosness; divine law.

rit (nf) season; ! the period of menstral discharge, the period of menses;
!H a woman in her menses; !7 meteorology; ! weather%proof.
#@ riddhi (nf) prosperity, accomplishment; %@ wealth and prosperity.
#4 rishi (nm) a sage, seer; preceptor; !~ saintly.
9 ethe seventh vowel and the seventh letter of the present day Devna:gri: alphabet.
UDf # (ri), and also

(Dri), are taken into accont 9 becomes theninthV; o?, a vocative

particle; ('st) listen ?
9 s%H s Ca:%bCa: (a) topsy%trvy, incoherent; nsystematic.

emblens (nf) an amblance.

9 ek (a) one, a, single, alone; (nm) the nmber one; %HH one or two, a few; %9 each
and every; one at a time; 6 one
%% ;(; %%
by one; ! resolte, determined; like%minded; !U having absolte athority,
atocratic; !H completely identified (with one another); in complete nion;
! atocracy; ! atocratic; 67 atocratic rle; ! %
9| atocratic system of government; !~ one%storeyed; ! intent; harmonic;
! harmoniosness, harmony; ! a monochord; one%stringed instrment;
! having perfect rhythm; !HH#HH| having common attribte or characteristic;
!8 devoted to or having faith in one; hence !8, !H nilateral; hence
!H; %4% 9 all of a sdden; !4 all at once; !HH see !~;
!H#H nanimos, having complete concord; !H

in one lot, in a lmp sm;

! monotonos; constant; 6 monotony; !F niform; 6niformity; !H niform,
homogeneos; 6 niformity, homogeneity; 4H one post, a hndred
candidates;H to have absoltely no liking (for somebody or something) ;
to have extreme#complete aversion (to); H 4| to treat one and all
alike; %9 s s lit. to hold each shell with one&s teeth his money
comes from him like drops of blood, to be excessively stingy#parsimonios; %9
|#s | each moment to weigh heavily on the mind; H


| H
between the devil and the deep sea, between 1cylla and the Jharybdis; %
to earn enormos profits, to reap a bmper harvest of profits; H 9
| lit. one and one make eleven& strength lies in nion; |
to level exaggerated charges (against somebody); to mltiply accsations; |

to pay back with interest, to pay back ten to one in the same coin;
s | 9|s a lone soldier cannot win a battle;

| patient men
win the day;H 9 H nited in sol and heart; tre, sincere and in complete
mtal harmony; | ||, 4 H|| 4 U|| those cast in the same mold are
almost in all respects, members of the same family en'oy stats;
| 4 to kill two birds with one stone; | %4 birds of the same
feather#flock, cast in the same mold; %%9 one or the other; all efforts to
prove in vain# of no avail; H a lone example is better than a hndred

#H to trn a deaf ear; | H to kill two birds with one

stone; H H diet cres more than doctors; s to be ever
ready to serve, to carry ot commands; 9
H 3s to brsh aside, to blow p
into thin air; HU|

# 4 | 7 one dirty fish infects the

whole mass of water; + H | two of a trade seldom agree; |
to rle all men with the same rod; | two heads are better than one;
nanimosly; | |4H it takes two to make a .arrel; |
, |
%% ;() %%
to harp on the same string.
9 ekak (nm) a nit.
9 ekka:lik (a) synchronic, synchroni,ing.
9 ekak (adv) withot blinking, withot a wink.
9s eka (nf) an acre.
9# ekt$ntr (nm) atocracy; ! | an atocrat; atocratic; !cH,
! atocratic.
99 ektarfa: (a) nilateral; one way; one%sided; s0 an exparte decree;
9 a nilateral decision, an ex%parte 'dgment.
9 ekta: (nf) oneness; nity, solidarity.
9 ekattr (a) together, in one place, collected.
9 ekatri:kara (nm) collections; collecting together, accmlation.
9 ekattrit (a) collected, accmlated, gathered.
9c ekattv (nm) see 9; ! monism; !| monist (ic).
9H ekd$m (ind) sddenly, in one breath; completely; (a) perfect.
9 ekdeshi:y (a) belonging to one and the same contry; locali,ed, restricted in
extent or scope.
9H ekpakshi:y (a) nilateral, ex%parte; hence ! (nf).
9#c ekpatn2:ttv (mn) monogamy; %9 monogamy; !| a monogamist;
! monogamy.
9+ ekpa:rshvik (a) nilateral; one%sided.
94 ekba:rgi: (adv) all at once, all of a sdden.
94 ekbha:shik (a) monolingal (for a dictionary, books, etc.).
94 ekbha:shi: (a) monolingal (for men).
9H ekm$t (a) having complete accord; nanimos.
9H ekm$:ttr (a) sole; solitary; the only one.

ekmsht (a and adv) lmp (sm); in a lmp, lot.

9 ekraga: (a) monochrome; not diverse.
9F ekr:p (a) niform.
9F ekr:pta (nf) niformity.
9 ekal (a) single; alone, solitary.
9 eklingita: (nf) nisexalism.
9 eklingi: (a) nisexal.
9 ekvach$n (a) singlar (nmber).
9# ekva:d (nm) monism; !| monist(ic).
9 ekviva:h (nm) monogamy.
9 eksadni: (a) nicameral.
9H eks$m (a) niform; even.
9 eksar (a) even; flly stretched#nfolded.
9 eksa:r (a) even, niform; smooth.

eks:ttr (a) coordinated; well%knit; to string together, to nify, to

harmonise into a whole.

eks:ttrata: (nf) coordination; the state of being well%knit.

9 ekassv (nm) patent.
9 ekassvada:ta: (mn) a patentor.
9 ekassvarta: (nf) monotony; the state of having one voice.
9 ekassvi: (nm) a patentee.
9| ek$:ki: (a and nm) one act (play); ! a one%act play% wright.
9 ek$:gi: (a) partial; biassed; one%sided.
9 ek$:nt (a) exclsive; (mn) solitde; seclsion; ! residing in solitde#seclsion;
! a
%% ;(/ %%
reclse, one who resides in seclsion.
9 ek$:ntata: (nf) privacy; seclsion, secldedness.
9 ek$:ntar (a) alternate.
9 ek$:ntar$ (nm) alternation.
9 ek$:ntik (a) exclsive; absolte, private.
9 eka: (nm) oneness; nity, solidarity.
9#9 eka:ek (adv) sddenly, nexpectedly, all at once; also!9|.
9 eka:ka:r (a) identical; fsed; merged (into one).
9| eka:ki: (a) lonely, solitary; single; ! (a feeling of) loneliness; hence ! (nf).
90 eka:ggr (a) concentrated on the same point, intent, resolte; ! closely
attentive, having fll concentration.
90 eka:ggrata: (nf) concentration (of mind), resolteness.
9cH eka:tm (a) forming one identity, identical, integrated (into one); ! monistic;
! mono% psychism.
9 eka:dashi: (nf) the eleventh day of either fortnight of a lnar month.
9H eka:dh (a) one or two, a few.
9H eka:dhik (a) more than one; several.
9H# eka:dhika:r (nm) monopoly; !| a monopolist.
9H eka:dhipati (nm) an absolte rler; exclsive master.
9Hc eka:dhipatty (nm) exclsive sway, absolte mastery; atocracy.
9# eka:r (nm) the vowel e (9) and its sond; ! (a word) ending in e (9).
9 eka:rthak (a) nivocal.
9H eka:shm$k (a) monolithic.
9|# eki:kar$ (nm) integration; amalgamation; !

integrated; nited; also

! (nm); !

9 sH eke
am2: (nf) an academy.
9 +# ekeshshvarva:d (nm) monotheism; !| a monotheist; monotheistic.
9|7H ekonm$:d (nm) monomania.
94 ekka: (nm) see 4.
94 eksre (nm) an x%ray; x%ray department.
9H e'e (nm) an agent.
9H e'ensi (nf) an agency.
9| earn2: (nm) an attorney; H attorney general.
9 elas (nm) an atlas.
9s| e
voke (nm) an advocate.
9s# e
iar (nm) an editor; !| editorship; an editor&s work or office.
9s e
ish$n (nm) an edition.
9s e (nf) spr; stroke of the heel; to strike with the heel or apply the spr; to
9s ei: (nf) heel; 9s s to rn abot nder the stress of circmstances; %||
H| # 9 to leave no stone ntrned, to pt in all possible
efforts; || from head to foot.
9 etadarth (ind) ad hoc; H an ad hoc committee.
94# etba:r (nm) confidence, trst, belief; !| trstworthy.
9H etm$:d (nm) trst, faith.
9H etra:, (nm) ob'ection, exception.
9 eta:vat (a) so mch, this mch; H only this mch, ths far and no more.
9H enemal (nm) enamel.
99s efi
evi (nm) an affidavit.
9 s er$ (nm) castor;9 regma.
%% ;(0 %%
9 elchi: (nm) an envoy, emissary.
94H elb$m (nm) an albm.
9 el$:n (nm) an annoncement, a declaration.
9H ela:rm (nm) alarm; s an alarm clock; an alarm chain.
9 ev$m (ind) and; as also;


) 9e it so?, Fhs may it be?

9H eva, (nm) sbstittion; H in lie of, in exchange of.
9H ev,i: (nm) sbstitte; (a) officiating, acting; relieving.
94 esh$: (nf) wish, strong desire.
94 eshai:y (a) covetable, worth%desiring (for); hence ! (nf).
9s esi
(nm) an acid.
94| esembli: (nf) an assembly.
9 ehtiya:t (nm) precation; ! by way of precation; 9 precationary;
6 | precationary measre.
9 ehs$:n (nm) obligation; beneficence; !9H| ngratefl; H to remind
(one) of the favors conferred, to brden a person with obligation, to do a good trn and
to make it a brden for the obliged; H to feel obliged.
9H ehs$:nm$nd (a) gratefl; obliged; hence |.
9 ehsa:s (nm) feeling.
9 aithe eighth vowel and the eighth letter of modern Devna:gri: alphabet. (Df # (ri)

(lri) are also to be taken into accont, it becomes the tenth); 8?, a vocative; 'st
listen ?
9 $2chna: (v) to pll; to draw; to drag; to snatch.
9 $2cha:ta:n$: (a)
9 $2cha:ta:ni: (nf) maniplation and manoevring, tgging and plling, strggle
inspired by selfish motives.
9U $2chhn$: (v) to comb (hair).
9 $2 (nf) twist, twine, ply; tor.e; convoltion; stiffness; conceit; perk; to
contine one&s emotional psrge within one self; stiff#perky, conceited.
9 $2$n (nf) convoltion, twist; torsion, contortion.
9 $2n$: (v) to twist; to contort; to extort; to warp; to fleece; to cramp; to be
conceited#perky; to stiffen.

$2: (a) perky; arrogant, conceited.

9 s $2a:n$: (v) to stretch one&s limbs to relax, to have it easy.
9H aindr'a:lik (nm) a sorcerer, magician; hypnotist; (a) pertaining to sorcery,
9 $2ndriy (a) sensal, pertaining to senses; also ! (a).
9Hc aikm$ty (nm) nanimity,
%% ;(3 %%
complete accord.
9 aik$:ntik (a) exclsive, withot exception; hence ! (nf).
9c+ aika:tmy (nm) identity, oneness.
9# aika:r (nm) the vowel ai (9) and its sond; ! (a word) ending in ai (9).
94 aik (nm) an act (of a legislatre or of a play).
94 aikar (nm) an actor.
94 aikres (nf) an actress.
94 aikky (nm) nity; identity, oneness.
9U aichchhik (a) optional, volntary; 4 an optional sb'ect.
9sH ai
miral (nm) an admiral.
9s ai
v$:ns (nm) an advance.
9s| ai
voke (nm) an advocate.
9 aitiha:sik (a) historic, historical; ! historicity; historical genineness;

historic age.
9H aitihy (nm) tradition.
9 $2n (a) exact, 'st; in the nick of time, 'st then, 'st in time, at the
eleventh hor.
9 ain$k (nf) spectacles.
94 aib (nm) defect; vice; ! defective, having lapses or demerits; hence !| (nf).
94 aibi: (a) defective, falty; having defective limbs; vicios.
9 aiya:r (a) shrewd, wily, sly; (nm) a shrewd person, skilled maniplator having the
re.isites of a gifted detective.
9| aiya:ri: (nf) wiliness, shrewdness; 'ob or profession of an 9.
9 aiya:sh (a and nm) (a) debach, lewd; one addicted to lxrios life.
9 aiya:shi: (nf) debachery, lewdness, lechery; living in lxry.
9%" aira:%gSaira: (a) inferior, trifling; alien, having no stats; c

~ Fom, Dick and @arry, Fag%rag and bobtail; 6| to follow in the crowd of
9 aira:vat (nm) the mythological elephant of Dndra, Jhief of gods.
9 ail$:n (nm) see 9.
9 aish (nm) sensos pleasre, en'oyment, lxry; ! wedded#given to sensal
en'oyment#pleasre, lxry%loving; hence !; !7 lxrios, lxry%loving;
%H%HH lxry, lxry and comfort; %H% lxry and sensal
pleasre#en'oyment; 3s#

to revel in pleasre#with sensal en'oyment.

9+ aishvary (nm) oplence; prosperity, glory and grander; !#| oplent;
9 aisa: (a) sch, of this type; % trifling, of no conse.ence;
insignificant; 9 (|) an absive expression (directed towards something or
someone); down (with him); 6 #6 H H damn it, let it go to hell, to damn
with feint praise.
9 aise (adv and a) in this way, ths; (a) sch, of this type.
9 aihlakik (a) mndane, worldly, earthly; seclar, terrestrial;
! mndaneness, worldliness; 6 seclar, mndane.
9 aihik (a) mndane, worldly, seclar; ! mndaneness, worldliness; seclarity.
%% ;(4 %%
H othe ninth vowel and the ninth letter of modern Devna:gri: alphabet.
(Df # K

are to be taken into accont, it becomes the eleventh); 8 ?, a vocative

H oka:r (nm) the sacred and mystical syllable om (3 ).
H ok (nm) the hollow of a palm#the two palms formed into a cp (as for drinking
H okn$: (v) to vomit.
H oka:2: (nf) nasea, feeling of vomitting.
H# oka:r (nm) the vowel and the sond 8 (H); ! (a word) ending in H (8).
H| okhli: (nf) a mortar (for ponding grain in); H to be ready to
ndertake risks and face ordeals deliberately, to take p a difficlt challenge; H
| H

| 4 s over shoes over boots.

H ogh (nm) aggregate, mltitde, collection.
HU ochha: (a) petty, mean, low, trifling; small; shallow; ! pettiness, meanness,
smallness; shallowness; to hit below the belt.
HH o' (nm) vigor and virility; lstre, splendor; ! vigoros and virile, brilliant;
hence ! (nf.).
H$ o'hal (a) ot of sight; evanescent; | to get ot of sight.
H$ o'ha: (nm) an exorcist, one who cres by the magic of charms.
H o (nm) a cover, shelter; to take shelter#cover.
H on$: (v) to gin; to boil (a for long.
H oa: (nm) a small raised chair%like platform.
H o (nm) a lip; 4 to be in fry#rage; 9s throbbing of the lips
signifying sppressed rage; H| on the verge of being ttered,.
Hd on$: (v) to cover (the body) with; to own p; (nm) covering, covering sheet,
etc.; %4U covering and bedding, total belongings#possessions; Hd 4U (said
of a thing when it is) tterly insfficient; of no avail.
Hd on2: (nf) a woman&s mantle; 4 (for women) to become intimate friends.
H%9| otapprot (a) fll of, ins pired#permeated by#infsed with.
H9 of (ind) 8h ?; "h me ?, an expression of pain, grief, wonder, etc.
HH Am (nm) the sacred word prefixed and sffixed to the Meda mantras symbolising
Eod "lmighty.
H or (nm) side, direction; beginning.
H%U| or%chhor (nm) the beginning and the end; the two ends; |
%% ;(5 %%
to have neither a beginning nor an end, stretched endlessly, to have an immeasrable
H| ori: (nf) eaves, pro'ecting edges of a thatching.
H olti: (nf) eaves.
H ola: (nm) a hailstone, hail.
H| ovarko (nm) an overcoat.
H# ovarsiyar (nm) an overseer; !| and overseer&s position or 'ob.
H4H oshadhi (nf) a medicinal herb; medicine.
H8 osh (nm) see H.
H oshy (a) labial; a labial letter.
H os (nf) dew; H| lit. a pearl of dew, i. e. something very shortlived;
| 4

$ dew drops can scarcely .ench one&s thirst; sto lose

H osar (nf) a yong cow or bffalo yet to reprodce.
H os$:n$: (v) to winnow.
H# osa:ra: (nm) a verandah or shed; also !| (nf).
H oh (int) oh? an exclamation of sorrow or wonder, etc.
H# ohda: (nm) post; designation; rank, stats; ! 94 ex%officio, by virte
of an office.
H # ohdeda:r (nm) an officer; an office%bearer; !| an office; official position.
H| oho (ind) alas ? an expression of regret.
H athe tenth vowel and the tenth letter of the Devna:gri: alphabet (exclsive
of # and

which are not accepted as @indi vowels by modern phoneticians).

H $=th (nf) border; rim (of a tensil); 3 to reclaim waste land.
H s $=a: (a) deep; ! depth.
H #H $=dha: (a) pside down, inverted, overtrned, with the face downwards; !H
|s perverted, stpid; blockhead; !H H
procmbent; prostrate; face downwards.
H H $=dha:n$: (v) to trn pside down; to overtrn.
H ans (nm) (an) once.
H4 a.a:t (nf) stats; capability; ,4H at times; |, to be
aware of one&s stats.
H# aka:r (nm) the letter a (H) and its sond; ! (a word) ending in a (H).
Hs agha (nm) a carefree and nsophisticated man; an ncoth person; (a) carefree;
difficlt (to deal with).
H achak (ind) all of a sdden, abrptly.
Hc achitty (nm) propriety, appropriateness; validity.
Hc% achitty%stha:p$n (nm) rationalisation; establishment
%% ;(7 %%
of the propriety (of).
HH a,a:r (nm) an instrment.
H an$: (v) to contine to boil (for a long time) with a slow fire.
H# apa:y (nm) mischief, mischievos activity; ! mischievos, naghty
H aa:n$: (v) to (case to) boil (with a slow fire) for a long time.
Hd aar (a) easily propitiated, easy to please; a bontifl giver, one who
gives away with a free hand.

4 atskky (nm) see 3c

H ada:ry (nm) see 3.
H| adi:chchy (a) pertaining to or belonging to the north.
H@c addhatty (nm) incivility, impertinence, rdeness, haghtiness.
H| addyogik (a) indstrial; ! indstrialism;

indstrial age.
H|# addyogi:kar$ (nm) indstrialisation; !

H% $=nC%p$=nC (a) at a discont, below par, at a lesser price; to sell ot at
a discont.
H apcha:rik (a) formal; ceremonial; ! formality; ceremoniality.
H apniveshik (a) colonial, pertaining to a dominion; H a dominion;
H dominion stats.
H7 apanny$:sik (a) pertaining to, or of the natre of, a novel; (nm) a novelist.
H ar (conj) and; (adv) more; else; other; H something other than, something
entirely different; | H other things apart, leaving other things, let alone other
H arat (nf) a woman; wife.
H aras (a) legitimate (child) ; ! legitimacy.
HH | ar'iki: (nf) energetics.
H ala:d (nf) a progeny, an offspring.
H aliya: (nm) a mslim saint or sage.
H4H ashadh (nm) a medicine, drg.
H4H ashadha:lay (nm) a dispensary.
H4H ashadhi:y (a) medicinal, medical.
H4H| ashadhopcha:r (nm) medical treatment.
H asat (a) average; (nf; also nm) the average; mean; ! on an average.
H as$:n (nm) wits, presence of mind; | to be like a dck in
thnderstorm, to lose wits, to be demoralised;

to nnerve, to pt in a .andry.
H asa:n$: (v) to winnow.
%% ;(: %%

kathe first consonant and the first member of the first pentad (i.e. ) of the
Devna:gri: alphabet: alphabet; "9J, rdiments of any sb'ect; 6Hto know
the "9J (of any sb'ect).
s k$ka (nm) a gravel, pebble; small piece of stone; %c lit. pebble and stone
i.e. trash, rbbish; s a small piece of gravel.
k$k$ (nm) a bracelet.
| k$kri: (nm) concretea mixtre of gravel, lime, cement and sand;
strong; nbreakable.
| k$kri:la: (a) strewn with gravels, gravelly.
k$ka:l (nm) a skeleton, bare physical frame; ! 4 redced to#trned into a
k$ka:lini: (a and nf) (a) .arrelsome (woman).
| k$khva:ri: (nf) an armpit%boil.
| k$khari: (nf) see |.
k$g$n (nm) see ; also .
k$gn2: (nf) cornice, hori,ontal molded pro'ection crowning a bilding, etc.
F k$ga:r: (nm) a kangaroo.
k$ga:l (nm) a paper, poor man; (a) penniless, impecnios; 4 a penniless
dandy; ,| poor as a chrch%mose.
| k$ga:li: (nf) penry, poverty; paperism, paperdom; H H yet
another misery for an already miserable man, yet another stroke for the stricken.

# k$g:ra: (nm) niched battlement (of a castle); an ornamental cornice; trret;

! having niched battlement, trreted.
# kagha: (nm) a comb; comb%shaped appliance for weaving; ! a small comb;
6|| make% p, dressing p.
k$ch$n (nm) gold; golden (physical) frame, beatifl figre.

k$chk (nm) brassieres; armor.

| k$chki (nf) brassieres; a sentinel of the royal hosehold, a door%keeper.

H ka' (nm) lots.
H k$'ar (nm) a nomadic tribe (or a member thereof); (a) low% born; shabby; hence
!# (nm).
#H k$'a: (a) having greyish ble eyes; !H greyish ble.

k$':s (a) miserly, miser, niggardly, parsimonios; %H4

| to skin a

k$':si: (nf) miserliness, parsimony, niggardliness.

k$ak (nm) see ;| to be an obstacle; to be troblesome.
k$2ya: (nf) a fishing hook; a small nail.
| k$i:la: (a) thorny, prickly;
%% ;;( %%
hence! (nm).
k$ (nm) the throat; neck; larynx, voice%box; % vocal msic;
! memorised, committed to memory; ! a necklace; to memori,e;

to become vocal; 9

to make an tterance, to start speaking; 4 to

develop a sore throat; the voice to trn hoarse; H in one voice, in tne, (with);
to take in a few drops of water; | to be memorised, to be committed to
0 kaa:gr (a) committed to memory, on the tip of tonge.
| kai: (nf) a string of small beads (of

etc.) donned esp. by Maishavas as a

matter of faith; !H| one who dons a |; U

to swear by the |; |s to
renonce the faith (and take to wine and meat etc.); 4H# to be initiated
in the faith, to become a .
k$y (a) gttral; # a gttral sond.
s4# k$akar (nm) a condctor; !| the post or 'ob of a condctor.
s k$ara: (nm) a tendon.
s k$a: (nm) a cowdng cake; | to become very lean and thin; the body to be
stiffenedto die; to become hard and stiff.
s k$ika: (nf) a para#paragraph.
s k$i: (nf) a basket.
s k$i:l (nf) a lamp (made of paper clay or mica).
k$ntha: (nm) a patch%work garment; !H| an ascetic.
k$nd (nm) an esclent tber%root; sgar candy; an edible root (radish, etc.)
k$ndara: (nf) a cave, cavern.
| kandi:l (nf) see s.
H k$ndha: (nm) a sholder; s to lose heart, to be demoralised; to shn
responsibilities; to be a coffin%bearer (of), to lend a sholder in carrying a dead
body; H H U to be over%crowded (so as to have sholders rbbing with
one another); H H H to stand sholder to sholder with somebody, to lend
fll cooperation; H| H (responsibility etc.) to devolve on, to be sholdered
by; H| 3 to sholder (responsibility etc.); to give a rosing welcome.
k$mp (nm) see .
k$mp$n (nm) tremor; .ivering, trembling; shivering; vibration.
k$mpan2: (nf) a company.
3 s# k$mpa:=ar (nm) a componder; hence!| (nf).
H k$mpa:ym$:n (a) tremlos#trembling; .ivering; shivering; wavering.
kampit (a) trembled; .ivered, shivered; wavered.
4 k$mbal (nm) a blanket, rg.
kakehra: (nm) alphabet, "9J (of something).
# kaka:r (nm) the consonant (k) and its sond; ! (a word) ending in (k).
s kaki: (nf) a kind of ccmber.
kakaiya: (nf) a kind of small and strong brick.
4 kakka: (nm) ncle.
H kaksh (nm) a room, chamber; armpit; side, flank.
H kaksha: (nf) class, class%room;
%% ;;; %%
| kakhari: (nf) an armpit%boil; also |, |.
kaga:r (nm) a precipice, scarp.
# kachkach (nf) an altercation; a chattering#clattering noise; ! to altercate; to
chatter; to make clattering noise.
kachna:r (nm) the tree ,auhinia variegata (its bds are sed as vegetable and its
flowers in medical prescriptions); | | a bd of .
kachra: (nm) refse, rbbish; sweepings; debris; bree,ing.
| kachri: (nf) Cucumis madraspatanus (a small frit of the melon family).
| kachehri: (nf) a cort of 'stice, cort of law;H H to take recorse to legal
kacha:i: (nf) rawness; imperfection; inexperience.
H kach$:y$dh (nf) (the smell or toch of) rawness.

kacha:l: (nm) the esclent root "rum colocasia; #4 to give a sond


H kach:mar (nm) anything well%crshed; # to make mincemeat of

a person, to crsh, to pond thoroghly; to render (something) nserviceable by careless
| kacho (nf) a lingering agony; smarting pain; ! to experience a lingering agony;
to be smarted.
| kachari: (nf) a cake made of flor stffed with brised plse or boiled potato
etc. fried in ghee or oil.
kachcha: (a) ncooked; nboiled; raw, nripe; green; crde; incomplete,
nfinished; rogh; imperfect, immatre; inathentic; dobtfl; vage; weak; bilt of
md%bricks; provisional; not fast (as sleep, color); (H)H, a temporary
cltivator; one who is not sincere in one&s dealings; an nsteady man; to pt to
shame, to abash; to baste; "H a provisional docment; H lit. to swallow
p nroastedit denotes an angry otbrst;s an inexperienced strategist;
s nbaked earthen pot; an impressionable mind;4 H see H;
bonafide detailed accont, inside story, real tale; %4 half%cooked; half%baked;
s to prove navailing#ineffective; H raw material; not fast color,
color that will wash ot; an ntrained hand; 3 immatre age,
impressionable age; | a bdding beaty; || lit. to &play with
md marbles&to act in an inexperienced manner; not to hold all strings nder
control; || | to be nobody&s fool, to have learnt the tricks of the
trade; H4 loose talk; &slander, reviling tterance, abse; H
H to awaken when one has not had fll sleep; %4| nconfirmed; %
4| to scold rondly, to take to task; 4| a rogh accont book;
4 loose talk; nconfirmed report; | articles of food not prepared or fried in
ghee (as rice, plses, etc.).
U kachchhap (nm) tortoise, trtle; the second incarnation of *ord
U# kachha:r (nm) allvial land, moist low%lying land by a river; !|

H allvion,
%% ;;) %%

kachha: (nm) a trtle, tortoise; %HH tortoise%like condct to keep to oneself,

to be averse to external contact.
H ka' (nf) a defect, flaw.
H| ka'li: (nf) a typical folk%song (sng dring the rainy season); a black%eyed cow;
also H|.
4H .a,a: (nf) death; destiny; H to fall nder the shadow of death.
4H .a,ia: (nm) .arrel; wrangle.
kaak (nm) a cantonment; an army.
kakaa:n$: (v) to gnash; to prodce a snapping or cracking sond.
kakhan$: (a) snappish, prone to bite; of aggressive disposition.
ka$n (nf) incision; marks of ctting; off%ct; erosion.
kana: (v) to be ct, to be wonded (by a blade etc.); to die in battle; to be
destroyed; to pass away time; to complete (a 'orney, etc.); to be ashamed; to be
disconnected; to be deprived of; to be made to part with; H to battle to
death; harvesting; % to keep away (from), to avoid contact or
coming face to face (with); to keep a distance; H Us to add inslt to
in'ry; %|#%H| .arrelling; violent hostilities, bloodshed.
kapi:s (nm) ctpiece (cloth).
kara: (nm) an enclosed yard (for residential prposes or trned into a market
place); a bffalo calf.
kaw$: (a) ct or ripped p, split p; dedcted; H simple interest (on actal
kaehra: (nm) see .
kahal (nm) the 'ack tree or its frit.
kaa:i: (nf) harvesting; ctting; ctting charges.
| kaa:kai: (nf) bloodshed, bloody enconter; hostilities.
H kaa:ksh (nf) a side%glance, ogling; leer, tant, tanting remark; to make a
tanting#obli.e remark.
%9 kaa:phaa: (a) ct and torn; mtilated.
# kaa:r (nf) a dagger, poniard; !| a stiletto, small dagger.
kaa:w (nm) erosion; recess; trim, trimming.
kai (nf) loin, waist; lmbar, !4H a girdle, belt; ,one; !4 H ,onal; !4@ girt p;
ready, resolved.

ka (a) bitter, vitriolic; npleasant; ! bitterness; npleasantness.

ka:kti (nf) a bitter tterance, castic#npleasant remark.

| kaord$:n (nm) a tiffin%carrier.
|# kaora: (nm) a big bowl; !| a small bowl.
kaati: (nf) rebate, discont; dedction; redction; ct;9 a ct%motion.
kaar (a) strict; obdrate; dogmatic; fanatic; rabid; ! obdracy; dogmatism,
bigotry; fanaticism; ! a diehard, religioner; dogmatic; fanatic, bigot; !(nm)
see .
# kaghara: (nm) a bar, dock; wooden enclosre#palisade; ! H s to
bring into the dock, to bring befoe the bar.

| kaptli: (nf) a pppet; an nderling; |, H

%% ;;/ %%
to be a pppet in somebody&s hand, to dance to the tne of.
4 kabaid (nm) a .ack.

~ kamlla: (nm) a bigot, fanatic; .ack religios leader; hence ! (nm).

# kain (a) difficlt, ardos; togh; stiff, hard; severe; !# difficlty.
| kaor (a) hard; severe, stern, stringent; rogh; crel; rigid, rigoros;
! hardness; stringency; crelty; severity, rigidity, rigor#rigorosness; 6 rigorism;
! heartless, hard%hearted, crel; hence ! (nf).
s kaak (nf) crack, thnder, sdden sharp noise; vigorosness; (a) strong; vigoros.
ss kakaa:n$: (v) to crack#crackle (as oil etc. when boiling); to break with a
cracking sond; to decrepitate.
ss kakaa:ha (nf) crackling sond, thndering sond; decrepitation.
s kaakn$: (v) to crackle; to thnder; to break p with a crack.
s| kaaki: (nm) indigence, extreme scarcity, poverty; HH hard days; H
| to be hard p, to be tight.
s kawa: (a) bitter; npleasant; ! to get bitter; to become averse, to feel sore; to
have a brning sensation (as in the eyes); mstard oil; hence!(nm);
! bitterness; npleasantness; s H4 bitter vitriolic speech#tonge.
s kaa: (a) hard; strict; stiff; harsh, crel; ardos; sharp; rigid; strong; (nm) a bangle,
metal ring; !#! stiffness; hardness; harshness; strictness; sharpness; rigidity;
HHH stiff#harsh#stern natre; s to adopt a stiff attitde, to become stern;
hence s (fem.).
s# kaa:ka: (nm) a lod crack; going withot food, a rigid fast; ! severe
(as Hs); sharp.
s# kaa:h (nm) a big boiling pan, frying pan; caldron; !| (dimintive, nf).
s kai: (nf) a small beam; rafter, 'oist; link; line of a song; (a) see s; |
, ( O9) to crack down pon, to take strong action (against).

H kaa: (a) see s; mstard oil.

d kaa:i: (nf) embroidery; the process or act of embroidering; a hge frying pan.
d| kai: (nf) crry, a preparation consisting of gram flor dressed with spices and
sor milk (i.e. dahi:); 34 momentary excitement; H s#|a pebble
in the pdding.
k$ (nm) a particle; an iota, very small .antity; granle, grain; H in each
and every particle, everywhere.
k$2ka: (nf) an atom, a particle (as of sand); grain, granle.
4 .atai: (adv and a) wholly, entirely; finally; certainly; final, conclsive.
katran (nf) ctting, off%ct, scrim; parings.
katarn$: (v) to clip, to chip; to ct; to pare; to scrim.
katarn2: (nf) scissors; nippers; to wag one&s tonge, to be too gabby.
%| katar%byAt (nf) contrivance, maniplation, ad'stment
%% ;;0 %%
and read'stment; to maniplate, to contrive.
4 .atra: (nm) a drop; fragment; ctting.
katra:n$: (v) to slink away (from); to go ot of the way (of), to avoid an
enconter or coming face to face.
katwa:r (nm) sweepings, dregs; rbbish, refse; a spinner; !O a refse%bin.
4 .ata: (nm) breaking, ctting; a portion; !~

4 breaking off relation (with).

kata:i: (nf) (the act of or wages paid for) spinning.
4 .ata:r (nf) a line, row; series; 4 H to make # stand in a row.
katipay (a) some, a few; several.
kattal (nf) a chip, piece, chipping#ctting.
c katthai: (a) catech%colored.
c katthak (nm) a @ind tribe specialising in dancing and singing; a kind of
classical system of dancing;

c a typical classical dance.

c kattha: (nm) catech -erra japonica.
4c .atl (nm) mrder; slaghter; 9%HH general massacre.
()| kath(tha:)kali: (nf) a typical classical Dndian dance style.
4s kathakka (nm) a professional story%teller, one who recites old traditional tales.
kath$n (nm) saying, statement, tterance; speech.
kathni: (nf) anything said or ttered; speech; H profession and
practice; | brag is a good dog bt holdfast is better.
kathn2:y (a) worth saying or narrating; describable; hence ! (nf).
| kathri: (nf) a patch%work bedding.
kath$:ntar (nm) a side%story, sbsidiary plot.
katha: (nf) a story, tale, fable; narrative; religios discorse; a featre film;
! the hero, main character; !H

lead, introdctory part of the story; !

plot; religios discorse and discssion; conversation on a variety of topics;
! a synopsis.
katha:n$k (nm) the plot.
kathit (a) said; told, mentioned; narrated.
| kathopkath$n (nm) dialoge (in a literary work).
katthy (nm) content, sb'ect% matter; (a) worthsaying.
4 kad$mb (nm) the tree .auclea cadamba.
4 .ad (nm) si,e; height; | statre; figre and frame; 4|4H statre, figre
and frame.
7 kad$nn (nm) coarse grain.
H kad$m (nm) see 4; see 4H.
4H .ad$m (nm) step, pace; foot% step; ! foot%rest in a latrine; 4%4H step by
step; in the foot% steps of; slowly; !4| kissing the feet (as a mark of deep respect or
for flattering); 3s to be swept off one&s feet; 3 to march apace, to make

H see !4| (); 4d to march forward; to step p one&s pace.

4 .adar (nf) extreme, absolte; see 4.
kadarthan$: (nf) harassment;
%% ;;3 %%
kada:ka:r (a) ldicros, absrd, gly (in form).
# kada:cha:r (nm) misbehavior, miscondct; corrption; !| delin.ent; wicked,
kada:chit (adv) perhaps, possibly, may be.
kada:pi (adv) ever; | never.
kada:shay (nm) malafide intent; (a) malafide, ill%meaning.
4|#H, !H .adi:#m, !m2: (a) old, ancient.
4 .adda:var (a) tall and towering, possessing an imposing statre.
kadd: (nm) pmpkin; gord; ! an implement for trning a gord, pmpkin, etc.
into parings.
4 .addr (nf) worth, merit; estimation, appreciation; !, ! a connoisser, 'st
appreciator; patron; ! 'st appreciation of somebody&s merits; patronage.
k$n (nm) see ; an allomorph of sed as the first member of compond
words; ! ear%cropt, earless; ! a big kite; !H

a centipede; !| a cap which

covers the ears; hood; !| temple; !s glandlar swelling at the root of the ear;
!4 whispering into the ears, whispering talk; !H one whose profession is to
remove wax from the ears.
kan$k (nm) see

; see |; see H

kankhi: (nf) an ogle, a leer, side%glance; a sign with an eye; H to eye
amorosly; to cast a side glance; to sign with an eye; | to cast a side
glance, to look in an obli.e manner, to ogle.

k$ngria: (nf) the little finger.

# k$nras (nm) a taste for msical or melodios voice; an ardent love for sweet
talks; hence ! (nm).
kan$star (nm) a canister.
4 .ana:t (nf) awning, crtain; can screen.
8 kanish (a) the yongest, 'nior most; hence ! (nf).
8 kanishika: (nf) the little finger.
kan2: (nf) a particle; broken piece of rice; diamond dst; drop; to commit
sicide by an intake of diamond dst.
H kan2:, (nf) a slave girl, hand% maid.
kaner (nf) oleanderthe plant or the flower.
s kanaa: (a) obliged, gratefl; ashamed, disgraced; (nm) a slave, person nder
extreme obligation.
kanati: (nf) the pointed end of a beast&s ear; 4 to prick p the ears (said
of a horse); to assme a catios postre.
7 kann$: (nm) edge, border; that part of the kite to which the string is tied; %d|
| to get demoralised; to fall into disarray; 7 3s# to come clean ot
from, to be ct off at the parts where it is tied (said of a kite); to be clean%swept, to be
thoroghly beaten.
7 kanni: (nf) border; the ends of a kite, edge; trowel; to slink away, to
evade, to fight shy of.
7 kanny$: (nf) a virgin; daghter;
%% ;;4 %%
girl; () virgo; ! possessing an effeminate disposition or temper; weakling;
! giving away a daghter in marriage.
7 kanhaiya: (nm) a corrpt form of

(see); a charming child or boy.

kapa (nm) frad, rse, gile; artifice; trickery; hypocrisy; dissimlation;
to defrad, to begile; fradlent act; hypocritic idea, trickery;

fradlent, hypocritical; sprios testimony; dissimlation,

artificial#hypocritical behavior or condct; | dissimlator, crafty, fradlent.
s kapa an allomorph of s sed as the first member in compond words;
!U thoroghly strained or sifted (throgh a piece of cloth).
s kapa: (nm) cloth; clothing; fabric; textile; clothings; articles of apparel;
clothes; s 3 to deprive of all belongings; to fleece; s
or (figratively) to take to an ascetic&s attire; to renonce the world.
kapa: (nm) (the leaves of) a door; shtter; slice; valve.
kapa:ika: (nf) a valve.
kapa:l (nm) the skll, head, cranim; destiny; a begging bowl; H the
ceremony of breaking the skll of a corpse before setting fire to the fneral pyre (a son
or one of the nearest relatives performs the ceremony); H a treaty on terms;
a bffer state.
kapa:s (nf) cotton; cotton%plant.
kapi (nm) a monkey.
kapila: (nf) a white or grey%colored cow, harmless cow; gentle woman; a
harmless person.

kap:t (nm) an nworthy or wicked son, an ndtifl son; (a) degenerate;


kap:r (nm) camphor.

| kapol (nm) cheek; ~ a cock and bll story, tale of a tbe; fancy, fantastic
imagination; !~ false, fantastic, fabricated.
kapt$:n (nm) a captain.
9 kaph (nm) phlegm, mcs; ! phlegmatic; ! anti% phlegmatic.
9 kaf (nm) a cff.
9 kaf$n (nm) shrod, pall; !|#| penny%pincher; penny pinching, stingy,
cheese%paring; | s to spend every penny (of one&s earnings); |
s | to be penniless; 9s 3 to rise from the grave; 9s
~ to shriek ot nexpectedly; 4H to be ready to risk life or cort
death; to engage in a perilos ventre.
4 H kab$ndh (nm) a torso.
4 kab (adv) when, at what time; 4 how often; rarely; since long, long back.
4s kabai: (nf) a typical otdoor Dndian game.
4 kabra: (a) spotted, mottled.
4| kabri: (nf) entwined hair formed into a braid; (a) feminine variant of 4 (see).
4s kaba: (nm) 'nk, scrap; any disorderly stff; ! a 'nk% store, 'nk%hose.
4s kaba:a: (nm); to spoil; to rain, to ndo; | to be spoiled; to be
rined, to be ndone.
4s, 4s kaba:ia:, kaba:i:
%% ;;5 %%
(nm) a 'nk dealer; one engaged in a low occpation.
44 kaba:b (nm) roasted meat, roast; collops or small pieces of meat, roasted on a
skewer or spit; H s | to be a skeleton at the feast, to be like a fly in the
ointment, to be an npalatable ingredient in a delicios dish; to be an nwelcome
intrder; |, (H%

) to brn with rage, to be enraged.

44 .aba:la: (nm) a transfer#sale deed.
4 kabi:la (nm) a tribe.
4 kabi:r (nm) a great mediaeval @indi poet; a type of pecliar folk songs (sp.
prevalent in H.<. and 9ihar) abonding in obscene langage.

kab:tar (nm) a pigeon; ! a pigeon hose, pigeon hole; dovecot; !4H one
who rears sporting pigeons; !4H rearing of sporting pigeons.

.ab:l (nm) agreement,consent; admission; confession; to admit; to

confess; , 9%9 to make a clean breast of.

.ab:ln$: (v) to agree; to admit; to concede; to confess.

4H .ab, (nm) constipation.
4H .ab,a: (nm) possession, occpation; a handle, grip; hinge; ! hinged; one who
holds possession, one who is in occpation (of), occpying; 4H to get
ready to strike#hit.
4H, 4H .ab,iyat, .ab,i: (nf) constipation.
4 .abbr (nf) a grave; | to devise ways and means for rination#destrction;
H 9 | to be on the brink of the grave, to have one foot in the grave, to be
on the verge of death; 3 H to escape death, to get a fresh lease of life.
4 .abrista:n (nm) a grave% yard, cemetery.
4 .abbl (ind) prior to, before.
kabhi: (ind) sometime; ever; sometimes, now and then, occasionally.
Hs kam$n
al (nm) the pot sed by mendicants.
H kam$nd (nf) a rope%ladder sed for scaling a bilding; a noose for entangling wild
animals etc.
H k$m (a) little, few, scanty; less; short, small; deficient; (adv) rarely; seldom;
!4 stpid, foolish, nwise; ! cross% breed, hybrid; base; 3 yong, yong
in age; 4|H cheap, low% priced; !O thrifty, frgal, economical; !O| thrift,
frgality, econony; !E4 brocade, silk wroght with gold and silver flowers;
! smaller; lesser; !| smallest; least; !4 nfortnate; hence !4; O
4 economical and yet of a sperior .ality; low cost, great show.
H kamchi: (nf) a strip of wood or bamboo, slender stick
HH| k$m,or (a) weak, feeble; ineffectal.
HH|| k$m,ori: (nf) weakness, feebleness; deficiency; debility.
H k$mti: (a) less, scanty; (nf) lack, deficiency, scarcity.
H k$mn2:y (a) lovely, beatifl; pretty; hence ! (nf).
H4E k$mbat (a) nfortnate, ill%fated, nlcky.
H4E k$mbati: (nf) misfortne, ill%lck, adversity; H fallen
%% ;;7 %%
in adversity, accrsed, ill%fated.
H kamar (nf) waist, loins, girdle; the middle part of something; !| a parapet,
protection wall; !|s lit. that which breaks the backardos, stringent; nbearable;
! a belt; !4 a girdle; to gird p one&s loins; to brace oneself p, to be all
set for action; $

to become old#feeble;

to be rendered hopeless; to be
demoralised, to lose all self%confidence; |s to break one&s back; 4 H to get
ready for, to resolve; H to relax for a while.
H k$mrakh (nm) a sor and pngently tasty frit; frit of "verrhoa carambola.
H kamra: (nm) a room, chamber.
H kamal (nm) a lots flower and its plant; s the root of lots; ! the seed
of lots; ! the lots%stalk.
H kamalin2: (nf) a small lots.
H| kamli: (nf) a small blanket.
H# kamsin (a) tenderly yong, of tender age; hence (nf).
H kama:i: (nf) earnings;

( ) bilt p (body%throgh exercise etc.), strong and

H3 kama:: (a) earning (a livelihood).
H kam$:n (nf) a bow; an arch, a crve; command.
H kam$:n$: (v) to earn; to merit; to process (leather etc.); to clean (w.c. etc.)
H kam$:n2: (nf) a spring; the trss worn by people sffering from hernia;
! fitted with a spring.
H kama:l (nm) a miracle, wonder; excellence; miraclos perfection; to
work wonders, to perform a miracle.

kama:st (a) earning; worthy.

H# kam2shnar (nm) a commissioner; !| a territory administered by a
commissioner; office of a commissioner.
H kam2: (nf) deficiency; shortage, pacity, lack, want, scarcity, scantiness; abatement;
defect; failing; redction.
HH kam2:, (nf) a shirt.
H kam2:n (a) mean; low%born; hence !, ! (nm).
H kam2nda:r (nm) a sniper.
H kam2:n$: (a) mean, wicked, vile; ! meanness, wickedness.
H kam2:sh$n (nm) commission (body of persons having athority or warrant
conferring athority in the army etc.); discont.
H| kamei: (nf) a committee.
H kamera: (nm) a workman, worker.
4H .ay$:m (nm) stay, halt, halting.
4H .ay$:m$t (nf) the day of 'dgment, the day of resrrection; annihilation,
destrction; | s a moment of extreme crisis; 4 to bring abot a
devastating crisis; to raise a commotion, to create a stir.
4 .aya:s (nm) gess, con'ectre.
#s kar$ (nm) hive; a bamboo basket; !s a kind of psedo%silken cloth.
kar (nm) a hand; ray; the trnk of an elephant; tax, dty, cstom; tribte; as a sffix
it imparts the sense of an agency (e.g.

that which gives pleasre); !

%% ;;: %%
palm (of a hand); 6 clapping, also ; !, ! tribtory; tax%paying or tax%
payer; ! taxable; H tax%assessment; !H


open palms
placed side by side in a hollowed position.
karka (nm) sed as the second member in the compond

s% meaningdregs;
rbbish, sweepings.
karakn$: (v) to prodce a painfl sensation, to prodce an itch (as when some
alien matter falls into the eye).
kargha: (nm) a weaver&s loom.
U|, U

, U

| karchhi:, karchhl, karchhli: (nf) a ladle.

kar$ (nm) articlation; articlator; instrmental case; an organ; instrment;
fnction; doing.
kar2:y (a) worth doing.
#4 kartab (nm) a feat; performance; exploits; skill; acrobatics, 'gglery;
!4 manoeverer, skilfl, dexteros.
karta: (nm) see .
karta:r (nm) the Jreator, the >aster.

kart:t (nf) misdeed, evil deed, doing.

H kardhan2: (nf) a girdle (of gold, silver or yarn etc.).

kar$nph:l (nm) see 9

karn$: (v) to do; to perform; to complete; to act; to execte; to commit; to hire; to
have as man or wife; to rn or set p (as

); to practise (as ); to solve

(as ); to cohabit; | | to bark p a wrong tree.
karn2: (nf) doing, deed; a mason&s trowel.
#4, !4 karab, karbi: (nf) the stalk of jua:r and ba:jra: sed as fodder.
H kar$m (nm) deed, doings; act, work, action; destiny, fate; mercy; !H| an absive
term for a woman or girl meaning lckless#of ill%lck#nfortnate; |to lament
over one&s lot; 9

to have a stroke of ill lck, to fall into adversity; to be widowed.

H~ kar$mkalla: (nm) cabbage.

karm=h$: (a) a word of abse meaning one having a blackened face; ill%famed,
karwa (nf) lying on one side, the position of lying or sleeping on the side; a
bank; 4# to trn from one side to the other or to change sides while lying; to
adopt a new corse; 4 4 to spend a restless night.
H kara:dh$:n (nm) taxation.
H kara:m$:t (nf) a miracle, thamatrgy; feat.
H kara:m$:ti: (a) working wonders, miraclos; (nm) thamatrgist.
kara:r (nm) a river%bank, precipice; see 4.
4 .ara:r (nm) an agreement, a contract; commitment, nder% taking; !H a written
agreement; article (as of an association).
kara:ra: (a) crisp; hard; strong, stot, strdy; forcefl; hence ! (nm).
kara:l (a) terrifying, formidable; hence ! (nf).
kara:h (nf) a groan, moan.
kara:hn$: (v) to groan, to moan, to cry in pain.
H karishm$: (nm) a miracle, miraclos feat, magic.
4|# .ari:n$: (nm) orderliness;
%% ;)( %%
method; symmetrical; ! orderly, methodical.
4|4 .ari:b (adv) near, close by; abot, approximately, almost; %4|4 almost;
! approximately, almost; 4|4 close, near.
| kari:l (nm) a thorny leafless shrbCapparis aph%lla; shoot of a bamboo.
kar= (a) toching; pathetic, tragic; ! mercifl, compassionate.
kar=$: (nf) pity, compassion, pathos; benignity; tenderness of feelings; !#
!H# !H attribtes of EodFhe >ercifl; !H tender%hearted, abonding in
karela: (nm) bitter gord /omordica charantia; H H d a bad man in
a bad company; hence | (dimintive, nf).
karait (nm) a venomos black snake.
karaila: (nm) see ; hence !| (dimintive, nf).
|s karo (a and nm) ten million; ! a mlti%millionaire.
kar$=da: (nm) the corinda Carissa carandas, a small acid frit.
| karali: (nf) a poniard, small dagger.
kark (nm); cancerthe sign of ,odiac; tropic of cancer.
karkash (a) hard, harsh, screechy; hoarse; hence ! (nf).
karkasha: (a) termagant, shrew; .arrelsome; (nf) .arrelsome#shrewish woman.
H kar, (nm) loan; debt; ! a debtor; !| indebtedness; to live on loans; to
be indebted.
H kar,a: (nm) see H.
kar (nm) an ear; helm; rdder (of a boat); hypotense; !

disagreeable, harsh (sond); !| adible; !H helmsman, one who steers (a boat);
!| the lobe of the ear; !H

the root of the ear; a disease reslting in swelling at the

root of the ear, parotitis; !

ear%ache; ! rnning of the ear, discharge of ichoros

matter from the ear.

karph:l (nm) an ornament worn in the ear.

kar$:ti:t (a) ltrasonic.
kartan (nm), ctting, chopping; trimming.
kartavvy (nm) dty; (a) proper#fit to be done, what oght to be done;

fallen#deviated from dty; !8# dtifl; hence !8# (nf);



d perplexed as to the proper corse of action, placed in a dilemmatic state.

karta: (nm) doer; the Jreator; sb'ect (in Erammar); head of a 'oint @ind family;
athor; H all in all, the active or the managing member of a social, political or any
other nit.

kartrian allomorph of the word sed as the first member in compond

words; !9H 4 (a sentence) wherein the sb'ect dominates; ! a term that
denotes the sb'ect; ! the active voice.

c kartrittv (nm) the act or property of being an agent, agency; doing; achievement.
H kard$m (nm) md, slime; sin.
karn$l (nm) a colonel.

karbr (a) variegated, spotted.

H karm (nm) deed; action; any religios action or rites; fate; ob'ect;
%% ;); %%
! a worker; !s the body of religios ceremonies commanded by @ind law or
convention; the clt of religios ritals; !s a ritalist, specialist in the field of
religios ritals; one who performs sch ritals; ! a wage earner, workman; worker;
! the ob'ective case; % workmanship; ! retine, body of employees;
!| an employee, an official, a worker, servant, member of the staff; 6

! a kind of compond word; !8 dtifl; one who performs ritals as a matter of
dty; !9H (4) (a sentence) wherein the ob'ect dominates; !9 the otcome of
one&s deeds; !4 H the bondage reslting from one&s deeds, the bond of birth and death;
!| experiencing or facing the conse.ences of action; !| the philosophy of the
discipline of detached action, nmindfl of reslts; hence !| (nm); ! the
passive voice; ! the theory that one has to face the conse.ences of one&s action
good or bad; hence !|; ! one who flfils one&s dties enthsiastically, a hero
whose actions are marked by deep enthsiasm; ! a workshop; ! indstrios;
!| nlcky, nfortnate.
H karm$ (a) diligent, assidos, active and energetic (person); ! diligence, hard
work, assidosness.
H karm$$: (adv) by deed, by action.
H karm$y (a) indstrios, hard working; active; ! activity, indstriosness.
H karm$yata:va:d (nm) activism.
H| karmr2: (nm) a member of a crew; worker.
H karmCndriy (nf) an organ of action (the hand, the foot, etc.).
4 karsh$n (nm) traction; extraction.
kal$k (nm) blemish; stigma; slr, disgrace; % | a blot, mark of disgrace;
%H| to wash off a stigma; % to stigmati,e, to case a stigma to be attached with.
kal$kit (a) disgraced; blemished.
| kal$ki: (nm) (one who is) disgraced, stigmatic.
kal$gi: (nf) see .
4 .al$ndar (nm) a monkey or bear dancer; a kind of >ohammedan reclse; a
carefree type of man.
kal (a) sweet; soft and tender; gentle; low and weak (tone); (nm and adv) tomorrow;
yesterday; (nf) peace, tran.illity, comfort; a machine or its parts; ! one blessed with
sweet and soft voice; having a pleasing tone or note; ! sweet and soft sond (of a
flowing stream or spring); 6 sweet and gentle sond; % too small (as s); of
recent past, of recent origin; pertaining to the ftre (as | ); ! a
rpee coin: %3H #9#

H to incite a person to perform or to desist from an act;

to give a sdden trn to one&s line of thinking; % U| babes and scklings; %4 to
make somebody act, to case to act; %4 | to be ill at ease, to lose
%% ;)) %%
physical or mental normalcy, to be distrbed or dis.ieted; H | to exercise
complete control, to have fll sway (over).
sed as a first member of compond words, meaning black; !H

lit. black%faced
disgraced, branded with a stigma.
4 .alai: (nf) whitewash; tin; tin plating; stone lime, coating; show; external
grander; ! a tinman, tinner of pots and pans; ! tin%plated; 3s#

to be
exposed, to be nmasked.
kalak (nm) keen regret, remorse, penitence.
4 kalakar (nm) a collector.
kalagi: (nf) a plme, crest; aigrette; a gem%stdded ornament fixed in the trban;
the comb (of a cock).
U| kalchhi: (nf) a long%handed ladle.
kal$n (nm) calcls; calclation.
kalapn$: (v) to lament, to bemoan or bewail.
9 kalaf (nm) starch; ! starched.
H, 4H kal$m, .al$m (nf) a pen; a painter&s brsh; a school or style of painting;
graft; ctting, chopping; the growth of hair on man&s temples; !4 a hack%writer; one
who practises btchery throgh one&s pen, one who misdirects or propagates ignorance
throgh one&s writings; !| engraving, painting with a brsh; ! a pen and ink case;
pentray, penstand; !4 penned, pt into black and white, redced to writing, written;
6 to write down, to record in writing; hence H4| (nf); to chop off, to
ct; to prne; H a master of the art of writing; to scrible; to
write insignificant things#ineffectively; to write;

H lit. to kiss one&s pen

to immensely like an expression, to be all praise for (one&s writing); |s to work
wonders in (one&s) writing; to write ama,ingly well; 9 to strike ot or delete what
is written; H H

| to work wonders with the pen;H H| | to wield the

pen effectively.
H kalm$: (nm) the basic statement or confession of >ohammedan faith; d to
repeat the >slim confession of faith; to embrace Dslam; d to initiate (somebody)
into Dslam.
4H .alam2: (a) grafted; crystallised; HH grafted mango; | saltpetre.
kalwa:r (nm) a caste amongst the @inds who formerly sed to deal in li.or; a
wine merchant.
kalash (nm) a pitcher, an rn; a dome, pinnacle.
kalsa: (nm) a metal pitcher; hence (dimintive, nf).
kaleh (nm) .arrel, scramble, strife, broil; dispte; !9 .arrelsome;
6 .arrelsomeness; | .arrelsome.
kal$: (a) large, larger; big, bigger; elder.
kala: (nf) art, craft, skill; a portion, division; a digit or one sixteenth of the moon&s
diameter; sport, play; degree; very minte division of time; ! an artist; !

a work
of art, an artistic creation; artistic skill; artifice; !H a somersalt, a trick in
the art of wrestling; !H, !H the moon; ! artistic;
%% ;)/ %%
!4H an acrobat; !4H acrobatics, acrobatic feat, taking a somersalt; ! an artiste,
possessed of artistic skill; !| aesthetic; a believer in art for art&s sake; ! a
kala:i: (nm) wrist; s a wrist watch.
kala:k$nd (nm) a kind of sweetmeat.

kala:batt: (nm) silk thread covered with gold or silver; silk and silver or gold
thread twisted together; gold or silver thread:
kala:r (nm) see .
kala:va: (nm) a red thread (tied on the wrist by the @inds on aspicios
kali, !

, !yg (nm) the kali age, the forth and the last age of the niverse
according to the @ind mythology; (fig.) the age of vice; hence !

of or belonging

kalika: (nf) a bd.
.alia: (nm) meat%crry.
| kali: (nf) a bd; gsset, a piece pt in a garment; a maiden who has yet to attain
yoth, an nblossomed maiden.
| kali:sa: (nm) a Jhristian chrch.

4 kalsh (nm) trbidity, imprity; sin; (a) trbid, impre; sinfl, wicked.

4 kalshit (a) sinfl, profane; filthy.

kal:a: (a) blacky, dark%complexioned.

s kalCar (nm) a calendar.
H kale'a: (nm) liver; heart; corage; 3U to have the heart throb ot of
excitement; s to pll oneself together; to steel one&s heart; to prepare oneself
for a shock#hardship, etc; to be terrified; to be strck with extreme terror;
U | to be afflicted by tants and sarcastic remarks; Hto sffer extreme
agony, to be heart%sore; H to pt to agony, to torment;

to lose all hope, to

be completely demoralised; s# | to be flfilled or gratified, to be assaged
(on accont of an adversary&s distress); H | to weep bitterly; H
H to repress grief, not to let one&s grief be manifested; H%H to have a
violent heart%throb (on accont of fear, apprehension, etc.); H | H to be
dmbfonded; to receive a violent shock; Hs the heart to palpitate (throgh
anxiety, fear, apprehension); to express one&s inner hrt feelings;
to express#expose oneself withot reservation; to srrender one&s all; to give away what
is best or dearest; to be deeply wonded; to be fed p of endring affliction;
c to become stone%hearted; to get ready to face the worst eventality;
9 to have the heart rent by deep sorrow; 4~|#4| 3U to be fll of
excitement throgh 'oy; H
| H to have one&s heart in one&s moth, to be
restless on accont of grief; H

s core of one&s heart; something or

somebody dearest to one&s heart; H | sffer a heavy emotional shock
or blow; H U

| to experience a deep emotional shock; H

| to be strck with 'ealosy,
%% ;)0 %%
to be nder a sense of deep grief (on recollection of some nwelcome event): to
repine; H to have a statement endorsed by one&s conscience; H H
H the heart to brn throgh 'ealosy; to have a sense of love arosed in the
heart; H H to prick, to keep on pinching; H H to be deeply
wonded emotionally; H to embrace fondly, to caress.
kalevar (nm) physical strctre, external bild%p; si,e.
kalewa: (nm) breakfast.
| kalol (nm) fn and frolic, sport.
H kal$='i: (nf) nigclla; stffed vegetable.
~ kalp (nm) era; having the manner or form of, similar to, resembling, almost like
(#4~ like a sage;

~ like father).
~ kalptar (nm) a mythological tree or plant that is spposed to grant all desires.
~ kalpan$: (nf) imagination; fiction; spposition, assmption; imaginary
pictre; !9 imaginative; hence !9 (nf); !9

imaginary, fictional; invented;

| in an imaginary#phantastic world; | H | to be in the clods, to be in a
world of phatasy; imagination, imaginative faclty;

a mental creation,
imaginative creation.
~ kalpan$:ti:t (a) nimaginable, beyond imagination; incomprehensible.
~ kalpn2:y (a) imaginable; worth imagining; hence ! (nf).
~ kalplata: (nf) a mythological creeper spposed to possess the power to grant
all wishes.

H kalpvriksh (nm) see ~%.

~ kalpit (a) imaginary; virtal; fictitios; H nom de plme;
cockaigne, cl Doredo.
~H4 kalm$sh (nm) sin; imprity, filth.
~ kally$: (nm) welfare, benediction; !| propitios, aspicios; good,
beneficial; 7 welfare state.
~ kalla: (nm) a sprot; interior part of the cheek; 9

to sprot.
~| kallol (nf) play, sport, frolic.
kavak (nm) fngs.
(nm) armor, amlet; shell; !H#H| armored; armored.
kavaitri: (nf) a poetess.
| kavari: (nf) a fillet or braid of hair.
# kavarg (nm) the ka%pentad of five soft%palatal consonants in the Devna:gri: script,
vi,. , , , , s; !| belonging to the ka% pentad.
# (nm) a morsel, mothfl; ! devored, swallowed, eaten.
4 .ava:yad (nf) exercise, drill.
kavi (nm) a poet; H poetic fnction, composition#creation; %9@ poetic
convention; !H a physician; a king of poets; ! a leading poet, an excellent poet;
H age%old traditional description.
kavita: (nf) poetry; a poem.
kavitt (nm) a class of a particlar meter in @indi poetry, esp. ,raj; poetry, in
general (arch.).
c kavittv (nm) poetic content or .ality; poetic faclty#power.
%% ;)3 %%
4| .avva:li: (nf) a form of grop vocal msic and song.
kash (nm) a whip, lash; drawing, plling; whiff, pff, inhalation; a sffix sed to
denote one who plls or lifts, e.g., H; !H strggle; divergent plling,
wrangling; %## to have a pff.
kashish (nf) attraction.
kashi:da: (nm) ornamental needlework, embroidery; !| embroidery.
F kasherk (nm) vertebral colmn, spine; (a) vertebrate.
(a) rddle%colored; astringent.
kash (nm) sffering, pain; hardship; distress; !# troblesome, painfl,
distressing; %~ far%fetched imagination; !#!9 see ; ! difficlt;
troblesome; oneros.
kas (nm) assay, test; strength, power; ! strong, strdy; 4 strength, power.
kasan allomorph of sed as the first member in compond words; !

alloy of copper and ,inc; !s (s) a hge bron,e pitcher.
kasak (nf) smarting pain, aching sensation; internal pain; lingering agony;
#H to assage pain; to derive relief by retaliation.
kasakn$: (v) to have an aching sensation#lingering agony.
kasn$: (v) to tighten, to frap; to fasten; to bind; to gird p, to brace; to test (on a
toch% stone), to assay; to redce to thin shreds (with the help of an implement, e.g.
pmpkin, ccmber, etc.).
44 .asba: (nm) a township, small town.
4 kasbi: (nf) a prostitte, harlot adlteros woman.
4H .as$m (nf) an oath, swearing; 3 to set free of the bonds of oath; to
perform an act nominally; to swear, to take an oath; |nominally;
|s to violate an oath; to administer an oath (to); to make one swear; to pt
nder an oath; to pt on oath; to swear, to take an oath.
H kasmas$:n$: (v) to fidget, to be restless; to wriggle; to bestir oneself.
H kasmasa:ha (nf) fidgeting, restlessness, neasiness; wriggling; bestirring.
4H .asam2y$: (adv) on oath, bond by oath.
kasar (nf) deficiency; loss; drawback; lacna, shortcoming; (in >athematics) a
fraction;# to be wanting (in), to fail (to); #3 to sffer loss or
damage; to inflict loss (on); 3 to leave no avene nexplored, to
leave no stone ntrned; to be compensated; to be avenged; to
make p the loss; to avenge, to be .its (with).
# kasrat (nf physical exercise; abndance, plenty; ! athletic, bilt%p by
physical exercise (as body).
4 .asa:i: (nm) a btcher; (a) crel, pitiless; !# btchery, slaghter hose;

() 4H to get wedded to a merciless man; to be entrsted to a crel fellow; %

() 4H to hand over to a merciless person#btcher.

% kasa:kasa:ya: (a)
%% ;)4 %%
ready%packed; ready; saddled; msclar.
kasa:kasi: (nf) tension; antagonism.
kasa:r (nm) wheat flor fried in ghee and mixed with sgar.
# kasa:la: (nm) toil, labor; ! re.iring great toil and pains; oppressive and
laborios (bsiness).
kasa:v (nm) tightness; stiffness; the .ality of being well%knit; terse (langage
style); msclarity; hence ! (a).
kasa:va (nf) tightness; terseness; msclarity.
4 .asi:da: (nm) a special variety of elogical poetic composition in Hrd#<ersian.

.as:r (nm) falt; gilt; ! a gilty person.

kasera: (nm) a particlar @ind commnity manfactring and dealing in
kasaila: (a) astringent; hence ! (nm).
| kasai: (nf) a tochstone; test, criterion; , | to pt a person
throgh his facings.

| kast:ri: (nf) msk; H

a msk%deer.
4 .asd (nm) resoltion, will; ! deliberately, wilflly.
44 .assa:b (nm) a btcher; ! btchery.
44 .ah.aha: (nm) a brst#peal of laghter; to lagh boisterosly.
4 .ahat (nm) famine; tter scarcity; !H famine%strck.
kehn$: (v) to say, to state, to tell, to tter; (nm) saying, tterance, order;
advice; 4 to be beyond description, not to be able to narrate#describe;

U doble dealing;

persasion, indcement; wrangling;

| virtally, nominally; H H to be misled, to be indced; to veer rond;
H | to be nder (somebody&s) commands, to be nder the spell (of);

+#H|4 H | d yo can take a horse to the water bt yo cannot make

him drink; % 4 with explicit resoltion, challengingly; |,

| to talk of chalk and to hear of cheese.
kehn$:vat (nf) saying.
% kehn2: $nkehn2: (nf) vitperation, npleasant tterance.
4 .ahar (nm) calamity; divine wrath#affliction; d#4 to case a
4 .ehwa: (nm) coffee; !# coffee hose.
kah$: (adv) where; H

, H

the one being no match to the other, a

world of difference between the two; carried afar; stretched too remote;
H |H

| the one not fit even to hold a candle to the other.

kaha: (nm) saying; advice, order;

verbal impropriety, harsh words;

altercation, verbal del.

kaha:n2: (nf) a (short) story; tale; the art of story%telling; ! a story%
writer, story teller; d to fabricate tales, to telltales.
kaha:r (nm) a @ind commnity earning its livelihood by spplying#carrying
water, bearing and washing tensils, etc.; a member of this commnity;
tensil cleaner.
kaha:vat (nf) a saying, proverb.
| kah2: (ind) somewhere; any where; lest; | in some
%% ;)5 %%
cases#places; of some nknown origin; excessive; extreme; to
case one&s ndoing; to case one&s devastation; to be ndone; to sffer a
total devastation; | ( | |s,

4 H|s .eer combination of

heterogeneos elements; the creation of a whole with heterogeneos parts; 4

d |
d I Jan yo teach an old woman to danceI
k$:kh (nf) an armpit.
k$:khn$: (v) to grnt, to groan; to cogh.
k$:ch (nm) glass; intestinm rectm; the end of the lower garment (dhoti:) which is
tcked to the waist at the back; a disorder in which the intestinm rectm is
H k$:'i: (nf) a kind of sor grel vinegar made by steeping mstard seed, etc. in
water and letting the li.or ferment.
H 3 k$:'i:ha:s (nm) a cattle pond.
k$:a: (nm) a thorn, spicle; fork; hook; fishing hook; prong; balance; the tonge
of a balance; hands of a watch; the process of testing the correctness of a mltiplication
sm; bone of fish; obstacle; to have an obstacle removed; to be relieved of a
lingering agony; | to be redced to a skeleton, to wither away; to act as an
obstacle; | exact in weight; 4U to pave somebody&s way with
thorns; 4| to sow seeds of distress or misfortne; | H lit. a crown
stdded with thorns an athority difficlt to wield; | | H a bed of
thorns; | | to writhe in pain; to be overawed by 'ealosy; | H
to embarrass (by nde exaltation#praise#respect).
| k$:i: (nf) a bait.
k$:eda:r (a) thorny; prickly, spiky.
s k$: (nm) ntoward or nseemly#incident; even sectional division; chapter; shaft;
to case an ntoward or nseemly#incident.
k$:nt (nm) hsband; (a) lovely, pleasant; pleasing.
k$:nta: (nf) wife; sweetheart; (a) beloved; lovely; +H 3 a crtain
k$:nta:r (nm) a dense forest.
k$:nti (nf) brightness, lstre, splendor, gloss; loveliness; !H#H bright,
lstros, glossy.
k$:pn$: (v) to tremble; to .iver; to shiver.
9 k$:nfrens (nf) a conference.
% k$:v%k$:v (nf) crowing; npleasant sond#words.
k$:sa: (nm) bron,e; ! bron,esmith.
4 k$:nsebal (nm) a constable.
k$:nsy (nm) see ; a bron,e medal;

the bron,e age.

ka:a post%position expressive of genitive caseof, belonging to, pertaining to,
related with; in some dialects of @indi && is interrogative pronon standing for 4I;
4 H4

after meat, mstard; after death, the doctor.

k$:2y$: (a) cnning, shrewd, crafty (man); hence ! (nm).
ka:i: (nf) moss; algae; U

s to rb ot the moss, filth, etc; 9 to be

scattered, to go
%% ;)7 %%
3 ka:ar (nm) a conter.
ka:k (nm) a crow; cnning fellow; !| chance; 67 a chance happening;
! a caret.
ka:ka: (nm) a paternal ncle. hence | (nf).

ka:k: (nm) a pecliar tone; (reslting from distress or fear or anger etc.); sarcasm;
an obli.e nwelcome remark.
ka:g: (nm) a crow; cork.
"H ka:gSa, (nm) paper; docments; papers; to waste both paper
and ink, | a hose of cards, a transitory thing; |s sto indlge in a
vain and nprodctive effort
"H ka:gS,a:t (nm) papers, docments.
"H kagS,i: (a) made of paper; docmentary, written; (e.g. 4

); having a thin rind

(e.g.) 4H); academic action limited merely to paper; delicate; (nm) a paper
merchant; | action in writing; 4

docmentary#written evidence; |s
s to indlge in mere paper transactions, to confine to sheer paper#academic
actions; to accomplish pro'ects on paper alone.
H ka:' (nm) a btton hole; work; ceremony; to have a work accomplished.
H ka:'al (nm) collyrim; soot; | || an abode of evil: a place or affair which
imparts a stain on one&s character by association.
4H .a:,i: (nm) a >slim 'dge or magistrate; one who performs the ceremony
of nika:h in a >slim marriage; H

~ I, (H I) What is yor locs

standi I @ow dare yo interfere I What bsiness have yo to intrdeI %H

4 (4|), to be worried abot affairs that are not one&s concern.


ka:': (nm) cashewnt.

ka: (nm) a ct, (act of) ctting; section; rebttal; conter; erosion; incision;
dissection; to rebt; to conter; U cropping, trimming, prning;
abridgement; additions and alterations; ctting and over%writing, mtilation (of
writing etc.).
# ka:n$: (v) to ct; to chip; to chop; to bite; to trim; to prne; to shear; to reap; to
mow; to interrpt (e.g.T 4!); to fell (e.g. s!); to pass#mark (e.g.)!); to
while away; to fleece; to divide a nmber leaving no remainder; to bite; to
sting; s to snap#bite one&s nose p, to answer snappishly, to fly into a rage, to
fret and fme; to be snappish, to look spark daggers; arose a feeling of
desolation; | |

| to be in a ble fnk, to be stpefied, to be paralysed by

sdden fear#apprehension etc.
ka: (nm) wood; timber; a block; (fig.) wooden, feelingless person;
4s lmber, seless or cmberos material; H | to be hard%hearted, to
be heartless; 3~

a beetle%brain; an absolte blockhead; | s

4 |
d it is a silly fish that is caght with the same bait; | s a means for dpery;
H H to be stnned; H to pt one&s legs in the stocks, to take to a
troblesome corse; | to be petrified.
%% ;): %%
| ka:i: (nf) a saddle; frame; strctre.
d kan$: (v) to embroider; to extricate; to draw; to comb (hair).
d ka:a: (nm) a decoction.
ka:tn$: (v) to spin.
ka:tik (nm) the eighth month of the @ind calendar; also .
4 ka:tib (nm) a scribe; calligraphist.
4# .a:til (nm) a mrderer; ! mrderos.
k$:n (nm) an ear; 3H#9 to twist somebody&s ear#ears by way of
pnishment; # to otwit, to prove more than a match; to excel, to
srpass; easily misgided; too credlos; s to prick p the ears;
to get alert; s | to be alarmed; to, pester, to dig into the ears (of);
%| (

) to listen attentively, to pay heed to; | to pt on the alert;

4 not to protest; ,

to incline one&s ear to, to heed

(somebody&s words); H to lend ear, to listen attentively; to trn a deaf
ear; not to bdge in protest; s to force ot with
disdain, to trn ot disrespectflly; s to cry &enogh&, to vow never to do a thing
again, to express contrition (for); the ears to become sore (throgh persistent
nwelcome talk etc.); % H
to trn a deaf ear to, to be tterly heedless, to be
very negligent or careless; Hto express ignorance; to pretend not to hear;
9 to be inflicted by a deafening noise; 9
to initiate; to ttor; 9

become deaf; to be deafened; 9|s to deafen (by excessive noise); 4#4
to trn a deaf ear (to); 4H to fancy that one hears a sond when there is none;
4 to have ps oo,ing#flowing ot of the ear; to poison the ear (of), to
excite dissension by talebearing; H|s#H to twist the ear (by way of warning or
pnishment); H 3 | 9 to refse to be attentive, to be heedless; %H (|
4) s to apprise somebody (of something);H s to be inattentive or

to listen attentively, to pay heed to (what somebody is

saying); |% O4 | to have a veil of absolte secrecy, not to allow a secret
to be divlged.
ka:n$: (a) one%eyed; (a frit) partly eaten away by insects; having slight obli.ity
(as s); hence ; 3 | the little finger; H %
H|H#H|| a one%eyed girl&s way to matrimonial bliss is strewn with a hndred
ha,ards, there is many a slip between the cp and the lip; s
| to be extremely indigent, to be withot a penny; | to call a
blind as blind (to tter an nwelcome trth).

ka:na:ph:si: (nf) whisper, below one&s breath; to speak in whispers,

to whisper.

.a:n=:n (nm) law; H law and order; %U#! a legalist, 'rist,

one who knows law; 4 to be too mch of a legalist, to talk law and nothing bt
law; to impose one&s own interpretations on everything.

.a:n=:n$n (adv) legally,

%% ;/( %%
lawflly, by law.

| .a:n=:ngo (nm) a land% record officer.


.a:n=:niat (nf) legality.


.a:n=:n2: (a) legal, lawfl; |#H| legal proceedings.

ka:pa:lik (nm) a follower of the va:m0ma:rgi: shaiv sect, who carries hman
skll (kapa:l) in his hand, eats meat and drinks all sorts of intoxicants.
, ka:pi:, kopi: (nf) an exercise book; a copy ; ! copyright.
49 .a:fiya: (nm) rhyme; to harass, to pt into a tight corner, to
9 ka:fir (nm) a disbeliever (in the tenets of Dslam); an atheist; (a) infidel; merciless.
49 .a:fila: (nm) a caravan, convoy.
9| ka:fi: (a) enogh; sfficient, ade.ate; (nf) coffee.

ka:f:r (nm) camphor, | to vanish, to disappear.

4 ka:bla: (nm) a bolt.
44 .a:bliyat (nf) ability, capability, competence.
4 ka:ba: (nm) a s.are bilding at >ecca where >ohammedans from all over the
world go for pilgrimage.
44H .a:bi, (a) possessing, occpying; constipative; (nm) a possessor.
44 .a:bil (a) able; worthy; capable, competent; 9 |9 praiseworthy.

ka:bl (nm) the capital of "fghanistan; H H | even paradise has its

share of fools.

.a:b: (nm) control; hold; 4 | to take bit between teeth, to get ot of

H k$:m (nm) work, task; 'ob, employment; performance; fnction; passion, lst;
desire, needle% work; embroidery; the art of love;

sex complex;
#H|s amoros sport, dalliance; ! a caprice; !| capricios; ! Jpidgod
of love; !4 the fire of passion, the flowery arrows of Jpid; amoristic
sentiment; H oestrs; !H

d overwhelmed by passion; libido, sexal


sexal instinct; H to be of avail or of servive; to come into se; to

come to one&s resce; to help; to be killed or slain (in battle); to prove effective,
to do the trick; to scceed; | H it is work that makes a workman,
practice makes a man perfect; to manage, to do with, to keep the work going,
HH to pt an end to; to destroy, to ndo; to kill; |, mind yor
own bsiness; to have the work accomplished; s to have to do with,
to have bsiness with; | , H | handsome is that handsome does;
4 to have a prpose served; 4s to make a mess of a bsiness; to pt a spoke
in one&s wheel; to foil; H H

to be bsy as a bee; H to trn to accont,

to bring into play; to get bsy, to have a pressing engagement; to get employed;
H to mind one&s (own) bsiness; | to have one&s prpose served; to
have to do a 'ob.
HH ka:m ka:' (nm) bsiness, work; H H |H H

the cats love

fish bt fear to wet
%% ;/; %%
their paws,
HH k$:mka:'i: (a) bsy; active, indstrios.
H k$:mga:r (nm) a worker, laborer, labor.
H3 k$:mchala:: (a) workable, serviceable; caretaker (government); (answering
as a) makeshift stop%gap.
H#| k$:mchor (a) malingerer, shirker; hence !|| (nf).
H k$:md$:n2: (nf) embroidered work.
H k$:mda:r (a) embroidered; (nm) an agent; employee.
H| k$:madi: (nf) a comedy, farcical dramatic representation; ! a comedy writer.
H ka:mdev (nm) Jpid%the god of love.
H%HH k$:mdh$ndha: (nm) work; occpation; bsiness.
H%HH k$:mdh$:m (nm) work; bsiness; occpation.
H k$:mn$: (nf) desire; lst, passion.
H#4 k$:mya:b (a) sccessfl; !4 sccess.
H H k$:m$:ndh (a) passion% blind, overwhelmed by lst; hence ! (nf).
H ka:ma:gn2 (nf) the fire of passion, excessive passion.

ka:ma:tr (a) passion%blind, blinded by lst; hence ! (nf).

H ka:ma:rt (a) love%lorn, obssessed by love; hence ! (nf).
H ka:m2n2: (nf) a (lstfl) woman; beatifl lady.
H ka:m2: (a) sexally cra,y, libidinos, amoros.

ka:m=k (a) amoros, salacios, libidinos; sensal.


ka:m=kta: (nf) sexality; libidinosness, amorosness, salaciosness.

H|c ka:motk$a: (nf) sexal craving, sexal rge.
H|#H, ! ka:motte'ak, ! ddi:pak (a) passion%arosing, exciting, aphrodisiac.
H|#7H ka:monm$:d (nm) erotomania, sex%cra,e; !7H| sex%cra,y.
+ ka:mmy (a) desirable, covetable; worthy; hence ! (nf).
c ka:ychikitsa: (nf) medicine; medical science.
4 .a:yda: (nm) a rle; practice; primer; 4

rles and reglations.

4H .a:y$m (a) firm; established; located; !HHH composed, calm and composed;

H officiating; to establish.
ka:yar (a) coward, timid; ! cowardice, timidity.
4 .a:yal (a) acknowledging, extending recognition (to); consenting; convinced;
to bring home to; to convince (by argment); to silence; | to be convinced;
to yield, to be silenced.
ka:ya: (nf) the body, person; soma; !~ re'venation; !7 metamorphosis,
metamorphism; ! metamorphosis.
ka:yik (a) somatic, physical, bodily, physical action.
ka:r a sffix denoting a doer, performer, e.g. 0, ; or a particlar
sond as , H; (nf) a motor car.
HH ka:ra:mad (a) effective, sefl.
ka:rak (nm) a case (in Erammar); factor; a sffix denoting the factor responsible
for a reslt, e.g. .

ka:rk=n (nm) an agent;

%% ;/) %%
O# ka:ra:n$: (nm) a factory, workshop; mill; ! owner of a
ka:rgar (a) effective.

H| ka:rg,a:ri: (nf) an achievement, attainment.

|4 ka:rchobi: (nf) embroidery.
ka:r$ (nm) reason, case; agency, instrment; ! casation; casality;
| casal body the original embryo or sorce of the body existing with the
Hniversal Dmpersonal 1pirit; cH casal.

