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Learning Team!

Madalynn, Becky, Julia, & Xee

Graphics are defined as visual elements involving lettering, graphs, drawing, or engraving; also can be defined at being in the form of a graph.

What is a graphic/graphic organizer?

A Graphic organizer that is used in the classroom is a formatted learning tool that the teacher/students utilize(s) for displaying/organizing/visualizing information. For instance, fish bone organizers categorize and sort topics for a story, bubble graphic organizers can display connections between concepts, and venn diagrams can illustrate relationships between any number of things. Graphic organizers are crucial as visual aids. Teachers can use these visual aids to assist students learning by showing students relationships and connection that might have otherwise been explained in writing or speaking. This is huge for our visual learners and for those who learn by example.

Graphic Organizers

Behaviorists believe that learning is a response to ones environment. When it comes to teaching, the assertion is that learners should have direct stimuli.

Behaviorist's believe if students have been taught, and trained on a specific skill, task or lesson they should be able to perform and do well on assessment. They believe that learning is a process of "memorizing, demonstrating, and imitating". The teacher or the computer acts as the source of knowledge without

consideration of the mental states of the student.

The behaviorist assesses observable behaviors.

Cognitive learning theory is the theory that humans generate knowledge and meaning

through sequential development of an individuals

cognitive abilities. Vygotskys theory of cognitive development claims that learning is a social process and that we learn by interacting with others and through others. Vygotskys theory is beneficial when constructing views on diverse learners. We are a product of the block we grew up on and this is what he is explaining. As teachers we must be able to understand that our students are a product of where they are from and that we must appreciate their unique talents and skills.

-They both explain about how we function daily.
-Both theories profess ways in which we learn and develop that can be useful for teaching.

Behaviorism is research mostly on animals. The result were consequences of environmental stimuli. While on the other hand, cognitivism is mostly based on humans; the way we process our mind and thinking behind our behavior.
These two theories have very different implications for teachers:

In cognitivism, the teacher = coach/partner/

facilitator. In behaviorism, the teacher = the source of knowledge.

While behavioral theorists may focus on the ways in which people interact with environmental stimuli, cognitive theorists argue that we learn through thought processes and by watching others, both of these theories can be taken into account when teaching all students in any subject. By applying each of these theories we can better understand our students and teach them to the best of our abilities.

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