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Sri Endang Kusmaryati, M.Pd. (The Lecturer of English Education Department, FKIP UMK Kudus)

Abstract Language is an important tool of communication. The primary function of language is for interaction and communication. Listening is one of the important parts in teaching English because it includes one of four basic language skills. The writer found that most of students of senior high school still get some difficulties in studying listening. It may be caused many factors including the limited students vocabularies and also their understanding of grammar. Besides the method used by the teacher in teaching English may also one of the reasons. Concerning to this condition, the writer thinks it would be better to use some learning strategies that invites the students to be active in teaching learning process. In addition, the most appropriate approach to solve the problem is by using Classroom Discussion. In this approach, the students get a big opportunity to express their own ideas and it can arouse their motivation to involve in a discussion in the classroom. By using Classroom Discussion it is hoped the students can develop their conceptual understanding, communication skills and thinking processes, and also involvement and engagement. And at last the students ability of listening may be improved.

A. Introduction As an international language, English is world-widely spoken to communicate to each other in every field. We can not deny that many information are served in English. Therefore we must be able to master English in order to follow the new information. Mastering English is so important moreover we have to improve our quality of human resources with excellent English. Our government has made a policy by deciding English as the first foreign language that is studied after our mother tongue. As a realization, in the lowest level of our education which is identical with elementary school English is set up to be introduced to the students although it is just as a local content. By introducing English in the basic level it is hoped that the students will be easy to prepare English in the higher level of education later. In the senior high school level, English is described more detail in every main skill including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Senior high school students who have studied English for more than eight years and perhaps mastered the four main skills are still having great problems due to lack of listening acquisition. Listening becomes one of the most important skills that must be mastered by students because we can acquire language firstly by listening then we try to communicate them to others. By listening also we are be able to know the new vocabularies and how to pronoun them. We can not only learn about the pronunciation of sound but also in grammar. Some English teachers said that most of students are still difficult in improving listening. One of the reasons may be caused by the technique which is not appropriate and it makes the learning and teaching process is not so interesting. Those conditions

should motivate the English teacher to apply a model of learning which focus on the learner. It is expected to help them in improving listening ability and then they can communicate with others by using English well. As Browns (2001: 248) said that the purpose of teaching listening at school is to catch a word in context in order to communicate well. As a prospective English teacher we are not only demanded to be able to help our students especially in their learning process but also apply and choose the appropriate model of teaching. Classroom discussion is one of studentcentered learning models in which the teacher and student and others students can talk with one another and share ideas or opinion in the classroom. B. The Ability of Listening. There are four main skills of English that we need to complete communication. When we learn our native language, we usually learn to listen first, then to speak, then to read and finally to write. According to Morley in Mawas (2008:185),"Listening is the most common communicative activity in daily life: we can expect to listen twice as much as we speak, four times more than we write". Listening is different from hearing. There is distinction between listening and hearing. When listening, the hearer has willingness and competence to understand what is said. So, when we listen, we pay conscious attention to what is being said in order to understand it. While hearing, the hearer just hearing what is said. So, when we hear, we don't need to pay conscious attention to what is being said because we don't need to understand it (Helgesen, M. and S.Brown, 2007:24). Heinich and others (1985:146) said that hearing is physiological process, whereas listening is psychological process. Physiologically, hearing is a process in which the sound waves entering the outer ear, and changed in the inner car into nerve impulse that travels to the brain. The psychological process of listening begins with someone's awareness of an. attention to sounds or speech pattern, proceeds through identification and recognition of specific auditioning signals and ends in comprehension. According to Harmer (2002:201) listening skills are divided into six skills. They are:
1. Identifying the topic.

Listeners are able to pick up the topic of the spoken text very quickly. Their schemata help them to grasp the idea of what the speaker talking about. This ability allows them to process the text more effectively as it progresses.
2. Predicting and guessing.

Listeners sometimes guess in order to try and understand what is being talked about, especially if they have first identified the topic. Sometimes they look forward, trying to predict what is coming, and sometimes they make assumption or guess the content from their initial glance of half hearing-as they try to apply their schemata to what is in front of them. Their subsequent listening helps them to confirm their expectations of what they have predicted.
3. Listening for general understanding.