# ka:rt:s (nm) a cartridge; ! carrrying firing cartridges.

H ka:rna:ma: (nm) a feat, ladable deed; deed, doing.
ka:rn2s (nf) cornice.
| ka:rporesh$n (nm) corporation.
4 ka:rba:r (nm) see |4.
ka:rv$: (nm) a caravan.
#H ka:rsa:, (a) working wonders, dexteros, adroit, efficient; trickster;
!H working of wonders; dexterosness, adroitness; trickery.
ka:ra: (nf) a prison.
#, !

ka:ra:ga:r, !grih (nm) a prison; 'ail.

ka:ra:va:s (nm) imprisonment; captivity.
ka:r2nda: (nm) a work agent, an agent.
ka:rika: (nf) versified interpretation, commentary in verse.
ka:rista:n2: (nf) doing; trickery, craftiness; misdeed.
| ka:ri: a sffix denoting performance of an act or a doer, e.g. ~|.
|# ka:ri:gar (nm) an artisan, craftsman; mechanic; tradesman, workman;
!| craftsmanship; workmanship.
F ka:r=: (nm) a cosin of >oses who was very rich and niggardly;
OH immense wealth, immearsrable treasre.
|4# ka:roba:r (nm) bsiness; occpation; !| bsy; pertaining to bsiness; owning
or having a bsiness.

ka:r=:n (nm) a cartoon; ! a cartoonist.

s ka:r
(nm) a card.
ka:rtik (nm) see .
4 ka:rb$n (nm) carbon.
H ka:rm2k (nm) workman; labor; personnel.
ka:ry (nm) 'ob; task, work; action; fnction; religios fnction; ceremony; role;
transaction; denoement (in a drama); effect; casality, the relationship of
case and effect; term (of office); ! workload; charge (of office); !| in%
charge; details of bsiness#transaction; action; @ sccess,
flfilment of a 'ob.
ka:rykarta: (nm) a worker; an employee.

ka:rykshal (a) efficient; ! efficiency.

HH ka:rykkram (nm) programme; schedle, ! programming, schedling.
HH ka:rykksh$m (a) potential; competent; ! potentiality; competence.
: ka:rytah (ind) de facto.
ka:rypa:lika: (nf) the exective.
%9| ka:rypraa:li: (nf) mods operandi.
% ka:rybh$g (nm) break% down.
%% ;// %%
ka:ryva:hak (a) acting; officiating.
| ka:ryva:hi: (nf) action; proceedings.

ka:ryvritt (nm) mintes (of a meeting etc.).

H ka:rysa:dhak (a) effective; expedient; ! expediency.

ka:rys:chi: (nf) the agenda (of a meeting).

ka:ry$:g (nm) the exective (wing).
7 ka:rya:nnvay (nm) exection, implementation.
7 ka:rya:nnvit (a) exected, implemented; to execte;
7 ka:rya:nviti (nf) exection, implementation.
# ka:rya:lay (nm) an office, brea; ! official.
| ka:rya:vali: (nf) the agenda.
| ka:ryottar (a) post facto, ex post facto.
ka:l (nm) time; period; age, era; tense (in Erammar); end, death; famine; calamity;
season; !

a very deadly poison; || a death cell; the death%Eod;

F4 time personified; 4| all%powerfl Death; H the end to come;

|# H H# H
H H to be devored by Death, to give p the ghost;
to be as nwelcome as Death; s |# to be at Death&s
|| ka:lkori: (nf) a death cell, solitary cell, blackhole.
HH ka:lkkr$m (nm) chronology; passage of time; !7 chronology.
H ka:lchakkr (nm) the wheel of time.
H ka:l'ayi: (a) that which transcends time; immortal.
ka:lttray (nm) the three times past, present and ftre taken together.
%|4 ka:ldosh (nm) anachronism.
HH ka:ldharm (nm) death; timely dty.
(|) ka:(o)lar (nm) a collar.
ka:l$:ntar (nm) time interval; H (adv) in corse of time, with the passage of
ka:la: (a) black; dark; strain: ed;

'et black; 4

black law; H as
black as a crow; | nknown#ntraced person; H carm; Hblack money;
H a kind of rock%salt; a cobra; a venomos#wicked person; life
imprisonment; the "ndamans where Dndians sentenced for life were deported dring the
9ritish regime; 4H black market;

H pitch dark; H
to be gone; to
ac.ire a bad name; |

evil doings;| whooping cogh;

H " | H nothing sstains in an enconter with the devil;
H evil deeds; || very far.
ka:la:ti:t (a) not bond by time; timeless; time%barred.

HH ka:la:n=kkram$ (nm) seriation.

H kala:vadhi (nf) period (of time).
ka:lik (a) periodical; seasonal.
ka:lika: (nf) see |.
ka:likh (nf) soot, blackness; stain, stigma;

# to be stigmatised, to
come to disgrace, to have one&s reptation sllied.
H ka:lim$: (nf) blackness;
%% ;/0 %%
stigma; blemish.
| ka:li: (a) black, dark complexioned; (nf) an epithet of goddess Drga:; U an
ominos shadow (foreboding ill); H4 Jassandra, prophet of ill, an ill%omened
tonge; H pepper; H | 4 a black hen laying white eggs.
| ka:l2:n a sffix denoting relationship in time e.g. H| c|.
4| .a:li:n (nm) a carpet.
H, |H ka:le', koli' (nm) a college.
| ka:lochit (a) expedient; in accordance with the times; ! expediency,
accordance with the times.
ka:l$=ch (nf) blackness, sootiness.
~ ka:lpan2k (a) imaginary, fictitios; topian; hence ! (nf).
ka:vvy (nm) poetry; the art of poetry; ! a poet;

a poetic work;
recitation; %HH 7# HH| a connoisser of poetry; hence HH 7;
cH poetic; hence cH (nf).
ka:sh (ind) @ad Eod willed ths ?
9 ka:shi:phal (nm) s.ash gord.
ka:sht (nf) cltivation, farming; holding; ! a cltivator, farmer, tenant;
!| cltivation, farming.
8 ka:sh (nm) wood; woodcraft; ! as dead as wood, motionless.
# ka:hil (a) slothfl, la,y, indolent; !| la,iness, lethargy, indolence.
| ka:hi: (a) blackish green, of the color of moss; 'ealos.
kinkartavvy: HH casist; HH casistry; H

d in a fog, caght
in a dilemma; placed on the horns of a dilemma; hence !H

d (nf).
kichit (a) little, somewhat, slight.
kiv$n (nm) fermentation; brewing.

k2nt (ind) bt;

ifs and bts; 6 to dilly%dally, to be evasive.

k2mvad$nti: (nf) rmor; hearsay, tradition.
k2mva: (ind) or, otherwise.
ki (ind) that; for.
kikia:n$: (v) to scream, to shriek, to screech; to shot in angry tones.
kichkich (nf) altercation, .arrel; seless prattling.
kichkicha:n$: (v) to gnash in anger.
kichpich (nf) crowdedness, excessive throng.
kikia:n$: (v) to gnash in anger, to prodce a gritty sond.
kitn$: (a) how mch; H , (H) where yo stand.
kitnC (a) how many.
4 .ita: (nm) a plot of land; piece; nmber.
4 kita:b (nf) a book; !O a library; to read throgh#assimilate a book
thoroghly; 4 bookish; pertaining to books; 6|s a bookworm, a voracios
reader; 4 7 bookish knowledge.
H kidhar (adv) where, whither.
k2n (pro) an obli.e plral form of (see).
k2nka: (nm) a small particle; granle; (pro) of whom I
%% ;/3 %%
kin$:r (nf) see |; ! having a border, bordered; having an edge.
kina:ra: (nm) bank; shore; edge, border, verge; ! the act of drawing away;
# to draw afar; to arrive at the destination; | to
step aside, to dissociate.
| kina:ri: (nf) border; edge.
7 k2nnar (nm) a mythical being with hman figres and a head of horse or with a
horse&s body and the head of a man; a race celebrated as msicians.
9 kifa:yat (nf) economy, thrift, frgality; ! spendthrift, frgal, thrifty;
!| thrift, frgality, economy; 9 economical, thrifty.
kiyatta: (nf) .orm; extent.
kiya: (v) did past%participle form (mas. singlar) of the verb ;
#H taken to a sccessfl conclsion, accomplished; 6H H Hto ndo
what has been achieved#accomplished; 9 | to drink as one has
brewed; #H 9 to mar all one&s efforts, to ndo what has been
kir$a: (nm) (sed derogatorily for) a Jhristian.
kirkira: (a) impaired, marred, spoilt; sandy, gritty; , HH to mar the
pleasre (of); | to have one&s pleasre (ot of something) marred.
kirkira:n$: (v) to grate, to be gritty; to have an itching sensation in the eye
cased by a foreign matter.
kirkira:ha (nf) a grating noise.
| kirkiri: (nf) a particle of foreign matter fallen in the eye; hmiliation, disgrace;
| to sffer hmiliation#disgrace.
kirach (nf) a bayonet.
kircha: (nm) small particles; splinters.
kir$ (nf) a ray, beam; 9

a ray to shoot forth.

H kirm2ch (nf) canvas.
HH kirm2'i: (a) crimson (color).
kira: (nm) an ancient Dndian tribe.
kira:n$: (nm) grocery.
kira:n2: (nm) a clerk.
kira:ya: (nm) rent, hire; fare; d# to rent ot;
to hire ot.
# kira:yeda:r (nm) a tenant; !| tenancy.
kirich (nf) see .
kilak (nf) a 'oyfl otcry.
kilakn$: (v) to prodce a 'oyfl otcry.
kilka:rn$: (v) to shriek 'oyflly.
| kilka:ri: (nf) 'oyfl shriek#otcry; H see .
4 kilbila:na: (v) to crawl; to wriggle.
4# .ila: (nm) a fort, castle; !4| fortification; 4 garrison
commander; 4 | the charge of a fort; the position of a 4 ; ! 9#
to an enemy, to achieve a victory; to accomplish a gigantic task.
| kilo (nm) kilo (gram); !0H a kilogram; !H a kilometre; !| a kilolitre.
4~ .illat (nf) difficlty, botheration; pacity, scarcity, dearth; to own p a
%% ;/4 %%
~| killi: (nf) a small peg; key;

H to direct an operation; to manoevre; to

begile; ( |) H | to have sway or control (over someone).
s kiva:r (nf) door leaf, shtter; to sht the door.
H# kishmish (nf) raisin; ! raisin%colored; of raisin.
| kishor (a) adolescent; yothfl; adolescent age; ! adolescence;
yothflness; hence || (nf).
kisht (nf) a checkmate (in the game of chess).
kishti: (nf) a boat, ferry.
kis (pro) obli.e singlar form of (see); | H

| |, (

H etc.) What
are yo worth I What do D care for yo I H | I What do yo cont for I
Who reckons with yo I

s H I Who the hell is that I H
to have
the cheek to.
# kisa:n (nm) a farmer, peasant; ! farming; of or pertaining to a peasant; !

donkey means one thing and the driver another.

kisi: (pro) obli.e singlar form of | (see); | between
yo and me and the bedpost; H to resemble; 4 | 4 to make
assrance doble sre; to have bone to pick with someone.
4 .ist (nf) an instalment; !4| fixation of instalments; 4H fixation of
instalments; ! by#in instalments; 4| H in instalments.
4H .ism (nf) type; kind; .ality; variety; 4H of different
4H .ismat (nf) fate, fortne, lot, lck; ! lcky, fortnate; HHH to take
one&s chance, to chance one&s arm, to try one&s lck; irony of fate;
4#9 (a stroke of) ill lck; H lcky, fortnate; the decree of
fate, dictates of destiny; one who is hmbled by fortne, not a favorite of
Dame *ck; H | every man is the architect of his own fate;
| , | E fortne to one is mother, to another is stepmother;

#H#H#9 to have a favorable trn of fortne, to have an advent of

good lck; #3 to have a trn of fortne, to have a sdden change in the
corse of one&s lck; 9

to fall into adversity, to have a stroke of ill lck;

s to have a rn of good lck; sto test#try one&s lck; | H fortne to
trn its back pon.
4 .issa: (nm) a story, tale; .arrel, dispte; fiction, tales; !| a tale%teller;
| to present in short; to say in brief; cH#HH to pt a stop to
the .arrel; to pt an end to; to wind p (the matter).
4#4H .isseba:, (nm) a tale%teller, an idle talker; !4H mess, imbroglio;
| k2: (v) did feminine plral form of .
| #ki: feminine form of and .
| ki:kar (nm) see 44

| ki:ch (nf) md, slime; sewage.
|s ki:cha (nm) md, slime, sewage, sldge; mattery discharge which collects in the
corner of the eye; 3U to fling dirt, to indlge in dennciatory remarks
%% ;/5 %%
(abot); to cast aspersions on one&s character; to indlge in character assassination; H
9 to get involved in a mess, to get embroiled in a fssy affair.
|H9 ki:'ie (v) please do, honorofic imperative form of the verb &&; ! same
as |H9 bt relating to the ftre.
| ki: (nm) an insect, a worm; !7 entomology; !7 entomologist;

ki:$:= (nm) a germ; ! insecticide;

@ germ% warfare.
|s ki:a: (nm) an insect, a worm; to get restless; to be eaten p by
worms; |s s worms to breed (in), to get rot, to sffer physical disintegration; to
sffer conse.ences of sins.
| ki:n$: (nm) rancor, grdge; self%dignity; !#| one who is meticlos in
preserving (one&s) self%dignity; rancoros.
| ki:p (nf) a fnnel.
4|H .i:mat (nf) price; cost; vale.
4|H .i:mti: (a) precios; costly, valable.
4|H .i:ma: (nm) minced meat; to mince.
|H ki:mia: (nf) alchemy; !#!H an alchemist; !|# !H (the practice of)
| ki:rt$n (nm) devotional singing#song; ! the performer of | ;
also | .
| ki:rti (nf) reptation, fame, renown, glory; !H en'oying reptation, renowned;
record; 6 to establish a record; !| repted, famos, renowned;
! 4 srviving by virte of glory; dead, late; ! a colmn bilt to commemorate a
trimphal event, a pillar#tower of trimph.
| ki:l (nf) a nail; pin; peg; toggle; wedge, spike, spline; core (of a boil); a gold or
silver pin worn by women on one side of the nose; tools and accotrements;
% #

tip% top, in fll attire; in complete readiness; to be flly e.ipped.

| ki:lak (nm) a pivot; rivet; cnes.
| ki:ln$: (v) to drive a nail into; to spell%bind; to charm, to breathe a spell or
incantation over; to render ineffective.
| ki:sh (nm) a monkey.
|| ki:li: (nf) an axis, a pillar.

H# k=a:ra: (a) bachelor, nmarried; !| virgin, nmarried (girl).

H k=km (nf) saffron; roge.

kchit (a) crved; crled, crly.

H k' (nf) a grove, bower, arbor.

Hs k='a: (nm) a vegetable vendor; green%grocer;

Hs| | s to .arrel
like low%bred people, to .arrel over trifles.

H k='i: (nf) a key (for a lock#for a difficlt text or book etc.); H | to

possess the key to.

k=a: (nf) frstration; comlex; !0 frstrated, obsessed by frstration;


k=it (a) blnt; frstrated; stnted; !4

@ not of sharp intellect, dllard.

s k= (nm) a reservoir; pool; cistern.

s# k=al (nm) a large%si,ed ear%ring; ! circlar, ring%like.

s k=alin2: (nf) the serpent

%% ;/7 %%
force of the hath%ogi:.

s| k=li: (nf) a coil; horoscope;

s coiled; circlar, spiral; serpentine.

s kn
a: (nm) a large earthen bowl#pot; to devastate, to ndo, to rin.

s k=i: (nf) a hasp; an iron% chain fixed in a door (for locking prposes); see

#ss to rattle the chain (signifying a re.est to open the door);
to bolt, to fasten the door%chain.

k=nd (nm) a kind of flower; (a) obtse; blnt; slow; !H dll, obtse.

kndan (nm) prified and glittering gold; | H to shine like prified


k=nda: (nm) the btt (end of a gn); log; block of wood; handle (of an instrment).

kmbh (nm) a pitcher, pot (of clay); ".aris, sign of the ,odiac; a sacred festival
of the @inds which falls after every twelve years; ! in pra:a:%a:m, the phase of
stopping the breath by shtting the moth and closing the nostrils with the fingers of the
right hand; ! a potter.

k=war (nm) a prince; son.

ka 1anskrit perfix meaning deterioration, depreciation, deficiency, want,

littleness, hindrance, reproach, contempt, gilt; !

c see

H; ! notorios,
infamos; ! notoriety, infamy; ! bad plight, state of affliction; ! dirty,
filthy (sed only as the latter member of the compond H%

); !H|mischance,
adverse circmstance, ill lck; ! obdracy; addiction, a bad habit; !s gly, having
disproportionate physical bild, possessing nsymmetrical physical frame; !d absrd;
lacking proportion or symmetry; inappropriate; !d4 ndesirable manner#ill practice;
evil way; ! ominos; gly, grotes.e; ! nfavorable times, adversity;
!T ominos glance, a glance reslting in ill%lck; !H

a base metal; iron; !H7 ill%

earned foodgrains; !H infamy, disrepte; notorios; ! # immoral#evil corse;
6H following an immoral#evil corse, morally degenerate; !

an ndtifl son, bad

son; !4 late hor; too late; ! ill%will, rancor, 'ealosy; !H evil consel,
misleading advise: !| see !H|; ! evil corse, the path of sin; neven path;
!| one who follows the path of degeneration; a sinner; !

evil tendency; evil

calling; bad mentality; ill%disposition.

H k$: (nm) a well; | to dig a well; (fig.) to endeavor to harm somebody; to

make an effort for one&s own needs;

9 H d frog of a wellone having too

limited experience or a narrow otlook; a know%little; | H,

9 H the montain will not come to >ahomet, >ahomet will go to

the montain;

9 H to reach the destination and yet retrn


9 H H to rin the life of, (esp.) sed for a girl when she is married
off to an ndeserving person or in an ndesirable family;

9 H 4 s to make a
frantic search;
%% ;/: %%

9 H s all (in a family etc.) to go off their heads.

kkre (nm) (sed in pl.) trachoma.

#H kkarm (nm) evil deed, misdeed, sin; !H| evil doer, sinner.

kkr (nm) a dog; whooping cogh; !H

a mshroom.

c kkritty (nm) see

H .

kkk (nm) a cock; poltry%farming.

H kkshi (nf) the womb.

# kkkhya:t (a) notorios, infamos, of ill repte; ! notoiety, infamy.

kgati (nf) bad plight; state of affliction.

kch (nm) the female breast; !Hs the female breasts.

#H kchakkr (nm) a conspiracy, plot; !H| conspirator, plotter.

kchalna: (v) to crsh, to trample (over).

kchla: (nm) strychnine.

# kcha:l (nm) miscondct; aberration, evil corse; !| corrpt, aberrant.

kchesha: (nf) misdemeanor, condemnable activity.

U kchh (pro and a) some, a few; something; 9 some;

U somewhat; to some
degree; to overwhelm by magical or demonological charm; 4 to
take a wrong step; to do something wrong; to say harsh#npleasant words;

U something altogether different, something 'st the contrary;

s d|

4, %| |,

to have some deficiency at either end; % to have

no say;

U9 to be simply indescribable; # H$ to consider as

tterly insignificant, to cont for nothing;

$ to be in a fog, to be at a loss;
~ s not to be able to make head or tail of; | come what may?;
H$ to assme airs; | something nsal to be bond to happen;
| to be significant; something nsal to be imminent.

U kchhek (pro.) a few, some, several.

H k'a:ti (nf) an inferior or low caste; low breed.

kn2: (nf) bawd, procress.

ka:i: (nf) ramming, ponding; thrashing.

kil (a) crooked; crved, tortos; perverse; ! crookedness; crvatre;

perversity; tortosity.

| kti: (nf) a cottage, ht, hermitage; ct grass and weeds (for cattle to eat).

| ki:r (nm) cottage, 3| cottage indstry.

#4 kmb (nm) a family, hosehold; !4 a member of the family, kinsman: a

hoseholder; !4 # to maintain a family, to rn a hosehold.

kev (nf) evil#bad habit, addiction.

kti: (nf) see

; ct grass and weeds.

kla: (nm) a small earthen granary, barn.

ka:v (nm) wrong or forbidden place or point; ndesirable or delicate place or

point; H to hit below the belt; to make an nbearable stroke.

# ka:r (nm) a kind of axe or hatchet; ! a violent stroke.

kar (nm) see

d # kag (nm) ill manner,

%% ;0( %%
evil way; ! ill%mannered, aberrant.

d kan (nf) fretting, repining; grdge.

d# kn$: (v) to fret or grieve, to begrdge, to repine;

d H to fret ot
one&s life.

ktarna: (v) to nibble; to gnaw.

# ktark (nm) sophistry, fallacios#false reasoning, argment for argment&s sake;

perverse argmentation; ! sophistical; one who indlges in perverse argmentation.

ktia: (nf) a bitch; an absive term for a woman.

H .tbnm$: (nm) a compass.

# kt:hal (nm) criosity in.isitiveness; wonder; !| crios, in.isitive.

# ktta: (nm) a dog; (in mechanics) detent; a worthless fellow, flnkey, !

, to rn amck, to go berserk;

H H | |, |

U d| | d| natral characteristics persist forever, a leopard never changes its

stripes; crst cows have short horns;

| H H to live a dog&s life;


| H H to die a dog&s miserable death;

| s the dog barks while the elephant passes by;

| |

not to be able to say go to a goose.

c ktsa: (nf) vileness, evil#vile feeling.

c ktsit (a) contemptible, despicable; vile.

kdakn$: (a) to hop.


.drat (nf) (the) natre; the feats of natre.


.drati: (a) natral; original, spontaneos.

kda:n (nf) a 'mp; to take a 'mp.

# kda:l (nm) a pick%axe: !| a small pick%axe.

knkn$: (a) lkewarm, tepid; hence ! (nm).

4 knba: (nm) family, kinsfolk; ! nepotist; devoted to the family;

! nepotism; devotion to the family.

kn$2n (nf) .inine.

# kpanth (nm) evil#immoral corse; ! immoral, one who takes to an evil corse,

kpach (nm) dyspepsia, indigestion.

d kpa (a) illiterate, nedcated.

kpath (nm) evil#immoral corse; !H one who takes to an evil#immoral corse.

kpatthy (nf) nwholesome#nsalbrios food; consming nwholesome or

nsalbrios food.

kpa:tr (a and nm) (an) ndeserving (person), nworthy (fellow).

kpit (a) enraged, angry, irate.

|4 kposha (nm) malntrition.

kppa: (nm) a big flask; H


to get slky, to begrdge;

| to be inflated (with 'oy); to become plmp.

kppi: (nf) a fnnel; small flask; small metallic lamp.

94H kpprabandh (nm) mismanagement, maladministration.

9 kpprasha:san (nm) maladministration.

9 kfr (nm) blasphemy, heresy; a belief that defies Dslam; |s

%% ;0; %%
to break the resoltion (of), to get to veer rond; to overcome the obstinacy (of).

4#s kba: (a) hnch%backed; bent; !s | a blessing in disgise.

@ kbddhi (a) wicked, vicios, depraved; (nf) wickedness, viciosness, depravity.

4| kbol (nm) npleasant#ominos words.

H km$k (nf) reinforcement, relief; H to send reinforcement.

H km$ti (nf) perversity; base intellect; disnity.

H kma:r (a) bachelor; d celibacy; d a celibate.

H kma:rika: (a) see


H| kma:ri: (a) virgin, maiden; nmarried; (nf) a virgin#maiden; cape; 7 a

virgin girl.

H kma:rg (nm) evil#ndesirable corse; !H taking an evil corse.

kmd (nm), kmdin2 (nf) a lily (flower).

+H kmm$2t (a) bay%colored, bay; (nm) a bay horse; ,H gilefl throgh

and throgh.

+#s kmha: (nm) field pmpkin, ash gord; !s | 4 a feeble and fragile

+ kmhla:n$: (v) to fade; to wither; to shrivel; to lose lstre.

+ kmha:r (nm) a potter.

krkra: (a) crisp.

krachna: (nf) malformation.

krta: (nm) a lose%fitting pper garment.

krti: (nf) a blose (for women); 'acket; 'erkin.


.r$:n (nf) the sacred book of the >ohammedans (said to be inspired by Eod);
3, to swear by the Poran.

| kri:ti (nf) condemnable#evil practice or cstom.

F kr:p (a) gly, nsightly, hideos; hence ! (nf).

kredn$: (v) to rake; to scoop.


4 .r. (a) attached; distrained; to attach; to distrain; H a baillif, a

cort%official empowered to attach property of the person against whom a decree has to
be exected.

.r.i: (nf) attachment; distraint.


4 .rb$:n (a) sacrificed; H to be sacrificed; | to sacrifice oneself over


4 .rb$:n2: (nf) sacrifice; to make a sacrifice.

| krsi: (nf) a chair; plinth (of a bilding); a position of athority; athority;

|s to idle away time on a chair, to occpy a chair idly; to receive with
respect, to honor (by offering a chair); 4 to occpy a chair#position, to wield
power#athority; H to get a portion of athority.

kl (a) total; aggregate; entire; lineage, pedigree; family; a slr on the fair
name of a family; !

F the family priest; ! # <enates, the family%deity;

!H srname: ! Mice%chancellor (of a Hniversity); head of a family; + a
family tradition;

4 man of a respectable family;

| family priest;
H dignity of a family; H

woman of a dignified family; | lit. light of

the family; a son who brings honor to the family;
%% ;0) %%
H s

4 to bring disgrace to the family; H #" to case the

family to be stigmatised, to case a slr on the family.

H klaksh$2: (nf) an ominos woman; woman of evil disposition.

kla: (nf and a) (an) nchaste (woman), (a) lewd (woman); a trollop; hence
! (nm).

9 klpha: (nm) a kind of green leafy vegetable.

9| klfi: (nf) ice%cream fro,en in a conical mold.

klbla:n$: (v) to wriggle; to creep; to be restless.

klbla:ha (nf) wriggling; creeping; restlessness.

# klv$nt (a) well%born, belonging to a noble family, genteel; ! of noble

descent, chaste and faithfl (woman).

kl$:ch (nf) a leap; bond; somersalt; hence ! (v); ! to take a leap#'mp,

to hop.

kl$: (nf) see

H kla:dhipati (nm) Jhancellor (of a Hniversity).

H kla:dhyakksh (nm) Misitor (of a Hniversity).

#4 kla:ba: (nm) a hinge; hook; !4 H, HH%HHH to try to bring

heaven and earth together; to bild castles in the air, to indlge in fantastic planning.

klia: (nf) a small earthen crcible; H

s 9|s to perform a task very

secretly, not to let others have even an inkling of one&s doings.

| .li: (nm) a coolie; 4s a rag%tag, person commanding no respect; low%born


| kli:n (a) belonging to higher castes, aristocratic, noble, of noble descent;

(caste) aristocracy; ! nobility, noble descent, caste aristocracy.

~ klla: (nm) gargle, rinsing the moth; sprot; also

~| (nf).

~s klha (nm) a small earthen bowl.

~#s klha:a: (nm) a large axe; !s a small axe.

kvach$n (nm) filthy#npleasant words; absive langage.

kva:sn$: (nf) sinfl#immoral desire; evil mental impression.

# kvicha:r (nm) a bad#evil idea, an indiscreet idea; !| indiscreet, imprdent.

kvvyavaha:r (nm) bad behavior, misbehavior.


.vvat (nf) strength, power, energy, vitality.

ksh (nm) a sort of sacrificial grass+oa c%nosuroides.

kshal (a) skilfl, skilled, deft, proficient, dexteros; (nf) well%being, happiness;
H H well%being, happiness; 9 in.iry after the health and welfare (of a person);
H welfare, well%being.

kshalta: (nf) dexterity, skill, deftness; well%being.

0 ksha:ggr (a) sharp; pointed; ! perspicacity; sharpness; !4

@ sharp, of keen
intelligence perspicacios.

ksha:san (nm) bad government, maladministration.

kshk (nm) a kiosk.

ksht$mkshta: (nm) 'xtaposed wrestling, interlocking enconter.

kshta: (nm) ntritive and retentive calx prepared by chemical

%% ;0/ %%

kshti: (nf) wrestling; to lose a wrestling bot; H to win a wrestling

bot; s to wrestle, to have a wrestling bot.

ksh (nm) leprosy; eradication of leprosy; s sffering from

leprosy, lepros.

, ! ks$g (nm), !ti (nf) bad company, evil association.

# ks$nska:r (nm) nwholesome or evil mental impression#ways; hence !| (a).

HH ksama'an (nm) malad'stment.

H ksamay (nm) inopportne time; period of adversity.

H ksm (nm) a flower.


.s:r (nm) falt, omission; defalt; !H# defalter; at falt.

khak (nf) cooing, twittering (of a cckoo); warbling; melodios notes.

khakn$: (v) to coo; to twitter, to warble.

khn2: (nf) an elbow; a hanger.

khr (nm) a meats, a channel or passage (in the body).

khra: (nm) fog, mist.

H khr$:m (nm) proar, havoc, tmlt; lod lamentation, bewailing; H an

proar#tmlt to be raised, havoc to be created#cased.

kha:sa: (nm) mist, fog.

kha:siya: (nm) fogman.

khk (nf) cooing; twittering, warbling.

k=:cha: (nm) a broom.

k=:chi: (nf) a brsh, a small broom; 9 to ndo, to redce to naght.

s k=:: (nf) a frrow; ! frrowed.

#s k=:a: (nm) a large shallow earthen bowl; basin; hence !s fem. (dimintive).

k:k (nf) cooing; warbling.

k:kn$: (v) to coo; to warble; to wind (a watch etc.).

k:ch (nm) march, departre; to march, to depart. s 4H to

commence a march; 4| to (order a) march.

k:cha: (nm) a lane, bylane.

H, ! k:' (nf),!an (nm) warbling.

H k:'n$: (v) to warble.

k: (nm) a hill%top; enigmatical verse; (a) conterfeit; forged; false; psedo;

!H deceptive act; forgery; ! a fradlent person, forger; codifier;
enigmatical poetry; ! diplomacy; nderhand manoevring; !7 a
diplomat, diplomatist; manoevrer; hence !7; |H a plot, an intrige;

@deceptive warfare; code%script; code%writing; forged docment;

H per'ry, false witness; false evidence, forged testimony.

k:n$: (v) to pond, to pestle; to crsh; to beat; to thrash;

| to be fll of; to be imbed with.

s k:a: (nm) rbbish; sweepings, refge; trash; scorings, waste materials,

rbbish, midden; !O rbbish dmp;

s a dst%bin; to spoil, to mar;

9 every dog has his day.

d k: (a) stpid, dll%headed; !HH a dllard, nincompoop.

k:t (nf) estimate, assessment.

k:tn$: (v) to appraise; to assess, to estimate.

k:d (nf) a leap, 'mp; 9 gambols.

k:dn$: (v) to 'mp; to skip;

%% ;00 %%
to leap.

k:p (nm) a well; a deep pit; H s

lit. frog of a wella know%little, one confined

within narrow limits of experience and knowledge.

k:p$n (nm) a copon.

4s k:ba (nm) a hmp, hnch.

k:l (nm) a bank.

~ k:lha: (nm) hanch, hip;

~ H to make a flirtatios swinging of the hips.


.:vat (nf) see &4


kritaka:ryy (a) sccessfl; flfilled; one who has accomplished his assignment;
hence ! (nf).

c kritkritty (a) flfilled, gratified; hence ! (nf).

kritaghn (a) ngratefl, thankless; ! ngrateflness, thanklessness.

7 kritaggy (a) gratefl, indebted, obliged; ! grateflness, indebtedness,


krita:krit (a) complete as well as incomplete; partially complete; acts of

commission and omission,

krita:rth (a) gratified; obliged; hence ! (nf).

kriti (nf) a work (esp. of art or literatre), composition, performance; deed;

! the athor, the creator.

c kritittv (nm) accomplishment, achievement; creation.

kriti: (a and nm) creative; one who has ladable achievements to his credit,

c kritty (nm) performance; dty; fnction.

H krittim (a) artificial; synthetical; psedo; sprios; fictitios; sham; affected;

labored; H artificial insemination ; ! artificiality, sham, affectedness.

# krid$nt (nm) participle; !H derived or created from a participle; ! pertaining

to, or related with, a participle.

krip$ (a) miser, stingy, parsimonios, niggardly; ! stinginess, niggardliness,


kripaya: (ind) kindly, please.

kripa: (nf) kindness; favor; grace; kindly disposition; favorable attitde;

H kindly#favorable look or disposition; !H seeking favor; %T see H;
deserving favor; favorite; !H

@is#Bor Erace; H

lit. ocean of kindness

an epithet of Eod.

krip$: (nm) a dagger, sword.

kripa:l (a) kind, compassionate, benign; ! kindness, compassion, benignity.

H krim2 (nm) a worm, an insect; ! an insecticide; | helminthiasis;

!7 helminthology.

krish (a) lean, thin; feeble, emaciated; ! lean and thin; ! leanness, thinness,

lean and thin, feeble; hence

(nf and a).

4 krishak (nm) a farmer, peasant; cltivator; a serf; 69 serfdom.

4 krishi (nf) agricltre; farming, cltivation; H farming, cltivation;

! farmer, cltivator; !H a professional farmer, one who earns his livelihood
throgh farming; 7#U (science of) "gricltre.

krish (a) black; dark; (nm) *ord Nrish$; H the dark half of the month, the
fortnight of the waning moon.
%% ;03 %%

H kCcha: (nm) an earthworm.

| kCchli: (nf) the slogh (of a snake); U|s to cast off the slogh; to assme
one&s tre colors; 4 to take on a new slogh; to metamorphose, to assme new
kendr (nm) (the) centre; !H centripetal, directed towards the centre;
! centrally located, central; | centrifgal; H

# |centripetal.
# kendrak (nm) a ncles; centroid; !| nclear.
kendrit (a) concentrated; centred; hence ! (nf).
7|# kendri:kar$ (nm) centralisation; concentration; !


kendri:bh:t (a) centralised; concentrated.

| kendri:y (a) central.
keplral and obli.e form of (see);

as per, according to;

according to; 9 for, for the sake of.

s keka: (nm) a crab.
| ketki: (nf) pandans, screw pine.
| ketli: (nf) a kettle.

ket (nm) the descending node of moon, comet; a mythological demon whose head
(+a:h) was severed by *ord Mish and the torso was later known as

; a banner.
# keral (nm) Nerala a sothern state of the Dndian Hnion; !| Neralite.
kela: (nm) a banana, a plantain tree.
keli (nf) amoros sport, amoros dalliance; fn and frolic; sexal intercorse.
keva (nm) a boatman.
s kevaa: (nm) pandans, screw% pine; fragrant pandans water; H fragrant
pandans water.
keval (a and ind) only, mere; merely; simply.
kesh (nm) the hair; ! hair%do; ! the ringlets of the hair; !4 H the hair%
ribbon; #7 hair%do.
keshika: (nf) capillary; !c capillarity.
# kesar (nf) saffron; ! saffron (colored); 64 donning of saffron robes (for
| kesri: (nm) a lion.
4 .$2chi: (nf) scissors; shears; a trick applied in wrestling; to ct or clip with
scissors; 4H to apply the trick called 4 ; % H4 to talk nineteen to the
| k$2i:n: (nf) a canteen.
#s k$2a: (nm) established standard or si,e; norm; scale; !s HH a man of
certain standard; !s 4H cnning.
kaimp (nm) a camp.
kainsar (nm) cancer.
kainsil (a) cancelled; to cancel.
4 .ai (nf) vomit, vomitting; to vomit.
kai (pro.) collo.ial variant of (see).
kaith (nm) the wood apple 1eronia elephantum.
kaithi: (nf) an earlier offshoot of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
4 .aid (nf) imprisonment, confinement, incarceration; bondage; ! a prison, 'ail;
, rigoros imprisonment; , simple imprisonment; #| to
sffer imprisonment, to be in 'ail.
%% ;04 %%
4 | .aidi: (nm) a prisoner.
9 kaifiyat (nf) description: accont; remarks; the remarks colmn;
4 to call for an explanation; to explain; to give#sbmit an explanation.
H kaimra: (nm) a camera; !H a cameraman.
kaira (nm) carat.
~ kaivally (nm) the Hltimate +ealisation, -ternal -mancipation, <erfect *iberation.
kaisa: (a) of what condition or kind; what sort of; (adv) how.
kaise (adv) how, in what way; what type of.
|# kok$ (nm) in the Dndian Hnion, the region lying west of 1ahya:dri,
administratively a part of >aha:ra:shra; ! the langage spoken in Nok$; a person
belonging to |.
| kAchn$: (v) to prod; to goad; to coax; |% prodding, goading; coaxing.
| kApal (nf) a new and tender leaf ('st sproting).
| koa postposition denoting accsitive and dative case; to; for; on the point of;
| koi: (pro) any, anybody; a few; some one; | some; | someone or the
other; 3 to ring the changes; to leave no stone ntrned;

H | H bad is the best.
| kok (nm) see .
|U koksha:str (nm) a treatise on sex by an ancient Dndian sexologist Noka:; the
science of sex.
|#, ! kokil (nm), kokila: (nf) see |; ! #! | sweet%spoken as a cckoo;
!4 same is ! |.
|| koki:n (nf) cocaine; !4H a cocaine addict.
| kokh (nf) womb; !H| a barren woman; 3Hs a woman&s only child to die;
4 |, H| H to become barren.
| kochva:n (nm) a bggy%driver.
| kochi:n (nm) a former princely state in 1oth Dndia.
| ko (nm) a coat; citadel, castle; ! the governor of a citadel.
| koar (nm) a cavitation, cavity, hollow of a tree; cins.
| koa: (nm) .ota.
| koi (nf) degree, rank; .ality; category; ten million; the end of a bow; ! same
as |; ! ten million times; 6H7 many many thanks.
|| kori: (nf) a cabin; closet; cell; small room.
| koa: (nm) a big room (esp. in the pper storey); an extensive chamber; a
warehose; the stomach; s.are (of a chess%board etc.); 4s to sffer from
indigestion; 9 | to have clearance of the bowels; | 4 to trn into a
prostitte; | | a prostitte.
|# koa:r (nm) a store%hose; warehose; barn; !| the keeper of a store%hose.
|| koi: (nf) a bngalow, mansion; a banking firm.
|s koa: (nm) a whip lash, scorge.
|s koi: (nf) a score, an aggregate of twenty.
|d ko (nm) leprosy, leprosis; (fig.) heinos evil; H H aggravation of a calamity
(by the onslaght of another);

# oo,ing ot of lepros matter.

%% ;05 %%
|d| koi: (nm) a leper; thoroghly indolent man; H a drowning man
seeks a companion.
|# kA (nm) an angle; a corner; !# ! anglar.
| kotal (nm) a ma'estic horse; (a) spare and saddled (horse).
| kotwa:l (nm) the police officer%in%charge of a ||.
|| kotwa:li: (nf) city&s main police%station.
|| kota:hi: (nf) deficiency, dearth, want; decrease.
|| kodA (nm) a kind of cheap coarse grain; d to have free and (by
implication) navailing edcation; to remain illiterate.
| kon$: (nf) a corner, nook; corners and recesses; | U H to
search high and low, to see every nook and corner; |%| from every nook and
corner, from all the length and breadth of; | $ to feel abashed.
| kop (nm) fry, anger, wrath; %#H target of anger, victim of wrath.
|9 koft (nf) enni, tedim.
|9 kofta: (nm) ponded meat or grated and boiled vegetable made into balls and
cooked in sop.
|H komal (a) soft; tender; delicate; slender; a flat note in msic; ! softness;
tenderness, delicacy.
| koyal (nf) a cckoo.
|# koyla: (nm) coal, charcoal; ! | | H evil association mst
leave its impress.
| koya: (nm) the eye%ball or its corner; cocoon; ripe plp of a 'ackfrit.
| kor (nf) edge; flange; border; deficiency; defect, draw% back, flaw;
! flanged; 4 to be nder the pressre of.
| korak (nm) a bd.
| kornish (nf) saltation with the head and body bowing down; 4H to make
deferential saltation.
|H kor$m (nm) .orm.
| koras (nm) chors.
| kora: (a) blank; nsed, ntoched; nwashed; brand new; fresh; nlettered;
! freshness; newness; virginity; %H | a don Pixote; H4 flat refsal;

thoroghly stpid; to retrn empty%handed; || ~ cock and bll

story; || 4 empty talks.
|| kori: (nm) a @ind weaver; (a) feminine form of | (see).
| H kor ma:rshal (nm) cort martial.
| kors (nm) corse.
| kola:hal (nm) noise, proar, clamor, tmlt.

kolh: (nm) a crsher; H

| (|) 4 to sffer a greater loss for
smaller gain; 4 a galley slave, drdge.
| kosh (nm) a dictionary; lexicon; a sheath; covering; shell; ball; testicles; the
art of lexicography; ! a lexicographer; !7 lexicology, the science of

@ hydrocele.
| koshika: (nf) (in 9iology) a cell.
| koshish (nf) effort, endeavor.
|#4 kosh (nm) a treasre, fnd; !4 treasry; !4H treasrer.
|8 kosh (nm) an apartment, a chamber; stomach; bracket; !4@ constipation;

@ prgation.
|8 koshak (nm) a bracket;
%% ;07 %%
!4@ bracketed.
|# kos (nm) a measrement of distance e.ivalent to two miles; !| miles away;
!|, very far.
| kosn$: (v) to crse, to impricate; , % to indlge in tter damnation,
to shower crses pon.
| kohni: (nf) an elbow; H to elbow.

kohen:r (nm) lit. montain of lightworld famos historical diamond which

was ct into two; still adorning the crown of the 9ritish kings and .eens.
H k$=dh (nf) a flash; sdden trail of brilliant light.
H k$=dhn$: (v) to flash; to glitter.
H k$=ndha: (nm) a flash; momentary glitter.
H ka:a: (nm) a crow; harsh%spoken or cnning fellow; 'et black man; vla; H4
4| 4 lit. a crow wold always be harsh%spokena harsh spoken man wold
always tter harsh words; | every ass thinks himself worthy to stand
with the king&s horses; H| 4 | | a crow is never the whiter for
washing herself often.

4 kambik (a) familial, pertaining to the hosehold.

s kai: (nf) a cowrie, small shell; 9 | | to be too indigent, to be
penniless; , | not worth a farthing, tterly nworthy; ,#9

| a bad cowrie, a
disfigred cowrie; | not to have even a farthing, to have no money
whatever; H | of absoltely no avail; tterly insignificant; %
dirt#damn cheap; H| dirt#damn cheap, almost free; H|

U to
consider as worthless#as of no avail; H| 4 to go very cheap; to lose all
respect; s | H

H tterly indigent; " s to misfire, to hit off the

mark; s

to pay off every farthing; s H|s to save p every

farthing; to be very miserly; s s to be a stickler for every penny, to
look twice at a penny; s to repay to the last farthing; s H H

penny and penny laid p will be many; very little, very meagre in .antity.

# katk (nm) criosity; ama,ement; fn, fn and frolic; spectacle;

!| frolicsome.

kat:hal (nm) see

k$=n (pr.) who; what, which; 6H
not to be in a position to show p
throgh shame, to keep away for shame; % H
(how) to mster corage to.
kapi:n (nm) a privity cover, piece of cloth worn by ascetics over the privities.
4H .am (nf) a nation; commnity; caste; ! national, nationalistic;
! nationalism; 4H nationality; nationalism.
4H .ami: (a) national; national song.
H kama:ry (nm) virginity; bachelorhood; to break the virginity, to
have first sexal intercorse; d vow to ever remain a bachelor#virgin, celibacy;
!d committed to be a celibate.
kar (nm) morsel; U|, H
to rob somebody of his share,
%% ;0: %%
to deprive somebody of his sbsistence.
karav (nm) the descendants of king Nr, representing the van.ished party
amongst the belligerents in the great Dndian war >aha:bha:rat.
4 .al (nm) promise; agreement; contract; statement, dictm; mtal
promise; 4 tre to one&s word; to make a firm promise; to
pledge (one&s) word (to).
kashal (nm) skill, dexterity, adroitness.
kashey (a) silky; silken.
4 kya: (pro) what; #

4 excellent? well%done? 9ravo?;#H

dare ? how can (yo) mster corage to.
4| kya:ri: (nf) bed (of a garden or field).
4| kyA (ind) why; ! how; ! becase; since; |? why not; excellent ? it&s bt
H kr$nd$n (nm) lamentation, weeping and wailing, bewailing.
HH kram (nm) order; system; method; rank; se.ence; !

!4 H marshalling; ptting into order; !4@ orderly; systematic; hence !4@;
disarrangement, disarray, disorder; ! evoltion, steady growth;

cataloge; respectively; !| irreglar; nsystematic; disorderly.
HH kramshah (adv) respectively; in order; by degrees.
HH kram$:k (nm) roll nmber.

kram$:nsa:r (adv) respectively, in order, trn by trn.

HH kram2k: (a) serial, sccessive, trn by trn; hence ! (nf).
H kray (nm) prchase, bying; H prchase and sale, bying and selling.
H#| kr$:ntdarshi: (a) a seer, visionary, gifted with preternatral vision; hence
! (nf).
H kr$:nti (nf) a revoltion; !| revoltionary; !

(one) heralding a revoltion.

H krike (nf) (the game of) cricket.
HH kriyam$: (a) being performed#done, in progress.
H kriya: (nf) action, act; fnction; a religios performance; verb; last rites;
,H intransitive verb; H last rites, fneral rites; ! activity;
!~ techni.e; maniplation; !cH fnctional, operative, practical; verbal;
! a verb; ! verbal; ! activism; !4 adverb; H transitive verb;
, to perform the last rites.
HcH kriya:tm$k (a) fnctional, active; verbal; hence ! (nf).
H7# kriya:nviti (nf) implementation, translation into action; ! implemented.
HH kriya:vidhi (nf) procedre, methodology.
H kriya:shi:l (a) active, fnctional; hence ! (nf).
H# krist$:n (nm) a christian; ! christian.
H|s kri:a: (nf) play, game, sport, dalliance; fn;

fn and frolic.
H| kri:t (a) boght, prchased; a paid%for slave.

@ krddh (a) angry, infriated, enraged, wrathfl.


kr:r (a) crel, nkind, merciless, rthless; !H crel, rthless.


kr:rta: (nf) crelty, rthlessness,

%% ;3( %%
H krey (a) prchaseable; worth% bying.
H|H krodh (nm) anger, wrath, fry, rage; ! ot of anger, possessed by fry;
H to sbde (one&s) anger.
H|H krodhit (a) angry, ragefl, wrathfl, enraged.
H|H krodhi: (a) short%tempered, hot%tempered; irascible.
H kr$=nch (nm) a kind of crlew.
44 klab (nm) a clb.
4# klark (nm) a clerk; ! a clerical 'ob; position of a clerk.
4 kl$:nt (a) weary, tired; exhasted; langid.
4 kl$:nti (nf) weariness, tiredness; exhastion; langor.
4 kla:s (nf) a class (of stdents).
4 klish (a) difficlt, incomprehensible; far%fetched; ~ far%fetched
imagination; hence ! (nf).
4| kli:v (a) impotent, nmanly; timid; ! impotency, nmanliness; timidness.
4 klesh (nm) angish; affliction; pain; misery; ! painfl, irk% some;
!# painfl, troblesome, imparting misery.
4 klaivvy (nm) 4|.
4 kvachit (ind) rare, rarely.
4# kvathan (nm) boiling; ! boiling point.
4 kva:r (nm) the seventh month of the @ind calendar (H+).
4 kva:rar (nm) a .arter.
H ksh$ (nm) a moment, an instant; H each and every moment;
!H evanescent, transient; !

momentary, transitory; hence !

H ksh$ik (a) momentary, transient, fleeting, transitory; !H ephemeral;
! momentaryism, the 9ddhist philosophy which lays down that things die, i.e.
change, every moment.
H kshat (a) in'red, wonded, hrt;H wonded#torn all over.
H kshati (nf) loss; harm; in'ry, detriment; wastage, damage; !0 pt to loss#harm;
in'red; !


kshatip:rti (nf) compensasation; reparation; indemnity; 4H indemnity bond.

H kshattrap (nm) a satrap.
H kshattr$:2: (nf) a woman of the kshattri% caste; brave woman.
H kshattriy (nm) the second i.e. the warrior or the regal caste in the traditional
@ind caste%hierarchy; !c the attribte of the kshattri% caste, heroism.
HH kshamta: (nf) efficiency, competence, capacity; power.
HH ksham$: (nf) condonation; remission; forgiveness, pardon; begging
pardon, seeking forgiveness; ! tolerant, readily forgiving; hence ! (nf).
H+ kshammy (a) pardonable, forgiveable.
H kshay (nm) decay, decadence, loss; waste; tberclosis; | tberclosis;
! decadent prone to wane away, dwindling.
H kshayi: (a) decadent, waning, dwindling.
H ksha:ttr (a) pertaining to or typical of a kshattri% (see); H the brilliance or
heroism typical of a kshattri%, martialling acmen; HH the dty or fnction of
a kshattri%; martialling dty.
H ksha:r (nm) an alkali;

alkaline property;

H barren land.
%% ;3; %%
H# ksha:l$n (nm) washing, cleaning; ! washed, cleaned.
H kshiti (nf) the earth; land.
HH kshiti' (nm) the hori,on.
H# kshipt (a) thrown, pro'ected; interpolated; ! interpolation, interpolated text.
H9 kshippr (a) .ick, nimble; ! .ickness, nimbleness.
H ksh2: (a) feeble, weak, slender; delicate; langid; impaired; emaciated; ! lean
and thin, attenated, emaciated, langid; ! impairment; emaciation; leanness,
thinness; langor; ! anaemic; ! enfeebled, impaired, exhasted, dissipated.
HH kshi:yma: (a) waning, dwindling, declining.
H kshddr (a) small; mean, base, petty; wicked; contemptible.
H kshddrata: (nf) smallness; meanness, baseness, pettiness, wickedness;
H H kshdha: (nf) appetite, hnger; ! #s hngry, famished.
HH kshbdh (a) agitated; excited, n.iet.
H kshettr (nm) field, grond, range; region, area; !H mensration.
H 9 kshettrphal (nm) area.
H H kshettra:dhika:r (nm) 'risdiction.
H kshettrik (a) territorial, ,onal, regional.
H kshettri:y (a) territorial, ,onal, regional.
H# kshepak (nm) interpolation; ! interpolation, interpolated passages.
H kshep$ (nm) interpolation; pro'ection.
H H kshCm (nf) welfare, well%being.
HH kshaiti' (a) hori,ontal; ! hori,ontally.
H| kshobh (nm) agitation; excitement, commotion; fret.
H kshar (nm) hair%ctting, shaving; H hair%ctting, shaving.

khathe second consonant and the second member of the first pentad (i.e. ) of
the Devna:gri: alphabet; (nm) sed in 1anskrit compond words to mean the sky
(as , |, etc).
kh$kha:r (nm) expectoration, hawking.
kh$kha:rn$: (v) to expectorate, to hawk.
kh$ga:ln$: (v) to rinse, to clean ot; to probe (as

| 4 |
9 H ).
Hs, Hs kh$'i:, kha'i: (nf) a timbrel.
H kha'an (nm) a wagtail /otacilla alba; in literatre, it is fre.ently sed as
an 3H for playfl gay eyes (H%).
OH a'ar (nm) a dagger, poniard.
s kha (nm) a portion, part, fragment, piece, bit; scrap; lmp;
%% ;3) %%
chnk; section; clase; block; segment; canto; volme; factor; region; division; a
small narrative#tale; ! a long episodic poem (not flfilling the re.irements of an
epic), a near%epic poem, epicoid;s broken#trned into pieces; fragmented;
9 partial delge; 4 a clase.
s kha$n (nm) reftation, rebttal, repdiation; denial, H s repdiation and
vindication; discssion for and against; scH repdiative, casing or embodying
s khashah (adv) sectionwise; clasewise; portion%wise; division%wise;
s(s)| kh$
()sa:ri: (nf) an indigenos form of sgar, nprocessed sgar.
s kh$
har (nm) rins; a dilapidated bilding; #4 to case rin#devasation, to
s khait (a) broken; fragmented; split; repdiated; c split
personality; s a woman whose hsband or lover has let her down#been gilty of
infidelity; also 6.
khandak (nm) a moat, ditch, trench.
4 khamba: (nm) see .
khambha: (nm) a pillar, colmn; post, pole.
khakha:r (nm) see .
khakha:rna (v) see .
khag (nm) a bird.
|# khagol (nm) "stronomy; !7 "stronomy; astronomical science;
!| astronomical; celestial.
0 khaggra:s (nm) complete#whole eclipse.
khacha:khach (a and adv) overcrowded, packed to fll; absoltely (fll);
| to be packed to fll.
khachit (a) stdded; inlaid, engraved.
O acchar (nm) a mle.
O| achchari: (nf) a 'anet.
OH a,a:chi: (nm) a treasrer, cashier.
OH a,a:n$: (nm) treasre; treasry; repository; 9 treasry officer.

kha':r (nf) date, date%palm; a kind of sweetmeat.

kha (nf) sond prodced by the impact of one ob'ect on another, sond of
knocking, rap; rapping, rap%trap; knocking;broil, .arrel.
khaak (nf) an apprehension, misgiving; a lrking hitch (in the mind); pinch.
khaakn$: (v) to click; to pinch, to offend; to raise apprehensions or misgivings;
to be an eye%sore (to); to have a wrangling, to become estranged (with).
khak$: (nm) an apprehension, dobt; click; catch.
khaka:n$: (v) to knock, to rap; to case to wrangle, to case estrangement.
khakhaa:n$: (v) to tap; to keep on reminding.
khan$: (v) to toil, to labor hard.
khapa (nf) wrangling, s.abbling, estrangement.
| khapa:i: (nf) one side of a bedstead; to become slky, to lie repining in
H khamal (nm) a bed%bg.
H, H khamia:, khami:a: (a) having a mixed taste
%% ;3/ %%
of sor and sweet.
khara:g (nm) mess, ado; entanglement; botheration.
khaa:i: (nf) a powder prepared from dried p (raw) mango parings Used as
spiceV; sorness, tartness; H s to throw cold water on; to keep in a state of
sspense, to shilly%shally; H s to be kept in abeyance; to keep on dragging (some
'ob or assignment).
khaa:kha (nf) rap, constant clicking; tapping noise; (adv) .ickly, briskly.
khaa:n$: (v) to get sor.
khaa:s (nf) a toch of sorness#tartness, rancidity.
| khai:k (nm) a low caste in the @ind caste%hierarchy (whose main occpation is
frit%selling, pig%keeping and poltry farming etc.)
| khaola: (nm) a small cot (meant for children).
khaa: (a) sor, tart;

very sor; H sorrel.

khaik (nm) see |.
s khaakn$: (v) to rattle; to clatter; to click; to tingle.
ss khakhaa:n$: (v) to rstle; to clatter, to rattle.
ss khakhaa:ha (nf) rstling; clattering, rattling, clttering.
s khaa: (a) standing, erect; pright, straight; vertical; steep, high; stationary;
nreaped (as s ); whole, entire; s%s at once, there and then, instantly;
standing a long while; | to stand (for election etc.)
s3 khaa:=: (nf) a wooden sandal.
Os khaiya: (nf) chalk, gypsm.
s khai: (a) feminine form of s; d steep ascent; | pright swimming;
sign of fll stop; a small vertical straight line which forms a part of a nmber of
Devna:gri: characters (e.g. , , , ); 4|| standard modern form of @indi which
has been adopted as the official langage of the Dndian Hnion and which has become
synonymos with @indi;

s an otstanding bill of exchange.

g (nm) a sword; | a sheath; ! with a sword in hand, ready to strike.
s kha (nm) a deep pit, gorge.
O at (nm) a letter; line; hand% writing; O|%4 correspondence; to
draw a line; a line to be drawn; | a breach# crack to develop.
atn$: (nm) circmcision (of the foreskin of male organ); to circmcise
(the foreskin of the male organ); to convert to Dslam.
O atarn$:k (a) dangeros, ha,ardos, risky.
O# atra: (nm) danger, ha,ard, risk; ! | | a danger signal; ! to
play with fire, to risk ha,ards.
O ata: (nf) falt; gilt; error; ! gilty; to commit a mistake#falt.
khatiya:na: (v) to enter into the ledger, to make an entry, to post; to draw a line
of demarcation.
khatan2: (nf) a patwari&s register containing details of tenants& holdings.
khatta: (nm) a barn; ditch, pit.
khatti: (nf) a barn, sbterranean grain store.
OcH atm (a) ended; completed; conclded; to do away with;
%% ;30 %%
to complete#conclde.
khattri: (nm) a caste among the @inds.
khada:n (nf) a .arry; mine; deep ditch formed by mining operations.
| khadir (nm) catech; ctch.
s# khaden$: (v) to rot; to drive away, to chase ot; to pt to flight.
khaddar (nm) hand%spn coarse cloth; !H| one who dons clothes made of .
kh$n (nm) a storey; moment; 'ingling sond (as prodced by a coin by its impact on
hard srface).
khan$k (nf) a 'ingle#clink, 'ingling or clinking sond.
khanakn$: (v) to 'ingle#clink, to prodce a 'ingling#clinking sond.
khanka:r (nf) a 'ingle#clink, 'ingling#clinking sond; hence ! (v).
khankhan$:n$: (v) see .
khan$n (nm) mining, digging; mining#digging operations.
khanik (nm) a miner, mine worker.
H khanikarm (nm) mining (work or operation).
H khani' (a) mineral; minerals; 7 >ineralogy.
khapachchi: (nf) a bamboo%sliver, splinter, vertically rent piece of bamboo.
khapat (nf) consmption; sale.
knapn$: (v) to be consmed; to be sold; to be destroyed#rined.
khapra: (nm) a cpel; rond broken earthenware piece; an earthen roofing tile.
khaprail (nf) a tiled shed.
khappar (nm) a cpel; begging bowl, cranial bowl.
O9 afgi: (nf) displeasre, anger.
O9 afa: (a) displeased, angry.
O9|9 afi:f (a) petty, small, trivial; ndignified.
O9|9 afi:fa: (nm) a cort of small cases.
O4 abar (nf) news, information; 3s news to be in the air#afloat; H
| news to go allrond; to call#hal over the coals, to give it hot, to take to
task, to settle acconts (with); to en.ire (abot).
O4# abarda:r (a) catios, watchfl; !| catiosness, watchflness.
O4 abi:s (a) stingy; filthy (fellow).
O abt (nm) cra,e, mania, fad, eccentricity; | to be cra,y (abot).
O abti: (nf) a maniac, an eccentric; (a) cra,y, faddish.

4 abtlhava:s (a) absent%minded, eccentric (person).

OH am (nm) a kink; bend; crl; crve; ! crved; crly; O to get crved; to
be van.ished; | lit. to slap the armsto assme a challenging postre, to
challenge to a dal; to 'oggle, to impart a crve.
OHH amiya:,a: (nm) retribtion, pnishment; loss; 3 to reap the frit (of),
to sffer retribtion.
OH ami:r (nm) yeast, leaven; 3 to leaven, to ferment.
O aya:nat (nf) defalcation, perfidy, breach of trst.
O| argosh (nm) a rabbit, hare; a timid heart.
OH#" ardima:gS (a) hot%headed, ill%tempered; !" hot%headedness;
%% ;33 %%
kharpatwa:r (nm) weed.
kharpa:t (nm) see .

#H arb:,a: (nm) a msk melon; !H | O4

H 4
association inevitably breeds affinity.
kharal (nm) a mortar; to pestle.
kharehra: (nm) a crrycomb.
kharha: (nm) a hare, rabbit.
khara: (a) pre, genine; straightforward; pright; honest; plain%speaking; overhot
(e. g. , | H); crisp; HH a good paymaster; a straightforward
person; 3 to hold water, to bear examination; a plain%speaking man;
genine straightforward dealings; 9F O4|straightforward ndanted
dealings#condct, calling a spade a spade; | good and bad, genine and sprios;
H U H good wages good work; to distingish good from bad, to
discriminate between good and bad; 4 a good coin.
O# ara:d (nm) a lathe; ! a trner; d to trn on a lathe; to reform.
O ara:d$: (v) to trn on a lathe.
O4 ara:b (a) bad; spoiled; wicked; defective, falty; depraved, miserable;
to case the fall of, to deprave; to spoil.
O4 ara:bi: (nf) badness, wickedness; defect, falt; demerit.
OH%OH ara:ma:%ara:ma: (adv) slowly, with (gracefl) ease.
ara:sh (nm) scratch; irritation (esp. in the throat).
| khari: (a) feminine form of (see); chalk; oil cake; || harsh and
npalatable, relentless (words); |

to call a spade a spade, to tell one some

home%trths, to speak ot npalatable trths; ||

to send one away with a

flea in one&s ear, to give a bit of one&s mind, to take to tasks; HH

|, | H good
wages, good work.
O| ari:ta: (nm) a poch, small silk bag (in which letters for important men were
O| ari:d (nf) prchase, bying; 9|E prchase and sale, bying and selling;
to prchase, to make prchases.
O| ari:dn$: (v) to by, to prchase.
O|# ari:da:r (nm) a byer, vendee; !| bying, prchasing.
O|9 ari:f (nf) the kharif crop.
| kharAch (nf) scratch, brise.
| kharAchn$: (v) to scratch, to brise.
O|8 kharoshi: (nf) an ancient script which was prevalent in north%west frontier of
Dndia roghly between 0th centry 9.J. and /rd centry ".D.
O arch (nm) expenditre, expense; cost; 3 to bear the expenses; |s to
redce expenditre (on); expenditre to be (re) covered.
O archa: (nm) expenditre, expense; cost, otlay; s to cost; to have to spend;
4 H to case recrring expenitre.
O| archi:la: (a) spendthrift, extravagant; expensive, costly; neconomdical.
kharra: (nm) a long sheet, roll (of paper); lengthy accont.
# kharra:a: (nm) snore; ! #H# to drive pigs to
%% ;34 %%
the market, to snore while asleep; to be fast asleep.
khal (a) wicked, vile, mischievos; (nm) a mortar; villain; ! a villian;
! a vamp.
khaln$: (v) to feel offended#bad, to take ill, to be displeasing.
4| khalbali: (nf) agitation, commotion; |#H a commotion to be
O alal (nm) interrption, distrbance, obstrction.
O ala:s (a) discharged; emptied; released.
O ala:si: (nm) a seaman, khallasi, porter.
khaliha:n (nm) a barn; threshing floor.
| khali: (nf) oil cake.
O|9 ali:fa: (nm) a caliph; veteran wrestler; !H to prove more
than a match to veterans, to otdo the veterans.
O~ al. (nm) creation, world.
~ khalva: (a) bald; ! baldness.
# khava: (nm) the end of the sholder (farther from the neck), the root of the arm;
! UI to have a 'mbling and 'ostling crowd, to have sholders rbbing
with one another, to be overcrowded.
O as (nm) fragrant root of a typical grass sed for cooling prposes; its essence;
| a screen made of the fragrant roots of O and sed for cooling prposes dring
the smmers.
OH asam (nm) hsband; master; !#| widowed, a malediction meaning may
yo be widowed; to take a hsband.
khasra: (nm) measles.
O asra: (nm) a patwari&s srvey%book (containing an accont of the nmber, area
etc. of each field or plot of land).
OO asas (nm) poppy seed.
O aslat (nf) natre, disposition.
O () asi: (khassi:) (a) castrated, rendered impotent; (nm) a (castrated) he%
goat; to castrate.
| khaso (nf) snatching, sei,ing .ickly or nexpectedly.
| khason$: (v) to snatch, to sei,e .ickly or nexpectedly.
O asta: (a) crisp; brittle; ! afflicted, in distress, ragged; brittle, fragile, worn
ot; hence !| (nf); s a kind of crisp s; | H#! | H to go
to grass; to become brittle.
#, ! kh$:ch (nf), !a: (nm) a groove, recess, slit, vallecla; a big basket; coop.
kh$:cheda:r (a) valleclar; slitting, having slit(s).
s kh$: (nf) nrefined sgar.
s#(s) kh$:
()a: (nm) a big broad sword; 4H fighting to ense#commence.
kh$:p (nf) a slice (of some frits).
kh$sn$: (v) to cogh.
kh$:si: (nf) cogh.
kha:i: (nf) ditch, trench, moat; entrenchment; to bridge a glf (between
two or more parties); | to have a glf#distance between.
3 kha:: (a) voracios, glttonos; bribee; 3s3 extravagant, wastefl,
s.anderer; H# selfish, self%serving; glttonos.
O a:k (nf) ashes; dirt and dst; anything trivial, precios
%% ;35 %%
little; nothing whatever; ! lowest of the low; hmble, (this) hmble petitioner (sed
with reference to oneself while talking in hmble terms); 3s to be rined;
to redce to ashes, to devastate;

a mortal being made of dst;

U to beat the air; to wander al rond; s to bry; to bry the hatchet; to
conceal (an affair or anything disgracefl); 4 to be in rins, to be in doldrms;
H H to fall to the grond, to be redced to dst or ashes; 3s to
morn, to be in morning.
O a:ka: (nm) sketch, otline; map, layot; to make a fn (of) to pll
one&s leg.
O| a:ki: (a) dll yellow%colored, dst%colored.
H kha:' (nf) scabbies, mange.
kha: (nf) a cot, bedstead; | hosehold effects; |s to keep on lying
idle; s to be bed%ridden; 3 H to be on the verge of death;
to be confined to bed throgh prolonged illness; to be redced to
skeleton, to be emaciated.
s kha:i: (nf) a bay.
kha:t (nm) fovea, fossa.
kha:ta: (nm) ledger; accont; | to open an accont; s to commence
dealings (with); H s to debit to the accont (of).
O a:tir (nf) hospitality; (ind) for, for, the sake of; !HH assrance; to rest
assred; ! hospitable, one who extends hospitality; !| hospitality, warm
O| a:tiri: (nf) hospitality.

$:t:n (nf) a lady.

kha:d (nf) manre, fertili,er.
kha:dar (nm) allvial land, moor.
| kha:di: (nf) see !; !H| see H|.
kha:ddy (nm) food; (a) eatable; eatable and non%eatable, edible and
inedible; good and#or bad food.
kha:n (nf) mine; .arry; receptacle, store%hose; an abridged form of sed as
the first member in compond words (%).
O a:n (nm) a chieftain mslim chief; an honorific sed with "fghan >slim
names; also a form of address to them.
O# a:nd$:n (nm) family, kinsfolk; ! familial; traditional; belonging to a
high or noble family; 6HH descendant of a noble family.
% kha:n%p$:n (nm) (mode and manner of) eating and drinking; living; social
OH a:nsa:m$: (nm) a hose%steward; head of the kitchen and pantry.
kha:na (v) to eat; to live on (e.g. ); to corrode; to misappropriate
(e.g. ); to sting (as by a venomos insect); to destroy; to s.ander, to take a
bribe; (nm) food, meal; H | H | @obson&s choice;
H to devor; to rin; to s.ander; to misappropriate; % well%to%do, fairly
prosperos; H to exert to earn one&s livelihood; to en'oy; to take
bribe; % 9 H to brst bttons with food; s
%% ;37 %%
to be hard p for each meal; s to react violently#offensively, to be easily irritated;
to case grief (by raking p past memories); %

well%to%do, well%off.
O a:n$: (nm) a shelf; colmn; compartment; abode; chest or case; H4(|)
may yo prosper; prosperos; H4| prosperity, florishing as a hoseholder;
!O4 rined; withot home and hearth, wandering; !O4 rination; state of being
homeless; ! search, hose%search; !44 s.andered, one who rins one&s own
home; !44| rination.

| a:n$:p:ri: (nf) to complete the formalities.

O4|# a:na:badosh (nm) a nomad, an idle wanderer; ! nomadism.
OH a:m2: (nf) defect, draw% back, flaw.
OH| a:mosh (a) silent.
OH| a:moshi: (nf) silence.
kha:r (nm) a rainy rivlet.
O a:r (nm) a thorn; animosity, rancor; to nrse a spirit of rancor
(against), to have a sense of animosity; to be in readiness to take revenge.
kha:ra: (a) brackish; saline, salty; ! salinity; brakishness; hence |.
OH a:ri' (a) dismissed; re'ected; to dismiss, to re'ect; to strike off (a
O a:rish (nm) scabbies, itch, mange.
kha:l (nf) skin; hide; 3s to flay bare; to give a good thrashing; 3 to
des.amate, to skin; to flay; 3Hs to beat black and ble, to give one gyp;

to inflict severe physical pnishment; to peel off the

skin, to flay.
O a:lsa: (nm) the sikh commnity; a sikh; | a religios assembly of the
O a:la: (nf) mother&s sister; an easy ndertaking, a simple 'ob; also !H
O4 a:li. (nm) the creator.
O a:lis (a) pre; nmixed, nadlterated; hence ! (nm).
O| a:li: (a) empty, vacant; noccpied; blank; nemployed; naccented beat (in
msic); ineffective (e.g. H) fallow; only; mere (e.g. 4); only; to
vacate, to empty; to evacate; H vacancy; H () to miss the mark;
H4 empty pocket, penniless; empty stomach; 4 to be idle, to be
nemployed; empty%handed; narmed; to draw a blank, to retrn
empty%handed, to fail in one&s mission.
O a:vind (nm) hsband, man; 4 man and wife.
O a:s (a) special; particlar; pecliar; proper (e.g. O ~| );
important; chief: own (e.g. H O HH); ! particlarly; O selected (few);
! private; OHO very special; very intimate, O speciality,
characteristic; O

O very intimate; very dear one; O|HH all people, the big and
the small.
O a:sa: (a) fairly good, ample.
O ha:siyat (nf) characteristic; pecliarity; speciality; distinctive .ality; natral
kh2chn$: (v) to be plled; to be tightened; to be expanded; to be attracted
towards (, | H);
%% ;3: %%
to be extracted, to be removed; to be drawn (apart); to be repelled; % to
keep a distance (mentally#physically), to keep aloof.
khicha:i: (nf) the act or process of
plling#drawing#tightening#expanding#extracting#removing; leg%plling.
kh2cha:v (nm) strain; stretch; draght; attraction.
s kh2
n$: (v) to spill; to be spilled.
s khichi: (nf) a preparation of rice and plse boiled together; a mixtre, medley;
hotch%potch; the festival known as H H; (a) mixed; , to
blow one&s own trmpet, to go one&s own .eer way; 4 a hotch%potch langage;

3 to be incredibly delicate; to hatch a plot, to conspire;

|, (4| ) to have a sprinkling of grey hair amongst black.
OH i,$: (nf) the atmn, fall; (fig.) period of decay, adversity.
OH4 i,a:b (nm) a hair%dye.
$ khi'ha:na: (v) to tease, to vex; to assail playflly or maliciosly.
s| khiki: (nf) a window; ! having window(s), ventilated; | (H" |)
lit. to open the windowto let in fresh air (of ideas etc.).
O4 ita:b (nm) a title; to confer a title (on).
O i:tta: (nm) a tract of land.
OH idmat (nf) service; lackeying; ! a servant; lackey; !| service,
lackeying; 4H to serve, to be at the service of.
7 khinn (a) gloomy, glm, depressed; sad; ! glmness, sadness, depression.
OH ira:' (nm) a tribte.
khilandra: (a) playfl, boyant.
khilkhila:n$: (v) to brst into laghter; to lagh heartily.
khilkhila:ha (nf) a gffaw, brst of laghter.
khiln$: (v) to blossom, to bloom; to blow; to be delighted; to split p, to be rent
asnder; to befit.
s khilwa: (nm) frolic, fn and frolic, pastime; to play with, to treat
s khila:i: (nm) a player, sportsman; (a) playfl, frolicsome;
, inexperienced player; ,4#H

H experienced#balanced player;
!sportsmanship, playflness.
khila:n$: (v) to feed; to entertain to a meal; to administer (as medicine etc.);
made to blossom#bloom#blow p#play.
O9 ila:f (a) against, opposed; adversely disposed; !H| defiance; violation,
transgression; | to be opposed (to), to be adversely disposed.
O9 ila:fat (nf) pertaining to a calif; opposition (a wrongly coined e.ivalent
for H

9 see).
khilan$: (nm) a toy, plaything; 4 to make a plaything of; | to be a
plaything in the hands of.
~| khilli: (nf) derision, making fn, ridicling: !4H a wag, derider, one who holds
others to ridicle; 3s to make fn#game of, to poke fn at, to deride, to ridicle.
%% ;4( %%
khisan$: (v) to move slowly; to move farther, to slip away.
# khisiya:n$: (v) to feel pi.ed#disparaged#embarrassed; to be in an impotent
rage; ! 4~| | a thrashed army resorts to rampage.
khisiya:ha (nf) a sense or feeling of pi.e; impotent rage.
kh2:chn$: (v) to pll; to pll one&s leg; to draw; to tighten; to expand; to extract;
to attract; to drag; % tssel; tgging; twisting (e.g. meaning of a word or
statement); % maniplation, tssel and tgging; twisting and distorting, far%
$ (H) khi:'h (khi:') (nf) groch, vexation, fret.
$(H) khi:'h (')n$: (v) to groch to fret, to be irritated#vexed.
khi:r (nf) a sweetened preparation of rice and milk boiled together; a typical sweet
Dndian dish.
khi:ra: (nm) a ccmber.
khi:l (nm) parched paddy; | to be shattered (to pieces); to split p.
# khi:s (nf) grinning; ! d##| to wear a grin; to sing.

khndak (nf) a feeling of rancor#ill%will; offence; to take offence; to

nrse a feeling of ill%will#rancor.

khmbhi: (nf) mshroom.

H kh'la:n$: (v) to experience an itching sensation, to itch; to scratch.

H kh'la:ha (nf) itch; itchiness, itching sensation.

H| kh'li: (nf) itch, itchiness, itching sensation; scabbies.

H kh'a:n$: (v) to itch; to scratch.

(v) to tap.

khi: (nf) severance of mtal cordial terms (amongst children); ctting off the
bond of friendship; to severe speaking terms, abandon friendly relation.

s khi: (nf) an improvised strctre (of bricks etc.) to sit on for the discharge of
faeces; hollow space or the foot%rest improvised for the prpose; hollow between two

d (pro) self; (adv.) of one&s own accord, volntarily, !E independent;

!E| independence; ! direct cltivation; !

sicide; ! self%centred,
self%aggrandising; ! self%aggrandisement; 4%O

on one&s own, self, by itself;


E atonomos; !H

E| atonomy.

"#H dgara, (a) selfish, self%seeking; !H selfishness, self%seeking


khdra: (a) retail (goods); small coins.


da: (nm) Eod; the *ord; ! <rovidence; Eodhood; Jreation; ! devot,

Eod%worshipping; ! devotness; !, ! Eod "lmighty; 8 *ord, 8 >aster;
"H4 Divine wrath; | H Divine vangeance; | H in the name of Eod;
| | to kick the bcket to expire; O

at long last, with immense

difficlty; ? >ay Eod secre ?; H | O

| those who wold

destroy, find themselves disarmed; ? Eod forbid?; ! 8h Eod; 9H?
good%bye ? adie; so long?

khda:i: (nf) engraving,

%% ;4; %%
carving; digging, excavation; charges in respect thereof.

| di: (nf) ego, vanity.


# dda:r (a) self%respecting; !| self%respect.


| nki (nf) a toch of cold, slight cold.

# khna:s (nf) rancor, spite; ! rancoros, spitefl.


9 fiya: (a) detective, secret; (nm) a detective spy:

secret police.

4(H) b(m)a:n2: (nf) an apricot.


H# ma:r (nm) hang%over (of a drink); slight intoxication; drowsiness (reslting

from inade.ate sleep etc.); also!| (nf); ! 3 hang%over to be on the decline.

khra (nm) scale, dry incrstation formed over a healing wond; s a scale
to be formed, drying p of a wond.

khr (nm) hoof.

khrchan (nf) scrape, scrapings; a kind of sweetened milk%prodct.

khrachn$: (v) to scrape, to erase.

H khr'i: (nf) a long doble haversack.

khrdara: (a) rogh, coarse; scabros; hence ! (nm).

khrpa: (nm) a big scraping instrment.

khrpi: (nf) a kind of small scraping instrment.


H rma: (nm) a date%frit; a kind of sweetmeat.


ra:. (nf) dose; diet; ntritive diet; ration.


9# r$:fa:t (nf) smt, indecent act or smtty speech; mischief; disgracefl deed;
! mischievos; evildoer; one who indlges in smtty talk.

rd (a) mirco; small (in si,e, extent, etc.).


4 rdbi:n (nf) a microscope.

khrr$: (a) cnning, clever.

khln$: (v) to be ntied; to be ncovered; to be nravelled, to be exposed; to be

nfolded (as ); to be dispersed (as 4); to be laid aside (as 4|etc.); to start
(as s etc.); to be set p (as

etc.); to be restored (as

); to become
favorable (as

); to ac.ire fllness or depth (as


openly, frankly;

to indlge in misdeeds openly;

light appealing color.

khla: (a) open; lose; ntied; ncovered; exposed; nrestricted; frank, hearty;
spacios; fair (as HH); overt; bonteos, spending profsely#liberally;

H exposed; open;

| U

to give a free hand;

| 4 hearty;

| H

| to be open%handed, to be generos;

HH#OH#4H#H openly, pblicly;


H H open door invites a saint;

hearted, hearty;

heartily, liberally.

khla:v (nm) exposre; expanse; openness.


la:sa: (nm) smmary, gist; abstract; essence; (a) clear, brief.


~ khll$m:khlla: (adv) pblicly, openly, nreservedly.


sh (a) happy, pleased; good; !O good hand%writing; one who possesses a

good handwriting; ! (exchange of) pleasantries, pleasant chat; ! pleasant;
!H tasty; delicios; ! 'ovial, mery, cheerfl;
%% ;4) %%
!| cheerflness, 'oviality; ! calligraphist; ! calligraphy; !

H pleasant;
pleasant%looking, good%looking; O

H| welcome; O

H to kick p one&s

H# shkismat (a) fortnate; lcky; ! good fortne, good lck.


O4| shabri: (nf) good news.


#4 shnasi:b (a) fortnate, lcky; !4 good fortne, good lck.


shb: (nf) fragrance, aroma; perfme, scent; ! fragrant, aromatic,

perfmed, scented.

HHH shmi,a:' (a) cheerfl, gay, good%tempered; hence !HHH (nf).

# shha:l (a) prosperos. well%to%do, florishing; !| prosperity, well%being.


H# sha:mad (nf) flattery; !| flattering; (nm) a flatterer, sycophant; 6

professional flatterer#sycophant.

shi: (nf) 'oy, delight, happiness; O

re'oicing, gaiety; a matter

of choice, a matter of free will; O

happily, cheerflly; % 3#%

HH s to tread on air; to dance with 'oy, to be over% whelmed with 'oy;

3# 9

H to exlt, to be in exltation, to tread on air.


shk (a) dry; withered.


| shki: (nf) dryness; droght; (dry) land; dandrff; | # by land.


khsr%phsr (nf) whispering; (adv) in whispers, in very low tones.


s:siyat (nf) plral form of O (see).

E# =:a:r (a) ferocios, mrderos; hence !| (nf).

kh=: (nm) a corner; corner% stone; direction.

kh=:a: (nm) a stake; peg; s to establish oneself; to fix one&s tether; O


# 4 4 to ventre beyond one&s tether on extraneos strength.

| kh=:i: (nf) a small peg; spike; stmp (of a tree, etc.); root of the hair; ear of a
stringed msical instrment.

kh=:dn$: (v) to trample (over).

H =:re,i: (nf) bloodshed.

:n (nm) blood; mrder; %#O4 bloodshed; massacre; 3, H|

H to be filled with fry; 34# the blood to boil, to be in a bloody rage;
to mrder, to kill; to s.ander lavishly; H| blood%affection;
blood%circlation; blood%thirsty, sworn enemy; 4 blood for
blood, revenge for blood; | | 4 to shed a stream of blood; | || a
carnival of bloodshed; H

4#| to be in a terrible throe;

sppress one&s fry; the blood to boil, to be in a bloody rage;
| to be blood%gilty#blood%stained;

to sck the blood of; to exploit;

HH one&s blood to free,e; s | the blood to free,e; to be lost to the sense of
self%respect; to be bereft of passion; 9 to toil in the sweat of one&s
brow; | H hard%earned money; | to lose all sense of self%
respect; to case non%stop
%% ;4/ %%
harassment; 4 to shed blood; to case bloodshed; ,H
(|) to get
addicted to, to cltivate a taste for the nsavory; %H | (|

to rn in the blood, to be a family trait; | 4#|| H O
| to feign sacrifice, to manage to be laded as a martyr; 9 | to lack natral
affection; to become inhmane; d 4| mrderos hands mst one
day be exposed; | to be in a mrderos mood, to rn amck, to be
in a fren,ied thirst for blood;

O to be mortally scared, to be nnerved;

to stain one&s hands with blood.

