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MENENGAH SEBAGAI PENGGANTI SISTEM KONVENSIONAL Nama Mahasiswa Nrp Prodi/Jurusan Fakultas Dosen Pembimbing : : : : : : Muhammad Hadid 3109.106.002 Program Studi Sarjana Lintas Jalur Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan - ITS Ir. Kurdian Suprapto, MS Bambang Piscesa, ST, MT

Abstrak, Rumah sakit merupakan fasilitas publik yang vital pada suatu wilayah atau kawasan. Keberadaan rumah sakit berpengaruh terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar khusunya dalam bidang kesehatan. Untuk peningkatan pelayanan pada suatu wilayah, perlu dibangun sebuah gedung penunjang medis dengan fungsi tidak hanya sebagai laboratorium, terapi, dan oprasi tapi bisa menampung pasien rawat inap. Peracangan Gedung Penunjang Medis menggunakan sistem flat slab dan shearwall sebagai perkuatan dalam menerima beban gempa pada wilayah gempa menengah. Gedung akan dimodelkan 3 dimensi dengan dibebani beban gravitasi dan gempa. Gedung harus memenuhi persyaratan base shear baik permodelan dengan beban dinamis atau statik ekivalen, dan harus memenuhi persyaratan drift untuk memenuhi aspek keamanan gedung Hasil dari perancangan didapatkan tebal pelat 200 mm dan tebal drop panel 150 mm dengan penggunaan kolom dengan dimensi 750 mm x 750 mm. Dinding geser dirancang dengan ketebalan i

ii 300 mm dengan menggunakan komponen batas. Dari analisa dinamis didapatkan bahwa struktur gedung memenuhi syarat drift dengan periode (T) untuk model cracked sebesar 1.2 detik. Kata kunci : Flat slab, Shear wall, drift, periode

STRUCTURE MODIFICATION DESIGN OF MEDICAL SUPPORT BUILDING WITH FLAT SLAB AND SHEARWALL SYSTEM ON MODERATE EARTHQUAKE ZONE AS CONVENSIONAL SYSTEM SUBTITUTE Name of Student regist number of students Study program/Department Faculty Lecturers : Muhammad Hadid : 3109.106.002 : Extention Scholar Study Program Civil Engineering Department : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Plannig - ITS : Ir. Kurdian Suprapto, MS : Bambang Piscesa, ST, MT

Abstract, The hospital is a vital public facilities in an area or region. The existence of a hospital affects the welfare of local people especially in the health aspect. An increasing number of residents into consideration to increase the facilities at hospitals located in an area. For the improvement of services at the Hospital, have built a medical support building, not only functions as a laboratory, therapy, and surgery but can accommodate inpatients. Building Design of Medical Support system using a flat slab and shearwall as earthquake retrofitting in accepting the burden on the middle area of the earthquake. The building will be modeled with a weighed 3-dimensional gravity and earthquake loads. The building must meet the requirements of both the base shear load modeling with dynamic or static equivalent, and must meet the requirements of the drift to meet the security aspects of the building. The results obtained from the design slab thickness 200 mm and 150 mm thick of drop panels to the use of a column with dimensions 750 mm x 750 mm. Shear wall is designed with a iii

iv thickness of 300 mm by using a boundary elements. From the dynamic analysis found that the structure meets building drifts specification with a period (T) to model cracked by 1.2 seconds. Key words : Flat slab, Shear wall, drift, period

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