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Larrys Elementary Classroom Management Plan

1) Creating a Safe Learning Environment The Pioneers of Modern Discipline William Glasser Choice Theory is a perfect theory for my beliefs and teaching style. I want to be a leader to my students, so I will set a good example for them and will address misbehavior when it occurs in my classroom. At the beginning of the school year I will come up with class rules that the students will help create. I will use reasonable consequences for students misbehavior. For example if student misbehaves greatly then the consequence will also be great. I believe this strategy will teach students day by day the right behaviors and it will become habit after practice. 2) Behavioral Rules (Hierarchy of Discipline) Rules- 1. When teacher or student presenting TALK, we LISTEN. 2. We show good SPORTSMANSHIP and ENCOURAGE each other. 3. We RESPECT each others space, feelings, and belongings. 4. We take CARE of OUR equipment. 5. We ALWAYS try our BEST and LEARN. Consequences will be addressed by the severity of each misbehavior and the misbehaviors will mostly always be addressed right when they occur, each class will have a sticker chart, each class that is a good day they will receive a sticker, when the sticker chart is full we will have a free day. A method for student conflict resolution is the bystander resolution, which is the student with a problem seek a bystander who will help mediate them through the problem. There will also be a problem box where students can write down the problem and I will look at them or the students can always come to me with concerns. 3) Motivation Students will be motivated by my positive attitude and constant reassurance of good behavior. I will also have motivational posters and signs hanging around the room. I also will have music playing in the classroom whenever it is appropriate. Students will do what I ask them because I will have a set rules that will be implemented from day 1. The sticker chart will be motivation for everyone but I will do a wide range of new activities that students will be actively engaged in, in attempt to keep all students motivated. 4) Group Activity Expectations partners will be assigned by toe to toe, shirt color, hair color, or eye color, large groups will be numbered off, Captains, or handpicked by me. At the beginning of each semester students will be given a spot on the floor that they report to everyday for attendance. Students expectations in groups will be the same as every day in class. They are expected to try their best and try to learn. I think that everyone trying and good communication among the group is what makes the groups work best. 5) Non-Instructional Methods: entering/exiting the gymnasium- students will report to assigned spots before class and after class. Students will be dismissed to change and to leave by me. Taking attendance- attendance will be taken by me which I will have a map of the students name corresponding with the spot they are assigned. Starting/stopping cues used in class- I like to use the whistle to cue the students to stop doing whatever they are doing, place equipment on ground, and look and listen for instructions. Students will need to ask for permission to use bathroom/ get drinks 6) Equipment Use: Each lesson plan will have specific equipment needs, but before each lesson I will get proper equipment out and set it up. I will also have

Larrys Elementary Classroom Management Plan

students help me with setting up and cleaning up. Broken equipment will be assessed by me and written down and reported to the principal or financial consultant at the end of each week. 7) Safety: I really like the color code safety system. Mine would be something like this. Red- Injury (sit down on baseline opposite of injured student), yellow - Fire (follow proper exiting procedures), and Brown- bodily fluids (report to sideline opposite of fluids). Whistle will cue students to listen for further instruction. 8) Communication with Parents Communication with parents will be easy and fun for all. I will have a website created that will have all my units and lessons mapped out and background information on myself. I will also create a Facebook and Twitter page that will have updates of school and community physical education related events. Other types of communication will be by phone, email, and face to face. I will have an open door policy.

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