:n2: (nm) a mrderer, an assassin; (a) blood%thirsty, ferocios; involving


4 :b (a) very mch, in plenty#abndance; good, beatifl; (adv) very (as O

U); (inter) excellent? very good ?.

:bs:rat (a) beatifl, pretty; handsome; comely.


:bs:rti: (nf) beaty, prettiness; handsomeness.


4 :bi: (nf) merit; characteristic .ality; speciality.

kh:sa (a) decrepit, haggard.

s khea: (nm) a hamlet, small village.
O khet (nm) a field, farm; %H see ; d it is the harvest
that proves the farmer;4 to fix a bot, to have it ot; to be killed in action,
to bite the dst.
khetihar (nm) a farmer, cltivator.
kheti: (nf) farming, cltivation; agricltre; 4|(s) agricltre, agricltral
khed (nm) regret; sorrow; !H regrettable; !9 apology, expression of regret.
khen$: (v) to row.
khep (nf) a trip; .antity or nmber transported in one lot.
H em$: (nm) a tent, camp; s to encamp; H H |, to be in the
camp of.
khel (nm) play, game, sport; show; %

sports; fn and frolic; to frolic;

age of merriment; boyhood; to give a long rope; OcH | the
game to be p; to make a crafty move; H in a trice, withot any effort;
4 to have a bsiness accomplished; ,4 4 near%accomplished 'ob;
4s a person&s apple%cart to be pset; to have a game or bsiness spoilt;
4s to pset a person&s apple%cart; H$ to consider damn easy; to look
throgh one&s game.
kheln$: (v) to play; to stage (e.g. ); to eat, drink and be
merry; % the age to eat, drink and be merry; % well%versed in
the ways of life; |% having diverse experiences of life; well%p in sexal
kheva (nm) the register of mtations, land%record of shares; a rower, boatman.
khevanha:r (nm) a rower, boatman.
kheva: (nm) ferry%toll; ferry%trip
kheva:i: (nf) ferry%toll; ferrying; H 4 H to foot the bill and
get nil.
khes (nm) a thick cotton sheet.
%% ;40 %%
kheh (nf) ash, dirt and dst; to be in a miserable plight; to knock abot from
pole to post.
khair (nm) catech.
air (nf) well%being; welfare; (ind) well, all%right; !E a well%wisher; well%
wishing; !E| well%wishing, benevolence; !~ does not matter (e.g. H | H
| | | | O~).
O aira:t (nf) charity, alms; ! alms%hose; O charitable;
6#O charitable hospital#dispensary.
airiyat (nf) welfare; safety.
| khocha: (nm) see |H.
| khAsn$: (v) to tck in; to insert; to thrst (into).
| khokhla: (a) hollow; ! hollowness.
| khokha: (nm) a stall, kiosk.
|H kho' (nf) search, .est, investigation; discovery; exploration; O4 to
en.ire abot one&s welfare; H to wipe ot all traces (of); to efface the foot%
prints (of).
|H kho'n$: (v) to seek, to search; to explore; to investigate; to discover.
O|H o'a: (nm) a ench (esp. one employed to be in attendance in a royal harem); a
trading >slim commnity.
| kho (nf) a defect, flaw, blemish; alloy.
| khoa: (a) defective, falty; false, conterfeit; sprios; adlterated, malicios;
% good and bad; inferior and sperior; genine and sprios; H inferior goods;
4 a conterfeit coin; 6 to chant horses: ||%|

to heap
reproaches on, to chide.
O| khodn$: (v) to dig; to engrave; to excavate; |%|

U to make a
searching en.iry.
| khon$: (v) to lose; to s.ander; | H to be lost (lit. as well as fig.e.g. lost in
thinking etc.); |%| |%|% to be in the dmps, to look
lost, to be absent%minded.
|s khopa: (nm) the skll; a cocoant kernel;| to break the skll open.
|s khopi: (nf) the skll;

H to be bent on getting a thrashing;

see H #; | to hang on; 9|s to break the skll
(of); # to strike one&s skll, to case blood to oo,e; to break one&s
|H Amcha: (nm) a vendor&s or pedlar&s selling basket.
| khoya: (nm) a typical milk%prodct thickened and dehydrated by boiling; (v) past
participle of the verb &|&.
| khol (nm) a cover; sheath; shell (casting); holster.
| kholn$: (v) to open; to nfold; to ntie; to detach; to nravel; to nroll; to
nfasten; | frankly, withot mincing words.
| khosn$: (v) to snatch.
| khoh (nf) a cave, cavern; an abyss.
O9 af (nm) fear, dread; !H terrori,ed, scared, fear%stricken; ! dreadfl,
terrible; to be scared of, to fear.
khaln$: (v) to boil: to effervesce.
khya:t (a) repted, celebrated, famos; historical; ! notorios; infamos.
khya:ti (nf) fame, reptation,
%% ;43 %%
renown; 9 repted, famos.
E ya:l (nm) an idea, thoght; view; opinion; one of the principal forms of modern
@indstani classical vocal msic; H not to take into accont; H H to
be ever present in memory; to attend to, to look after; 3 to slip ot of
memory#mind; to forget; to become indifferent (to).
E| ya:li: (a) imaginary, fancied; assmed;

to bild castles in the

air, to indlge in absrd fancies.
U khri:sh (nm) (Gess) Jhrist.
U khri:sha:bd (nm) the Jhristian era.
U khri:shi:y (a) Jhristian, pertaining to Jhrist.
E#4 a:b (nm) a dream; !4 pertaining to or existing in dreams; imaginary; !4|
| or !4

world of dreams, imaginary world.

E| wa:ri: (nf) inslt; embarassment.
EHE $:m$ (ind.) selessly, for no rhyme or reason, withot any prpose.
E a:hish (nf) wish, strong desire; !H desiros, solicitos.

ga the third consonant and the third member of the first pentad (i.e.) of the
Devna:gri: alphabet; a 1anskirt sffix denoting a mover (as ).
gaga: (nm) the Eanges (considered to be the most sacred river by the @inds);

made p of two colors or two metals (like gold and silver); !Hsacred water of
the Eanges; !H| a metal goblet to preserve the holy water of the Eanges; 63 to
swear by the water of the Eanges; to accomplish a difficlt task; to achieve a
H ga' (nf) baldness; (nm) a market place.
H9 ga'fa: (nm) see H9.
H ga'a: (a) bald, baldheaded; hence ! (nm).
H ga'i: (nf) a male nder%garment for the pper part.
H9 ga'i:fa: (nm) a pack or game of cards.
Hs g$'ei: (a) a g2:ja:% addict.
g$an allomorph of sed as the first member of a nmber of compond
words; ! a pickpocket; !H|s alliance; line%p; !4 H wedding; intimate
relationship, alliance.
s# g$tara: (nm), !| (nf) a thick baby diaper.
s g$a: (nm) a knotted black string (tied rond the neck as a charm); a colored ring
on the neck of certain birds like parrot; H con'ring; 6secring against evil
spirits or charms.
s(s) g$a:(da:)sa: (nm) a chopper (with a broad blade).
%% ;44 %%
s | g$
eri: (nf) a small hori,ontally ct segment#piece of a peeled sgarcane.
g$ntavvy (nm) the destination.
g$nd (nf) filth; morbidity.
g$ndgi: (nf) dirtiness, filthiness, filth; morbidity.
g$dla: (a) mddy (as water).
g$nda: (a) dirty, filthy; morbid.

#H g$ndm (nm) wheat; !H wheatish (color).

H gandh (nf) smell, odor; !#! air; ! deodorant; !| odorless;

H# gandhak (nm) slphr; ! H4#!+ slphric acid; !| slphry,
H gandharv (nm) mythological commnity of celestial msicians; a caste of singers;
% msic; one of the eight recogni,ed types of marriages prescribed by the
@ind law%giver H

, entailing mtal pledge between the lover and the beloved in the
presence of respectable people.
H g$ndhi: (nm) a perfmer, perfme%manfactrer.
gambhi:r (a) serios, grave; sober; grim; reserved; deep; profond.
gambhi:rta: (nf) seriosness; gravity; sobriety; reservedness; depth; profndity.
3 g$va:: (a) s.andering, wastefl.
# g$va:n$: (v) to lose; to waste; to s.ander; 4 to let slip throgh one&s
fingers, to sffer a (total) loss.
g$va:r (a) ncivilised; rstic, stpid; !#! ncivilised manners; rsticity;
rdeness; stpidity; vlgarity; |
pearls before the swine; 7
| penny wise pond foolish, to give away the finished prodct in a bid to save the
raw material.
F g$va:r: (a) rstic; rde; vlgar; slang (langage, etc.).
3 ga: (nf) a cow; (a) meek, gentle.
gagan (nm) the sky, firmament; ! sky%going; moving in the sky, a bird;

4#| sky%high, skyscraping.

| gagri: (nf) a small earthen pot.
gach (nf) mortar, plaster, stcco; heaviness (in the stomach); !| stcco;
4 the stomach to be heavy and constipative.
gachcha: (nm) a pitfall; ha,ard; to be hoodwinked#defraded; to be
sb'ected to a pit% fall; or H s to deceive, to hoodwink, to defrad.
H ga' (nm) an elephant; ! a gracefl carefree gait (like that of an elephant);
!H (a woman) blessed with a gracefl carefree gait (like that of an elephant);
%H looking throgh one&s fingers, connivance; feigned ignorance;
! navailing activity.
H ga, (nm) a yard; yardstick.
H ga,ak (nm) a sweetmeat prepared from sesame seed and sgar.
H ga,a (nm) a ga,ette.
"H4 gSa,ab (nf) a calamity; fry, wrath; tyranny, otrage; extremely ama,ing,
wonderfl; ,O

divine wrath#fry;

to be shattered by a calamity, to be in
deep distress; d to commit an otrage#atrocity, to be otrageos#atrocios;
! ama,ing, wonderfl.
H ga'ar (nm) the chimes (generally
%% ;45 %%
rng after every for hors); morning%bells; !H very early in the morning.
H ga'ra: (nm) a thick flower%garland; bracelet.
"H gSa,al (nf) a poplar poetic form of Hrd; !| a composed of gazals& hence
!| (nf).
H gSa,eiar (nm) a ga,etteer.
ga (nf) the sond prodced while swallowing or glping a; ! same as ;
.ikly, all at once; % .ickly, all at once.
gaakn$: (v) to swallow, to glp.
gaa:ga adv.) see .
gaa:pa:rcha: (nm) gttapercha.
gaa: (nm) plg; sprag; wrist% 'oint; ankle; a 'oint or knot.
gaar (nm) a large bndle, bale; package.
gaa: (nm) a bndle, package; blb (of onion or garlic etc.)
H|s ga'o (nm) see (!H|s).
H gaan (nf) bild, strctre, constrction; composition.
gan$: (v) to be tied#closed together; to be compact in textre; to be
intimate; 4 well%bilt#msclar body.
4H gabandhan nm) see (!4 H).
| gari: (nf) a bndle, package.
gaiya: (nf) got, rhematism.
| gai:la: (a) compact; well%bilt; msclar (body); knotty; nodose;
! knottiness, compactness; nodosity.
ss gagaa:n$: (v) to grgle; to rmble, to prodce a thndering sond.
ss gagaa:ha (nf) grgling, rmbling or thndering sond
s gan$: (v) to be bried; to penetrate; to be fixed, to stick into; to be pierced; s
H, H to be thoroghly ashamed; s H bried#ndergrond treasre; s H

3Os to dig p things bried deep, to rake p the long lost past.
s gaap (nf) a plashing sond; swallowing; to swallow; all at once; with
a splashing sond; | to be drowned, to be swallowed by the waves.
s gaapn$: (v) to swallow; to srp.
s4s gaba (nf) mddle, mess; confsion, disorder, dis.iet; !$ a pretty kettle of
fish, medley, confsion, disorder.
s4s gabaa:n$: (v) to be confsed#confonded; to be spoilt; to confse, to spoil; to
s4s gabai: (nf) see s4s.
sHs ga
(nf) confsion, medley; 'mble, a 'mbled mass; scramble.
s gaariya: (nm) a shepherd.
s| gaa:ri: (nf) a plley; spool, reel; ! having circlets or rings.
s ga (nm) a heap, mass; medley; !Hs see sHs.
s gai: (nf) a pack; bndle.
d gaa: (nm) a pit, ditch; hollow; loss; | to create pitfalls; to
make p (the loss); d H to be in distress, to sffer a grievos loss.
d ga$nt (a) imaginary, fancied; (nf) forging.
d ga (nm) a fort, castle, citadel; stronghold; ! a fort%commander;
H|#|s to achieve a resonding victory, to accomplish a difficlt 'ob.
d gaat (nf) strctre, figre and featres, bild; mold.
%% ;47 %%
d gan$: (v) to forge; to fabricate; to mold, to form, to fashion; to carve (as a
d gaa: (nm) see d.
d gaa:i: (nf) molding, fashioning; malleating; dressing; malleating#dressing
d| gai: (nf) a keep, fortress.
g$ (nm) a commnity, nion, grop; a body (signifiying collectivity, as !);
an attendant, agent; totem; ! chief of a (commnity); see .
g$ak (nm) a scorer, reckoner.
%7 g$chinh (nm) a totem.
g$t$ntr (nm) a +epblic; repblican system of government; repblic
cH g$t$ntra:tmak (a) repblican; pertaining or belonging to .
g$ta:ntri:y (a) +epblican, pertaining or belonging to 7.
g$ta:ntrik (a) repblican; pertaining or belonging to .
g$n$: (nf) conting; calclation, reckoning; ! an enmerator, a reckoner.
g$an2:y (a) worth reckoning#conting.

g$p:rti (nf) .orm.

7 g$ra:''y (nm) a repblic, repblican state.
g$ika: (nf) a prostitte, harlot.
g$it (nm) >athematics; !7 a mathematician; mathematical
science; mathematical; 6| mathematical 1tatistics.
g$esh (nm) a poplar @ind deity believed to be the god of wisdom symbolising
g$y (a) see ; !H7 distingished, of otstanding merit.
gat (a) past, gone; dead; devoid of; pertaining to, in respect of; condition, plight;
appearance; a msical time or measre; an air, a tne; worthwhile, conforming to
a standard; ! past; !9 dead; lifeless; !9 almost past; H ltimo:
4H to play an air#a msical tne; 4 to redce to a miserable plight; to give a
thorogh beating.
gata:k (nm) the last isse (of a paper, maga,ine, etc.)

gata:ngat (nm) an adherent to a cstom or tradition; n.estioning follower.

gata:ngatik (a) tradition%bond, traditional; ! traditionality,

n.estioning adherence to tradition.
gati (nf) motion, movement; speed; state, condition, plight; shape, appearance;
access, approach, pass; destiny, salvation; !H kinetic; 63H kinetic energy;
!4|H kinesthetic; ! being ot of tne#rhythm; ataxia; ! abasia;
!H momentm; !H

kinetic; !7 dynamics; !H activity, goings;

developments; !H ataxia; ! kinesthesis; ! dynamic; ! dynamism;
kinesis; activity; !| inert, inactive, static; !| inertness; inactivity, statism;
| to have a go, to have knowledge of, to have been initiated into.
#H gatim$:n (a) active, dynamic, moving; !H dynamism; activity.
gatta: (nm) strawboard; card% board.
" gSadar (nm) a rebellion, mtiny;
%% ;4: %%
H to create a havoc#row.
gatishi:l (a) dynamic, active; ! dynamism, activity; kinesis.
ccH gattya:tm$k (a) dynamic, pertaining to activity or movement; hence ! (nf).
gadra:n$: (v) to be half%ripe; to attain the state of yothfl bloom.
gadaha: (nm) see H.
gada: (nf) a clb; !H| one who wields a (clb).
gada:gad (ind) in .ick sccession, one .ickly after the other.
gadela: (nm) a thick cshion; pad.
| gadeli: (nm) the palm (of the hand).
gadgad (a) overwhelmed (by ecstatic emotion), in ecstasy; ! (emotionally)
choked throat; % (emotionally) chocked voice.
gaddar (a) half%ripe; hence ! (nf).
gadda: (nm) a bed%cshion; cshion; pack saddle.
# gSadda:r (nm and a) (a) traitor; traitoros; treacheros; !| traitorosness,
gaddi: (nf) a cshion; throne; seat; pack%saddle; pad, lay; ! installed on the
throne, coronated; ! coronation; 4 to ascend the throne, to be
enthroned; 3 to be dethroned#deposed.
gaddy (nm) prose; prose%poetry; cH prosaic.
"H gadha: (nm) an ass, a donkey; a damn fool, stpid fellow; ! folly, stpidity;
6 to make an ass of oneself; to commit follies; |s | |the
-theopian never changes his skin; H |

| 4 honey is not for donkey&s

moth; H | ,

kindness is lost pon an ngratefl man;H

| 4 4 flatter a fool for expediency; H d to hmiliate, to inslt; H

| 3H to bark p a wrong% tree; H

to case complete rination (of); to ra,e to the grond.
"H gSani:m$t (nf) a redeeming featre, consoling factor.
7 gann$: (nm) a sgarcane.
gap (nf) a gossip, hearsay; ! gossip, tittle%tattle; chit%chat; 3s to rmor; to
set afloat a rmor; H to indlge in boastfl gossip; to brag and boast.
gapakn$: (v) to swallow hastily, to glp, to gobble; to catch (as a ball).
s gapachath (nf) mess and medley, confsion and disorder, confondedness.
gapa:gap (ind) (eating) hastily, .ickly.
|s gapo (nm) a gossiper; chatterer; !4H a gossiper, tall%talker; !4H gossiping;
gapp (nf) see .
gappi: (nm) a gossiper, chatterer; (a) boastfl, indlging in gossips.
9 gSaf (a) compact, dense, densely woven.
9 gSaflat (nf) negligence, carelessness; swoon, nconscios state;
!H nconscios; negligent, careless; | deep#sond sleep, carefree sleep;
cased by nconsciosness.
"4 gSab$n (nm) embe,,lement; to embe,,le.
4F gabr: (a) yothfl, yong;
%% ;5( %%
(nm) bridegroom.
4F gabr=:n (nf) a kind of coarse che.ered cloth.
"H gSam (nm) grief, woe; tolerance; !O| tolerant, endring; !O|| tolerance,
endrance; ! gloomy, fll of sorrow; !H grieved; sorrow%stricken, afflicted;
! sorrowfl, woefl; to be tolerant, to endre; " to
comfort#solace oneself; to drown (one&s) sorrows in an intoxicant.
H gam$k (nf) fragrance; a kind of msical ornamentation; the sond of a drm.
H gamakn$: (v) to emit fragrance; to resond.
HO gamata:n$: (nm) a bilge.
H| gamtari: (nf) a bilge.
H gam$n (nm) the act of going; locomotion; sexal intercorse.
HH gamna:gam$n (nm) coming and going, traffic.
H gamla: (nm) a flower%pot.
"H gSam2: (nf) death; morning, the period of morning.
+ gammy (a) accessible, approachable, attainable; hence ! (nf).
+ gammy$: (a) fit for coition; cohabitable (woman).
gaya: (v) wentpast participle form of the verb &H&;

H 4 good for
nothing, inferior, insignificant.
"4 gSara. (a) immersed, sbmerged.
H garga' (nm) battlement.
garchethogh, even thogh.
H gara' (nf) thnder; roar; flmination.
"H gSara, (nf) concern; interestedness, interested motive; need; (adv) in short, briefly
speaking, !H needy; desiros (of); having an interested motive (in);
!H |interestedness, the state of being needy#concerned; H a self seeker;
4 a slave to one&s prpose, prpose%server; 4| | a self%seeker has
no moral code; H , H the dinner over, away go the
gests; "H in brief, in a nt%shell.
H gara'n$: (v) to thnder, to roar, to flminate, to speak lodly.
gard$n (nf) the neck; 3s# to behead, to chop off one&s head; to
decollate, to ct the throat; to pt to tremendos harm; $

to yield; to be
ashamed; 3 not to tter a word in protest; to endre everything; to
catch hold of one&s neck; to inslt; | the head to hang down throgh shame;
s to catch hold of the neck, to hold by the neck; to inslt; U

#9 to sbmit (somebody) to grave in'stice, to ct the throat (of); H

to assign a difficlt 'ob; | to have complete sway; to sb'gate
(somebody), to keep on pestering; 9 to be embroiled in a mess; to be involved in
a difficlty, to be in somebody&s grip; H|s to throttle; to twist or wring the neck
(of); H to behead; H to hold by the neck, to hmiliate.
gardaniv$: (nf) a hold by the neck to psh ot; to hold the neck for
forcing ot, to psh by the neck.
gard$:n (nf) declension and con'gation.
H gar$m (a) hot; warm; brning;
%% ;5; %%
fiery; ,ealos; ardent; woollen (cloth); O4 hot news; 4H| boom; HHH hot%
tempered, fiery; 3# # to go throgh all sorts of prosperity and
adversity in life, to have had a che.ered career; to go throgh a che.ered coarse of
good and bad experiences; | to fly into a rage, to get infriated.
HH garm$:gar$m (a) hot, heated; fresh (as news).
HH garm$:garm2: (nf) excitement, heated exchange.
H garma:n$: (v) to warm p; to be excited, to fly into a rage.
H garma:ha (nf) warmth, heat; also H.
H garm2: (nf) heat, warmth; smmer; passion; anger, violence; ardor; syphilis;
to be relieved of one&s passion; to have one&s vanity strck ot; to be knocked
s gar$:i:l (a) robst, hge and hefty, of imposing statre.
" gSara:ra: (nm) gargle; loose female py'amas.
| gara:ri: (nf) a plley.
H garim$: (nf) dignity, grace; gravity; hence !Hs, !H (a).
8 garish (a) heavy (esp. food), indigestible; hence ! (nf).
"|4 gSari:b (a) poor; meek; hmble; !O hmble dwelling (i.e. my hmble home
said ot of modesty); "

4 the poor, the poverty%stricken (class); !Hkind to the

poor, spporting the poor; ! sstaining the poor, mercifl to the poor; yor exalted
self ?; | H|F 4 | a poor beaty finds more lovers than hsbands; |
a poor man&s crses.
"|4 gSari:ba:n$: (a) befitting a poor man, in a hmble#meek fashion.
"|4 gSari:bi: (nf) poverty, penry.
Fs gar (nm) a.ila, a large mythological eagle%like bird believed to be the vehicle of
*ord Mish=.
"F gSar:r (nm) vanity, pride, haghtiness.
4 gareb$:n (nm) part of the garment resting on the fore%par of the neck;
to go cra,y, to tear one&s collar to pieces (ot of cra,iness); H H
s to
introspect, to have a realisation of one&s sins#deeds.
| gareri: (nf) a plley.
H gar'$n (nm) a roar, bellowing; thnderos sond; a lod rebke; H a lod
rebke, fretting and fming.
H gar'an$: (nf) a roar, bellowing; thnderos sond.
H gar'it (a) roared, roaring.
gart (nm) a pit; recess.
gartika: (nf) a fovea.
gard (nf) dirt, dst; !O| dst%absorbing; "

4 dst and dirt; 4 H the dst

to be settled.
gard$n (nf) the neck; !|s 4

O cerebrospinal fever.
gardabh (nm) see H.
gardish (nf) distress, troble; vicissitdes (of fortne); circlation; revoltion.
garbh (nm) the womb; pregnancy; foets; the interior; %| the womb;
!H abortion; !

naos; %H conception; %|H a contraceptive;

! miscarriage; ! abortifacient; ! pregnant; ! inside the womb;
!U abortion; !U abortifacient.
H garbha:dh$:n (nm) impregnation; insemination.
%% ;5) %%
garbha:shay (nm) the womb.
garbhi2: (a) pregnant.
garbhit (a) impregnated; involved (as a sentence).
H garm (a) see H.
H H| garm'oshi: (nf) warmth, cordiality; H to greet with cordiality, to
receive warmly.
H garma:n$: (v) see H.
H| garm2: (nf) see H.
garv (nm) pride; elation.
# garvit (a) elated; conceited, prod; hence ! feminine form.
| garvi:la: (a) see .
garha$: (nf) censre, reproach, condemnation.
garh$i:y (a) censrable, condemnable.
garhit (a) wicked, vile, contemptible.
galan allomorph of && and && sed as the first member in compond words;
! s a disease reslting in the inflammation of throat%glands; !4embracement with
arms thrown arond each other&s neck; !H

U hooked mostache, long crled whiskers;


H a disease reslting in the inflammation of 'aw%gms and conse.est fever.

H galga:'n$: (v) to vociferate; to be eblliently lod; to be noisily boastfl.
galtans (nm) childless deceased; | H to have no descendant.
" gSalat (a) wrong: incorrect, ntre; erroneos; improper; H in the wrong
box; in an awkward position; H| to back the wrong horse.
"9H gSalatfehm2: (nf) misnderstanding, misgiving.
"4 gSalatbaya:n2: (nf) misstatement, false statement.
" gSalati: (nf) mistake, error; falt; | | @omer sometimes nods.

%HH gSalatl%a:m (nm) a wrong sage adopted in a langage by virte of its wide
crrency; also "

galn$: (v) to melt; to decay; to rot; to be boiled or cooked till softened; to be frost%
gala: (nm) neck; throat; gllet; voice; collar (of a garment); neck of a
pot; 4H one gifted with a sweet voice, one who exploits one&s vocal gifts (poet
etc.); 4H exploitation of one&s vocal gifts; indlgence in vocal feats; to be
beheaded; to sffer a heavy loss; to be deprived of one&s de;

to re%attain
normalcy of voice; | to throttle, to strangle; U

s to liberate or to be
liberated; to (get) rid of; to moisten the throat (by a few drops of cold
water, etc.); 4 to throttle; to choke; to exercise nde pressre; s to catch
hold by the neck; to harass, (some eatable) to prodce irritation in the throat;
s#4 to develop a sore throat#hoarse voice; 9 to get entangled or
embroiled (in an ntoward affair); to get into a mess; 9s to vociferate, to bellow;
H to have the throat choked throgh emotion; see H;
F H see H; to slaghter; to tortre to slow death; s

4 to
be sbmerged chin deep; extremely dear and intimate; one who
constantly hangs pon, a constant companion; 3 to be
%% ;5/ %%
swallowed; to comprehend and be convinced; 3 to stick in one&s gi,ard, to
be more than one can stomach; s to become an encmbrance, to be obliged to
endre; s d| 4H to hold the baby, to assme an ndesired
responsibility; U

| 9 to pt to gross in'stice; to inflict grave in'ry;

4 H Hd to pass the baby, to pass the bck to, to make a dpe of (person); to
hang to somebody&s neck, to impose, to enforce acceptance; Hto embrace, to
hg; H not to be swallowed or glped; not to be palatable or welcome;
to embrace, to hg.
galit (a) melted; decayed; over%ripened; oo,ing; worne ot;

oo,ing leprosy;
a woman whose yoth has decayed.
galiya:ra: (nm) a gallery; corridor.
| gali: (nf) a lane, alley, alley% ways;

lanes and bylanes.

"| gSali:cha: (nm) a carpet.
"|H gSali:, (a) dirty, filthy.
~ galp (nf) a tale; story.
"~ gSalla: (nm) grain, corn; a shopkeeper&s sale proceeds for the day the cash box;
herd, flock.
H gavarme (nf) the government.
# gavarnar (nm) governor; !| the office or fnction of a governor; gbernatorial.
gav$:n$: (v) to lose; to waste; to sffer detriment.
H gava:ksh (nm) an oriel, spy% hole, bll&s eye.
gava:ra: (a) agreeable, acceptable, tolerable; to tolerate, to stand.
gava:h (nm) a witness; deponent.
| gava:hi: (nf) evidence, testimony.
4 gavesh$: (nf) research, investigation.
gavaiya: (nm) a singer.
" gSash (nm) swoon, fainting fit; H# to faint, to swoon.
gasht (nf) patrol, beat; to patrol.
gashti: (a) patrol, patrolling; circlar; circlar letter.
gassa: (nm) a morsel.
gehekn$: (v) to be exhilarated, to be boyant.
Hs gehga (a) very strong (intoxicating beverage, as ).
gehgaha:n$: (v) to be exltant, to be boyant.
gahan (a) deep; intricate; impregnable; obscre; mysterios, dense; inaccesible;
! depth; intricacy; impregnability; obscrity; mysteriosness; density; inaccessiblity.
gehn$: (nm) ornament; (v) to catch; 'ewellery; 6 to pawn, to mortgage.
HH gehm$:gehm2: (nf) hstle and bstle, fanfare, intense activity.
gehra: (a) deep; profond; intimate, close (as | ); bold (as )
secretive; grave (as ); sond (as | ) intricate, nintelligible (as |
); strong (as | ); ()H a well%to%do gy; a rich prey;
ndivlging natre#disposition, secretive temperament; H to reap a rich
harvest; to inflict a severe stroke; | to play a deep game; | U to
take a strong dose of bh2:g& to be
%% ;50 %%
extremely intimate#friendly; | profond nderstanding (of); | to
heave a deep sigh; to delve deep (into).
gehra:i: (nf) depth; profndity; to sond; to fathom, to assess the depth.
gehra:n$: (v) to deepen; to become more dense; to be over% cast (with).
gaha:i: (nf) threshing.
[ gahvar (nm) a recess; cave; chasm.
H g$:'$: (nm) the hemp plant or its leaves.
g$: (nf) a knot; tie; node; knob; bale; bndle; 'oint; hardened or enlarged gland;
blb; complex; rancor; ! a pick% pocket; ! knotty; to have one&s pocket
picked; # to pick pocket; to pocket, to misappropriate;
belonging to oneself, being exclsively one&s own; 6

beforehand with the world,

having a fll prse;

H H having a fll prse and an empty head, a

nitwit with a fat prse; | to remove misnderstanding or pre'dice; to open
one&s prse; H|s to tie the nptial knot; to splice; s to create bad blood, to
harbor ill feeling towards; to have estranged relation; 4 H to make a note of, to
keep in mind; H to be lost, to sffer loss or detriment.
g$an$: (v) to cobble; to stitch; to interlock; to bring (somebody) to one&s side,
to win over; to have complete sway.
#s g$:
(nf) the ans; !s

catamite, passive partner in sodomy; timid, cowardly.

H g$:ndharv (a) pertaining to or related with the gandharv commnity or contry.
H g$:ndhi: (nm) the great Dndian leader >ohanda:s Naramchand Ea:ndhi:, father of
the Dndian Oation, poplarly so known becase of his membership of the E'arati
Maishya commnity called Ea:ndhi:); | a typical khaddar boat%shaped cap;
the Eandhian philosophy; ! Eandhism; !| a Eandhite, a follower of
Eandhian ideology; Eandhian.
g$:mbhi:ry (nm) depth, profndity, gravity; solemnity.
g$:v (nm) a village.
g$:s (nf) a loop; an obstrction.
g$:sn$: (v) to chinse; to inter% twine.
g$:si: (nf) an intertwined knot; the head of an arrow or any other pointed weapon.
s ga:i
(nm) a gide.
3 ga:=n (nm) a gown.
ga:gar (nf) an earthen pitcher; H to express too mch in too few
words, frgal in words fathomless in meaning.
H ga:' (nf) a thnder%bolt, lightning; #s to be thnder% strck, to be
afflicted by a calamity.
H ga:'ar (nf) carrot; H

| petty things.
"H gSa:,i: (nm) a crsader (amongst the >slims).
ga:ar (nm) a girder.
s ga:na: (v) to bry; to lay; to implant; to fix; to sink; to drive (as |%); to pitch
(as 4

%); to cover.
%% ;53 %%
s ga:i: (nf) a cart, coach, cab; vehicle, carriage; train; ! a cart#coach%driver,
#d ga:ha: (a) thick; dense; close as (d| |); deep; concentrated (as );
strong (as d| ); (nm) a thick coarse cloth; !d times of crisis, trying times;
!d| H hard%earned money; !d| U to be very thick; to take a strong intoxicant
(as ); !d times of crisis, difficlt days; !d | H hard%earned
money 6 to earn an honest penny; !d H in a crisis.
ga:t (nm) body, person.
ga:ttr (nm) body, person.
ga:tha: (nf) a tale; narrative; ballad; ! athor of a narrative tale.
ga:d (nf) sediment, dregs, lees.
H ga:dh (a) shallow, fathomable.
g$:n (nm) a song; singing; msic vocal and instrmental; ! msic.
g$:n$: (v) to sing, to chant; (nm) a song; 4H singing and playing of msical
instrments; celebration, festivity.
"9 gSa:fil (a) negligent, naware; nconscios.
ga:bhin (a) pregnant (sed for animals).
ga:y (nf) a cow; (a) meek and hmble, harmless; H| H a day after
the fair, to kiss the hare&s foot.
# ga:yak (nm) a singer; msician; vocalist; !| singing, vocal msic; traditional
style (in msic); ! %

ga:yan (nm) singing; vocal msic.
"4 gSa:yab (a) vanished, disappeared; lost; to make off (with); to case to
disappear; | to disappear, to vanish.
" gS:ar (nm) ditch, pit; cave.
" gSa:rat (a) devastated, destroyed.
ga:rad (nf) a gard (of soldiers); watch; 4 to deploy a gard.
ga:ra: (nm) md, mortar.
ga:rhasthy (nm) the phase of the hoseholder in life; HH the dties en'oined
pon a hoseholder.
ga:l (nm) cheek; to become emaciated; 9

to slk; to get into a

sllky mood; 4H to boast, to brag.
ga:la: (nm) a ball of carded cotton.
"4 gSa:lib (a) predominant, overpowering, overwhelming; , 4 to dominate,
prevail over, overwhelm.
"4 gSa:lib$n (ind.) perhaps, probably.
| ga:li: (nf) an abse, invective; absive songs sng by women as part of (marriage)
celebrations; H#

9 billingsgate, violent invectives; (exchange of) absive

terms; to endre absive#fol langage; to abse, to call names;
| 3 to stoop to the se of absive langage.
ga:vtakiya: (nm) a bolster, large stffed pillow.
| ga:vdi: (a) stpid, doltish, blockheaded; (nm) a nitwit, dolt.

H ga:vdm (a) tapering, conical.

# ga:hak (nm) a cstomer, prchaser; client; !| bying.
ga:hn$: (v) to thresh; to chinse.
gichpich (a) clmsy;
%% ;54 %%
crowded; (nf) crowding.
gipi (nf) nintelligible chattering; 4||#4 the -nglish langage;
to speak in -nglish#nintelligible langage.
gia:r (nm) gitar (a msical instrment).
giak (nf) a wedge.
gii: (nf) grit, roadstone.
ss gigia:n$: (v) to entreat, to beseech, to implore hmbly, to grovel in the
ss gigia:ha (nf) hmble entreaty, beseeching.
@ giddh: (nm) a vltre; T long%sighted, capability to view from a great distance.
ginti: (nf) conting; calclation; reckoning; nmber; conted few; H
H to be of some significance or worth; H | to be recognised, to be reckoned
with, to be significant; | to be reckoned.
ginn$: (v) to cont, to enmerate; % making a throgh cont; 64H
to proceed very catiosly; to walk graceflly; % to let
loose a volley of abses; % exact(ly); in a limited nmber; %

a few;
selected few.
gin$:n$: (v) to enmerate, to cont over, to cont (so as to satisfy somebody).
7 ginn2 (nf) a ginea (a 9ritish gold coin).
girgi: (nm) chameleon; a trn%coat; | 4 to trn cat in pan, to
change colors, to make fre.ent somersalts.
H() gir'a:(ghar) (nm) a chrch, cathedral.
Xirda:var (nm) a petty land revene official (also called (" 4

girn$: (v) to fall, to come down, to collapse; to drop; to stmble, to tmble; to
decrease (e.g. ); to be degraded; to be spilt; to be afflicted by a disease;
to strike a bargain at a discont; %s in a tottering manner;
worsening condition.
9 girafta:r (a) arrested, captred, apprehended.
9| girafta:ri: (nf) arrest, captre, apprehension.
H girmiiya: (nm) contracted native labor (dring the 9ritish regime).
girvi: (nf and a) mortgage(d), pawn(ed); pledge(d); ! mortgagee; !H a deed
of mortage; to pawn#pledge#mortgage.
girasti: (nf) see

girah (nf) a knot; 'oint; fold in the loin%cloth sed for safe keeping of money;
somersalt; a measre one sixteenth part of a yard; ! a pick%pocket; ! knotted,
knotty; !4H (4

) a somersalt pigeon; to pick pocket; Ufor other sages

and idioms, is synonymos with (which please see)V.
gira:n$: (v) to fell, to case to fall, to pll down; to spill; to drop; to demolish; to
abse; to lower; to decrease; to degrade;

9 | 3 to set a man on his feet.

gira:v (nm) see .
gira:va (nf) fall, downfall, degradation; slmp; decrease.
giri (nm) a montain, hill; !H the @imalayas.
giripi: (nm) foothill.
%% ;55 %%
| giri: (nf) kernel.
| giroh (nm) a gang, grop, band; 4#4 H to form a band#grop.
gird (ind) arond, all rond.
gila (nf) nickel; nickel%coat.
| gilehri: (nf) a s.irrel.
gila: (nm) complaint; reproach; informal complaint and reproach.
9 gila:f (nm) cover, pillow%cover; case.
gila:s (nm) a tmbler.
| giloy (nf) a medicinal creeper (very bitter in taste).
| gilari: (nf) a stffed and folded betel%leaf.
~| gili: (nf) gland, hard grandlar swelling.
~| gilli: (nf) a toggle; s s the game of tip%cat; 6 to play the game of tip%cat;
to play away one&s time.
gi:t (nm) a song, a lyrical poem; ! lyrical poetry; to sing a song; to
shower praises pon, to elogi,e.
gi:ta: (nf) the 9hagwadgi:ta: which contains the celebrated discorse of *ord
Nrish$ directed to "r'n, the stpefied hero of the >aha:bha:rat.
gi:ti (nf) a lyric; ! lyrical poetry; ! lyrical element; !#F a lyrical
s gi:da (nm) a 'ackal; (fig.) a timid man; hence ! timidness, cowardice;
| a mere#false threat, blff(ing).
H gi:dhn$: (v) to ac.ire a predatory habit; to become habitated or sed to nde
gi:la: (a) moist, wet; ! wetness.

H g='ak (nm) a b,,er.

H g='an (nm) b,,ing, hmming (sond).

H g='a:ish (nf) scope, capacity; accommodation.

HH g='a:ym$:n (a) hmming, b,,ing.

H g='a:r (nm) hmming, b,,ing as of a blck bee).

H g='a:rn$: (v) to b,,, to hm.

g=an (nm) a veil.

s# g=ai: (nf) scondrelism, rascality, rogery, hooliganism; also ! (nm).

s g=a: (nm and a) (a) roge, scondrel, hoodlm, hooligan; !| hooliganism,

rowdyism; hence ! (nm).

g=thn$: (v) to be threaded; to be stitched; to be plaited; to be interlocked.

H g=dhn$: (v) to be kneaded.

9 g=mph (nm) a string (of words); clster.

9 g=mph$n (nm) stringing.

4 g=mbad (nm) a dome, valt.

g2y$: (nm) a chm, close friend; partner (in a game).

#U gchchha: (nm) a bnch, clster; tft; !U tfty.

H g,ar (nf) maintenance; living; passing of time; 4 maintenance; livelihood;

#4 to sbsist; to maintain (oneself); H to pass away; to cross;
| to sbsist, to sstain.

H g,arn$: (v) to pass; to pass away; to cross over.

H g,a:rn$: (v) to pass time.

H g,a:ra: (nm) sbsistence; livelihood; to keep the pot boiling, to make

both ends meet.

H g,a:rish (nf) sbmission, spplication.

%% ;57 %%

7H g''i: (nf) a dowel.

g (nm) a block, faction, cli.e; grop; !4| gropism, factionalism; !4H a

factionalist, one who forms a cli.e; !4H see !4|.

gka: (nm) a manal, hand% book; pncheon; skid, scotch.

garg=: (nf) cooing of (a pigeon).

gika: (nf) a tablet; pill.

g (nm) see

gal (a) (a frit, etc.) having a stone within, stony; blnt.

gi: (nf) the stone (of a frit, etc.).

| gli: (nf) the stone (of a frit etc.); ! stony.

s g (nm) 'aggery;

H #4 to swallow a camel, to strain

at a gnat; |4 to make a hash of, to mar a happy occasion; to ndo all that has
been done; d H to commence with a caress and conclde with a stab;

s H 4 # a good word costs nothing; a sgar%

coated .inine pill; H | H 4| I why administer .inine, shold sweet
stff serve the prpose I

s gg (nm) a bbbling noise (sch as prodced while smoking a hoo.ah or by

movement of air throgh the intestines).

s gg$:n$: (v) to prodce bbbling nose.

s gga:ha (nf) a bbbling noise.

s ggi: (nf) a hbble%bbble.

s ghal (nm) the plant ,assia catifolia and its flower.

s ga:i: (nf) hoeing; thrashing; beating; charges therefor.

s# giya: (nf) a doll; !| a childish#non%serios affair.

s ga: (nm) a big doll (in male attire); a large kite;


s| a
childish affair.

s gi: (nf) a kite; a female child.

g= (nm) .ality; attribte, property; virte; merit; chief .ality of all existing
beings (vi,. , H , H); a cord; ! a mltiplier; !#| effective
(as H4H); beneficial; ! a panegyric, encomim; 6# to chant the praises
of, to elogi,e, to extol, to narrate the virtes of; !0 a connoisser; 6appreciation;
.ality of a connoisser; !7 a connoisser; appreciator of merit; the
three guas (, H and H); |4 merits and demerits; merits; !HH property;
! .alitative; !# attribtive; ! meritorios; possessing good .alities;
!| devoid of merit or .ality; hence !| (nf).

g$n (nm) mltiplication; 7 sign of mltiplication; !9 prodct of


g$: (nm) mltiplication; to mltiply.

ga:y (a) gifted, of many gifts, possessing many virtes.

ga:ti:t (a) transcendental, freed from or beyond all properties.

cH g$:tm$k (a) .alitative.

g$:nva:d (nm) encomim, elogy, singing praises (of).

7 g$:nvit (a) meritorios, virtos.

ga:vastha: (nf) .ality.

%% ;5: %%

git (nm) mltiple; (a) mltiplied by, times.

gi: (a) meritorios, possessing merits; adept in (some) art.

gy (nm) mltiplicand.


c gtthamgttha: (nf) a scffle, brawl, close combat.

c gtthi: (nf) a knot, entanglement; riddle, enigma;

$ to ct the gordian

gthn$: (v) to interweave, to entwine; to interlock; to braid, to plait.

gdka:r (a) fleshy, plmp, plpy.

gdgda: (a) soft; plmp, fleshy; hence ! (nm).

gdgda:n$: (v) to tickle, to titillate.

gdgda:ha (nf) titillation, tickling (sensation).

| gdgdi: (nf) see

s gdi: (nf) pallet, rags, tattered garment; a diamond in rags (a precios

thing in most shabby .arters).

gdn$: (nm) tattoo; (v) to be tattooed.

gda: (nf) the ans; ! H#H

act of sodomy; (fig.) ndoing.

g=ng=n$: (a) lkewarm, tepid; hence ! (nm).

g=ng=n$:n$: (v) to hm; to sing to oneself in sbded tones.

gnn$: (v) to ponder (over); to assimilate.

gnehga:r (a) gilty, sinfl; (nm) sinner.

gn$:a sffix denoting times or fold (as

three times or threefold).

gn$:h (nm) sin; falt, gilt; ! see

; H 45H game not worth

the candle.

gniy$: (nf) a try%s.are.

gpt (a) hidden, secret, latent; confidential; ! assassination; ! an assassin;

! secrecy; anonymos donation; H hidden treasre.

# gptachar (nm) detective, spy; ! espionage.

gpti: (nf) a sword%stick.

9 gpha: (nf) a cave, cavern; ! cave%dwelling; caveman.

gftg: (nf) talk, conversation, chit%chat.

4 gSbraila: (nm) a beetle, scarab.


4 gSba:r (nm) dirt, dst; affliction; spite; to blow off steam, to give vent
to one&s sense of affliction#wrath.

4 gSbba:ra: (nm) a balloon.

H gm (a) lost; missing; | inner in'ry; !H anonymos; ! misled, (led)

astray; !

missing; !

H .iet, mte, tacitrn.

H| gmi: (nf) a watch tower; monkey island.

Hs gmi:da:r (a) mricate.

H gm$:n (nm) pride, vanity; srmise, gess.

H gm$:shta: (nm) an agent, representative, manager; !| office or fnction of

an agent#representative.

gr (nm) formla; device; H$ to get the hang#knack of.

grga: (nm) see

grda: (nm) kidney; corage.

griya: (nf) a small bead (of a rosary).

~ grilla: (nm) gerilla; a gerilla;

@ gerilla warfare.

F gr (nm) a teacher; mentor; preceptor, spirital gide; 'piter, (ironically) a knave

fellow; (a)
%% ;7( %%
grave; heavy; difficlt; long (syllable); !

in olden times in Dndia, a residential

teaching instittion, rn by an otstanding scholar; !07 4 the sacred book of the
1ikhs; ! knave and cnning (fellow); !H elderly people; !H the fee or
honorarim volntarily paid by the disciple to his preceptor at the conclsion of his
stdies; ! brother by virte of preceptorial affinity, a fellow disciple; !H an
initiatory mantr from a spirital gide.

FH gra:i: (nf) the profession or fnction of a guru (preceptor); heaviness.

FH gra:n2: (nf) gr&s wife.

FsH gr
$m (nf) grdomeffort to create an intellectal dominion by self%aggrandisement.

F grta: (nf) the office or position of a guru; eminence; gravity; heaviness.

Fc grttv (nm) see

F; the centre of gravity.

Fc4 grttva:karsh$ (nm) gravitation; H law of gravitation.

F grdva:ra: (nm) a sikh temple.


grmkhi: (nf) a differently developed form of ancient +evna:gri: script,

which is now sed for writing <n'a:bi:.

F grva:r (nm) Fhrsday.

F gr:ghaa:l (a and nm) knave, astte, crafty (fellow).

grga: (nm) a henchman; an agent; hence ! (nm).

H gr, (nm) a mace, clb.

grda: (nm) see

grra:n$: (v) to growl, to snarl, to gnarl.

grra:ha (nf) a snarl, gnarl.

gl (nm) a flower; snff (of a candle etc.); the ashy sbstance on the front of a
lighted cigarette etc; print; !| embroidery; !H a garden; gay, bstling with life;
! a; ! a flower vase; !4 soft and delicate (like a flower); ! a
small garden; to snff ot; to pt ot; to have strange or fnny things
to happen or come to light; hence casative ; | to be snffed ot; to be
pt ot.

glkand (nm) a conserve prepared from rose%leaves.

glkhaira: (nm) a hollyhock.

s glgapa:a: (nm) an proar, tmlt, din.

glgla: (a) soft; hence ! (nm); (nm) a kind of sweet preparation.

glgla:n$: (v) see

| glgli: (nf) see


glcha: (nm) a light stroke of the fist (on the cheek).

U glchharre (nm) merry%making, revelry; 3s to live like fighing cocks, to

en'oy freely, to indlge in riotos merry%making, to revel with abandon.

H gl,a:r (nm and a) see


H | glmChdi: (nf) toch%me%not, the balsam plant and its flower.

4 gla:b (nm) rose; !H rose water; !HH

a delicios sweetmeat preparation;

! a vase for sprinkling rose%water.

4 gla:bi: (a) rosy; mild (as Hs).


#H gSl$:m (nm) a slave; !H slavery, servility, bondage; | to eat ot of one&s

%% ;7; %%

gla:l (nf) colored farinaceos powder which the @inds apply on one another&s
face and#or forehead dring the @oli: festival.

4 gl:band (nm) a mffler; an ornament worn arond the neck.

glel: (nf) a stone bow pellet bow; ! a pellet bowman, stone bowman.

~9 glph (nm) an ankle.

~H glm (nm) a clster of plants; a kind of shrb; (in olden times) division of an

~ gllak (nm) a till, an earthen cash%box.

~| glli: (nf) see ~|; s s see ~|%s s; 6 see ~|%s s .


gSsal (nm) a bath.


O gSsala:n$: (nm) a bath, bath%room.

O gsta: (a) impertinent, impdent.

O gsta:i: (a) impertinence, impdence.


gSssa: (nm) anger, rage, fry; "

4H irascible, choleric; 3# to
give vent to one&s rage; to pt a person&s back p; s |one&s anger to

to be pacified, to forgive and forget; to set a person&s

back p; H to restrain oneself; s 3 to bla,e p, to brst ot in anger;
| H one&s anger to evaporate#disappear.

gSssail (a) irascible, choleric, hot%headed.

ghn$: (v) to thread, to string; to weave; to braid, to plait.

gha: (nf) cave; cavity; cavitation; !H the caveman.

gha:r (nf) an hmble appeal (for 'stice protection, etc.).

H ghy (a) occlt; secret.

# g=:ga: (a) dmb, mte; (nm) a dmb person; !

s an experience that defies


H g=:' (nf) an echo, a reverberation.

H g=:'n$: (v) to echo, to resond.

g=:thn$: (v) to braid, to plait.

H g=:dhn$: (v) to knead.

g: (nm) faeces; | (|) an gly inert man; H

hman excreta; H
to sb'ect (somebody) to grave hmiliation and embarrassment; H d
9 to provoke a wily tonge.

g:gal (nm) Dndian bdellim, a fragrant gm resin sed as a perfme and


d g: (a) occlt, mysterios; abstrse; obscre.

d g:ta: (nf) occltation, mysteriosness; abstrseness; obscrity.

d| g:okti (nf) e.ivocation; a sbtle remark.

s g:da (nm) rags, tattered clothes.

# g:da: (nm) flesh (of frits and vegetables, etc.) plp; ! fleshy; plpy.

g:lar (nm) a kind of wild fig tree; 9

a non%existent ob'ect, rare find.

H griddhr (nm) a vltre; (a) greedy; T long%sighted; one gifted with a capability
to see remote things.

grih (nm) a residence; 3| cottage indstry; internecine .arrels;

94 H hosehold management: 9 hose%warming ceremony; !

@ civil war;
!H (a deferential term for) a hosewife; !H mistress of the hosehold;
!H master of
%% ;7) %%
the hosehold.

grihasth (nm) a hoseholder.

H grihastha:shshram (nm) the position or phase of the hoseholder (the second

of the for phases of life vi,. ,rahmachar%, grihasth,
va:nprasth and!ann%a:s prescribed by the ancient @ind savants).

grihasthi: (nf) hosehold; family.

grihi2: (nf) wife, hosewife.

| grihi:t (nm) postlate; (a) assmed; accepted.

s| gen
li: (nf) coil, things arranged in concentric circles; coiled rope, cloth, etc. for carrying
heavy tensils on the head.
gCd (nf) a ball; 4~ ball and bat.
gCda: (nm) marigold (plant and its flower).
geis (nf) garter.
H gera: (a) ochros, of the color of red ochre, rsset; 4 ochre%colored
dress, the dress of a @ind !ann%2:si:.
ger: (nm) red ochre, ochre, rddle.

geh=$n (nm) see |

H geh=$: (a) wheat%colored, wheatish.

gCh=: (nm) wheat;

H when blls fight, crops sffer.

s g$2
a: (nm) a rhinoceros.
" gS$2ti: (nf) a pick, pick%axe.
" 4 gSaibi: (a) divine, other%worldly; nknown.
" gSair (nm and a) stranger, other; (prefix) non%, n%, in%; % non%payment;
%9| ine.ity, in'stice; %4

illegal, nlawfl; %H| nnecessary; nimportant;

%H+H irresponsible; %H4

immovable (property); %HH

| extraordinary;

4 nfair; nreasonable; %H

H impossible; %H non%inherited; ac.ired;

%H4 nreasonable, improper; %| non%governmental; nofficial; private;
%H absent; %H| absence.
" gSairat (nf) sense of honor, self%respect; !H having a sense of honor, self%
respecting; H to lose all sense of self%respect.
gairik (a) ochros, rsset, of the color of red ochre.
gailan (nm) gallon (a measre).
| gailari: (nf) a gallery.
gais (nf) a gas.
| gA: (nm) everted rim.
| gAn$: (v) to stitch in a rather crde manner; to skirt the edges; to encircle.
|s gAa: (nm) a cattle pen (an enclosre meant for domestic animals).
| gAd (nm) gm, wood gm; ! a gm bottle; || gmmy.
| gAda: (nm) pise.
| go (nf) a cow; a sense (of perception etc.); ! cow%slaghter; ! a btcher;
killer of the cow; ! tending the cows (at a pastre); 6 pastoral poetry;
! the gifting away of a cow; !H cattle wealth; !H

dsk, evening; 6 dsk,

evening; ! a cowherd; ! hoof of a cow; the imprint of a cow%hoof; ! tending
the cows; !

U cow&s tail; any tapering strctre; !H beef; !H cow%protection;

! cow%milk, bttermilk, etc; !H cow%slaghter; !H cow%breeding; !c cow%
| go (ind) althogh, thogh; !
%% ;7/ %%
thogh, althogh.
| gokhr: (nm) a medicinal plant and its thorny frit; corn (on one&s feet); caltrop.
| gochar (a) perceptible, experienced throgh the senses; hence ! (nf).
| go (nm) gold or silver lace, brocade; a piece (in games like chaupar, etc.); a picnic
party; HH#4 to achieve sccess in (one&s) maniplation.
|# goa: (nm) gold or silver lace, edging; ! brocaded; fitted with gold or silver
|| goi: (nf) a piece (in games like chaupa etc.) see |; small rond stone or
pebble; HH#4 see | (HH#4).
|s go (nm) a leg.
|s gon$: (v) to hoe; to dig; to ptrn (the soil).
|s goa:i: (nf) see

| got (nm) see |.
"| gSota: (nm) dive; dip; !O| a diver; !H diver; sbmarine; to sffer a dip;
to be deceived; to sffer at somebody&s hand; to enforce a dip, to case a dip; to
deceive; H to dip, to dive, to have a plnge; to give a slip; to have a dip
(in a river).
| gottr (nm) lineage.
| god (nf) lap; in the lap; very yong; to give away for adoption;
to be blessed with motherhood; to fill the lap of a woman with aspicios articles
(like cocoant, etc.); to adopt (a child);

| to lose the only child.

| godn$: (v) to tattoo, to pick; to prick; to pnctre; to goad; (nm) a tattoo%mark.
|H god$:m (nm) a godown, ware%hose.
|| godi: (nf) lap; a dock, dockyard.
| gop$n (nm) concealment, hiding; ! secretive, of ndivlging natre;
! secretiveness; | secret; confidential; 6 secrecy.
| gopika: (nf) see |.
| gopi: (nf) a cowherd&s wife.
|4 gobar (nm) cow%dng; dng; a beetle%brain; a plmp fool, nitwit, an inert
blockhead; | (|) a good%for%nothing fellow; an indolent fool; an tterly
ineffective man.
| gobhi: (nf) califlower; ,4 cabbage.
| goya: (ind) as if; as if.
|HH gorakhdhandha: (nm) a labyrinth; labyrinthine affair, complicated riddle.
| gorkha: (nm) an inhabitant of Oepal, a Eorkha.
|| gorkha:li: (nf) Eorkhali the langage of Oepal.
| gora: (a) white, fair%skinned; (nm) a whiteman; an -ropean; hence ! (nm).
|~ gorilla: (nm) a gorilla.
|| gori: (a) fair%comple (nf) a beatifl damsel.
|#H gol$nda:, (nm) a gnner, marksman; !H gnnery, marksmanship;
|4 gol$mbar (nm) a dome%like strctre, cpola.
| gol (a) rond; circlar; globlar; (nm) a goal (in games); misappropriation; mess,
confsion; gang; ! a small cake%like Dndian preparation taken with spiced water;
corplent, chbby; | e.ivocal; fat; rond; !H|
%% ;70 %%
e.ivocal; vage; fat, corplent; !H spherometer; !H mess, confsion;
!H| vage, ambigos; hotch%potch; 63 to fence with .estion#.estioner;
64 to doble and twist; to evade, to avoid, not to implement;
4 H to form into a gang.
| golak (nm) see

~; ball (as eye%ball !).

| gola: (nm) a ball; cannon%ball; a bomb shell; kernel of a cocoant; sphere; globe; a
large rond beam (of wood); colic; ! rondness, rotndity, sphericity; crvatre,
!4| shelling, bombardment; 4 ammnition.
| gola:ka:r (a) rond; globlar; circlar.
|H gola:rdh (nm) hemisphere.
|| goli: (nf) a bllet; pill; tablet, ball; (nm) goalkeeper; to be hit by a bllet;
firing to take place; H to shoot; to ignore, to damn, to let go.
|| goli:y (a) spherical; rotnd.
|~9 golf (nm) golf.
| gosha:la: (nf) a cow%shed, cow%tending centre.
| gosht (nm) flesh, meat; !O| a meat%eater;, beef;,s #4|
mtton; ,

pork; , venison.
|8 goshi: (nf) a seminar; discssion.
| goh (nf) igana.
| goh$n (nm) a (wheatish complexioned) deadly snake.
ga (nf) see |.
g$= (a) secondary, sbsidiary; axiliary; minor; hence ! (nf).
g$=n$: (nm) the ceremony of the bride&s going to her hsband&s home after a post%
marriage interval.
gar (a) fair%skinned, fair, white; ! fair%complexioned.
" gSar (nm) reflection, deliberation, consideration, close attention; !4 worth
considering#reflecting on, re.iring close attention; to take note of; to ponder, to
deliberate, to think attentively; | to be thoght of attentively, to be pondered over.
garav (nm) pride, glory, honor; heaviness; 0 a classic (work);
!H glorios; hence !H feminine form of !H; !| glorios, dignified.
7 garava:nvit (a) filled#crowned with glory, glorified.
| gari: (nf) the goddess <a:rvati:1hiv&s spose; ! the >ont -verest.
garaiya: (nf) a sparrow, hen% sparrow.
gasha:la: (nf) a cowshed, habitat for cows; cow%tending centre.
gya:rah (a) eleven; (nm) the nmber eleven.
0s gra:n
i:l (a) see s.
0 gr$nth (nm) a book; volminos book; ! a writer, athor (of a book); !H a
series of books; writing of a book; !7 (the science of) bibliography;
!7 a bibliographer; H| formal releasing of a book; !

bibliography; a
list of books; 6 a bibliographer.
0 granthi (nf) a knot; complex; ! knotty, complicated.
0 granthika: (nf) a booklet.
0 grasn$: (v) to swallow, to make a morsel of, to sei,e, to captre.
0 grast (a) caght (into), possessed
%% ;73 %%
by, involved in; eclipsed.
0# grah (nm) a planet; !%0 planet%stricken; !% contering of evil planetary
effects; !| planetary.
0 grah$ (nm) eclipse; taking, catching, sei,ing; hence ! (a).
0#H gra:m (nm) a village; gamt; gramme (a weight); as a sffix it means mltitde,
collection; !H rral, ncivil; !+ rral, ncivil; hence !H, !+;
!+c vlgarity.
0 gra:s (nm) a morsel; victim; eclipsed part (of 1n or >oon).
0 gra:h (nm) a crocodile.
0 gra:hak (nm) a cstomer, client; % clientele;

a cstomer to be veered
away#to be alienated.
0| gra:hi: a sffix denoting one who catches#takes#sei,es.
0H gra:hy (a) worth taking, acceptable; hence ! (nf).
0 gri:k (nf) Ereek (langage).
0 gri:va: (nf) the neck.
0H gri:shm (nm) the smmer; smmer season; !| pertaining to or of the
smmer season, smmer.

9 gre'e (nm) a gradate.

gla:n2 (nf) remorse, repentance.
# gwa:la: (nm) a milkman, cow%keeper; ! a milkwoman.

ghathe forth consonant and the forth member of the first pentad (i.e. ) of the
Devna:gri: alphabet.
| gh$gholn$: (v) to mash; to mix by stirring; to make trbid (by mixing).
ghaa: (nm) a bell; gong; clock; an hor; ! a clock%tower.
| ghai: (nf) a small bell, tintinnablm; the ringing of a bell; ovla.
gha (nm) a pitcher; the physical frame#body; nominal form of the verb sed
as the first member of the compond 4d flctation, variation; 6| to flctate; to
vary; to be slightly more or less; H H to permeate each and every
body#throgh all and sndry.
ghaak (nm) a factor, component#constitent#ingredient.
ghati: (nf) decline; decrease; descent; dimintion.
ghan$: (nf) an incident, event; incidence, occrrence; phenomenon; (v) to
happen; to be sbtracted; to decrease, to lessen; HH series of events; Hmarch of
events; 4d to flctate, to vary; ! the site#scene of an incident#occrrence.
| ghan$:v$li: (nf) a series of incidents.
ghava:r (nm) a wharf%owner,
%% ;74 %%
ghaa: (nf) a dark clod; mass of dark clods; 3 emergence of thick dark
clods; H#U gathering of thick dark clods.
| ghaa:op (nm) gathering of dense clods in the sky; a covering sed for
carriage etc.
ghaa:n$: (v) to redce; to sbtract; to dedct; to diminish; to lessen#decrease; to
ghata:w (nm) redction, decrease; dimintion.
ghaika: (nf) a time%interval of )0 mintes; also called s.
ghait (a) happened; applied.
ghaiya: (a) inferior, of low .ality or standard; cheap; shoddy; hence ! (nm).
# ! ghaa:, !a: (nm) corn, callosity; cork, plg.
ss# ghaghaa:n$: (v) to rattle; to rmble; to thnder; ! rattle; rmble; thnder.
#s ghaa: (nm) a pitcher, pot; !s| s to be flshed with shame, to sffer
extreme hmiliation.
s ghaiya: (nf) a crcible.
s ghaiya:l (nm) an alligator; a crocodile.
s ghai: (nf) a watch, time%piece; moment; a time interval of )0 mintes; s every
moment; repeatedly, time and again; | for a while; H in a trice; !H a
horologist, watch%maker; !H horology, watch maker&s work#profession; s
to cont every passing moment restlessly; to await keenly; the appointed
time to pass away; to miss the opportne moment.
s gha$=chi: (nf) a pitcher%stand.
gh$n (nm) a hammer, sledge%hammer; cbe; clod; (a) dense; solid; !| very
dense; terrible, profond; !4 a blockhead; dolt; !9 cbe; !H

cbe%root; |
| a heavy shattering stroke, hammer stroke.
# gh$nghan$:n$: (v) to prodce a deep ringing sond (as of a gong); hence
! (nf).
ghanata: (nf) density; solidity; compactness.
c ghanatv (nm) see .
ghan$: (a) dense, thick; intensive (as cltivation); compact; ! denseness;
ghan$:bh (nm) a cboid.
8 ghanish (a) close; closest, most intimate; ! closeness; intimacy; rapport.

ghan2:bh:t (a) condensed; concentrated; solidified; profond.

# ghapla: (nm) bngling; mess; confsion; disorder, pretty kettle of fish; ! 4H a
bngler, one who creates a mess; hence !4H;# ! to make hay of.
4s()# ghaba:(ra:)n$: (v) to be nervos, to lose nerve; to be non%plssed; to get
panicky; H to be in flap; to be panicky#nervos.
4s() ghaba:(ra:)ha (nf) nervosness; restlessness; panic.
Hs gham$ (nm) conceit; vanity.
Hs gham$i: (a) conceited; vain, pride goeth before a fall.
H gham$:s$:n (a) fierce;

@#s fierce fight or battle.

H| gham$=ri: (nf) prickly heat.
ghar (nm) home; hose, residence; apartment, room; compartment; native place,
homeland; office (as , s); s.are or
%% ;75 %%
cell (in a chess%board);

hosehold; family; each and every hose;

hearth and home; !

one who always keeps within the bonds of the

female apartment; an effeminate man; !H one who lives with, and is sbordinated
to, one&s in%laws: !H| self%cltivation, self%tillage; hosehold effects; home and
hearth: U per hosehold; !4 hosehol d; !4| a hoseholder, family%man;
! hsband, the master of the hosehold; !| wife, the mistress of the hosehold;
H4 to marry#remarry; to bild p a family; to enter or re%enter the
hoseholder&s stage; 3Hs rination of a hosehold#family; the demise of one&s
wife; to create a room for oneself; to bild p a hosehold; a near one;
one&s own, internal; 6U well%to%do; H | a hose to be completely
ra,ed; to sffer rination; 3H beloved of the whole family; glamor of the
family; | s, the hose to arose a feeling of
desolation and disgst; the entire family; " see 3H;
H| H| H @ a prophet is not honored in his own land;
belonging neither here nor there; H s

4| to bring disgrace to the fair

name of the family; | one who knows the secrets of the hose; 6
d9 traitors prove to be the worst enemies; H # a hero within one&s own
forwalls; hosehold hero; | HH | 4 | dry bread at home is more
welcome than sweetmeat elsewhere; | easily procrable, easy to procre; |

| 44 what is easy to procre, does not score; to be even in a

bargain; to rn a hosehold; HH to establish a hosehold; to
get habitated; to become a habital visitor, to make profitable visits; 9
to rin one&s hosehold for the sake of an idle pleasre; 9|s to spell
internecine, .arrel in a hosehold; 4s to bring rin on a hosehold; 4 to
become a#(somebody&s) mistress; to be ot of employment; the hose to crash down;
4 withot moving ot; withot a stroke of work; to amass wealth; to achieve
prosperity; % the hose to be desolated; H H to achieve
one&s prpose withot a stroke of work; to gain divine visit withot effort; H sI
to take as a mistress; H H 4 HH H H self%
insterest is the first law of natre; H
H% | to carry off meat from the
graves, to be as poor as the chrch mose; H

cont not yor chickens till they are hatched; 3 to make a terrible
noise or create a commotion; to kick p a row in the hose; to
transcend the bonds of one&s home; to ndermine the honor of the family; 4
to trn a hoseholder into a homeless being
# gharghara:n$: (v) to prodce a whirring sond; to snort; hence ! (nf).
ghara:ti: (nm) member of
%% ;77 %%
the bridal party (in a marriage).
ghara:n$: (nm) a family, clan.
ghar: (a) domestic; familial; private.

gharel: (a) domestic; private.

ghar$=da: (nm) a toy%hose.
gharghar (nf) rmble; grgle; snorting sond.
#4 gharsh$ (nm) friction; clash; !4 clashed; in clash, in friction.

H ghala: (nm) that which a byer gets over and above the .antity paid for; a tip in
kind to a byer.
| ghaskhoda: (nm) a grass%ctter; petty person; ignorams.
ghasiya:ra: (nm) a grass%ctter; hay%trsser; a inadept.
ghasi: (nf) scribble; scrawl.
ghasi:n$: (v) to drag; to trail; to scribble; to scrawl.
ghehra:n$: (v) to thicken (as clods); to thnder; to grgle.
gha:i: (nf) the intervening space in between two fingers.
gha:gh (nm and a) cnning, shrewd (person).
gha:ghra: (nm) a petticoat; skirt from waist to ankle.
gha: (nm) wharf, .ay; berth; ferry, bank; !4| embargo;

~ ferriage;
c a pblic property; to wander from pillar to post; to gather
varied experience; to reach ashore; to find a foothold.
gha:a: (nm) loss; deficit; % to sffer a loss; a losing
proposition; 4H a deficit bdget.
gha:iya: (nm) a ,ra:hma on a bathing bank who applies sandalwood paste on
bathers& foreheads.
| gha:i: (nf) a valley; montain pass.
gha:t (nf) ambsh, ambscade; killing; slaghter; stroke; power degree;
d, H H to fall into one&s cltches; H 9 to mark time for an ambscade:
H 4 to wait for an ambscade; H to be pon the catch, to ambscade; to
look for a tactical opportnity to strike; to lie in ambsh; 4 to play
tricks; to impart lessons in trickery.
gha:tak (a) lethal; fatal; rinos; (nm) a killer; mrderer.
gha:t$:k (nm) index.
# gha:ta: (nm); ! H over and above what is paid for, free; withot effort or
spending; by trickery.
gha:ti: (nm) a killer, assassin; slaghterer; trickster; (a) cnning and crafty.
gh$:n (nm) a lot; .antity of oilseed, wheat, etc. grond or pressed in one lot; things
cooked or fried in one lot.
H gh$:m (nm) snshine; heat of the sn.
Hs gh$:ma (nm) an idiot, a blockhead, dllard; (a) idiotic, dll.
gha:yal (a) wonded, in'red; hrt; | H its the sfferer alone
who knows the pain.
gha:ln$: (v) to strike; to thrst; to destroy; to place; to por(into).
gha:w (nm) a wond; an in'ry; to be wonded#in'red, to receive an in'ry,
H Us to add inslt to in'ry;

# a wond to heal p;
| a wond to revive.
gha:s (nf) grass; rbbish; weed and straw: worthless food;
%% ;7: %%

rbbish; weed and straw; #|#U| to ndertake a petty#worthless

'ob; to idle away one&s time; said of one who betrays some sort of stpidity; to
be bereft of wits or senses.
# gha:sle (nm) vegetable oil; inferior stff; (a) trash; !| worthless; inferior,
trash; cheap; 6c gtter#trash literatre, cheap literatre.
ghigghi: (nf); 4H to have the throat choked (ot of fear or emotional
psrge); to be so stnned as to become tonge%tied.
ghighiya:n$: (v) to grovel in the dst, to show p the teeth, to beg for mercy;
to spplicate; to falter in speech (de to fear or emotional psrge).
ghichpich (a) crowded; clmsy; illegible; (nf) congestion: clmsiness.
gh2n (nf) abhorrence, odiosness; nasea; H one&s gorge to rise at.
ghin$=n$: (a) abominable; loathsome; odios; naseating; hence ! (nm).
ghiya: (nf) bottle gord; ! a grater.
ghirn2: (nf) a plley.
ghira:i: (nf) the act of srronding or encircling, the act of keeping a watch on
gra,ing cattle; the fee or charge for so doing.
ghira:v (nm) gheraothe act of srroding a person or persons in athority to
press acceptance of certain demands.
| ghirri: (nf) a sheave; plley.
ghisan$: (v) intrasitive form of the verb (see); %
H to die by inches.
ghisghis (nf) higgling; drdgery; dll rotine work; dilatoriness; dilly%dallying.
ghisn$: (v) to rb; to be worn ot#to wear ot; to be impaired#to impair; %
hackneyed; worn ot.
ghisa:i: (nf) the work of or charges paid for rbbing or smoothening; hard labor;
abrasion; wear.
ghissa: (nm) friction; a powerfl hard rb (on the body); attrition; dodge.
ghi: (nm) ghee; "#9 H lit. to light p ghee lamps %to celebrate (the
flfilment of some cherished desire) by fanfare#merry%making#festivity;
s#4 | to be hand in glove with; to be in intimate association; to become
inseparably nited;

H | | 4 to be very prosperos and afflent.

gh=ghchi: (nf) a small red and black seed of "brus precatorius.

gh=ghra:le (a) crly (plral form of

the singlar from is seldom sed).

gh=ghr: (nm) a set of small 'ingling bells (worn arond the ankles, esp. dring a
dance performance); 4H to take to a dancing career; to take lessons in dancing
(from a gr).

s gh=i: (nf) a knob; nipple; switch; ball%shaped btton of cloth; ! knobby.

gh2y$: (nf) arma kind of Dndian vegetable.

ghggh: (nm) an owl; a fool, stpid fellow.

ghn$: (v) to be sffocated; to experience sffocation; to be clean%shaven; (nm) a


H to fret ot one&s life,

%% ;:( %%
to be gradally sffocated to death;

to knckle down#nder, to yield; to

accept sbordination;

| 4 to move on all fors (as a child);

| H
to be engrossed in some worry#thoght;

H cnning and clever; clean%


7 ghann$: (nm) knickers, half%pants.

gha:i: (nf) levigation and its charges; work of and charges for levigation;
srfacing; cramming.

ghi: (nf) digestive medicine or tonic given, to infants; H s to become

habitated (to) from the very infancy; something to become a part of one&s natre.

s ghan allomorph of |s sed as the first member in compond words; !d| a

ceremonial horse%riding of the bridegroom (to the bride&s hose) forming a part of the
marriage celebrations; a ceremonial horse%riding; !s horse%race; !H

one having a horse%like oblong face; ! a horse%rider; a cavalier; ! a horse%

s ghakn$: (v) to brow%beat, to (administer a short and sharp) reprimand.

s| ghki: (nf) a hollow threat; brow%beating, a sharp reprimand#rebff; blff.

H 7 gh$:ksharnya:y (nm) fortitos and nexpected manner, happy chance.

gh=n (nm) a weevil, wood%worm; to be in the grip of canker; to sffer

internal decay.

ghnn$: (v) to be eaten by wood%worm, to be weevilled; to rot.

7 gh=nn$: (a) perversely reticent; rancorosly secretive.

ghpp (a); H pitch dark, total black%ot.

H4s ghm$kka (a) fond of#in the habit of wandering abot, roving; (nm) a rover;

Hs ghman$: (v) to gather p (as clods or sentiments); to converge and


H| ghmri: (nf) see


H ghm$:n$: (v) to revolve; to roll; to swirl rond; to circlate; to spin; to trn; to

brandish (as a sword); to take rond; to begile; to give a twist;

H%9 4
to beat abot the bsh.

H| ghmCri: (nf) giddiness, vertigo; H to feel giddy.

H ghma:v (nm) a trning; crvatre; twist; ! winding, circitos; crved.

ghrghra:n$: (v) to prodce a snorting sond; hence



ghl$nshi:l (a) solble; ! solbility.

# ghln$: (v) to be dissolved; to be li.efied; to be mixed; to langish; to sffer

decadence or to waste away; to become lean and thin;

| to be
redced to a skeleton; %

H #H to fret ot one&s life, to eat one&s heart

ot; to waste oneself away to death; %

4 to have a tete%tete, to have a

flow of sol.

ghsn$: (v) to enter; to pierce; to penetrate; to thrst into; to intrde.

ghspai (nf) intrsion; infiltration; access;

an intrder; infiltrator;
to intrde; to infiltrate.

s ghsen$: (v) to thrst into; to pierce; to penetrate.

%% ;:; %%

# gh=:sa: (nm) fist; fist%blow; !4H a boxer; !4H fisticffs, boxing; !|

4 3H let not the revenge of fistblows be deferred ntil the morrow; have forthright
dealings where yo mst.

gh=:gha (nm) face%veil; veil; 3 to nveil; to remove the veil;

#d# to veil, to have a veil on.

gh=:ghar (nm) crl (of hair); ! crly.

gh=: (nm) a draght, glp, sip.

