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Science 8 CBIS

Ms. Melnik March 11th, 2014

Vision Defects Project Each of you will choose one (1) common vision defect from the choice of myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and presbyopia. On your chosen topic, you will need to prepare a presentation that tells us: 1. What the defect is 2. What causes the defect to occur 3. What the symptoms of the defect are 4. How the defect is diagnosed 5. How the defect can be treated 6. Diagrams showing how the defect looks on the eye and other helpful visuals Criteria Not Meeting Expectations Definition of defect has not been provided (1) Somewhat Meeting Expectations A vague definition of the defect is provided but not explained fully (2) Meeting Expectations A clear definition of the defect has been provided and the presenter somewhat understands the meaning (3) The information was well illustrated and explained on the poster and in the presentation (3) A lot of effort was made to look for relevant material to the topic (3) Visuals have been used effectively to show the defect and poster contains all of the necessary aspects (3) Presentation was done effectively using a loud, clear voice, good gestures and eye contact for most of the time (3) Exceeding Expectations An excellent definition has been provided for the defect and it is evident the presenter understands the meaning (4) The presenter did an excellent job explaining all the possible information about the defect (4) Excellent effort was made to find and provide all relevant information for the topic (4) Visuals and poster are extremely well donethe poster is clear and organized and helps the viewer learn about the defect (4) Presentation was very effective with consistent use of skills including eye contact, loud voice, gestures and explanation of the poster (4)

Definition of Defect /4

Causes, symptoms and diagnosis of defect /4

The causes, symptoms and diagnosis were not discussed (1)

The presenter missed some of the elements when providing information (2) Some effort was made to research and put together the presentation during class time (2) An image has been provided but is not clear or complete. Poster still needs to be organized (2) Presentation was somewhat effective. Student used a clear voice some of the time but presentation skills still need to be refined (2)

No effort was made while working in class Research to research the /4 topic (1) No visuals have Use of visuals been provided and the poster is and organization of incomplete (1) poster /4 Student did not speak clearly, did not make eye contact and the Presentation presentation was /4 hard to follow (1)



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