Anda di halaman 1dari 2

Name: Grade:


1 Write the singular or the plural of these nouns: Singular car boy witches nationality Singular book family echoes woman Plural kisses Plural men

2.Write the correct form of the verb TO E: 1. I ohn. !. "enot #nglish$ we .%omanian. &. ...Sam and 'ucy in the (th form) *. +ucharest .not the ca,ital of the -.S... It the ca,ital (. "hat nationality I .merican. !. Put a "an before these nouns: 1 .. dictionary ! .. #nglish dictionary & .. teacher * name ( umbrella 1 film / . book 0 atlas 2 . house 13 desk of %omania.

#. Write the countr$ or the nationalit$ a%&ective: 4ountry .lbania Germany 8ungarian %omania 4ountry Italy 5rance +ulgaria 6e7ican Nationality S,anish Nationality 4anadian

' Write the numbers in letters: ( !3 (1 00 /! 1( 22 1( !( 13

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