H gh:mn$: (v) to take a walk, to stroll; to wander; to gyrate; to revolve; to whirl; to

trn; to retrn; to roll; to spin; to waggle; to swim (as head);

H%9 |

to come fll circle.

gh:rn$: (v) to stare (at); to gloat; to frown (at).

gh:ra: (nm) midden, heap of refse#sweepings;

9 every dog
has his day.

gh:r (nm) moments; rotation.

gh:r$n (nm) rotation;


gh:s (nf) bribe, illegal gratification; a bandicoot rat; !O| bribee; !O|| bribery;
to accept bribe; to bribe.

ghri$: (nf) hatred, scorn, abhorrence; loathing.

ghri$:spad (a) hatefl, abhorrent; loathsome, despicable.

ghriit (a) abominable; abhorred, heinos.

ghriy (a) see

ghrit (nm) ghee.

| ghCi: (nf) an nripe pod (of grain etc.)
gher (nm) circmference; hemming in; encirclement; ! skirted; loose;
having a wide circmference.
ghern$: (v) to besiege; to encircle; to hem in; to blockade; to confine.
ghera: (nm) a siege; an encirclement, enclosre, cordon; fence; skirt; girth;
circmference; rim; s to besiege, to srrond; !4| encirclement; siege;
| ghAgha: (nm) shell; snail; coch; oyster; !4 an idiot, a nincompoop.
| ghAn$: (v) see |.
| ghApn$: (v) to pierce, to penetrate.
| ghAsla: (nm) a nest.
| ghokhn$: (v) to cram p, to commit to memory.
| ghon$: (v) to cram p, to commit to memory; to levigate; to choke; to strangle
(e.g. |); to smoothen; to shave.
| ghoa: (nm); to cram p; to levigate thoroghly.
| ghoa:la (nm) bngling; confsion, mess; disorder.

gho: (nm) a crammer, an adept in the art of cramming p.

|s ghoa: (nm) a horse; hammer of a gn; !s a horse%carriage; to saddle a
horse; d to cock a gn;
what? keep a dog and bark myself;
9 #H to break a horse (to the rein); 4 | to go into a deep carefree
|s ghoi: (nf) a mare; high wooden stand; d see

s (!s).
| ghor (a) awfl; formidable; terrible; dense, thick; deep; sharp.
| ghol (nm) a soltion; myrrh.
| gholn$: (v) to dissolve; to mix; | H to assimilate
%% ;:) %%
thoroghly; to ac.ire expertise; to glp in.
|4 ghosh (v) voiced; (nm) sond; voiced sond; a habitation.
|4 ghosha: (nf) a declaration, proclamation.
|4 ghoshit (a) declared, proclaimed.
| ghosi: (nm) a milkman.
s athe fifth (and nasal) consonant and the ltimate member of the first pentad
(i.e. ) of the Devna:gri alphabet. Oo word in se in 1anskrit or @indi begins with
this letter. Dt is sally fond as a first member of a con'nct consonant preceded by a
vowel bt in reformed Devana:gri: script, it has been replaced by a dot even in sch
cases (as , and not 7s, is the correct accepted form).

chathe first letter of the second pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet; a
click sond prodced by the impact of the tonge on the hard palate as an expression of
pity, disgst, etc., what a pity? @ow sad? @ow bad? etc., also ......
ch$g (nf) a typical brand of paper kite; (nm) a msical instrment like a small
timbrel; d to instigate, topff p; to inflate (so as to veer somebody rond to
a particlar corse of action).
ch$ga: (a) healed, recovered; good, sond, hale and hearty, in good health;
to cre, to restore to normal health; | to recover; to be restored to normal

ch$gl (nm) claw, cltch, talon; grasp; H s#9 to fall into the cltches
(of), to be in the crel grasp (of); 4 to be spared from the cltches of, to get
ot of the cltches of.
#, !| ch$g#er, !eri: (nf) a small shallow basket; a small swinging cot (for babies).
| ch$chari:k (nm) a b,,ing bee.
%% ;:/ %%
ch$chal (a) nsteady, transient; inconstant; fickle; flickering; .ivering, shaking;
fidgety, restless; skittish; playfl; co.ettish; nimble; ! nsteady, fickle, fidgety,
restless (person).
ch$chalta: (nf) nsteadiness; inconstancy; transience; flckleness; flicker,
shakiness; restlessness, fidgetiness; skittishness; playflness, co.ettishness;
ch$chala: (nf) an epithet of *akshmi: (the goddess of wealth); lightning; (a)
nsteady, fickle; transient.

ch$ch (nf) beak; bill; !9 smattering knowledge (of a sb'ect), mere

elementary stdy.
| ch$chorn$: (v) see |.
ch$ (a) cnning, clever, wily; ! cnningness, cleverness, wiliness.
s ch$ (a) fierce, frios; violent; powerfl; hence! (nf).
s ch$a:l (nm) a sb%caste amongst the shu:dras taken to be the lowest in the
traditional @ind caste hierarchy; (a) low%born; wretched, wicked, depraved; crel.
s ch$i: (nf) the goddess

; a .arrelsome defiant woman; a woman of violent


ch$: (nf) an intoxicating drg made of opim; !O a place of assembly

for chan
u: smokers; a rmor%manfactring centre; !4H a chan
u:%addict; rmor%monger; !O | an nfonded rmor#gossip, frivolos talk.

ch$:l (nm) a kind of lark; an gly replsive person.

ch$nd (nm) the moon; (a) a few, some; !|H lasting only a few days; transient.
ch$nd$n (nm) sandalwood, sanders; ! sandalwood paste; ! see .
ch$dra:n$: (v) to make en.iry with a feigned air of ignorance; to feign
|H chandro,a: (a) short%lived, transient, transitory, perishable.
ch$nda: (nm) the moon; sbscription; contribtion; donation; to
raise a fnd by contribtion#donation; to contribte, to sbscribe; to
sbscribe, to contribte; HH moonthe maternal ncle (said to hmor the
children); as beatifl as the moon (esp. sed for face).
ch$da:val (nm) rear gard.
ch$diya: (nf) the cranim, the middle part of the skll; the last small bread
prepared from remaining dogh (insfficient for a fll%si,e bread).
| ch$dova: (nm) a small canopy.
chandr (nm) the moon; crescent; ! lnar crescent; a digit of the moon (sixteenth
part of the circmference); ! moonstone; !0 lnar eclipse; !4

the nasal sign

represented by a crescent with a dot over it (), as distinct from

represented by
a dot above the top (); !4 4 the lnar disc; !H s the halo of the moon; !H

woman blessed with a moon%like face; !| the sphere or heaven of the moon; ! the
lnar raceone of the two ma'or kshatri%adynasties that florished in ancient Dndia;
! belonging to the lnar dynasty (7 ); ! blessed with a
%% ;:0 %%
moon%like face; ! a beaty blessed with a moon%like face; ! >onday;

see 4

; ! *ord 1hivwhose head is said to be ever adorned by the

presence of the lnar crescent; ! a kind of broad necklace.
H ch$ndram$: (nm) the moon.
ch$ndrika: (nf) the moon% light, moonshine.
|c ch$ndrikotsav (nm) the festival of the atmnal fll moon.
| ch$ndroday (nm) rise of the moon.
ch$mpai: (a) having the tint of the champa: flower, having a yellowish white or
light yellow tinge.
ch$mpak (nm) see .
ch$mpat (a) vanished, disappeared; absconded; 4#| to trn tails, to take
to one&s heels, to rn away.
ch$mpa: (nm) the tree /ichelia champaca and its pleasant fragrant light yellow or
yellowish white flower; !| bds of ; a necklace stdded with stones resembling
bds of the champa:.
ch$mpi: (nf) massage; shampoo; to massage; to shampoo; to try to

ch$mp: (nm) a literary composition with alternation of prose and verse.

ch$var (nm) a whisk, a flapper made of the tale of a yak ,os grunnieus (sed for
flapping away flies, etc.); s

to wave a to and fro (as a mark of respect to

one who is attended pon); to serve deferentially; !d one who wields a .
chak (nm) a holding, plot of land; discs, a kind of a circlar toy played with a
string; !s|| the string of the toy discs; the discs and string; !9 | rond,
chakai: (nf) a discs%shaped whirling toy; a female rddy goose.
chakti: (nf) a patch; soapcake.
chakatta: (nm) rash, a blotch on the skin, any rond scar or mark (on the skin);
sed in 9ra' 9hasha poetry to denote the moghl -mperor "rang,eba descendant
of , son of Jhengi, Nhan.

chakn$:ch:r (a) shattered (to pieces); broken into fragments; wearied;

despirited; to shatter, to dash to the grond (as H, ).
4| chakb$ndi: (nf) consolidation of holdings.
H chakm$k (nm) flint.
H chakm$: (nm) hoodwinking, dodge; stnt; trick, trickery; to sffer a
dodge, to be tricked#hoodwinked; 9 to do one down#brown; to
dodge, to play a trick, to hoodwink.
H#4H chakmCba:, (nm) a dodger, trickster, fradlent person; hence !4H (nf).
# chakara:n$: (v) to feel di,,y; to whirl, to revolve; to lose one&s head#wits, to be
confonded#astonded; H to lose one&s head#wits.
chakla: (nm) a brotnel; pastry% board, circlar wooden or stony board for
spreading dogh into a bread; the owner of a brothel: to rn#own a
~ chakallas (nm) fn, 'oclarity, drollery; !4H one who
%% ;:3 %%
indlges in drollery#fn making; !4H drollery, fn, indlgence in fn; hence .
# chakva: (nm) a rddy goose; ! a female rddy goose.
H chaka:chak (a) flly satisfied; (adv) to the fll, to the fllest satisfaction; to the

to prepare#have a strong do,e of ; to have very intimate

H chaka:ch$=dh (nm) da,,le, da,,lement, da,,ling effect; brilliance, brilliant
chakit (a) ama,ed, srprised, flabbergasted, wonder%strck.
| chakotra: (nm) a shaddock, a variety of lemon bigger than the sal si,e
Citrus decumana.
| chakor (nm) the Dndian red%legged partridge (fabled to sbsist pon moon%beams
and to eat embers); hence || (nf).
4 chakkar (nm) circle; ring, whirl; twirl; spin; rotation; rond; revoltion;
circmamblation; vertigo, giddiness; confsion; trick, frad; ! circitos; rond
abot; spiral; H to sffer from vertigo, to feel giddy; # to take
ronds, to revolve, to whirl; to swirl; to go rond, to revolve; to take a
circitos rote; to be non%plssed, to be confonded; to lanch a tricky move;
H to whirl rond; to wander abot; H H#s to be taken in (by); to be in a
mess; to sffer harassment; to be dodged; H s to embroil#involve in a mess; to
4 chakka: (nm) a wheel; sphere; an orderly heap (of bricks, stone slabs, etc.);
4| chakki: (nf) a .ern; mill; grinding mill; kneepan; cake (e.g. soapcake);
mill%stone; | 4 H# to be sandwiched between two
afflictions; to grind; to pt in rigoros work; to be nder imprisonment; H
to be constantly in harness.
H chakkr (nm) a wheel; cycle; circle; disc, discs; discs%shaped missile;
! circlar motion; ! spin(ning); !H armed with a discs%shaped missile; an
epithet of *ord Mish=; !| niversal; (an emperor) rling over a vast empire; ! a
whirlwind, cyclone; !

@ compond (interest); !

a circlar array of troops;

impregnable battle%array (as practised in ancient Dndian military strategy);
see 4 ().
H chakrava:k (nm) see .
H chakkra:ka:r (a) circlar; wheel%shaped.
H| chakkri:y (a) rotational, whirling, circlar.
H chaksh (nm) an eye; !| visible, perceptible; tangible; !7 the eyeorgan
of seeing; 4 the ob'ect of vision, visible ob'ect; ! a snake.
O cha (nf) altercation, noisy dispte; ! verbal altercation; chatter, noisy
exchanges, discordant discssion; 6#H to create a row#havoc, to case an
altercation, to enter into a heated discssion.
chakhn$: (v) to taste, to relish.
chacha: (nm) paternal ncle; !H born of paternal ncle; | to excel, to
srpass (in cleverness, tricks, etc.), to be ahead of.
%% ;:4 %%
chachiya: (a) pertaining to or related with paternal ncle (e.g.

law; ant%in%law).
chachera: (a) of, pertaining to, or related with, paternal ncle; first cosin
(brother); | 4 first cosin (sister).
|s chachon$: (v) see |.
cha (adv) instantly, instantaneosly, at once; (nf) snap#snapping; crack, breaking or
cracking sond; ! repeated cracking#snapping sonds; ! very promptly,
immediately, with tmost rgency; ! a nrsery school; ! a nrsery school;
instantly, instantaneosly; H to polish off, to consme hrriedly and
entirely; H to propose this moment, to marry the very next; to
implement a proposal withot delay.
chaak (nf) glitter, splendor, brilliance; agility; crack; sprain; a sparrow; (a)
bright, brilliant, lod (color); ! brilliant; gady, lod; H gad#gadiness;
co.etry; ornamentation, glitter.
chaakn$: (v) to crack, to crackle, to prodce a snapping#cracking sond; to
crack with a report; to brst or open (as a bd); to case to snap.
chakan2: (nf) see .
chaka:n$: (v) to snap; to case to crack or crackle.
chaka:ra: (nm) see O.
| chaki:la: (a) brilliant, bright; lod, glittering; gady; hence ! (nm).
chakhan2: (nf) a latch, bolt, tower bolt.
# chaa:ra: (nm) a clack of the tonge with the palate (expressive of relishing
experience); ! # to express relishing of or desire for (delicios food or talk
chachaa:n$: (v) to prodce a cracking or snapping sond; to brn with a
crackling noise.
chan2: (nf) sace indigenos sace: #4 to transform into plp, to beat
p thoroghly.
# chapaa: (a) pngent, spicy; ! pngency spiciness; hence !| (fem. form);
64 spicy talk.
chaa:i: (nf) a mat; the act or process of licking; two%dimensional
chaa:k (nm) a crackling sond (comparatively loder and more lasting than );
smack; promptly, swiftly.
chaa:ka: (nm) a smack, crackling report.
chaa:cha (nf) a repeated crackle or smack; (adv) with a repeated crackling or
smacking report.
chaa:n$: (v) to case to lick; to bribe; ,H

to throw agrond, to fell;

, to bribe, to give monetary gratification.
chaiyal (a) bare, barren.

chal (a) fickle, nsteady; flippant, swift moving; hence! (nf).

|#| chaor#chaora: (a) gastrome, greedy of delicios dishes; ! gastromy,
greediness for delicios dishes.
cha$:n (nf) a rock, cliff; | solid like a rock, firm and resolte.
%4 chaa:%baa: (nm) a set of toys or other implements (in a
%% ;:5 %%
con'rer&s bag); %4 , 9 | | chips of the same block, birds of the same
chai: (nf) slipper(s); loss, damage; a halting place (esp. on hilly%rotes); to
inflict a loss#damage; to sffer a loss#damage.
s chai: (nf) a scanty nder% wear (esp. for children);ride; back% ride; to
have a back%ride; to have a ride; to ride on the back (of).
d chaat (nf) offering(s) to a deity, priest, etc.
d chata: (a) rising; growing; increasing; blooming; hence d (fem. form);
d H H in the flower of one&s age, in the prime of yoth; d

H#9H see d.
d# chan$: (v) to go p; to ascend; to be ascendant; to climb; to rise; to mont; to
ride; to be offered (to a deity etc.); to lanch an attack, to charge; to be recorded; to take
possession of (as by an evil spirit); to be placed on fire for cooking; to be in spate, to be
in a tide; to increase, to be on the increase; to be covered by something; (said of a man)
to enter into sexal nion, to overpower into sexal act; 3 4 to make
a harsh and nwelcome tterance, to talk arrogantly; sperior, excelling; !

| H#9H to climb on the bandwagon, to bow to the rising sn, to strive
to be on the winning side; s to lanch an invasion, to charge; 4 to have a
rn of good lck, to en'oy a lcky spell; 4 to ride on; to overpower; to trample
d chaa:i: (nf) ascent, bank, climb; rise; invasion; to invade; to climb (an
d%3| chaa:tri: (nf) flctation, repeated ascents and descents.
d%3| chaa::pari: (nf) see d%d|.
d%d| chaa:chai: (nf) (spirit of) rivalry, competitive bid(ding).
d chaa:n$: (v) to case to go p or rise; to offer; to pt on; to mont; to record; to
place on fire for cooking; to cover; to load; to brace; to tighten; to string (a bow); to
anoint, to apply a paste or (on the body); to fix (a bayonet); to drink off#p; to
provoke#incite; to pff p (throgh exaggerated praise); to in'ect, to infse.
d chaa:w (nm) ascent, acclivity; rise (in prices, etc.); ornamental gift for the bride
(from the bride% groom&s side); pstream; swelling (of a river, etc.).
d chaa:wa: (nm) oblation, offering (to a deity, etc.), ornamental gift presented to
the bride (from the bridegroom&s side).

chatr (a) clever, shrewd; wise; skilfl, skilled; !# cleverness, shrewdness;

wisdom; skill.

chatra:i: (nf) cleverness; wisdom; skill, dexterity.

# chatrsed as the first member of 1anskrit compond words being an

allomorph of

:, meaning for; ! .adripartite, consisting of for members or

parts; ! .adripartite, comprised of for members or parts; (sed esp. to denote
an army comprised of for arms or departments, vi,; elephants, cavalry,
%% ;:7 %%
chariots and the infantry); a complete army; !H the for stages in a man&s life
(see HH); ! the forth; ! .adrant; .arter, one%forth (part); ! H the
forth HH i.e. 7the stage of the anchorite; !| the forth day of a lnar
fortnight; ! the forteenth day of a lnar fortnight; ! # all rond, on all the
for sides; !H H the for sacred places of pilgrimage of the @inds (vi,.

4H, , H+); !

H a .adrangle; .adrilateral; an epithet of *ord Mishn

having for arms; !H the for months of the rainy season extending from the twelfth
day of the moonlit half of H4d to that of ; !H

for%faced; the Jreator%

god ; all rond. for%sided; !H

all rond, for%sided; !

for %ugas (vi,. , , , ); ! the for hman prsits Uvi,. virte (HH),
wealth ( ) sensal pleasres (H) and salvation (H|H)V; ! the for main castes of
the @inds (vi,. , H, and

); ! .artet; ! Hof for types, for%

fold; ! the for Vedas. (vi,. # , H, H

and ); !| a scholar well%versed in

the for Vedas; a sbcaste of the 9ra:hm$s.

#4 chatshan allomorph of

: sed as the first member of 1anskrit compond

words meaning for; !| for%cornered; a .adrangle; !| .adranglar;
! a road%crossing; !# for%footed; a .adrped.

chatshay (nm) an aggregate of for (things, persons, etc.).

# chatssed as the first member of 1anskirt compond words being an

allomorph of

: meaning for; !

for%point(ed); for%stringed.
chaddar (nf) see .
chankaa: (nm) a slap.
chan$: (nm) gram; %4 parched gram and allied grains; poor people&s diet.
chana:r (nm) a kind of tall beatifl tree (generally fond in the hills).
chapk$n (nm) a pecliar long tight coat.
chapa: (a) flat; ! flatness.
| chapi: (nf) homosexal act between two females.
s%s chapa:chapa (nf) lap, offensive sond made dring chewing; tattle,
navailing and nending prattle; to contine to prattle.
s chapa: (nm) shellac.
chapat (nm) a slap; (nf) loss; damage; $s to slap; # to inflict a
loss; to damage; to slap; s#4# to be slapped; to sstain a loss#damage;
to (give a) slap.
chapti: (nf) a fillet.
chapn2: (nf) a knee%cap.
chap$rkana:ti: (a) stpid; foolish; of no conse.ence; (nm) a riff%raff.

chaparaga: (a and nm) (a) blockhead, dffer, nincompoop.

chapra:s (nf) a breast plate; a plate worn on belt (as a mark of office) by peons
etc.; (in wrestling) a violent stroke of the left foot on the right of the adversary and vice%
chapra:si: (nm) a peon; !| a peon&s fnction or office.
chapal (a) nsteady; wavering;
%% ;:: %%
flippant; tremlos; restless; .ick; nimble; hoity%toity.
chapalta: (nf) nsteadiness; flippancy; tremlosness, restlessness; .ickness;
chapla: (nf) the goddess of wealth3akshmi:; lightning; (a) feminine form
of (sec).
chapa:ti: (nf) a thin bread of the Dndian style.
chape (nf) striking range; stroke (of misfortne etc.); involvement; a sdden
involving blow or accident; H H to be embroiled in a blow or accident; to sstain
in'ry#loss; to be strck; to sstain in'ry or loss, to get embroiled in an
accident or a blow, to sffer a stroke.
chapea: (nm) see .
chappal (nf) slipper(s) (open at the front), sandal.
chappa: (nm) a hand%breadth, a measre of for fingers; a span, small piece of
land: every span of land, every inch of grond; every nook and corner; 6U
H to make a thorogh search, to scan every inch of land, to search every nook and

chapp: (nm) an oar.

4 chaba:i: (nm) a backbiter.
4 chaba:n$: (v) to chew; to mnch; to masticate; 4%4 4| (to speak)
haltingly and with a mnching action.
4#3, ! chaba:, !w (nm) back% biting; systematic and fre.ent backbiting,
indlgence in the act of talking ill of others.

chab:tra: (nm) a raised platform; stoop.

4(4) chabe(ai)n$: (nm) miscellaneos parched grains (mixed together).
H cham$k (nf) flash; brilliance, lstre, shine; gloss; glare; radiance; a localised flash
of pain; H glitter; brilliance; pomp and show; ! shining, brilliant, glittering,
glossy; 3 to shine forth; to ct a dash, to make a brilliant show; to be provoked all
of a sdden, to flare p.
H cham$kn$: (v) to shine, to glitter, to sparkle; to flash; to flare, to flare p, to get
angry; to have a localised flash of pain.
H| chamki:la: (a) shining, glossy; radiant, brilliant, bright; lstros, lminos;
hence ! (nm).
Hs chamga:da (nm) a bat; vampire; (fig.) one who manages to keep in two
opposite camps.
HH chamcham$:n$: (v) to shine, to glitter, to be glossy; to sparkle.
H chamcha: (nm) a large spoon; flnkey, flatterer; !| cheap flattery, sycophancy.
H| chami: (nf) a gide stick.
H#s chama: (nm) leather; hide; skin; !s H to tan, to cre; !s 4 a
false coin, worthless article.
Hs chami: (nf) skin; 3H s to beat bare; to flay, to skin; H Hs
H to sffer a flaying, to save a penny; to be excessively stingy; , H||thick%
skinned; ,|| fair%complexioned; H to fall for external beaty.
Hc# chamatka:r (nm) a marvel, miracle; wonder; thamatrgy; spectacle;
! thamatrgic, marvellos, miraclos; spectaclar; hence !; !|miracios;
one who performs miracles, a thamatrge.

# chamatkrit (a) ast onded,

%% )(( %%
astonished, wonder%strck; ! a miraclos performance, marvel; spectacle;
spectaclar show, thamatrgy.
H cham$n (nm) a small garden; parterre, bed of a garden; a place fll of life and
H| chamri: (nf) a chmrey; a yak (mas. H); see .
HH chamradha: (nm) an indigenos type of strdy shoe.
HH cham$:ch$m (adv) with a shine#gloss, brilliantly, brightly.
H# cham$:r (nm) a cobbler, shoe%maker; a schedled caste amongst the @inds
traditionally living by shoe%making; a lowly person; !#| feminine form of H.

cham=: (nf) a division of an army; !# an army%commander, a general.

H| chameli: (nf) (a kind of) 'asmine (plant and its flower); 'asmine oil.
+H chamm$ch (nm) a spoon.
chay$n (nm) selection; picking p; compiling; H selection committee.
chayanika: (nf) an anthology, a selection#collection of choicest or
representative writings.
char (nm) a spy, secret messenger, emissary; a variable; (a) moving; nsteady;
variable; hence ! see .
charkaa: (nm) a chaff%ctter; riff%raff, an insignificant person.
charka: (nm) frad, swindle, rigging; to be swindled#defraded; to
defrad, to swindle; to be defraded#swindled.
charakh (nm) a large revolving wheel.
charkha: (nm) a spinning wheel; hyena.
charkhi: (nf) a reel, spool; plley; sheave; see ; torbillion, revolving
firework; a catherine wheel.
charchara:n$: (v) to crackle, to make a spttering noise; to prodce a painfl
sensation as by the drying p of a wond.
charchara:ha (nf) crackle; spttering noise; painfl sensation as by the drying
p of a wond.
char$ (nm) a foot (also of a verse); step; .arter; phase; %H# lots%like feet;
%7 footprint; ! sole of the foot; !H

#!H dst of the feet (of); to be no match

to, to be too inferior for comparison; %

4# obse.ios attendance; reverential

service; ! an obse.ios attendant; one who renders reverential service;

H to press#lick the feet of, to be extremely servile#sbmissive, to keep on

flattering; U

to toch one&s feet (as a traditional mark of respect); H| to

be very reverential and respectfl; | H #d to make a respectfl
offering to; to srrender with deference.

char$:mmrit (nm) foot ambrosia, the water in which the idol of a deity has
been bathed or the feet of a revered person have been washed (considered to be a sacred
| charodak (nm) see H

charta: (nf) variability; nsteadiness; mobility; (a) gra,ing.
charn$: (v) to gra,e.
charpara: (a) pi.ant; hot,
%% )(; %%
of pngent taste; !#! pi.ancy, pngency#hotness (of taste).
4 charba: (nm) tracing paper; copy, sketch.
4 charbi: (nf) fat, fats and oils; grease; tallow; ! greasy; fatty; d to grow
fat; to become arrogant; U, H| H , to grow mad with passion, to be neglectfl
(on accont of arrogance, carelessness, etc.) of others.
H char$m (a) absolte; ltimate; last, final; extreme: ltimate aim;
H extreme; extreme limit.
H charmar (nf) a creaking sond (as of new boots); s.eak.
H charmara:n$: (v) to creak; to s.eak.
H charmara:ha (nf) a creaking or s.eaking sond; creak; s.eak.
charva:ha: (nm) a herdsman, gra,ier.
charas (nm) an intoxicating drg prepared from the flowers of hemp; a hge
leather bcket.
charsa: (nm) a hge leather bcket.
chara:i: (nf) gra,ing, pastrage; the rent or wages paid for gra,ing (one&s cow,
bffalo, etc).
chara:ga:h (nm) pastre, pastre land, meadow, gra,iery.
chara:char (a) movable and immovable, animate and inanimate; (nm) the entire
chara:n$: (v) to (case to) gra,e; to befool, to hoodwink.
charit (nm) biography; doings, goings; !#% a biographer; % the hero
or the main character (of a literary work); % biographical featre.
charita:rth (a) validated#vindicated; proven correct; gratified; | to attain
one&s ob'ect or end; to prove valid, to be vindicated; to a.ire a meaning.
| charita:rthata: (nf) significance, meaningflness; flfilment, sccess; validity.
| charita:vali: (nf) a collection of biographies; biography.
charitr (nm) character; %#H characterisation, portrayal; %|4 flaws of
character; ! (a man) of sond character; %c character assassination;
!| profligate, deprave, characterless.
charitr$:k$n (nm) characterisation; portrayal, delineation.
| chari: (nf) green plants sed for cattle%fodder; gra,iery.
char (nm) see .
O chara: (nm) see .
O| chari: (nf) see .
charch (nm) a chrch.
charchak (nm) one who mentions or discsses.
charcha: (nf) mention; discssion; rmor; | to take air, to be talked abot.
charchit (a) discssed; mentioned; smeared, anointed.
4| charbi: (nf) see 4.
H charm (nm) leather; skin; hide; ! a cobbler; shoe%maker; tanner; !H leathery,
charya: (nf) rotine; goings, condct; performance (of rites and ceremonies).
charra:n$: (v) to crack#creak#crackle; to make a cracking#creaking#crackling
sond; to smart on accont of tension (as of skin); to have an intense rge (esp. in
%% )() %%
# charv$ (nm) masticating, masticational chewing; relishing; also ! (nf).
charvit (a)masticated, chewed; % chewing the chewed; tedios reiteration.
chal (a) nsteady; transient; inconstant; variable; movable, mobile (as

crrency; % the verge of departre#death; ! fickle%minded, nsteady;
! a movie; motion pictre, cinema, cinematograph; % nsteady, inconstant;
movable property.
chalata: (nm) mobility; nsteadiness; (a) mobile, moving; crrent, in se;
florishing (as

); crsory (e.g. ); cnning, clever; workable;

temporary; light (as H) ; crrent accont;

H cnning; clever;
%9 mobile; 4 a crrent coin; to dispose of; to tell off, to send away;
9 H H to be making a move, to be moving off; 4 to trn tails; to
slip away; H s nothing scceeds like sccess; 4H a
clever#cnning fellow; d| excalator; sage typical to the 9iharis
becase of, de to, owing to; incidentally, casally, in passing; %
by the way, withot prior deliberation.
3 chalta:: (a) workable; serviceable; casal#temporary; abot to go or depart;
moribnd; s being on the verge of death or departre.

chalt: (a) workable, temporary.

chal$n (nm) voge; sage; cstom; condct; Differential Jalcls;
H differential e.ation; ! drable; crrent.
chaln$: (v) to walk; to move, to proceed; to be in voge#se#crrency; to last; to
flow; to be initiated#started (as 4%), to be pressed into; sed (as |); to blow
(as ); to be thrown (as ); to be effective; to go off (as 4

); to be
operated (as H); to be filed (as H

4H); to pass (as 4); to

be consolidated; to get going, to make a progress; to florish; s (H H) to
catch on; 4 to pass away, to expire; |s | 9s to spr a willing
chaln2: (nf) a sieve; (a) drable.
3 chala:: (a) drable, lasting.
chala:chal (a) mobile and immobile; movable and immovable; transient;
movable and immovable property.
| chala:chali: (nf) (verge of) departre; time of departre; readiness for
chala:n$: (v) to case to walk; to move; to drive; to gile, to pass (as 4);
to operate (as H); to maniplate (as H ); to initiate (as ); to throw#fire
(as |, ||); to file (as H

H chala:ym$:n (a) moving; fickle, wavering; nsteady.
chala:rth (nm) crrency.
chalit (a) moved, wavered, nsteady.
7 chavann2: (nf) a twenty%five paisa (for anna) coin; ! low%class prople.
chavarg (nm) the &cha& pentad
%% )(/ %%
of five palatal consonants in the Devna:gri: script vi,. , U, H, $ and .
| chava:li:s (a) forty%for; (nm) the nmber forty%for.
H chashm (nf) an eye; !| witnessed; seen; 6 an eye% witness;
!| connivance; %9%4 evil eye; malicios glance; 6

may not an evil glance be cast

pon yo ?, avant malicios glances ?
H chashm$: (nm) spectacles, glasses; fontain, spring; H


, colored glasses.
chaska: (nm) proclivity, addiction; compelling habitation; ,s# (sed
in dennciatory sense) to get addicted#habitated#sed to (some degenerating habit), to
develop an irresistible proclivity for.
chasp$: (a) affixed, stck; fitting; applicable.
chehak (nf) chirping, warbling.
chehakn$: (v) to chirp, to warble; to be merrily talkative.
chehka:r (nf) see .
chehcheha:n$: (v) to chirp, to warble.
4 chahbachcha: (nm) a catch%pit; sbterranean store%pit.
4H chehal.adm2: (nf) stroll, leisrely walk, ramble.
% chehalpehal (nf) hstle and bstle; commotion; gaiety, merriment.
|| chaha:rdi:va:ri: (nf) the for%walls, bondary.
chaheta: (a) beloved; favorite.
~ ch$:chally (nm) see .
ch$a: (nm) a slap; Hs# ## to (give a) slap.
s ch$:a:l (nm)see s; s a swindling#nisance making
ch$:d (nm) the moon; the bll&s eye; (nf) the crown (of); the head; ! a kind of
fine mslin; a kite bearing the figres of the crescent ad the star; !H|shooting
practice; range; 6 H shooting range;

s a beaty; |
(0) to have a blot in a beaty; H to boot to baldness, to thrash
bald; H | to become bald%headed;


3s to slander the
nassailable (and have one&s own image sllied); H " every bean has its
black, no one is withot his falts; % H

s a face as lovely as the moon, lovely face.

ch$d:n$: (nm) light; | to have light, to be lighted; to dawn, to have the day%
ch$dn2: (nf) the moonlight; a large white sheet of cloth; bedsheet, canopy;
#U moonlight to spread all over.
ch$da: (nm) a protractor.
| ch$di: (nf) silver; to be minting money; H

#| H

temptation; bribe;

s rpee coins; money in general;

pleasant#delightfl days; 4 to mint money, to earn fablosly; | to
have fablos earnings; to have all rond gains.
cha:ndr (a) lnar, pertaining to the moon; H lnar month; c#4 lnar
cha:ndra:ya (nm) a typical fast observed by the @inds and related to the
waning and waxing of the moon.
%% )(0 %%
ch$:pn$: (v) to press.
cha:k (nm) chalk; the potter&s wheel; (a) torn; split; to tear apart.
4%4 cha:.%chab$nd (a) smart; alert and agile.
cha:kar (nm) a servant; menial atten ant.
| cha:kri: (nf) service, attendance; to fetch and carry; 4H to be in
servile attendace.

cha:.: (nm) a knife; |#| to stab with a knife.

H4 cha:kshsh (a) visal, pertaining to the eye.
cha:khn$: (v) to taste, to relish.
# cha:cha: (nm) paternal ncle; ! paternal ncle&s wife, ant.
cha: (nf) a spicy preparation of ct frits, vegetables, etc.; habit, compelling
habitation, irresistibile proclivity; s# see s#.
cha:n$: (v) to lick; H to consme the whole, to polish. off; to be inflicted
by; 6, H

to be sn%strck.

cha: (nm) flattery, adlation, false praise.

# cha:tka:r (a) a flatterer, sycophant; adlator; !, !| flattery,

sycophancy, adlation.

cha::kti (nf) a flattering statement, flattery.

cha:tak (nm) an Dndian bird Cuculus melanoleucus.

| cha:tri: (nf) cleverness, ingeniosness, tact; dexterity.

H#, ! cha:trm$:s, !sik (a and nm) pertaining to the rainy season; the rainy
season; comprised of for months; also ! (nm).

cha:try (nm) cleverness, ingeniosness, tact; dexterity.

cha:trvary (a) pertaining to the for castes as prescribed nder the ancient
Dndian social system (vi,. , H, ,

); the (for) caste%system

(as practised in the Dndian tradition.
cha:dar (nf) a sheet; plate; bedsheet, bed%cover; cover%let; an pper cover garment
sed by women; !4| sheeting; 3 to expose, to pt to shame;
Hd#s to have a widow as wife; 4 ( 9 ) to go beyond one&s
means; | to have a carefree sleep; 9 to ct one&s coat
according to the cloth; 9 to send the cap#hat rond.
cha:dra: (nm) a coverlet, an overall clothes%covering sheet (sed by women).
cha:p (nf) are; pressre; a bow; (foot) sond#blow.

cha:pl:s (a) flattering, sycophantic, adlatoring.

cha:pl:si: (nf) flattery, sycophancy, adlation; to btter p, H

to coax thing ot of a person, to coax fire to light, to coax key in to lock.
~ cha:pally (nm) see .
4 cha:bn$: (v) see 4.
4 cha:bi: (nf) a key; spline;

H to ttor, to make some body dance to one&s

tne; to wind (a watch etc.); H | to be nder the sway of, to be
dominated by.

cha:bk (nm) a whip, flog, lash; ! an ace horse%rider; a horse%trainer;

H to threat to flog.
%% )(3 %%
cha:bhi: (nf) see 4.
H ch$:m (nm) skin; hide; H lit. a leather coinmeaning a coin having no
worth; earnings throgh immoral traffic in women.
cha:y (nf) tea; ! a tea%hose, canteen; ! a tea%pot; % breakfast; tea; tea
and snacks, light refreshment; 4

to invite for tea.

cha:r (a) for; several, a few; (nm) the nmber for; spying; !H spying;
intelligence work; !O che.ered cloth; !| fence walls, for walls;
!||bondary, for walls; HH see

H H nder

; the for
achievements for which man aspires (vi,. HH , , H, H|H); H d to gain
smattering Nnowledge, to learn a modicm of (something); H to exchange
glances, to meet eye with eye; to come face to face; H | to be face to face, to
see each other; HH people in general; representatives of the commnity; 4H a
short distance; 4H H | to be sperior to, to excel, to be more than a match;
to be ahead of; H# H| d to be taken in a coffin, to perform the last
'orney; s to become pblic, to become known; to have a
feather added to one&s cap; to become more charming than ever; short%lived,
transient; HH having a fleeting existence, faced with imminent death,
destined to die shortly; | a fleeting existence; a nine days& wonder, a
limited period of merry%making; H to make some earning; | H
H bad to be the best; | O lit. to fall at fll stretch to be beaten
all ends p; to be thoroghly van.ished; to be down and ot; to set one&s foot on the
neck of; to lose one&s wits; |

44 all s.are; fit all rond; | 9

to sffer
total blindness; to lose one&s mental as well as physical vision.
cha:r$ (nm) a wandering minstrel, bard; gra,ing; a sb%caste of +a:'astha:n
9ra:hmas; bardic poetry.
cha:rpa:i: (nf) a bedstead, bed, cot; s to be bed%ridden, to be confined
to bed; s to be confined to bed, to be taken ill; to sffer a prolonged
illness, to be bed%ridden for long; to be redced to a skeleton.
4# cha:r sa bi:s (a) fradlent; deceitfl; (nm) a frad, forgerer; ! frad,
forgery; criminal deception.
cha:ra: (nm) fodder, forage, feed; bait, lre; remedy; means; H

fodder and
forage; s#9 to bait, to entice throgh temptation; |, H | to
have no other way ot.
H| cha:ra 'oi: (nf) measres, proceedings; ,4

legal measres#proceedings.
cha:rittry (nm) character; !| having no character, characterless, depraved;
hence !| (nf).
| cha:ri:sed as a sffix meaning &faring&, &going& (e.g. H

| seafaring); (nf) a
dance postre, gestre.
cha:r (a) beatifl, appealing,
%% )(4 %%
attractive, charming; hence ! (nf), !c (nm).
H cha:r' (nm) a charge; ! a charge%sheet; to charge (in electricity);
to hand over charge; to take charge.
cha:r (nm) a chart.
cha:rar (nm) a charter.
cha:l (nf) gait; speed; march; motion; movement; move; trick; device; cstom; a
hge bilding inhabited by a large nmber of tenant families; % condct;
%d ways, bearing, demeanor; !4H crafty, cnning, tricky; a trickster;
!4H craftiness; cnningness; trickery; to play a trick; to make a (deft) move;

to miss the target, to make an nsccessfl move; a trick to misfire; H

H to fall into one&s trap; to be a victim to one&s trick.
cha:lak (a) a driver; condctor; hence ! (nf).
cha:l$n (nm) operation, working; driving; condction.
cha:la: (nm) departre; aspicios day or time (for commencing a 'orney);
| the occasion (time, day) to be inaspicios for ndertaking a 'orney.
cha:la:k (a) cnning, clever, crafty; H (fig.) a crafty crow, cnning fellow.
| cha:la:ki: (nf) cnningness, craftiness.
cha:l$:n (nm) a challan, invoice; prosection; ! an invoice%holder; %4| an
invoice book; to challan, to register a case (against).
|# cha:l2:s (a) forty; (nm) the nmber forty; ! fortieth; a rital observed on the
fortieth day after death; ! an aggregate of forty (verses, etc.); a rital observed on the
fortieth day after demise.

cha:l: (a) crrent; rnning; prevalent; tenable; commonplace; moving, in motion;

cnning, nscrplos (e.g. HH); H a woman of easy virte; nscrplos
woman; to bring into play; to bring into operation; H in rnning
ch$:v (nm) fondness, eagerness.
cha:val (nm) rice.
cha:shn2: (nf) treacle; a viscos state of syrp;

, (H H ) to be happy
(within); to be sweetened; to give a toch of, to reinforce with; sweet like
cha:h (nf) liking, love, craving; desire; will; a well; 4 where there
is a will, there is a way.
cha:hat (nf) liking, love, fondness.
# cha:hn$: (v) to wish, to want; to like, to love, to be fond of; to crave for, to
desire; to re.ire; ! a lover.
9 cha:hiethe precative form of the aorist of , sed as a phrase, meaningis
necessary, is needfl or re.isite, is proper or right; it behoves; shold or oght or mst
cha:he (ind) either...or; or...or; even thogh#thogh......yet#still; ()
however great#mch;

U #| whichever, whoever; %H| | for better for worse,

come what may, whatever happens.
s ch2gha: (nm) trmpet (of an elephant); a roar (in rage).
s ch2gha:n$: (v) to trmpet (as an elephant); to roar
%% )(5 %%
(in rage).
ch2ntak (nm) thinker, contemplator; philosopher.
ch2nt$n (nm) thinking: reflection, contemplation; msing; %H contemplation
and reflection; thinking and deliberating; ! thoghtfl, contemplative; hence
! (nf).
ch2ntan$: (nf) thinking; thoght; contemplation.
ch2ntan2:y (a) worth thinking of; contemplatable; thinkable; dobtfl; casing
ch2nta: (nf) worry, concern; anxiety; care; !H casing anxiety#concern;
!H ideology; !H engrossed in worry#anxiety; worried; msing; !H

free of
worry#anxiety; ! carefree, having no worry; ! given to worrying, ever worried;
H#H sworry to be eating p, worry to be taking its toll; H s

3 to be engrossed in constant worry; H grief is the canker of heart,
care killed the cat.

ch2nta:kl (a) pertrbed#distrbed by anxiety, worried, concerned; hence

! (nf).

ch2nta:tr (a) see

H chinta:m$2 (nf) a fablos mythological gem spposed to grant all desires.
ch2ntit (a) pertrbed, worried, anxios; concerned.
c ch2nty (a) casing concern#anxiety#worry; dobtfl; .estionable.
| ch2ndi: (nf) shred, scrap.
H ch2mp$:n,i: (nm) a chimpan,ee.
ch2y$: (nm) see .
3s chia: (nm) rice parched and beaten flat.
chik (nf) a screen of bamboo parings or reed, bamboo crtain.
chik$n (nm) embroidered fine mslin.
chikn$: (a) smooth; glossy; oily or greasy; slippery; %

s well made p;
looking smart and attractive; fll of flattery, flattering (as %

s 4 ); s like
water off dck&s back; incorrigible, nabashing (person), shameless; 9
s to fall for the slightest temptation; H marl, clay;%

s 4
to crry favor.
chikn$:i: (nf) smoothness; greasiness; fat; lbricant.
chikn$:n$: (v) to smoothen; to lbricate; to tallow; to pt on fat.
chikn$:p$n (nm) smoothness; greasiness; glossiness.
chikna:ha (nf) greasiness; glossiness; smoothness; fattiness.
chika:ra: (nm) a kind of violin.
c chikitsak (nm) a physician, medical practitioner.
c chikitsa: (nf) treatment; remedy; medication, therapy; (a) medical therapetic;
%@ system of medicine; line of treatment; % medical practice;
% medical practitioner; %U medicine, medical science.
c chikitsa:lay (nm) a hospital, dispensary.
c chikitsi:y (a) therapetic, medicinal, medical.

chikr (nm) the hair (on the head).

|| chikoi: (nf) pinch; tweak; twitch; # to pinch.
4 chikk$ (a) see ; hence
%% )(7 %%
! (nf).
4 chikka:r (nf) scream, trmpet (as of an elephant); hence 4 (v).
chichiya:n$: (v) to scream, to shriek, to s.eak.
| chichora: (v) to sck (as bone etc.) by holding between the teeth.
chi (nf) a chit.
chiakn$: (v) to crack; to crackle.
chia: (a) white, fair.
chia: (nm) accont book; day book; detailed list; mster roll; accont of doings.
chii: (nf) a letter; % correspondence; letter, etc.; !#! a postman;
s to post a letter.
ss chichia: (a) groch, irritable, irascible, petlant, peevish; hence ! (v);
! see ss.

s chichia:p$n (nm) irritability, irascibility, petlance; peevishness.
s chiiya: (nf) a bird; shttle% cock (in the game of 9adminton); the clb (in a site
of cards); !O# a ,oo; an aviary;

H a non%existent commodity; an
impossibility; 3s H the bird to fly off, the victim to get ot of reach;

| none at all to be present; 9 to entrap a bird (a beaty or a man of
wealth); H| H | H it may be death to one and not even fn to
another; H see 3s H; s| | H | | it may
be fn to yo bt it is death to frogs.
sH chii:m$:r (nm) a fowler, bird%catcher.
d chi (nf) irritation, hff, strong aversion; a teasing nick% name.
d chin$: (v) to be irritated, to be teased; to (take) hff; to have a strong aversion.
d chia:n$: (v) to tease, to case irritation, to mock, to 'eer (at), to hff.
chit (a) spine; (lying) flat on the back; (nm) mind, heart; head (of a coin);
!| allring, appealing (person); he who steals away one&s heart; to throw flat
on the back; to overpower, to van.ish; to bowl over, to overpower, to
van.ish; to decide this way or that (by throw of a coin); H|
H| ( H 4 ) heads D win, tails yo lose; | to be overpowered, to be
van.ished; to fall on the back.
4 chitkabra: (a) variegated; spotted; piebald, mottled; ! variegation;
spottedness; piedness.
chitla: (a) see 4.
chitvan (nf) (compelling) glance, (fascinating) look; ogle; ,U| obli.e
glance, ogling.
chita: (nf) fneral pyre; d to immolate oneself.
chiti: (nf) consciosness.
chitera: (nm) a painter.
chit (nm) consciosness; (a) conscios.
chitt (nm) mind, heart; (a) spine, flat on the back; !

mentality, mental
disposition#attitde; %

@ mental prification; 3 to feel ennied, to be ot of

spirits#sorts; to become averse#disinclined (to somebody, place or thing); #
see # ; d to take to heart;
%% )(: %%
to develop a fondness#fascination (for);

to steal (away) one&s heart, to enchant;

!| see (!|); to heed, to pay attention; d to be constantly
present in the mind, to be impressed on the mind, 4 to be distracted; H|
H| see nder ; H

to prick; to appeal; H 4#H to be ever

present in one&s mind; to be in love with; # to pay heed to, to concentrate
on; 3 to lose favor with, to be deprived of the graces (of).
4 chitta:karshak (a) attractive, charming, allring, fascinating; hence ! (nf).
chitti: (nf) a speck, spot; ! spotted, specked.
chittr (nm) pictre; painting; illstration; figre; (still) film; %H painting;
% (art of) painting; ! a painter; an artist; ! painting; !| (the profession
or work of) painting; ! screen, cinema film; !9 canvas; ! pictograph,
pictorial script; ! pictograph; pictorial writing; ! a painter; an artist;
! painting; % mottled; variegated; pictres.e; ! a pictre%gallery;
% 0 an albm; !| a pictre%gallery.
chittr$ (nm) portrayal, delineation; painting, drawing.
~| chittrvallari: (nf) a frie,e.
H chittrm$y (a) pictorial; illstrated; hence ! (nf).
chittrvat (a) still; pictrelike.
| chittrsa:ri: (nf) a pictre gallery; an inner apartment for amoros en'oyment.
chitra:kan (nm) delineation, portrayal.
H chittra:kshar (nm) an ideogram.
H| chittra:kshari: (nf) acrostic (poetry).
cH chitra:tmak (a) pictorial, (stated or described) in pictres.
H chittra:dha:r (nm) a portrait%stand.
chittra:lekh (nm) the scenario (of a film etc.), screen play.
chittrit (a) portrayed; painted, pictred; drawn.
s chitha: (nm) a rag, shred, tatter; to be in tatters; s%s |
H to be torn to shreds, to be tattered, to be trned into rags.
chin$k (nf) smarting pain; painfl twitching sensation; hence ! (v).
| chinga:ri: (nf) a spark; U|s to make an incendiary remark; to emit#give ot
china:i: (nf) brick%laying, bilge and cantline.
chin$:r (nm) see .
7H ch2nmay (a) conscios, pervaded or permeated by consciosness; (nm) "ll
Jonsciosness, <re Jonsciosness; hence ! (nf).
7 chinh (nm) see 7.
# chipakn$: (v) to adhere; to stick, to cling; (a) adhesive; clinging#hanging (on);
! to keep on clinging.
chipakv$: (a) appli.e; adhesive, sticky.
chipka:n$: (v) to paste; to stick; to case to cling; to embrace; to pt into an

chipk: (a and nm) hanger%on.

chipchipa: (a) sticky, greasy; adhesive; viscid; ! to be
%% );( %%
sticky#greasy#viscid; ! stickiness, greasiness; adhesiveness; viscidity.
chipan$: (v) to cling; to hang on; to embrace; to hold fast.
chippi: (nf) label, paster.

chibk (nm) the chin.

H chim$n$: (v) to cling to, to hang on; to embrace; to hold fast.
H chima: (nm) tongs; pincers; s (for a mendicant) to bivoac, to make a
H chima:n$: (v) to embrace; to paste; to stick to.
H| chimi: (nf) forceps, twee,er, pincers.
H chimn2: (nf) a chimney; fle%pipe.
chiya: (nm) the seed (stone) of tamarind frit.
H chir$'i:v (a) (one) blessed with longevity; a benedictory epithet prefixed with
the names of yongers; (int.) may yo live long ?; (nm) son.
H chir$'i:vi: (a) long%living; blessed with long life; immortal.
chir$ntan (a) lasting, everlasting, perpetal; hence ! (nf).
chir (a) long%lasting; lasting; perpetal; (ind.) existing for a long time, ever;
!H long%desired; long%cherished; ! long time; ! long%existent;
perpetal; old; chronic (as |); !

H a chronic bachelor; celibate; !H blessed

with long life, long%living; immortal; ! ever%new; ever% fresh; ever%green;
! sleep that knows no breaking, perpetal sleep; death; 6H dead;

see ; ! long known; !|4 long%cherished; !9 time%

honored; long%crrent; long%prevalent; !9H long%awaited; !9@ long%repted,
famos for a long time; !| a chronic patient; !| long separation; !H

forgotten; long gone into oblivion; !

perpetal enemy; 6 perpetal animosity;

! perpetal#endring peace; ! lifelong companion; !long%lasting;
perpetal, permanent, endring; .ality or state of existing for#lasting long;
! endrance, permanency; ! endring; perpetal, permanent;
!H memorable; worth remembering (for long).
chirakn$: (v) to have a (slight) otflow of loose faeces.

chirk (nm) tattered cloth, rag.

chirn$: (v) to be torn; to be split; to be sawed; to be dissected; %9 lacerate.
chirva:i: (nf) sawing; tearing, splitting; wages for sawing#splitting#tearing.
chira:i: (nf) see .
" chira:gS (nm) a lamp; light;

to pt ot the lamp;

, s
"4 twitch the eyelids, gone are yor belongings;

| a lamp to be pt ot;
light to be gone; H at dsk, at the time when lamps are lit; s see

; H nearer the chrch, farther from heaven; to illminate one&s
path; 4d to pt ot the lamp; d
d to search every nook and corner; to
make a thorogh search; H one lamp kindles another.
H chir$:y$dh (nf) the smell emitted by brning leather, hair, etc.
chira:yta: (nm) chirata, wormwood 4entiana charetta,
%% );; %%
a plant sed in medicine.

chira:y (a) blessed with long life, long living; | ? may yo live long ?
chira:v (nm) splitting; sawing; tearing; dissecting, dissection; split fel wood.
H chir$='i: (nf) the tree Chironjia sapada and its edible nt.
() chir$=(a)a: (nm) a yong male sparrow.
| chirari: (nf) an hmble entreaty, spplication; to make an hmble
entreaty, to spcate.
chilak (nf) a painfl twitching sensation, twitch; smarting pain.
chilakn$: (v) to make a twitching sensation, to twitch; to smart.
|H chilgo,a: (nm) the nt of the pine tree.
chilchila:n$: (v) to shine scorchingly; H

scorching sn#heat.
4~ chilbilla: (a) naghty, mischievos.
H chil$m (nf) an earthen or metallic vessel on the top of a hbble%bbble for
containing fire and tobacco; !4 a servant who prepares the H; a flnkey;
!4| the act or office of a !4; flnkeyism; servitde; d# to fill or
prepare a H, to dance attendance pon; to smoke a H; 9
smoke a H heavily.
H chil$mchi: (nf) a (wash) basin.
H chilm$n (nf) a bamboo% crtain.
~| chillapA (nf) clamor, confsed cries, hllabaloo.
~ chillar (nm) change (small coins).
~ chilla: (nm) a bow%string; (a) biting; Hs biting cold; the coldest part of the
winter (said to contine for 0( days).
~ chilla:n$: (v) to cry, to shot, to s.eak.
~ chilla:ha (nf) an otcry, shoting and screaming, clamoros cries.

chih=kn$: (v) to start, to wince.

7 chinh (nm) sign; mark, marking, brand; trait, trace; U|s to leave traces
7 chinhit (a) signed; marked, branded.
ch2: (nf) warbling; chirp(ing); %s 'abber; protest explicitly; (expression of)
resentment; % chirping; warbling; chattering; 4| to cry &enogh&; to confess
helplessness; to concede victory, to own defeat.
ch2:a: (nm) a big black ant.
| ch2:i: (nf) an ant; | very slow movement; to be
heading for troble#death; to otgrow oneself.
ch2:thn$: (v) to redce to tatters, to tear to pieces; to spoil by scribbling.
chi: a sffix which imparts the meaning of one who keeps or ses, e.g. |,
9|H or act as dimintive e.g.

chi:ka (a) dirty; greasy and dirty; (dirty) reside (of greasy sbstances).

chi:k: (nm) sapodilla.

O chi: (nf) scream, shriek; screech, s.eak; %

shriek and scream, hbbb; lod

spplication; to let ot a sdden shriek#screech; H to
%% );) %%
scream, to s.eak, to screech.
O chi:n$: (v) to scream, to shriek, to s.eak, to screech.
H chi:, (nf) a thing, an article; item, ob'ect; a commodity; an ornament; a wonderfl
or precios thing; %4 belongings, articles, goods and chattles.

s chi: (nm) a pine tree; % a pine forest.
chi:tal (nm) a white%spotted antelope.
chi:ta: (nm) a leopard; panther; (a) liked, longed for (as H).
c chi:tka:r (nf) a sdden scream#screech, lod shriek.
#s chi:tha: (nm) rag, tatters; !s to be dressed in rags, to pt on tattered
chi:thn$: (v) to rend, to tear to pieces#tatters; to spoil by scribbling.
chi:n$: (nm) millet; a Jhinese; (a) belonging to Jhina.
chi:n2: (nf) sgar; a Jhinese; (a) Jhinese; pertaining or belonging to Jhina;
H clay.
Hs chi:ma (a) togh, hardy; stiff; tenacios; !#! toghness, hardness;
stiffness; tenacity.
chi:r (nm) a strip of cloth, feminine mantle; (nf) slit, ct, cleavage; %9s srgical
operation; dissection.
chi:rn$: (v) to saw; to rend; to cleave; to tear; to dissect, to ct open; to incise.
chi:ra: (nm) incision, a srgical operation; to incise, to ct open; to
perform an operation.
chi:l (nf) a kite; $ a sdden (kite%like) swoop, a snap; a boy&s game;
| H H lit to look for meat in a kite&s nestto seek for something in a
.arter where it is bond to be sed p.
chi:var (nm) a mendicant&s tattered dress.
chi:s (nf) a smart, smarting#rankling pain (as in a wond, etc.).

ch=ngi: (nf) octroi, terminal tax; | ||#! octroi%post.

H ch=ndha: (a) possessing small half%sht eyes; prblind, dim%sighted.

H ch=dhiya:n$: (v) to be da,,led.

4 ch=mbak (nm) a magnet; !c magnetism; ! magnetisation;

4| magnetic.

4 ch=mban (nm) a kiss, kissing

4 ch=mbit (a) kissed; toched.

4 ch=mbi: (a) a sffix meaning toching or kissing (e.g.


H cha:n$: (v) to (case to) drip; to percolate.

chk$ndar (nm) beet, sgar beet,eta vulgaris.

| chki: (nf) handfl, palmfl; handfl, palmfl.

chkta: (a) settled; paid p, paid in fll.

chkn$: (v) to be finished#spent p#exhasted#completed; to be paid off in fll; to

be settled.

chka:i: (nf) settlement; paying off.

chka:n$: (v) to settle; to pay off, to defray.

4 chkk (a) extremely soroften sed as the second member in the

compond %


chkha:n$: (a) to sckle, to give sck to.

" chgSad (nm) lit. an owl; a nit% wit; (a) slow%witted, stpid; hence ! (nm).

chgn$: (v) to pick; to peck

%% );/ %%
(food with the beak).

" chgSal (nm) a back%biter; !O| a back%biter; !O|| (the act or habit of) back%

"| chgSli: (nf) back%biting, speaking ill of (somebody in his#her absence); complaint;
## to backbite, to speak ill of; to complain, to level an accsation.

chgga: (nm) pickings (of birds).

chcha:n$: (v) to drip, to trickle.

chchva:n$: (v) sec

| chki: (nf) a pinch, snapping with the finger; to pinch; 4H (H ) in a

trice; in a moment; %4H to snap the fingers; a pinchfl; very small .antity;
to make a castic remark; to make a sarcastic remark; to tant;

H in a trice; 63s to accomplish (a work) in no time; to treat like a 'oke, to 'oke away.

# chkla: (nm) an anecdote; a 'oke, pleasantry; ! U|s to let off a s.ib; to

tter a pleasantry; ! 4H one who narrates too many anecdotes; !4H adecdotage;
narration of anecdotes, narration of incidents in a lighter vein.

chiya: (nf) a lock of hair on the top of the head (kept by traditionalist @inds);
braid; H | to be nder one&s thmb, to be nder complete control (of).

| chi:la: (a) wonded, hrt; incisive; penetrating, casing mental pheaval;

three%stranded cotton or silken braid with tassels sed for hair%do.

s chail (nf) a witch; shrew.

4s chdakka (a) addicted to venery; libidinos; (nm) a womani,er; a past%master

in the sexal act.

chdn$: (v) to be sb'ect to sexal intercorse (by a male).

chda:i: (nf) the act or process of coplation (by a male), performance of sexal
act by man.

ch=nchn$: (a) casing a typical brning sensation (by toch).

# ch=nch=n$:n$: (v) to case a brning sensation; ! a typical brning


chnn$: (v) to select, to choose; to pick; to elect.

| chnri: (nf) a thin cloth with red grond and white or some other type of specks; a
parti%colored cloth sheet or sa:ri:.

chn$che (ind) ths, therefore, as a reslt.

chna:v (nm) election; selection; %H constitency; %H s electorate; s to

fight#contest an election.

chn2nda: (a) selected, chosen; choicest.

chnati: (nf) a challenge; to throw a challenge; to accept

a challenge.

7 chnna (nf) a rmple, crease; ! rmpled, creased.

7 chnn2: (nf) a woman&s small% si,ed pper covering or mantle.

chp (a) silent, .iet; to keep .iet, to keep breath to cool porridge;
H to assme silence, not to tter a word.

# chpka: (a) silent, .iet; still; !| .ietitde, silence; ! silently, .ietly;

stealthily; withot making a fss.

# chpcha:p (adv) silently, .ietly; stealthily; clandestinely; !

%% );0 %%

s chpan$: (v) to besmear, to annoint, to apply a greasy sbstance.

s chpa: (a) besmeared, anointed; greasy;

s (feminine form); 6H |%| yo

cannot eat yor cake and have it too.

chppa (a) tacitrn; secretive.

chppi: (nf) silence; U pin%drop silence to prevail; |s to break the ice;

H to assme silence, not to tter a word, to be mte, to keep breath to cool one&s

chbh$n (nf) pricking, pricking sensation, lingering or hanting pain (physical or


chbhn$: (v) to be pricked#pinched#pnctred; to feel bad, to have a pricking

sensation within;

4 a prickly#piercing remark.

chbha:n$: (v) to prick#pinch#pnctre; to pierce slightly.

| chbhona: (v) see

H chmka:rn$: (v) to prodce a kissing sond; to fondle, to caress.

+H chmma: (nm) a kiss; to kiss, to plant a kiss.

chrk (a) plveri,ed, redced to powder or pieces.

chra (nm) a cheroot.

chrmr (nf) the sond prodced by the cracking of a crisp or brittle sbstance.

chrmra: (a) crisp, brittle, fragile.

chra:n$: (v) to steal, to pinch.

chl (nf) titillation, prrience; wantonness; sexal passion; 3 to have a

titillating sensation, to be passionate, to have a sex rge; H to satisfy one&s
passion or sexal rge.

chlbla: (a) playfl; fidgety, restless; frolicsome; ! playflness; fidgetiness,

restlessness; frolicsomeness; also ! (nf).

chlbla:n$: (v) to be playfl#fidgety#restless#frolicsome.

chll: (nm) the hollow cp formed by 'oining the fringes of the two palms
together; the ptrned hollow palm (of a single hand); a handfl#palmfl (of;
a handfl, meagre .antity; 6 H s

4 H lit. to be drowned in a palmfl of

water to be ashamed beyond reprieve, to die throgh shame; H 3~

| H to
lose self%control even on slight intoxication.

| chski: (nf) a sip, sck.

chst (a) active, smart, agile; tight; narrow; % sharp and smart; %

and active.

chsti: (nf) agility, alertness, smartness.

chhchha:n$ (v) see ; to be fll of 'iciness; ! 'icy, provocative.

chhal (nf) 'ollity, 'oviality, 'ocndity; !4H 'olly, 'ovial, 'ocnd; !4H 'ollity,
'oviality, 'ocndity.

chhiya: (nf) a female mose.

ch=: (nf) chirping, twitter; s.eaking; creaking; a slight or low noise; %

twitter; 6 H

4 an incoherent mass of heterogeneos stff; not to make

the slightest protest, to tter no sond.

ch=:ki (ind.) becase, as.

ch:k (nf) lapse, slip, omission; error; falt; defalt; (a) extremely sor (sed in this
sense as the second member of the compond
%% );3 %%

); H to catch a crab.

ch:kn$: (v) to miss, to fail; to err; to make a lapse, to defalt.

ch:chi: (nf) a nipple, teat; female breast.

ch:chk (nm) a nipple, teat.

H ch:,a: (nm) a chicken.

s ch:$:nt (nm) extreme; (a) extreme; excessive.

s ch:a: (nm) a lock of hair on on top of the head; a large%si,ed broad bangle; (a) the
best, most eminent; !H the ceremony of tonsre; !H a 'ewel worn on top of the
head; the best; most excellent (of).

s ch:i: (nf) a bangle; ring; pcker; ! pckered;

s |s to break a woman&s
bangles an act symboli,ing widowhood; to be trned into a widow;

s to
don female attire; to become effeminate; (for a widow) to remarry;

s to
marry a widow.

ch:t (nf) the female genital organ, vagina.

s ch:ta (nm) the bttock, rmp, bm; to trn tail; #4H to slap
the rmp with 'oy; to be over'oyed, to express extreme 'oy.

ch:tiya: (nm and a) dolt (ish), stpid, blockhead, nincompoop; !#!4 a

doltish affair; stpid involvement; !#! (! ) doltishness, stpidity.

ch=:n (nm) flor, wheat%meal.

ch=:n$: (v) to leak; to drop; to oo,e (as |d); (nm) lime; ! a small lime%case; a
watch that does not record correct time; , ( ) to dpe, to bamboo,le

H ch=:mn$: (v) to kiss, to lip; % to kiss and caress.

H ch=:ma: (nm) kiss, kissing; %| kissing and caressing.

ch:r (nm) filings, powder; (a) plveri,ed; steeped in (as H ); crshed;

exhasted; besotted; %

to plveri,e; to crsh thoroghly; to break into atoms.

ch:r$n (nm) a powder; digestive powder.

H ch:rm$: (nm) a kind of sweetmeat made from crmbled bread or bread%crmbs

mixed with ghee and sgar.

ch:ra: (nm) a powder; filings; small fragments; (saw) dst.

chr (nm) powder, plveri,ed or powdered sbstance; digestive powder.

chr2t (a) crshed, plveri,ed, redced to powder.

ch:l (nf) tenon; pivot; mortise; 'oint; ! pivoted, tenoned; 4 to fit in;

H to have complete ad'stment, to have a harmonios relationship;

| lit. the 'oints to become loose or dislocated; to be tired ot, to be wearied, to be

~ ch:lha: (nm) a fire%place, hearth; %4| rotine hosehold chores; 7 to

invite the whole family; 9
to keep bsy in cooking work;

~ H H#s to
be damned, to go to hell, to go to pot;

~ H (s) from the frying

pan into the fire.

4 ch:sh$ (nm) sction, scking.

ch:sn$: (v) to sck, to sck dry; to sip; to drink in; to exploit; to exhast.

ch:ha: (nm) a rat, mose;

% a rat%trap;

| s s ,
%% );4 %%
H to be extremely hngry, to be starved;

| | H 4~| it may be
fn to yo bt it is death to the frogs.
chC (nf) chirping, twitter; chirrp; 'abber, idle noisy talk; 4| to tter a cry
of helplessness; to concede victory, to own defeat.
chCp (nm) the acidic viscos sbstance e'aclated from the mango frit as its nipple
is removed; stickiness, viscosity; ! containing , sticky.
chek (nm) a che.e; che.ered cloth; to isse a che.e.
chechak (nf) small%pox.
chet (nm) consciosness; senses.
chet$n (a) animate; conscios; (nm) the conscios (mind); the animate (world);
! animatism.
chetn$: (nf) consciosness, awareness; animation; (v) to become
conscios#animated; to become alert; to be provoked; %9 stream of consciosness.
cheta:van2: (nf) a warning; an alarm; ,H an ltimatm, final warning.
chCn (nf) a chain.
| cheri: (nf) a female attendant, maid servant.
# chela: (nf) a ppil, disciple; hence!| (nf).
chesha: (nf) effort, endeavor; movement; demeanor; gestre.
chehra: (nm) face, contenance; mask; front; %H| lineament; 3 to be
downcast, to be in low spirits; | to appear in a tense mood, tension to be
writ on the face; 3 the face to glow p#to brighten p, to cheer p;
s#| H to trn pale, to lose lstre;9 | H to grow lstreless, to be pt ot
of contenance; 9 | H to grow anaemic; to lose lstre; 3s
H# 9 | H to get ot of contenance, to lose facial lstre;
4 4H to have a face as long as a fiddle; H to maintain
complete composre, to show no facial signs of tension, to be absoltely nrffled;
3s to be strck with panic; to lose color, to be despirited;
4H to have the gallows in one&s face; H

to have a
sinister appearance.

H chehallm (nf) (among >slims) the rites observed on the fortieth day after
death; the morning observed on the fortieth day of the death of the martyrs of Narbala:.
chait (nm) the opening month of the year according to the @ind calendar.
7 chaitanny (a) conscios; sensitive; alert and awake; (nm) consciosness; spirit.
chaiti: (a) pertaining to, or related with, (see); (nf) the Chait%harvest.
c chaitty (nm) a monastery, (esp. 9ddhist) shrine.
chaittr (nm) see .
ch$2n (nm) relief; rest; tran.illity, calm and .iet; | U#4 4H to be
in clover, to be in absolte ease and lxry, to en'oy oneself thoroghly; s to feel
relieved; to feel a sense of relief; #

H to live easeflly, to have an

easy time.
| chAga: (nm) a (telephone) receiver; cylindrical tinpot.
%% );5 %%
| chAch (nf) beak; bill; dolt; | |, (|%|) to have a wordy del, to exchange
word volleys.
|# chAchla: (nm) affectation, airs; co.etry, dalliance; ! 4H a co.ette;
co.ettish; ! 4H co.ettishness, indlgence in co.etry; ! to pt p with
somebody&s affected#co.ettish condct.
| chAp (nm) see .
|H choa: (nm) a mixtre of for perfmes (vi,. sandal, agallochm, saffron and
| chokar (nm) bran.
| chokha: (a) fine, good; genine; (nm) mash made of boiled or roasted vegetables;
H, | H good wages, good work.
|" chogSa: (nm) a gown, toga.
| cho (nf) an in'ry; blow; stroke; hrt; %#9 wond, in'ry, brise;
3 resrgence of an in'ry; to strike a blow; to lanch an attack; to
recieve a blow; to be wonded; | s to sffer one blow after another; |
to measre swords, to exchange blows.
| choil (a) wonded, strck.
|| choi: (nf) an apex; crown; braid; a lock of hair on top of the head (kept by
traditionalist @inds); !# possessing a ||; to braid, to arrange hair in
braids; sperb, of the highest order; 9s H to labor hard, to
work to perspiration; 4 or H | to be nder one&s thmb, to be in the
cltches (of), to be nder complete control (of).
| choa: (nm) a petty thief, pilferer; hence | (feminine form); |

H 4| | | to set a fox to keep the geese.
| choth (nm) a lmp of hman#animal faeces#stool; extremely inert and inactive
| chodn$: (v) to coplate(with), (for a man) to have sexal intercorse.

chod: (nm) an adept in the art of coplation (with woman), one addicted to venery;
one who indlges in excessive sexal intercorse.
| chop (nm) see ; ,est, aspiration.
|4 chob (nm) a tent%pin; gold or silver%plated clb; drm%stick; ! a
|4 choba: (nm) a nail; see |4.
| (nm) a thief; pilferer; brglar; %H stealing; theft; %s| a small secret exit;
%d a hidden pit; %| a secret lane, back lane; % a thief or a swindler;
%H# a trap%door; secret door%way; back door; %4H black%market;
%4H black%marketeer; !4H| black%marketing; %H a back%stairs lodge;
% a back%stairs pathway; %d| back stairs; H a thief has no gts;
| d| H a gilty conscience cannot shed off its alarmed stance;
UU| one thief robs another; | | a thief knows a thief as a wolf
knows a wolf; a thief will have another for company, birds of the
same feather flock together; %| H dogs don&t eat dogs, there is honor among
thieves; || H %9 | H a snake mst still hiss, even if he does
not bite; |
%% );7 %%
|| H

| H to rn with the hare and hnt with the honds,

to play a doble game.
|| chori: (nf) theft, brglary, pilferage; H#| 4 an nderhand affair#a
secret information; %|| clandestinely, stealthily; %U stealthily, srreptitiosly;
stealthily, clandestinely;

s HI forbidden frits are sweet; H

U HH 4| cheating the devil and sharing a part of ill%begotten gains

with the chrch; H to whip the devil rond the stmp; to en'oy the frits
of evil doing; H | the receiver of stolen goods is as bad as a
thief, abetment of a crime is as bad as its commission.
| chola: (nm) a long robe, gown; appearance; physical frame, body; 4 to
effect a metamorphosis, to change one&s appearance; to change the physical frame; to be
|| choli: (nf) brassieres; bodice; %H close by 'owl, a perpetal
association, an everlasting bond.
# ch$=kn$: (v) to be startled#started; to be alarmed; 3 to 'mp ot of one&s
ch$=ti:s (a) thirty%for; (nm) the nmber thirty%for.
H ch$=dh (nf) da,,ling effect, da,,lement; blink.
H chadhiya:n$: (v) to be da,,led, to sffer a da,,ling effect.
ch$=sa (a) sixty%for; (nm) the nmber sixty%for.
chaan allomorph of

: () sed as the first member in compond @indi

words; !H () from all the for directions, blowing all rond (as ); !sa
.artet; bond, leap; 6 to bonce, to proceed by leaps and bonds, to be boyant;

to have one&s senses benmbed; to be pt ot of contenance, to be non%

plssed#bewildered; ! catios, alert, watchfl; in order, intact; ! catiosness,
vigilance; !| .adranglar, .adrilateral, for%sided; !| .adranglar; for%
sided; !| .adrilateral, .adranglar, for%sided; !s for%storeyed; ! threshold;
door%frame, door%sill; 6 $ never to cross over somebody&s threshold, never to
visit somebody&s hose; ! frame, framework; ! for%storeyed; !O che.ered
cloth; !
the for .arters; all rond; !
.adranglar; for%cornered;
!s .artet, forsome, a set of for; ! all rond; !

forfold, for times;

!9 all rond, from all the for .arters; ! a typical msical mode; ! the
forteenth day of the lnar fortnight; ! ra,ed, rined, ndone; 6 a person whose
presence casts an ominos spell casing rination; ! a typical @indi poetic metre;
! a .adrped; livestock; ! a rral meeting place; a verandah sed as drawing
room in village hoses; !H .arto; !4 an assembly room with a nmber of doors
and windows; !H H for%storeyed; !H the rainy season; for months comprising
the rainy season extending from H4d to 4; !H


for%faced; all rond;


all rond;
%% );: %%
versatile; !H

a .adrivial, 'nctre of for streams or path% ways; ! for%

colored; of for kinds; ! even, plane; s.ared off; !# crossing; cross% roads;
!s for%stringed; ! bondary.
chak (nm) a crossing; s.are; market place; see H (% ).
7 chakann$: (a) alert, vigilant; | to prick p#cock one&s ears.
chaka: (nm) the sanctified space in the kitchen where tradition%loving @inds
take their meals; kitchen; a rectanglar slab of stone; a set of for; %4cleansing of
the kitchen tensils; to establish a separate hosehold; 3 to wind
p the lnching#dining activity (for the day).
| chaki: (nf) a post, check post; low s.are or rectanglar seat.
# chaki:da:r (nm) a watchman, gard; !| watch, gard; the office or fnction
of a watchman or the wages paid therefor.
chag$:n (nm) a game akin to polo; the field where this game is played.
s chaa: (a) broad, wide; ! breadth, width; % expansive; weighty and well%
chatra: (nm) see 4

chath (nf) the forth day of the lnar fortnight; a cess (levied by the >ara:a:s on
other neighboring states); % lit. the moon of the forthan ob'ect to be shnned
(as it is said to reslt in slanderos accsations being levelled against one who happens
to see it).
chatha: (a) the forth (in sccession); (nm) (the ritals observed on) the forth
day of (somebody&s) death; ! the old age, the last phase of life (that of a 7an
chatha:i: (a) one%forth.
chathi: (nf) the formal fnction observed on the forth day of the marriage
celebrations; (a) see .
chadeh (a) forteen; (nm) the nmber forteen.
H| chadhri: (nm) the headman of a clan or commnity, chief, chieftain;
!#! spremacy; leadership.
s chapa (nf) a game played with oblong dice (/ in nmber) or with kaui:s (on a
cloth or board having two transverse bars in the form of a cross); the board or the cloth
(as mentioned above).
7 chapann$: (nm) a pamphlet.
chapahi:ya: (a) for%wheeled; (nm) a for%wheeler; railway wagon.
4 chabachcha: (nm) a catchpit.
4 chabi:s (a) twenty%for; (nm) the nmber twenty%for.
chara: (nm) an altar; a raised platform forming part of a religios or ritalistic
char$:nve (a) ninety%for; (nm) the nmber ninety%for.
chara:si: (a) eighty%for; (nm) the nmber eighty%for.
chary (nm) theft, stealing; %H#%

theft, stealing, pilferage.

cha:$n (a) fifty%for; (nm) the nmber fifty%for.
| chava:li:s (a and nm) see |.
chasar (nf) see s.
chahattar (a) seventy%for;
%% ))( %%
(nm) the nmber seventy%for.
chahra: (a) forfold; .adrplicate; ! to make forfold

# chyt (a) fallen (from), deprived (of), banished; deviated (from); strayed;
! lapse, defalt; eclipsis, banishment; fall.
U chhathe second letter of the second pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet;
an allomorph of U sed as the first member in a nmber of @indi compond words;
!s a grop or set of six; !

six times; six%fold; !H| six%monthly, half%yearly.

U chh$ga: (a) having six fingers (in one or each of the palms or toes).

#!| chh$gn2:, !li: (nf) the little finger.

U chh$n$: (v) to be sorted; to be thinned (as s) or diffsed (as 4); to be
trimmed or redced (as H

, 4|);U

H (it carries a derogatory sense) ot and

ot, of the first order; a rascal, roge, of blackest#deepest dye.
U chh$n2: (nf) retrenchment; weeding ot.
U chh$a:i: (nf) the work or wages for sorting#prning#trimming; assortment;
redction, retrenchment.
U chh$nd (nm) metre, measre; %4 scheming, manoevering; trickery; %4H the bonds
of metre (in a poetic composition); !4@ see U |4@; !U prosody.
U |4@ chh$ndobaddh (a) metrical, cast in a metrical form; hence ! (nf).
U | chh$ndobhag (nm) metrical flaw, breach of metrical arrangement.
U chh#ai, !e, !ah (a and nm) see U.
Us chhaka: (nm) a carrier bllock cart; a worn ot vehicle; | H (a vehicle
etc.) to be worn ot, to become nserviceable.
U chhakn$: (v) to be gratified, to be fll to be cloyed; to be teased#harassed; to be
U chaka:n$: (v) to gratify, to cloy; to tease#harass; to otwit.
U4 chhakka: (nm) a set of six; sixer (in cricket); the sixth in a pack of cards; the six
(at dice, etc.); %H manoevrings, tactical moves; U4 U

to lose the six senses, to

be at one&s wit&s end; to be demoralised, U4 U

s to give one his grel, to smite hip

and thigh, to ot%manoevre, to demoralise, to force ot of gear.
chhachh=:dar (nf) a mole, shrew; U|s to let off a s.ib.
U7H chha''a: (nm) a balcony; terrace; drip stone; hood; U7H having a terrace or a
%% )); %%
broad%brimmed; hooded.
U# chhapaa:n$: (v) to writhe in pain, to be restless, to toss and tmble abot; to
long#yearn impatiently; hence! (nf).
U chha$:k (nf) one%sixteenth of a seer ().
U chhaa: (nf) reflgence, splendor, lstre; beaty.
U chha (nf) the sixth day of the lnar fortnight.
U chhaa: (a) the sixth (in order); U H s to be passed on to a third
person, to be likely to become pblic; U %UH once in a ble moon, rarely.
U| chhai: (nf) the ceremony performed on the sixth day of child%birth;

H to be pt#forced in a very tight corner, to be in a terrible predicament.
Us chha (nf) a rod, bar.
Us chhaa: (a) nmarried; with no encmbrance; all by oneself, alone.
Us chhai: (nf) a stick, cane; ! striped; !4 a watchman, gard.
U chhat (nf) the ceiling; roof.
U chhatna:r (a) (said of tree, plants, etc.) diffsed, giving diffsed shade; sparse.
U| chhatri: (nf) an mbrella; a pigeon%mbrella; parachte; kiosk; pavilion; trret; a
cenotaph in honor of a @ind national or religios leader or (in olden days) a big
fedal lord, etc.; ! fitted with an mbrella, canopied, covered; !H| carrying an
mbrella; e.ipped with a parachte; 6 a parachter.
U chhatta: (nm) a beehive; archway, corridor; !H beehive.
U# chhatti:s (a) thirty%six; (nm) the nmber thirty%six; ! a shrewd#crafty person;
! shrewdness#craftiness; ! | to be estranged.
U chattr (nm) an mbrella; a cenotaph in honor of some otstanding personality;
!U patronage, protection; !H#H| an mbrella%bearer; one over whose head an
mbrella is borne as a mark of dignity and athority; ! a king, rler; U peltate.
UH chhad$:m (nm) one%forth of a pice, a very small coin (of olden times).
U chhadm (a) psedo%, disgised, deceptive; hypocritical; (nm) dissimlation;
hypocrisy; stratagem; !H psedonym; ! psedomorph; ! disgise;
!disgised, in disgise.
U chh$n (nm) a moment, an instant; (nf) the hissing sond prodcted when a drop of
water falls on a hot plate; tinkling#'ingling sond (as of a
); %U 'ingling; tinkling
or hissing sond; a moment, an instant; not to take a
moment&s time.
U chhan$k (nf) 'ingling, tinkling or hissing sond; %H 'ingle (of ornaments);
ornamental make%p, foppishness.
U chhanakn$: (v) to 'ingle#tinkle; to evaporate instantly with a hissing sond; to
be redced in .antity by being heated.
U chhann$: (v) intransitive verbal form of U (see); ,

4#|#d| to be in
intimate relationship; ,|#d| to have a strong dose of .
UU chhan$:chhan (adv) with a 'ingling%tinkling sond.
U7 chhann$: (nm) a filter; a piece
%% ))) %%
of tattered cloth.
U chhap (nf) a splashing sond, splash; %U splatter; (with) a recrrent splashing
sond; also UU.
U chhapakn$ (v) to splash, to splatter.
UU# chhapchhapa:n$: (v) to splash, to splatter; hence! (nf).
U chhapn$: (v) to be printed or stamped; U %U stop press.
U chhapara variant of U sed as the first member in some @indi componds;
! a bedstead fitted with mos.ito%net bars; !4| thatching; wages paid for thatching
U chhapa:i: (nf) printing; cost of printing.
U chhapa:ka: (nm) a (violent) splash (prodced by the impact of something on
U chhapp$n (a) fifty%six; (nm) the nmber fifty%six; !U

| a smart dashing sharp

woman; 9 H (fifty%six, i.e.) nmeros dishes of delicacies.
U chhappay (nm) an important @indi poetic metre rnning into six lines, a
U chhappar (nm) a thatch, thatched roof; !4| see U4|; 9

| not
to have even a thatched roof to live nder; to be extremely poverty%stricken; 9s
to bestow an nexpectedly large fortne, to give as a hge windfall.
U4 chhabi:la: (a) sprce; foppish; dandy; hence! (nm); U4| (fem. form).
U4 chhabbi:s (a) twenty%six; (nm) the nmber twenty%six.
UHUH chhamchh$m (nf) tinkling (sond), tinkle.
UH chham$kn$: (v) to make a clinking sond; to show off.
UHUH chhamchham$:n$: (v) to move with a sccession of clinking sonds.
UHUH chham$:chh$m (nf) the sond of incessant downpor etc.
U chharehra: (a) slim and smart; of spare frame; hence ! (nm).
U| chhari:da: (a) with no encmbrances, all by oneself; withot bag or baggage.
U chharra: (nm) a bck shot.
U chhal (nm) gile, deception; trick, rse; sham; % dodge and dplicity;
! assassination; ! an assassin; %U gile and wile; !U | fradlent, deceitfl;
%U gile and wile; %4 by hook or crook, by fair means or fol; fradlently.
U chhalakn$: (v) to overflow; to spill ot from a fll vessel (dring movement).
UU chhalchhala:n$: (v) to have the eyes filled with tears; to be on the verge of
flowing ot#dripping.
U chhaln$: (v) to cheat, to deceive; to delde, to dodge; to wile#begile; (nf) sham,
will%o%th&%wisp, illsion.
U chhaln2: (nf) a sieve; strainer; to batter, to riddle; | H to be
battered#riddled; H to s.are the circle; to attempt to do the impossible.
U chhal$:g (nf) a leap, bond; , H a leap in the dark; H to leap, to bond.
U chhala:va: (nm) an illsion; apparition, Will%o%th&%wisp, 'ack%o&%lantern.
U chhaliya: (a and nm) (a) cheat, fradlent; deceitfl (person).
%% ))/ %%
U| chhali: (a) cheat, fradlent, deceitfl.
U~ chhalla: (nm) a ring, ringlet, stirrp; washer; eye%crl; U~ ringed; crly.
U chhavi (nf) pretty featres; featres; splendor, beaty; winsomeness; photograph;
! a photographer.
U chhai, chhe, chhah (a) six; (nm) the nmber six; H 4 H | to be
mtally estranged, to have mtally opposed stances.
U chhehra:n$: (v) to sprinkle; to spray, to shed all rond.
U chh$: (nf) selection; (mode of) ctting.
U chh$:$n (nf) parings, cttings; prnings.
U chh$:na: (v) to select, to sort ot; to ct, to trim#prne; to cast ot, to knock off;
to redce; to retrench; to chop; to boast (knowledge of); to talk in high% flown terms
(e.g. ,4

U chh$:v (nf) shade; shadow,
U chh$:h (nf) shade; shadow; ! shady; shadowy; U

to be mch
less in excellence, to be no match at all to; to provide shelter#patronage to;

to allow no proximity, to keep at a distance; H 4 to en'oy the patronage

of, to be nder the protection of; 4 to keep away from, to evade even the
shadow of.
U chha:k (nf) mid%day meals (for otdoor workers).
U chha:gal (nm) a hircine; (nf) a canvas water%bag; silver anklet.
UU chha:chh (nf) btter%milk.
UH chha:'an (nf) a covering, thatching; ec,ema.
U chha:ta: (nm) an mbrella; !H| parachte (troop); a parachtist.
U chha:ti: (nf) breast; chest; bosom; spirit; 3#3 (said of female breasts) to
protrde, yothfl crves to be formed; 3H to be affected by an emotional
psrge; 3Hs to be overwhelmed by affectionate#tragic feelings; | | to
be nfeeling, to be heartless; s to ac.ire control over feelings; to restrain

see ; H | | to have a heart of steel; to be pffed

p with 'oy; U | the heart to be battered; H to have a heart%sore, to be
nder the spell of grief; to be in the grip of a terrible 'ealosy; H

s see s
; s to relieve oneself of one&s heart%brning, to assage one&s feelings;
s | to be relieved of heart%brning; to be assaged;

to feel assred;
| to make an tterance with complete assrance; to take a pledge;
to confront withot fear#with complete self%assrance; HH #
Hs to have one&s heart in one&s moth; H

| the heart to palpitate

throgh apprehension; to stalk, to strt; to feel very sore, to
be fed p; c | to mold one&s heart to face the worst; d to
overpower; to nag, to keep on pestering; H# H to carry along
(one&s belongings) in one&s post%mortem 'orney; to care too mch for worldly
belongings; c to endre patiently; to still the heaving of the heart;
4 |
%% ))0 %%
to have a high morale#fortitde; to be firm%worded; H
to indlge in an
activity designed to inflict pain on somebody, to be calclatively painsgiving;
| to pt one&s foot on the neck of; to thoroghly sbde; | to
brn with 'ealosy, to be green with envy, to be tormented by envy; 4|$
3 to be relieved of a mental botheration#worry#brden; to
speak with a clear conscience; to lament; to beat the breast (as an expression of
morning); 9 the heart to rend with grief; to be overwhelmed by grief;
9s with very hard labor, working rigorosly; 9

to be swollen by pride, to
assme airs; to mold one&s heart into steel; to praise the
corage of;

see H; to embrace, to fondle.

