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Curriculum planning chart Generative Topic: Social Justice

Concept* ("The student will understand") The big idea or life lesson: Students will understand that there is a history of people who have stood up for social justice issues, with a focus on the Civil Rights Movement and children who have stood up for what is right in the U.S. and around the world. Central problem / issue / or essential question: What have people done about social justice in the past and present Standard Assessment (How will you have evidence that they know it?) National Social Studies Standards: 4A: Analyze how over the last 200 years individuals and groups in American society have struggled to achieve the liberties and equality promised in the principles of American democracy. CC.1.2.3.C. Text Analysis: Students will be able to evaluate the key even in a historical time period, incorporating timeordered vocabulary Class discussions: What is the social justice issue that this person or group are standing up for? Why was this issue important?? Student responses after reading: What do students understand about history? Can they apply what they learn by comparing and contrasting social justice in the past and present? Small assessments of understanding based on informal observations of discussions, responses, and short written pieces in response to reading. Students will be asked open-ended questions to think critically and show their understanding.

Subject: Social Studies

Facts ("The students will know") People have fought for social justice issues in the past and continue to fight for social justice today. The Civil Rights Movement was an important historical event. Many people and groups, especially young people, were able to stand up and successfully fight against injustice. People continue to fight for similar social justice issues today such as equality for education. In current events, there are modern-day heroes and even young children who are fighting for what they believe is right. Skills ("The students will be able to") Students will be able to understand the social justice issues during the Civil Rights Movement such as equal access to education. Students will recognize key historical figures from Civil Rights Movement such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, etc. Students will be able to compare and compare and contrast the difference between how people fought for social justice in the past and in the present, such as Ruby Bridges vs. Malala Yousafzai.

Name: Jessica Lee

Problems to pose ("Guiding questions" or "unit questions") What were the social justice issues during the Civil Rights Movement? How did different people react to these issues? Do you see any similarities between the social justice issues from the Civil Rights Movement and social justice issues in the present? What does history help us to understand about social justice? What can we learn from the past?How can we use the lessons of the past to shape our own behavior today? What are things that we can do differently in our own lives? How can we be agents of change and make a difference? Class discussion about the social justice issues in history and current events Reading of informational text, current events, books related to social justice Group work that focuses on a specific person or group Compare and contrast between the past and present by using a graphic organizer Activities:

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