Listeners are able to take in a stream of discourse and understand the gist of it without worrying too much about details. We usually called listening for a gist, listening to the essence of the spoken text. Listening for such a general comprehension means not stopping for every word, not analyzing everything that the speaker includes in the spoken text. Listening for a gist is not a lazy option.

The listeners have made a choice not to attend to every detail, but to use their processing powers to get more of a top down of what is going on.
4. Listening for specific information.

In contrast to listening for gist we often listen to the spoken text because we want specific details. When we listen to a news programme or a film review, we are concentrating when the particular item that interests us comes up such as where the accidents take place or the name of the directors of film, etc. in both cases we almost ignore all the other information until we come to the specific items we are looking for.
5. Listening for detailed information.

Sometimes we listen in order to understand everything we read in detail. This is usually the case with spoken instruction or directions, or with the description of scientific procedures; it happens when sometimes when someone gives us their address and telephone numbers and we write down all the details. We listen in a concentrated way to everything that is said.
6. Inference.

Inference is different from other types of listening, in the middle of listening tasks design for some other purpose. A person might be listening for specifics or for gist, but if the speaker says things indirectly or happens to use vocabulary, the listeners need to infer the meaning. Inference is a higher level listening skills. However, it is a mistake to wait until learners are at intermediate level or above to begin working on it. Indeed, beginning learners" are lack the large vocabulary and grammatical knowledge that they have later, so they need to learn to make inferences or listening between the lines. For example, the listeners actually hear that John was not at school today, but it can be understood from the situation that the speaker told. Of course, when we listen, we are usually combining different types of listening. Your global understanding of a situation may help you pick put specific of information. Catching specific details may help you grasp the gist. Inference usually happen when you are listening for some other purpose and the content doesn't state the information explicitly. Six skills in listening above are the important elements that should be mastered in order to increase our ability in listening. Brown (2004:120) divided listening into four performance types. The first types is intensive listening (listening for perception of the components; phonemes, words, intonation, discourse markers, etc. of a larger stretch of language). The second types is responsive listening (listening to a relatively short stretch of language; a greeting, question, command, comprehension check, etc. in order to make an equally short response. Next is selective 'listening (processing stretches of discourse such as short monologues for several minutes in order to "scan" for certain information). The last types is extensive listening (listening to develop a top-down, global understanding of spoken language). Meanwhile, according to Harmer (2002:228), students can improve their listening skills through a combination of extensive listening and intensive listening. Listening of both kinds is especially important since it provides the perfect opportunity to hear voices other than the teacher's enable students to acquire excellent speaking habits as a result of the spoken English they absorb, and helps to improve their own pronunciation.

1. Extensive listening Extensive listening is where a teacher encourages students to choose what they listen to and to do so for pleasure and general language improvement. It usually takes place outside the classroom. The motivational power of such kind activity increases when students make their own choices about what they are going to listen to. Materials for extensive listening can be found from many sources. A lot of simplified readers are now published with an audio version on tape. These provide ideal listening material. Students can also have their own copies of level. They can also listen to tapes of authentic material, provided that it is comprehensible. 2. Intensive listening. There are two kinds of intensive listening. First is intensive listening using taped material. Teachers use taped material and increasingly material on disk when they want their students to practice listening skills. The advantages of taped material are: it allows students to hear a. variety of different voices apart from just their own teacher's. It gives them an opportunity to find a range of different characters, especially where real people talking, however, when taped material contains written dialogues or extracts from plays, they offer a wide variety of situations and voices. Moreover, tapes are extremely cheap and machines to play them are relatively inexpensive. Second is intensive listening with "live" listening. Reading aloud allows them to hear a clear spoken version of written text. The teacher can also read or act cut dialogues either by playing two parts or by inviting a colleague into the classroom. In story telling, ideally telling, teachers are ideally placed to tell stories, which, in turn, provide excellent listening material. At any stages of the story, the students can be asked to predict what is coming next, or be asked to describe people in the story or pass comment on it in some other way. Interviews are one of the most motivating listening activities. Students can arrange the questions themselves. In such situations, students really listen for answers they themselves have asked for, rather than adopting other people's questions. In conversations class, we invite a colleague to come to our class and hold a conversation with them. The subjects can be English or any other subject. Students then have the chance to watch the interaction as well as listen to it. We can also extend story-telling possibilities by role-playing. Listening skill can support the students to master the other language skills. Listening in a language teaching-learning process processes important contribution to other language skills and of course it must be taught in language teaching. C. Teaching English for Senior High School Students English as an international language is taught in all levels of school, including Senior high school. In Senior high school, English becomes one of the subjects of final national examination. Therefore, teaching English in Senior high school is very important. Teaching is the interaction between the teacher and the students in learning process. The activity of the teacher is as the informer, director, and facilitator for the students. All of the teaching activities is centered on the students in order to make the better learning environment. According to http:/www/, some definitions of teaching are : (1) The act, practice, occupation, or profession of a teacher, (2) The

activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill. Meanwhile according to Brown (2001: 15), teaching is showing or helping some someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. Teaching at school is the interaction between teaches and students with a learning environment arranged the teacher to achieve the expected goals. Based on those definitions above, the writer concludes that teaching is the interaction of teacher and students in the activities of transferring knowledge or skill to achieve the expected goals. English is one of the international languages which most widely used in the world. It is used in the field of politic, economic, science and technology, and other. English is the first foreign language taught in Indonesia. Indonesian people learn English to face the globalization today. Our government has made a policy that English is studied from kindergarten up to collage. Teaching English in Senior High School is usually based on KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) and classical system with local content material. KTSP is an operational curriculum that the school arranges and applies based on the situation and condition of the school itself. It consists of the school education goal and the contents of school curriculum, the academic calendar and the syllabus. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, (2006:5) defines syllabus as plan of teaching and learning of a subject containing the standard of competencies, basic competencies, teaching material, teaching and learning activity, indicators, system of assessment, time allotment, material source, and instrument of teaching and learning. Syllabus is the elaborated standard of competencies and basic competencies into the teaching material and indicators of competency goal to be assessed The purpose of English teaching commonly is the master the four main skills of English including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. As a language mastering, speaking and listening which is identical with spoken language are to be the most important purpose. Based on Syllabus of KTSP the purposes of teaching English are for the students to: 1. Communicate English both oral and written by using appropriate language variety fluently and accurately. 2. Understand and express transactional and interpersonal text in the form of giving and asking opinion, expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction. 3. Understand and express transactional and interpersonal text in the form of giving advices, expressing relief, pain and pleasure. 4. Understanding and express transactional and interpersonal text in the form of functional or monolog text of reports, narrative, and analytical exposition. D. Student Centered Learning A paradigm change in learning process from teacher centered learning to student centered learning is expected can support students to be active in building knowledge, behavior, and attitude. By this process they can get understanding deeply and finally can increase students quality. Student centered learning is a way of thinking about student learning. It requires that our planning, teaching, and assessment focuses on the needs and abilities of our students how they learn, what they experience, and how they engage with their learning. It is a shared knowledge and shared authority between the students and teacher. Where the teacher shares control of the classroom and students are allowed to experiment with learning. Teachers become facilitators, helping students access