U chha:tr (nm) a stdent; %

stdent discipline; %

| stdent
indiscipline; %H| stdent agitation; stdent movement; !c stdentship; % a
stdent leader; !

U chha:ttra:lay (nm) see U.
U chha:ttra:va:s (nm) a (stdent) hostel, boarding hose.
U chha:d$n (nf) a covering, shed.
U# chh$:nn$: (v) to filter; to strain; to percolate; to sieve; to drink bhag; to screen;
%9 investigation; en.iry, sorting and sifting.
U4 chh$:nbi:n (nf) screening, investigation, scrtiny, probe.
U4 chh$:nbe (a and nm) see U4.
U chha:n$: (v) to cover, to thatch; to overwhelm, to shadow; to overspread; U
H to over% whelm, to dominate.
U chha:p (nf) a print, an imprint; impression; stamp; mark; trade% mark; brand;
U|s to leave a mark, to impress.
U chha:pn$: (v) to print; to pblish; to mark.
U chha:pa: (nm) an imprint; a stamp; raid; !H gerilla; a raider; 6

warfare; H to (condct a) raid.
U chha:pa:a:n$: (nm) a printing press.
U chha:ya:kan (nm) photography.
U chha:ya: (nf) a shadow; shade; image; reflection; inflence; resemblance;
protection; phantom; admbration; H 9 light and shade; ! photographer;
% a silhoette; ! intangible form; !

shadow translation, a translation carrying

only an overall impression of the original; !|abstract#nreal#intangible world;
! a romantic movement in early modern @indi poetry; U

to prse the nreal;

| to shadow constantly; U

to be no% where near, to be

far behind in excellence;

to keep away (from), to evade the shadow (of).

UH chha:ya:may (a) shadowy; shady.
U chha:r (nf) ash; dst, powder; small fragments; %U | to be redced to small
fragments; | to be redced to ashes; to be
%% ))3 %%
U chha:l (nf) bark.
U chha:la: (nm) a blister, brn; U s#| to have blisters.
U chha:liya: (nf) betelnt, betelnt parings.
U| chha:li: (nf) cream of boiled milk; betelnt or its parings.
U chha:vn2: (nf) cantonment, temporary or permanent troop lodging.

chh2gn2: (nf) see U

U:%U: chhih%chhih (int) fie ?, pish ?, tt ? (nf) infantile faeces.
UUs chhichha: (nm) waste meat fragments, waste fibros; fragments in a sop.
UU chhichhla: (a) shallow; ! shallowness.
UU|#, ! chhichhorp$n, !pan$: (nm) frivolity, triviality, pettiness.
UU| chhichhora: (a) frivolos, trivial, petty; ! see UU|.
U chhiakn$: (v) to be scattered; to be spread; to be diffsed all rond.
Us chhiakn$: (v) to sprinkle or spray; to water (by sprinkling); to asperse (with).
Us chhika:v (nm) sprinkling or spraying; watering (by sprinkling); aspersing.
Us chhin$: (v) to be commenced, to begin, to start; to break ot (as

); to be
U chhitra:n$: (v) to disperse, to scatter; to be dispersed#scattered.
U chhitra:v (nm) sparseness, diffsedness.
U chhidn$: (v) to be pierced; to be perforated; to be bored.
U chhidra: (a) bored, perforated; thinned; ! to be thinned; to be perforated.
U chhiddr (nm) pore; bore; slot, apertre, opening; defect, flaw; !| a falt%finder;
U7# chhiddra:nnvesh$ (nm) falt%finding; !4 a falt%finder; falt%finding;
!4 to pick holes in, to find falt with.
U chhiddrit (a) bored; perforated.
U chhiddril (a) having bores#perforation, perforated.
U chhinakn$: (v) to blow ot the nose, to sprt mcs ot of the nose.
U chhinan$: (v) to be sei,ed (from), to be wrested#snatched away.
U chhina:l (a and nf) slttish; dissolte; a woman of easy virte, trollop; hence
! (nm).
U chhina:la: (nm) slttishness, dissolteness; immoral sex%indlgence.
U7 chhinn (a) incised; rent; ct off; chopped off; %7 ct; broken; scattered,
shattered; !H

ct p from the root, prooted.

U| chhipkali: (nf) a li,ard; a hatefl creatre.
U chhipn$: (v) to hide, to lrk; to set; to be covered; U H a dark horse;
psedo%gentleman; U%U

stealthily, clandestinely.
U chhipa:n$: (v) to hide, to conceal; to cover#screen; to disgise.
U chhipa:v (nm) concealment; secrecy; hiding; reservation.
U4() chhiy$:nbe(ve) (a) ninety%six; (nm) the nmber ninety%six.
U| chhiya:li:s (a) forty%six; (nm) the nmber forty%six.
U chhiya:si: (a) eighty%six; (nm) the nmber eighty%six.
U chhilka: (nm) the peel, skin; hsk; bark; shell.
%% ))4 %%
U chhiln$: (v) to be brised or scratched; to be excoriated; to be peeled; the skin to
be taken off.
U chhila:i: (nf) the act or process of excoriating#peeling#taking off the skin; the
charges paid therefor.
U() chhiha(ya)ttar (a) seventy%six; (nm) the nmber seventy%six.
U chh2:k (nf) a snee,e, sterntation; | occrrence of a snee,e (portending evil).
U| chh2:kn$: (v) to snee,e, to sterntate; U to be over%penalised for
a petty falt.
U chh2:ka: (nm) a hanging pot% rest;

to have a windfall, to have an

nexpected fortne.
U| chh2: (nf) chint,.
U| chh2:a: (nm) a sprinkle; splash; bespattering; slight shower (of rain); aspersion,
ironical remark; ! (casting of) aspersion, ironical tterance; 9 to cast
aspersion, to ridicle.

chhi: (int) fie ?, pish?; tt?; (nf) infantile faeces; %U| to condemn; to express
disgst or contempt; to discharge faeces (as by a child).
U|U () chhi:chha:leda(da:)r (nf) hmiliation; embarrasment; disgrace; mck;
U|H chhi:' (nf) decay, wearing away; wastage; loss.
U|H chhi:'$n (nf) decay, wearing away; wastage; leakage, redction; loss.
U|H chhi:'n$: (v) to decay; to wear away; to dwindle, to redce; to be wasted.
U| chhi:nn$: (v) to snatch, to grab, to sei,e; U|%$| grabbing and scrambling,
U| chhi:l$n (nm) scrappings; shavings; chippings.
U| chhi:ln$: (v) to scrap; to scratch; to shave; to chip; to peel; to take off the skin; to


chha:chh:t (nf) ntochability; consideration of tochability and


chhi:mi: (nf) toch%me%not/imosa pudica; a kid%glove, an over%

sensitive#over%dainty#over%delicate person.

chhan allomorph of U| sed as the first member in several compond words;

! (!) smallness, pettiness; boyhood, childhood; yong age; !

stray; minor;
! a petty person, 'ackstraw.

chhka:ra: (nm) riddance; ac.ittal, release, liberation.


chha:i: (nf) see U|.


chhati: (nf) a ransom.


chha: (a) loose, not tied, not in a lmp or grop or company etc.; free; in small
denomination (change etc); (nm) small change.

chhi: (nf) leave; holiday; release; permission to leave; to call it a day; to

dismiss (from service etc); to destroy; H to celebrate a holiday.

s chha:i: (nf) release; a ransom.


s chha:n$: (v) to get released; to case to set free; to case to give p; to take
delivery; to discharge; to remove.

chhtaha: (a) contagios, carrying contagion; contagios diseases

hospital; | a contagios disease.

chhra: (nm) a ra,or; dagger; U

4H infliction or exchange of dagger%blow(s).


| chhri: (nf) a knife; small

%% ))5 %%
dagger; %| | to be at dagger&s drawn; to speak daggers; to
inflict blows; H to sharpen the knife; to get ready to strike; 9 to ct
with a dagger.

chhha:ra: (nm) a date%palm.

U U chh=:chha: (a) empty; nsbstantial; s to prove ineffective; to grow

chh: (nf) sdden otblow of a gsh of air from the moth (as dring incantation,
con'ration, enchantment, magic, etc); !H an incantation; a charm; hey presto ?;
to exorcise, to prononce an incantation and blow pon; to case to disappear, to
vanish; 4 to disappear, to vanish (said of animate ob'ects); !H | (said of
person, pain, etc.) to disappear forthwith, to vanish.

chh: (nf) rebate, discont; allowance; concession; riddance; release; remission;

exemption; relaxation; liberty.

chh:n$: (v) to be left behind or ot; to lag; to be dismissed#discharged or

released; to get rid of; to be abandoned; U

H) s lit. a freely moving blla

robst carefree man withot encmbrances.

chh:t (nf) contagion: contamination; | 4H| contagios disease.


chh:n$: (v) to toch; to feel.

U chhekn$: (v) to discriminate against; to leave ot; to obstrct.

9 chheka:nppra:s (nm) compond alliteration.

U s chhe (nf) teasing, offending; pricks, pranks.
U s chhea:n2: (nf) act of teasing or provoking; offensive activity; raillery;
U sUs chhechha: (nf) provocation; molestation; teasing; pricks and pranks.
U s chhen$: (v) to tease, to irritate; to meddle; to distrb, to stir p; to commence (a
U chhed (nm) a hole, bore; perforation; opening; incision, pnctre; ! perforated;
bored; having hole(s)#opening(s).
U chhedn$: (v) to bore, to make a hole; to perforate, to pierce; to incise.
U chhen$: (nm) a kind of cheese.
U chhen2: (nm) a chisel.
U chhailan allomorph of U (see).
U chhaila: (nm) a dandy, foppish person; (a) dandical, foppish; also U %;
U %U4; hence! (nm).
U| chhokra: (nm) a lad, boy.
U| chhoa: (a) small; little; short; yong(er); petty; sbordinate; 'nior; insignificant;
HH a small man, petty person; common man; ! smallness, pettiness;
%4s yong and old; rich and poor; %H| petty, minor, insignificant, ordinary;
to consider as insignificant, to consider to be of no conse.ence; 4to
hmiliate, to debase; H
4s 4 prod words from a week stomach; U| | 4
4s | lads will be men.
U| chhoa:i: (nf) smallness, pettiness; shortness; 'niority.
U|| chhoi: (a) feminine form of U|; H low(er) cast; 4 petty tterance;
petty matter; H| breakfast.
U|s chhon$: (v) to leave; to abandon;
%% ))7 %%
to omit; to release; to entrst to; to assign to (as ); U|s H to go to see off.
U| chhor (nm) the end, fag end; extremity; edge.
U| chhora: (nm) a lad.
U|| chholda:ri: (nf) a small tent.
U| chhoh (nf) affection; compassion.
U chh$=k (nf) seasoning (plse, vegetable, etc.) with boiled ghee#oil and spices;
| to be tterly insfficient#inade.ate.
U chh$=kn$: (v) to season (see U).
U chhan$: (nm) a yong one.
H 'athe third letter of the second pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet; a
sffix denoting the sense of born of (as HH, sH, H, etc.).
H 'aksh$n (nm) a (railway) 'nction.
H 'ag (nf) a war, battle, fight; !4H a war%monger; !4H war% mongering.
H ,ag (nm) rst; ! rsted, rst%eaten; to get rsted, to be eaten p by
rst; to trn ineffective (by disse).
H H 'ag$m (a) moving; movable; movable property.
H 'agal (nm) a forest, wood; wilderness; H H a paradise in wilderness; H
H| wood in a wilderness, moss in a montain and wit in a poor
man&s breast are little thoght of.
H(H) 'a('$)gla: (nm) grating; railing; fence#fencing; balstrade; a grille or bar%
fitted window.
H | 'agli: (a) savage; wild; beastly: H a wild beast; savage.
H 'agi: (a) martial, relating to war; hge, large; H a gigantic yongman;
HH a man of war, battleship; 4s a naval fleet; commander%in%chief (nder
9ritish rle).
H 'agha: (nf) a thigh.
H '$chn$: (v) to be examined; to be valed; to appeal; to look attractive#befitting.
H H 'a'a:l (nm) botheration; entanglement; embarrassment; cares, troble; fss; (nf)
a small cannon.
H H| 'a'a:li: (a) fssy; troblesome, occasioning botheration.
H H ,an'i:r (nf) a chain; shackle.
H 'antar (nm) an amlet, philter; %H an observatory; witchcraft, con'ring.
H | 'antri: (nf) an almanac.

'ant (nm) a creatre, an animal.


'ambdwi:p (nm) the name of one of the seven ancient continental divisions of
the world; the central part of the above divisions inclding Dndia. U"ccording to some it
is an ancient name for
%% )): %%

'amb:r (nm) pliers.


'amb:ra: (nm) claw bar, pliers.

H '$bha:i: (nf) yawning, a yawn; to yawn.
H '$bha:n$: (v) to yawn.
H 'ai: (nf) oat; new shoots of barley.
H#9 ,ai:f (a) old; weak, infirm; !9| senility; weakness; infirmity.
H 'ak (nf) obstinacy; mania, incessant insistence.
Hs 'aka (nf) grip, tight grasp, firm hold; ! inflexibility, immobility; !4| firm hold.
Hs 'akan$: (v) to grasp, to hold firmly; to tighten.
H 'aka:t (nf) octroi, octroi%dty; ! octroi post; H octroi collector.
H# 'aka:r (nm) the letter H ('a) and its sond; ! (a word) ending in H (').
HO# ,ai:ra: (nm) stock, store; hoard; ! 4H a hoarder; ! 4H hoarding.
HEH ,am (nm) a wond, ct, in'ry; lcer; %9%H an emotional wond;
H# | an old wond to be revived; H Us to afflict the afflicted;
to add inslt to in'ry.
HH ,am2: (a) wonded, hrt, in'red.
H 'ag (nm) the world, niverse; people; !9@ world renowned: !4 others&
tales#experiences; ! poplar ridicle#mockery; open calmny.
HH 'ag'aga:n$: (v) see HH.
H 'agat (nm) the world, niverse; (nf) a raised circlar crb (arond a well);


) a title of certain @ind scholarly priests (0 in nmber); preceptor of the

niverse; ! master of the niverseEod; ! Jreator of the niverse;
!9@ world renowned, of world fame.
H 'agti: (nf) the world; earth; mankind.
H| 'agdi:sh (nm) the *ord of the World, *ord Mish=.
H|+ 'agdi:shvar (nm) see H|.
H 'agn$: (v) to wake p, to awaken; to be arosed.
H7 'ag$nn2y$nta: (nm) the "lmighty, the Jontroller of the world.
HH 'agmag (a) reflgent, shining, glittering, glimmering; also HH
HH 'agmaga:n$: (v) to be reflgent, to glitter, to shine, to gleam.
HH 'agmaga:ha (nf) reflgence, glitter, shine, gleam, glimmer.
H%H 'agar%magar (a) see HH.
H 'agra:ta: (nm) see (!H).
H 'ageh (nf) place; space, .arter; post; %H everywhere.
H 'aga:t (nf) see H.
H 'aga:n$: (v) to wake p, to awaken; to arose.
H 'aga:r (nf) wake; state of being or keeping awake.
H7 'agh$nny (a) low; detestable, abominable; heinos; hence ! (nf).
H ,achcha: (nf) a woman in post%delivery confinement; !O# maternity home;
%4 the new%born and the mother in confinement.
H#H 'a' (nm) a 'dge; !H a 'dge&s cort; 'dgeship; the post or fnction of a 'dge.
HHH# 'a'm$:n (nm) see HH; ! see HH.
HH 'a,iya: (nm) a levy imposed
%% )/( %%
by -mperor "rang,eb on the non%>slims.
HH 'a,i:ra: (nm) an island.
H54 'a,b (a) absorbed; assimilated.
H54 'a,ba: (nm) an emotion, feeling; passion; (! plral); ! emotional; H54 |
s to fan the flame of passion, to blow the coals.
H 'aa: (nf) mated or tangled hair; fibros root; !H

matted hair rolled p over the

head; !H| wearing matted hair rolled p; an ascetic.
H 'ait (a) stdded, imbedded with.
H 'ail (a) intricate, complicated; inaccessible; ! intricacy, complication.
H# 'aar (nm) the stomach; ! digestive fire of the stomach; ! same
as H.
Hs 'a (nf) root; (a) inanimate, immovable, inert; idiot, stpid; % the animate and
the inanimate; H the inanimate world; matter; !4

@#H idiot; stpid;


@ idiocy; !#! materialism; !| a materialist; materialistic;

3s to root ot, to strike at the root; to destroy completely; |
to ct the root and water the leaves; #| to ndermine, to eat into the
vitals of; to inflict heavy damage; HH#s to strike deep roots; to establish; to
consolidate (oneself); %s#H

root and branch; thoroghly; to case a

thorogh shake%p, to shake the fondation (of).
Hs 'aat (nf) inlay, insetting.
Hs 'ata: (nf) inertia, torpor; insensibility; idiocy, stpidity; stpefaction.
Hsc 'aattv (nm) see Hs.
Hs 'an$: (v) to std; to inlay; to fix, to set; to mont (as a ); to pt in; to lay on
(as H).
Hs 'aa:i: (nf) the act or process of setting#inlaying; the wages or charges paid for
Hs3 'aa:: (a) stdded or inset with 'ewels.
HscH# 'aa:tmva:d (nm) animism; !| an animist; animistic.
Hs 'aa:war (nf) warm clothings.
HsH 'aim$: (nf) stpor, torpor; insensibility; stpidity.
Hs 'aiya: (nm) a setter (of 'ewels etc.); an expert in insetting.
Hs 'ai: (nf) a simple, medicinal root; %4

| medicinal herbs, simples.


'ai:bh:t (a) stpefied, rendered inert and inactive.

H 'ata:n$: (v) to apprise, to make known; to warn.
Hc 'attha: (nm) a band; gang; flock; !4| formation into grops or bands; Hc a
grop%leader (amongst sikhs).
H ,ad (nf) striking range, range.
H ,ada: a sffix sed to mean afflicted by (as "HH, H

H|H 'addo'ehad (nf) strggle, hard endeavor.
H '$n (nm) people; pblic; folk; %H| poplar movement; ! censs;
%H each and every person; %H renaissance, poplar awakening; !H pblic
life; pblic living; ! democracy; ! democracy; ! democratic(al);
! democratic(al); %H men and money; ! rral region; !|regional;
%9 poplar#pblic rmor; !9 poplar; !H
%% )/; %%
pblic opinion; 6 0 referendm; plebiscite; %H#H poplar mind, people&s mind;
! H poplar, pleasing to the people, of poplar gratification; ! a temporary
dwelling for a marriage party; ! manpower; !

tradition; rmor;
! poplation; !HH commnity at large; !H

crowd; commnity;

crowd; !H the common man; commnity at large; the masses;

% pblic man; pblic servant; ! pblic service; ! pblic welfare#interest;
!| desolate; ninhabited: seclded, lonely.
H ,an (nf) a woman; a sffix meaning one or that which inflicts or strikes
(as H one who strikes on the way i.e. one who waylays).
H 'an$k (nm) father; procreator, originator; sed as a sffix to mean casing or
bringing forth (as H, H).
HO ,ana: (nm) a ench, womanly man.
H#H 'an'a:ti (nf) a tribe; !H tribal.
H 'anta: (nm) the pblic, people, masses; %H the people symbolising Eod.
H 'an$n (nm) procreation, procreating; generation, generating; prodction,
prodcing; %HH potency, generating#prodctive#procreative power.
H 'ann$: (v) to (re) prodce; to give birth (to), to bear.
H 'anna:yak (nm) a poplar hero, leader of the people.
H 'anni: (nf) mother, progenitrix.
H 'ananCndriy (nf) sex organ, genitals.
H| 'anwari: (nf) (the month of Ganary.
H 'an$:ntik (nm) aside (in a drama).
H 'ana: (a) prodced; procreated: (nm) person, individal (as H H I).
H| 'ana:ki:r (a) crowded; thickly poplated; hence ! (nf).
HH 'ana:,a: (nm) the corpse wrapped in a coffin%cloth; bier (With the corpse laid on
HO ,an$:na:n$: (nm) the harem, seraglio; ,enana, female apartment.
H ,ana:n$: (a) female, feminine; impotent; (nm) female apartment; a ench;
! effeminacy; impotence; hence H H petticoat rle#government.
H4 'ana:b (a) and nm) mister; (int) 1ir ?, Bor -xcellency ?; H| 1ir, Bor @onor
?, Bor -xcellency ?; H4 H, 1ir, respected 1ir?
H 'anit (a) prodced#generated (by); cased (by), procreated (by).
H3 'ane: (nm) the sacred or sacrificial thread worn by the @ind:s.
H|| 'anopyogi: (a) of pblic tility; 9 pblic tility services.
H7 'ann$t (nf) paradise, heaven; |

a celestial damsel#beaty.
H7H 'anm (nm) birth; origin; genesis; !

s| a short horoscope; ! by or relating to

birth; innate; inborn; ! date of birth; ! progenitor; father; originator; % birth%
rate; %# birth%day; !H christian name; !## a horoscope;

H motherland; %H birth and death; ! birth%place; to waste one&s

%% )/) %%
H7HH 'anm$'a:t (a) congenital; inherent, innate.
H7 'anman$: (ind) by birth; (v) to be born.
H7H 'anm$:ntar (nm) another birth; ! doctrine of rebirth; hence
!| (a and nm).
H7HH 'anm$:ndh (a) blind since birth, born blind; hence ! (nf).
H7HH 'anm$:shm2: (nf) the eighth day of the dark half of the month of | when
*ord Nrinh$ is spposed to have been born.
H7H| 'anmottar (a) post%natal, after birth.
H7H|c 'anmotsav (nm) birth%day celebration
H7 'anny (a) born, prodced#generated; sed as a sffix meaning generated by or
born of (as

H7, |H7).
H 'ap (nm) adoration by way of repeating passages from scriptres, sacred formlae or
a deity&s name, etc.; % worship, adoration; devotion; !H a rosary.
H# 'apn$: (v) to mrmr or to tter .iet prayers; to repeat reverentially (Eod&s name
as a sacred formla); ! worth repeating by way of adoration.
H 'apit (a) whispered (sond).
H9 'afa: (nf) excess; tyranny.
H4 'ab (adv) when; whenever; sometimes; ! when; whenever, at whatever
time; %4 sometime; at times; imminent; 3| |

| 3 4 I
beware of him who regards not his reptation; 3 | | 4 | the
shameless dread no society; (HH) | H 4 as long as the Eanges
(and the Gamna) flows (flow), for all times to come; HH

H H9 the steed will die till the grass grows; 4 H as
long as there is life there is hope.
H4s 'aba: (nm) a 'aw; !|s 'aw%breaking; a 'aw%breaker (said of a word difficlt to
H4 ,abar (a) strong; hge; H H | the mighty hits and permits no
H4# ,abardast (a) strong, powerfl; vigoros, violent; high%handed; ! high%
handedness; in'stice; by force, forcibly.
H4 ,abr$n (adv) by force, forcibly.
H4 ,abeh (nm) slaghtering, slaghter; to slaghter.
H4 ,ab$:n (nf) tonge; langage; !H lo.acios, sharp%tonged;
!H lo.aciosness, wagging of one&s tonge; ! expert of a langage;
! lingistic expertise; sH() bitter%tonged; H sharp%tonged;
H honey%tonged; sweet%tonged; bold only in speech;
H4 | to be doble%tonged; | the tonge to become senseless throgh
thirst, to be very thirsty; to express a sense of srprise#repentance (throgh
holding the tonge between the teeth); to render mte#speechless; % the
tonge to rn on wheels; to tail nineteen to the do,en; | H H| a bridle for
the tonge is a necessary piece of frnitre; | H to stop one&s gab, to hold
one&s tonge; O~ 44 O

pblic voice is Eod&s voice; to pll ot

%% )// %%
tonge (said as a threat of pnishment); to .ieten;

to find one&s tonge; to

speak ot; to talk with one&s tonge in one&s cheek; | to speak ot; to
have a flent tonge; to have an impdent tonge; to wag one&s tonge, to be
too talkative; s to interfere by speech; to dishonor one&s word;
5 H | the tonge cts deeper than steel; H to hold the tonge;
4 to tter in whispers; to say implicitly; to pt ot the tonge;
to pledge one&s word (to), to make a commitment; |, H
H to be too meek
to speak, to be very reticent; to pll ot the tonge of (said of a threat of
pnishment); s to cavil (at); to hsh p; H to be on tonge&s the tip; to
be on the verge of speaking ot; d to be on the tonge (of), to be sb'ect of
talk; to be on the tip of one&s tonge, to have or know a thing by heart; H

| not to be in a state to speak ot, to be speechless; to tter; to mention;
to go back on one&s word; (H) to be stricken dmb, to be
rendered speechless; | to be on the tip of the tonge; to be a sb'ect of talk;
4 to silence, to render speechless; 4 | to be tonge%tied; to be cornered
(in an argment); 4 see ; 4s to become absive%
tonged#scrrilos; to become sbservient to tonge%tastes; 4

| | to be ill%
tonged; H
H to hold one&s tonge; H

H| | to feel like .arrelling;

H H | to lose control on one&s tonge; not to have a civil tonge in one&s
head; s to enter into argment, to contort verbally; 4| to keep
a civil tonge in one&s head; to hold one&s tonge; to be committed;
to have pledged one&s word; to speak ot, to make an tterance.
H4 ,aba:n2: (a) oral, verbal; nwritten; (adv) orally, verbally; HH% sweet
nothings, sperficial tterances; tall talk.
H ,abt (a) forfeited, confiscated, imponded; (nm) forbearance, restraint;

forfeited, confiscated; H confiscation, forfeitre; to exercise restraint;

to confiscate.
HH 'amgha (nm) crowded assembly; mltitde.
HH 'amn$: (v) to free,e; to solidify, to become firm or hard; to clot; to be
established#settled; to settle; to have a prolonged sitting, to sit for long; to be fixed; to
take root; to be effective; (nf) the river H

: HH to nail colors to mast, to

refse to climb down, to stick to one&s gns.
HH 'am$: (a) collected, deposited; (nm) deposit; credit; accmlation; sm%total;
%O debit and credit; receipts and disbrsements; !O reassrance; 6to rest
assred; %H accmlations, accmlated wealth; %
H total accmlation; !H one
who misappropriates; a bad debtor; dishonest; %O to accont for debts and
credits; to prepare the acconts; H to misappropriate.
HH 'ama:i: (nm) a son%in%law;H
%% )/0 %%
a son%in%law (said in affection).
HH 'am$:t (nf) a class (in a school), assembly; grop.
HH# 'am$:da:r (nm) a 'amadar, head of a grop; sweeper; !| profession of a
'amadar; acting as head of a grop.
HH ,am$:n$t (nf) srety; bail; secrity; garantee; ! a garantor, srety;
!H srety%bond.
HH ,am$:nati: (a) bailable; garanteeing; (nm) a srety, garantor.
HH 'am$:n$: (v) transitive verbal form of HH (see).
HH ,am$:na: (nm) time(s), age, period; present%day world; fortnate times; !H a
tempori,er; time%server; !H tempori,ation; time%serving mentality; 3 times
to trn radically, a perverted era to dawn; U to make a thorogh search;
to ac.ire wide experience; | to be widely experienced; to have nder%
gone all sorts of experiences; #4 the tide to take a trn; 4 H#
H good old days to be over, the golden times to be past; HH H

H beaten
in the strggle of life, done for; HH O to have#keep an ear to the grond,
to watch which way the wind blows; HH | temporal vicissitdes; HH |
to be affected by the (changing) times, to adopt (oneself) according to the
wind of times; 4H H to go with the tide#times.
HH 'ama:l (nm) glory; elegance, prettiness.
HH| 'ama:lgoa: (nm) a prgative ntCroten tiglium.
HH 'ama:v (nm) assembly, gathering; setting p, concentration; accmlation.
HHs 'ama:va: (nm) assembly, gathering; concentration; accmlation.
HH ,am2: (nf) see HH.
HH ,am2:k$nd (nm) a vegetableelephant&s foot.
HH ,am2:da:r: (nm) a landlord; cltivator.
HH| 'am2:da:ri: (nf) ,amindari, landlordism; landed estate; cltivation.
HH|H ,ami:do, (a) sbterranean, sbearthen.
HH ,am2:n (nf) the earth; land, grond; grond work; backgrond; %HH 9
to leave no stone ntrned, to make all possible efforts; %HH 9 as
wide asnder as heaven and earth, world of#fndamental difference; %HH

H to speak of heaven and earth in one breath; to speak in hyperboles; to try one&s
level best; H to be stnned ot of wits;
# to fell#throw flat;

H to lie prostrate; to be felled by face;

to prepare the grond (for); to wander in search of employment;
# s to feel inflated, to be pffed p with pride; H s H to be
bashflly embarrassed, to be deeply ashamed#sheepish.
HH ,ami:r (nm) the conscience; inner self; !9| conscience%seller; hence
!9| (nf).

'amn$: (nf) the river %amuna:.

H+ 'amha:i: (nf) yawning; to yawn.
H+ 'amh$:n$: (v) to yawn.
%% )/3 %%
H 'ay$nti: (nf) (birth) anniversary; 'bilee.
H 'ay (nf) con.est, victory; trimph; (a) sed as a sffix in compond words
meaning, one who has achieved a victory or has trimphed over (e.g. H

H H, etc). (int) bravo ? hrrah ? ; !|4 applase, applasive shots, cheering
approbation; !H banner of victory; ! see !|4; %H victory and defeat;
!H#H a bay, garland symbolic of trimph; garland pt by the bride rond the neck
of the bride% groom; !H# victory.
H 'ayka:r (nm) applase, applasive shots, cheers hailing victory.
HH 'ay'ayka:r (nf) trimphal cheers, applasive shots, applase hailing a

'ayish= (a) one who con.ers#achieves victory, ever%victorios.

H 'ayi: (a) winner, victorios; (nm) a con.eror.
H ,ar (nm) wealth, riches, gold; !O| prchased, boght; !OH fertile;
!OH fertility; !|H embroidered (with gold); !|H (golden) embroidery.
H ,arda: (nm) scented and specially prepared tobacoo; a special dish of rice treated
with saffron.

,ardsht (nm) the fonder of the fire%worshipping &<a:rasi:& religion and athor
of the scriptre &Yend "vesta&.
H 'arnail (nm) a generla.
H4 ,arab (nm) trama; blow; stroke; crack; mltiplication; %H mltiplication and
division; H to develop a crack, to be in'red; to inflict a blow# stroke; to
H 'arsi: (nf) a 'ersey.
H 'ara: (nf) old age, senility; !0 aged, decrepit; !H age% worn, decrepit.
H ,ara: (a) a little, a bit, slight; (adv) for a while; slightly; 'st (as | 'st wait);
please, kindly (as H |); %H in bits; petty, trivial; %H% 4

3 like a hen with one chicken, absrdly fssy; % some; small, a small
HH 'ara:y$mpesha: (a) criminal, of criminal profession; 4 a criminal

'ara:y (nm) placenta; !H placental.

HH 'ara:si:m (nm) germs.
H# ,ariya: (nm) means; medim, instrment; !, throgh, throgh the agency of.
H ,ari:ya: (nm) see H.
H| ,ari: (nf) gold brocade, gold lace.
H|4 'ari:b (nm) a land%measring chain.
H ,ar:r (adv) certainly, ndobtedly, positively; withot fail; %H positively;
withot fail.
H ,ar:rat (nf) necessity, importance; need, re.irement; ! becase of a need;
!H needy.
H ,ar:riya:t (nf) necessities; re.irements, needs.
H| ,ar:ri: (a) important; necessary, needfl; complsory; indispensable.
H %44 ,ark%bar. (a) brilliant, gady, gadily made%p; (nf) brilliance, gadiness.
HH # 'ar'ar (a) decrepit, worn ot; crshed, senescent; ! senescence, decrepitde;
! worn ot; decrepit crshed, decayed;
%% )/4 %%

worn ot, crshed, decrepit.

H ,ard (a) pale, yellow; s to trn pale, to be off color; to become anaemic.
H ,arda: (nm) see H.
H| ,ardi: (nf) paleness, yellowness; the yellow (part).
HH ~ 'arm$n silvar (nm) an alloy sed for making tensils.
H ,arra: (nm) an atom; a particle; %H each and every particle; a minte
particle; a very small .antity; insignificantly small.
H# 'arra:h (nm) a (traditionally trained) srgeon, one who dresses wonds;
!| srgery, dressing of wonds.
H 'al (nm) water, a.a; hydro%; % hydrolysis; ! slice; ! water%tax;
! a water pipe; 6 waterworks; !

a typical water plant; !

a water%
fowl; !

a water%well; !

4 water%cltre; ! water% gambol, a.atic sport;

!s a water%clock; !#| a.atic (animal, etc.); % a sheet of water;

a.atic creatres; !H#H a.eos; lots; !sHH a strait; % hydrophobia;

% water and land; 69 | a delge to set in, water to sbmerge all visible land;
! a clod; !

a pirate; !H a clod; !H a water crrent; !H an ocean; ! a

water%cress; ! water% ways; %| a siren, mermaid; %9 a waterfall, cataract;
%9 cataclysm, delge; %9 a torrent#crrent of water; % inndation;
% hydrophobia; %Hs hydrosphere; !H sbmerged by or immersed nder water;
!H sbmerged in water; watery, hydros; !H channel, waterways; water%corse;
% a voyage; ! a ship, vessel; boat; %

@ naval war; ! body or accmlation

of water; ! hydrography; %7# hydrology; !

% hydrophobia; %H a strait; %HH watery grave, to go deep into water for
ending p one&s life; !H hydrography; ! waterproof; % the navy, naval
force; % a colmn of water; lighthose; % the skill of keeping nder water for
prolonged spells; % water level; ! land and water; !| amphibios;
%U| sorce of water; water crrent; !| water% free; withot
water; HH waterlogged; H a reservoir; 4

H a fish ot of water.
HH ,al,ala: (nm) an earth.ake.
H 'al$n (nf) a brning sensation; 'ealosy.
H# 'aln$: (v) to brn; to be inflamed#kindled; to be scorched; to feel 'ealos, to
envy; ot of 'ealosy, inspired by 'ealosy; %

| to brn with rage or envy; H to brn oneself ot of 'ealosy; to immolate
oneself; ! H H

to knowingly brn one&s fingers; ! H H #

s to add fel to the fire, to fan the flame; H to lay to the
ashes; H%H H to inflict a slow painfl death, to tease to death; H%

fretting and fming; H|%|

to make castic and stinging remarks; H

| H to inslt the already afflicted; H H Usto add inslt to
in'ry; H 99|
%% )/5 %%
9|s to give vent to one&s accmlated rage; to brst forth with invectives.
H 'alp$:n (nm) light refreshment; breakfast; at home; %

a refreshment room.

'alva:y (nf) climate; !7 climatology; !7 a climatologist.

H 'alsa: (nm) a meeting, fnction; festivity; social gathering; , HH a pblic
H 'ala:n$: (v) to light, to kindle; to brn, to scorch; to excite envy, to provoke
H 'ala:rav (nm) an ocean.
H 'ala:l (nm) glory, splendor; pre%eminence; awe, aweflness.
H ,ala:lat (nf) meanness, wretchedness; disgrace.
H# 'ala:vat$n (nm) exile; (a) exiled; ! exile.
H 'ala:van (nm) fel.
H 'ala:vartt (nm) a whirlpool.
H 'ala:shay (nm) a reservoir; a body of water.
H| ,ali:l (a) mean, wretched, contemptible; disgraced, inslted; to crop
one&s feathers, to hmiliate.

'al:s (nm) a procession; to take ot (in) a procession.

H 4 'alebi: (nf) a kind of sweetmeat; a kind of firework that shoots p like spiral.
H|d 'alo (a) allvial; H allvial soil.
H|d 'aloak (nm) allvim.
H| 'alodar (nm) dropsy, ascites.
H 'alaka: (nf) see H.
H~ 'ald (adv) .ickly; swiftly; hrriedly; instantly; !4H hasty, impetos; rash; a
tear%away; !4H hastiness, impetosity, rashness; H to clap p a
H~| 'aldi: (nf) hrry, haste; (adv) .ickly, rgently, immediately; H
haste makes waste.
H~ 'alp (nm) sophistry.
H~ 'alla:d (nm) a slaghterer; btcher; (a) crel or merciless (person).
H 'av$: (a) yong, yothfl; an allomorph of H sed as the first member in some
compond words; !H heroic; gallant; manly; !H| heroism, bravery; manliness,
H 'aw$:n (a) yong#yothfl; (nm) a yoth; soldier.
H 'ava:n2: (nf) yoth, yong age, yothflness; 3#d yoth to be on the
decline; to age; HH the time of yothfl frolic or adventre; |
ninterrpted carefree sleep; d yoth to make appearance, yoth to be on the
ascendance; to be affected by yothfl lst; | yoth knows no bonds; 9
s yothflness to make appearance all over, yoth to be in its fllest bloom; H
H$ d| yong age, old ways; what is yoth bt its vitality and vigor.
H4 'ava:b (nm) reply, answer; response; conter%move; !4 to call for an
explanation, to bring to book; !4 (seeking of) an explanation; ! responsible,
accontable; hence !| (nf); ! written statement filed by the defendant: conter%
statment; ! responsible, answerable, accontable; ! |responsibility, accontability;
%% )/7 %%
% .estion and answer, cross% .estioning; to give a reply to; to remove
from service; to break#collapse.
H4 'ava:bi: (a) conter; (in the natre of or re.iring a) reply; s a reply card;
a reply% paid telegram.
H# 'awa:har (nm) a 'ewel; ! 'ewellery.
H 'ashn (nm) festivity, merriment, festive celebration.
H, H 'ast, 'asta: (nm) ,inc.

H 'ehnn=m (nm) the hell, inferno; ! consigned to hell; H H or

| to go to hell, to be damned.
HH ,ehm$t (nf) troble, botheration; H| to own a botheration, to create
troble for oneself, to invite troble.
H ,ehar (nm) poison, venom; anything bitter or disagreeable; (a) disagreeable,
npalatable; ! poisonos, venomos; !4 a carbncle; septic; !H|be,oar;
3 to make venomos tterances; to speak spiteflly; 3, H to dip
one&s pen in gall; to make (an eatable) npalatably bitter;
a bitter
disagreeable phenomenon, a mothfl of poison; 6 H to stand#sppress
nbearable rage, to tolerate inslt#hmiliation; |

s one who incites .arrels or

factions, a stormy petrel; d poison to spread within the system; H 4

$ to
treat with poison; to impart a poisonos sting (to words); to be most
H|, ! ,ehri:, !la: (a) fll of venom; venomos, poisonos.
H 'ah$:an allomorph of &H& (see) sed as the first member in several compond
words; !| one who has seen the world, experienced (person); ! the protector of
the world; an honorofic sed for kings and emperors, (adv) where, wherever; as
far as; % here and there; everywhere, all rond; at the original place;
where there is a will there is way, he who has a mind to beat a dog will
easily find a stick; H

H H no smoke withot fire; over

shoes over boots; c c as well risk mch as little.
HH 'aha:, (nm) a vessel, ship; ! shipping, navigation; HH .ite a ship, a
ship itself; U| one who has bt one habitat; forlorn.
HH 'aha:,i: (a) naval, natical; (nm) a mariner, sailor; s

a pirate.
H 'ah$:n (nm) the world; the people.
H 'aha:lat (nf) illiteracy, incivility, boorishness.
H| ,ahi:n (a) sharp, intelligent.
H H ,ahe kismatits my fortne, fortnate am D ?
H H 'ahe, (nm) dowry; %9 the dowry system.
H '$:an allomorph of H sed as the first member in compond words; ! one
who can sacrifice one&s life, devoted; !4H ventresome, one who can risk one&s life;
!4H the .ality that distingishes a H4H, ventresomeness

'$:gl: (a) incivil; boorish, rstic; wild.

%% )/: %%
H '$:gh (nf) a thigh.
H '$:ghiya: (nm) a lower nder% wear, short drawers.
H '$:ch (nf) an investigation, examination; test; scanning; en.iry;
%s investigation, en.iry; % test, scanning, examination.
H '$:chn$: (v) to investigate; to verify; to test; to evalate.
H '$:ntav (a) pertaining#relating to or born of a H

H '$:ta: (nm) a .ern, stone handmill.
Hs 'a:ka (nm) on approval (prchases); H goods#articles on approval.
H 'ake (nf) a 'acket.
H| 'a:ko (pro) in 9ra' 9hasha, the conterpart of H| (whom); H
| every bllet has its billet.
H 'a:gtik (a) worldly, earthly, mndane.
H 'a:gn$: (v) to rise, to wake p; to be alert; to be on the ascendance (as 4);
to brighten p (as ); H | H a nod is as good as a wink to a blind
H 'a:gr$ (nm) awakening, wakeflness, vigil; sitting throgh the night in
religios or festive collective singing.
H 'a:grit (a) awakened, risen, woken p.
H 'a:gr:k (a) alert, vigilant, wakefl; ! wakeflness, vigilance, alertness.
H 'a:gi:r (nf) property, landed property, land etc. given by the government as a
reward, 'aghir; ! the holder of a H, a fief, 'aghirdar; !| fedalism; 'aghirdari.
H| 'a:gi:ri: (nf) pertaining to or related with landed property.

'a:ggriti (nf) an awakening.

HHH 'a:'am (nf) see HHH.
HHH 'a:,im (nf) a mlti%colored floor sheet.
H7~H 'a'vallym$:n (a) shining; resplendent; reflgent, lminos.
H 'a: (nm) a sb%caste of the @ind commnity mostly inhabiting western Httar
<radesh, the <n'ab, +a'asthan and @aryana 1tates of the Dndian Hnion; H 4
H9 H4 # | H do not halloo till yo are ot of the wood.
Hs 'a:a: (nf) cold; winter; to be strck by cold; to feel cold.
H 'a:t (a) born; manifest; (nf) caste; !H #H the forth of the sixteen ma'or
s of the @inds performed after the child%birth; % caste, caste and commnity;

H ,a:t (nf) self; person; individal, individality; breed; characteristic .ality;
% caste and commnity.
H 'a:tak (nm) the new%born; (astrological calclation of) nativity; see HH ; the
collection of the tales of *ord 9ddha&s previos births.
H 'a:ti (nf) caste; commnity; race; sect; gens; type; kind; breed; ! racial;
commnal, sectarian; !

expelled from the commnity; ! ethnological content;

67 ethnology; !HH generic property; caste%characteristic; condct pecliar to a
caste#commnity; % caste and commnity; %4 ex%commnication;

%% )0( %%
% fallen from one&s caste#commnity; ! ( 7) common (non); ! casteism,
racism#racialism; commnalism; !7 ethnology; ethnography; raciology;
!| belonging to a low%caste; to excommnicate.
H ,a:ti: (a) personal, individal; personally, personally speaking.
H 'a:ti:y (a) racial; commnal; generic; ~ racial minority;
9 racial nity;

racial hatred;

apartheid; % racial
H 'a:ti:yta: (nf) raciality; commnality#commnalism.

'a:d: (nm) magic, 'ggling; charm; spell; %| sorcery, witchcraft; voodooism;

3 the charm to be dispelled, to be disenchanted; to cast a spell on, to
practise magic; to bewitch; to con're; to come nder the spell (of), to be spell%
bond; H| d 4| magic manifests itself in procring .iet
obeisance; the means that achieve the end are the best means.

# 'a:d:gar (nm) a magician; 'ggler; sorcerer, con'rer; ! (nf); !| magic,

sorcery; 'gglery, witchcraft.
H '$:n (nf) life, animation; stamina, vitality; energy; essence; spirit; sweetheart;
darling; %9% H darling?, sweetheart?; %H|H risk of life; ! having vitality; lively,
animate; %4H life%insrance; ! deadly; mortal; %H life and
property#belongings; H to be revived; to have a lease of life; H9 H | to
be at a dead lift; H| H H H to be on the verge of death;H| H to
have life hanging by a feeble thread; to be in a mortal agony; #0 bent on
casing one&s end;

loss of life; | H garantee of life; |

O srety of life; | O H to endeavor or pray for the safety of life; |
s to be worried abot the secrity of one&s life; | 4H () wold give
my ears, to stake one&s life, to be ready to make any sacrifice; s to be
nder the shadow of death, to be in an irretrievably risky position; to pt in
ardos work, to labor hard; to pester constantly;

see H

Us to be deeply in love (with), to be ready to stake life for; U

s to get rid of,

to sklk from; U

to get rid of; to sacrifice; to be in passionate love (with);

to become lifeless, to be in great agony; H; H 4 to be
exposed to imminent danger, to be exposed to imminent risk of life; to
stake one&s life, to pt one&s life in peril; 4 H see H 4;
4 to save the life of; to shirk#sklk#fnk; to save one&s carcass; 4 |
9 secrity of life represents the greatest achievement; Dtch comfort; | | to
be weary of life, to feel life to be a brden; H

H | to have a person cold, to

have him at one&s mercy; H H H to feel relieved, to feel comforted; s to
exert to the tmost, to strain every nerve; to kill,
%% )0; %%
to inflict grave sffering; to pt to ardos labor;

to be scared ot of wits; to
be stnned; H to pass away; to lose life; 4H | to be fed p of life;
H to kill; H s to kill, to deprive of life; H| 4 to
lose one&s life, to have to abandon one&s life; | 9 9to be ever ready to
stake one&s life; | H no life, no pleasre; the world lives as long as yo
H# 'a:nka:r (a) knowing, knowledgeable, conversant; (nm) one who knows;
!| knowledge, ac.aintance; brief.
H 'a:nn$: (v) to know, to become aware of; to perceive; H knowingly,
deliberately, wilflly; H 4 to feign ignorance; H
ac.aintance;H% 4

$ knowingly, deliberately, wilflly; 6H H

9 H
s to deliberately 'mp into fire to deliberately risk a ha,ard to life; 6H4
" to connive at; H%H wittingly or nwittingly, knowingly or
H 'a:npad (a) pertaining, belonging to, or related with, a H.
H% 'a:n%pehch$:n (nf) ac.aintance; 6 ac.aintances.
H 'a:nwar (nm) an animal, beast.
H# 'a:nash2:n (nm) sccessor, heir; ! sccession, inheritance.
H 'a:n$: (v) to go, to depart; to lose (as H 4 H I); to flow (as

); H to pass away; to contine to go; H HH to appear on the scene all of
a sdden; H to arrive by chance; H to let go; to pardon; H to
catch p, to overtake.
H4 'a:nib (nf) side, direction; ! a partisan, spporter; !| taking of sides,
adoption of a partisan attitde.
H 'a:n2: (a) pertaining to, or aiming at, life; beloved, darling;

H a deadly
enemy, sworn enemy.
H 'a:p (nm) see H.
H 'a:pa: (nm) delivery, child birth; ! maternity home.
H9# ,$:fr$:n (nm) saffron; ! saffron (colored).
H%4H 'a:be'a: (a) indiscriminate; proper and improper, good and bad; (adv) at the
opportne or inopportne moment#time#place etc., indiscriminately.
H ,a:bta: (nm) rle, reglation; | code of civil procedre; 9H| code
of criminal procedre.
HH 'a:m (a) 'ammed; (nm) 'am; a peg; to 'am, to 'am p; to have a
drinking spree; HH to take peg after peg, to have a drinking spree.
HH 'a:md$:n2: (nf) a kind of flower%woven fine cloth.
HH 'a:m$n (nm) rennet the small .antity of crd sed for coaglating milk.
H#H 'a:m$: (nm) attire, clothing; a long gown worn by the bride% groom; !H H 9

H to be pffed p#swollen with 'oy; !H 4 | to be nable to contain
oneself (ot of 'oy or rage); to transcend one&s limits.
HH 'a:m$:ta: (nm) a son%in%law.
HH ,a:min (nm) a srety, garantor.

# 'a:mn (nf) 'ambo, a black plm (the tree and its frit); ! of the color
of HH

, blish
%% )0) %%
H#4 ,a:y.a: (nm) taste, relish; !4 delicios, tasty; !4 4s to have one&s
(sense of) taste impaired.
HH 'a:ya, (a) sitable; proper; befitting; legitimate.
HH 'a:y,a: (nm) a scrtiny; srvey.
H ,a:yad (a) extra; additional.
H 'a:yda:d (nf) property; "%H4

immovable property; H4

H9| 'a:fri: (nf) a trellis.
H9 'a:yphal (nm) a ntmeg /%ristica moschata.
H 'a:ya: (nf) spose, wife; (a) born (of).
H ,a:ya: (a) waste, rined; to waste, to rin; H to be wasted#rined.
H 'a:r (nm) an adlterer, a paramor; H adltery, adlteros activity; !H a
bastard, adlterine, illegitimate; born on the wrong side of the blanket;
!H illegitimacy; H an adlteress.
H ,a:r (a); %H | to weep bitterly.
H| 'a:ri: (a) contined; crrent, rnning; issed; in force; to isse, to enforce;
to commence; to contine, to keep p.
H 'a:l (nm) a net, network; mesh; snare; plot; !H a conspirer; forgerer, deceitfl;
!H plotting; conspiracy; forgery; s#9 to cast a net; 9 to lay a trap;
H 9 to be caght in a trap, to be trapped.
H 'a:lak (nm) a ploxs; lattice.
H 'a:la: (nm) a cobweb; net; flake; cataract; H 9 to blow away the
H 'a:lika: (nf) a plexs.
HH ,a:lim (a) crel, atrocios, tyrannical; (nm) a tyrant.
HH ,a:lim$:n$: (a) atrocios, tyrannical.
H 'a:liya: (a) see H (!H).
H| 'a:li: (a) forged, conterfeit; (nm) mesh; hammock; m,,le; grating; ! meshed,
fitted with grating.
H 'a:vittri: (nf) mace.

# 'as:s (nm) a spy, detective; ! espionage, spying, intelligence work; detective.

H# ,a:hir (a) apparent; obvios; evident; ! apparently; 6 apparently;
obviosly; evidently.
H 'a:hil (a) illiterate; ncivil, boorish.
H ,indga:n2: (nf) life.
H ,indagi: (nf) life; liveliness; all one&s life, throghot life; H|

to pass time somehow, to cont the last days of life;

4 to spend life; to carry on anyhow; | | life to hang heavy; H H
HH to know death in life, to ndergo tremendos hardships in life;
4H | to be fed p#tired of life.
H ,2nda: (a) alive, living; not dead; ! sprightly, lively, cheerfl;
!| sprightliness, liveliness, cheerflness; !4 ? long live ?; spiritless, dead
H '2ns (nf) commodity; cereals; ! commoditywise; !| commoditywise
HH ,ikkr (nm) mention, reference.
H 'igar (nm) the liver; heart; corage;

s a son; very dear one;

| lit. the liver to be torn asnderto be shattered by a grave shock; H
%% )0/ %%
4 H to be rent by nbearable agony; to keep in readiness for a shock;
| to have corage, to be corageos.
H 'igra: (nm) corage.
H| 'igri: (a) pertaining to the liver; beloved, dear; very intimate; | bosom
friend, very intimate friend.
H ,ich (nf) checkmate; stalemate; to checkmate; to be placed in a stalemate;
| to be checkmated; to be in a stalemate.
HH#4 'i'i:visha: (nf) the life instinct, will to live; !4

willing to live, having the will

to live.
H7 'iggya:sa: (nf) criosity, in.isitiveness; spirit of learning.

'iggya:s (a) crios, in.isitive; willing to learn; (nm) a learner.

H 'ia:n2: (nf) hsband&s elder brother&s wife.
H 'itan ad'ectival sffix#prefix sed in 1anskrit words meaning &one who has
con.ered& (e.g. H|, 7H); !|#H|H one who has con.ered or sbded the
feeling of anger#wrath; !

a con.eror of enemies; !H tireless, one who has

con.ered the sense of fatige.
H# 'itna: (a) as mch as; ! as many (as); !

s s| 3 | H
| the more the sgar, the sweeter the beverage; ! 4 | 3
9 H ct yor coat according to yor si,e.
HcH 'ita:tm$: (a and nm) (one) in fll control of oneself; a self%con.eror.
H 'ita:n$: (v) to case to win to achieve victory.
H 'itendriy (a and nm) (one) in fll control of one&s senses; a con.eror of senses,
an ascetic; hence ! (nf).
H ,id (nf) obstinacy, stbbornness; insistence; to insist; H to adopt
an inflexible attitde, to strike a stbborn postre.
H ,iddi: (a) obstinate, stbborn, inflexible; insistent; hence ! (nm).
HH 'idhar (adv) wherever, in whichever direction; %HH in whatever directions.
H 'in (nm) lord 9ddha; the Gain Fi:rthakars (see); (pro) the plral form of H.
H ,in$: (nm) adltery: ! an adlterer; adlteros; !| adltery; 4%
H rape.
H7 'inn (nm) a 'innee, according to >ohammedan demonology one of the lower type
of spirits; | to be possessed by a 'innee, to be nder a satanic inflence.
H#+H ,imm$: (nm) responsibility, charge, obligation; !+H, !+H responsible,
answerable; !+H|, !+H| responsibility, obligation; to deliver the goods;
!+H to take or own the responsibility (of), to nder% take.
H9 ,iya:fat (nf) a feast.
H# ,iya:rat (nf) a pilgrimage; ! a pilgrim; pertaining to pilgrimage.
H 'irga: (nm) an assembly; a representative body of the frontier <aa:ns.
H 'ireh (nf) cross%examination, cross%.estioning; to cross% examine, to
H4 ,irahbaktar (nm) armor
H9 'ira:f (nm) a giraffe.
H ,ila: (nm) a district; the district cort; 9 a
%% )00 %%
collector;| see ;HH the district 'dge; %H the district 'ail;
4|s the district board; HH the district magistrate.
HH ,ila:dhi:sh (nm) the district magistrate.
H 'ila:n$: (v) to (case to) revive, to restore to life; to case to live.
H~ 'ild (nf) binding (of a book); cover; skin; ! bond; !4 bond (book);
!4| book%binding work; ,4 nbond; !H a bookbinder; !H book%binding.
H~ ,illat (nf) hmiliation, inslt; 3 to sffer hmiliation, to pt p with
H 'is (pro) an obli.e form of H| (see); 4 4 to dance to the tne of;
! ~ | 3 | to come down on the right side of the fence; !|
3 | 4H he that pays the piper calls the tne; H | 3

UI I to evince no interest in the corse one does not have to follow; !

3 to take hair of the dog that bit yo; H 3 H
U to fell the tree that gives yo shelter, to ct the hand that feeds.
HH 'ism (nm) body; physi.e.
HH 'ism$:n2: (a) physical, bodily; 4 physical force.
H 'iha:d: (nm) crsade; 4| to lanch a crsade.
H| 'iha:di: (nm) a crsader; (a) crsading.
H 'ivha: (nf) the tonge, linga; !H

the root of the tonge; !0 the front of the

tonge; %| the tip of the tonge; !H the middle of the tonge; !|

see |;
|; to be on the tip of the tonge.
H 'i: (nm) mind; heart; (ind) an honorofic sffix; yes ?, yes, sir ?; H H, (
) the heart to be set on (somebody or something); to fall in love with, to be fascinated
by; 3 to be fed p (of), to be weary (of), to get disgsted (with); 3 to be
ennied, to get disinterested; not to be able to concentrate (on); 3s H to feel
nervosly restless; 34#34 H to be fed p, to be browned off; s to
mster corage, to prepare oneself for any eventality; to set heart on, to long
(for); to feel scared; 4|$ | to be relieved of a worry or
apprehension; to feel soothed; | H H to seek or re.ested pardon; to
preface a discorse with excses; | H H (a wish or longing) not to have a
chance for expression or materialisation; | H to repress a longing; to practise
self%denial; | to be disenchanted#disgsted; to set (person&s) teeth on the
edge; | freely, withot any restraint or stint; to one&s heart&s content;
4 to feel nervos, to be neasy; to desire, to long (for); if yo feel
like, if yo so desire;

to shirk (work); to cast a spell (pon), to charm, to

captivate; U| to lose heart, to be discoraged; H to be grieved, to have
a sore heart; H to get in one&s hair, to wond#grieve, to plage; H heart
and sol, passionately; whole%heartedly; H | to knckle down to it;
%% )03 %%

H to bla,e away; H 4

4 devoted heart and sol; H

9 | to be passionately in love with, to be infatated by;

Hto be
frstrated#disheartened; s

4 to sink, to faint; to long or yearn (for); |s

| to try heart and sol, to knckle down to it; to be scared ot of

to grieve, to case grief (to); H%H see Hs;

Hs the heart to palpitate, to have a palpitation, to shdder; | the heart to
be moved by compassion; H to be deeply moved by pity; 9 see
9; 9 to be disgsted with, to feel repelled from; 4 to recreate, to
divert the mind, to amse so as to dissipate reflection; 4 see 4;
H (lit.) the heart to be fll, to be toched with compassion or be deeply moved;
to one&s heart&s content, to the top of one&s bent; to be satiated, to be fed p;
H#H to feel nasea, to feel like vomitting; H H to occr in one&s
mind; to have a fancy (for); H , H 4 to find a place in the heart (of),
to create a profond sense of endearment (in); H H to be consmed with
'ealosy or envy, to eat one&s heart ot; H 4 to be impressed or fixed in the mind;
to appease; to please; to feel .ite oneself; 6 ( H H
H ) to be able to concentrate on, to be absorbed in; 6( H H ) to feel easy,
to feel .ite at home; to set one&s heart (on); to concentrate (on); to fall in love
(with); to hanker after, to feel allred;

to allre or entice, to
captivate the heart of; |%| | to pant for; to be passionately charmed (by);
3 H to lose the favor or regard of, to fall in the esteem of; H to lose
one&s life; to lose spirits, to be disheartened#discoraged; !

a yes%man,
sycophant; !

H| to chime in, to play a sycophant.

HH 'i:'a: (nm) elder sister&s hsband.
HH 'i:'i: (nf) an elder sister.
H ,i: (nf) boasting, bragging; H to brag, to boast.
H 'i:t (nf) victory, sccess; % victory and defeat, sccess and failre; H

| to have the game in one&s hands.
H 'i:tn$: (v) to win, to; to prevail pon; to master.
H 'i:ta: (a) living, alive; won; %H living, lively; p and kicking; H 4H a
battle already won; H H4 to wilflly commit or connive in a
wrong; H H dring the life%time of; as long as one is living or is in existence; 6H
H to sffer death in life, to endre extreme misery or angish; H | ? may yo
live long ?
H ,i:n (nf) a saddle; a kind of thick siting (cloth); !H a saddle maker;
!H saddle%making.
H 'i:n$: (v) to live, to be alive;H 3 to be revived, to be infsed with new life;

to make it too hot for, to make life hell;

| | Hthe life to
become a brden or an impossibility,
%% )04 %%
life to become too hot; H HH pleasre of life.
H ,i:n$: (nm) a staircase, ladder.
H 'i:bh (nf) tonge, linga; 9 H the tonge to be twisted; to be on the verge of
death; s

H H 3H one&s bark to be worse than one&s bite; O

to have an inkling for dainties; see H4 ; H | to
be doble%tonged; see ; to talk too mch, to be gabby;
to talk grandly or largely; lit. to pll ot the tongeto inflict heavy
pnishment; to .ieten for ever; to speak ot;
4#H#|; | to have the gift of the gab, to make
tterances that eventally prove tre.
H 'i:bhi: (nf) a tonge%cleaner.
HH 'i:mn$: (v) to feast, to fare smptosly.
H ,i:ra: (nm) cmin seed; chipping.
H 'i:r (a) time%worn, decayed, decrepit; old, chronic; 7 chronic fever; hence
! (nf); U worn%ot#tattered cloth; % tattered, worn and torn.
H| 'i:roddha:r (nm) resrrection, resscitation.
H 'i:v$nt (a) lively, living, animated, life%like; hence ! (nf).
H 'i:v (nm) a creatre, living being; life; sol; ! destroyer of life, killer;
mrderos; %H

creatres; tiny creatres; %H the animate world; ! sacrifice of

life; !H| living being, organism; !| biophysics; ! biochemistry;
!| mortal world; ! vitalism, animism; !| bionomics, bionomy;
!7 biology; !4 toxin; !7 a biologist; biological; %c# destrction
of life; !| lifeless.
H 'i:va (nm) corage; spirit, adventre; endrance; hence !, HH having
the heart of oak.
H 'i:v$n (nm) life; animation; existence; %HH the 'orney of life; living;
! biography; ! a biographer; ! living; rotine of life; % sacrifice of
life; (commitment) to spare somebody&s life; !H the basic wealth of life; a woman&s
hsband; %# the ship of life; %H life and death; 6H the life and death%cycle;

biography, bio%data; % elan vital, vitality; % 4 strggle for life; strggle

for existence; % the evening of one&s lifethe last phase of life; % standard of
living; !| lifeless; insipid; !

livelihood; the basis of existence; | life to

become a brden.
H 'i:vn2: (nf) biography; ! a biographer.

# 'i:v$nmkt (a) freed from worldly bonds in life, liberated; ! freedom from
worldly bonds in life, liberation.

'i:v$nmrit (a) living dead, experiencing death in life.

H| 'i:v$:kiki: (nf) 9iometry.

'i:v$:= (nm) bacteria; microbe.

HH 'iva:dha:r (nm) vitals; basis of life.
H 'i:vika: (nf) livelihood; sbsistence; to earn one&s livelihood, to make
both ends meet.
H 'i:vit (a) alive, living; (nm)
%% )05 %%
H 'i:vi: (nm) a living organism; a sffix meaning living or sbsisting by or for,
e.g. H, HH, 4

H||# 'ivopyogita:va:d(nm) biologism; hence !| (nm and a).
H 'i:vyta: (nf) viability.

4 'mbish (nf) activity, movement.


H 'a: (nm) gambling; yoke; !# a gambling den, gambling hose; H

3 9 to throw off the yoke, to free#liberate oneself from; #H to pt
yoke pon; to case to work hard.

H| 'a:ri: (nm) a gambler.


H ,ka:m (nm) cold, catarrh; 4s the rhem to become thick and clotted, the
deflxion from the head to be sddenly stopped.

'g (nm) see

; %H

for ages, for ever; %H

H| ? (a benediction from an
elderly person) >ay yo live for ages ?

'gat (nf) a skilfl device#measre, contrivance; s#s to maniplate, to


'gn=: (nm) a fire%fly, glow% worm.


'gal (nm and a) pair, cople, the two, det; H|s a matching pair.

4| 'galbandi: (nf) a det (of two msical instrments).


s 'ga: (nf) way, device, measre, manoevre; to manage, to manoevre,

to find a way (to achieve); 4#s# s to manage, to manoevre, to
find a way ot.

'ga:l (nm) a cd.


| 'ga:li: (nf) rmination; to rminate.


'gpsa: (nf) disgst, intense aversion; hence !H, !H


H ', (nm) a part, portion; forme of a book; (ind) withot; !4| the sewing of the
individal formes of a book, ptting the parts together.

$#, ! ''ha:r, !r: (a and nm) (a) combatant; warrior.


' (nm) pair; batch.


'n$: (v) to be engaged (in a work) in fll force; to nite; to assemble, to flock.

'a:n$: (v) to gather; to procre; to case to work in fll force.


'a:rn$: (v) to defile by tasting a little (of victals etc.) or by sing (clothes
etc.); to have the first relish; to render second%hand.

s 'n$: (v) to be attached#added#'ointed#linked; to be procred or collected.


s 'na:r (nf) fittings.


s 'w$: (a and nm) twin#twins.


'tn$: (v) to be tilled#ploghed; to be yoked, to be harnessed to work.


'ta:i: (nf) (the act or process of) ploghing; tillage.


'tiya:n$: (v) to strike with a shoe; to hmiliate.


'da: (a) separate; disnited; %H

different; severally.

'da:i: (nf) separation.


'n=:n (nm) cra,iness, madness, insanity; mania.


7 'nha:i: (nf) the moonlight.


H 'mla: (nm) a sentence; (a) all, total.


H 'm$: (nm) Rriday; H

H H a very limited span of time, only a few

days; H

H Fhrsday.
%% )07 %%

H 'rm (nm) crime; offence; 4 to bring charge home to a person.


H 'rm$:n$: (nm) a fine, penalty.


'rrat (nf) corage; adacity, effrontery, cheek; | to have the cheek.


4 'rra:b (nf) socks, stocking.


'l (nm) dplicity, trickery, gile; !4H a cheat, trickster; !4H dplicity, cheating,
knavery; to cheat, to deceive, to practise frad.

'la:i: (nf) (the month of) Gly.


4 'la:b (nm) a prgative.


'la:ha: (nm) a weaver.


'l:s (nm) a procession.


~9 ,lf (nm) (crled) lock of hair.


~H ,lm (nm) oppression, tyranny, otrage; ! a tyrant; tyrannical;

oppressive; H

~H|%H oppression and repression; d to commit otrage, to

oppress; to indlge in oppressive measres.

~H ,lm2: (a) tyrant, tyrannical; oppressive.


'ha:r (nf) a typical term of saltation (sally prevalent in +a:'astha:n).


| 'hi: (nf) a kind of GasmineJasminum anriculatum.

'=: (nf) a lose; , see H

$ ':'hn$: (v) to fight hard, to strggle; to combat; H

$ H to die fighting.

': (nm) 'te; matted hair.


':$n (nf) leavings (of food, drink, etc.).


':a: (a) defiled by eating, drinking or sing otherwise.


s 'a: (nm) a bn%shaped hair%do.


s ':i: (nf) age, malarial fever.


HH ':tampai,a:r (nf) a shoe%fight, exchange of shoe%blows, mtal application

of shoe strokes in a .arrel; general scffle.

':ta: (nf) a shoe, footwear; 3 to raise a shoe in order to beat, to be ready to

give a shoe blow; (,( ) to do menial chores; exchange of shoe% blows,
mtal hitting by shoes; to set people together by the ears; H

| |
to care a fig#tppence for; H

to lick somebody&s shoe; to be servilely

flattering; H

s#4 to be beaten by shoes, to be hit or strck repeatedly by

shoes; H

to be beaten by shoes; H

H# to give a shoe%beating; to
hmiliate; to retaliate in an inslting manner; H

4 to apply the shoe, to

inflict a shoe%beating; H

H to resort to shoe%beating, to beat with

shoes; H

4 to apply the shoe, to straightaway resort to the application of

shoe force; H

| | H to treat (somebody) with contempt, to consider

(somebody) as absoltely of no significance; to care a fig (for)

':ti: (nf) a typical light shoe; ladies footwear; | | care a fig for;
44 H$ to treat with tter contempt, to consider as absoltely of no
vale; H

3 to dance attendance pon, to do menial chores for; H

9 to roam abot aimlessly; H

4 H 4 to slink away or slip off

.ietly; H

H to perform menial chores; to cringe to, to behave

obse.iosly; H

lit. to carry somebody&s shoes over the headto

%% )0: %%
flatter srvilely; H

| | 4#H

9 throgh the bonteos grace of,

throgh the magnanimos pleasre of.

'=:n (nm) (the month of) Gne; time (as | H

| ||); half a day.


| ':ri: (nf) the 'ry; % the cort of the 'ry.


| ':hi: (nf) see H

H 'e (nm) the third month of the @ind lnar calendar; elder brother of a woman&s
H 'ea: (a) elder; senior.
H 'ea:n2: (nf) see H.
H4 'eb (nf) a pocket; !# a pickpocket; !O pocket%expenses, pocket money;
!s pocket watch; pocket to be picked; to pick pocket; O|
| to have no money in one&s pocket, to be penniless; H | to have a fll
pocket; to receive a bribe; | | to have plenty of money; H to be far
ahead in excellence, to be very very sperior.
H4 'ebi: (a) pertaining to, or fit for keeping in, a pocket, pocket;(nf) a poch.
H ,ebra: (nm) a ,ebbra.
H ,er (ind) nder; below; (a) sbded, sb'gated; %HH nder consideration;
!4 nder a heavy brden, indebted; % nder the protection (of);
in#nder cstody; to sbde, to sb'gate; | to be
sbded#sb'gated; H %" nder consideration.
H 'el (nf) a prison, 'ail#gaol; to sffer imprisonment, to be pt behind the
bars; | || |s to sffer imprisonment; to be in 'ail; | to sffer
imprisonment, to go behind the bars.
HO 'ela:n$: (nm) a prison%hose, 'ail#gaol.
H 'elar (nm) a 'ailor#gaoler.
H| 'eli: (nm) a prisoner; (nf) 'elly.
H 'evna:r (nf) a feast.
H ,evar (nm) an ornament; (pl.) 'ewellery.
H ,evra:t (nm) plral of H.
H ,ehan (nf) intellect; memory, mind; ! intelligent, sharp; H H to occr (in
the mind); H 4 to follow#nderstand; to take to one&s heart; H mentality,
H 'ai (nf) see H.

,ait:n (nm) olive (tree and its frit).

H '$2n (nm) a follower of Gainisma religios order; a Gain.
H 'aineral (nm) a general (of an army).
H 'aiv (a) biological; !7 9iology; !7 a biologist, biological.
H 'aisa: (a) similar to, like, resembling; (adv) as, like, sch as; | | as
yo sow so shall yo reap;

#%4 4 like father like son; s

9 like wood, like arrows; H (feminine form); 6 to lie in the
bed one has made, to drink as one has brewed; H as it was, the self%same;
intact; H | tit for tat, to pay one in his own coin; a +owland for an 8liver,
measre for measre.
H 'aise (adv) as, as if; according as; (ind) for example; for instance; as; H %
somehow; somehow or other; catch as catch can;
%% )3( %%
H H4 | to look as if btter wold not melt in his moth;
nothing to choose between; | as soon as, no sooner than; 4as well
as possible, in any possible manner; by hook or by crook; | H as like as
chalk and cheese; also see H.
H| 'Ak (nf) a leech; (fig) a blood% scker, parasite; | to hang on
H| 'o (pro) who; which; what; that; (ind) if; H 4 | barking dogs
seldom bite; H | it is the early bird that catches the worm, U
H H7

H H devil take the hindmost; | however; at any rate; H

| all is grist that comes to his mill; | | H to go bald%headed;
| | | come what may.
H| 'okh (nf) lit. it means weighing, sed only in the compond % H| (see).
H|H 'okhim (nm) risk, danger; enterprise; H a risky or ha,ardos 'ob;
3# to take a risk, to rn a ha,ard; H on thin ice, on dangeros grond; H
s to stand in the breach; H| to go (in) off the deep end, to take risks.
H|| 'okhA (nm) see H|H.
H| 'ogin (nf) a female ascetic#mendicant.
H| 'ogini: (nf) see H|.
H| 'ogiya: (a) saffron, saffron%colored; s#4#U saffron robesas
donned by a mendicant; 4 H to take to mendicancy#asceticism.
H| 'ogi: (nm) an ascetic, a mendicant; 4 to renonce the world.
H|s 'o (nm) sm, total; addition, nion; 'oint; articlation; splice; seam; a patch; match;
%H|s each and every 'oint; %|s ad libitm; maniplation, machination, contrivance;
! 'ointed, having 'oints; ! fish plate; matching, to; |s a match,
conter; 4 to fix a a bot; %44| debit and credit; addition and sbtraction; 644
| to be .its, to have no debit and no credit; H to be; to tally.
H|s 'on$: (v) to add, to sm p; to link; to nite; to connect; to attach; to collect, to
accmlate; to weld; to bind; to cement; to set (a bone etc.); to assemble; to save
p; H|s%H|s H to save p little by little; H|s%4| by collecting together.
H|s 'oa: (nm) a pair, cople; sit.
H|s 'oi: (nf) a pair, cople; a pair of clbs; matching, of stats; ! a
match; comrade; matching.
H| 'ot (nf) tillage, holding; flame; ! a land%holder, tiller; H| H one flame
kindles another.
H| 'otn$: (v) to plogh, to till; to yoke; to harness to work.
H|4 'ob$n (nm) blooming yoth; yothfl charm; fll bloom; pberty; yothfl
breasts; d to take the bloom off; H#| to be in fll bloom;

en'oy the yothfl charm of a woman; to commit otrage.
H|H ,om (nm) fervor; vigor; ,eal; pride; H | to be in fll vigor.
H| ,or (nm) strength, force, power; stress, strain: emphasis; spport; inflence;
%HHH trial of strength;
%% )3; %%
%H4 coercion, dress; force; %H

~H oppression and in'stice; ! powerfl,

strong, forcefl; inflential; hence !| (nf); %| ,est, enthsiasm; fast tempo; gsto;

to keep the pot boiling, to keep things moving at fll speed;

powerfl, forcefl, violent; vigoros; HHH to chance one&s arm; to
have sway (over); s to pt pressre (on), to inflence, to insist; with
emphasis or force; to strengthen; to emphasise; s to ac.ire
momentm#strength; | to be in fll swing, to be in speed; 4H to ac.ire
momentm#force; H to make (frantic) efforts; H|| with emphasis; in fll
H| ,ora:var (a) powerfl, strong.
H| 'or: (nf) wife; %H hosehold, hosehold effects; "

H an xorios
hsband, obedient; hen%pecked hsband; 6| to live nder the cat&s foot, to be nder
petticoat government; H ~ H no hosehold, no worldly cares.
H| 'osh (nm) enthsiasm; excitement, fervor, passion; ,eal; %% O| fervor and
fren,y; to boil; to be excited; to be agitated; s spassion#excitement to
sbside, all fervor#,eal to disappear; H to be agitated; to be in a passion; H
H to be provoked#excited; H| HH Dtch corage (corage indced by drinking),
H| 'osh$:da: (nm) a medicinal decoction (sed as a remedy for cogh and cold).
H| 'oshila: (v) spirited, enthsiastic, ,ealos; vigoros; hence ! (nm).
H| 'ohn$: (v) to await; to look for.
H 'a (nm) barley; a grain#particle.
H 'ahar (nm) valor; skill or skilfl maniplation; a mediaeval +a'pt cstom
wherein the women performed self%immolation to save their honor; to prove
one&s mettle#valor.
H| 'ahari: (nm) a 'eweller; a connoisser.
7 gyaa 1anskrit sffix meaning &one who knows or realises& as

7, 4


7 gya:t (a) known; comprehended; ! traditionally, a heroine conscios of her
blooming yoth.
7 gya:tavvy (a) knowable, worth knowing.
7 gya:ta: (nm and a) (one) who knows; a scholar; learned (person).
7 gya:n (nm) knowable, learning; sense; !+ knowable, perceptible; intelligible,
!| knowable, perceptible; !H the inner vision; one who is blessed with intellect;
! a preceptor, giver of knowledge; ! thirst for knowledge; hence

(nm); !HH epistemology; ! learned, scholarly; %Hmedim or

means of perception or ac.isition of knowledge; %H prsit of knowledge.
7H gya:nmay (a) fll of knowledge; knowledge incarnate.
7 gya:n2: (a) wise; learned, knowledgeable, well%informed; one who has attained
self%realisation; % devoted to meditation#spirital prsits.
%% )3) %%
7 gya:nCndriy (nf) the (five) senses of perception, vi,. the eye, the ear, the nose,
the tonge and the skin.
7| gya:noday (nm) the advent#emergence of knowledge.
7 gya:pak (nm) memo; informant; (a) informative; indicative.
7 gya:p$n (nm) memorandm; proclaiming, making known; hence 7 (a).
7 gyey (a) knowable; worth knowing; hence ! (nf).
7 'ya: (nf) a bow%string.
5 ,ya:dati: (nf) excess, high%handedness, in'stice.
5 ,ya:da: (a) more; many; mch; plenty; ! mostly, in most cases.
7H# 'ya:miti (nf) Eeometry; ! geometrical.
78 'yesh (a) the eldest (brother, son, etc.), the senior%most; senior, elder; hence
! (nf); (nm) the third month of the @ind calendar.
7| 'yA (ind) as, as if; %7| %as; c| somehow, by maniplation; | as soon as;
c| as it was (before), intact.
7| 'yoti (nf) light; flame; lstre; vision; !H s the planetary system;
!H photometery; ! #7|:U "stronomy; astronomical science;
ranography; ! an astronomer; ranographer.
7|H 'yotirmay (a) resplendent lminos, bright; ! resplendence, lminosity,
7|4 'yotish (nf) "strology; %#U "strology.
7|4 'yotishi: (nm) an astrologer.
7|#H 'yotishm$:n (a) lminos, lstros; radiant, resplendent; hence
!H (fem).
7|c 'yotsn$: (nf) the moonlight.
7 'y$=na:r (nm) see H.
7 'var (nm) fever, pyrexia; !0 down with fever; d to rn temperatre; to
feel neasy.
7 'val$nt (a) bla,ing, brning; conspicos; striking; hence ! (nf).
7 'val$n (nm) inflammation; combstion, brning; ! inflammable,
7 'valit (a) inflamed, brnt; set abla,e.
7 'va:r (nm) flood tide; (great) millet; % flood tide and ebb tide; vicissitdes.
7 'va:la: (nf) flame, bla,e.

'va:la:mkhi: (nm) a volcano; (a) volcanic; volcanic montain, a

$ 'hathe forth letter of the second pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
$ 'h$ka:r (nf) tinkling, 'ingling; clinking sond; chirr.
$ 'h$ka:rn$: (v) to prodce tinkling#'ingling#clinking sond, to
tinkle#'ingle#clink; to chirr.
%% )3/ %%

'h$krit (a) tinkled, 'ingled, clinked; chirred; set tinkling#'ingling.

$s 'h$kha: (nm) leafless thick thorny bsh; a clster of thorny bshes.
$ $# 'h$'ha (nm) botheration; mess, troble, imbroglio; !| .arrelsome; troble%
maker; ! H| to ask for#wilflly own a botheration, to embroil oneself in a
$$| 'h$'hri: (nf) lattice; ! latticed; !

H like lattice, of the shape of lattice.

$ $ 'h$'ha: (nm) a gale, storm; ! (nm) see $ $.
$$|s 'h$'hon$: (v) to 'erk violently; to hold with the teeth and give a 'erk.
$ s 'h$a: (nm) a flag, banner, standard; ensign; HH a flagship; !4 a
standard%bearer; 3 to hold a banner aloft; to take p a case; nder the
banner of, nder the leadership of; s to invoke people to fight for a case; to
establish a record; s to come off with flying colors; to achieve a victory; to set
p a flag, to plant a standard; $

to lower a flag; to be in morning; 9 to

hoist a flag; to come ot with flying colors; $s HH |, 9 to gather nder
one banner, to fight nder the same leadership or for one case.
$ s 'h$i: (nf) a bnting, small flag; ! fitted with bntings or small flags;
to give a slip; to give a signal.
$ 'h$pn$: (v) to be closed (as (H ); to cover; to conceal.
$ 'hak (nf) a whim; cra,e; (a) clean, tidy; !H clean, neat and tidy.
$$ 'hak'hak (nf) wrangling, higgling; altercation, wordy .arrel.
$$| 'hak'horn$: (v) to shake or 'erk violently, to shake off.
$$| 'hak'hora: (nm) a violent 'erk.
$$ 'haka:'hak (a) spotlessly clean, shiningly tidy, clean and tidy.
$# 'haka:r (nm) the letter $ ('ha) and its sond; ! (word) ending in $ ('h).
$| 'hakor (nm) see $|.
$| 'hakorn$: (v) (the air) to flow gstily (throgh the trees); to blast throgh.
$| 'hakora: (nm) a blast, gst, whiff.
$4s 'hakka (nm) a storm, hrricane.
$4| 'hakki: (a) cra,y, whimsical; whacky; given to prattling (ot of
indignation#discontentment); hence ! (nm).
$ 'hakh (nf) a fish; cra,e, whim; H left with no alternative, nder
complsion; H to be a fool for one&s pains, to be engaged in a fritless work.
$s 'hagan$: (a) to .arrel, to altercate, to scramble.
$s 'haga: (nm) a .arrel, dispte; altercation; scramble; fray; %$#%
argmentation and altercation, dispte, .arrel; s to kick p a row#dst;
OcH to bry the hatchet, to be done with it; U s to assme the aggressive;
H| to trail one&s coat tails; to get embroiled in a .arrel#dispte; to fasten
.arrel pon; to pick a .arrel#altercation; $s | Hs apple of discord,
%% )30 %%
bone of contention.

