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Kyesha Moultrie World Regional Geography Journal #9

Major Flamingo Breeding Event Begins On Lake Natron

Many thousands of lesser flamingos have flocked to Tanzania's Lake Natron to begin nesting. According to, "Large breeding events involving over a million [lesser] flamingos are not unusual if conditions at Lake Natron are suitable and if the flamingos are in good health," explained Ms Ward, a PhD research student studying the relationship between East African lakes and lesser flamingo populations at the university's Institute of Complex Systems Simulation (ICSS) and geography departments. The success of flamingo breeding events is largely dependent on the availability of food and the right amount of rainfall on the lake. The flamingos' arrival has coincided with heavy rainfall that may threaten the breeding event. If water levels become too high, nests can be flooded. This is a breath taking event to experience. This event is one of Mother Natures beautiful creatures, creating new life. Hopefully the breeding goes successfully, but with so many potential hurdles to overcome we will have to wait and hope for good conditions

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