information, interpret, organize and use knowledge to solve problems and the motivators, helping the students to arouse their motivation. Student centered learning includes a variety of active strategies, that involve students in doing and thinking about what they are doing. Students are given the responsibility for learning. It is based on the idea that learning is meaningful when topics are relevant to the students lives, needs, and interests and when the students themselves are actively engaged in constructing their own knowledge. Hence, students are given choices and are included in the classroom decision-making. There are two possibilities are able to be done in Student-centered learning they are, students work in groups or individually to explore problems and take initiatives that allow them to discover their own meaningful information. Students learn how to learn through discovery, inquiry, and problem solving. Research suggests that student centered learning is effective for every member of the classroom, because it takes into account their diverse learning needs and greatly increases students retention of both knowledge and skills. Student-centered learning is recognition that different people learn in different ways and that learning requires active engagement by the students. The use of student centered learning appears to be reflective of todays society where choice and democracy are important concepts, however is it an effective approach to learning? A six-year study in Helsinki, which compared traditional and activating instruction, found that the activating group developed better study skills and understanding, but were slower in their study initially. Equally, Hall and Saunders (1997) found that students had increased participation, motivation and grades in a first year information technology course In addition, 94% of the students would recommend it to others over the more conventional approach (Hall and Saunders 1997). Students in a UK University elaborated on the impact of student-centered learning on them, i.e. they felt there was more respect for the student in this approach, that it was more interesting, exciting, and it boosted their confidence. Student Centered Learning is a way of connecting class topics with students lives, offering students choices in their learning. Students are excited when they discover something for themselves. This excitement generally translates into better engagement, longer retention of knowledge and greater motivation to learn. They gain confidence in themselves as they take on new responsibilities and become competent problem-solvers. Students have higher achievement when they have confidence in themselves and when they attribute success to their own abilities and not to luck or help. Student centered learning enables students to develop the necessary work place skills and attributes expected of people in a knowledge society. The key elements in Student Centered Learning are: a. Problem solving by Identifying the problem, planning, testing the options and effectiveness of the solutions. b. Working with others, team building, developing interpersonal skills and independence. c. Learning how to learn encourages students to inquire, ask questions, plan, predict, test and draw conclusions. d. Reflection, refining and improving their work. e. Recognition of interdisciplinary knowledge and generic, cross-curriculum skills, values and attributes that promote lifelong learning and allow students to adapt and transfer their learning across subject boundaries. f. Research skills where students need to find relevant information, classify data and analyze relationships.

g. Generating numerous ideas, looking for alternatives. These ideas need to be evaluated. h. Using Information, Communication Technology as an integral learning tool. i. Encourages innovation and creativity through deep learning and requires students to think about their learning, the issues and the problems. j. Develop tolerance, understanding and respect of others opinions. k. Responsibility- for ones own learning, actions, and responsibility to the group. Teacher centered and student centered are two different classifications. The information below is the comparison between teacher centered and student centered learning in the different features. Arends (2004: 25) in his book, Learning to Teach, explains that there are the comparison of Teacher centered and Student centered models of Instruction. Table 1. The Comparison of Teacher-Centered and Student-Centered model No Feature Teacher-centered models Student-centered models 1 Theoretical Social learning, behavioral, Cognitive, constructivist foundation and information-processing theories theories 2 Teachers Teacher designs lessons Teacher establishes condition roles aimed at accomplishing for the students inquiry; predetermined standards involves students in planning; and goals; uses procedures encourages and accepts that support acquisition of students ideas; and provides specified knowledge and them with autonomy and skills choice. 3 Students role Students often in passive Students most often in active roles listening to teacher or roles; interacting with others, reading; practicing teacher- and participating in specified skills investigative and problem solving activities 4 Planning tasks Mainly teacher dominated; Balance of teacher and tightly connected to students input; flexibly tied to predetermined curriculum curriculum standards and standards and goals goals. 5 Learning For the most part, tightly Loosely structured; environments structured. This does not characterized by democratic mean authoritarian. processes, choice, and autonomy to think and inquire 6 Assessment Lends itself to more Lends itself to authentic and procedures traditional paper and pencil performance assessment and selected response procedures and processes procedures and processes E. Classroom Discussion as a Model of Student Centered Learning In teaching English, the teacher needs to use such model in order to make the students mastering the material that the teacher gives to them. The writer uses Classroom Discussion as the model in teaching English listening. Classroom Discussion is one of student centered models in which the teacher and students and other students talk with one another and share ideas and opinion in

the classroom. Arends (2004:25) said that classroom discussion is a model of the student centered learning. Classroom Discussion