'haga:l: (a) .arrelsome, disptatios, pgnacios; hence ! (nm).

$ 'ha (adv) instantly, at once.
$ 'haakn$: (v) to 'erk off, to twitch; to wrest, to snatch; to extort; to obtain by
force or frad.
$ 'haka: (nm) a 'erk, 'olt, shock; lrch; beheading (an animal) with one stroke; the
meat of an animal so beheaded.
$ 'haka:rn$: (a) to twitch; to shake or knock off (as dst or crmples from a
bedsheet, etc.); to clean.
$ 'hapa (adv) instantaneosly, .ickly, promptly.
$s 'han$: (v) to be shed off; to drop or fall; to be discharged (as semen).
$s 'haap (nf) a skirmish, snap fight; altercation.
$s%$s 'hapa:'hapi: (nf) an altercation; a brawl.
$s 'hai (nf) incess$nt downpor; non%stop shower; to have an incessant
$ 'han$k (nf) tinkling, clinking, clink%clank; hence ! (v).
$ 'hanka:r (nf) (see) $.
$ 'hanka:rn$: (v) see $.
$$ 'han'hana:n$: (v) to be benmbed or cramped; to be infsed with a sharp
benmbing sensation; to clang, to tinkle, to 'ingle.
$$ 'han'hana:ha (nf) a sharp sensation of nmbness; tinnits; disaesthesia;
tinkling#'ingling#clinking clanking sond.
$7 'hann$:n$: (v) to be benmbed; to make torpid#insensible.
$7 'hanna:ha (nf) see $7.
$ 'hap; | to be sddenly closed (eyes); to be rendered visionless all of a sdden;
also !.
$ 'hapakn$: (v) to blink, to wink; to twinkle.
$| 'hapki: (nf) a nap, short sleep; blink; to have a nap.
$ 'hapan$: (v) to make a sdden swoop, to ponce (pon), to dash; to snatch, to
$ 'hapaa: (nm) a swoop, ponce; H to swoop, to (make a) ponce.
$ 'hape (nf) (striking) range; stroke; swoop; H H to come into the striking
range of; to be strck (by).
$ 'hapea: (nm) see $.
$4 'habra: (a) shaggy, having wildly abndant hair all over.
$4| 'habri:la: (a) see $4.
$4 'habba: (nm) a tassel; $4 tasselled, fitted with tassel(s).
$H 'hamakn$: (v) to flonce, to make an agitated, coyos or violent motion.
$H$H 'nam'ham$:n$: (v) to prodce a tinkling sond; to glisten; to (impart a)
$H 'hamela: (nm) a mess; botheration; imbroglio.
$ 'harn$: (nm) a spring, cascade, fall: (v) to flow forth, to spring: to fall; to trickle.
$| 'harokha: (nm) an oriel, oriel window, network of airholes#apertres; mesh.
$ 'halak (nf) a glimpse; semblance; admbration; to show a glimpse;
H to have a semblance of.
$ 'halakn$: (v) to show p faintly or imperfectly; to be reflected; to carry a
semblance of.
$H 'halmal (nf) glitter, gleam, bright tremlos light, twinkle.
$H 'halmala:n$: (v) to gleam,
%% )33 %%
to glitter; to be aglow with a tremlos light, to twinkle.
$ 'hala:i: (nm) welding; welding charges; ! a welder; to to weld.
$~| 'hallari: (nf) fimbria.
$~ 'halla:n$: (v) to shot peevishly; to be irritated, to fret and fme;
hence $~ (nf) tantrms.
$( 'h$:2: (nf) a shadow; reflection; darkness; a dark facial freckle; H to be da,ed;
to be stpefied; H to show a semblance of.
$ 'h$:kn$: (v) to peep in or ot, to peer; |, to have
absoltely nothing to do, to have no contact at all.
$| 'h$:ki: (nf) a glimpse; tablea; scene.
$$ 'h$:'h (nf) a sistrm; hollow tinkling anklet.
$ 'h$: (nf) pbes, the hairy growth arond the genitals.
$ 'h$:p (nf) a weather%shed; shade, covering.
$ 'h$:pn$: (v) to cover; to shade.
$%$ 'h$:y'h$:y (nf) sond prodced by violent flow of air in a desolate tract of
land; (air) to prodce a frightfl sond in its flow throgh desolateness; to
altercate, to enter into a heated argment, altercation, wordy .arrel.
$ 'h$:v$: (nm) pmic (stone), strigil.
$ 'h$:sa: (nm) wheedling; hoodwinking, dodge; % wheedling, trickery;
pettifogging; $4H a wheedler, pettifogger; $4H wheedling trickery, habital
pettifogging; to dodge, to play a trick on; $ H H (H ) to be caght
with chaff, to rise to the fly, to be taken in by a hoax.
$3 'ha:: (nm) a tamarisk tree -amarix ndica.
$ 'ha:g (nm) foam; lather; scm; froth; ! foamy; frothy; lathery; scmmy.
$s 'ha: (nm) a bsh, shrb; small tree; chandelier; (nf) reprimand, scolding; !s a
forest track; brambles; %$s bshes and shrbs, abatis; ! bshy, shrb by;

chandelier; !4 H abatis; to administer a reprimand, to scold severely.

$s 'ha:$n (nf) a dster; whisk; sweepings.
$s# 'ha:n$: (v) to sweep, to brsh, to clean; to chide, to reprimand; to extort; to
grab; to shake or knock off; to hocs%pocs; %|U brshing and cleaning; cleansing;

hocs%pocs; %4

sweeping and cleaning.

$s 'ha:i: (nf) a bsh, thicket.

'ha:: (nm) a broom, besom; !#!4 a sweeper; 9 to be swept off; to

be clean%swept; everything to be rined#ndone; H to damn a thing, to be done
with it.
$s 'ha:pa (nm) a fll%blooded slap; to slap violently.
$4 'ha:bar (nm) a moor.
$4 'ha:ba: (nm) a pannier.
$H 'h$:m (nm) a dredger, grabbing crane.
$H 'ha:m$k (nm) see $.
$| 'ha:ri: (nf) a ewer with a slender neck and a spot fitted into it.
$ 'ha:l (nm) a solder; soldering#welding.
$ 'ha:ln$: (v) to solder, to weld.
$ 'ha:lar (nf) festoon; frill, fringe; ! fimbriate, frilled, fitted with festoons.
%% )34 %%
$ 'ha:la: (nm) a rhythmic pattern of instrmental msic.
$ $| 'h2'hri: (nf) a lattice, grating.
$$ 'hi'hak (nf) hesitation, hitch; shyness; | to break the ice, to shed off
one&s hesitation#shyness.
$$ 'hi'hakn$: (v) to hesitate; to feel shy.
$s 'hiakn$: (v) to tick off, to snap, to snb.
$s| 'hiki: (nf) ticking off, snap, a snb; to tick off, to snb.
$ 'hipn$: (v) to be sht#closed (as H ) per force.
$$ 'hir'hira: (a) thinned#thin; threadbare; hence ! (nm).
$| 'hiri: (nf) slit, recess; fissre, cleft; chink.
$H 'hilmil (nf) twinkle#twinkling; shimmer#shimmering; flicker#flickering.
$H 'hilmila:n$: (v) to twinkle; to shimmer; to flicker.
$H 'hilmila:ha (nf) twinkle; to shimmer; to flicker.
$H| 'hilmili: (nf) venetian shtters, persiennes.
$~| 'hilli: (nf) a membrane; film; pellicle; a kind of cricket; ! membranos;
covered with a film#pellicle.
$ 'h2:kn$: (v) to repine; to fret; to grmble#grose.
$ 'h2:khn$: (v) see $.
$ 'h2:ga: (nf) a prawn.

'h2:gr (nm) (an insect) cricket.

$ 'h2:n$: (a) thinned#thin, threadbare; hence ! (nm).
$ 'hi:l (nf) a lake.
$ 'h='hn$: (nm) see $

$# 'h='hla:n$: (v) to get irritated#petlant#peeved#annoyed; to be peeved, to fret;
4| to snap#bite one&s nose off.
$ 'h='hla:ha (nf) irritation, irascibility, peevishness, petlance; annoyance.

s 'h= (nm) a flock, herd; clmp, clster; $

s swarms, hordes.

'hkn$: (v) to bow; to droop; to stoop; to bend; to yield; to lean (towards); to be


'hka:n$: (v) to bend; to case to stoop, to force to yield; to case to lean

(towards); to tilt.

'hka:v (nm) inclination, bent, bias; leaning; crvatre; flexion; trend; tilt.

'hpa: (nm) twilight, the morning or evening hor when the snlight is very

'hla:n$: (v) to belie, to falsify; to give a lie to.


'ha:i: (nf) falsehood, ntrth.


'h'hn$: (nm) a child&s rattle, rattling toy.


'h'hn$:n$: (v) to prodce a rattle#rattling sond.


H 'hmka: (nm) pendant (of an ear%ring etc.)


| 'hr'hri: (nf) a shivering sensation, shivering.


'hrm= (nm) an abatis, a clster of shrbs, grove; ! fll of shrbs, shrbby.


| 'hrri: (nf) wrinkle, crinkle, fold; ! wrinkled, crinkled, rgose.


'hln$: (v) see $


'hls$n (nf) a sensation of brning; a slight brn, scorch, singe; charring.


'hlasn$: (v) to be scorched, to be singed; to be effected with a brning

sensation; to be charred.

'hla:n$: (v) to swing, to rock; to keep in sspense#ncertainty.

%% )35 %%
$ 'h=:'hal (nf) see $

'h: (a) false, ntre, incorrect; (nm) falsehood, lie, ntrth; !H

falsely; withot
any rhyme or reason; 'st for fn; 6 sham, false; % partly tre and partly false, a
mixtre of fact and fiction;

falsehood personified, a habital liar;

4 H lit. to bild a bridge of liesto tell one lie after another; H|s# to
add fabrication to fact; to make false complaints.

'h:an (nf) see H


'h:a: (a) false; fictitios; ntre; sham; mock; feigned; (nm) a liar; s to
prove false; to be rendered ineffective; $

a liar is damned to ltimate

exposre; $

| #4

to expose a lie and hmiliate the liar; to call off

one&s blff, to prick a bbble; $

| the liar be damned; $

4# a king of liars, a liar par excellence.

H 'h:mn$: (v) to swing in a gay mood or intoxication; to sway to and fro.


'h:l (nm) a long loose over%cover (for a horse, an elephant, etc.).


'h:ln$: (v) to swing; to oscillate; to dangle; to linger in sspense; (nm) see $


'h:la: (nm) a swing; sspended scaffold; cradle.

$ 'hCpn$: (v) to blsh; to feel abashed#shy; to be pt ot of contenance.

'hCp: (a) bashfl, temperamentally shy, prone to feel abashed; hence ! (nm).
$ 'heln$: (v) to bear, to endre, to sffer.
$| 'hAk (nf) implse, implsive sway; swing; cra,e; tantrms; H in a mood of
cra,e, in an implsive sway.
$| 'hAkn$: (v) to throw in; to thrst in; to por in.
$|# 'hAka: (nm) a blast, pff, whiff, gst, 'et; ! gsty, whiffy, pffy.
$| 'hAa: (nm) a thick lock of dishevelled hair; a psh (given to a swing).
$|s 'hApa: (nm) a shanty, ht.
$|s 'hApi: (nf) a ht, small cottage; H H| E4 to live in a
shanty and dream of plenty, to live on earth and dream of heaven.
$| 'hol (nm) bagginess; sagging looseness; rmple, pcker; sop; broth; a fine coating
of a metal; ! baggy; sagging; loose; rmpled, pckered; sopy.
$| 'hola: (nm) a bag, kit, haversack, knapsack.
$|| 'holi: (nf) a small bag; any cloth stretched ot to collect something; begging bag;
9 to beg; to seek a favor; H s to give away, to donate.
$ 'h$=ra: (nm) a foliage, clster (of leaves, etc.).
%% )37 %%
H athe fifth and final (nasal) letter of the second pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri:

athe first letter of the third pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
$k nm) a coin; typing; ! typescript; !7 nmismatics; ! see .
$kak (nm) a typist.
$k$ (nm) typing; soldering; mintage.
$ka:i: (nf) (the work of or wages for) stitching#stdding#soldering; mintage.
$ka:r (nf) the twang (of a bow); tinkling sond; hence ! (v).
| $ki: (nf) a tank; cistern; reservoir.
s $gi: (nf) a leg%trick (in wrestling); !4H an obstrctionist, one habitated to
create obstacles; hence !4H; s to btt in, to intermeddle; to create or case an
obstacle#obstrction; H to apply a leg%trick; (fig.) to create obstrction.
# $a: (nm) wrangling; altercation; .arrel; encmbrance; botheration; sed as the
second member in the compond $s% (see); ! 4H .erlos; prone to wrangle
or altercate; hence !4H (nf).
ak (nf) a stare, ga,e; 4 H to stare intently; to wait impatiently.
| akaki: (nf) a ga,e, stare, fixed look; 4 H see % 4H;
see .
|() akoh(r)n$: (v) to grope; to make a preliminary srvey, to reconnoitre; to
seek to know one&s mind by letting off a feeler.
akra:n$: (v) to clash; to collide; to knock (against), to dash (against); to
aksa:l (nf) a mint.
| aksali: (a) genine (coin, etc.); standard (as speech); (nm) mint%master;
%9| standard
%% )3: %%
sage; 4|| standard speech; 4 standard langage.
aka: (nm) an ot%of%crrency Dndian copper coin worth half an anna (e.ivalent
roghly to crrent three paise); | to be penniless; % H4 to refse
point%blank, to say a flat &no&; % H
H to be ticked off into a sense of
hmiliation, to feel hmiliated; inconse.ential, negligible; worthless; % |

U to consider as of no conse.ence#worthless; to reckon as a non%entity.

# aka:r (nm) the letter (a) and its sond; ! (word) ending in ().
| akorn$: (v) to strike a drm or as a drm; to tap, to twang.
4 akkar (nf) a collision; clash; impact; confrontation; matching; e.ivalent;
to bmp against, to collide against; to go bmping; $ to stand a loss; to
endre a blow; to set one&s face against; 4 H#H 9 to
toss#tmble abot, to have confrontation with.
akhn$: (nm) an ankle; fetlock.
aka: (a) fresh.

H ap='iya: (a) see

| aoln$: (v) to feel; to give a feeler, to sond; to grope; to probe; to reconnoitre.
aar (nm) a large bamboo or wickerwork frame.
ai: (nf) a screen (made of bamboo parings or reed, etc.) latrine; stool, faeces;
| Hs#H H to indlge in clandestine activities, to attack from behind
a cover, to sabotage.

a: (nm) a pony.
$n (nm) (a measre of weight) ton; (nf) a tinkling#twanging sond; ! ding%dong;
ting, peal.
# anana:n$: (v) to peal, to ring; to tinkle; to twang;
! pealing#ringing#tinkling#twanging sond.
# an$:ka: (nm) a twang, sharp ring; ! sharp ringing (e.g. voice); strong,
powerfl, scorching; ! | strong; scorching.
an$:an (a and nf) continos twanging (sond).
ap (nf) the sond made by dripping or falling frits, etc.; the hood of a tonga,
etc.; ! patter, pattering sond; instantly; with a patter.
apakn$: (v) to drip; to leak; to drop; to dribble.
apka: (a) fallen (from the tree); (a frit that has) fallen by itself (from
the tree) e.g. HH.
apa:ap (adv) with sccessive tapping, prodcing sccessive tapping sond,
appa: (nm) a form of light classical @indstani msic employing very .ick
movements; bond (as of a ball, etc. see ).
4 ab (nm) a tb.
HH $m$m (nf) a tmtm, tandem, an open horse%carriage.
H am$:ar (nm) a tomato; | | to be rddy, to be tomato%red.
arakn$: (v) to slip away, to slink off; to go slowly.
ark$:n$: (v) to pt off, to tell off; to evade; to dispose of smmarily.
arara:n$: (v) to prattle angrily or throgh discontentment to prate; to blab, to
arraarr (nf) a croak, a deep
%% )4( %%
hoarse sond; angry or discontented prattle.
arra: (a) harsh%spoken (person), haghty, grmbling (person).
arra:n$: (v) to croak; to grmble haghtily.
aln$: (v) to be averted; to be postponed; to slip or slink away; to make off; to get
ot of the way; H to pass off, to blow over; to move away (said of an
ndesirable element); to be averted.
~ 4H alleba:, (a) evasive, given to evasiveness, (one) who tries to pt off a thing
(on some pretext).
~ 4H alleba:,i: (nf) evasion, evasiveness, ptting off (on one pretext or another).
avarg (nm) the third pentad of the Devna:gri: alphabet incorporating the letters ,
, s, d, and .
ashan (nm) a favorable sperstitios act#remedy.
as; H | not to bdge an inch; to stay nimpressed#nmoved.
asar (nf) tssore (a kind of cloth).

#H asa: (nm) tear; !9 4 to shed tears, to cry.

ehn2: (nf) a twig, sprig.
ehel (nm) drdgery, menial service; 4H to dance attendance (pon); to
render menial service to.
eheln$: (v) to stroll, to ramble, to santer; to slip off.

H ehela: (nm) a drdge, menial servant.

$:kn$: (v) to std; to stitch; to cobble; to solder; to 'ot down.
$:ka: (nm) a stitch; solder; H to apply a stitch; to solder.
| $:ki: (nf) a chisel; a small piece ct or scooped ot (of a melon, etc. to examine its
$:g (nf) a leg; s to btt in, to horn in, to intermeddle; to pll one&s
leg; to accept defeat, to yield, to concede spremacy;
|s (ironical) to att$in nprecedented excellence, to give#redce to a bad
shape#miserable plight (as 0H | |s); | to spend a
carefree time, to sleep carefreely, to be at complete ease.
$:gn$: (v) to hang; to sspend; to keep in sspense.
$: (nf) the skll, bare head.
s t$:
(nf) a pro'ecting shelf (in a wall), whatnot.
s $:
a: (nm) a train or line of cattle etc.; nmanageable paraphernalia; trade%caravan;
9 to go abot with an nmanageable paraphernalia.
% $:y%$:y (nf) prattling, a se.ence of hoarse sonds; 9 mch ado abot
nothing, ending p in smoke; a flash in the pan.
a:ip (nm) type; typing; a type% writer; ! a typewriter.
a:ipis (nm) a typist.
H a:im (nm) time; % 4

time%table; ! a time%piece.
a:i: (nf) a necktie.
3| a:nholl (nm) the town% hall.
a: (nm) a sack cloth; floor%mat; 3 to go bankrpt; H
H | 4 a
tag on a rag; 4 | to be otcaste; H | 4 a silk patch on a rag.
a:p (nf) tramp (of a horse); hoof; (nm) hood (of a tonga, etc.).
# a:pn$: (v) to leap or spring over; to be left helpless; to be left in a lrch; !
H to be
%% )4; %%
left in a lrch.

a:p: (nm) an island.

a:yar (nm) a tyre.
s| a:rpi:
o (nm) a torpedo.
a:rch (nm) a torch.
a:l (nf) a stock, heap; a (fel) shop; prevarication; postponement, deferment;
evasion, avoidance; !H| prevarication, pting off (on some pretext); avoidance,
evasion; 6 to drag one&s feet; to gain time.
a:ln$: (v) to postpone, to pt off; to procrastinate; to avert, to avoid#evade;
H ( 9 3) to fence with a .estion#.estioner.
2char (nm) tinctre iodine.
s ia: (nm) a kind of green vegetable+iosp%ros melanox%lon.
ika (nm) a ticket; stamp; s| the ticket%window, booking conter;
! booking office; 44

a booking clerk.
ikik (nf) ticking sond (as that of a watch).
ikika:n$: (v) see .
| iki: (nf) a bier; stretcher; gallows; mantelpiece.
ikn$: (v) to last; to stay; to tarry; to stand (one&s grond).
3 tika:: (a) drable, lasting; abiding; ! drability; abiding .ality.
ikiya: (nf) a small cake; tablet; pill.

| ikli: (nf) a spangle; small glittering ob'ect gmmed on the forehead by Dndian
women as ornamentation.
ich$n (a) ready; fit; | to be#get ready.
ika:rn$: (v) to make a ticking sond (esp. in rging an animal to pace
| iahri: (nf) a pewit, lap% wing; sand%piper.
s ia: (nm) a grasshopper.
s ii: (nf) a locst; locst swarm; 6| H to gather like a locst
ippa2: (nf) a note; annotation; comment, observation; critical remark.
ippas (nf) maniplation, contrivance, manoevre to achieve an end;
s#s to maniplate#to manoevre.
ippa: (nm) a rebond; bonce; bonding, bmping (ball etc.); to
4 ibba: (nm) see |4.
HH# imim$:n$: (v) to twinkle, to glimmer, to flicker, to scintillate;
hence! (nf).
H im$:k (nm) foppishness, ostentation, showy make%p; ! ostentatios, sed to
showy make% p; made%p.
| i:ka: (nm) vaccination; inoclation; a commentary (on a book, etc.); annotation; a
small mark (of vermilion, sandalpaste, etc.) over the forehead; an ornament worn by a
woman whose hsband is alive; a pre%marriage ceremony; % (adverse)
comments, criticism.
| ika:k$:r (nm) a commentator; an annotator.
| i:n (nm) a can, tin; !4 canned, tinned.
| i:p (nf) an entry; 'otting down; pointing (in masonry); tapping; high pitch (in
msic); !| pointing (in masonry); % finishing toches, pointing, tip%topping.
| i:pn$: (v) to enter; to record, to 'ot down; to point; to copy.
%% )4) %%
|4 i:ba: (nm) a dne; ndoing; to ndo, to bring rination; | to be
ndone, to be rined.
|H i:m (nf) a team (homogeneos grop).
|HH i:ma:m (nm) showing off; dressing; ostentation; finishing toches.
| i:la: (nm) a mont, mond, hillock, hmmock.
| i:s (nf) smarting pain, acte throbbing pain; lingering (mental) agony.
| i:sn$: (v) to smart, to throb with pain; to sffer from a throbbing agony.

s =i: (nf) the navel.

s karan allomorph of

s sed as the first member in compond words;

!|#|s lit. one who thrives on leavings a sponge.

#s ka: (nm) a piece, fragment; part; splinter; (fig) leavings; !s |s to sponge

on; !s%

s to ct into pieces; !s%

s 9 to be starved for every

bit; !s| , ( ) to thrive on leavings.

s ki: (nf) a detachment (of troops); grop; stone slab.

kr%kr (adv) with a stare, with a fixed look.

chcha: (a) lowly, mean; petty; (nm) a sknk; hence! (nm).

H p='iya: (a) of meagre means#resorces, bankrpt.

~ ll (a) heavily drnk, over%drnk; ot of senses.

:k (nm) a piece, fragment, part; %

| to be broken into pieces, to be shattered.

:n$: (v) to break, to be broken; to be fractred; to be shattered; to have

twitching pain (as ); to be on the wane; to be dissolved (as $|); to fail
(as 4 );


wear and tear, breakage, breach; damage;


broken; damaged;
decrepit, worn ot;

s to attack; to ponce; to come down sddenly on; to 'mp

pon, to ponce pon, to come down on; to fly at (pon);


| broken, imperfect (as


H :rn$:mC (nm) a tornament.

C (nf) screech of a parrot; % babbling, prating; |, 4| H to collapse, to
crash down.
C (nf) a fold in the loin cloth; ripe frit of | tree; ppilary blge of the eye;
! having a ppilary blge in the eye.
| Ci: (nf) ripe frit of the %| tree.

H Ca: (nm) the throttle, the throat; 4#H to throttle; not to allow to
speak freely.
s Car (nm) a tender.
ek (nf) a prop, stay, spport; refrain, brden of a song; resolve; !4| strtting;

| to flfil one&s resolve; s to stick resoltely to one&s

ekn$: (v) to lean; to spport; to rest; to prop, to set down.
| ekri: (nf) a knoll, hmmock.
et (nf) see .
d e (nf) a crve, bend, crvatre; crookedness; ! having a crve#bend.
d ea: (a) crved; bent; obli.e; skew; difficlt; intricate; !# crvatre; bend;
obli.ity; intricacy; skewness; HH an intricate case#affair; %Hd
%% )4/ %%
crooked#,ig,ag, irreglar; s to become difficlt; to assme a rigid attitde; d|
H#H to cast an angry glance, to look wrathflly; d| a hard nt to
crack, difficlt 'ob, d|%H #

to scold rondly, to reproach.

en$: (v) to sharpen, to whet; to twist and to taper off to a point (as H
enis (nf) (the game of) tennis.
er (nf) a call; lod appeal#smmon.
ern$: (v) to call, to smmon.
|9 eli:prier (nm) a teleprinter.
|9| elifAn (nm) a telephone.
|H eli:vi,$n (nm) a television.
ev (nf) habit, wont, settled tendency; s to fall into the habit (of), to ac.ire
the habit of.

H esa: (nm) see


es: (nm) the tree ,utea frondosa and its flower.

$2k (nm) a tank; !4H#H anti%tank; 6| an anti%tank shell#bomb; !4H#H
| an anti%tank gn.
4 aiks (nm) a tax.
4 aiksi: (nf) a (car) taxi.
| Aa: (nm) one%handed person.
|| Ai: (nf) a tap; no,,le; (water) facet; spot, spigot; ! spoted, fitted with a
| ok (nf) an interrption; .estioning, interrogation; % interrption and
| ok$n (nm) a token.
| okn$: (v) to interrpt; to .estion, to interrogate.
| okra: (nm) a large basket, coop; hence || (nf).
| oka: (nm) a sperstitios remedy, sorceros act, magical charm; an amlet.
| oa: (nm) a loss, damage; want, scarcity; btt%end (of a cigarette, etc.); rench;
s#| to be#become scarce.
|s oi: (a) sycophant; detestable; disgsting.
| on$: (nm) magic, spell; sorceros act; (v) to toch, to feel; %| sorceros act,
spersititios remedy; witchcraft, black art; hence | (nf).
| op (nm) a hat; helmet.
| opa: (nm) a large%si,ed head% wear (worn dring winters).
| opi: (nf) a cap; cover; cowl; percssion cap; ! capped, cowled; percssion
(as a gn); 3U to expose pblicly, to case pblic disgrace; 3 to
| ol (nm) a band, batch; grop; 4 to form a grop.
| ola: (nm) a .arter#,one of a town or village.
|| oli: (nf) a team, batch, band, grop, troop, trope.
| oh (nf) search, reconnaissance; sonding; whereabot; H to be in constant
search, to keep track of; to sond, to reconnoitre, to take p the trace of.
| ohn$: (v) to sond; to reconnoitre, to take p the trace of
| ohiya: (nm) a reconnoiterer; tracer; sonding person.

4 y:b (nf) a tbe.

4 y:bvel (nm) a tbe%well.

rak (nm) a trnk, box.
rak (nf) a trck.
ras (nf) a trst; | a trstee.
H ra:m (nf) a tram car.
sH re
ma:rk (nm) a trademark.
ren (nf) a railway train.
%% )40 %%
ren2ng (nf) training; to impart training, to train.
4 raikar (nm) a tractor.

athe second letter of the third pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
s $ (nf) cold; coldness, chilliness.
s $ak (nf) coolness; s to feel cooled; to feel comforted#gratified.
s $a: (a) cool; cold; bleak; dll; insipid, lifeless; nresponsive; nfeeling;
! frigidity, nresponsiveness; cool#dispassionate temperament;
dispassionate voice, dispassionate manner of speech; s% s .ietly; before it is too
late; while it is cool; H blow first, sip afterwards; act in haste, have a nasty
taste; to pacify; to pt ot, to extingish; s to be pacified, to be sbded
or tamed; to lose all passion or warmth; to be extingished; to be assaged; s,
H| to draw#pll in one&s horns; | to be pt ot#extingished, to pass away; to be
nresponsive#frigid; s to heave a sigh; s H"# coolly,
ak (nf) a rap; (a) aghast, baffled; ! rap, tap; knock; | H to be
akaka:n$: (v) to knock; to prodce a se.ence of rapping or tapping
# aka:r (nm) the letter (a) and its sond; ! (word) ending in ().

akrsha:ti: (nf) flattery, likeable talk, tterance in one&s master&s voice.

akra:i: (nf) spremacy; nobility; haghtiness; lordliness.

ag (nm) a thg, cheat, an impostor; !## (the practice or act of)
agn$: (v) to cheat, to dpe, to defrad; % aghast, completely lost#non%
agi: (nf) thggery, the act or practice of dping or cheating.
a (nm) throng, milling crowd; hge heap; throngs; hge heaps.
aa: (nm) fn, hmor, 'oke, 'est, wagging; 4H a wag; given to 'oke and
'est; hence 4H; H# to brst ot laghing.
a (nm) see .
| tari: (nf) a skeleton; bier, skin and bone; 4H to be redced to a skeleton.
aa:n$: (v) see (H).
atera: (nm) a tinker, bra,ier; % 4 a bargain between
%% )43 %%
two e.als; diamond cts diamond.
an$k (nf) a deep ringing sond as of a drm%beat; hence ! (v).
$n$n (nf) metallic ringing sond; clink; !| a have% nothing, a paper.
$n$n$:n$: (v) to prodce a #clinking sond.
ann$: (v) to be resolved; hostilities to ense, (fighting) to be lanched;
to live a cat and dog life.
an$:ka: (nm) a short sharp metallic ring, clink.
an$:$n (nf) see ; coins, money.
ap (adv) at a standstill; redced to a state of inactivity; closed; to free,e
appa: (nm) a stamp; mold; die; matrix, impression; to be
branded#typed; stamped, bearing a stamp.
arra: (nm) contry li.or.
as (a) nitwit, dll; thick, compact, dense; (a coin) of dll sond; H" a nitwit,
asak (nf) ppishness; perkiness; swagger, affectation; ! ppish, perky;
# aska: (nm) see ; a sense of ego; hacking sond of cogh; ! to
keep one&s sense of self%respect#ego intact#conspicos.
asa:as (a) stffed fll, crowded, packed, cram%fll; (adv) flly, crowdedly.
assa: (nm) a hacking sond of cogh (cased by obstrction in the wind or
food%pipe etc.).
ehrn$: (v) to stop, to halt, to pase; to stay, to wait; to stabilise; %
by fits and starts, spasmodically.
ehra:v (nm) stability; settlement; pase.
aha:ka: (nm) peal#explosion of laghter; to brst into laghter, to
lagh alod; accompanied by peal#explosion of laghter.
$:y (nf) the sond of gn%fire; % persistent sond of gn%fire.
$:v (nf) a place, opportne place.
$:sn$: (v) to cram fll; to stff fll; to thrst.

a:kr (nm) a lord, master; Eod; Eod&s idol; (title for a) H; ! a temple;
!4s a temple.
a: (nm) pomp, splendor, magnificence; %4 pomp and show.
a: (nm) pomp, splendor, magnificence; a pattern of msical composition;
concorse; ! magnificent, splendid, pompos; accompanied by fanfare#pomp and
show; %4 pomp and show; H to flow in abndance, to form a concorse.
a:nn$: (v) to resolve, to determine; to lanch.
a:la: (a) idle; ot of employment; noccpied; (nm) scarcity; shortage.
# ika:n$: (nm) the destination; place, abode; station; trst; a small estate;
! owner of an estate; ! H to veer rond, to come to the proper corse; !
appropriate; trstworthy; reasonably good; to the point; ! | 4 a rational or
logical tterance#proposal#remark, etc.; ! not to be in proper
shape#form#state#frame; !

(to case)
%% )44 %%
to reach the destination; ! to be settled, to find an employment; to be pt to
death; ! to give one his grel, to pt to proper se; to find an employment#a
station; to pt to death.
ign$: (a) short, short%statred, dwarfish; hence! (nm).
iakn$: (v) to hesitate, to waver, to pase and ponder; to stop short; to stand

irn$: (v) to be chilled, to shiver with cold.

|| ioli: (nf) persiflage, banter, 'esting, 'oclarity; to banter, to rally, to
make fn, to crack 'okes; hence | (a and nm).
# iya: (nm) a fixed place (of habitation or activity); station; seat; ! one
owning#in possession of a .
| i:k (a) right, correct, exact; proper; tre; (adv) all right; precisely, accrately;
% reglarly, properly; shipshape; all right; reglar; so%so; 6| to be well; to be .ite
oneself; !H| 'st, exact(ly), precise(ly); 3# to prove correct, to be
vindicated; to bring to senses, to fix in one&s proper place; to repair;
| to recover; to be correct; to come to senses.
|# i:kra: (nm) a shard, pot% sherd; a broken piece of earthenware; a worthless
thing; trite; ! H$ to consider as of no worth; !| (nf).
|# i:ka: (nm) a contract; ! see nder .

kra:n$: (v) to kick off to knock away; to treat#re'ect contemptosly.

ka:i: (nf) beating; tamping.

s i: (nf) see |s.

n$kn$: (v) to whimper.

H m$kn$: (v) to walk with a 'erky, mincing or wanton gait; rhythmic footwork
in dancing, to move the feet alternately in a rhythmic manner (preparatory to dancing);

H (nf);

H (nm).

H| mri: (nf) a style of classical Dndian msic.

| rri: (nf) semi%parched grain.

=: (nm) a stmp, stb; dead% wood.

=:a: (a) stbby; leafless (tree, etc.)

=:sn$: (v) to stff fll, to cram; to glt; to thrst forcibly.

=:sa: (nm) a forcefl fist%blow.

Cga: (nm) the thmb (sed only to show contempt or defiance); bldgeon;
lit. to show the thmbto express a contemptos or defiant refsal; to
disappoint; to make somebody dance to his tne; care a fig ?, not
to care two hoots.
eka: (nm) a contract; halting place; rhythmic percssion or stress (in
msic); a contractor; to own responsibility; to hold aloft the banner of; to
be in possession of.
e (a) pre, genine, nadlterated, nsophisticated; proper; typical.
eln$: (v) to thrst, to shove, to psh forward, to propel, to thrst with force.
H el$mel (nf) hstle and bstle; 'ostling.
ela: (nm) a trolly; cart; trck; barrow; stroke; thrst, violent
%% )45 %%
psh; to thrst#psh forward.
es (nf) a knock in the sole (casing lingering pain); (emotional) shock;

to receive a setback#shock.
| Ag (nf) a peck.
| Aga: (nm) a large envelope.
| okn$: (v) to dst one&s coat; to beat; to hammer; to drive into (as a nail); to
tamp; 4H to make a thorogh assessment, to test thoroghly; |%
thoroghly; by thrashing; 6H#|H 4 to beat into an expert, to coerce into
acting a sham expert.
| okar (nf) a kick, stroke; percssion; stmbling toe; front portion of the
threshold; to stmble; to be knocked; to sffer a loss (on accont of negligence,
etc); 9 to be kicked abot, to sffer kicks; to wander aimlessly; H to
kick off; to treat with contempt; to sffer a kick of adversity; to be knocked
|s oi: (nf) the chin; U

#H s#H to ca'ole, to entreat; to try

to hmor.
| or (nm) see |.
| os (a) solid; sond; ! solidity.
ar (nm) a place; # whereabot, habitat; %

ot of place;
indiscriminately; in vital parts; | H to die then and there#instantaneosly.
a the third letter of the third pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
$k (nm) a sting; the tip of a nib or pen; ! having a sting; stinged; |s to
deprive of the sting#venomosness; H to make a castic#stinging remark.
$ka: (nm) a kettle%drm; 4H to be renowned; to exercise sway over; to achieve
fame all over; 4H, s hostilities to commence#be lanched; the battle to be
initiated;#4H to make a pblic prononcement; to make pblic; s |
| () to proclaim from hose%top, to annonce pblicly withot fear.
$gar (nm) cattle; .adrped.
$al (nm) a stalk; stem.
s s
$ (nm) an athletic exercise (in which both the hands are placed on the grond and
then the semi%stretched body is bent down so as almost to toch the grond with the
breast); msclar arm; penalty, fine; to take exercise in the form of s s (see); to
take it absoltely easy, to be completely carefree.
s s
$a: (nm) a staff, stick, wand; %s|| a children&s play; to extend a threat of
physical violence, to threaten; s s H
%% )47 %%
clb law; s s H| by the dint of might, by resorting to the rod; s H|
to rle with a rod of iron; s s to be beaten with a stick; s s
4H to loaf abot; to idle away time.
s s
$i: (nf) the beam of a scale; handle (as of an mbrella); penis; H to give short
$sn$: (v) to sting; to bite.
aka:r (nf) a belch; erctation; (nm) the letter s (
a) and its sond; to appropriate another&s de and not to let ot any sign of it,
to .ietly assimilate another&s de; H# to appropriate and assimilate another&s
de; to swallow.
$ka:rn$: (v) to belch, to erctate; to polish off (an eatable); to swallow; to
s daka:r$:nt (a) (word) ending in
akait (nm) a dacoit, bandit.
akaiti: (nf) a dacoity, banditry.
akat (nm) a sb%caste of @inds who sbsist on alms asked for on satrdays and claim
skill in fortne telling; an individal of this caste.
ag (nm) a pace, step, stride; foot; to take a step, to stride, to step ahead;
H to pace#stride ahead, to go at a .icker pace.
agmag (a) faltering, staggering; rolling; nsteady.
agmaga:n$: (v) to falter, to stagger; to roll; to shimmy; ! faltering; staggering; rolling,
agar (nf) a path, track, corse.
an$: (v) to stay#stand firm; to take a stand#position; to be determined; s H to pt
one&s foot down; s to hold one&s grond.
aa: (nm) a cork, spigot; plg.
aiyal (a) bearded, sporting a bread.
apa (nf) a sharp rebke, reprimand; see s.
apan$: (v) to administer a sharp rebke, to reprimand.
aporsakh (nm) see d|.
af (nf) a tamborine.
s9| dafli: (nf) a kind of small tamborine.
aba:n$: (v) to be tearfl (said of eyes).
abal (a) doble; an old one%paisa coin; || a bread.
abba: (nm) a tiny box; chest; railway wagon; compartment;

| to come to a
naght#an end; to be spent p.
amr: (nm) a leather%covered msical percssion instrment, narrow in the middle and
wider at the ends; !H a narrow strip of land or water connecting two expanses of
water or two tracts of land respectively.
ar (nm) fear, fright, dread; HH#%4, (H H ) a fear to go deep into one&s mind.
arn$: (v) to fear#dread, to be afraid#frightened.
arpok (a) coward(ly); timid; hence! (nm).
ara:n$: (v) to frighten, to terrify.
ara:vn$: (v) fearfl, dreadfl; terrible, horrible.
ara:va: (nm) a scare, bg% bear; deterrent.
ala: (nm) a lmp, clod, small solid mass; big wickerwork basket.
%% )4: %%
aliya: (nf) a small open basket; dimintive of s (see).
ali: (nf) a small fragment, small lmp.
asn$: (v) see s.
$:gar (nm) see s .
$:t (nf) scolding, reprimand, sharp rebke; %s rebke and reproof; s to get a
rebke#reprimand; to call#hal over the coals; %9 rebke and reprimand;
# (4

) to talk to one like a Dtch ncle; H to keep nder

$:n$: (v) to scold, to rebke sharply, to chide.
$: (nm) a 'ib; an oar; fine, penalty; to have to pay a penalty, to have to sffer a
fine; to be fined, a penalty to be imposed.
a:n$: (v) to penalise#fine.
$:a:mCi: (nf) a demarcation wall; wordy del.
$:i. (nf) see s s; a dandy (a chair%like carriage sed in hilly districts for carrying p
$:s (nm) a kind of large%si,ed mos.ito.
a:in (nf) a witch; hag, sorceress; a scold; U|s a wise fox will
never rob his neighbor&s hen%roost.
a:in$:ma:i (nm) dynamite.
a:i: (nf) a die.
a:k (nf) mail, post, dak; %O postage; !O a post office; %s a mail train; ! a post
office; %4 a dak bngalow, a rest hose for officials, etc.; % postage;
% postage.
a:ka: (nm) a dacoity; !H commitment of (a series of) dacoities; s to rob, to
commit a dacoity; s, 5H to rob one of one&s honor; to make an assalt
on one&s modesty.
a:kin2: (nf) a lamia, hell% cat, hag.
a:kiya: (nm) a postman.

a:k: (nm) a dacoit, bandit.
a:kar (nm) a doctor, medical practitioner.
a:kari: (nf) the medical practice#professoin.
a:t (nf) a cork, spigot, plg; stopper; bng; archway; key% stone; ! stoppered, having
a cork or plg.
a: (nf) a molar or grinding tooth.
a:i: (nf) a beard, growth of hair on the face; !H lit. one whose beard is brnta
term of abse generally sed by women; ! bearded; 4 to shave; to
grow a beard.
a:bar (nm) a pit; sllage; (a) dirty.
a:bh (nm) see

; raw cocoant.
a:mar (nm) tar, pitch, asphalt bitmen.
a:inamA (nm) dynamo.
a:iri: (nm) a diary.
s 4
a:irekar (nm) a director.
a:l (nf) a branch.
a:ln$: (v) to pt in; to por, to drop; to thrst; s to abandon, to cast off; to thrst
olar (nm) a dollar.
a:li: (nf) a branch; basket; basketfl of frits, sweets, etc. given as a present.
ol (a) wavering; flctating; nsteady, fickle; wobbly; H | to be in
%% )5( %%
a:h (nm) 'ealosy, envy, !| 'ealos, envios.
2gal (nf) the mediaeval poetic langage of the bards of +a:'astha:n.
igi: (nf) a dinghy, 'olly%boat.
s 4
imb (nm) embryo; %0 ovary.
imbh (nm) a larva.
s4 #
ikear (nm) a dictator; !| dictatorship; dictatorial.
ign$: (v) to deviate; to swerve; to be shaken; s H ,3

to rn away from
one&s own gns; ,( ) to eat one&s words.
igri: (nf) a decree; degree; ! a decree%holder; H to isse a decree;
H to execte a decree; | a decree to be granted (in favor of).
i,a:in (nm) a design.
ian$: (nm) a black sooty mark on the face (spposedly to gard against an evil
ipo (nf) a depot.
ipi: (nm) a depty; 4 a depty collector.
ibiya: (nf) a tiny box, case or casket.
ibba: (nm) see s4; !4 canned, tinned; hence !4| (nf).
ibbi: (nf) see s4.
ima:i: (nf) demya measre of printing paper (;7Lx))L).
ima:rach (nm) see s H H.
2:g (nf) vant bragging, braggadocio, boasting hot air; !H braggart, braggadocio;
H# to brag, to boast, to vomit.
i:,al (nm) diesel (oil).
s di:l (nm) statre, si,e, physi.e; !s statre; physi.e.

gi: (nf) a small kettle%drm, tom%tom; see sHF; proclamation by drm%beat;
#4H to make a proclamation.

ggi: (nf) see s


bki: (nf) a dip; H# to take a dip; to keep ot of sight for a long time, to

ba:n$: (v) to drown; to immerse, to sbmerge; to dip; to slly, to disgrace (as H).

ba:v (nm) depth of water sfficient to be drowned, drowning.

bona: (v) see s

a: (a) single%horned (bll, cow, etc.), empty; ne.ipped; withot ornaments.

:bn$: (v) to be drowned, to sink; to plnge, to be immersed#sbmerged; to set (as

); to be sllied or disgraced; s

4I | a drowning man catches at a

straw; s

4 H to drown ot of disgrace; s

4 to resrrect a sinking
boat#ship; s

H, (HH#|| ) over head and ears.

ek (nm) the deck.
eg (nf) see .
s d
e (a) one and a half; ( | HH

(), | s to
blow one&s lone trmpet; | of a scanty frame, lean and thin.
era: (nm) a camp; encampment; billet, abode; temporary abode; (a) left (as );
%s s belongings, hosehold effects; 3s#3 to get ready for departre, to
decamp; s to encamp, to come to stay.
s |
eri: (nf) a dairy; 9H a dairy farm.
ela: (nm) an eye%ball; a lmp (of clay); a clod (of earth).
%% )5; %%
s ~
ela: (nm) a delta.
s d
eva: (a) see |d.
esk (nm) a desk.
ain$: (nm) a wing (of a bird), pinion; s winged, pinioned.
s H H
aimre' (nm) demrrage.
ailiya: (nm) dahliaplant and its flower.
aish (nm) a dash.
Aga: (nm) a large canoe, serving bowl.
Agi: (nf) see s .
i: (nf) a tiny tom%tom; proclamation; #4H to proclaim by beat of drm, to
proclaim from hose%tops.
Am (nm) a low caste in the traditional @ind caste hierarchy.
or (nf) a string; thread.
ora: (nm) a thread, sewing or stitching thread; s| s to set one&s cap at, to entice, to
oriya: (nm) a kind of thin striped cloth.
ori: (nf) a string; lanyard.
ol (nm) a rond shallow pail (sally of iron); skip; ! a small pail; wickerwork
oln$: (v) to swing, to oscillate; to rove abot, to ramble, to wobble; to be tilted
ola: (nm) a litter; a kind of sedan (for women); hence s|| (nf).
al (nm) shape, form, appearance; a method#manner; device; opportnity, %s device,
measre; chance, opportnity; to find some way ot.
ali: (nm) a field ridge.

y:i: (nf) dty, binding force of what is right; payment to pblic revene levied on
import, export etc.
yoa: (a) one and half%times.
yoi: (nf) the threshold; vestible; ! a gate%keeper; watchman.
ram (nm) a drm.
ra:2ng (nf) drawing; FH drawing room.
ra:ivar (nm) a driver; !| the 'ob or position of a driver.
ra:m$: (nm) a drama.
ril (nm) drill, exercise.
res (nf) dress.
d athe forth letter of the third pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
d ag (nm) manner, method, mode, way; demeanor; tact.
d d| $orn$: (v) to make a thorogh search, to probe into each and every item.
d d| $ora: (nm) proclamation by beat of drm; proclamation; to proclaim
alod; d d| a drmmer, proclaimer.
d akn$: (v) to cover; to conceal; (nm) see d4.
%% )5) %%
d# aka:r (nm) the letter d (a) and its sond; ! (word) ending in ().
d akeln$: (v) see H .
d| akosn$: (v) to ingrgitate (a, to drink in large .antities (said in anger
or sarcasm).
d|# akosla: (nm) hypocrisy; hmbg, sham; ! 4H a hypocrite, hmbg; hence
!4H (nf).
d4 akk$n (nm) a lid, cover, bckler.
d achra: (nm) a skeleton, worn ot framework (of a vehicle, etc.).
dH anm$n$:n$: (v) to stmble abot, to roll.
d| apli: (nf) see s9|.
d|( ) apors(sh)akh (nm) a talk%tall give%nothing person, babbler, pratter.
d4 ab (nm) manner, ways, condct; fashion.
d arakn$: (v) to roll#trickle down; to flow down.
d arra: (nm) way(s); path; method; style, fashion.
d alakn$: (v) see d.
d aln$: (v) to be molded#cast; to be pored ot, to spill; to age; to set (as

); to be on the decline#decrease; d 3 advanced age, the phase of aging; d
H withering#fading#dwindling yoth.
d alv$: (a) cast; inclined, sloping; slanting; steep; | pig iron.
d ala:i: (nf) molding, casting; minting; !O a fondry; ! a caster; ! a
fondry, mintage.
d al$:n (nf) a slope, descent, ramp.
d alaiya: (nm) a fonder.
d ehn$: (v) to crash down: to fall#tmble down; to be ra,ed#destroyed.
d $:cha: (nm) frame, frame% work; skeleton; carcass; !4| carcassing; fitting into a
frame% work.
d a:i: (a) two and a half; | 4 a transitory ascendance, short%lived
d a:k (nm) the tree ,utea frondosa; for ever in straits, always in a
tight position; sticking to an nwelcome convention#cstom.
d a:a: (nm) a strip of cloth tied over the beard to keep it in good trim (sed
sometimes by the !ikhs) or arond the face (generally sed by dacoits to conceal their
dd a:as (nm) solace, consolation; #4H to console, to comfort.
d a:n$: (v) to demolish, to dismantle, to pll down, to ra,e to the grond; to heap
d4 a:ba: (nm) a small common% place hotel; thatched roofing of a ht.
d a:l (nf) a shield; slope, declivity, falling gradient; pitch, ramp; 4 to act as
a defence#safegard.
d a:ln$: (v) por ot (as li.or); to mold or cast; to fond.

a:l: (a) sloping, declivios, descending.

d d| inora: (nm) see d d|.
d ia:i: (nf) contmeliosness, archness, pertness; impdence#adacity;
(generally born ot of the other person&s indlgence).
d4| ibri: (nf) a nt socket; small earthen or tin lamp, d|| |
%% )5/ %%
to be cra,y#whimsical, some mental screw to be loose.
d ila:i: (nf) slggishness, laxity; flexibility; softness; infirmity; relaxation;
leniency; flabbiness.
d| i: (a) contmelios, arch, pert; impdent; adacios; hence !#! (nm).
d| i:l (nf) lavity; slggishness; leniency; relaxation; to allow relaxation; to be
lenient; to let go, to give a long handle#rope.
d| i:ln$: (v) to let go; to free; to ntie; to relax; to loosen.
d| i:la: (a) loose; slack, slggish; soft; infirm; flabby; %d loose; flabby; slggish;
! see d; to loosen; to soften; to force to give p a rigid postre;
s to soften, to mellow down; to get slggish; to slacken; | to sotfen, to mellow

lakn$: (v) to roll down, to trickle down; to spill.


lml (v) vacillating; wavering; fickle#fickle%minded; nstready;

! vacillation; fickleness#fickle%mindedness, nsteadiness; !4| fickle%minded,

la:i: (nf) cartage, transportation (charges); halage.

d =:n$: (v) to seek, to search; to trace.

:h (nm) a mond, hmmock; heap.

d | Ckli: (nf) a water%lifting appliance.
d er (nm) a heap; pile, accmlation; blk, lot; (a) plenty, abndant; to kill;
to strike down | H to die, to pass away; to be strck down.
d | eri: (nf) see d (nm).
d ela: (nm) a clod; lmp (of earth); brickbat.
d| Ag (nm) hypocrisy; frad; impostre; !4H a hypocrite, an impostor;
!4H hypocritic#fradlent practices, impostre.
d| Agi: (a and nm) impostoros, hypocritical, fradlent; an impostor, hypocrite.
d| on$: (v) to transport, to cart, to hal, to carry; to bear (on head or sholder, etc.).
d| or (nm) cattle; s cattle, livestock.
d| ol (nm) a tomtom, large drm; barrel; %dH4 hstle and bstle; | |
| to call a person&s blff, to make one show one&s cards, to prick the bbble;
to pblicise, to proclaim alod.
d|# olak (nf) a small drm played on both the ends; ! a drmmer, one who
plays on a d|.
d| ola: (nm) centring; a poplar folk narrative sng in parts of Httar <radesh.
d|| oli: (nf) a pack#bndle of betel leaves.
d| ari: (nf) a sense of vying, emlative ardor; to arose a sense of
%% )50 %%

$the ltimate nasal letter of the third pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet.

tathe first letter of the forth pentad (i.e. ) of Devna:gri: alphabet.

t$g (a) narrow; scarce; trobled; harassed; girth, belt of a horse; ! short of
money, scarcity%stricken; ! state of penry, scarcity of money, poverty; ! hide%
bond, small hearted; hence !| (nf); ! tight, distressed, in great straits;
!| narrow circmstances, straits, tightness; H to be tired (of), to be fed p; to
be browned off; to troble, to harass, to victimi,e.
t$gi: (nf) scarcity, poverty, tightness.

l (nm) rice.

t$nt (nm) a thread, fibre; filament; tendril; cord or string of a msical instrment;
! a fibril; !H fibros; % stringed msical instrment; ! a weaver; spider.
t$ntr (nm) a system; techni.e; a string gt; a body of mystical formlae or practices
(for the attainment of sper%hman powers); incantation; %H hocs%pocs, voodooism,
spell and incantation; %H tantra%practices for the attainment of a desired goal or
sper%hman faclties.
7 t$ntragy (nm) one who has attained expertise in (see).
# t$ntrika: (nf) a nerve; !% nervos system; !| nervos.
t$ntri: (nf) a practitioner of enchantments; a stringed msical instrmenta lyre.

t$ndrst (a) healthy.

t$ndrsti: (nf) health(iness); H H a sond health is a thosand


# t$nd:r (nm) an oven; !| fired or prepared in, or pertaining to, an oven.

t$ndra: (nf) drowse, drowsiness; somnolence, dormancy; !

t$ndril (a) drowsy; ! drowsiness.

t$mba:k: (nm) tobacco.

4 t$mbi:h (nf) an admonition, a gentle reproof; to admonish,
%% )53 %%
to reprove; ! as a matter of warning#reproof.

t$mb: (nm) a tent,


t$mb:r (nm) a tambor.


t$mb:ra: (nm) a for%stringed drone.

4|| t$mboli: (nm) see H||.
tak (ind) to, pto; till, ntil; by.
4| ta.di:r (nf) lck, lot, fate, fortne; HHH to try one&s lck; 3 H
s to be related (matrimonially) to a rich family, to trn ot to be lcky in
matrimony; wonders wroght by *ck; H# blessed with a
lcky lot, favored by Dame *ck; (one&s) lck to take a trn;
| H what is lotted cannot be blotted; having a wretched lot;

#H to be in lck, to be in the ascendant; || |to have a bad#an ill%

lck; | to crse one&s ill%lck; 9

to be ot of lck, to be nder the spell of

ill%lck; s to be favored by lck, to get a lcky chance; 4 4s its
effort that conts more in life than mere lck.
4|| ta.di:ri: (a) pertaining or related to lck#fate.
takn$: (v) see .
# takni:k (nf) techni.e; !| technical; 6H| technical know%how.
4 takra:r (nf) an altercation, wrangling, .arrel.
4|4 ta.ri:b$n (ind) approximately, nearly.
4| ta.ri:r (nf) a speech, lectre.
takla: (nm) the spindle (of a a spinning wheel).
| takli: (nf) a small (see); bobbin of cotton.
|9 takli:f (nf) troble, distress; ailment; H | to be in troble#distress.

9 takallf (nm) formality; meticlos observance of propriety or eti.ette;

#H s to be formal, to observe formality, to stand pon ceremony.
4H (nf) division; distribtion.
4H ta.a:,a: (nm) dn, dnning; demand (of payment, one&s de, etc.).
# taka:r (nm) the letter ta () and its sond; ! (word) ending in (t).
4 ta.a:vi: (nf) taccavi (loan), advance of money to cltivators.
takiya: (nm) a pillow, bolster, cshion, abode of a >ohammedan hermit.
H takiya:kala:m (nm) a prop word, an expletive.

H taka: (nm) a distaff, large% si,ed needle; chopper, spindle (of a spinning wheel).
H takkr (nm) btter%milk.
H takshak (nm) a kind of deadly serpent.
OH tam2:n$: (nm) an estimate, assessment, valation; to make an
O taliya: (nm) solitde, a state of being all alone.

taalls (nm) pen%name.

E at (nm) a wooden strctre of planks; throne; ! enthroned, installed on
the throne; ! enthronement, accession to the throne; E | H to have
prosperity trned into absolte adversity, to be ndone; E to win the horse or
lose the saddle; %3 the celebrated peacock throne of the Dndian
%% )54 %%
>oghal -mperor, 1hah'ahan, which was taken away by Oa:dirsha:h of Dran when he
invaded and plndered Delhi in ;5/: ".D.
E tata: (nm) a plank; board; 3# to bring abot a cop; to sffer a
cop; to fall#throw into adversity.
E tati: (nf) a small wooden plate; small board to write on.
s taga: (a) strong, powerfl, robst; hence ! (nm); s to prove more than a
match, to prove stronger; to take a strong stand.
taga: (nm) thread.
# taga:da: (nm) see 4H; ! one who calls for the recovery of his de.
(s) taga:r() (nm) a reservoir for mixing lime and mortar; a big hollow tensil.
tachn$: (v) to be heated#boiled (as milk); to be parched#scorched.
H ta,kira: (nm) mention; discssion.
H ta'n$: (v) to abandon, to give p; to .it, to leave.
HH ta'vi:, (nf) a proposal; sggestion; scheme.

#4 ta'rba: (nm) (an) experience; experiment; !4 experienced (person); hence

!4| (nf).
7H ta''anit (a) born thereof, reslting therefrom.
7H7 ta''any (a) possible therefrom; born thereof.
ta (nm) a bank; coast, shore.
| tavarti: (a) riverian; littoral; coastal, sitated or located on the coast#bank.
ta$sth (a) netral; ob'ective; indifferent; sitated on a bank#coast; ! netrality;
ob'ectivity; indifference, being sitated on a bank#coast etc.; see |;
netralisation, the act or process of imparting ob'ectivity#indifference;
to sit on the fence, to be non%aligned, not to take sides.
| tai: (nf) a river; bank.
| tai:y (a) coastal; riverian, pertaining to a bank; coastal trade.
s ta (nf) a crack, crackling noise (as of a slap); with a crack or snap.
s taak (nf) the act or process of cracking; a crack mark; snap; split; fissre;
%s ostentation, tawdry#tawdriness, pomposness.
s taakn$: (v) to split with a crack, to crack, to crackle; to snap.
s taka: (nm) day%break, dawn; cracking noise; a snap; seasoning, heated oil or ghee
in which spices and onion, etc. are well%stirred and browned (to be administered as a
relish to plses, etc.)
ss# tataa:n$: (v) to prodce a cracking#crackling noise; to break with a crack;
hence ! (nf).
s taap (nf) tossing or rolling abot in agony; yearning; smart; restlessness, restivity;
s taapn$: (v) to toss or roll abot restlessly or neasily; to writhe in pain; to yearn
(for), to smart; to crack; to be restive#restless.
s9s# taphaa:n$: (v) to (be in a) throe, to writhe in pain; hence ! (nf).
s taa:k (nf) a cracking sond, snap, lod report, sond of a stroke or blow;
%9s at once; swiftly; with a lod report;
%% )55 %%
H44 to answer back nhesitatingly#insolently, to retort.
s taa:ka: (nm) a lod report; crack, snap.
ss taa:ta (adv) with sccessive reports; with promptitde, instantaneosly;
H4 to answer back in .ick sccession#nhesitatingly#insolently; sto be
hit in .ick sccession.
s tait (nf) the lightning; a flash.
s tai: (nf) braggadocio; ascendancy, overbearing condct, overbearingness; show of
speriority; !4H braggadocio; braggart; making a show of speriority; hence !4H;
to indlge in empty vanting, to try to sbde, to hoodwink; H to give
oneself airs; to do the grand; H H to be taken in; to yield to braggadocio.
+H tatimma: (nm) an appendix, a spplement.
# tataiya: (nf) a wasp; ! # ! to feel neasy#restive.
tat (pro) that; ! thereafter; !

4 (in Erammar) a variety of H.

c# tatka:l (adv) forthwith, immediately, there and then; ! immediate, of
the#that time, contemporaneos; !| belonging to that time, contemporaneos,
cH tatksh$ (adv) that very moment, instantaneosly.
tatta:thei (nf) a dancing strain.
tattv (nm) an element; essence; principle; sbstance; factor; phenomenon; trth,
reality; !7 a metaphysician, one who has realised the 1preme Frth;
%7metaphysical knowledge, the realisation of the 1preme Frth; !7 see !7;
% realisation of the 1preme Frth; !| one who realises the 1preme Frth; one
who can perceive the Frth; %T vision, trth%probing vision, insight; !8 wedded to
trth#essence; !HH metaphysicist; %HH >etaphysics; elementism;
!HH metaphysical; ! see !7; % >etaphysics; ! see !7;
%U see .
tattvtah (ind) essentially, in essence, in reality.
tattva:ntar$: (nm) transmtation.
H tattva:vdha:n (nm) aspices, aegis; H , nder the aspices#aegis of.
c tatpar (a) ready; devoted; ! readiness; devotedness.
c tatpa:ti: (a) fgacios.
tattr (adv) there, in that place; ! @is#@er >a'esty, @is#@er -xcellency; @is#@er
cH tatsam (nm and a) lit. same as thata word of 1anskrit origin sed as sch in
later langages.
tatha: (ind) and; so.
tatha:kathit (a) so%called.
tatha:gat (nm) a name of *ord 9ddha.
tatha:pi (ind) even so; still, yet, inspite of that.

tatha:st (ind) 9e it so ?
tatthy (nm) reality; fact, factm; !8 factal, realistic; hence !8# !8 (nf);
! see !8; hence! (nf); !4#| one who speaks the fact, tre.
tatthytah (ind) de facto, ipso facto.
%% )57 %%
tadn$ntar (adv) thereafter, therepon, conse.ently.

tadanbh:ti (nf) empathy.

F# tadanr:p (a) identical; corresponding to, according to (that);

! corresponding.

tadansa:r (ind) accordingly, according to that, corresponding.

tadapi (ind) still, even then.
4 tadbi:r (nf) effort; means; device, contrivance.
tadarth (a) ad hoc; H ad hoc committee.

tadpar$:nt (ind) conse.ently, thereafter.

tadan allomorph of (meaning &that&) sed in componds; !H # () #
!F (

) identical, having identical form; !F (

) identity, sameness, formal

(nm and a) lit. evolved or born therefromwords of 1anskrit origin which have
assmed, and are sed in, a modified form in later langages.
t$n (nm) body; | 4

$ to .ench the thirst of one&s physical needs, to

attain physical gratification; 4 |

H to transcend one&s physical being,

to be beyond oneself; %4 H H to get one&s goat; %H wholeheartedly,
with all physical and mental resorces; %H%H with all physical, mental and
material resorces; %H to serve somebody hand and foot.
4| tan.i:h (nf) an isse; to frame isses.
tana:h (nf) pay, salary; ! paid, salaried.
H4 tan,eb (nf) sperfine mslin.

| tana,,li: (nf) demotion; decline, fall.

t$ntan$:n$: (v) to snap at, to be in a fry, to be wrathflly otspoken.
tann$: (v) to be plled tight; to be stretched fll; to be pitched; to be pright; to
rn into a temper; to assme an air of affectation; to assme an
ncompromising#nyielding postre; to be ever in temper, to slk, to be cross.
# tanay (nm) a son; hence ! (nf) a daghter.
tanha: (a) alone, lonely, solitary; ! loneliness, solitde.
tan$: (nf) a stem, trnk; bole.
tan$:tan2: (nf) a state of (mtal) tension, tenseness.
tana:v (nm) tension, tenseness, strain; tatness; |#!

tense sitation.
tanik (a) a little, slight; U#H a ct above.
tani: (nf) a string or fastening of a garment; ! stringed, with a string arond.

tan (a) lean, tenos, thin, slender, dilte.

#H tan' (nm) a son; hence !H (nf) a daghter.

tanta: (nf) tenosness, tenity; leanness;delicacy;diltion.

# tan=:kar$ (nm) attenation, diltion; hence!

7H t$nmay (a) identified (with); flly engrossed#absorbed (in); ! complete
identification; trance.
7 tanny$ta: (nf) tensility.
7 tannv$gi: (a) tenos, slim; delicate, of delicate frame; slender.
7 tannvi (a) see 7 .
tap (nm) devot asterity, asceticism, self%mortification, penance.
tapk$n (nf) throbbing agony;
%% )5: %%
smarting pain; hence (v).
tap$n (nm) heat; angish; tingle, brning sensation (within or withot).
tapn$: (v) to be heated; to brn with pain or grief; to practise self%mortification.
tapashcharya: (nf) see .
tapassya: (nf) penance, self%mortification; asceticism.
tapassvi: (nm and a) an ascetic, devotly astere (person), one who practises
self%mortification; hence (fem).
tapa:k (nm) warmth; apparent cordiality; promptitde; with open arms,
cordially; with promptitde, instantaneosly.
tapish (nm) heat; mental angish, affliction.
4 tapedi. (nf) tberclosis.
| tapoan allomorph of (see ) sed in componds; !H lit. one whose sole
capital is () (see)%an ascetic; !8 (one) devoted to penance; !4 the power
ac.ired throgh penance; ! (casing) breach of ascetic practices; !H pertaining
or given to penance or self%mortification; ! an ascetic&s grove, a grove where ascetics
perform their religios ascetic activities; !d devoted#devotion to self%mortification.
tapt (a) heated, warmed p; afflicted.
9 tafti:sh (nf) an investigation, probe.
9| tafri:h (nf) recreation, regalement, fn; ! for fn#recreation.
9 tafsi:l (nf) details; particlars.
4 tab (adv) then, at that time; afterwards, thereafter, therepon; conse.ently;
even then, even so, in spite of this.
44 tab.a: (nm) a class; stats
4| tabdi:l (nf) change, alteration; exchange; (a) changed, altered; exchanged;
H4| change of climate.
4|| tabdi:li: (nf) change, alteration; transfer.
4 tabalchi: (nm) a tabla%player.
4 tabla: (nm) small tamborine a percssion msical instrment; ! a tabla%
player; ! the act or process of playing on the tabla; # the tabla to
be played pon; a msical#dancing session to be in progress.
4 taba:dila: (nm) transfer.
4 taba:h (a) rined, destroyed; | to come to grief, to meet with disaster.
4| taba:hi: (nf) rination, rin, destrction; H to spell rination, to case
4(4) tabi(bi:)yat (nf) the state of (physical or mental) health; temperament,
disposition; natre; ! large%hearted; hearty; of implsive disposition; of keen
sensibilities; H to fall in love with, to fall for; 9 a man of good faith,
bonafide # clean # hearty person; condition to become worse; $ | see
9 |; 4s to become indisposed, to feel sick; to be excited by;
H to feel satiated, to be cloyed with; H to go wayward; to feel at
home; 9 | to come to senses, to be restored to one&s tre being, to be taght
%% )7( %%
a lesson, to be ct to si,e.
4 tabela: (nm) a stable.
tabhi: (adv) at that moment, 'st at that time, 'st then; for this reason.
H tam$cha: (nm) a pistol, revolver, to aim a pistol at.
H t$m (nm) darkness; gloom; (fig.) ignorance.
H tamakn$: (v) to snap; to fly into a rage.
H" tamga: (nm) a medal.
HH# tamtam$:n$: (v) the face to redden (with rage or heat); hence ! (nf).
H7 tamann$: (nf) an aspiration, a longing.
H tamas (nm) the third of the three .alities incidental to creation or the state of
hmanity, vi,. the .ality of darkness or ignorance; darkness; ignorance.

tamassk (nm) a promissory note.

H tam$:cha: (nm) a slap; to be slapped; Hs to plant a slap (on).
HH tam$:m (a) all; whole, entire.
H tama:l (nm) a big evergreen tree 5anthoc%mus pictorius.
H4# tama:shb2:n (nm) lit. a show%seer, an onlooker, a spectator; having a
sperficial mentality; ! lit. show%seeing, the centring of interest on mere show aspect
or entertainment; entertainment by show%seeing.
H tama:sha: (nm) a show, spectacle; entertainment; ! see H4.
H tamil (nf) the oldest of the for ma'or soth Dndian langages belonging to the
Dravidian family; !s

the 1oth%Dndian state of Familna:d.

H tamisra: (nf) darkness; dark night.
HH tami:, (nf) eti.ette, decorm; discrimination; ! mannerly, decoros; having
proper eti.ette; to discriminate, to distingish (between).

tamog= (nm) one of the three .alities (vi,. |

, H|

, H|

incidental to creation or the state of hmanity, the .ality of darkness or ignorance.

tamog=2: (a) person in whom H|

(see) predominates.
H|H tamAmay (a) one in whom the element of H (see) is predominant; dark;
abonding in ignorance; wrathfl.
H|| tamoli: (nm) a betel%seller.
tay (a) decided, settled; fixed; covered; to decide, to settle; to cover
(as ).
tar$g (nf) a wave, ripple; whim, caprice; H | to be on the top of the world,
to be in a light and pleasant mood.
tar$ga:yit (a) wavy, ripply; in a light and pleasant mood; fancifl.
tar$git (a) waved, rippled, fll of waves#ripples; fleeting, nsteady; (in a)
fancifl (mood).
tar$gi: (a) whimsical, capricios; fancifl; nsteady.
tar (a) wet, soaked; damp, dank; fresh; a sffix sed to denote comparative degree
(as 3, H, 4); rich (as food etc. H); %4% soaked, drenched; %H%
H freshed, refresh, revived; to soak, to drench; to refresh.
tarkash (nm) a .iver; !4 e.ipped with a .iver.
%% )7; %%
| tarka:ri: (nf) a vegetable (green or cooked).
|4 tarki:b (nf) way, means; tact, contrivance, device; s#s to find a way
ot, to work ot a strategy; H to handle tactflly#with gloves.
44| tara..i: (nf) progress; advancement, improvement; promotion; an increment;
! progressive.
H# tar'i:h (nf) preference; priority; !| preferential; deserving priority.

H tar'm$: (nm) translation; ! a translator; ! translation.

tara2 (nm) the sn; (nf) a boat.
4 tarti:b (nf) an order, arrangement; ! in (proper) order; to impart an
order, to set in order.
taraddd (nf) botheration; headache, concern.
tarn$: (v) to cross (over); to attain salvation; to flfil an obligation.

H tarann=m (nm) modlation, rhythm.

9 taraf (nf) side; direction; (adv) towards; ! partisan; partial; spporter; !| the
act of taking a side, backing; partisanship, partiality.

#H(H) tarb:,(a:) (nm) a water% melon.

HH tarm2:m (nf) an amendment, a modification.
taral (a) flid; fickle, nsteady; (nm) a; ! a thinner; a
taralta: (nf) flidity; fickleness.
taras (nf) compassion, pity; to pity.
tarasn$: (v) to pine for, to crave or long for.
tareh (nf) kind, sort; method way; likeness; allowance; like, resembling;
to be lenient; to over%look, to pass over, not to take de notice.
tara:i: (nf) foothill; cring (of concrete etc.); constant wetting#drenching.

tara:,: (nf) a balance, scales.

tara:n$: (nm) a song rhythmic msical composition sing syllables.
4| tara:bor (a) drenched, soaked.
tara:va (nf) coolness: freshness, dampness; verdre.
tara:sh (nf) ct, trim; mold, strctre.
tara:shn$: (v) to ct, to trim; to chisel; to pare; to fashion.
| tari: (nf) coolness; dampness; freshness, verdre; crry; wealthiness, richness;
| to be moneyed#wealthy.
|#4 tari:.a: (nm) a method; mode way, manner; techni.e; tact; !4 of a proper
type#mold; reasonably good.
| tari:na sffix denoting sperlative degree as 4| (the best), H| (the
lowest), etc.
tar (nm) a tree.
tarn (a) yong, yothfl; (nm) a yoth, yongman; hence (nf).
tara:i: (nf) yoth, yong age.
H tarim$: (nf) see F.
s tare (nm) a crack; crevice, shake.
tarern$: (v);%, H to cast an admonishing glance, to look obli.ely.
%% )7) %%
tark (nm) an argment, plea, contention; reason, reasoning; logic; abandonment,
relin.ishment; argmentation for and against, discssion;

chain of
argment; ! logical; legitimate, 'stifiable, rational#reasonable;
! 'stification; rationality#reasonableness; logicality; !| illogical, irrational,
nreasoning; to arge, to contend; to abandon, to relin.ish.
tarkn$: (nf) reasoning, arging; ! rationalism.

@ tarkbddhi (nf) reason, reasoning faclty; discrsive intellect, ! rationalism;

hence !| (a, nm).
tarkaviddya: (nf) (the science of) *ogic.
#U tarkasha:str (nm) (the science of) *ogic; !U a logician; !U logical,
pertaining to *ogic.
tarka:bha:s (nm) fallacy, fallacios argment.

tark (nm) see

4 tarky (a) debatable, worth arging abot, disptable.
H tar, (nf) tne (in msic); style, fashion; mode.
H #, ! tar'an (nm), !n$: (nf) rebke, reproof, snbbing.
H tar'an2: (nf) the fore%finger, trigger%finger.

H tar'm$: (nm) see H

tarp$ (nm) gratification; libation of water to deceased ancestors or the manes.
tarra:r (a) sed as the second member in the compond H% (see).
tal (nm) the bottom; nder part; srface, floor; !| going deep, profond.
talak (ind) to, pto, till, ntil; even.
#O tala (a) bitter; acrid; !O bitterness; acridity.
U talchha (nf) the sediment, dregs.
taln$: (v) to fry.

H talaff, (nm) pronnciation.

4 talab (nf) an rge, craving; salary, wages; ! desiros (of), seeking;
!H smmons; to smmon, to send for; | to feel the rge for.
4 talba:n$: (nm) smmon% charges, fee paid for the service of smmons.
4 talbi: (nf) smmons, order to appear before.
# talva: (nf) sole of the foot; ! to fawn pon, to lick the boots of, to
indlge in servile flattery; ! king Jharles& spaniel; ! to flatter,
to blandish, to indlge in servile flattery.
talwa:r (nf) a sword, sabre; H a heroic swordsman; | H the
flash#fierceness of the sword; | H most ha,ardos path; 3to pt
to the sword, to pt to death; H| throgh blood and iron, throgh relentless se
of force; #

H to nsheath#brandish a sword;
to brandish a
sword; H4 H to break btterfly on wheel.
| talehi: (nf) foothill; sb%montain region.
tala: (nm) the bottom; sole (of a shoe); base; floor; keel (of a boat); lower#nder
4 tala:. (nm) divorce; !H agreement for divorce; !

%% )7/ %%
tala:sh (nf) search, .est.
tala:shn$: (v) to search, to go in .est (of),
tala:shi: (nf) search; to allow#case to be searched; to make#carry
ot a search.
| tali: (nf) the bottom; sole (of a shoe).
tale (ind) below; nder; beneath; 3 one over the other; one scceeding the
other; |

3 | the world to be trned pside down; the world to

ndergo radical changes.
~O tal (a) see O; ~

see O.
~ talla: (nm) a storey; floor, sole (of a shoe etc.).
~| tall2:n (a) immersed (in); deeply involved (in); identified with; engrossed (in);
! deep involvement; concentration; the state of being one with.
44| tava..o (nf) expectation; to expect; |, to be expected of
7H| tava''o (nf) heed, attention; to draw attention to; to pay
heed#attention to.
tava: (nm) a griddle, an iron plate for baking bread; a gramophone record; small
plate or shard in a H on which tobacco is placed; a chest shield (sed by warriors);
4H to be ready to face blows#hardships; | 4
a drop over the frying
pan, (something) destined to disappear instantly.
H tava:,a: (nf) see O.
9 tava:yaf (nf) a prostitte, harlot, dancing girl.
|O tava:ri: (nf) plral form of |date; history.
tava:lat (nf) botheration, troble; H| to ask for#own p troble.
|9 tashri:f (nf) a term signifying honor and respect, seldom sed except with verbs
like , , H; welcome appearance, advent, coming; | said in a
lighter 'oclar vein(one&s) being; to be seated; to grace (an occasion
or a place) by coming, to come; H to depart, to go.
| tashtari: (nf) a plate; tray; !, 3s flying sacer.
| taski:n (nf) solace, consolation; satisfaction.
|4 tasdi:. (nf) verification; attestation; confirmation; to verify, to attest; to
9 tasfiya: (nm) a settlement, reconciliation.
4 tasbi:h (nf) a rosary.
H tasm$: (nm) a leather%strap; tab.
tasla: (nm) a shallow pan.
|H tasl2:m (nf) admission, confession; saltation, greeting, responsive greeting;
to admit, to confess.
~| tasalli: (nf) satisfaction; patience; consolation; !4 satisfactory; to
console; to have patience; patiently.
tasvi:r (nm) a pictre, portrait; image.

9 tasavvf (nm) 1fism; 1piritalism.

tas: (nm) a nit of measre (esp. sed in the context of bilding work).
taskar (nm) a smggler; !

smggling, a smggler&s profession.

| taskari: (nf) the act, process
%% )70 %%
or practice of smggling.
teh (nf) a layer; fold; bottom; !O a basement, sbterranean#ndergrond valt,
cell#cellar; %4% one fold#layer over the other; %9% from the core of the heart,

to get to the bottom of; H H to go behind somebody&s

words, to delve deep into.
4|#4, !H teh.i:., !a:t (nf) an en.iry, investigation, probe.
H4 teh,2:b (nf) civili,ation; manners; !9 civilised.
tehat (ind.) nder.
4 tehband (nm) a long strip (often striped) of cotton or silk worn by man rond the
waist, a sarong; (a) folded, arranged in folds#layers.
4| tehbandi: (nf) folding, arrangement in layers; flake.
H tehmad (nm) see 4 (nm).
| tehri: (nf) a preparation of rice cooked with vegetables etc.
|# tehri:r (nf) writing; anything written; !| written; 64

docmentary evidence.
tehalka: (nm) trmoil, commotion, agitation, havoc, schemo,,le; H to
case a commotion#havoc.
% tehas%nChas (a) rined, devastated, destroyed; to rin; to devastate,
to destroy.
tehsi:l (nf) tehsilan administrative sb%division of a district; the office or cort
of a tehsildar.
# tehsilda:r (nm) a tahsildarrevene officer in command of a tehsil; sb%
collector of revene; !| the office or fnction of a tehsildar.
tah$: (adv) there, at that place.
taha:n$: (v) to arrange in folds, to fold p; to wrap.
t$:ga: (nm) a tonga; ! a tonga%driver.
s t$:av (nm) a violent (manly) dance%form; the mythological annihilatory dance
of *ord 1hiv; also

t$:t (nf) a string gt, catgt.
t$:ta: (nm) a series, sccession, train; inflx;

the chain to be broken;

4H# to have an nbroken chain; a non%stop inflx.
# t$:ntrik (nm) a practitioner of ; (a) pertaining to ; !| pertaining to or
related with a or .
4 t$:ba: (nm) copper.

t$:mb:l (nm) a betel.

ta: (ind) till, ntil, pto; a sffix sed to form abstract nons from ad'ectives

, HH

etc.); !3 throghot life; !H till the end of life.

ta:i: (nf) father&s elder brother&s (3&s) wife.
ta:i:d (nf) spport; to second, to spport.
3 ta:: (nm) father&s elder brother.
3 ta::n (nm) plage; epidemic.
ta:k (nf) look ot; nominal form of the verb (see); %$ see nder .
4 ta:. (nm) a niche; H # to set aside (for later se), to defer.
4 (nf) power, force, strength, might; HH trial of strength.
4# ta:.atvar (a) powerfl, strong, mighty; hence !| (nf).
ta:kn$: (v) to stare, to ga,e, to watch intently; to view; $ casting of
stealthy glances,
%% )73 %%
viewing nnoticed; H to be on the look ot, to watch for; to
ambsh, to watch for opportne moment.
ta:ki (ind) so that, in order that.
4| ta:.i:d (nf) an instrction; cation.
ta:ga: (nm) thread.
H ta:' (nm) crown; diadem; ! crowned; king; !| enthronement, installation on
the throne.
H ta:,gi: (nf) freshness; newness.
H ta:,a: (a) fresh; new; recent; !H fresh; H late news.
H# ta:,iya: (nm) a replica of the shrines of @asan and @ssain (taken ot in a
procession on the occasion of >harram); !9% s | lit. the brying of the H
the tide of plenty to ebb ot; all enthsiasm to sbside.
H ta:,i:ra:t (nm); %9%7 the Dndian <enal Jode.

