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A-1 Biodiversity: Who cares? Slides 27 A-2 Biodiversity Pearson Education Slides - 20 A-3 B !

!" #E$S %&: A' '%$!"()% !' Slides - 2* A-+ Biodiversity and its value, Ecosyste- )han.e, /u-an 0ell 1ein. )atherine Souty-2rosset (niversit3 de Poitiers -4rance Slides -5* B-1 Ecosyste- A66roach in 7ainstrea-in. Biodiversity 8a9ri A: /a-id /older o; %uan9u )hancellor )hair (niversiti Sains 7alaysia Slides - ++ )-1 )onservation Biolo.y< Environ-entalisSlides 33 )-2 %hreats to Biodiversity 7ichael Soule, 200+ Slides - =2 "-1 Endan.ered Ani-als o; ndia 'atara> 7:B: "e6art-ent o; 8oolo.y: Slides 33

"-2 %hreatened Birds o; )entral ndia 2irish ?athar Scientist- n-)har.e E'# S-)enter,Bo-1ay 'atural /istory Society Slides - 3= E-1 Biodiversity and )li-ate )han.e (nited 'ations )onvention on Biolo.ical "iversity Slides - 1+ E-2 )onvention on Biolo.ical "iversity '2! trainin. and round-ta1le 7ay 200+ 4unded 1y the S0iss A.ency ;or Environ-ent, 4orest and @andsca6e Slides - 10 4-1 -6ortant )onsiderations ;or ntensive 7ana.e-ent o; Endan.ered S6ecies Slides 3= 4-2 $ationalisin. Biodiversity )onservation in "yna-ic Ecosyste-s A$(B )!"EB Integrating ecosystem services into habitat management and biodiversity policy in Europe Slides 22 4-3 %he Possi1ility o; $e.ional Environ-ental 2overnance in East Asia: 4ocused on the )ases o; Biodiversity and Sustaina1ility in the use o; 'ature $esources (nited 'ations "evelo6-ent Pro.ra--e Slides - 1* 4-+ 2ood Practice 2uidance ;or Biodiversity Andre0 Parsons Pro.ra--e "irector )77- nternational )ouncil on 7inin. < 7etals Slides - 12 4-5 -- Biodiversity at the World Bank Slides - 23

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