Conceptual understanding

Communication skills and thinking processes

Involvement and engagement

From the figure we can see that classroom discussion is a model of student centered learning. The effectiveness of using classroom discussion requires an understanding of several important topics pertaining to classroom discussion. It describes the procedures the teacher uses to encourage verbal interchange among students. In summary, it appears that some views student-centered learning as the concept of the students choice in their education. While others see it as the student doing more than the teacher (active versus passive learning), and the others have a much broader definition which includes both of these concepts but, in addition, describes the shift in the power relationship between the student and the teacher. Assessment in Classroom Discussion is useful in the process of teaching. Assessment procedures should be clearly linked to the content. Negotiate assessment need to be quite specific here. What will be assessed and how? Assessment becomes an ongoing activity that drives instruction, rather than a culminating event. Students, teachers and parents are included in evaluating a variety of forms of assessments. Self assessment could be done as a reflective journal Peer assessment if the task is designed for a particular target group, get members of the target group to assess it. Expert assessment- this could be formal assessment from the teacher, or assessment from an outside professional source. Expectations of quality and breadth of students' thinking Black (1999) summarized some of the difficulties highlighted in the literature in the area of assessment, for example, a) that the giving of marks and grades are overemphasized, while the giving of advice and the learning function are underemphasized, b) pupils are compared with one another which highlights competition rather than personal improvement. He also explains the concept of self-assessment as essential activity to help students take responsibility for their learning, an important aspect of SCL. The use of the written examination is still a strong practice in todays Universities and is primarily a summative assessment, i.e. an assessment for judgment or accreditation. The addition of more formative assessment, which emphasizes feedback to students on their learning, would enhance their (student) learning (Brown. 1997). By developing more formative assessment in your courses you can provide a focus for the student by highlighting their learning gaps and areas that they can develop. Examples of formative assessment include feedback on essays, written comments on assignments, grades during the year that do not add to end of year mark

and multiple-choice questions/answers for feedback only. The addition of more formative assessment encourages a more student-centered approach. Peer and self-assessment both give some control and responsibility back to the student, emphasizing an increased sense of autonomy in the learner definition of student-centered learning. Learning contracts/negotiated contracts are goals set by the student, depending on their learning gaps, which are in turn negotiated with the lecturer. The contract can also highlight the manner in which the student would like to be assessed in order to demonstrate that they have reached the goals. This can add choice in what to study and, in addition, choice in how the student will be assessed. Choice is one of the key terms in relation to student-centered learning. The concept of negotiation of learning also addresses the unique change in relationship between lecturer and student in their definition of student-centered learning. Gibbs (1995:1) describes the range of choices available to students in relation to assessment as ..., what criteria and standards are to be used, how the judgments are made and by whom these judgments are made. In practice, how do we give students some autonomy and decision-making in an area such as assessment? Brown (1994) highlight a range of suggestions on how lecturers can involve students in the assessment process. The suggestions above may seem a large jump from your current practices, therefore, you might consider moving your assessment practice slightly up the teacher/student-centered continuum. An example of a small but significant change is to provide a choice of essay topics and exam questions as a manageable starting point. Sometimes students are afraid to discuss in class, but open dialog provides an excellent learning situation. If you have a different opinion from your teacher, go ahead and say it. Make certain that your opinion is based on facts and evidence, not just something you made up. To take part in a discussion, follow what everyone is saying. When something is said that you feel should be noted or discussed more, write it down. Dont be afraid to ask a question if you do not understand something or follow the thread of the discussion. Answering questions can be quite beneficial in a classroom situation. Students may or may not agree with you. Dont get upset. Keep an open mind. Open dialog is important in the classroom, and academic freedom is highly regarded. Remember to respect others opinions and reactions. If you are aware of class discussion, look over your textbook and notes before coming to class. Think about your opinion and ideas before coming into the classroom. According to Arends, (2004: 25) teacher needs many approaches to meet their goals with a diverse population of students. A single approach or method is no longer adequate. With sufficient choices, teacher can select the approach that best achieves a particular class of students, or the models that can be used in tandem to promote the students motivation, involvement and achievement. Joyce and weil (1972) and Joyce, weil and Calhoun (2003) in Arends (2004) labeled each of these approaches a teaching model. A model, as defined here, as more than a specific method or strategy. It is an overall plan, or pattern, for helping students to learn specific kinds of knowledge, attitudes or skills. A teaching model has a theoretical basis or philosophy behind it and encompasses specific teaching steps designed to accomplish desired education outcomes. The word of discussions can be described in more detail, as the situations in which teacher and students or students and other students talk with one another and share ideas and opinions. Questions employed to stimulate discussion are usually at a higher cognitive level.

