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Name of Student: Matthew S. / Kindergarten Name of Teacher/s Completing Questionnaire: Mrs. Wellington, Mr.

Dietzen SAT Members Present: John Dietzen, Molly Klane, Jen Fielder, Jon Cunningham, Becky Wellington Date: 9/24/13

SAT Questionnaire
STEP 1: Document Classroom Interventions
This SAT form will ask you to provide documented interventions and data collection for the student of concern that have been implemented continuously for the past 6-8 weeks. Students cannot be referred to SAT until appropriate and consistent interventions have occurred for said time period.

STEP 2: Keep Parents Informed

Also, teachers must inform the parent/guardian of the interventions that are being proposed prior to implementation and gather information/feedback from the parent/guardian on ways they think could help the student be successful in school.

STEP 3: Evaluate Interventions, Contact Parents, Proceed to SAT if necessary

Lastly, once the interventions have been in place for the 6-8 weeks and are still not effective, the teacher must obtain permission from the parent/guardian to bring the student to SAT as a way to obtain further ideas and strategies on helping the student to be successful in the classroom.

1. Briefly describe your concerns regarding this student Matthew has difficulties keeping a calm body in and out of the classroom. He is often jumping around, running around and moving his body in many different ways. His lack of body control makes it difficult for himself and classmates to pay attention to learning. In addition, Matthew has a difficult time following directions/ listening to staff . Matthew sometimes will refuse to do assignments, come to the carpet or join the class. He will tell the staff no and will yell, or make loud noises. This has been occurring more frequently the more Matthew appears to be getting comfortable with school and his routine. Lastly, Matthew has exhibited multiple safety concerns. There has been one occasion where Matthew has refused to come into the building

with the class. He has also ran out of the building one time and left staff sight numerous times. He also struggles using his words and has hit or pushed other students several times. Matthews difficulties being safe have also been seen recently with staff as well. He has spit on staff, tried to hit staff, and even threw a shoe at a school staff. With peers, Matthew needs assistance in creating positive relationships and interacting appropriately. His peers like him, but he hasnt built any strong friendships.

2. Please describe the interventions that have occurred in the following areas : A. Plan for developing student/teacher relationship: Due to Matthews difficulties in the classroom, he receives support from an Assistant Educator about 90% of his day. He has maintained a positive relationship with the Assistant Educator and tends to listen best to her. Matthew appears to do better with consistent staff day in and day out and when there is a change in his routine, Matthew will struggle more. He spends time with the school social worker as well but will seem to struggle with the transition between staff members and his behavior will negatively fluctuate throughout this time. Matthews classroom teachers will redirect Matthew throughout the day and give him positive praise when it is demonstrated, but he still struggles to consistently follow directions with any staff member. It has been noted that developing a positive relationship is very essential as well as focus on his positive behaviors. He will typically become stuck when redirected and it is hard to get Matthew back on track after 2-3 negative redirections.

B. Opportunities for leadership/team building among his/her peers When classroom jobs were first established, Matthew was asked to help by being the line leader. He was asked to model the correct behavior and was given positive praise when he displayed the correct behavior.

C. Room set-up/ Seating arrangement Matthew is seated in an area of the room where he is able to move to a different table if needed. He also has space around his table spot where he can move around and not distract the majority of the classroom. On the carpet, Matthew is seated in the back row. He has additional space around him, where an adult can sit close and he was room if he needs to spread out. There are also additional carpet squares that are available, if Matthew needs more space around him.

D. Utilization of fidgets to help student stay on task Matthew has many fidgets that he can use. He has velcro attached the underside of his desk. On the carpet, he is currently using a ball. Mrs. Celia often used the ball to run his back, but Matthew is able to squeeze and roll it as needed.

E. What is being done to address the language needs of the student?

Mattthews primary language is Spanish but can communicate very well in English. Spanish appears to be more effective when explaining and processing behaviors and expectations.

3. Please describe the targeted skill you are providing interventions for. Please provide all intervention data here as well as the dates it was implemented, duration, frequency, changes:

Implementation Date for Intervention/s

Targeted skill you are providing interventions for Increase focus



Continue? Change?


velcro under the desk

increased attention for only few minutes Matthew does benefit from this intervention but oftentimes refuses to complete all of the components of the break due to boredom or just refusal

will keep under desk


Increase focus

10-15 minute sensory break including: physical movement, (walking) stretching of legs and arms with a focus on deep breathing to calm body and lower heart rate,

continue, with times subject to variation based on effect

and weighted backpack used during morning and afternoon transition breaks 8/26/13 Increase focus physical touch is effective for a on short amount of shoulder/back time during lecture or work time continue, but assess types of physical touch and look towards educating Matthew how to do this on his own need more modeling and consistent regulating of proper use not continued due to lack of effect


Increase focus

use of fidgets

sporatic positive effectiveness


follow directions positive incentive charts with stickers applied when Matthew is following directions for a 10 minute span follow directions modeling positive appropriate behavior follow directions/ increase focus follow directions encourage eye contact with adults when communicating timer set with countdown to complete task

Used for one week span, not effective after couple of days


not effective typically but necessary



needs to be continue implemented in order to focus / follow directions not effective will try visual timer instead



follow directions visual reminders effective tool in continue on how to follow teaching how to directions follow directions be safe remove Matthew from group when beginning to exhibit unsafe behaviors intervene early when not on task with verbal and visual reminders on how effective in maintaining safety of Matthew and others not usually effective continue



follow directions/ be safe


4. When the parent was contacted prior to these interventions, what was their reaction? What kind of advice and feedback did they provide you with? Do they have the same concerns as well? What strategies do they use to help motivate their child? Matthews parents were contacted in the first week of school. They seemed discouraged by the fact that the school was bringing up behavior concerns and were unsure about what methods were effective with Matthew. It was discussed that various intervention could be used here at school and they were OK with that. Matthews parents were asked to meet with school staff three weeks into school to further discuss behavior strategies, ask for ideas, and to continue developing the relationship, additional interventions were discussed as well as how Matthew does at home. His parents disclosed that Matthew does not listen at all to either parent and they had no idea what to do with him. They seemed more comfortable and willing to discuss Matthew with the staff after they believed we were only here to assist in his learning. Parents have been continued to be contacted throughout the school year. 5. Is there any medical information that is relevant to your concerns regarding this student? Did they pass the vision and hearing screening? None noted. 6. Please describe the students strengths and interests Matthew has a great sense of humor and likes to please others. he is liked by his peers when he is engaging with them, and he loves to have fun and laugh .

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