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CASE REPORT SESSION Neoplasma Ovarium Cystic

Armand Al Haraani

Laparotomi cystektomi sinistra due to cystic ovarium neoplasm was performed to mrs x 29 y.o with chief complaint abdominal mass since 3 months ago

On Admission
Vital sign : within normal limit Physical examination There was abdominall mass 3 finger above umbilical , cystic + , mobile , painless pressure +

Gynaecological exam
I : v/v: within normal limit VT : Portio : terdesak kanan mass at posterior pole +

Uterus within normal limit Cystic mass 28cm , multiloculer Acites (- )

Diagnosa Kerja
Neoplasma Ovarian Cystic

Was performed laparotomy cystectomy sinistra there was a cystic mass multiloculer with serosum fluid Size pic

Patient in good condition , ready for discharged

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