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Running head: 5 Year Professional Development and Action Plan

Tracy Phutikanit Artifact I: 5-Year Professional Development and Action Plan SDAD 579 Student Development Capstone Seattle University

5 Year Professional Development and Action Plan

Objective 1: Use well planned, intentional assessment and evaluation to gather student feedback to be used towards campus improvements. 2014: Explore what existing assessments and evaluations are in place for my department or institution. Create assessment to gauge student employee satisfaction in my department. 2015: Prioritize campus needs and identify committees and/or departments to assist with assessment. 2016: Stay knowledgeable on campus IRB procedures and expectations for Student Affairs responsibilities. 2017: Use existing data from national assessments to improve student experiences. 2018: After assessing data, make recommendations on next steps and improvements to make. Objective 2: Keep up to date with local, state, and federal legislation as well as trends in higher education that will affect college students. 2014: Regularly check The Chronicle of Higher Education and other periodicals for large scale issues that affect budget, human resources, and enrollment 2015: Utilize colleagues or campus resources to read journals such as New Directions in Student Services to keep up to date on best practices. Join campus committee or collaborate with my department administrative assistant or budget manager of the university to seek opportunities for growth in budget. 2016: Serve on at least one campus wide committee focused on addressing shifting changes that affect students and inform staff/faculty how those changes will affect student behavior, engagement, and success. 2017: Examine campus policies to assess inclusivity and relevancy. 2018: Make recommendations on campus policy updates or create new policies to reflect student needs. Objective 3: Develop and maintain relationships with other Professionals of Color, especially Asian Pacific Islander Desi American professionals to cohesively represent and advocate for underserved populations and encourage mentorship within education. 2014: Distinguish other People of Color/APIDA staff and faculty and gauge what the campus culture is around support for underrepresented students. Join APIKC through NASPA. 2015: Establish or join collective of staff to create or continue services to students who are traditionally underrepresented. Look for involvement opportunities through NASPA to represent APIDA professionals and keep up to date on APIDA research. 2016: Seek out APIDA professional mentors within and outside of institution. 2017: Look for opportunities to present on APIDA student experiences and best practices from my experience at local and national conferences. 2018: Explore the option of research or publication on APIDA student issues that are currently being experienced. Objective 4: Obtain knowledge on student issues both on campus and locally, and nationally and how to address them as a campus, rather than individually. 2014: Explore and participate in opportunities that are on campus for professional development such as Human Resources classes, staff led trainings, and drive in conferences.

5 Year Professional Development and Action Plan

2015: Attend a local or regional conference or an appropriate professional association conference. 2016: Regularly read periodicals relating to Student Affairs that are easily accessible. 2017: Maintain established rapport with other staff to build a comfortable working team environment to work most effectively with each other. 2018: Attend a national conference to obtain relevant information linked towards the students Im serving.

Objective 5: Practice self care as an investment to my long-term sustainability in the student affairs field. 2014: Set clear expectations and ground rules with supervisor and colleagues about expectations and commitments. 2015: Practice self-care and self-advocacy in what I need from my supervisor to maintain sustainable relationship with students, staff, faculty, and campus community. 2016: Get involved with other on campus opportunities to develop my Student Affairs experience and to diversify responsibilities to keep passion alive. 2017: Regularly meet with established mentors from previous institutions and current institution to develop future action plans and more professional goals for myself 2018: Take on new professionals in the field as a way to give back to the Student Affairs community. Objective 6: Use theory, research, and best practices when working with supervised and nonsupervised staff to accomplish inclusion, mattering, and connections to the University/College. 2014: Maintain high student contact (through supervision or appointments) to understand the institutions students and student issues. 2015: Regularly incorporate theory, existing research, and best practices to develop leadership skills and identity amongst students I work with or come into contact with. 2016: Explore hosting a NUFP intern or Fellow to aide in their development in Student Affairs. 2017: (If not already doing) Explore opportunities to supervise entry level staff positions. 2018: Continue to look for professional development opportunities specifically related to supervision of students and staff.

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