4 ta:''b (nm) wonder, astonishment.

s ta: (nm) the palmyra tree, palm, toddy tree; ! palmyra leaf.
s ta:n$: (nf) admonition, rebke; pnishment; (v) to admonish; to gess, to smell,
to perceive the reality in a flash.
s ta:i: (nf) toddy, fermented 'ice of palm tree.
ta:t (nm) any venerable person; father; an address to anyone who is dear and
ta:ta:thei: (nf) see .
ta:ti:l (nf) a holiday; vacation.
c ta:tka:lik (a) instantaneos; immediate; pertaining to a certain period of time
or moment.
ta:ttvik (a) elemental, elementary, fndamental; essential; sbstantial; hence
! (nf).
c ta:tpary (nm) prport, meaning; design; spirit.
c+ ta:da:tmy (nm) identity; identification, nity, oneness.
ta:da:d (nf) nmber, cont.
T ta:ddrish (a) like that, sch like; hence ! (nf).
t$:n (nf) a msical note; fast rhythmic movement; tone; stay; ! tonicity;
U s to strike p a melodios tne; to commence a disagreeable talk#an nending talk.
t$:nn$: (v) to stretch, to spread; to tighten; to erect; to brandish (a sword, stick,
etc.); |, ( 4) to en'oy a care% free sleep.

ta:np:ra: (nm) an accompanying stringed instrment.

t$:n$: (nm) a tant, sarcasm, gibe; the warp; %4 warp and woof; the whole
strctre; !|| discordant note, seless talk; #H to tant, to gibe.
# t$:n$:sha:h (nm) a dictator; !| dictatorship; dictatorial condct.
#4H ta:neba:, (nm) one who makes tanting#sarcastic remarks; !4H tanting,
sarcasm, ironical tterances.
ta:p (nm) heat; temperatre; pyrexia, fever; affliction, mental agony; (a) thermal;
!HH temperatre scale; !0| thermoreceptor; % heat%wave; ! the triple
affliction i.e. physical ( ), divine ( ) and mndane (); !H temperatre;
6 temperatre map; !H a thermometer; !H thermometry;
! thermometrograph,
%% )74 %%
thermograph; ! thermostabile; !#!| casing to conter an affliction; casing
temperatre to go down.
ta:pak (nm) a heater.
ta:pn$: (v) to heat or to warm oneself or something.
ta:pas (nm) see .
ta:pi:y (a) thermal.
9 ta:fta: (nm) a kind of fine glossy silken cloth.
4 ta:b (nf) corage, cheek; not to have the corage#cheek to; to
mster corage to.
4s|s ta:bato (adv) in rapid sccession, non%stop, incessantly; forthwith.

ta:b:t (nm) a coffin.

4 ta:be (a) sbservient, sbordinate; ! obedient, servile attendant; !| servility,
H t$:mchi:n2: (nf) enamelware; enamel.
H$H ta:m'ha:m (nm) originally, an open sedate chair or palan.inparaphernalia.
H|() ta:mlo(e) (nm) a wide metal tmbler (gen. sed in the latrine).
H ta:m$s (nm) see H|

H t$:msik (a) pertaining to, related with or inspired by H|

H# ta:mi:r (nf) constrction, bilding work; !| strctral, pertaining to
H ta:m2:l (nf) carrying ot, implementation (of an order); service (of smmons
t$:mmr (nm) copper; ! a coppersmith; a copper plate (sed in olden times
for docmentation or inscription of edicts etc.); % see %; % copperware;

aenolithic; %4

ta:ya: (nm) see 3.
ta:r (nm) a wire; thread; fibre; chord; string; telegram; series, non%stop se.ence;
order; (a) high pitched; ! a wire%maker; ! a kind of needlework; soft lstros
thread sed for needlework; high%pitched note; %

| things to go
astray#ot of order, disorder to prevail; % to shred; to redce to shreds; %
| to be redced to shreds;

se.ence not to be broken, order to be retained;

4s things to get confsed#distrbed, to go into disarray.
ta:rak (nm) a star; asterisk; %7 asterisk mark.
| ta:rki:y (a) stellar.
| ta:rkol (nm) tar, coal%tar, tarmac.
ta:rghar (nm) a telegraph office.
+ ta:rtammy (nm) harmony, harmonios relationship (of things); se.ence,
ascending or descending order.
c ta:rattv (nm) pitch (of sond notes); lodness.
ta:rn$: (v) to case to cross over; to deliver, to free from bondage.
ta:rp2:n (nm) trpentine; trpentine oil.
ta:r$:kit (a) starred; 9 starred .estion.
ta:ra: (nm) a star: ppil (of the eye); ! stellate; !

! congregation of stars; !Hs constellation; lit. to cont the starsto
keep awake the whole night; not to have a blink throghot the night;
%% )75 %%
|s to achieve the impossible, to perform a miracle; H lit. to see
stars fleeting before the eyeto come face%to%face with a hard realisation; to be over%
powered by a hardship; to be stnned helpless; | | U H in the small hors of the
morning, prior to day%break.
ta:rika: (nf) a small star; cine%actress.
|O ta:ri: (nf) a date; an appointed day; history; ! date% wise; |O historical;
a date; to be postponed; s to date, to give a date; s a date to be
|9 ta:ri:f (nf) praise; definition, description; introdction; I, H| may D know
yor name I may D have the privilege of yor introdction I;

4 Hto sing the

praises of, to shower encomims on.
# ta:r=y (nm) yoth, yothflness; yong age, age of pberty; !H advent
of yoth; pberty.
ta:rkik (a) logical; (nm) a logician.
ta:l (nm) a pond, pool, tank; a msical measre; rhythm, rhythmic cycle; see s;
slapping with the palm the inner side of the thigh as a gestre of challenge or defiance;
! rhythmicity; palm leaf; palmyra leaf; !4@ rhythmic(al); 6 rhythmicity;
%4 inharmonios; discordant, ot of tne; !H the seed of!olanum
ndicum& ! a palmyra forest; !

palm%leaf; | to slap the inner side of the

thigh as a gestre of defiance or challenge (in wrestling); to chime, to correspond
to a msical note with snapping, clapping or foot% work; , ( |) to
dance to the tne of; 4 | to slip ot of tne, to strike a discordant note.
H ta:lmel (nm) co%ordination; concordance, harmony, agreement; to be in
agreement; to be well co%ordinated; 4 to co%ordinate, to bring into harmony.
ta:lavvy (a) palatal (sond etc.).
ta:la: (nm) a lock; !4| a lock% ot; Hs#|#H to lock.
4 ta:la:b (nm) a tank, pool,
ta:lika: (nf) a list; key; table, schedle; !4@ to arrange in a tablar form.
4 ta:lib (nm) a ppil; (a) desiros (of); !~H a stdent, ppil, seeker after
| ta:li: (nf) a key; clapping (of hands); 9 | 4H it takes two to
make a .arrel; H to get the goose, to get hissed on the stage; kentisth fire;
lit. to clapby way of derision; to mock at; 4H lit. to have clappingby
way of approbation, to be appladed; to have clapping by way of derision or
|#H ta:li:m (nf) edcation; !H edcational, academic.

, !

ta:l, !l: (nm) the palate; #

lit. the palate to be dried pto

be very thirsty; H never to be .iet, to go on chattering.
ta:v (nm) heat; hffiness, rage, anger; overflow of passion; tempo; sheet (of paper);
H to rn into a temper, to be infriated; to be ade.ately heated; to take a
hff, to get p steam;
%% )77 %%
to set one&s#another&s bristles; to keep one&s hair on; | to
be in a state of readiness, to be ready for handling; to be in a tempo; to be in fry, to be
infriated; to be overheated; to have a stroke of heat; H in a hff; H H to set
another&s#one&s bristles.
ta:v$:n (nm) penalty, damage, recompense.
H ta:vi:, (nm) an amlet, talisman.
ta:sh (nm, also nf) playing cards; | s a pack of cards.
ta:si:r (nf) effect; property.

#4 ta:ssb (nm) bigotry, fanaticism, religios pre'dice; !4 fanatic, bigot.

H ta:h$m (ind) even so, in spite of this.
tian allomorph of sed in componds, e.g.

#|, etc.
s#H tik$m (nf) manoevre, maniplation; expedient measres; nfair means;
!H manoevring, maniplating; (nm) an adept in manoevring#maniplation;
s#s to maniplate, to make a manoevring effort.
s tiki: (nf) a trio, a grop of three.
| tikAn (nf) a triangle; (a) trianglar, three%cornered.
| tikon$: (a) trianglar, three% cornered.
4| tikki: (nf) a playing card having three pips.
tikt (a) acrid; pngent; ! acridity; pngency.

tikh=:a: (a) having three ends or corners.

tigna: (a) three times, three% fold, triple.

tiggi: (nf) see 4|.
H# ti'a:rat (nf) commerce, trade; ! commercial.
H| ti'a:ri: (nf) tertian age, intermittent fever occrring every third day.
H|| ti'ori: (nf) an iron safe#chest.
s tii: (nf) see 4|; cheating, swindling; !4H a swindler; !4H swindling;
%4s helter%skelter, dise.ilibrim; to swindle; to case to disappear, to make
away with;

H to be thrown ot of wits, to be non%plssed; | to flee;

%4s | to be scattered, to be thrown helter%skelter; to be thrown in a state of
%4 titar%bitar (a) scattered; dispersed; diffsed.
| titli: (nf) a btterfly; (fig.) glamor girl.
#H titiksha: (nf) endrance, patience; hence !H (a).
+H titimm$: (nm) a spplement; an appendix.
tithi: (nf) a date; ! dated.
| tidari: (nf) a three%door verandah.
tinka: (nm) a straw; |s lit. to break a strawto safegard a dear one
against an evil eye; | H 4#s to beg for mercy;
#|s# not to lift#stir even a finger, not to do a hand&s trn;
, s

4 | a drowning man catches at a straw; to hang on by

the eyelids; | H s lit. a hill hidden behind a strawa big secret hidden
nder an apparent trifle.
tipa:i (nf) a tripod.
4 tiba:ra: (ind) for the third time; (nm) a three%door verandah.
4 tibb (nm) the Bnani system
%% )7: %%
of medicine.
4# tibbat (nm)Fibet; ! Fibetan.
4 tibbiya: (a) pertaining to 4 (see).
H| tima:hi: (a) .arterly.
H timir (nm) darkness; !H dark, fll of darkness.
tir$ga: (a) tri%colored; (nm) the tri%color flag; $s tri%colored flag.
tirka (nm) foresail; foreyard.
tirkh$:n (nm) a carpenter.
U tirchha: (a) slanting; obli.e; skew; ! slant, obli.inty, skewness, U|
H slanting glance, amoros look.
U tirchha:v (nm) slant, obli.ity, skewness.
U tirchh$h$: (a) having slight slant, slandiclar.
tirta: (a) afloat.
tirn$: (v) to float.
tirpa:l (nf) tarpalin; dodger, awning.
# tiraska:r (nm) contempt, slight, opprobrim; disregard, disrespect;

disregarded, inslted; reproached; condemned.

4 tira:nbe (a) ninety%three; (nm) the nmber ninety%three.
tira:si (a) eighty%three; (nm) the nmber eighty%three.
tira:ha: (nm) a 'nction of three roads#paths.
tiriya: (nf) a woman; a woman&s wiles#mysterios ways.
tiresa (a) sixty%three; (nm) the nmber sixty%three.
|H tirodh$:n (nm) disappearance, ceasing to be visible.
| tirobha:v (nm) see |H.

tirobh:t (a) see |.

| tirohit (a) disappeared, vanished; rendered#become invisible.
tir$=da: (nm) a float.
tiryak (a) slanting, obli.e; crooked; () | the aves; F an obli.e
til$ga: (nm) a native soldier.
til (nf) sesamm (plant and its seed); a mole; ppil (of the eye); small particle; the
least bit; !

a kind of sweetmeat prepared from and sgar or gr; ! a

cockroach; s to make a montain of a mole; | H s a montain
hidden nderneath a mole%hill; by small bits; by inches; H | H
| to be packed fll, not to have an iota of space; 'st a bit;
within an ace of, hair&s breadth; | H | to be dry and stingy; to yield
nothing worth% while.
tilak (nm) an ornamental or religios mark over the forehead (signifying
installation on the throne or engagement etc.); a vermilion or sandal mark (over the
forehead); the most eminent member (of a class, clan, dynasty, etc. as

commentary (of a text).
H# tilmila:n$: (v) to be in the grip of impotent anger; to writhe in agitation, to
be painflly restless; to be da,,led; hence ! (nf); !| (nf).
#H tilasm (nm) magic, magical spell; talisman; !H magical; miraclos;
talismanic; !H |s to break a magical spell, to expose the reality nderneath a
magical proposition, to expose a myth.
tilh$n (nm) oilseed.
%% ):( %%
H til$:'ali (nf) originally a handfl of water mixed with sesamm seeds
offered to the manes or deceased ancestors now, bidding a final good%bye, giving p,
abandonment; to bid good%bye, to give p, to abandon.
tila: (nm) an aphrodisiac oil#ointment; drawn gold.
~| tilli: (nf) spleen; niger; a fanlight.
| tiva:ri: (nm) a sb%caste of the 9ra:hmas.
tis (pro) the singlar obli.e form of |; then, after that, even so; moreover,
tihattar (a) seventy%three; (nm) the nmber seventy%three.
tihra: (a) triple, triplicate; threefold.
tiha:i; (a) one%third.
tiksh (a) sharp; keen; pngent; intelligent; penetrating; !T (endowed with)
keen#penetrating vision; of keen obser vation; !4

@ nimble%witted, keenly intelligent;

keen intelligence.
tiksh$ta: (nf) sharpness, keenness, pngency; intelligence; penetration.
ti:kha: (a) sharp; pngent; harsh; high%pitched; ! sharpness; pngency;
harshness; high pitchedness; %4#%4 sharp (facial) featres.
H ti:' (nf) the third day of the fortnight (in a lnar calendar); a festival held on the
third day of the lnar fortnight in the month of .
ti:tar (nm) a partridge.
t2:n (a) three; (nm) the nmber three; three or for; % tricks, fol play;
s.abble; three msketeers; H U heading towards opposite
directions, perpetal opponents; % | to dissipate, to go into disarray, to be
scattered; % to s.abble; to dilly%dally; to play tricks, to dodge; H
H a small fry; (a person) of no significance, not taken into accont at all; to be on the
fence; | H

7| to have no parallel, to be ni.e.

H# ti:ma:rda:r (nm) an attendant; a person attending on a patient; !| attending
on or nrsing (a patient).
#H ti:r$nda:, (nm) an archer; !H archery, skill in shooting arrows.
ti:r (nm) an arrow; a shaft; bank, shore; !|# sitated on the bank#shore,
coastal; H

lit. the arrow is shotthe die is cast, what is done

cannot be ndone; | H to make a beehive to, to go straight at fll speed;
# 4# to hit the mark;

4 see | | |

ti:rth$kar (nm) the twenty%for leading religios preceptors of Gainism, the last
of them being *ord >aha:vi:r.
ti:rth (nm) a place of pilgrimage; sacred place; pilgrimage; ! a pilgrim;
!H an epithet of <raya:g ("llahabad) considered to be the most pre%eminent of all
the places of pilgrimage.
ti:rtha:an (nm) pilgrimage.
| ti:li: (nf) a spoke; matchstick.
d ti:vvr (a) fast; pngent; high, high pitched; sharp; violent;
%% ):; %%
intense, vehement; virlent; ardent; bright; strong; !4

@ bright, sharp, of keen intellect.

d ti:vvrata: (nf) fastness; pngency; high%pitchedess; sharpness; violence; intensity;
ti:s (a) thirty; (nm) the nmber thirty; !H a sham hero; | all the time,
ti:sra: (a) (the) third; afternoon; thirdly.
ti:si: (nm) linseed.

t=g (a) high; tall; ! altitde, height.

H t=gim$: (nf) the state or .ality of being high#tall; height.

s t= (nm) trnk (of an elephant); snot.

tnd (nf) belly.

tndil (a) panchy, pot%bellied; hence ! (nf).

| tndi: (nf) the navel.

t=daila: (a) panchy, abdominos, having a big blging belly.

4 tmba: (nm) a gord; a pot made ot of scooped gord; hence

4 (nf).

tk (nf) rhyme; sense; harmony; !4| rhyming, improvising verses; 4 to

rhyme; to harmonise, to co%ordinate; H

H to chime in, to sing in the same

strain, to attne (to somebody else); | (4 H H ) to be rational, to make a

tka:nt (a) rhyming, having terminal alliteration.

4#s tkka (nm) a poetaster, mere versifier; hence !s (nf).

4 tkka: (nm) a blnt arrow; nsre means; vain bid; s# to make a

con'ectre; to make an nsre bid, to take a chance; to accomplish 'st by

tktak (nm) a limerick.

EH tm (nm) a seed; sperm; |4 the seed mst have its effect

and company mst mold all men.

U tchchh (a) petty, trivial, trifle; frivolos; contemptible; insignificant;

! pettiness; triviality; insignificance; frivolity.

$ t'h (pro) obli.e form of


$ to#for thee, to#for yo.

s ta:i: (nf) the act of or charges for breaking#plcking.

s ta:n$: (v) to (case to) break#plck; to change (a coin or a crrency note) into
smaller denominations; to (be in readiness to) rn away.

ttla: (a and nm) see |.

# ttla:n$: (v) to lisp, to babble, to sttter; ! lisping, babbling, stttering.

| ttli: (a and nm) see |.

tnakn$: (v) to be pettish#petlant.

HH#H tnakmi,a:' (a) easily irritated, pettish, petlant; fastidios;

!H pettishness, petlance; fastidiosness.

tpak (nf) a small gn; ! a gnner.

9 tfail (nm) case; means; intervention; throgh, by means of; throgh the
grace of.

H tm (pro) yo.

tml (a) tmltos, proarios; hence ! (nf).

+ tmha:ra: (pro) possessive form of

Hyor, yors.

+| tmh2: (pro) yo alone, yo and only yo.

+ tmhC (pro) to yo, nto yo.

tr$g (nm) a horse; also !H.

tr$nt (adv) at once, .ickly, forthwith; immediately, instantly;

%% ):) %%

trai: (nf) see

|; see |.

trat (adv) see

; H ~ he gives twice who gives in a trice; the

sooner done, the better.

trapn$: (v) to stitch (length% wise) by hand; to oversew; to botch; to overcast.

trpa:i: (nf) (lengthwise) hand% stitching; whip stitching; botch.

H tramchi: (nm) a trmpeter.

| trahi: (nf) a bgle, trmpet.

| tri:y (nm) according to the Veda:nt, a stage where the individal self is nited
with the Hniversal 1elf; also .

trp (nm) a trmp; a trmp card; moving the trmp card, sre

trk (nm) a Frk.

# trkista:n (nm) Frkey; hence ! (a).

trki: (a) trkish; (nf) the Frkish langage; %4%

H4 to give as good as
one gets, to give as sharp a retort.

trra: (nm) forelock, an ornamental tassel fitted on the trban; crest;

( ) what is more, over and above this, moreover, apart from this.

trsh (a) sor; acidic; (fig.) npleasant.

| trshi: (nf) sorness; acidity; (fig.) npleasantness.

# tln$: (nf) comparison; (v) to be weighed; to be bent pon; hence ! (a); !

, to compare with, to make a comparative assessment.

cH tlna:tm$k (v) comparative; comparative stdy; hence ! (nf).

tlwa:i: (nf) the act of, or wages paid for, weighing.

tlsi: (nf) the holy basil plant 6c%mum sanctum; # a basil leaf; a
basil grove.

tla: (nf) a balance, pair of scales; the sign of *ibraseventh sign of the ,odiac;
! s the beam of a balance; ! a gift of gold, silver or grain etc. e.ivalent to the
weight of the donor;

H dead set, bent pon.

tla:i: (nf) see

~ tlly (a) e.ivalent; like; !#| contemporaneos, synchronos;

!c synchronism; !F resembling, of like appearance; !


~ tllyata: (nf) e.ivalence, parity; likeness, similarity.

4 tsha:r (nm) frost; ! snow% flakes; ! frost%fall; 6| lit. to be frost%hitto

be li.idated, to be ra,ed; ! frost proof;

4 frost%bitten.

tsh (a) satisfied, gratified; contented.

tshi (nf) satisfaction, gratification; contentment.

shi:kara (nm) appeasement; policy of appeasement.

thin (nm) frost, snow; snow%flakes.

4 t=:bi: (nf) see

4; a float.

t: (pro) tho; yo; %

H %H low% level altercation, s.abbling; %s boorish#ncivil

langage; 6 3 H to stoop to boorish#ncivil langage; H| s9| 4H H

claw me and D&ll claw thee.

t=:2:r (nm) a .iver (for keeping arrows).

t:tiya: (nf) ble vitriol, slphate of copper.

%% ):/ %%

t:ti: (nf) a rosefinch; 4| to command overweening inflence, to have

n.estioned sway#mastery.

9 t:f$:n (nm) a storm, tempest, hrricane; typhoon; s #4

#H to work havoc, to nleash a storm.

9 t:fa:n2: (a) stormy, tempestos, violent and vehement; flying;

whirl% wind tor.

H t=:mn$: (v) to card (cotton) with fingers.

H#, ! t:ma:r, !l (nm) fss; magnifying a point beyond de limits; 4 H to

create a fss, to magnify a point beyond all reasonable limits, to stretch things too far.

# t:r$:n (nm) the middle%"sian Fartar contry; ! pertaining to

; an
inhabitant#langage of

t:ry (nm) a trmpet; ! sonding of trmpet(s).

t:l (nm) length; prolixity; cotton; %H length and breadth; %4 long and hge;
to magnify, to make prolix; to over%stretch a point; to carry too far; s to
take a violent trn, to be over%stretched, to go too far.

t:lika: (nf) a painter&s brsh.

t:s (nm) the hsk; a kind of fine wool.

tr2 (nm) a straw; !H made of straw; ! as insignificant as a straw, trifling;

! straw% bedding.

tr2a:vart (nm) a hrricane.

triti:y (a) (the) third; ! tertiary.

triti:ya:nsh (nm) one third (portion).

triti:ya: (a) (the) third; (nf) the third day of the lnar fortnight.

tript (a) contended; gratified, flfilled.

tripti (nf) contentment; gratification, flfilment.

4 trisha: (nf) thirst; !


4 trishit (a) thirsty.

trish$: (nf) thirst; greed; longing, craving; | | craving knows no

end; the eye is bigger than the belly.

H tCda: (nm) a leopard.

tei:s (a) twenty%three; (nm) the nmber twenty%three.
teg (nm) a sword; ctlass, scimitar; sword and scimitar.
H te' (nm) glow; splendor, brilliance, reflgence; awe; ! see H;
! see H.
H te, (a) sharp; sharp%pointed; dear, costly; acte; keen; penetrating (as H);
acrid, pngent; corrosive, castic; violent, fiery; swift, .ick (as 9), fleet; smart;
intelligent, nimble%witted; % fiery and fierce, castic%tonged; sharp and smart;
!H" sharp, intelligent; !HHH short%tempered; petlant; !9 swift fast%moving.
Hs te'aiya: (nm) a bll (in speclation).
H#, ! te'vant, !v$:n (a) see H.
H te'asvita: (nf) brilliance, lminosity, glow; impressiveness, imposingness.
H te'asvi: (a) brilliant, lminos, glowing; impressive, imposing.
H#4 te,a:b (nm) an acid; !4 acidic; treated with acid.
%% ):0 %%
H te,i: (nf) sharpness; boom; dearness; keenness; acridity, pngency; .ickness,
swiftness; smartness; intelligence; %H| straddle.
H|H te'omay (a) brilliant, reflgent, lminos; glowing; resplendent; hence! (nf).
| teta:li:s (a) forty%three; (nm) the nmber forty%three.
teti:s (a) thirty%three; (nm) the nmber thirty%three.
tete (pro) Dn 9ra' 9ha:sha:, it means 3 to that extent; 9 H 4
ct yor coat according to the cloth.
teras (nf) the thirteenth day of the lnar fortnight.
terah (a) thirteen; (nm) the nmber thirteen.
#|, !| tera#h2:, !hi: (nf) the thirteenth day after death; the ritals performed on the
thirteenth day signifying the end of the post%mortem ritals.
tera: (pro) possessive form of

thy, thine, yor(s); %#|% favorable to yo,

serving yor interest.
tel (nm) oil; petrol; d to perform to ceremony of pre% marital oil anointment;
| | H | see which way the cat 'mps#wind blows; lit. to
extract oil ot of, to tire ot, to make one work till one perspires profsely.
telhan (nm) see .
teliya: (a) oily; (nm) see |.
| teli: (nm) an oilman; a @ind sb%caste which sbsists on oil% extraction and sale;
4 lit. an oilman&s oxa toiling wretch, one condemned to a slog.
tevar (nm) an eye%brow; a frown; stance: d to frown, to scowl; 4 to
scowl, to frown; to strike an adverse postre, to assme an angry look; %| H 4
s to fly into a rage, to assme an angry look.
t$2ta:lis (a and nm) see |.
taitis (a and nm) see .
# taithik (a) chronological; !| chronology.
# tain$:t (a) deployed, posted; appointed; ! posting, deployment; appointment.
taiya:r (a) ready, willing; ready%made; prepared; finished, ripened, matred; in
bloom, blooming; robst; fat; H manfactred goods.
| taiya:ri: (nf) readiness; preparation#preparedness; grond work; robstness;
bloom; practice; | to be in form; |,

| to be in the best of form;

hence (plral form).
tairn$: (v) to swim; to float.
# taira:k (a) an expert swimmer; !| (the art of) swimming.
tail$ga:n$: (nm) a sothern region of the Dndian nion, presently part of the
state of H H9 .
tail (nm) oil; ! an oil painting; !| an oil tanker; ! oil
color; anointed or smeared with oil.
taish (nm) provocation; rage, wrath; ,H H to take a hff; to get one&s
dander p; to be provoked; to fly into a rage; H | to be in a hff, to be in a state of
taisa: (a) like that, similar to that.
| tAd (nf) panch, potbelly; lit. the panch to be deflatedto lose
%% ):3 %%
all air to blow ot.
|| tAdi:la: (a) see
| to (ind) then; therefore; more% over; an emphatic particle (e.g. H | H3 ); at any
rate, however; at least; even so, even then, in spite of this#that; nevertheless,
nonetheless, still.
|s to (nm) antidote; conter, conter%measre; breach#break; whey; forcefl crrent of
water (in a river etc.); %9|s sabotage; breakage; destrction; 6| | sabotaging
activity, sabotage; %9|s a saboter; %H|s mtilation.
|s ton$: (v) to break; to violate; to fractre; to plck; to disband; to twist, to
demolish; to snap; to change (into coins or crrency notes of smaller denomination); to
redce; to win over, to case to defect.
|s toa: (nm) scarcity; deficiency; name of an ornament worn rond the wrist;
rhythmic strctre in instrmental msic; a long narrow meshwork bag (lsed in olden
times for carrying cash tied rond the waist); match%lock (of a gn); |s fitted with a
match%lock; 64

a match%lock gn.
| totla: (a) lisping; (nm) (one) who lisps; hence || (fem).
| tota: (nm) a parrot; !H lit. parrot%eyed capable of shifting to cool indifference
from cordiality; !H the attribte or attitde of a !H; !| a variety of mango;
! see | | ; to get addicted to an evil; to allow a malady to
get aggravated; | | H 9 to give one the ct direct, to forget the past
cordiality, to assme condifference; | | d to teach over and over
again; | | to repeat nintelligently, to cram p; to contine to harp on
the same note.
| top (nf) a gn, cannon; !O artillery; ! a gnner; gnnery; !H
to blow off with a gn.
|4s toba: (nm) a nose bag; face as a whole; 9

to become glm#slky.
|4 toba: (nf) vowing to sin no more, vowing never to repeat (an act); to cry
&enogh&, to vow to do no more, to vow never to repeat; |s to break a pledge, to
violate a vow; 4

to apply pressre#harass till one yields.

| toy (nm) water.
| torai: (nf) the ccrbitaceos plant and its vegetable3uffa acutangula.
| tor$ (nm) a pylon; an arched gateway; festoons.
| tol (nf) weight; %H weights and measres.
| toln$: (v) to weigh; to balance; to assess or to gage; | 4|| think#weigh
before yo speak.
| tola: (nm) an Dndian nit of weightone eightieth of a seer.
| toshak (nf) cshioned mattress.
|4 tosh (nm) appeasement; gratification.
|9 tohfa: (nm) a present, gift.
|H# tohm$t (nf) slander, false accsation; ! a slanderer.
t$=sn$: (v) to be scorched.
t$=sa: (nm) scorching heat.
4 ta. (nm) a neck%ring; (fig.) a
%% ):4 %%
yoke; ,

H | the yoke of slavery.

tar (nm) mode, method, way; %|4 ways, techni.e; %|4 manners.
tal (nf) see |.
taln$: (v) see |.
taliya: (nf, also nm) a towel.
|# tahi:n (nf) inslt, disrespect; hmiliation; contempt; ! % contempt of
c tyakt (a) abandoned; renonced; forsaken; sacrificed, abnegated;
hence c (fem.) an abandoned (woman).
cH tya'$n (nm) abandoning; renoncing, forsaking; sacrificing, abnegating.
c tya:g (nm) abandonment; relin.ishment, rennciation forsaking; sacrifice,
abnegation; % (letter of) resignation; !H fll of sacrifice#rennciation;
!sacrificing, rennciative, prone to forsake#abnegate#sacrifice; hence ! (nf).
c tya:gn$: (v) to abandon, to give p, to relin.ish, to renonce; to resign, to
abnegate, to forsake, to sacrifice.
c tya:gi: (nm) one who has made sacrifices, renoncer; a reclse.
c7 tya:''y (a) abandonable, renonceable, fit to be forsaken#given p, worth
forsakng#giving p.
c|# tyoha:r (nm) see c; !| see c|.
c ty$= (ind) ths; like that, so, in like manner; %c| so, in the same manner#measre.
c tyaras (nm) the year before last; the year after next.
c| tyari: (nf) wrinkles of the forehead; contracted eyebrows; d to wrinkle p
one&s foreheadto scowl, to frown; H 4 s the forehead to be wrinkled p, to
be in a temper#rage#frios mood.
c# tyaha:r (nm) a festal day; festival; festivity; !| a festal gift (in cash or kind).
tray (a) three; (nm) the nmber three.
trai: (nf) a trio, trinity; (a) trimeros.
| trayodash (a) thirteen; thirteenth; (nm) the nmber thirteen.
| trayodashi: (nf) the thirteenth day of the lnar fortnight.
trasit (a) frightened, scared, terrified.
trast (a) frightened, scared, terrified.
tr$: (nm) protection; means of protection, defence; shelter; salvation;
! protector, savior; !| protector#protecting; savior#saving; ! see .
tra:ta: (nm) a savior, protector.
tra:s (nf) fear, fright, scare, terror, dread; !##| fearfl; frightening, frightfl,
#, ! tra:sad, !da:i: (a) frightening, terrifying, dreadfl.
| tra:sadi: (nf) a (dramatic) tragedy; ! athor of a tragedy; ! tragic.
tra:s$n (nm) (the act or process of) frightening#scaring#terrifying.
tra:sik (a) tragic; frightening; H| a tragi%comedy.
, !H tra:hi, !m$:m (ind) protect me ?, save me ?; deliver me ?; to
repeatedly call for mercy or deliverance;
%% ):5 %%
H to be resonded with calls of &save me ? deliver me ?&; a disastros chaos
to be let loose.
tri (a) three; ! a trio, trinity; ! the three timespast, present, ftre;
67 omniscient, knowing the three times (see ); !| a seer, sage, one gifted
with a vision to see throgh the past, present and ftre alike; also ! ; hence
! (nf); !

| the interval between the eye%brows and the 'nction of the

forehead and the nose; !| a triangle; 6H (the science of) trigonometry; !|#
!| trianglar; !

the set of three guas (c, H, H); threefold, three times;

possessing the three guas; !

transcending the three guas;


cH possessing the three guas; !

mltiplied by three; three times;

!H see !|; !7 radis; ! the three s (physical, mndane, divine); !c a
trilogy; ! the trinity of ,

and H ; !|4 disorder of the three hmors, vi,.

wind (), bile () and phlegm (9); !H in three ways; in three parts;
!H trilateral; representing three sides#parties#aspects; ! a tri%'nction; the three
paths for the 1preme +ealisationknowledge (7), action (H ) and devotion
(); !| a sb%caste of the 9ra:hmas; !


] a mark of sandal%paste or ash over

the forehead comprised of three hori,ontal or crescent%shaped lines; !

| a set of three;
!9 a mixtre of three myrobalans vi,. myrobalan (s); belleric myrobalan (4 s)
and emblic myrobalan (H); !4| see !|; !

H a triangle; !

H trianglar
(shaped); !

the three worlds vi,. this world (H

|), the other world (H),

and the nether world (); !H

see ! ; !| the three worlds; see !

!| the three eyed*ord 1hiv; !| the three skin%folds abot the navela sorce
of feminine charm; !H of three kinds; ! the conflence of the three rivers (in
<raya:g) the E$ga:, the Bamn$: and the (invisible) 1araswati:; !| a sb%caste of
the 9ra:hmas; !

an ancient Dndian Ning of the 1olar dynasty (according to @ind

mythology the sage Mishwa:mittr, throgh his spirital powers, tried to send him
physically to the kingdom of @eavens. Dndra, the king of gods, refsed him entry into
his world and sent him tmbling down. @e is ths said to be tcked p in between the
heaven and the earth); neither here nor there, hanging in space; !

a trident;
6H#6H| (the) trident%bearer an epithet of *ord 1hiv; !

trisomic, three%point.
triya: (nf) a woman; % wiles#mysterios ways of a woman.

tri (nf) an error, mistake; defect, deficiency; !

erroneos, defective;
! broken.
treta: (nm) the second of the for ages according the @ind mythologythe silver
traika:lik (a) pertaining to (see nder ); of all times.
H traim$:sik (a) .arterly, three%monthly.
|4 trailokky (a) pertaining to
%% ):7 %%
or of the three worlds (|).
4 traiva:rshik (a) triennial.
c tvak (nm) the skin; bark.
c tvacha: (nf) the skin.
c| tvadi:y (a) yors.
c tvar$ (nm) acceleration; speeding p.
c tvara2:y (a) acceleratable; worth speeding p; rgent.
c tvara: (nf) haste; .ickness; rgency; shorthand.
c tvarit (a) .ick, swift; (adv) .ickly, swiftly.

thathe second letter of the forth pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
4, 4 th$mb, th$mba: (nm) a pillar.
thak$n (nf) see .
thakn$: (v) to be tired#wearied#fatiged; %H dead beat, worn and wearied,
tired ot, 'aded; % see %H;

| to be dead tired, to be
extremely wearied; H to be tired#wearied#'aded; to be fed p; to be exhasted.
thak$:n (nf) weariness, fatige, tiredness; exhastion; 3 to relax after
# thaka:r (nm) the letter (th) and its sond; ! word ending in (th).
() thaka:v(h)a (nf) see .
thakit (a) tired, wearied, fatiged; exhasted.
thak$=h$: (a) somewhat tired; looking wearied#exhasted#fatiged.
4 thakka: (nm) a clot; lmp.
th$n (nm) the dder; !

fresh from the dders, 'st milked.

thapakn$: (v) to pat (as a child to sleep), to strike gently with the palm; to tap.
| thapki: (nf) pat; tap;

to pat to sleep (as a child); to pat.

s thapi: (nf) a clap; clapping; #4H to clap.
thapthapa:n$: (v) to pat, to strike gently with the palm; to tap; , to back;
to pat the back with approbation.
thapthapa:ha (nf) a se.ence of pats or gentle strokes of palm, constant
thapthapi: (nf) see |.
s thapea: (nm) a violent blow#stroke; bffet; dash (as of violent waves).
s thappa (nm) a slap; bffet; spank; Hs# # to (implant a)
slap (on the cheek).
H thamn$: (v) to stop; to come to a standstill; to wait; to be spported by or propped
H(+) tham$:(mh$:)n$: (v) to hand over, to entrst; to recline.
tharthar (a) trembling(ly),
%% ):: %%
shddering(ly), .ivering(ly).
tharthara:n$: (v) to tremble, to shdder, to .iver.
# tharthara:ha (nf) trembling, shddering, .ivering.
| tharthari: (nf) see .
| tharehri: (nf) see |.
H tharm$s (nm) a thermos flask.
HH tharm$:mi:ar (nm) a thermometer; to take the temperatre (of a
# tharra:n$: (v) to shdder, to tremble with terror; hence ! (nf).
thal (nm) land; place; !#%| terrestrial (animal); the army; | land,
pertaining to the land.
#, ! thaltha#l, !la: (a) flabby; flaccid: ! flabbiness, flaccidity.
thehra:n$: (v) see ; to become still, to settle down; to form a precipitate.
thaha:n$: (v) to fathom, to sond; to go to the bottom of.
th$:vla: (nm) see .
tha: (v) was.
tha:k (nf) stick(ing).
tha:ti: (nf) a trst, anything entrsted to somebody; a charge.
th$:n (nm) a long piece of cloth of standard si,e; a raised platform where a deity&s
image is installed, deity&s abode; stall (of an animal); position
tha:n$: (nm) a police station.
# tha:nCda:r (nm) a police sb%inspector; !| the office or fnction#'ob of a sb%
inspector of police.
tha:p (nf) pat, tap; a palm% stroke over a percssion instrment; see ; to
commence playing a percssion instrment (esp. 4)
tha:pn$: (nm) installation (of a deity etc.); (v) to install to pat into cakes (as cow%
dng etc.).
# tha:pa: (nm) a palm%imprint; ! to apply the palm%imprints (with trmeric).
tha:pi: (nf) a mallet; tamper; a wooden patting device (sed by masons, etc.).
H th$:m (nm) a strt; sed as the second member in the compond |%H (see).
H tha:mn$: (v) to (case to) stop; to hold; to grasp; to prop; to spport; to restrain;
to resist.
tha:l (nm) a large flat metallic plate slightly edged p; basin.
tha:la: (nm) a basin (dg rond a tree or plant for holding water).
| tha:li: (nf) a smaller form of (see); 4 fickle%minded, wavering
(person); H H%3H#4%4 as broad as it is long.
tha:h (nf) depth; estimate of depth; to get at the trth; to probe the depth of;
to assess the depth of; to nearth the reality.
tha:hn$: (v) to fathom, to sond, to estimate the depth (of).
9 thiear (nm) a theatre (hall).
| thigli: (nf) a patch (for mending cloth); to patch, to mend with a patch.
thir (a) stable; static;; hence ! (nf).
thirak (nf) rhythmic vibration of body parts (in dancing), nimble footwork (in
dancing); also (nf).
thirakn$: (v) to make the body parts vibrate rhythmically;
%% /(( %%
to move the feet nimbly in a dance se.ence.
thirn$: (v) to settle down (the sediment of a; to become still and
thira:n$: (v) see .

4%9H thkka%fa'i:hat (nf) reproach and reproof, censre and condemnation;


s thi: (nf) a word expressing contemptos indignation; %

s to express
censre and condemnation, to express contemptos indignation; %

s | to sffer
indignation, to be sb'ected to shamefl disgrace.

ththn$: (nm) a no,,le.

#, ! thlth#l, !la: (a) see .

th: (nm) the sond made in spitting; (ind) an expression of indigation and contempt;
shame ? fie ? pish ?; %



s ; %

| see %


s |.

th:k (nm) spittle, sptm; saliva; to kick at; to spit at;

yo cannot make horn of a pig&s tail; or

to try to make a silk

prse ot of a sow&s ears, to try overmch with meagre means; to be stpidly tight%

# th:kn$: (v) to spit; to reproach and reprove; to treat with contempt;

to eat one&s own words; ! |# ! H to lift p the heel against,
to treat with tmost contempt.

thth$n (nm) see

th:thn2: (nf) the snot (of an animal); m,,le.

th:n2: (nf) a small post; prop; pillar.

% thei:%thei: (nf) a prop expression to mark time in dance or msical recital.
thaila: (nm) a bag, sack, haversack, wallet.
| thaili: (nf) a money bag; small bag; poch; pocket; ( H

) | to open the
strings of the prse, to spend liberally; ! capitalists, moneyed people.
| thok (nm) whole lot, wholesale; blk; a heap, mass; locality; wholesale
price; !9|#H a wholesale dealer, wholesaler; H in large nmbers; in
|s thoa: (a) a little, some, meagre, scanty; short; %4

some, somewhat, a little; % a

bit, a little; 4

H$ a word to the wise shold be enogh;|s a few, some;

6| little indeed; not at all; never.
| thotha: (a) hollow, empty, worthless; nsbstantial; ! hollowness, emptiness;
4H an empty vessel makes mch noise.
| thopn$: (v) to impose, to thrst pon; to implant; to plaster.
|4s thoba: (nm) the snot (of an animal); 9

to slk, to go into a slky

%% /(; %%

dathe third letter of the forth pentad (i.e. ) of the Devna:gri: alphabet; a sffix
added to impart the meaning of, or to denote, a giver (as H giver of water, a
d$g (a) wonder%strck, astonished, flabbergasted; H to be wonder%
d$gai: (a) trblent; rowdy; riotos, pgnacios; (nm) a rioter, rowdy.
d$gal: (nm) a wrestling tornament#bots; wrestling arena; tmltos assembly;

s tmltos elements to assemble; H to win a wrestling bot; H

3 to step into the (wrestling) arena; s to participate in a wrestling bot.
| d$gli: (a) fit to wrestle#fight; an adept in, or given to, wrestling #fighting; (nm) a
(keen) wrestler #fighter.
d$ga: (nm) a riot; distrbance; tmltos .arrel, fracas; ! a
rioter; 4H riotos, pgnacios; .arrelsome; lawless, rebellios; 4H rioting;
riotosness; otbreak of lawlessness, distrbance of peace.
s d$ (nm) pnishment; penalty fine; a staff, rod; beam, shaft; stalk; a measre of
time (abot )0 mintes); see s s; ! a magistrate; % the rle of force, the rle of
inflicting pnishment to attain a sway over one&s foes and criminals; ! a watchman,
gatekeeper; %9H prostrating oneself in reverence; % fear of pnishment; %H
#H criminal law; penal code; !U penalogy; to make amends; to pay the
s d$dni:y (a) pnishable, deserving pnishment; hence ! (nf).
s d$avat (nm) prostration, prostrating oneself in reverence, deferential saltation
(directed towards elders or holy persons); to kiss the grond.
scH d$a:tm$k (a) penal, involving pnishment.
s d$a:desh (nm) condemnation (in a cort of law).
sH| d$a:dhika:ri: (nm) a magistrate.
s d$it (a) pnished, penalised.
day (a) see s.
d$nt (nm) a tooth; ! a legend; tradition; an anecdote; !H dental marks (as
might appear on cheeks, lips, etc. in the wake of amoros sport, sexal indlgence;
!c a dentist; dental srgeon; %c dentistry; treatment of dental ailments;

a fang, root of the tooth; !H

| (sonds) ttered from the root of the teeth;

!| edentate.
| d$nta:vali: (nf) the row of teeth, dentre.
%% /() %%
danti: (a and nm) tsky; having tsks#teeth; an elephant.

d$ntr (a) tsky, having long or pro'ected teeth.

| d$tli: (nf) a denticle, small growing tooth as in children.

| d$ntoshy (a) labio%dental (sond).
c d$nty (a) dental (sond); pertaining to the teeth#a tooth.
d$nd$:n (nm) a tooth; !H a dentist; !H dentistry, one who fixes a dentre.
# d$nd$:n$: (nm) a tooth; 'ag; ! toothed; 'agged.
d$mpati (nm) a (married) cople, hsband and wife.
d$mbh (nm) conceit, vainglory, vanity.
d$mbhi: (a) conceited, vainglorios, vain.
| d$vri: (nf) (the process of) trampling of reaped harvest by bllocks for separating
corn from chaff.
d$nsh (nm) a sting; bite, biting; ! stinging, biting; bitten, stng.
dai: (nm) providence; fate, destiny; see ; !H nfortnate, ill%fated (a term of
abse sed generally by women); % 8 Eod ? 8 Eod; 8 Eod, save me?; !H ill%fated;
damned by <rovidence.
# dak$n (nm) the soth; soth Dndia, Deccan; ! sothern#pertaining to Deccan;
see 4.

# da.iya:n=:s (a) conservative (person); ! (an old fogey) conservative

(person, idea, thinking); conservatism; ! conservatism, conservative condct.
4# dakkhin (nm) the soth; ! sothern, pertaining to the soth; 1oth Dndian
form and style of @indi; also called 6 |.
H daksh (a) efficient, expert; ! efficiency, expertness.
H daksh2 (nm) the soth; right; favorably disposed; (in poetical 'argon) attribte
of a hero () who keeps all his heroines in good hmor; right; ! rightist;
| to be favorably disposed.
H dakshi$: (nf) honorarim (paid in olden days to a preceptor by his ppil at the
sccessfl conclsion of his stdent career); reward to priest, etc.; remneration;
! the sothern region of Dndia.

daksh2$:bhimkh (a) facing the soth.

H daksh2$:yan (nm) the movement of the sn to the soth of the e.ator; the
period of six months called the winter solstice; (a) gone soth.
H dakshi$:vart (a) clock% wise; clockwise movement.
H daksh22: (a) sothern; (nm) a sotherner.
O#H daalanda:, (a) one who interferes#intrdes#meddles, an interferer, a
meddler; !H interference, intrsion, meddling.
O daal (nm) interference; interrption; occpation; athority, athoritative
knowledge, go (in a sb'ect); to occpy; to interrpt, to interfere;
| to have a say, to have knowledge of; ! an occpant; !| occpying.
" dagSa: (nf) treachery; deception, perfidy; !4H treacheros; deceitfl, perfidios;
!4H treacherosness, deceitflness, perfidiosness;
%% /(/ %%
# H to trn one&s coat, to deceive.
, dagi:la:, dagail (v) stained; specked; blemished; stigmatic.
H dagdh (a) brnt, scorched.
dachak (nf) a 'erk (experienced while travelling in or on a vehicle); a bmp;
'erking; shock.
dachakn$: (v) to bmp; to sffer a 'erk (as in or on a vehicle), to ndergo a
se.ence of 'erks or shocks.
# dachka: (nm) a bmp, 'erk; shock; (also fig.); blow; ! bmpy, 'erky.
d daiyal (a) bearded.

, datv$n, dat$=n (nf) see .

datt (a) given, assigned; (nm) data.
dattak (a) adopted; (nm) an adopted son; also

; !0| adopter; |
adoptive father; | H adoptive mother; 0 # to adopt (a
dattachitt (a) deeply#flly attentive, concentrated, having concentration; |

to be all ears.
dadiya: (a) grand%paternal; grand%maternal (as

, ).
| dadora: (nm) a rash, a bmp or swelling (cased by insect%bite or bad state of

daddr (nm) ring%worm.

H dadhi (nf) crd, coaglated milk; !H chrning of crd.
d$ndan$:n$: (v) to go as fast as a shot; to shoot along or forth; to resond.
dan$:d$n (adv) resondingly; non%stop, incessantly.

H dan' (nm) a demon; hence ! (nf).

7 dann (nf) a thnderos sond as prodced by a gn%fire; in fll speed, with a
thnderos sond.
9 dafti: (nf) card%board, paste% board, mill%board.
9 daf$n (nm) brial#entombment; to bry; to entomb.
9 dafn$:n$: (v) to bry; to entomb.
9 dafra: (nm) a fender.
9 dafra:n$: (v) to fend, to fena off.
9 dafa: (nm) time (as in conting the nmber of times, e.g. 9 three times,
9 ten times); section (in a code of law); warding off, removing; ! a dafadara
small army officer; !|, the office or fnction of a 9; ; to ward off; to
bry; to be accsed nder a particlar section of the penal code; | ? be
damned ? go to hell; get away; | to move off; to get off.
9 daftar (nm) an office; office time; office hors.
9| daftari: (nm) a daftary; a book%binder; (a) official.
9 dafti: (nf) see 9.
4 dab$g (a) overbearing, strong% headed, dantless; of commanding presence;
hence ! (nm).
4 dabakn$: (v) see

44 dabdaba: (nm) awe; sway; overwhelming#commanding inflence; HH to
attain overwhelming inflence, to have complete sway; hence |.
4 dabn$: (v) to be pressed; to yield; to sbmit, to act in a sbmissive manner; to be
sbded, to be repressed; to be tamed; to give way; to be covered; to be concealed; to be
hshed p; to
%% /(0 %%
cool down; 4 HH sbded tone; 4 H4 to speak in a sbded tone,
to say in a hshed manner; 4%49 to lie sbded, to be tamed; 4
(walking) .ietly#stealthily; 4 (H ) in a sbded#hshed manner; in
43 daba:: (a) weighty by the head.
4 dab$:n$: (v) to press, to press down; to sppress, to case to yield#sbmit, to
coerce; to cow down, to sbde; to hsh p; to cool down; to cover.
4 daba:v (nm) pressre, dress; sppression, compression; complsion, coercion;
stress#strain; s to inflence; to coerce; to exercise pressre; H H H
to act nder coercion#dress.
4 dabish (nf) beat, rond (as of a police patrol).
4H dabi:, (a) thick, strong; firm.
4 dabail (a) meek; sbmissive; nder sb'ection or control.
4| dabochan$: (v) to ponce, to swoop down pon, to sei,e sddenly.

dabb: (a) tame; of meek or sbmissive natre; !# sbmissiveness;

tameness; meekness.
H d$m (nm) breath; life, stamina; mettle; endrance; moment; trick; trickery;

(cooked vegetable of) whole potato; %OH stamina, vigor, strength; ! strong
and strdy; vigoros; having abndant stamina; % vain consolation; 6 to rose
vain hopes; to extend false consolation; ! pettifogging; simlation; !4H a
pettifogger, sham, hmbg; !4H hoodwinking, pettifogging; !H a vocal
accompanyist of a singer; hence !H (nf); the breath to be choked; normal
process of respiration to be distrbed; 3s to be ot of breath; to lose stamina; to
be exhasted; H| H to be on the verge of death, to be mortally afflicted;
H H instantaneosly, there and then; to withhold the breath; to become
still; O

| to get the wind p;

to be sffocated; | to strangle, to

to rn short of breath, to be ot of breath; to be exhasted;

|s to kick the bcket, to breathe the last, to give p the ghost, to pass away;
to cheat, to hoodwink; to incite; | to have no gts#corage; to have no
strength; to pass away; to be exhasted; 9

to breathe short, to become

breathless; 4d to practise holding of the breath, to increase one&s stamina;
4 H to be breathless in attention, to be very attentive; a moment, an instant;
6| for a moment#instant; to get ot of breath, to be exhasted; to champion the
case of; to sing the praises (of); to boast; to have faith (in); H in a moment;
H to have an instant&s rest, to rest a while; to give oneself airs; to take a pff (of
hashish etc. throgh a cigarette, hookah, etc); H H #|, H4 as long as
life exists; till one is alive; 4 the devil sick wold be a
monk; to smoke, to take a pff at

4 or H
%% /(3 %%
(see); see H; H to be still; to practise holding the breath, to try to
gain control over the process of respiration; to keep mm;

to be mortally
scared, to be terrified; to be at once&s wit&s end; | to have the cheek#gts to: to have
H dam$k (nf) flash; brilliance; glimmer, glow.
H damakn$: (v) to flash: to glimmer, to glitter, to glow.
H damkal (nm) the fire%brigade; a fire%engine.
Hs dami: (nf) an obsolete Dndian coin worth one%eighth of a pice; | 4

s a game not worth the candle, the horse eating its head off; | H

H4 a penny for the bill and a pond for the tip; % damn cheap, of no
worth; |, H to be penniless.
HH d$mdam$: (nm) a raised sand% bag cover (in gn%fight); report of the booming of
gns; a hge kettle%drm; tmlt.
H dam$n (nm) sppression, repression; sb'gation, control; !| sppressive;
repressive; a sppressor; H a series of sppressive#repressive acts;
!sppressive#repressive; hence !; H sppressible#repressible; fit to be
kept nder sb'gation#control; hence H (nf).
H dam$: (nm) asthma, aasms.
H dama:d (nm) see H.
H dam2t (a) sppressed, repressed; sb'gated; U9 sppressed desires.
dayn2:y (a) pitaible, inspiring pity; hence ! (nf).
daya: (nf) pity; mercy, compassion; !T kindly attitde, kindness; 6 to
contine to be kind, to be compassionate; !H#H## H

abode of
compassion, compassionate, mercifl; deserving mercy#compassion; ! a hero
with a deeply compassionate heart; one imbed with deep compassion; ! kindly.
kind%hearted, mercifl; hence (nf).
daya:n$t (nf) honesty; genineness, trthflness; ! honest: trthfl, genine;
!| honesty; genineness, trthflness.
H daya:may (a) filled with or fll of compassion, mercifl, kind; hence ! (nf).
daya:rdr (a) moved by compassion, compassionate, tender%hearted; hence
! (nf).

daya:l (a) kind, kind%hearted, generos; hence ! (nf).

#, ! daya:v$nt, !v$:n (a) see

dar (nf) rate; (nm) door; pass; (ind) in, within; ! (H ) in reality, in fact, as a
matter of fact; ! apart, on one side; leave alone; !

H separate; exclded;
6 to pass over, to ignore; door to door, place to place; ! stealthily,
clandestinely, nder cover; | O U, | | , H
H 9 to be tossed abot from pillar to post, to knock a one door after another;
!4|4 in fact, in reality; ! these days, now%a%days; !

H to exclde; to
leave aside; to give p.
darakn$: (v) to be cracked; to be split; to be rent.
%% /(4 %%
darka:r (nf) necessity, need; (a) necessary, needed.

dark:ch (ind) moving on and on, moving on from one halt to another.
darat (nm) a tree.
darva:st (nf) application, petition; re.est; to re.est; to
sbmit an application.
darga:h (nf) a shrine; holy place; tomb (of a saint which is a pilgrimage spot and
a place of worship).
H dara' (nf) a cleft, fissre, crack; !4| torching; filling p the cracks.
dardara: (a) coarsely grond, not well%grond, granlated; grating nder the teeth;
hence ! (nf).
dardara:n$: (v) to grind coarsely; to grate nder the teeth; to prodce a sond as
by grating nder the teeth.
darpesh (adv) in front, face to face; H to enconter, to be confronted with;
to come face to face.
4 darba: (nm) a coop, pigeon% hole.
4# darba:n (nm) a gatekeeper, of a watchman; ! the dties or 'ob
4 darba:r (nm) a royal cort; hall of adience; %9%HH hall of pblic adience; %9%
hall of private adience; !| cortiership, presence or attendance at a cort;
endring long obse.ios sittings; 6 to be assidos at cort; to dance attendance
(on); to be obse.ios; H|s# to assemble a set of cortiers#sycophants; to
convene a cort# an assembly.
4| darba:ri: (nm) a cortier; a sycophant; (a) of cort.
H# darmiy$:n (nm) the middle; (ind) dring, in between, within, among;
! middle; intermediary.
H darva:,a: (nm) a door; door leaves; to knock at the door (of); to
seek entry;

to keep the door open; $ to call at; to come for help;

4 to close the doors, to have no contact whatever.
darvesh (nm) a dervish, a >slim mendicant.
dar$:ti: (nf) a sickle; scythe.
H dara:, (nf) a drawer (of a table, etc.); see H (a) long, prolonged.
4 dara:bi: (nf) a plly%block.
dara:r (nf) a crevice, slit; crack, fissre; breach, rift; ! creviced; cracked;
s to crack p, to be creviced; a rift to be created.
dar2nda: (nm) a beast, beast of prey; carnivoros beast.
dariddr (a) poor, paper; shabby; of low .alities; wretched; (nm) poverty,
miseries, miserable plight, wretched state; ! poverty, paperdom, paperism;
miserable plight; ! the have%not, the poor;

| all miseries to be gone.

| dariddri: (a) poor, miserable, wretched; shabby; greedy (of eating).
dariya: (nm) a river; ! riverine; 6|s a river horse, hippopotams; ! liberal,
large%hearted; !| liberality, large%heartedness.
9 dariya:ft (nm) an en.iry; to make an en.iry.
| dari: (nf) a cotton carpet; a
%% /(5 %%
cavern, cave, grotto.
|4 dari:ba: (nm) a (betel) market.
daresi: (nf) dressing; a flattened tract of land.
|~9| darogShalfi: (nf) false testimony (made on oath).
|" darogSa: (nm) see |".
H dar' (a) recorded, entered; (nf) see H; to record, to enter (into the records
H # dar'$n (nm) a do,en; !| do,ens.
H dar'a: (nm) a class; degree; rank; gradation; stats; category; .ality; order;
!4| classification, categori,ation.
H| dar,i: (nf) a tailor; |

a hack%worker; ! a tailor%shop; !| tailoring

dard (nm) pain, ache; affliction; ! painfl, tragic, piteos; !H compassionate,
sympathetic; hence !H | (nf); heart%ache, mental agony, angish.
darp (nm) arrogance, haghtiness; , | arrogant, haghty.
darp$ (nm) a looking glass, mirror.
darra: (nm) a (montain) pass.
darshak (nm) an onlooker, a spectator; visitor; %H visitors& chamber, aditorim;
! adience; assembly of spectators; | visitors& gallery.
darsh$n (nm) sight, view; appearance (a term sed to express a sense of
deference); philosophy; H seeing and meeting, assemblage; U philosophy;
!U a philosopher; to have a view (of a revered person or a sacred place);

| (often ironical) to be seen rarely, one&s appearance to be rare; to grace

by making an appearance; to obtain a glimpse of, to have a view of.
darshan2:y (a) worth%seeing; beatifl; hence ! (nf).

s darshan2: @=i: (nm) a sight bill.

darsha:n$: (v) to show; to display, to exhibit.
darshit (a) shown; displayed, exhibited; appeared.
| darshi:a sffix meaning he who can see or that which can help see, e.g,


H!, !; (a) seeing, viewing.

dal (nm) a party; grop; team; troop; swarm; herd; petal; leaf; thickness of layers
etc.; sed in compond words as the second member to denote mltitde;s%,
%; ! of thick layer, plpy; ! chief or leader of a team#grop etc;
!4| gropism, grop politics; 4 an army of followers and spporters; 6 in fll
force; 4 defection; 6| H politics of defection; !4

a defectionist;
4 mass of clods; 4H to form a gang.
daldal (nm) marsh, mire, fen, swamp, bog; H 9 to be bogged down, to be
caght in a mire.
# daldala: (a) boggy, marshy, swampy, .aggy; hence !| (nf).
daln$: (v) to grind coarsely, to mill; to crsh; to destroy.
dala:l (nm) an agent; a broker, middleman; tot.
| dala:li: (nf) middlemanship, toting; brokerage (the work and commission of a
broker); to earn brokerage; to live on toting.
dalit (a) downtrodden; depressed; ! a depressed class.
%% /(7 %%
daliya: (nf) mash, hominy; porridge.
| dali:l (nf) a plea, an argment.
dalel (nf) penalty parade; 4| to order penalty parade (to be performed by).
dava: (nf) medicine, drg; cre; !O a dispensary, clinic; F medical
treatment; medicine; !9| a drggist; to be treated (for some ailment);
|, | to have no cre (for).
dava:i: (nf) see .
dava:t (nf) an inkpot.
H dava:m2: (a) permanent; permanent lease; 4|4 permanent settlement
(of land).
dash (a) ten; (nm) the nmber ten; ! # H#0#H

#H##4 # attribtes
of the demon king ; ! famos king of "yodhya:, father of H.
dashak (nm) a decade, decennim.
H dash$m (a) the tenth.
H dash$mlav (nm) decimal; @ #9| the decimal system.
H dasham$:nsh (nm) one tenth (part).
H dashm2: (nf) the tenth day of each lnar fortnight.
dashehra: (nm) a prominent @ind festival celebrated on the tenth day of the
month of 4 to remember the victory of H over , symboli,ing the con.est of
good over evil.
dasha:g (nm) incense composed of ten ingredients sed in performing
a (see)
dasha: (nf) condition, state; plight; 4s condition to take a trn for the worse;

H condition to improve.
dasha:n$n (nm) see nder .

# dasha:n=k:l (nm) acclimatisation; also !; ! acclimatised.

# dasha:n=vart$n (nm) acclimatisation; ! acclimatised.

#, !| dasha:bd (nm) !bdi: (nf) decade, decennim.
dasha:vta:r (nm) the ten incarnations of *ord vish= vi,. Hc, U, ,

, H,

H, H,

, 4

@ and ~.
dashi: (nf) a decade, decennim.
das (a) ten; (nm) the nmber ten; a million; 4| a notorios
criminal; | H H all rond, all over, everywhere.
dasv$: (a) the tenth; (nm) the ritals performed on the tenth day after death.
#H dastanda:, (nm) an interferer, meddler; !H interference, meddling.
dast (nm) loose stool(s); stool; hand; 4% hand in hand; from hand to hand;
!4 with folded hands; !4 ac.ired, obtained, achieved; hence !4(nf);
H# to have loose motions; to sffer from diarrhoea.
dastak (nf) a knock or rap (with the palm at the door); to knock at the
dastka:r (nm) an artisan, craftsman, tradesman.
| dastaka:ri: (nf) artisanship, handicraft, tradesmanship; craft, trade.
O dastaat (nm) signatre; to sign.
O dastaati: (a) signed, bearing signatre; H signed
%% /(: %%
dastagi:r (nm) one who extends a helping hand, a helper, helping hand;
4 dastaband (nm) a wrist ornament worn by women.
4# dastabarda:r (a) (one who has) desisted from#moved his hands
off#relin.ished; ! | to wash one&s hands off, to give p; !| relin.ishment (of a
claim etc.), abandonment, giving p.
E dastar$:n (nm) a dining table%cloth to place dishes etc. on; 4U (to
lay the cloth) to make preparation for serving meals.
dasta: (nm) a (of troops, police, etc.); handle; haft; sleeve hafting; .ire (of
loose sheets of paper); (of flowers etc.); a ponder.
dasta:n$: (nm) a hand%glove.
dasta:var (a) laxative, prgative.
#H dasta:ve, (nm) a docment; deed; !H docmentary.
dasti: (a) pertaining to hand, manal; carried or delivered by hand (as );
handle; handkerchief.

dast:r (nm) a cstom; practice; constittion.

| dast:ri: (nf) cstomary discont, commission; rotine.

dassy (nm) a robber, dacoit, bandit; %

robbery, banditry, dacoity.

dah (nm) a deep pool; in a river the spot where the water is exceptionally deep.
dehakn$: (v) to bla,e, to brn with a red hot flame; to be very hot.
4# deh.$:n (nm) a peasant; villager; (a) boorish, rstic, nlettered; ! rsticity,
boorishness; ! rstic, boorish.
deh$n (nm) brning, combstion; ! combstible; ! combstibility.
dehaln$: (v) to be terrorised#terror%stricken; to tremble (with fear); to be terribly
dehla: (nm) a playing card with ten pips.
|H dehli:, (nf) threshold; entrance;

a sponger; one sbsisting on

leavings; a parasite); $ to call at somebody&s with a selfish motive;
9 to be confined within the for walls; never to cross ot the threshold.
dehshat (nf) terror; panic; to be terrorised, to be panic%stricken.
daha:i: (nf) the figre ten; the place of tens (in nmeration).
s daha: (nf) roar of a lion; a roar; H to roar; to cry alod.
s daha:n$: (v) to roar; to cry or shot alod.
daha:n$: (nm) the moth (of a river).
| dahi: (nm) crd, coaglated milk.
s dahe2: (nf) a crd%pot.
H dahe' (nm) dowry; 9 the dowry system.
s d$:ik (a) penal, pnitive.
d$:t (nm) a tooth; | || intimate friendship, close relationship; d to
whine; to crinch; ## to grind the teeth (throgh cold,
wrath, etc.); | to accept defeat; to make one lick the dst, to
set the teeth on edge; to force the enemy into a
%% /;( %%
tight corner; s to fix a covetos eye on something; $s to knock ot the
teeth; %|s lit. to knock off the teeth to hmble, to deprive of the sting; to render
powerless; see |; | to whine, to crinch; to show
meekness#hmbleness; to gnash the teeth (in anger etc.), to be in a fry;
9s to grin; 4H the teeth to chatter (throgh chill or cold); 4# the
teeth to be clinched (as in lock%'aw etc.); ( ) s to be extremely stingy;
|, ( H) , lit. the teeth to be fixed onto have the procrement (of
someone or something) as a target; | 3 | 4 lit. to bite the finger in
astonishment stand ama,ed; to be aghast; | H 4 to express
complete sb%mission, to yield nconditionally.
d$:nt (a) sbded, spressed, sb'gated.
d$:ta: (nm) a notch, cog or tooth (of a saw etc.), sprocket; dent; ! wrangle,
wrangling, altercation; 'agged, notched, cogged; dented.
d$:ti: (nf) row of teeth; to gnash (the teeth); 4H see 4H.
d$:mpatik (a) con'gal; 4H con'gal relationship.
c d$:mpatty (a) con'gal, marital; (nm) con'gal relations; con'gal fnctions.
d$:y (nf) see |.
d$:v (nm) see .
d$:2: (a) right, right hand.
da:2: (nf) a midwife; nrse; !| midwifery; |

H to teach one&s
grandmother to sck eggs; U lit. to hide the stomach from the midwife
to keep a secret from one who is bond to know it.
Hc da:kshia:tty (a) sothern; (nm) a sotherner.
H da:kshiy (nm) skill; favorable disposition, favorableness.
O da:il (a) entered; admitted; O|H mtation of names in land%records;
9 filed; to admit; to deposit; to sbmit; to file; | to be
O daila: (nm) admission; entry.
da:g (nm) cremation, setting on fire; to cremate, to set on fire; to brand (a
bll etc.)
" dagS (nm) a speck; stain, scar, mark; stigma, blemish; ! specked; scarred,
marked, branded; stained; blemished; stigmatic; !4 dagbela dig mark symbolising
commencement of a constrction work (bilding, road, etc.); 6s to commence
constrction (work); !4 s constrction (work) to be commenced; to
blemish, to slly the reptation (of), to stigmatise.
da:gn$: (v) to brn, to ignite; to fire; to caterise; to brand (a bll etc.).
" da:gi: (a) stained, specked; scarred, marked; branded; stigmatised, blemished;
damaged (frit).
da:gh (nm) heat, brning.
sH da:im (nm) pomegranate (tree and its frit).
d da: (nm) a 'aw%tooth; grinder.
d| dai: (nf) beard; !H lit. beard%brnta term of abse sally sed by women;
%% /;; %%
damned ?; | to make entreaties; (the beard) to grow grey, to
grow old; 4 to shave (the beard); to grow a beard.
da:tavvy (a) donative, charitable; worth giving; (somebody&s) de; H4H a
charitable dispensary.
da:ta. (nm) a giver, donor, benefactor, a liberal or generos man;

H H|
9 ( ) H4 a point%blank refsal is better than an neasy sspense.
da:ti (nf) delivery.

) da:ta(t:)n (nf) a fibros twig sed for brshing teeth.

c da:trittv (nm) mnificence, bonteosness, generosity.

da:tri: (nf) feminine of (see).
da:d (nf) ring worm, shingles; vocal appreciation; praise; to give de praise;
to express vocal appreciation.
da:dra: (nm) a particlar style of singing.
da:da: (nm) (paternal) grandfather; elder brother; a word of respect sed for elders;
a gangster, hoodlm, leader of a gang; a cock of the walk; | (paternal) grandmother;
!| hooliganism, gangsterism; the act of leading a gang.
d$:n (nm) donation; charity, alms; a religios gift (in cash or kind); a sffix sed to
denote a stand, container or pot etc. (e.g. H, , H); the flid that
flows from the temples of an elephant while in rt; %H alms and donations;
%HH religios practices, charity and mnificence; ! a gift%deed; ! a donating box;
(one) deserving alms; !| a famos sport of *ord Nrish$ wherein he realised toll
from the milk%maids; ! a hero characteri,ed by generos disposition; bontifl,
mnificent; hence !; ! generos, bontifl, mnificent; 6 generos
disposition, bonteosness, mnificence; | 4U to look a gift
horse in the moth; to donate, to give in alms.
# da:nav (nm) a demon; giant; hence ! (nf); ! demonic; giant%like.
da:n$: (nm) grain, parched grain; corn; seed; food; a bead; pstle; pimple, piece;
grainy diet of animals; (a) wise; livelihood; food and drink; 63see 7%H
3; % | to be in the cltches of starvation, to starve; % |

H starving, poverty%stricken.
da:n2: (a and nm) generos#mnificent (person); s|

the owner makes a gift, the treasrer feels the pinch of it.
da:nCda:r (a) granlar; granlated.
4 da:b (nf) pressre; strain; impression; 4

4s da:ba: (nm) a bffer.
4 da:bn$: (v) to press; to press down; to keep in check.
H d$:m (nm) price; vale; a rope; one of the for policies (as specified in ancient
Dndian diplomacy) for con.est over the enemythe policy of monetary gratification;
H money makes the mare go.
H da:m$n (nm) skirt of a garment;
%% /;) %%
the extreme end of a sa:ri: etc.; ! an adherent, dependant; claimant; s to
seek the protection of, to become an adherent or follower (of); 9 to beg; to
spplicate; H a have a broken feather in one&s wing, to sffer a moral fall.
H da:ma:d (nm) a son%in%law.
H da:min2: (nf) the lightning.
H dam2: (a) costly, highly priced.
d$:y (nf) see |.
da:y (nm) heritage, inheritance; ! inheritance, apportionment of inherited
property etc.; ! an inheritor.
da:yak (nm) a donator; a sffix meaning a giver (e.g. 9, ).
H da:y'a: (nm) dowry; presents.
H da:ymi: (a) permanent; perennial.
da:yar (a) filed (a law%sit, case, etc); to file (a law sit).
da:yra: (nm) a circle; ring; range.
da:y$: (a) right; (one&s) right hand (man), closest or most reliable
da:ya: (nf) see .
da:ya:gat (a) inherited; paternal.
da:ya:d (nm) an heir.
H# da:ya:dhika:r (nm) inheritance; heritage; !| an inheritor, heir.
#, !c da:ita: (nf), !ttv (nm) liability; responsibility; obligation; vochment.
da:yi:a sffix meaning a giver or giving (as 3, 9).
da:ra sffix meaning a person having#owning#possessing (e.g.

, |).
da:ra: (nf) wife.
q da:ridry (nm) poverty, indigence.
| da:ri: (nf) see U a term of abse for a female.
da:r= (a) awfl; horrible; severe; heart%rending; hence ! (nf).
F da:r: (nf) li.or; medical treatment; medicine (as in %F).
|" da:rogSa: (nm) a sb%inspector (of police); a sperintending official (as in a
|H da:romda:r (nm) fll responsibility; complete dependence.
da:rshan2k (nm) a philosopher; (a) philosophical; hence ! (nf).
da:l (nf) plse; !H| () a kind of fried and spiced preparation with plse as one of
the ingredients; a manoevre#tricky measre to scceed; a (gilefl) move to
pay; pot%lck, poor diet; 6 to enforce a decision either way, to decide this
way or that way; 6| to be decided once for all; to be rined; to ct no ice,
to effect little; H H

an nwelcome intrder; H | to have

something fishy; || to maintain oneself somehow, 'st to manage a living.
da:lchi:n2: (nf ceylon cinnamon, cinnamon.)
da:l$:n (nm) a yard; verandah
da:v (nm) stake; opportnity, chance; sleight; a trick (in wrestling); strategy;
time(s); trn (in games etc); tricks, strategical moves, manoevres; H H
(H ) to be caght with chaff
# da:v (nm) forest wood; !#.
%% /;/ %%
! forest fire.
da:vat (nm) feast,; invitation; !H an invitation (letter); % to invite;
to invite for lnch or dinner.
da:va: (nm) a claim; sit; % to make a claim; to sit; % to file a sit,
to lanch legal proceedings.
da:va:t (nf) an inkport.
# da:veda:r (nm) a claimant, hence !| (nf).
da:shrathi (nm) son of ; +a:m (the eldest son of ).
da:s (nm) a slave; servant, serf; thrall; thraldom, the attitde of slavery,
servility; ! slavocracy; !| a slavocract; slavocratic; 9(practice#system of)
slavery, serfdom.
#, !c da:sta: (nf), !attv (nm) servility, servile disposition, slavery, bondage;
thraldom, serfdom; ! | 4s bonds#fetters of slavery.

da:sa:n=da:s (nm) slave of a slave, very hmble slave.

da:si: (nf) a maid%servant; a slave girl.
, da:st$:, da:st$:n (nf) a tale, narrative; accont.
da:ssy (a) servile, slavish; hmble; (nm) servitde, one of the nine types of
devotion ( %see) wherein the devotee considers himself to be a hmble servant of
his >aster; see (nder ).
da:h (nm) brning, heat; inflammation; mental agony; cremation; scald;
!H #H# cremation.
da:hak (a) incendiary; casing brns, inflammatory; agonising; ! inflammatory
or incendiary property or character.
# da:hin$: (a) right; ! % (one&s) right hand, most reliable associate; !
H 9s lit. throbbing of the right eye (considered a good omen for a man and a
bad one for a woman); ! to (wards) the right; ! | to be favorably disposed.
| da:hi: (a) see .
H da:hy (a) inflammable, combstible; hence ! (nf).
di. (nm) tberclosis; (a) vexed, harassed; fed p; to harass.
dik (nf) direction; .arter; space; ! see 4; !H the aggregate of all
directions; ! the ten protecting dieties of all the ten directions; !


! orientation; ! bearing.
44 (nf) difficlty; troble; !4 troblesome; difficlt.
4# dikka:l (nm) space and time; ! transcending space and time,

diks:chak (nm) a compass.

dikhn$: (v) to be visible#seen#sighted#viewed.
dikhra:vn2: (nf) the act or process of seeing the newly%wed bride for the first
time; the presents made or cash paid on the occasion.
3 dikha:: (a) presentable; worth%seeing; ostensible, showy.
dikha:va (nf) show, display; ostentation.
| dikha:vi: (a) artificial; showy, ostensible; ostentatios.
dikha:va: (nm) show, ostentation, display.
4 dig$mbar (a) lit. clad in or covered by spacenclad; stark
%% /;0 %%
naked; (nm) an epithet of lord 1hiv; a sect of Gainism.
# digan allomorph of ; ; the end of space; the hori,on; the
interval space between two directions; ! extend ing to the end of, or all, space,
permeating the hori,ons, gone far and wide; !H one of the eight elephants
mythologically spposed to spport the earth in tact in the eight different directions; a
giant or pre%eminent person (in any field of activity); ! a compass; !
(H ) all over, (in) all directions; !H# loss of bearings, directional confsion;
!H# one who has lost his bearings, strayed, gone astray;
!#U see 4; !H niversal con.est, sb'gation of many realms in all
directions; !H a con.eror of many realms or the world;
!#! permeating all space, spreading in all directions; gone far and wide.
digdarsh$k (nm) a director (of a stage performance, film, etc.);
!c directorship.
digdarsh$n (nm) direction, the act or process of directing; general introdction
(of a sb'ect etc.).
q di an allomorph of ; ! see H (in ); ! see 4 (in );
!H s see 4H (in ); !H mere indication; !H

d see (in );
!H| see H (in ).
dian$: (nm) an evil%contering black mark, a black mark or artificial mole
(pt on the forehead or the cheek, esp. of a child) to ward off the inflence of a
malignant eye#an evil glance.
din (nm) a day (comprised of twenty%for hors from snrise to snrise); a day
(extending from snrise to snset), day%time; time(s); !#H the sn;
(adverisity or favorableness of) times; 64 | to be nder a clod, to fall on
bad days; #4% day by day, from day to day, daily, with the passage of time;
!H dration of the day; time interval between snrise and snset; # day and
night, always, all the time; ! 4 evening; the close of the day, snset; H day%
blind; 6 day%blindness; H day%break, morning; day%break, beginning of
the day; to be marking time, to be dragging ot one&s days; to be passing a life
of pain and sorrow; to drag ot one&s days, to maintain oneself somehow; to
srvive hardship; | , | H H to have the stars dance
before one&s eyes (by a blow etc.); to be thoroghly beaten p; | to
make stars dance before one&s eyes (by a blow etc.); to beat p thoroghly; to pt in a
very tight corner; | | H$ to be completely lost in work; to
take no notice of the passage of time; | to reverse the trth; to
waste time, to while away time; to pass neventfl days, to keep on waiting
from day to day; d the day to be far advanced, the sn to have gone p in the sky;
to pass beyond the time (of menstration); d late in the
%% /;3 %%
morning, when the day is far advanced; U the sn to set; d the day to
come to a close; the sn to start declining; d at eventide, late in the afternoon;
s in broad daylight;

4d to grow by leaps and bonds;

H to appoint a day (for some aspicios ceremony etc.); s | the time to
hang heavy;

to mark time; to pass one&s days somehow;

| to be
gone fll time; to have completed the period of gestation; 9#4

the times to
take a favorable trn, prosperos phase of life to commence; % all day, throgh ot
the day; | | see s |; to give oneself airs; to become vain;
H (one&s) heydays to be gone#past; while yet day, dring the day% time; |
9 rn of (good) lck to be changed.
dincharya: (nf) daily rotine.
# din$:k (nm) date; ! dated.
dinesh (nm) the sn.
# dipn$: (v) to glow, to glitter, to shine; also !.
H" dima:gS (nm) the brain, mind intellect; conceit; ! intelligent; conceited;
!| intelligence; conceitedness; %HH d to trn one&s head; HH
| to have a swollen head, to think no end of oneself, to be very mch conceited;
to pt on airs, to be conceited; | s

| | to have an open
mind#head; to tax one&s mind; # to pester with constant babble, to
tire ot somebody by continos chatter, to inflict continos prate on somebody;
O| to beat or rack the brain; d to get inflated by conceit; s | to
be restord to normalcy, to come to senses; H to be nable to fathom the
conceit (of); to be too fastidios to make ad'stments; H| s to tax one&s
brain; 9 H one&s head to be trned, to have a swollen head; 4s be trn
one&s head, to make one di,,y; H H to take to one&s head; H O
| something to be psychologically wrong, not to be in mental e.ilibrim; H

to hammer (an idea etc.) into somebody&s head; H 4 H to go to one&s

head; s to exercise or tax one&s brain; HH | to be too
conceited#vainglorios, to think no end of oneself.
H" dima:gSi: (a) mental, pertaining to the brain or mind; intellectal;
9 mental indlgence; mental tension; intellectal
bankrptcy; s intellectal conflict.
diya: (nm) a lamp, an earthen lamp; (v) past tense form of %gave; (a) given;
4d to pt ot a lamp; !4 lights, lamp, etc.; !4 to make the lights, to light
p the lamp.
diya:sala:i: (nf) a match%stick; a matchbox, safety match; #
to pt on fire; to damn, to be done with it.
diya:nat (nm) see ; ! see ; !| see |.
dil(nm) the heart; corage; spirit; will; ! attractive, allring, charming; hence
! (nf); !O

pleasant; ! heart%sick,
%% /;4 %%
ot of heart; !| gloominess, nhappiness; !HH conviction; assrance; !H fll of
grdge; bitter; !H| consolation, solace; ! beloved; generos, bontifl; corageos;
hence !| (nf); ! favorite, to one&s liking; !9 4 allring; !9 of romantic
disposition, flirtacios, frivolos; !4 beloved; hence !4| (nf); !4 entertainment;
!4 tempting; beloved; !4 the act or process of tempting; ! happy;
!|H sympathetic; !|H sympathy; to take a fancy; to feel drawn towards;
H to catch the fancy of, to take a fancy for; H%H" U to get a
person on the brain; s to smmon p corage; not to get nnerved;
| ill%meaning, ill%intentioned; not clean at heart; | to conform to the
dictates of conscience; to feel in one&s bones; "


O#| s
to get things off one&s chest; to let ot one&s steam, to give free vent to one&s
grdge; 4 a king at heart; | H 4

$ to have one&s passions

flfilled; | | to be in exltation, to be frisky; H to
have a wish remain nflfilled; an aspiration to wither away by non%flfilment; |
9 a lingering agony; | 4 the inner trth#feelings; 64 to show one&s cards,
to keep no reservation; 99| 9

to have the heart prged of all wrathfl

emotions; to have it ot till pacified; | | to feel contended; |

to tread on one&s kibes; | to take a thing to heart; | to

develop a sense of aversion; to feel replsed; | to dip into one&s
prse; to spend freely; | #%| to place one&s card&s on the table:

to lre one&s heart away; U | iron to enter into one&s sol; U

4 to toch the right cord; U| to feel de'ected; HH to be intent
on; to feel assred#convinced; H to be sore at heart; | to look within;
|, to feel ot; s

4 to have the heart sinking; |s to break one&s

heart; to be scared ot of wits; to have the heart in one&s boots;

case mental agony#troble; to fall in love with, to lose one&s heart to;
Hs heart to palpitate; to be nnerved; H to be fed p of endring
affliction, to be fed p of sarcasm; 4 | to leave an indelible imprint on the
mind; | see H |; H to feel moved; 9
H, 9 to develop a sense of aversion; 9 H the heart to be rent, to be
extremely restless; 4d to be encoraged, to gain self%confidence, to become
generos#bontifl; 4d to encorage, to back p; 4"%4" | to be
overwhelmed by 'oy; to be extremely delighted; 4

$ to feel de'ected, to be
disheartened, to be in low spirits; 4 H the heart to be sinking; H to be
moved by compassion; HH4

to pll oneself together; H the minds to

be in complete harmony, to be mtally tied
%% /;5 %%
by bonds of harmony; H H an idea to occr, to feel like; H # s to
nrse a hostile feeling, to have dissension created (in between), to have a fissre
developed between: H #H to be taken to heart; to find a place in one&s
inmost feelings; H to wear one&s heart pon one&s sleeve; H 99|
s to sffer intense mental tortre; to be heart%rent; H 9 H to have anims,
to develop a mental reservation; H 4#H to be ever%present within; H H
H malicios feeling to creep p, to develop a some mental reservation;
see H ; see H ; heartily, from to core of one&s heart;
3 to no longer occpy a venerable place in one&s heart; to be ot of favor;

to forget; to forget and forgive; H to be ot

of favor; to be replsed; to have a sense of replsion; | H in the heart of
hearts; |H heart and sol, from the core of (one&s) heart.
# dilchasp (a) interesting; ! interest; 6 to take interest.
dila:n$: (v) to case to be given#handed over.
# dila:var (a) bold, brave, corageos; !| boldness, bravery, corageosness.
dila:sa: (nm) consolation, solace; assrance; to console; to comfort; to
| dili: (a) heart%felt, hearty, cordial; sincere.
# diler (a) corageos, daring, brave; voloros; !| corage, bravery, daring,
~ dillagi: (nf) 'est, 'oke, fn; hmor; !4H fnny; hmor% some; 'oclar;
!4H 'oclarity, fnmaking.
~ dilla: (nm) a panel of a door or window; !4| panelling; ~ panelled.
~| dilli: (nf) Delhithe capital city of Dndia;

lit. Delhi is still a far cry

flfilment of a dream#mission is still far off; H 4 4 s $|to
be in the midst of all opportnities and yet to avail of none.
div$gat (a) late, deceased.
divas (nm) a day; day and night.
H div$:ndh (a) day%blind; ! day%blindness.
diva: (nm) a day; ! the sn; % day and night; ! a day%dream; 6 to
day%dream; to bild castles in the air.
| di:va:n$: (a) see .
O| dival:or (nm) a lame dck.
diva:la: (nm) bankrptcy, insolvency; # to become a
diva:liya: (nm) a bankrpt; an insolvent.
| diva:li: (nf) a @ind festival celebrated on the day of the new moon of ,
when lamps are lit on hose%tops etc. symbolising the con.est of light over darkness
and of good over evil; (fig.) times of merriment.
divvy (a) divine, celestial; charming, beatifl; brilliant; !H gifted with divine
vision, charming%eyed; blind; !T divine insight; penetrating vision;

4 divine
person; !H

divine being#figre; hence , c.