In teaching English especially in senior high school, most of the students have the requirements in doing the discussion. Roestiyah (2008: 6) stated that there are some purposes in a discussion. They are: a. The first purpose, the students are able to give real opinion orally, but the matter needs to practice their democratic life. Thus, the students can practice to give opinion about a problem. b. The second purpose, the discussion can motivate the students by using their knowledge and experience to solve a problem without another people opinion. Maybe, there is different of view so the students can give different opinion. c. The third purpose, the discussion gives possible for students to learn participate by asking to solve a problem together Deciding to do the discussion in the class, some important things should be understood by the teacher as the leader in a discussion. Enkoswara (1984: 75) stated that there are some principles in using discussion models: a. The participants have to join the discussion b. Question or problem must be appropriate with the participants level c. The teacher as a leader, arouses the participants confidence in discussion d. The teacher also motivates and stimulates the participants to contribute their ideas. e. In another opinion, agree or disagree must be obtained by respect. f. The discussion does not look for a winner and offend or discourage another opinion. The discussion is a conversation by some people united in a group to exchange opinion each other about a problem or look for problem solving to get solution and truth on a problem. Suryosubroto (2002: 181) said that a discussion needs some steps, so the discussion will run well. Doing discussion must have both sides of advantages and disadvantages. According to Suryosubroto (2002: 185), the advantages using discussion method are : a. The conclusion result is richer than individual result. b. The member group will be motivated by the present another member c. The discussion method involves all students in learning process. d. Every students can exanimate of knowledge level and administrate of lesson material. e. The discussion method can support students efforts about the development of social attitude and democratic attitude for all students And the disadvantages in discussion are as follows: a. The discussion method needs many times so, a discussion result is not useful b. The discussion needs specific skills c. Not all topics are principles, but something is only characteristic problems to discuss in a discussion. d. The students will influence every students of suggestion they give idea in their class. F. The Application of Classroom Discussion in Teaching Listening In applying the classroom discussion, the teacher sometimes does not make planning because the teacher thinks that discussion can not really be planned at all for it relies on spontaneous and unpredictable interactions among the students. However, in fact, the teacher should make a excellent plan for his/her successful classroom discussion process although spontaneity and flexibility are important in it. Based on Arends (2004: 420) mentioned the five steps in planning the discussion. They are:

1. Consider purpose Teacher should be sure about the purpose of discussion before applying the approach in the class. This is done in order the teacher can check for students understanding of reading assignments or presentations through recitations, teach teaching skill and share the experience to the students. 2. Consider students A excellent teacher will consider the students activities when he/she has to apply the classroom discussion in the class. It includes the considerations in how particular students in the class will respond differently to various kinds of questions. The teacher also predicts how some students will want to talk all the time whereas others will be unenthusiastic to say anything. 3. Choose an approach Classroom discussion is one of the models in an approach named student centered learning, and in classroom discussion itself, there are three approaches or different kinds of discussion. In addition, choosing one of approach in a discussion can really influence the two things of planning for discussion above. Three approaches that can be used in the classroom discussion are : Recitations It is mostly used in reading and listening teaching. The approach is applied by giving the information on a particular topic to read or listen and then brief question and answer sessions about the information can provide teacher with a mean of checking the students understanding. It can also arouse the students motivation to complete their reading assignments or to listen carefully when the teacher talking. Inquiry or problem-based discussion This other approach in classroom discussion is part of some types. This is done by giving the puzzle situations to the students that are not immediately explainable. Teacher encourages the students to ask questions because they are curious about the puzzle given by the teacher. In this type of discussions, the teacher helps the students to be conscious of their own reasoning processes and teach them to monitor and evaluate their own learning strategies. Sharing-based discussion It will help the students to form and express thoughts and opinions independently. Through dialogue about shared experiences, and what these experiences mean, ideas are developed or expanded and questions are raised for future study. 4. Make a plan A lesson plan for a discussion consists of objectives and a content outline. The plan should include not only the targeted content but also a wellconceived focus statement, the description of a puzzling event, and/or a list of questions. 5. Use physical space appropriately In a classroom discussion, the appropriate of using the physical space is one of important things because it can influence the students behaviors and

their communication both of with the teacher and with their friends. There are two recommended seating patterns, they are; U-shape seating pattern and circle seating pattern. The five phases of Arends idea in classroom discussion can be applied in the teaching of listening. The phases are: 1. Clarify aims and establish set a. The teacher play the cassette then replay it four times b. The teacher gives the appropriate text contain missing words c. The teacher get the students to write down the missing words d. The teacher invites the students joining the discussion relate the text e. Teacher explains the purposes of the discussion f. Teacher get the students set to participate and respond to the discussion 2. Focus the discussion a. Teacher relates the beginning discussion questions b. Teacher focuses to the students prior knowledge or experience c. Teacher describes the puzzling situation that has been given in the previous phase. d. Teacher explains the discussion text e. Teacher encourages the students participations 3. Hold the discussion a. Teacher monitors the students interactions b. Teacher asks some question related to the text c. Teacher gives the chance to the students to presents their ideas d. Teacher responds the ideas given by the students e. Teacher keeps records of the discussion f. Teacher expresses his/her own ideas 4. End the discussion a. Teacher helps the students to end the discussion b. Teacher makes the summarize of discussion c. Teacher explains the important role about the discussed text for the students 5. Debrief the discussion In this phase, teacher gives the explanation to the students about the advantages and the disadvantages in doing the discussion in order they can minimize and decrease the disadvantages and maximize the use of classroom discussion as a model in student centered learning. G. Conclusion In the Classroom Discussion it is hoped most of the students get their motivation when they try to answer the questions during the discussion. It occurs because they obtained their confidence to express their ideas in their class. It also makes the students not to get many difficulties in communication by using English. The students who are taught by using Classroom Discussion are easy to answer the questions even though at first in the teaching and learning process, they may keep silent much so that

there have only few ideas and opinions come from the students. And sometimes most of the students are still ashamed to express their ideas and opinions. It is indicated that only few students who present their ideas and opinion. By applying the Classroom Discussion and giving them some examples and motivation to make them clear with the materials, the students will enjoy the discussion In Classroom Discussion, the students will be more active in learning process, they can freely express and share their ideas and opinion about the problems that has been faced. Beside that they can work together with their friends to solve the problems. The teacher serves only as the motivator and facilitator and also monitors in doing the discussion. It is also mentioned by Roestiyah (2008:6) that the discussion can motivate to develop the students braveries to use their knowledge and their experience to solve a problem without others opinion. There may be different of view so the students can give different opinion. Besides the students are able to express their real opinions orally. In this case they need to practice their democratic life. Thus, the students can practice to give opinion about a problem. And at last the discussion gives possibility for students to learn to participate by asking to solve a problem together. In the classroom discussion, the students have more motivation to use English in communication with their friends as Soetopo (2005:156) said that the students can practice how to express their ideas or opinions, they can also appreciate the other opinions of other students, and they can practice how to solve the problems together. Discussion involves all students in learning process, and it can increase the students participation individually. BIBLIOGRAPHY Arends, Richard I. 2007. Learning to Teach Seventh Edition. New York: Mc Graw Hill. Best,J.W. 1981. Research in Education. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc. Blanchard, Karen and Root, Christine. 2003. Ready to Write. New York: Pearson Education. Brannan, bob. 2003. A Writers Workshop Crafting Paragraph, Building Essays. Kansas: Mc Graw Hill Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, Second Edition. New York: Addison Wesley Longman. Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching Fourth Edition. San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman. Brown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. New York: Pearson Education,Inc. Gerot, Linda and Wignel, Peter.1995. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Australia: Antipodean Educational Enterprise Hamalik, Oemar. 2002. Perencanaan Pengajaran Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sistem. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

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