%% /;7 %%
divvya:gan$: (nf) a celestial dame; nymph.
disha: (nf) a direction; line; redirection; gidance, direction.

disha:sh:l (nm) any inaspicios planetary con'nction forbidding departre

from or to certain directions on certain specified days.
4 dis$mbar (nm) (the month of) December.
# disa:var (nm) another contry#region; foreign mart; !| imported; belonging to
another region or contry.
| d2: (v) gavefeminine plral past tense form of .
| di: (v) gavefeminine singlar past tense form of ; (nf) abbreviated form of ||
elder sister.
|H di:kshak (nm) an initiator; a preceptor.
|H di:ksh$ (nm) (the process or act of) initiation.
|H di:ksh$:nt (nm) the end of preceptorial period, the conclsion of a phase of
edcation; () 4 a convocation address; H| convocation.
|H di:ksha: (nf) initiation; !

the initiator, preceptor.

|H di:kshit (a) initiated.
| di:khn$: (v) to be visible#seen.
| di:gar (a) another; different.
|H9 di:'ie (v) honorofic imperative form of the verb please give;
! interchangeable with |H9 in practical sage bt has a distinctness in as far as it
points to a slightly more remote ftre.
|# di:da: (nm) an eye; vision; ! a connoisser, one who can appreciate; !
to stare, to cast an angry look; ! 9s to stare, to ga,e; ! to be
attentive; to concentrate (in some work); ! s to exchange amoros glances; !
d H to be lost to shame.
| di:da:r (nm) sight, view, appearance; seeing.
|| di:di: (nf) (a form of address for) an elder sister.
| di:n (a) poor, miserable, hmble, arosing a sense of compassion; (nm) religion;
%H religion and morality; !

kind and considerate to the poor; an epithet of

Eod; ! religios%minded, devot;

this world and the other world;

HH religion and morality; !4H

a helper of the poor, compassionate; an epithet of Eod;

! see !

| di:n$:n$:th (nm) *ord#protector of the poor; an epithet of Eod.
| di:na:r (nm) an ancient gold% coin, once crrent in "sian and -ropean contries.
| di:p (nm) an earthen lamp; the most eminent person of a family or clan; !

a light%
hose; ! offering of a lamp to a deity for adoration; !H#H a row of lamps;
the | festival; ! # the wick of a lamp; ! the flame of a lamp;
! a lamp%post; | H one lamp kindles another.
| di:pak (nm) a lamp; 4

$ the light to go ot; one&s lineage to come to an end.

|, | di:paka:ka:r, di:pa:ka:r (a) resembling the shape or strctre of
a | or
%% /;: %%
|H di:pa:dha:r (nm) a lamp% stand.
|| di:pa:vali: (nf) see |.
| di:pit (a) see |.
| di:pt (a) radiant; lminos, brilliant, bright.
| di:pti (nf) lstre, splendor, lminosity, brilliance, flash; !H photism;
!H radiant, lstros, brilliant, shining; a trace.
|4 di:ba:cha: (nm) a preface.
|H di:m$k (nf) termite, white ant; to be termite%infested#termite%eaten.
| di:ya: (nm) see .
| di:rgh (a) long; large; wide; tall, hge; deep; ! tall, gigantic;
! sstained; chronic; !H long%living, blessed with longevity; ! length;
largeness; width; hgeness; + a deep sigh; !| wide%eyed; ! oblong;

ellipse; !

elliptical; !

dilatoriness, procrastination; !

a slow%
coach; procrastinator; dilatory; long vowel.
| di:rgha: (nf) a gallery.
| di:rgha:ka:r (a) gigantic, hge, colossal.

di:rgha:y (a) long%lived, long%living, blessed with long life; (nf) longevity;
! see |

| di:rgha:vka:sh (nm) long vacation.
|H dirgha:vadhi (a and nf) long term.
| di:va (nf) a lamp%stand.
| di:va: (nm) see |.
| di:v$:n (nm) a Jhief >inister (in a royal cort), dewan; a coch withot back%
rest; a royal cort; a collection of poems; %9%HH a pblic hall of adience; ! a
drawing room, a hall of adience; %9% a hall of private adience.
| di:va:ngi: (nf) cra,iness, madness.
| di:va:n$: (a) mad, cra,y, insane; ! madness, cra,iness, insanity.
| di:va:n2: (nf) a civil cort; the office of a | (see); (a) civil (law etc., as
opposed to criminal); feminine form of |; %4

civil law, civic law.

| di:va:r (nf) a wall; s , 4 to create a glf (between), to raise a
barrier (between); d H barriers to be ra,ed; (|) || |
walls also have ears; 4 to act as a barrier, to case separation between.
| di:va:l (nf) see |.
|| di:va:li: (nf) see |.

d=nd (nm) see .

d=ndbhi: (nf) a (hge) kettle%drm, drm.

d=ndbhi: (nf) see

4 d=mba: (nm) a kind of ram which has a rond, flat and tft%like tail%end; nsally
fat; | H to grow too fat.

dha 1anskrit prefix signifying bad, evil, badly, wicked, wickedly, wrong, difficlt,
hard, contemptible, etc.

d(k)kh (nm) sorrow; nhappiness; sffering, grief, distress; ! distressing,

grievos, bringing sorrow and sffering in its wake; ! the three sorrows vi,.
physical, mndane and divine; ! painfl, grievos#sorrowfl; doloros;
!#! painfl, casing grief#sorrow; distressing, agonising; % distress and
%% /)( %%
!9 see

; ! difficlt, that which can be attained or achieved throgh

sorrow#sffering; %

H throgh thick and thin; 6| | to cast one&s lot with, to

stand throgh thick and thin; 3 to endre sffering#sorrow; to ndergo hardships;
| s

grave calamity to befall; to be in terrible distress; to pass

throgh a sffering; to grieve, to inflict grief#sorrow#sffering (on), to troble;

to feel sorry, to be grieved#distressed, to feel nhappy; to endre

sffering#sorrow, to sffer, to ndergo hardships; 4 to share one&s sorrow, to
minimi,e sorrow throgh sympathy; H to be sorry, to be sorrowfl, to be
nhappy; H

H 4

H | the devil sick wold be a monk.

H d(k)khmay (a) fll of sorrow, tragic, nhappy, doloros, filled with grief.

d(k)kh$:nt (a) tragic, clminating in a tragedy, reslting in grief; also !;

a tragedy.

d(k)kh$:ntika: (nf) a tragedy, tragic play#drama.

d(k)kha:ti:t (a) impassible, transcending sorrow and sffering.

cH d(k)kh$:tm$k (a) tragic; sorrowfl, lgbrios, fll of sffering; hence

! (nf).

d(k)kha:rt (a) grief%stricken, overpowered by sorrow#sffering; hence ! (nf).

# d(k)khit (a) nhappy, sorrowfl; grief%stricken, woefl; hence ! (fem.)

dkkhi (a) sorrowfl, sad, nhappy; grief%stricken, afflicted, woefl.

dshshi:l (a) insolent, impdent, impertinent, ill%bred, wicked; hence ! (nf).

dssah (a) intolerable, nbearable, nendrable; hence ! (nf).

dssa:dhy (a) difficlt, ardos, hard to accomplish; hence ! (nf).

dssa:has (nm) adacity, effrontery, cheek.

# dssa:hasi: (a) obtrsive, adacios, cheeky; ! adacios, cheeky (act


dsswapn (nm) a nightmare, an incbs.

dsswabha:v (a) ill%tempered; ill%natred.

dan allomorph of | sed as the first member in nmeros compond words;

!7 a two%anna coin; !+| see H; !H4 (!H4) a tract of land lying in between
two rivers; ! a det; !

doble; two%fold; ! doble%minded; irresolte,

ncertain; !9 bilateral, two%sided; !~ doble%storeyed; !Hdoble%edged;
!H| doble%edged; !| doble%barrelled; ! a rochet, scarf, an overall cover
cloth; ! having two folds, doble%folded; a kind of cap; ! noon, mid%day;
! a small plant that grows red flowers; !| see ; !9| growing in both
the cropsrabi: and khari:f; indefinite, ncertain; !4 a second time, once again;
!H ncertainty; sspense; !4 an interpreter; !HH doble%storeyed;
!H| bimonthly; !H
doble%mothed, doble%tonged; ! two%colored; dplex,
treacheros, e.ivocal; !H diarchy; !H diarchical government,
%% /); %%
diarchical system; !O doble%sided; bilateral; !s doble%stringed (necklace etc.);
! two%legged kick, kick with the two hind legs (as by a horse or an ass); ! a
doble shawl; shawl; !

a kind of thick cloth with doble warp and woof;

!c doble%handed; fitted with two hands; !c a doble%handed stroke;
! see

; !H

married a second time.

H da: (nf) prayer, blessings; H slight ac.aintance, nodding ac.aintance;

exchange of greetings; 6H 9 H even the sperficial relations to be spoiled, to be
completely estranged; to pray for; to wish well, to bless; H to
pray for (somebody&s well%being); to have one&s prayer answered#blessings

s dka: (nm) a pair; fitted in twos; one forth of a pice.

s dki: (nf) do, a set of two; a playing card having two pips; carriage drawn by
two horses.

dk$:n (nf) a shop; ! a shopkeeper; !| shopkeeping; the work or 'ob of a

shopkeeper; higgling; 3 a shop#bsiness to be closed for good; HH to
firmly establish a bsiness#shop; 4d to close the shop (for the day).

dka:l (nm) famine; scarcity.

dk:l (nm) a fine overall cloth.

dkela: (a) not alone, accompanied by another.

4| dkki: (nf) a playing card with two pips.

s dkh$a: (a) doble%storeyed.

dkh (nm) see

s dkha: (nm) saga of sfferings, tale of woes; | to narrate one&s tale of woes,
to describe the saga of one&s sfferings.

dkhn$: (v) to ache; to sffer pain.

dkha:n$: (v) to inflict sorrow#grief#sffering; to case pain; to grieve, to


dkhit (a) see


dkhiya: (a) sffering, in distress#grief, afflicted with sorrows.

# dkhiya:ra: (a) in the grip of sfferings, grieved, afflicted, in distress;

!| feminine ad'ectival form of

dkhi: (a) see

dga:n$: (nm) a del.

H dgdh (nm) milk; taking milk; ! a dairy.

dt (ind) avant ?, be gone ?

dtka:r (nf) a sharp indignant snb, snb, contemptos reprimand.

dtka:rn$: (v) to administer a sharp snb, to snap, to reproach indignantly.

@ dddhi: (nf) ephorbia, a milky medicinal grass.

H ddhan allomorph of

H sed as the first member in certain componds;

sckling, still feeding on mother&s milk; an infant; a know%nothing; !s an
earthen pot for imparting slow heat to milk.

H#, !F ddha:r, !r: (a) milch; yielding mch milk; | s

if yo will en'oy fire, yo mst pt p with the smoke.

H ddhail: (a) with a generos yield of milk.

dniy$: (nf) the world;people; ! worldly, mndane; !

%% /)) %%
worldly, worldly%wise; absorbed in worldly affairs; !| worldliness; worldly wisdom;
worldly affairs; !H adept in worldly dealings, tactfl, cnning; !Hsperficial
dealings, tactflness, cnningness; 3Hs to lose one&s all, to be in the grip of a
disaster; | to veer rond to worldly ways; to ac.ire woldly wiles;
on the face of the earth; to gather varied experience; | to
have known the world; nparalleled#nmatched in the world; the greatest;
3 H#%

H to disappear from the face of the earth; to pass away.

dniya:vi: (a) worldly, mndane.

4 dbakn$: (v) to be croched, to be hidden, to be concealed, to lrk.

4 dbla: (a) lean, thin, weak; lean and thin, scrawny; hence ! (nm).

4H dbidha: (nf) a dilemma, fix; !0 on the horns of a dilemma, in a fix, in two

minds; H |3 H H| H if yo rn after two hares, yo will catch

4 dbe (nm) a sb%caste of 9rahmas.

H d=m (nf) tail; hind%most part (of an animal); a hanger%on, one who is a constant
close follower; ! tailed, having a tail; U 9 to follow closely; 4
to trn tails; 4 H to be scared away; 4 9# to be a hanger%
on, to always hang on; | (said ironically) to be a symbol of (as H |

be an apology for; to wag the tail like a dog, to flatter.

dragi: (a) see

(! ); Gack of both sides, a doble%dealer.

dr$nt (a) proving detrimental in the end; difficlt to get throgh or to

comprehend; violent; hence ! (nf).

dr (ind) stand off ?; be gone ?;

an tterance meant to drive off a dog.

HH dratikkr$m (a) difficlt to cross over, inaccesible, insrmontable, inviolable.

drdra:n$: (v) to drive off indignantly; to express contempt.

drn$: (v) to hide (oneself), to get ot of sight.

7 dravnay (a) difficlt to follow#co%ordinate, incomprehensible.

H drabhis$ndhi (nf) a conspiracy, collsion, secret plot; ! a conspirer,


drm= (nm) a (hand) rammer, beater, pnner.

dravastha: (nf) predicament, miserable plight, pitiable state.

dra:kkriti (nf) gly; deformed, deshaped.

0 dra:ggrah (nm) contmacy, pertinacity; importnity, obdracy, mise en demure.

0| dra:ggrahi: (a) contmacios, pertinacios; importnate, mlish, obdrate.

#, ! dra:#char$, !cha:r (nm) miscondct, malfeasance, wickedness;

immorality, depravity.

#| dra:cha:ri: (a) wicked, malfeasant; immoral, licentios, depraved; hence

! (nf).

cH dra:tm$: (a) wicked, vicios,

%% /)/ %%

dra:ra:ddhy (a) fastidios, difficlt to propitiate; hence ! (nf).

dra:v (nm) concealment; reservation; U concealment and reservation.

dra:shay (a) malafide, malevolent; ill%meaning; ! malafide, malevolence.

dra:sha: (nf) hope against hope, false hope.

| drpyog (nm) misse, missage, misapplication.

# drst (a) proper, fit, correct, all right; ! correction, mending; refitting; !
to mend; to pt to one&s proper place, to teach a lesson.

F dr:h (a) obscre, abstrse, nintelligible; ! obscrity, abstrsencess;


dran allomorph of

(see) (as

, etc.).

H drgandh (nf) bad odor, disagreeable smell, stench, stink.

drg (nm) a fort, castle; citadel; ! master of a fort, fort commander;

! protector of the fort, fort%gard.

drgati (nf) predicament; misery, miserable state; distress; #4 to

force into a miserable plight; to give a good thrashing.

H drg$m (a) difficlt, difficlt of access#approach, inaccessible; hence ! (nf).

H drgaman2:y (a) see %


drga: (nf) the spose of 1hiv, symbolising primaeval energy worshipped in

different forms; a heroic woman%destroyer of sinners; a shrew.

# drg= (nm) defect; falt, flaw; vice; ! vicios, having falts or defects.

0 H drgra:hy (a) ntenable, difficlt to accept#hold#adopt; hence ! (nf).

drghan$: (nf) an accident, mishap, tragic incident; !0 ill%fated, that has

sffered an accident, involved in a mishap; place#vene of an accident#a mishap.

H dr'$n (nm) a wicked person, rascal, scondrel; ! wickedness, rascality.

H dr'ay (a) difficlt to overcome or sbde, indomitable, impregnable.

H dr'ey (a) incon.erable; hence ! (nf).

7 drgyey (a) impalpable, difficlt to know#nderstand, incomprehensible,

nintelligible; hence ! (nf).

H drd$m (a) indomitable; irrepressible; nyielding; difficlt to sbde.

#H, !+ drdamni:y, !mmy (a) see

H; hence !H, !+ (nf).

drdasha: (nf) predicament, miserable plight, misery.

drd$:nt (a) see

H; hence ! (nf).

drd2n (nm) adverse times; bad weather (overcast with clods)

drdaiv (nm) misfortne, ill%lck.

H 4 drdharsh (a) invincible, indomitable, difficlt to sbde; hence ! (nf).

+ drn$mmy (a) inflexible, rigid; stiff; ! inflexibility; rigidity; stiffness.

#, ! drni#va:r, !va:ry (a) nrestrainable, irrepresible; inevitable.

%% /)0 %%

| drn2:ti (nf) impolicy, impolitic condct; vice.

4 # drbal (a) weak, feeble; powerless; emaciated; imbecile; ! weakness,

feebleness; emaciation, debility; imbecility; !H feeble%minded; !Uvelleity,
weak will.

@ drbddhi (a) evil%minded, perverse; foolish, stpid.

4|H drbodh (a) abstrse, obscre; nintelligible; hence ! (nf).

drbhar (a) oneros, ardos; hence ! (nf).

drbha:ggy (nm) misfortne, ill%lck; tragedy.

drbha:v (nm) malice, malevolence, ill%will.

drbha:vn$: (nf) see

H drbhiksh (nm) famine; scarcity, pacity.

drbheddy (a) invlnerable, impregnable.

|H dryodhan (nm) the villain of the great ancient Dndian war>aha:9ha:rat, head
of the kauravas; | H the "chilles& heel, the weakest point.

drl$ghy (a) impassable; inviolable, insrmontable; hence ! (nf).

drlabh (a) rare, scarce; nattainable; navailable; excellent; ni.e; ! rarity,

scarcity; navailability; excellence.

drvach$n (nm) scrrility, scrrilos words; abse; (a) scrrilos, fol%tonged.

drvah (a) nbearable; difficlt to carry.

drva:sn$: (nf) malevolence, malicios disposition, malafide intention.

#|, !|H drvini#yog, !yo'$n (nm) misappropriation.

drvin2:t (a) impdent, defiant, ill%mannered.

drvipa:k (nm) tragic end; accident, evil conse.ence.

# drvritt (a) misbehaved; vile, wicked; hence ! (nf).

drvyavastha: (nf) maladministration; malad'stment, mismanagement;


drvyavha:r (nm) misbehavior, miscondct, ill%treatment.

drvyas$n (nm) addiction; vice, dissipation.

| dlki: (nf) trot, trotting, to trot (as a horse).

dlakhn$: (v) to re'ect; not to accede to (a re.est etc.).

dlatti: (nf) a kick (by an ass or a horse) with the two hind legs.

dlra:n$: (v) to fondle, to caress, to pet.

dlhan (nf) bride; | H

got p to kill, fascinatingly dressed.

dla:ra: (a) beloved, darling (child), dear.

H dvidha: (nf) a dilemma, fix; !0 see

4H (!0); H |3 H
H| H see


# dshva:r (a) difficlt: !| difficlty.

dsha:la (nm) see


H dshchakkr (nm) a vicios circle.

dshcharitr (nm) miscondct, malfeasance; depravity, profligacy; (a) deprave,

degenerate; malfeasant; profligate; hence ! (nf).

H# dshm$n (nm) enemy, foe; ! enmity, anims, hostility; ! H| to

antagonise for nothing, to invite hostility.

dshkar (a) difficlt, hard,

%% /)3 %%
ardos; hence ! (nf).

#H dshkarm (nm) a misdeed; sin, vice, wrong; !H#!H| misdoer, wrong%doer;

sinfl, wicked.

dshka:l (nm) hard time; time of scarcity; famine.

| dshki:rti (nf) infamy, disrepte, ill%reptation.

# dshkriti (nf) see

c; ! sinner, a sinfl man, wrong% doer.

c dshkritty (nm) tort, evil deed, misdeed; sin, vicios act.

dsh (a) wicked, vile; knave; bad; malevolent; falty; (nm) a scondrel, rascal,
scamp; !4

@ wicked, vile, vicios, mischievos.

dshata: (nf) wickedness, viciosness, knavery; mischievosness; malevolence.

cH dsha:tm$: (a) see


0 dshparigrah (a) difficlt to sbde#domesticate#tame.

dnshprakriti (nf) ill%temper, evil natre; (a) ill%tempered, evil%natred, chrlish;

base, mean, wicked.

9| dshprayog (nm) misse, misapplication; acyron.

dnshpravritti (nf) ill%trend, nwholesome tendency; mean mentality.

9 dshpra:ppy (a) rare, scarce; difficlt to achieve or attain.

dsra:n$: (v) to repeat, to say or do over again.

dsah (a) see

dstar (a) difficlt to cross, impassable; insrmontable, insperable.

#, !c, dhatti:, !tthi: (nm) a blow or stroke with the two palms 'oined together.

dhn$: (v) to milk; to,e, to exploit.

dhn2: (nf) a milking pot.

dhra: (a) two%fold, doble%folded; doble, dal.

dhra:n$: (v) to repeat, to say or do over again; to revise.

dha:i: (nf) an otcry or entreaty for help#mercy#'stice; plaint; oath; lod

proclamation; process of or wages paid for milk ing (a cow etc.); to appeal in the
name of.

dhita: (nf) a daghter.

H d:' (nf) the second day of each lnar fortnight; one who makes a rare
appearance, seen only once in a ble moon.

d:t (nm) a messenger, corier; legate; an emissary, envoy; %H (the 'ob of)
message%carrying; envoyship.

d:ta:va:s (nm) an embassy, legation.

d:ti: (nf) a procress, bawd.

H d:dh (nm) milk; 'icy sbstance of certain plants; %

men and money; ! a

milkman, milk%vendor; 3 milk to desend into the dder or breasts; H
UU, 9
a brnt child dreads fire, once caght twice shy;

H sifting of tre from the false#'st from n'st; H| pre,
nsllied, blemishless; | H4 an nwanted and inconse.ential entity, an
insignificant person; 6| 9 to discard as nwanted and
inconse.ential; calf&s milk teeth; 6

to be too yong and raw;|

H | to call a spade a spade, to say what is tre withot fear or
favor; U

s to wean; !
%% /)4 %%
4 a sckling; an innocent fellow; 9 (milk) to decompose into its watery and
sbstantial content;


| 9 to prosper in men and money.

H d:dhiya: (a) milky; milk%white; with a sbstantial .antity of milk; 'icy;

tender, green; (nm) a milk%vendor; an opal (also c).

d=:n (a) doble; (nm) a valley; | #| to boast, to brag, to talk tall.

d:n$: (a) doble.

4 d:b (nf) a kind of green#lawn grass.

d:bad: (ind) face to face; in straight fight#contest, in direct clash.

d:bhar (a) difficlt, oneros; ardos; to make it too hot.

d:randesh (a) far%sighted, prdent, sagacios.

d:randeshi: (nf) far%sightedness, prdence, sagacity.

d:r (adv and a) far off, far away, away; distant; remote; !H far%reaching;
!0| teleceptor; ! telephoto; ! prescient, prdent, far%seeing; a telescope;
6 a telescope; ! television; ! far%sightedness, prdence, sagacity;
!| far%sighted, prdent, sagacios; !T farsight; farsightedness; !4 a telescope;
!4 a telephone; !H

a teleprinter; !| distant, remote; !H a telescope; 6 a

telescope; ! telecommnication; ! telesthetic; !#! remote, distant,
located#sitated far away; otlying; to re'ect, to condemn; to ward off, to
remove; sitated far away; remote; far%fetched; | to make a remarkable
tterance, to make an tterance with far%reaching implications, to make a prdent
remark; | s far%fetched imagination, fantastic idea; | 4 a far cry; far%
fetched remark; very sbtle remark; | | to visalise ftre corse of events; to
be sagacios, to be prescient; d|

far fowls have fair feathers; 4|

H ? why go far, take a ready example; H#H to give wide
berth to, to avoid, to steer clear of.

7 d:ra:nnvay (nm) malad'stment#misplacement#en'ambment (of sentence parts).

Fd d:ra:r: (a) carried too far; far%fetched; ~ far%fetched imagination,

fantastic idea.

| d:ri: (nf) distance, remoteness; range.

d:rva: (nf) see


~ d:lha: (nm) a bridegroom; hsband.

4 d:sh$ (nm) contamination, polltion, stigma; defect, flaw.

4 d:shit (a) contaminated, pollted; stigmatic; defective; defiled; corrpted;

vitiated, sllied; vicios.

d:sra: (a) second; other, another; next;

| H
to look to others for

| | #| to dance to some other&s tne;

| 9
4U to seek to strew others& path with thorns;

| 4 H to be sold ot
to another.
T drig (nm) an eye.
Td dri (a) firm, resolte, strong%willed; strong; togh; hard; rigid, tenacios;
! strong%willed,
%% /)5 %%
resolte; ! determined, firm. of nbending resoltion#firm determination;
!97#d pholding one&s pledge, tre to one&s word; !~ resolte, determined.
Td drita: (nf) firmness, resolteness; toghness; strength; rigidity; tenacity.
Tdc driattv (nm) see Td.
Td| driokti (nf) an assertion, averment.
T dript (a) arrogant; overbearing; presmptos; intoxicated with pride.
T drishshy (nm) a scene; sight, spectacle, view; (a) visible, spectaclar; a
phenomenon; ! a panorama; scenario; % adiovisal.
T drishshyata: (nf) visibility; visal character; range.
TH drishshyam$:n (a) visible, perceptible, tangible; apparent, obvios; hence
! (nf).
T drishshya:ntar (nm) wipe; change%scene.
T| drishshya:vali: (nf) a scenery; panorama.

drishak: (nm) an enigmatic composition.

T# drishava:d (nm) empiricism; !| an empiricist; empirical.
T drish$:nt (nm) an instance; illstration (a figre of speech); precedent; a
T drishi (nf) sight; view; vision; glance; !| viewpoint, point of view;
!H asthenopia; ! seen, viewed, perceived; !| visible, perceptible; apparent;
!|4 visal deficiency#defect, misperception; ! the retina; ! visal range;
! visible, visal; ! glance, glancing, viewing; !4 H set (in theatre, etc.);
!H optical illsion; !H

visal; pertaining to one&s sight#view; ! scenario;

! a scenarist; 4+ astigmatism; !| blind; ! to view, to glance;
to give an insight (into); 9 to withdraw one&s favor; 4 to evade, to
avoid being sighted; to keep a watch on, to keep nder observation.
# dekhn$: (v) to see, to look; to view; to perceive; to observe; to read; to correct; to
consider; to experience; H, ( |) to look throgh green glasses; !
4 a sight worth seeing, a sight for the gods to see; not to stand the very
sight of; (as ) to face the msic.
% dekh%bha:l (nf) care; maintenance; spervision.
% dekh%rekh (nf) spervision, gidance, care.
% dekha:%dekhi: (adv) in emlation#imitation of, inspired by the example of.
deg (nf) a caldron.
degchi: (nf) a small caldron.
|H dedi:pyam$:n (a) brilliant, lstros, resplendent, radiant; ! brilliance,
lstre, resplendence, radiance.
den (nf) contribtion; gift; giving; ! charge, payment de; ! a debtor;
!| payment de; indebtedness; % give and take; exchange; banking bsiness;
! a giver.
# den$: (v) to give; to grant; to confer, to bestow; to entrst, to assign; to yield, to
srrender; sed freely and fre.ently as an axiliary verb, as , ,
%% /)7 %%
, etc.; H to fell; (as in wrestling) to throw flat; to say crdely.
dey (a) worth giving; payable; de; hence ! (nf).
der (nf) delay; lag; % sooner or later; H

H better late than

| deri: (nf) delay; lag.
dev (nm) a god, deity; a respectable person; a giant, demon; !# the debt of the
gods; !7 a celestial maiden, nymph; ! a religios rite or sacrifice performed for
propitiating a deity; !

pantheon; ! gods in their totality, divine commnity;


a temple; the abode of a deity; ! worship, adoration; ! the divine trio of

9rahma:, Mish=, >ahesh; ! a pine tree, cedar; ! a temple dancer, a dancing
girl dedicated to a deity; !

an angel, a prophet, divine messenger; !| the river of

godsthe Eaga:; %9H the idol of a deity; !4 a nymph, a celestial damsel;
!4 1anskritthe langage of gods; !H

the idol of a deity; ! a celestial plane;

! see !4; ! the assembly of gods; ! a temple.
devta: (nm) a god, deity; divine being;

H to be dmb %fonded, to
be terribly nervos.
c devatv (nm) godhood; godliness, divinity.
| devna:gri: (nf) the script which evolved in Dndia dring the post%Epta era and
ltimately developed into a systematic and scientific instrment of writing dring the
;(th and ;;th centries ".D. 1cholars have attribted, thogh not conclsively, varios
reasons for its nomenclatre. Dt is the script, at present, adopted for writing @indi: and
>ara:i: in their respective areas and for 1anskrit all over Dndia; H Dev:na:gri:
character(s); H the Devna:gri: alphabet.
devar (nm) hsband&s yonger brother.
devra:n2: (nf) hsband&s yonger brother&s wife.
dev$:gan$: (nf) a god&s spose; celestial damsel.
H deva:dhidev (nm) the god of gods, *ord 1hiv (also Mish=).
deva:l (nm) one who gives; one who owes; one who wants to repay (a loan etc.); a
deva:lay (nm) a temple, seat of a deity.
devi: (nf) a goddess; the goddess Drga:; (deferential term for a) lady;
s () H a deity in troble has to prove himself even to a devotee.
desh (nm) a contry; land; native home; region; space; time and space;
native land (as % H

H); 6|4 anachronism; !H native; local; a

word evolved indigenosly, indigenos; % seeing the land#contry; % one&s
own and other lands; %|4 anachronism;HH religion#morals#condct befitting or
prevailing in a contry; ! a patriot; ! patriotism; 6

patriotic; !%
patriotic sentiment; 4 native langage, langage crrent in a contry;
% native and alien lands.
#| desh(d)droh (nm) treason,
%% /): %%
disloyalty to the contry; !|, | high treason; !|cH treasonable, treasonos;
!|| a traitor, one who is disloyal to the contry; #exile,
expatriation, banishment from the contry.
deshnika:la: (nm) expatriation; exile, banishment.
desh$:ntar (nm) terrestrial longitde, longitde; another#foreign contry;
!H migration; transmigration; ! migration; transmigration.
desha:cha:r (nm) native cstom#practice#sage.
desha:$n (nm) going rond the contry; going from one contry to another.
deshi: (a) native; indigenos, local.
deshi:kar$ (nm) natralisation.
deshi:y (a) see .
deshi:yakar$ (nm) see .
des (nm) see ; ! co%native, co%patriot.
# desa:var (nm) a foreign contry; an export%centre, marketing centre; !| of or
belonging to a foreign contry#export centre; imported; 6H imported goods#stff;
broght from a marketing centre.
desi: (a) indigenos, native, contry%made.
deh (nf) body, person; physi.e; soma; !c volntary end of life, abandonment of
the physical form; %HH physical#bodily fnctions; corporeal re.irements;
!HH| somatic; !H| possessing a physical form#body; corporeal; ! death;
!7 somatology; ! somaplasm; | to norish the body;

of a woman) to conceal one&s yothflness#physical charm; U|s to die;

feel pain in the body (de to strain, exhastion, exertion or fever); d physical
decay#decline to set in; to become loose and lstreless; to lose msclarity; H to
be born; to ac.ire a physical form; H | s 4

| | its the way of all

flesh; H H to get infriated#enraged.
#4 deh.$:n (nm) a villager, rstic fellow; (a) rstic, rral; !4 rsticity;
incivility; !4 rstic, rral.
| dehri: (nf) the threshold doorsill, doorstep; to cross the doorstep.
| dehli: (nf) see |.
deh$:nt (nm) death, demise.

deha:kkriti (nf) physical form; somatotype.

# deha:t (nm) contryside; village; ! a villager; rstic; rral; hence ! (nm).
deha:ti:t (a) transcendental, incorporeal, beyond physical limitations;
! transcendentalism.
cH deha:tm (nm) the body and sol; ! a philosophic principle that identifies body
with the sol, materialism; !| a materialist; materialistic.
deha:vs$:n (nm) death, demise.
c daitty (nm) a demon, giant, ogre.
c daittya:ka:r (a) giant%si,ed, ogrish.
# dain$nd2n (a and adv) daily, dirnal, from day to day, day by day; ! a diary.
/ daink (a) daily; (nm) daily newspaper; ~| a diary.
7 dainny (nm) meekness, humbleness; poverty, indigence.
daiya: (nf) (a proclamation o utter helplessness) oh !od" !osh" !oodness gracious"; also
# .
dairghy (nm) length; e$panse.
daiv (nm) ate, ortune, destiny; ~

supernatural, vis ma%or; ~ accident; course o

events as inspired by &ivine 'ill; #

misortune; irony o ate; ~| chance, accident;

~ by chance, accidentally; ~ by chance, accidentally; ~ an oracle; (anskrit#the
speech o gods; ~ atalism; ~| a atalist; atalistic; ~| unortunate, unlucky; ill)ated;
# H its the indolent alone who shout or a divine prop, its the do) nothings
who wait or a miracle.
daiva:t (adv) by chance, accidentally.
daivik (a) divine, godly, pertaining to or inspired by god(s).
daivi: (a) divine, ethereal, celestial.
daihik (a) physical, somatic, corporeal; material.
| d*chn+: (v) to pound, to crush; to give a beating/thrashing.
| do (a) two; (nm) the number two; (or compounds also see

~); ~H| diarchy; dual

administration; ~H4, ~H4 doab, a tract o country lying between two rivers; the territory
lying between the rivers and H; ~9 one or two, a ew; ~ a bastard, crossbred;
illegitimate; ) a ew, several; ) decisive, categorical, crystal clear (statement, talk, etc.);
,9 the door must either be shut or open; to arrive at a conclusive decision;
~ midday; noon; ~|midday, noon; ~9| yielding two crops a year; H see

~ double)aced; having two aces or aspects; ~ biennial, o two years; #|
to pay in the same coin along with interest; #s worth nothing, inconse-uential;
#|s| | to ride two horses at a time; ) a ew; ,| to be conronted with;
)| to try out comparative strength; # o recent origin, comparatively
young or new; transitory; # HHone whose days are numbered, with a short lease
o lie;#H~H H H"| H too many cooks spoil the broth; #| to ride
two horses at a time; #|| H to earn one.s livelihood, to make both ends meet; # a
ew words; # | to be ready to ace death; to invite one.s doom, to tread the path o
sure doom.
|H/O do/a (nm) the hell, inerno; ~O hellish, inernal.
| don+: (nm) a cup ormed by olding up large)si/ed leaves o certain trees (as d, 4s,
|| don* (a) both, the two; #4 H to become dusk; # s | to have victory
on the one hand and con-uest on the other; #|| to burn the candle at both ends.
|H doyam (a) number two, the second.
| dolak (nm) an oscillator; a rocker.
| dol+n (|H dola:ym+:n (a) oscillating; rocking; wavering, unsteady,
| dola:it (a) see |.
| dolit (a) oscillated; rocked; wavered, unsteady.
|4 dosh (nm) a ault; law, guilt; deect; demerit; blame; disorder (o the humours o the
body); ~| harmul, damaging; creating disorder; ~ see |4; )T a ault)inding eye;
) a charge sheet; ~/ deective; aulty; guilty; # to accuse; to make an accusation;
#Hd to level a charge against; #@ to bring home to, to substantiate a charge.
|4|, ~ dosha:rop, ~+ (nm) charging, accusation.
|4 doshi: (a and nm) (the) guilty; culprit.
| dost (nm) a riend; ~H a cherisher o riends, kindly disposed towards riends; hence
~H (nf).
| dosta:n+: (nm) riendship, riendliness; (a) riendly, worthy o a riend.
| dosti: (nf) riendship; # to make riends with an ulterior motive.
| dohad (nm) the longings o a pregnant woman.
| doh+n (nm) milking; e$ploitation.
|/ dohra: (a) double, two)olded; e-uivocal; stoutish (as 4); ~ H two strings to
one bow; ~| to play a double game; ~| 4 an e-uivo-ue, ambiguous utterance.
| dohra:n+: (v) to revise, to recapitulate; to repeat, to reiterate; to make two)old.
| doha: (nm) a typical 0indi poetic metre; a couplet.
l dauchn+ (v) see |.
dauchi: (nf) a road)dint.
s dau (nf) a race; run, running; )H endeavour, running about; all out eort; #
H/ to make a dash; to make a long and hurried %ourney; to run about (or ulilment
o some ob%ective).
s daun+: (v) to run, to run about; to rush.
ss daua:daui: (nf) haste, hastiness, urgency; all out eort.
daur (nm) a phase; stage; round; ) sway, dominance; # to have one round ater
another; ) one round to continue ater another, to have round ater round.
daura: (nm) a tour; it; #H/s to have a it; # to (undertake a) tour; #
to commit to the sessions; /| to be out on a tour.
daur+:n:; in the meanwhile; during this period; during.
4 ~ daurbally (nm) weakness; inirmity, debility.
H daurm+nassy (nm) ill)will, malevolence.
daulat (nm) riches, wealth; ~O (euphemistically) residence; ~H rich, wealthy,
opulent, moneyed; ~H| richness, wealthiness; opulence; # 7H |a good name is
better than a golden girdle.
dauva:rik (nm) a door)keeper, gateman.
/ dauhittr (nm) daughter.s son, grandson; hence ~ (nf).
dyuti (nf) radiance, lustre, brilliance, glow; ~H/H radiant, lustrous, brilliant, bright.
dyu:t (nm) gambling; ~/
nm) oscillation; rocking.
|H dola:ym+:n (a) oscillating; rocking; wavering, unsteady, ickle.
| dola:it (a) see |.
| dolit (a) oscillated; rocked; wavered, unsteady.
|4 dosh (nm) a ault; law, guilt; deect; demerit; blame; disorder (o the humours o the
body); ~| harmul, damaging; creating disorder; ~ see |4; )T a ault)inding eye;
) a charge sheet; ~/ deective; aulty; guilty; # to accuse; to make an accusation;
#Hd to level a charge against; #@ to bring home to, to substantiate a charge.
|4|, ~ dosha:rop, ~+ (nm) charging, accusation.
|4 doshi: (a and nm) (the) guilty; culprit.
| dost (nm) a riend; ~H a cherisher o riends, kindly disposed towards riends; hence
~H (nf).
| dosta:n+: (nm) riendship, riendliness; (a) riendly, worthy o a riend.
| dosti: (nf) riendship; # to make riends with an ulterior motive.
| dohad (nm) the longings o a pregnant woman.
| doh+n (nm) milking; e$ploitation.
|/ dohra: (a) double, two)olded; e-uivocal; stoutish (as 4); ~ H two strings to
one bow; ~| to play a double game; ~| 4 an e-uivo-ue, ambiguous utterance.
| dohra:n+: (v) to revise, to recapitulate; to repeat, to reiterate; to make two)old.
| doha: (nm) a typical 0indi poetic metre; a couplet.
l dauchn+ (v) see |.
dauchi: (nf) a road)dint.
s dau (nf) a race; run, running; )H endeavour, running about; all out eort; #
H/ to make a dash; to make a long and hurried %ourney; to run about (or ulilment
o some ob%ective).
s daun+: (v) to run, to run about; to rush.
ss daua:daui: (nf) haste, hastiness, urgency; all out eort.
daur (nm) a phase; stage; round; ) sway, dominance; # to have one round ater
another; ) one round to continue ater another, to have round ater round.
daura: (nm) a tour; it; #H/s to have a it; # to (undertake a) tour; #
to commit to the sessions; /| to be out on a tour.
daur+:n:; in the meanwhile; during this period; during.
4 ~ daurbally (nm) weakness; inirmity, debility.
H daurm+nassy (nm) ill)will, malevolence.
daulat (nm) riches, wealth; ~O (euphemistically) residence; ~H rich, wealthy,
opulent, moneyed; ~H| richness, wealthiness; opulence; # 7H |a good name is
better than a golden girdle.
dauva:rik (nm) a door)keeper, gateman.
/ dauhittr (nm) daughter.s son, grandson; hence ~ (nf).
dyuti (nf) radiance, lustre, brilliance, glow; ~H/H radiant, lustrous, brilliant, bright.
dyu:t (nm) gambling; ~/ a gambler; )H|s gambling: #Hs/ HH a
team o gamblers; )

gambling proession; urge to gamble.

| dyotak (a) illustrative (o), e$pressive (o), e$empliying/signiying.
| dyot+n (nm) illustration e$pression, e$empliication/signiication.
| dyotit (a) illustrated, e$pressed, signiied; lighted, illuminated.
drav (nm) a li-uid, luid; ~ hydraulic; ~/c luidity; li-uidity; ~ melting, prone
to melt away; ~ hydrostatic; ~ | hydrostatics.
drav+ (nm) melting, lowing; ~ melting, prone to melt/low; hence # (nf).
s dravi (a) &ravidian, (nm); the &ravidian country; a &ravidian; # the &ravidian
country; #9H lit. catching the nose or holding the breath (9H) by bringing the
right hand over the head #a round about way o doing a thing; making a detour.
dravi (nm) wealth, prosperity.
dravit (a) melted; moved (by emotion).
dravi:bhu:t (a) melted; moved (by emotion).
dravvy (nm) substance, matter; money; (a) material, substantial;
) amassing/accumulating wealth.
H dravvyamay (a) substantial, material; ull o or abounding in wealth.
H dravvyam+:n (nm) a mass; (a) wealthy; material.
H dravvya:r%+n (nm) earning; money)earning.
drashavvy (a) worth)seeing; pleasing (to see); notable, worth taking a note o.
darsta:1 (nm) a seer, visionist, sage; spectator.
dra:vak (a) moving, touching, melting, li-ueying; (nm) a thinner.
s dra:vi (a and nm) see s; hence s (nf).

drut (a) ast, ast moving, -uick, swit; moved; melted; ~/H ast moving; -uick,

druti (nf) astness, switness; molten/melted state; moved state.

H drum (nm) a tree.

| droi: (nf) a basin; trough.
| droh (nm) malice, rancour; rebellion, hostility; ~4@ malicious, malevolent; rebellious;
|| drohi: (a) malicious, rancorous; malignant; rebellious; insubordinate, hostile.
| draupadi: (nf) wie o the 2a:davas in the great epic 3aha:bha:rat; # (a process
etc.) that knows no end; #| 4| a blessed utensil that eeds one and all.
dw+ndw (nm) conlict, -uarrel, duel; uproar; hubbub; a pair, couple; copulative compound,
a compound wherein the members i uncompounded would be in the same case and
connected by the con%unction .and. (as H)H, H)); ~H conlictional, pertaining
to or arising out o a conlict; duelistic; ) @ a duel.
cH dw+ndwa:tm+k (a) dialectical; conlictional; duelistic; # dialectical
dw+ndwi: (a) -uarrelsome, prone to enter into conlict.
dway (a) two; (nm) pair, couple.
dwa:dash (a) twelve; twelth; (nm) the number twelve.
dwa:dashi: (nf) the twelth day o each lunar ortnight.
dwa:par (nm) the third o the our yugas or ages according to the 0indu mythology, the
age o transition rom good ( and ) to the age o vice ( ).
dwa:bha: (nf) twilight.
dwa:r (nm) a door; doorway; gate; e$it; # leaves o the door; ~ one o the
ceremonies held at the bride.s door during the marriage; ~/ a door) keeper,
watchman; ~H a ceremony wherein the adoration o the bridegroom is perormed at the
doorstep o the bride.s house and orms part o the marriage proceedings; # the door
to open; an avenue to open up; # to keep the door open (or negotiation, etc.); #
to knock at the door; to be imminent; # | to be on the threshold o; #
4 to shut the door (or negotiation, etc.).
dwa:ra: (ind) by, through, through the medium/agency o.
dwa:ra:cha:r (nm) see (under ).
dwi (a) two; ~H (a verb) having two ob%ects; ~ a kind o compound (word) wherein the
irst member is a numerical; ~ double; twice; ~ doubled; ~H/H7H/H lit. twice)
born#a 4ra:hma the three higher castes (i.e. , H, ) in the traditional 0indu
hierarchical society; the moon; aves; ~H[ lit. double)tongued #a snake; backbiter;
~/| bipartite; having two leaves or petals; ~H bimetallic; an alloy;
~H/H bilateral, bipartite; ~/ bipodal, biooted, having two legs or eet; #
4/4 bilingual; #H bimonthly, brought out every two months; ~ bise$ual;
~ the dual (number), signiying two; ~H o two kinds or types; ~H dilemma,
suspense; uncertainly; ~| a sub)division o the 4ra:hm+ community; ~HH isosceles
triangle; ~biweekly.
dwiti:y (a) the second; #HH the second or the householder.s stage in an individual.s
lie; ~ second; secondary.
dwiti:ya: (nf) the second day o each lunar ortnight.
dwittw (nm) duplication; repetition; #H double consonant.
H dwidha: (ind) in two ways, in two parts; (nf) dilemma, uncertainty; ~0 in two minds, in
a dilemma.
H dwidha:rthak (a) ambiguous, e-uivocal; ~ ambiguity, e-uivocation.
H dwira:gam+n (nm) see .
/ dwirukt (a) twice mentioned; duplicate; redundant; ~ duplication, mentioning twice,
dwi:p (nm) an island; #H (group o) islands.
4 dwesh (nm) malice: aversion, repugnance; ill)will; malevolence; dislike, disaection.
4 dweshi: (a) malicious, malevolent, harbouring ill)will/disaection/dislike.
dwait (nm) duality, dualism; discrimination, ~/~ dualism; #| dualist(ic).
H dwaidh (a) o two types; discriminatory; hence ~ (nf); #)9| diarchical system
o government.
H dwaidhvattik (a) ambivalent.
, ! dwyarth, !ak (a) ambigos, e.ivocal; ! ambigity, e.ivocation.
H dhathe forth and penltimate letter of the forth pentad (i.e. ) of the
Devna:gri: alphabet.
H#H dh$ndha: (nm) vocation, occpation; bsiness; work; !H to get bsy, to
get down to work.
H dh$sn$: (v) to sink: to penetrate into, to enter into; to get stck into; to descend.
H dh$sa:n (nf) a .agmire, boggy land; descent, slope, sbsidence; process or act of
H dh$sa:n$: (v) to thrst; to penetrate, to case to enter#descend; to contersink.
H dh$sav (nm) H .
H dhak (nf) palpitation; sdden sspension of normal heart%throb; !H#H enhanced
heart%throb, palpitation; H to be stnned, to be paralysed (throgh fear or
astonishment), to stand aghast; |, H H to be stnned, to be aghast.
HH# dhakdhaka:n$: (v) the heart to throb violently (throgh fear, panic, etc.), to
palpitate: hence ! (nf).
HH| dhakdhaki: (nf) see H

H dhaka:pel (nf) indiscriminate shoving, shoving and pshing; 'ostling; (adv)
vigorosly, vehemently, non%stop; to go at fll speed, to speed nhindered;
H to create a commotion#havoc; to do things in very .ick sccession.
H# dhaka:r (nm) the letter H (dha) and its sond; ! (word) ending in H (dh).
H dhakiya:n$: (v) to shove, to psh abot; to thrst ahead.
H dhakeln$: (v) to shove, to psh.
H4HH4 dhakk$mdhakka: (nm) 'ostling, shoving and pshing; rsh.
H4 dhakka: (nm) a psh; shove; shock; setback; stroke, bffet; 'ostle, 'olt, impact;

4| 'ostling, shoving and pshing; elbowing; to receive a shock; to sffer a

set%back; to be kicked and knocked; to psh; to give a psh#impets#spport;
to be shocked; to get a setback; to get a psh#prop#spport (as |s H4
H | H s); H4 to be tossed abot; to sffer indignities, to sffer
kicks and knocks.
HH dha' (nf) air, demeanor; mien, appearance, look; 4 to pt on a
.eer#nsal appearance.
HH dha%a: (nf) see HH.
H7H dha%%i: (nf) a shred, strip, tatter; lath: ~4| lathing; H7H 3s to be reduced to
shreds, to be tattered, to be torn to pieces; H7H 3s to knock the bottom out o, to
tatter, to tear into pieces.
Hs dhaag (a) used as the second member in the compound )Hs meanning
completely/stark naked.
Hs dha (nm) a torso, trunk, uselage; rattling/banging sound; ~Hs (with) a -uick succession o
rattling sounds; # with a rattling/banging noise; without hitch; instanly.
haak (nf) hitch, hesitation.
Hs dhak+n (nf) throbbing, palpitation; pulsation; #4d to become nervous/restless.
Hs dhaakn+: (v) to throb, to palpitate, to pulsate.
Hs dhaka: (nm) a throb, palpitation, pulsation; apprehension; doubt.
HsHs/ dhadhaa:n+: (v) to make a rattling or banging sound; to rap)tap or knock (at a
door); to walk heavily and briskly; hence ~ (nf).
Hs/~ dhaalla: (nm); ~~ dauntless, earless, overbearing; headstrong, strong; ~~
(HH) dauntless; unyielding, headstrong, strong; ~~ dauntlessly, earlessly, with a bang.
H/s dhaa: (nm) tare; counter)balance, counter)balancing weight; speculation; action;
~s 4| counterpoise; counterbalancing; actionalism; ~s 4H actionalist; ~s 4H actionalism;
~s 3 to assess the weight; ~s to counter)poise; to counterbalance; to weigh; ~s
to speculate, to stake (money) in speculation.
Hs/ dhaa:ka: (nm) an e$plosion, crash; a loud report; ~ with a loud report, with a
rattle; -uickly, switly.
HsHs dhaa:dha (adv) in a -uick succession, one ater the other; incessantly.
HsH dha+:m (nf) thud, crash, loud report (o a alling body); # with a crash/loud
report/thud; instantaneously.
Hs dhai: (nf) a measure o weight e-uivalent to ive seers; ~, a weight o ive seers;
~, 4| a weight o ten seers.
H/ dhat (nf) a mania, cra/e; ~ addicted to, cra/y, having an inveterate habit.
H dhata: (nm) (the act o) driving away, putting o, evasion; # /#4 to tell o,/drive
H dhatu:ra: (nm) the Datura alba, the thorn apple which is a powerul narcotic; #9
9 to go about cra/ily.
H dhat (ind) be o ", stand away "; you naughty "; # | damn it ", !osh ", what a surprise
", how done it ".
HH dhadhakn+: (v) to bla/e, to lare up, to burn intensely.
H dh+n (nm) wealth, riches, money; additional number; (prep.) plus; (a) positive (as an
electric charge or a number); ~

4 a man as rich as the god o wealth;7 plus sign;

~ the thirteenth day o the dark ortnight o the month o (when the 0indu:s
commence the adoration o H the goddess o wealth and purchase new household
utensils; )H money and men; )H | loss o men and money;
) wealth and aluence, riches; )H7 all)round prosperity, aluence;
~ kuber#the god o wealth; ~ avaricious, cruelly stingy,
overniggardly; )H money)into$ication, purse)pride; ~H lit. into$icated
with wealth )purse)proud; ~H

capital; ~ wealthy, rich; moneyed; ) a

money)suit; ~ wealthy, rich; )H a money bill; ~| wealthy, rich;
~| poor, moneyless, indigent; # the writ o ate never
changes; #4 to have a shower o riches, to get money in huge
-uantities, to have aluence all round; #4 | H gold is the
dust that blinds all eyes; #4

money creates -ualities that

never were; # H H money begets money.
H dhanay (a) rich, prosperous, wealthy, moneyed; hence ~ (nf).
HcH dhan+:tm+k (a) positive (as an electric charge etc,); pertaining to money; plus; hence
~ (nf).
H dhan+:desh (nm) a drat (issued by a bank); money order.
H| dhan+:rthi: (a) desirous o money, money)seeking.
H dhanik (a) opulent, wealthy, rich, moneyed; (nm) a wealthy person.
H dhany+: (nm) coriander.
H dhan: (a) rich, opulent, moneyed; eective; (nm) master; owner; ), H one who
wields his pen. eectively, a richly creative author; #, 4 one whose utterances are
eective, one who sticks to his word; )H eminent, aluent and eective; magnate.
H dhan5 (nf) a bow.
H/H , ~H| dhanurdhar, ~rdha:ri: (a) wielding a bow/arch; (nm) a bowman, an archer.
H dhanurviddya: (nf) archery, the art and science o archery; bowmanship.
H dhanurved (nm) the part o H which deals with the art and science o archery; the
art and science o archery.
H4 dhanush (nm) a bow, an arch.
H/, ~+ dhanesh, ~shvar (nm) see H (under H).
H7 dhann+:se (nm) an opulent and aluent/money)proud man; ) one who
considers onesel as a 6.7.2., sel)conceited/money)proud (man).
H7 dhanny (a) blessed, worth elicitation, ortunate; (int.) well done ", bravo ", blessings on
you", how ortunate "; ~ blessedness.
H7 dhanny+va:d (nm) thanks) giving; an e$pression o gratitude; (int.) thanks ", thank
you "
H7 dhanv+ntari (nm) the mythical physician o the gods, an e$pert physician (esp.
in H).
H7 dhannva: (a) wielding an arch.
H dhap (nf) a thud; persistence; unending repetition o a demand; hence ~H (nf); #H to
persist, to go on repeating one.s demand persistently.
H4H4 dhubdhab (nf) a se-uence o thuds (produced by the impact o a heavy and sot thing
alling on some surace).
H4 dhabba: (nm) a blemish, blot, slur; stain, taint; speck; # to have a blot, to be
blemished; to be inami/ed.
HH dh+m (nf) + thud, report resulting rom the all o a heavy ob%ect or its
movement on the ground; ~HH recurrence o the sound o HH; # with a
report or thud.
HH dham+k (nf) the vibrations caused by the impact or movement o a heavy ob%ect on a
suace; thumping sound; the report o moving ootsteps; stamping sound; throbbing sound,
pulsation; # to be aected by an impact.
HH dhamakn+: (v) to all with a thud; ), H/H to make a sudden swit appearance
HH dhamka:n+: (v) to threaten, to intimidate.
HH| dhamki: (nf) a threat, bluster; # to threaten, to intimidate; #H H to yield to a
threat, to be intimidated.
HHHH/ dh+mdham+:n+: (v) to produce a se-uence o thuds/thumping sounds/stamping
sounds; hence ~ (nf).
HHH dhamdhu:sar (a) disproportionately corpulent; labby and laccid.
HH dhamn: (nf) an artery.
HH dham+:ka: (nm) a loud report, e$plosion, burst.
HHs dham+:chauki: (nf) a row; tumult, turmoil; gambol; rolic; #/#H to
blow great guns, to be very boisterous/windy.
HHHH dham+:dh+m (adv) with a constant thumping sound.
HH dhama:r (nm) a orm o classical music; a kind o rhythmic cycle o ourteen beats;
gambol, row.
H dhar#a (anskrit sui$ meaning he who or that which bears/carries/holds/sustains
(e.g. HH, H, etc.); (nm) nominal orm o H; )s mass arrests, searching and arrests,
apprehensions, combing operations.
H dhar+ (nm) the act o holding/bearing.
H/, ~ dhar+, ~: (nf) the earth; ~H a mountain.
H dharti: (nf) the earth; world; # 9 a mushroom; # son o the soil; #
s see HH ( s); # 3 H to pass away.
H dhar+n (nf) a beam.
H dharn+: (v) to hold; to place; to put; to arrest, to apprehend; to take as husband/wie, to
pawn, to pledge; (nm) picketing, sitting doggedly to enorce compliance o a demand; H)
d kept in reserve, saely set aside or late use; H 4 to pounce upon, to orce into a
tight corner; H) H to prove o no avail; not to be utilised.
H dharn: (nf) a beam; stand; the earth.
H dhara: (nf) the earth.
H3 dhara:u: (a) preservable (valuables, etc.); preserved or special occasions.
H/ dhara:tal (nm) surace; surace o the earth; ~| supericial, pertaining to the
HH dhara:dhipati (nm) a king, ruler.
H dhara:sha:i: (a) allen, allen aground, ra/ed (to the ground); # to ell, to ra/e to
the ground; to van-uish.
H dharittri: (nf) the earth.
H| dharohar (nf) a trust (in cash or kind); deposit.
HH dharm (nm) religion; aith; %ustice; duty; righteousness; property, attribute;
)H righteousness and integrity; )H religious act/rite; # an accurate
balance installed or public beneit (in a market); # religious
rites/unctions; # charity account: ~

religious teacher: #0 a
scripture; )H the wheel o religious instruction as propounded by 8ord
4uddha; ~observation o religious duties/unctions; #
/ religious contemplation; ~

allen or deviated rom

duty/religion; )H7 religious in-uisitiveness; ~7conversant with (the
nature o) religion; )7 knowledge o religion, religious
scholarship/learning; ) theocracy; ~ theocratic; ~ according to
religion, rom the religious point o view; ) theology; philosophy o
religion; #| proanity, inidelity to religion, heresy; ~|| heretic, proane,
irreligious, a traitor to one.s religion, renegade; ~H

| staunchly devout,
leading in piety; ~H/H a religious hypocrite, pietist; pietical; carrying
alot the banner o religion; )H %us sacrum; ~8 pious, devout, religious)
minded; ~8/~8 piety, devoutness, religiosity; )H secular;
irrespective o religious consideration: , secularism; ~H 7 a
secular state; ~/ religious, religious)minded, devout;
~/ religiosity, devoutness; # (religious) conversion;
~ religious seat; #

see #0; )9 religious

propaganda/propagation; )9 a missionary; )9 religious discourse;
~9 devoted/dedicated to religion, e$tremely religious; #4

@ pious,
religiously discreet; piety, religious discretion; ~ religion)earing; proane,
allen rom religion/duty; # gone astray rom the path o religion;
~ imbued/inused with a sense o religion, wedded to religion; #H the
path o virtue, )HH religious investigation/relection; #

@ crusade;
righteous/principled ighting; )H a protector o religion; )H protection
o religion; ~ devoted to religion; dutiul; ) love o religion; ~ see
~8; ~ a dauntless ighter or religion; ~d a religious pledge, duty)
binding; ~d pledged to religion, duty)bound; ~ a hospice, a ree)o)
charge public lodging; #U theology; theological %urisprudence; ~U a
theologian, theologist; ~U theological; ~ religious (by nature)
endowed with a religious inclination; ~ a dilemma; ) H a concordat;
) a code o religious conduct; )

H reormation; ~ endowment;
)H 4 to thrive at the cost o righteousness and virtue; #| 4
to say what is true and %ust; #4 to be converted to another aith,
to change one.s religion; #4s/ to cause religious dereliction; to
violate the chastity o; # to protect one.s religion; # s to
deviate rom the path o righteousness/virtue, to undergo a religious
HH dharm+:ntar (nm) another religion.
HHH dharm+:ndh (a) ren/ied (in eligious matters), anatic(al); ~ anaticism,
religious ren/y.
HH dharma:char+ (nm) religious conduct, acting according to the tenets o religion.
HH dharma:cha:ry (nm) a religious preceptor.
HHHH dharma:tikkram+ (nm) violation/deiance o religious tenets; transgression o
the bounds o religion.
HHcH dharma:tm+: (a) devout, religious; hence ~ (nm).
HH dharma:da: (nm) endowment; charity; # charity account.
HH dharma:desh (nm) (religious) commandment.
HHHH dharma:dharm (nm) religion and irreligion; virtue and vice.
HHH8 dharma:dhisha:ta: (nm) a religious leader, chie o a religious sect.
HH dharma:rth (a) charitable; #H4H a charitable dispensary; #7 a charitable
HH dharma:wta:r (nm) a term o address to a virtuous man or a dispenser o %ustice;
%ustice/religion incarnate; a very virtuous man.
HH dharma:shshrit (a) based or dependent on or supported by religion or %ustice.
HH dharma:san (nm) seat o %ustice/religion.
HH 8 dharmish (a) e$tremely devout/religious/virtuous; hence ~ (nf).
HH| dharm: (a) religious, virtuous, pious.
HH| dharmopdesh (nm) religious discourse/precept/teachings; ~ religious
H/ dhaval (a) white; clear; bright; beautiul; ~ whiteness; clearness; brightness;
~ whitened; cleared; brightened.
HH dhavalim+: (nf) whiteness; clearness; brightness.
H dhasak (nf) pungent smell emitted by dry tobacco lea, chillies, etc. (which causes
constant snee/ing or coughing); depression; sinking, lowering (as a reaction o impact o heavy
H dhask+n (nf) depression, sinking, lowering.
H dhasakn+: (v) to be depressed, to sink, to go low, to move downwards.
H dhaska: (nm) bronchitis, dry cough; coughing reaction caused by the blocking o the
HH dhasmasa:n+: (v) to sink, to move downwards, to be swallowed by the earth.
HH/| dh+:dhli: (nf) chaos, chaotic state; arbitrary conduct, arbitrariness; highhandedness,
outrage; ~4H one who indulges in highhandedness, o outrageous character; hence
~4H (nf).
H dh+:s (nf) oensive/pungent smell causing constant snee/ing or coughing.
H dha:k (nf) commanding/overwhelming inluence, sway; awe; #HH/4H to command
overwhelming inluence, to hold sway; #4 to have overwhelming inluence/sway; #
4 to establish overwhelming inluence/sway; #| to be held in, or regarded with, awe.
Hs dha:ka (a) dauntless; daring, dashing; headstrong; hence ~ (nm).
H dha:ga: (nm) a thread.
Hs dha:; #H, #H | to cry aloud/wildly, to lament loudly.
H dha:tu (nf) a metal; constituent elements (o the body); semen; root; ~H metallurgy;
~H| metallurgist; )H elemental/vital decay; ~ causing elemental decay, vitality#
e$hausting; ) vitalisation o the semen; ) metal age, metallikum; ~@ vitality#raising,
augmenting vitality; ~ alchemy; ~| an alchemist; )7/ metallurgy;
~|H metallurgical operation.
HH dha:tumay (a) metallic; abounding in metal(s).
H dha:ttri: (nf) a wet)nurse, oster)mother; midwie; #H a wet)nurse.s %ob or proession;
) midwiery.
Hc dha:ttvarth (nm) root meaning.
Hc dha:ttvik (a) metallic; (nm) a metallurgist.
Hc dha:ttvi:y (a) metallic.
H dh+:n (nm) paddy; # a paddy)ield.
H dha:n: (a) light green; (nf) a receptacle; stand, cupboard.
H dh+:nuk (nm) a low caste (in the 0indu caste system).
H7 dha:nny (nm) crop; )|4 a barn, granary.
H7 dha:nny+:ga:r (nm) a barn, granary.
H4 dha:ba: (nm) see d4.
HH dh+:m (nm) residence, abode; seat o a diety; the our chie pilgrimage centres (o the
HH (H) dha:m+()n (nf) a typical 7ndian snake (said to have the venom stored in its tail).
H dh+:y (nf) sound o a gun shot; )H a se-uence o gunshots; # to ire a gun.
H dha:y (nf) see H.
H dha:r (nf) an edge; sharp edge; sharpness; current; low; %et; an ad%ectival sui$ meaning
one who holds or supports (as H); ~ sharp; #H to sharpen (as a knie, sword, etc);
#4H to low non)stop; to low out in a %et; # to swim with the lowing side, to
go aloat with the current; to take to an easy course.
H dha:rak (nm) see H (under H); bearer.
H dha:r+ (nm) holding; wielding; supporting, maintenance/maintaining; wearing;
assumption; retention; ~ one who holds/maintains/wields/wears;
)HH/ retentiveness, power o retention; capacity.
H dha:r+: (nf) an impression; concept, notion, idea; (power o) retention (also )).
H dha:ra:y (a) worth retaining/remembering/wearing/holding.
H/ dha:raita: (nm) see H (under H); hence ~ (nf).
H dha:ra: (nf) current, stream; low (o water etc.), eddy; section (o law); clause (o a bill);
~9 luent, non)stop, incessant; ~/| serial; serialised; ) a legislative assembly,
legislature; ~ (4 ) incessant and heavy (downpour).
H dha:rit (a) held; maintained; wielded; worn.
H dha:rita: (nf) retentiveness; capacity.
H| dha:ri: (nf) a stripe; line; an ad%ectival sui$ meaning one who or that which
holds/supports/possesses/maintains/wears; ~ striped, striate.
H| dha:rosh (a) (milk) resh rom the udders, %ust milked.
HH dha:rmk (a) religious, religious)minded; pertaining to a religion or ollowing the tenets
o a aith, #

c religious rite; ~ religiosity, piety.

H dha:vak (nm) a runner.
H dha:v+n (nm) (the act or process o) running; run; # runway.
H~ dha:vally (nm) see H.
H dha:va: (nm) a raid, charge, attack, assault; # to attack, to raid; #4| to launch
an attack/e$pedition; #H to cover a long distance, to make a long march; #| to be
H dhik#an inter%ectional word denoting censure, contempt, aversion, etc.; shame " ie "
H4 dhikka:r (nm) censure; curse; opprobrium, condemnation.
H4 dhikka:rn+: (v) to censure; to curse; to condemn, to reproach.
H dh:gra: (nm) an indolent and impish person; a robust rogue.
HH dh:ga:dh:gi: (nf) violent or orcible sel)imposing techni-ue or eort, high)
handedness, high)handed ways.
HH dh:ga:mushti: (nf) see HH ; a scule.
HH dhi:m+: (a) slow; dull; mild; low; gentle; ~ slowness; mildness; gentleness;
hence HH (fem.)
H dhi:ya: (nf) a daughter.
H dhi:r (a) patient; resolute, irm, steady; slow; (nm) consolation, solace; patience; ~ o
steady mind, irm and resolute; ~9 (a category o hero in traditional 7ndian poetics) whose
characteristic is -uiet gallantry; -uietly gallant; ~ (a category o traditional 7ndian
poetical hero) whose personality is characterised by steady gallantry and rolicsomeness;#
4H to console; #H | still waters run deep.
HH dhi:ra% (nm) patience; ortitude; composure; #U to lose patience; # /#4H to
H/, ~c dhi:r/ta: (nf), ~attv (nm) composure; patience; ortitude.
H dhi:re (adv) slowly; gently, mildly; )H by slow degrees, by and by, gradually; # slowly,
-uietly, stealthily.
H| dhiroda:tt (a) (a category o hero in traditional 7ndian poetics) characteri/ed by -uiet
gallantry and lotiness o conduct.
H|@ dhi:roddhat (a) (a category o hero in traditional 7ndian poetics) characteri/ed by
careree composure and insolence o conduct.
H dhi:var (nm) a low caste (in traditional 0indu social order) subsisting by ishing and sailing
H H dh5ndh (nf) mist, og; ha/e; #U H, H| H to have one.s vision blurred.
H H| dh5ndhka:ri: (a) mischievous, naughty; tumult)raising.
H H dh5dhalka: (nm) twilight, darkishness, duskiness; ha/iness; #U H to be(come)
H H dh5ndhla: (a) ha/y, dim, misty, oggy; aded; blurred, vague; ~ ha/iness, dimness,
mistiness; ogginess; vagueness; blur; adedness; # to dim; to turn vague; to make ha/y;
to blur.
H H dh5dhla:n+: (v) to be dimmed; to be turned vague; to become ha/y; to be
blurred/to blur; to ade.
H H dh5dha:n+: (v) to emit smoke/umes; to ume.
H H H dh5dhua:n+: (v) see H H.
H H dh5+: (nm) smoke; ume; ~ a chimney; ~/H 9 smoky; ~H iery; violent;
elo-uent; torrential; non)stop; ~ a chimney; # to emit umes/smoke; # to ret
and ume; #| to turn black; # H, H where there is smoke, there is ire; H 9
4 3s to indulge in tall talk, to talk through one.s hat.
H HH dhu+:y+dh (nf) smokiness, smack o smoke; a touch o smoke (in eatables, etc).
H H dh5+:n+: (v) to be smokey, to smudge, to be dislavoured by smoke; to ac-uire a touch
o smokiness.
H s)s dhuka)puka (nf) pit(a) pat; palpitation; suspense; # to be in a constant
suspense; to be apprehensively uneasy.
H H | dhukdhuki: (nf) throbbing (o the heart); suspense; #4 | the heart)throb to stop.
H | dhukpuki: (nf) see H H |.


s dhuku)puku (nf) see H s)s.

H dhutt (a) stupeied (by li-uor); besotted (with); steeped (in); #| to be dead drunk; to
go o one.s head.
H dh5n (nf) assiduity, perseverence; mania, ad; ardour; tune, key) note; #
4 persevering; assiduous; resolute; # to ollow (something) resolutely, to be
constantly ater; # , | to get a person on the brain; # | to
concentrate everishly on something, to be in the grip o an ardent desire.
H | dhunki: (nf) a cotton)carding bow.
H dhunna: (v) to card or comb as (cotton); to beat thoroughly; to go on repeating;
), lit. to beat the head with the palms #to repent, to lament, to wail.
H dhuna:i: (nf) carding; beating, thrashing.
H dhuny+: (nm) a cotton)carder.
H dhun: (a) persevering; assiduous; resolute, having the -uality o constant and steadast
pursuit o an aim.
H dhuppal (nm) blu, bluing; ~4H a bluer; ~4H bluing.
H H dhumaila: (a) smoky, o the colour o smoke.
H H dhur+ndhar (a) pre)eminent (as a scholar), leading, par)e$cellence, o the top)most
grade; (nm) a pastmaster.
H dhur (a) e$treme, remotest; (nm) e$tremity; # rom the outset; rom the e$treme point;
#3 at the uppermost e$treme.
H dhura: (nm) a$le, a$is; shat.
H | dhuri: (nf) a$is, a$le; pivot; #| to be the pivot, to be at the centre, to en%oy the key
H | dhur:#an ad%ectival sui$ meaning leading, outstanding, oremost (as HH H |).
H dhurra: (nm) powder, dust; rustic, incivil; a$le, a$is; H 3s to tear to pieces, to ruin, to
H dhuln+: (v) to be washed, to be cleansed; to be undone.
H dhula:i: (nf) the act or process o washing, a wash; washing charges.

dhussa: (nm) a kind o coarse and thick blanket.

H H dhu:dhu: (nf) rou)rou o laming ire; # H to burn with lames rising high.
H dhu:n: (nf) umigation; burning o incense; the ire lit by a 0indu mendicant to inhale
smoke or penance or or keeping warm; #H/H to activise/keep alive the H ; to
umigate; to turn into an ascetic.
H dhu:p (nf) the sun; sunshine; incense, gum ben/oin; ~s a sun)dial; #d the sun to rise
high in the sky, to be nearing midday; )U sun and shade; a kind o cloth with a sun and shade
touch; (ig.) happiness and sorrow; ~ an incensory; a thurible; thuriication, incensing;
~/ an incensory, a thurible; ~ sunny; )| accessories or worship#incense (#stick)
and lamp; ~4 an incense)stick; ~ basking; # to bask in the sun; to be heat)struck;
to be sun)treated; # to put or spread in the sun; # to burn incense (or religious
perormance); to spread out in the sun (as clothes etc.); #H 4 9 | to age without
e$perience; to be old and yet devoid o wisdom; #/) to bask in the sun.
H H dh5:m (nm) smoke; ume; (nf) anare, tumult, bustle, pomp; ado; eceat; boom; ~ a
smoker; ~ a comet; )Hs4/~HH hustle and bustle, anare, tumult, eclat; pomp; ~HH
with anare, with great pomp and eclat; in a tumultuous manner; ~ smoking; ~ a
railway train; #H/| to have great anare, a tumult to be raised/created; to be or
become amous or notorious.
H HH dha:ma:ym+:n (a) umigated, rendered smoky, illed with or ull o smoke or ume.
H H dhu:mil (a) vague; blurred; umigated; hence ~ (nf).
H dhu:mmr (nm) smoke; ume; (a) smoke)coloured; ~ smoking; ~ smoke)coloured.
H dhu:rt (a) knave, cunning, crooked; rascal; ~ knavery, cunningness, crookedness;
rascality, hum) buggery.
H dhu:l (nf) dust, dirt, #3s to be devastated/ruined; #| 4 to attempt an
impossibility, to labour in vain; # to humble to the dust, to knock down; to inlict a
conclusive deeat; # to eat dirt, to eat crow; #$s, #$s s | H lit. to
dust o#to dust o the humiliation o deeat; #$|, H| H to throw dust in the eyes o,
to pull wool over somebody.s eyes; #9 to wander without a %ob; #H H to be
ruined, to be devastated; #H H to strike in vain, to make a vain bid; to make a
random eort.
H dhu:li (nf) dust; dirt; ~H/~H steeped in dust, dusty.
H dhu:sar (a) dusty; dust)coloured.
H dhu:sarit (a) illed or strewn with dust; turned dusty.

dhriti (nf) ortitude, steadiness; ~H steady, ortitudinous.


dhrish (a) contumelious, impudent, insolent; obtrusive; impertinent; ~ impudence,

insolence; obtrusiveness, impertinence.
H dhen5 (nf) a (milch) cow.
H dhela: (nm) a hal)pice coin (now out o currency); # to undo, to reduce
to naught; # | to be penniless, to be e$tremely indigent.
H| dheli: (nf) a hal)rupee coin.
H dhairy (nm) patience; ortitude, endurance; )|H test o one.s endurance/patience; #
H/ to hold one.s horse; #4H to console.
H| dhokha: (nm) deception, deceit; raud, cheating, guile; subteruge; a scarecrow;
)Hs beguilement; cheating, deceit; humbuggery; H|4H a cheat, swindler; shyster;
deceitul, guileul; raudulent; H|4H raud, deception, cheating; humbuggery; # to
suer deceipt, to be taken in, to be deceived/beguiled/cheated, to be hoodwinked; # to
play alse; to deceive, to cheat, to hoodwink, to beguile; H| | a 9ro%an horse, a
camoulage, alse screen, a raudulent device;H| H H/s to be taken in, to be
H| dhoti: (nf) dhoti: #loin cloth worn by the 0indus; #d|| | to be demoralised; to be
scared out o wits; #4s to be terribly scared, to have a run o loose motions.
H|/ dhon+: (v) to wash; to launder; to cleanse; to undo; # H to leave no trace o,
to eradicate the entity o; # to wash o, to undo; #4 to wash o; to nulliy.
H|4 dhob (nm) a laundry#batch o clothes sent to or rom a launderer in one lot; washing,
H|4 dhobi: (nm) a washerman, launderer; ) a laundering venue (by the side o a river or a
tank); ~Us a wrestling trick wherein the rival wrestler is thrown over the shoulder (as a
washerman dashes down a cloth); ) see )Us; a washerman.s board or stone (to strike the
cloth against); #

, neither ish nor owl, a rolling stone gathers no

moss; one who rides two boats is sure to be overthrown.
H| dhore (ind) near, close by.
H| dhow+n (nm) a wash; water in which anything has been washed.
H dh+5kn+: (v) to blow with bellows etc,; to an a ire.
H dh+5kn: (nf) bellows, blower; blow)pipe; # to have palpitation.
H dhaus (nf) bluster, coercive stance; awesome demeanour; ~ see H; #
H/HH/ to menace, to bluster; # to bluster into subdual; #H to take
in by bluster; to cause to yield by bluster; # to bear with the blustering o.
H dh+5sa: (nm) a huge kettle)drum; #4H to be lauded all round.
H dh+5siya: (nm) a kettle)drummer; blusterer.
H dhaura: (a) white, air; (nm) a betelnut piece.
H dhaul (nm) a hand)blow, buet; #H4s scule, row; e$change o blows; )H4 a blow,
push; )Hs/H scule, e$change o blows, row; # to give a (hand blow.
H dhaula: (a) white; air.
dhy+:n (nm) attention, heed; meditation; contemplation; concentration o mind;
~+ perceivable or perceived only through contemplation/meditation,
realised through contemplation/meditation;
~c/8///H/ absorbed or engrossed in
contemplation/meditation; contemplative; meditative; #| meditation)
based |; ~ achievable or achieved through
contemplation/meditation; ~engrossed or steeped in meditation;
meditating, contemplating; #H to remember, to recall; #U

to have
one.s meditation interrupted; to lose the concentration o mind; # to
heed, to pay attention; to contemplate or meditate; #H to meditate or
contemplate; #4H to have the mind concentrated upon; #H to
ignore, not to mind; # to concentrate (upon), to meditate; #
3 to orget, to lose the memory o.
dhya:n+bbhya:s (nm) practice o meditation/contemplation/concentration.
dhya:n+:vastha: (nf) state o meditation/contemplation; #H | to be in
dhya:n+:vasthit (a) engrossed or absorbed in meditation/contemplation.
dhya:n: (a) meditative; given to meditation/contemplation; #7 given to meditation
and contemplation.
dhyey (nm) an aim, end; # tendenciousness, a theory or attitude in literature which
inspires the artist to so organise his composition as to strive or the achievement o a deinite
end; ~| tendencious.

dhrupad (nm) a orm o classical 7ndian music.


dhruv (nm) a pole; the polar star; (a) i$ed, irm; permanent; # the polar star; ~ a
compass; #

the meridian line; #c eternal truth.


, ~c dhruv/ta: (nf), ~attv (nm) polartity; i$edness irmness; permanency.


dhruva:5 (nm) a poloeyte.

dhv+ns (nm) ruination; destruction, devastation; ~ destructive, devastating; a
destroyer, devastator, one who spells ruination; ~ ruination, destruction; devastation.
4 dhwansa:vashesh (nm) remains, ruins.
H dhva% (nm) a lag, banner, ensign, colours; ) s a lagsta; )| a lagship.
H dhva%a: (nf) a lag, standard, ensign, banner; colours; ~H| a standard)bearer;
~| implantation o a lag; ~| hoisting o a lag.
H|| dhva%ottol+n (nm) see H (~|).
dhvan+n (nm) sounding; suggestion (in 2oetics).
dhvan (nf) sound; suggestion (in 2oetics); suggested meaning; ~| 2honetics; ~0H a
phoneme; ,7 phonemics; ) / sound)change; )7 phonetics; phonology.
dhvant (a) sounded; suggested (meaning in 2oetics).
7 dhvannyarth (nm) suggested meaning; hence ~ (nf).
7cH dhvanny+:tm+k (a) phonetic; phonolgical; suggestive, suggestion)based (poetry
etc.); hence ~ (nf).
dhvast (a) ruined; destroyed, devastated; hence ~ (nf).
dhva:nk (a) acoustic; (nm) acousticist; ~ acoustics, acousticity.
| dhva:nki: (nf) acoustics; ~ acoustic.

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